BMW Egypt Sap
BMW Egypt Sap
BMW Egypt Sap
lowest total cost of The company also felt that its internal
ownership would come application development and systems
integration would be more expensive if it had
from deploying SAP on brought in a new type of operating system
the Windows Server and database. We are very comfortable
creating solutions with the Microsoft
operating system and Application Platform, says Farrag. And in
the SQL Server regards to ongoing systems administration,
SQL Server 2005 is very easy to manage.
Dr. Zakaria Elnaggar, IT Director, Bavarian Dr. Elnaggar notes, Every way we looked at
Auto Group alternatives, we determined that our lowest
total cost of ownership would come from
deploying SAP on the Windows Server
operating system and the SQL Server
In summary, Bavarian Auto Group gained an
optimal infrastructure for hosting SAP, and a
lower total cost of ownership compared to
For More Information Microsoft Server Product Portfolio
For more information about Microsoft For more information about the Microsoft
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Sales Information Center at (800) 426-
9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft
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For more information about Bavarian Auto designed to integrate seamlessly with your
Group products and services, visit the Web other server infrastructure investments.
site at:
For more information about SQL Server
2005, go to: