Pa2423l Brief
Pa2423l Brief
Pa2423l Brief
+22.5 dBm at 45% Power Added Efficiency The PA2423L contains an analog control input for
Low current 80 mA typical @ POUT = +20 dBm improving PAE at reduced output power levels.
Temperature stability better than 1 dB over The PA2423L provides a digital control input for
-40 °C to +85 °C controlling power up and power down modes of
Power-control and power-down modes operation.
3.3 V single supply operation
Small lead-free, plastic package: 6 lead QFN An on-chip ramping circuit provides the turn-on/off
(1.6 mm x 3.0 mm) switching of amplifier output with less than 3dB
overshoot, meeting the BluetoothTM specification 1.1.
Stage 1 Stage 2
IN Match OUT