Mini Contactors Control Relays
Mini Contactors Control Relays
Mini Contactors Control Relays
BG series
Planet-SWITCH ®
100% electricity
100% elettricità
Mini-contactors are mechani- compressed because of the performance for both mechani- and low coil consumption are a
cal switching devices used to available space, for instance on cal and electrical life. The aux- few of their main features.
control motors and electric small machine tools, air condi- iliary contacts with 4-contact The status indication of the
loads in general, such as light- tioning, automatic doors or points (H-shaped as in figure 1) contacts is distinct and
ing, electromagnets, transform- gates, lighting, industrial ensure efficient operation also unequivocal, figure 2 below.
ers, heaters and so on. A con- kitchen appliances, industrial in heavy-duty applications such The available accessories con-
trol relay is also contemplated cleaning machines and so on. as in dirty ambient or with very sent to maximum flexibility for
and designed for the control, Use in more complex industrial low voltage and current condi- contact configuration and time-
signalling, amplification and circuitry is also possible for tions. The mini-contactors can saving assembly of automatic
transmission of electric signals. small control loads while the be equipped with accessories changeover and reversing con-
The main feature of mini-con- control relay version, in auxil- or thermal overload relays as tactor combinations.
tactors is the compact size so iary circuits of electric switch- well as connected with motor
their main use is in applications boards. protection circuit breakers.
where the electric circuit is The BG series warrants reliable Small footprint, silent operation
fig. 1
Auxiliary contacts with fig. 2
4-contact points (H-shaped Clear status indication
high conductivity) of contacts
Complete range of accessories
(add-on auxiliary contacts, noise
Compact design filters, mechanical interlock)
Low consumption
version (1.8W) Distinct status
for DC control indication of contacts
Type 2 co-ordination
with LOVATO circuit
breakers type SM1 cULus approval
auxiliary contacts
Ratings up to
12A in AC3
10A Ith rating 6-9-12A AC3 ratings
Supply: Supply:
• AC • AC
• DC • DC
• Low consumption DC • Low consumption DC
Special pin version for
printed circuits
Order code Order code Ith Ie (AC3) Maximum power AC3 Integrated Qty
AC coil DC coil ≤40°C
≤440V at ≤55°C auxiliary contacts per Wt
≤55°C 230V 400V 415V 440V 690V pkg [kg]
type type (A) NO NC
[A] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] n°
Clamp-screw terminals
11 BG06 10 A ❶ 11 BG06 10 D ❷ 16 6 1.5 2.2 2.4 2.5 3 1 0 10 0.165
11 BG06 01 A ❶ 11 BG06 01 D ❷ 16 6 1.5 2.2 2.4 2.5 3 0 1 10 0.165
11 BG09 10 A ❶ 11 BG09 10 D ❷ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 1 0 10 0.165
11 BG09 01 A ❶ 11 BG09 01 D ❷ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 0 1 10 0.165
11 BG12 10 A ❶ 11 BG12 10 D ❷ 20 12 3.2 5.7 6.2 4.5 5 1 0 10 0.165
11 BG12 01 A ❶ 11 BG12 01 D ❷ 20 12 3.2 5.7 6.2 4.5 5 0 1 10 0.165
PCB pin terminals
11 BGS09 10 A ❶ 11 BGS09 10 D ❷ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 1 0 10 0.165
11 BGS09 01 A ❶ 11 BGS09 01 D ❷ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 0 1 10 0.165
Low consumption. Screw-clamp terminals (no auxiliary contacts can be mounted)
11 BG09 10 L ❸ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 1 0 10 0.165
11 BG09 01 L ❸ 20 9 2.2 4 4.3 4.5 5 0 1 10 0.165
❶ Complete order code with coil voltage value. ❸ Complete order code with coil voltage value.
Add 60 if 60Hz frequency is required. Standard voltage values are:
Standard voltage values are: DC 024-048V.
50/60Hz 024-048-110-220-230-240-380-400-415V
60Hz 024-048-110-120-220-230V