ZMN 2430
ZMN 2430
ZMN 2430
• 2.4 GHz ZigBee Transceiver Module
• Small Size, Light Weight, Low Cost
• Sleep Current less than 3 µA
• FCC and ETSI Certified for Unlicensed Operation ZigBee
The ZMN2430 2.4 GHz transceiver module is a low cost solution for point-to-point,
point-to-multipoint and MESH wireless systems. The ZMN2430 module provides the
flexibility and versatility to serve applications ranging from cable replacements to
sensor networks. Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard and the ZigBee
protocol stack, the ZMN2430 module is easy to integrate and provides robust wire-
less communications including MESH network operation. The ZMN2430 also in-
cludes RFM’s powerful CSM application profile, which eliminates the need for
customer firmware programming.
G N D 1 3 2 .7 6 8 k H z 3 2 M H z
R S V D 2
R S V D 3
G P IO 0 4
U A R T _ T X 5
U A R T _ R X 6 2 8
T X /R X
C C 2 4 3 0 C o m b in e r 2 9
G P IO 4 7 R F IO
8 0 2 .1 5 .4 3 0
G P IO 5 8 R a d io a n d
P W M A 9 F ilte r M ic r o c o n tr o lle r
G P IO 2 1 0
G P IO 1 1 1
G P IO 3 1 2
P W M B 1 3 F ilte r
V C C 1 4 R e g
G N D 1 5
+ 3 .3 V
1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7
S P I_ E N
S P I_ S C L K
S P I_ M O S I
A D C 1
A D C 2
A D C 0
Figure 1
1 GND Power supply and signal ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
4 GPIO0 Configurable digital I/O port 0. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
7 GPIO4 Configurable digital I/O port 4. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
8 GPIO5 Configurable digital I/O port 5. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
9 PWMA Pulse-width modulated output A with internal low-pass filter. Provides a DAC function.
10 GPIO2 Configurable digital I/O port 2. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
11 GPIO1 Configurable digital I/O port 1. When configured as an output, the power-on state is also configurable.
Configurable digital I/O port 3. When configured as an output, this high current port can sink up to 20 mA. The
12 GPIO3
power-on output state is also configurable.
13 PWMB Pulse-width modulated output B with internal low-pass filter. Provides a DAC function.
15 GND Power supply and signal grounds. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
16 GND Power supply and signal grounds. Connect to the host circuit board ground.
17 /RESET Active low module hardware reset. Hold this input low when the power supply input is less than 2.7 Vdc.
7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 0. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 1. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
7-bit to 12-bit ADC input 2. ADC full scale reading can be referenced to the module’s +3.3 V regulated supply or
to the ADC’s internal +2.5 V reference.
Module’s +3.3 V regulated supply, used for ratiometric ADC readings. Current drain on this output should be no
greater than 5 mA.
26 NC No connection.
27 NC No connection.
28 GND RF ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane, and to shield when using coaxial cable.
29 RFIO RF port. Connect the antenna to this port with a 50 Ω stripline or semi-rigid coaxial cable.
30 GND RF ground. Connect to the host circuit board ground plane, and to shield when using coaxial cable.
Z M N 2 4 3 0 O u tlin e a n d M o u n tin g D im e n s io n s
0 .8
0 .0 5
0 .0 4
1 5 1
0 .0 3
T o p V ie w 0 .9 8 5
1 6 3 0
0 .1 2
D im e n s io n s in in c h e s
Figure 2
groundplane. For FR-4 type circuit board materials (dielectric constant of 4.7), the width of the stripline is equal to
1.75 times the thickness of the circuit board. Note that other circuit board traces should be spaced away from the
stripline to prevent signal coupling, as shown in Figure 4. The stripline trace should be kept short to minimize its
insertion loss.
F o r 5 0 o h m im p e d a n c e W = 1 .7 5 * H
Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure 5