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Notations: Woodruff Church of God E-Edition August 3, 2010

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition

August 3, 2010

I’ve heard nothing but great

things about the services on
Sunday. Special thanks to
those who were here this past week to carry on
the work of God. Thanks also to Pastor Jason
Fowler for doing such a wonderful job leading
the services on Sunday. The mark of a great
church is that it doesn’t matter who is leading
the services….we’re just there to worship the
Lord and give Him the glory! Thanks for your continued commitment to our church and
her ministries.

When you receive this, I’m still on vacation. Just one more day and we’ll be back,
refreshed and ready to move forward. One thing that vacation does for me is give me an
opportunity to think without distractions. My mind tends to be open and I not only think
about the past but also the future. WOW! What great things the Lord has in store for us.
There’s always a mountain to climb, a hill to conquer, a
river to cross. But with God’s help, WE CAN DO
IT…..TOGETHER!!!!! I believe the future is bright and
the only thing that will hold us back is US!!!! God so longs
for us to be about His business and is ready to bless us in
doing so. We’ve just got to continue to press forward. I’m
ready! How about you?

Many exciting things are coming up:

August 8 - Begins Series called “iMoney”
August 9-13, Bible School
August 13 - Street Gospel Singing
August 15 - Nominating of C.E. Workers
August 19th - Fallfest Planning
Meeting Don’t forget to pray!
August 22 - Elections of C.E. Workers
September 1st - New Church Year September 7 - C.E. Appreciation
Meal September 9th - Helping
Hands Golf Tournament
September 17& 18 - “For Your Marriage” marriage conference

Wednesday’s in September -
Pastor Shealy will be doing Bible Study
Sermon Series during the month of
August…… “iMoney”. What does
God have to say about our giving? Is
there a principle in God’s Word
relating to giving that goes far beyond “money”? Do you want God’s blessing in your
life? Don’t miss these Sunday messages during the month of August. This could very
well set the tone for our giving
in this new church year.

I’m so excited about our 1st

“For Your Marriage”

Conference. There is not a marriage that is safe from Satan’s

attack. So what would you be willing to invest to insure a
stronger, more healthy marriage? Would you give a Friday
night and Saturday morning for that? Mark your calendar!!!!!
September 17 - 18. Friday will consist of a romantic candle
light dinner and a session led by Counselor Jim Harbin. Then
on Saturday morning, we’ll have a continental breakfast
followed by 2 sessions. The conference will end by lunch time
on Saturday.
Jim Harbin

Prayer Focus: Provision

Prayer: “Father, in an age when the economy of whole nations is in peril, we ask for
provision from the table in heaven. Feed us. Care for us. Tend to your vision. Provide
for you church. We are so close to finishing our obligation to the Great Commission.
Fuel us with power that propels us forward. Fill us with the energy and want-to, to move
forward. May those among us who are so anxious to ‘go’ not be held back by lack. Open
the windows of heaven. Provide for your bride partner, your representative people
in earth, the Church!”
Daily Prayer Points:
• MONDAY - We ask you to embolden our faith to believe that you are the God who still
may rain manna from heaven for those who follow the cloud (Ex. 16:35; 78:24; Rev.
• TUESDAY - As we act, in obedience to your commands, provide for us and our dated
mission (Gen. 22:8).
• WEDNESDAY - We want to see, in our generation, every tribe and tongue, every
people group reached in fulfillment of the Great Commission (Rev. 7:9; Mt. 24:14).
• THURSDAY - We do not ask for comfortable lives, for provisions that allow us to be
at ease in Zion. We ask for the fare to Ninevah (Jonah 3), the open door to Macedonia
(Acts 16:9-10), your favor through the fire (Isa. 43:2; Lk.

• FRIDAY – Today, pray not only for God’s provision for yourself. Ask how you can be
God’s provision fosomeone else (Acts 4:36-37; Phil. 2:24-26).

Window on the World: Christians collectively have an annual income of $12.3 Trillion.
$213 Billion is given to Christian causes, only 1.73% of their total income. Of that $11.4
billion, 5.4% goes to missionary causes
Harvest Notes: After 70 years of oppression in the Soviet Union, Christians number 100
million - five times the number of the Communist Party at the height of its popularity, and
36% of the population. More than 15,000 public school teachers are now teaching
morals from the Bible in their classes.

Prayer Principle: “Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not
only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected
things ‘above all that we ask or think.’”
Andrew Murray
Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.
Corrie ten Boom

Bible Insights: My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So
the two of them went together. Gen. 22:8.

And Abraham called the name of the place, The-LORDWill-Provide; as it is said to this
day, “In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.” Gen. 22:14.

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Consider This: If America were required to provide all the missionaries needed around
the world, the force could be created with less than 0.5% of evangelicals aged 18 – 35.
If the whole world were a village of 100, 80 would live in substandard housing (67 would
live on the streets of the village, half of them illiterate), 50 would suffer from
malnutrition, 33 would not have access to clean, safe drinking water, 24 people would
not have any electricity (Of those with electricity, the vast majority would use it only for
light at night).
Action Idea: At dinner, with the whole family and perhaps friends, name God’s
blessings. Trace His hand. Ask, “Do we have all these things by our hand? Or from the
hand of God?” Share spiritual heritage stories, recall God’s provision, miraculous turns
and open doors. Teach your children to rely not on you, not on themselves, but on God!
PRAYER LIST: ALL SENIOR ADULTS are invited to attend a J.O.Y.
Larry Laster Harold Grubbs CLUB SENIOR BREAKFAST on Tuesday, August 17 th.
David Hughes Ray Mathis Meet at the church at 8:00 A.M. to go to Strawberry Hill to
Robbie Crowe Paul Melton enjoy a Dutch treat meal. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin
Pat Chappell Tommy Mixon board.
Adger Crawford Steve DeYoung
Lisa Culbertson Denise Manley
Don Wood Candy Goen
Smith Family Wanda Dill YOU CAN HELP OUR
Roger Henry Shut Ins CHILDREN’S CHURCH
raise funds by donating your
empty print cartridges or old
cell phones. See Garren or
Donna Burdette for more
AUGUST F.R.E.E.D. Support Meeting
will be tonight, August 3rd , in the Youth
building. Time is 6 PM and special
speaker will be Russ S. sharing his
story on “How AA Led Me Back to
God’s Plan.” Please plan to join us if at
all possible. For more information
please contact John or Jeanne Nemitz.

Greeters - Jeannette Bragg

Kathy Simmons Youth Drama Practice…Sunday at 4:30 P.M.
SS Greeter - Robert Sloan Children’s Drama Practice…Sunday at 4:45 P.M.
CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
Head Ushers: Charles O’Shields
Bobby Brown The deep remorse that ‘s in our soul
No human eye can trace
Usher Team # 1: Larry Young
But Jesus sees the broken heart
Robert Sloan And its woes He can erase
Michael Brown The past can haunt you all your life
Dennis Crocker Overwhelm in many ways
Rick Priester But the hand of God can blot them out
And bring a brand new day
Brian Arnold
Old memories sometimes torment
Finance Committee: Ryan Ballard Bring heartache and great pain
Bobby Brown But the loving hands of God are there
Sam Garrett To men and bring us change
Nursery-Wednesday -Annette Richards Michael Osborne
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our
Sunday AM - Ann Knight trespasses, according to the richres of His grace” Eph. 1:7
Beth Arnold
PM - Marilynn Sykes
Music - Wednesday - Jeanne Nemitz
Sunday AM - Lisa Terry
172 Poole St. Ext. PO Box 275
PM - Pam Garrett
Woodruff, SC 29388 Ph.- 864-476-2977
Praise Team - Maroon

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