Catalog HA 25.21
Type 8BK20 Switchgear Contents
up to 24 kV with Withdrawable
Circuit-Breakers Application, Features
Typical uses
Personnel safety,
Air-Insulated, Equipment reliability, operation 2 to 4
Medium-Voltage Switchgear
Catalog HA 25.21 1999
Supersedes: Catalog HA 25.21 1995 Siemens AG 1999
Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Application Features
with Withdrawable
Personnel safety
8BK20 switchgear with withdrawable circuit-breakers Switching operations with Testing with conventional
for indoor installation is suitable for: door closed voltage testers to VDE 0681,
Personnel safety is increased Part 4, but with the door
Rated voltages by: open
from 7.2 kV to 24 kV Opening and closing of the Opening and closing of the
switching device make-proof earthing switch
Rated short-circuit breaking currents In the disconnected or with the door closed
from 31.5 kA to 50 kA connected position On the feeder and on the
Mechanically or electrically busbar: manually
Rated busbar normal currents With the door closed
up to 4000 A Interlocking of door/
Isolation by moving the withdrawable part
Rated feeder normal currents withdrawable part, manually
1 up to 4000 A or motorized, with the door
The door is incorporated in the
interlocking concept as follows:
Opening is possible only
Verification of safe isolation
from supply. According to when the withdrawable part
Typical uses VDE 0105, Part 1, there are is locked in the disconnected
three alternative methods: position.
Power stations, transformer stations and switching Closing of a make-proof The withdrawable part can be
substations of public utilities earthing switch with the door moved from the disconnect-
closed ed to the service position
Cement industry Pole-by-pole testing with a only when the door is closed
capacitive voltage detector
Automotive industry with the door closed
Iron and steelworks
Rolling mills
Food and fiber industry
Chemical industry
Mineral oil industry
R-HA25-286 eps
Offshore installations
Railway power supplies
Diesel power stations
Emergency power supplies
HA25-2491a eps
drawable part inside a panel L2
conditions have been met:
with the aid of: Moving the withdrawable
A spindle mechanism L3 part from the disconnected
Ball-bearing rollers to the connected position:
-C 1
Low-voltage connector
R-HA25-284 eps
Moving a withdrawable part plugged in
outside a panel U LE High-voltage door closed 1)
Additional interlocks that exceed
the scope of VDE 0670 Part 6 or
IEC 60 298.
Electrical data
Withdrawable vacuum
circuit-breaker panel Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24
Withdrawable vacuum
switch panel Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17,5 24 2
Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000
Rated short-time power-frequency
withstand voltage kV 1120 1128 1136 1138 1150
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1160 1175 1195 1195 1125
Rated short-time
withstand current 1s max. kA 50/20 2) 150/20 2) 150/20 2) 25/16 2) 25/16 2)
3s max. kA 40/20 2) 140/20 2) 140/20 2) 25/16 2) 25/16 2)
Rated short-circuit making current/ max. kA 25/50 2) 125/50 2) 125/50 2) 63/40 2) 63/40 2)
rated peak withstand current
Rated normal current of busbars max. A 4000 4000 4000 2500 2500
Rated normal current of feeders max. A 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630
Dimensions of HV HRC fuses mm 1292 1292 1292 1442 1442
Metering panel
Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24
1) Please inquire about 17.5 kV with corresponding insulating capacity. 2) When used without HV HRC fuses.
Panel dimensions
Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24
Room planning
Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000 Pay attention to the
Height Standard mm 2050 2050 2050 2250 2250 information in the
With additionally mm 2450 2450 2450 2650 2650 adjacent figures and
mounted low-voltage tables for details of
compartment planning the
With cable connection mm 2550 2550 2550 2750 2750 switchgear room.
to the busbars
With de- 20 kA mm 2050 2050 2050 2530 2530
plates fitt- 25 kA mm 2450 2450 2450 2530 2530
ed to comply Legend
with criteria 1 8BK20 switchgear
1 to 6, for arc
fault duration 2 Panel subdivision
of 1s 3 Switchgear termination
Depth Single Connection mm 1650 1650 1650 2025 2025 4 Front operating aisle
2 busbar
at front,
wall mounting 2)
Connection mm 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150
Distance from wall
Building wall
at front,
free-standing 2)
Connection mm 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150
at rear,
free-standing 2)
Duplicate Back- mm 3560 3) 3560 3) 3560 3) 4310 4310
busbar to-
panel back
Installation details
posi- pressure relief duct
HA25-2492a eps
tion relief mm mm mm mm
Front Downwards None Wall 1650 150
To rear None Wall 1100 1300 1650 150
Upwards With Wall/free 1100 1300 1775 50 4)
33 33 Rear Upwards With Free 1100 1300 1775 500
100 50 a
4 5 6 Rated voltage 17.5/24 kV
Front Downwards None Wall 1400 1500 2025 150
Single-row arrangement (plan view) To rear None Wall 1400 1500 2025 150
for single busbar installations Upwards With Wall/free 1400 1500 2150 50
1400 1500 500
Rear Upwards With Free 2150
HA25-2493a eps
Back-to-back arrangement
50 100
33 33 Rated voltage 7.2/12/15 kV
Front Upwards With Free 1100 1650
Floor loading
HA25-2494a eps
Shipping details
Destination Rated Number of panels Dimensions, volumes and weights
voltage per transport
Transport dimensions and unit
Width Depth Height Volume Gross weight
weights m m m m3 approx.kg
Connection at front, without rear-mounted pressure relief duct
Europe 7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 1.90 2.25 14.53 1770
2 panels 1.90 1.90 2.25 18.12 1540
3 panels 2.66 1.90 2.25 11.37 2300
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.27 2.45 17.00 1100
2 panels 2.27 2.27 2.45 12.63 2200
3 panels 3.26 2.27 2.45 18.13 3250
Back-to-back arrangement 1)
7.2/12/15 kV 1 double panel 1.06 4.00 2.30 19.75 1390
2 double panels 1.90 4.00 2.30 17.48 2780
17.5/24 kV 1 double panel 1.26 4.70 2.55 15.10 2050
2 double panels 2.27 4.70 2.55 27.10 4100
Connection at front, without rear-mounted pressure relief duct
7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 1.90 2.41 14.85 1050
2 panels 1.90 1.90 2.41 18.65 1880
3 panels 2.66 1.90 2.41 12.15 2730
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.27 2.61 17.65 1450
2 panels 2.27 2.27 2.61 13.44 2650
3 panels 3.26 2.27 2.61 19.31 3860
Withdrawable panel
Withdrawable parts
or Spur or Bars
at top
or Panel
HA25-2515a eps
Connection Connection
fittings fittings
1 )
3 or
or Withdrawable
HA25-2516a eps
or Disconnector
Busbar Busbar
fittings fittings
Withdrawable parts
Connection Connection
fittings fittings
1 )
or Panel or Withdrawable Current or
ventilation vacuum transformer
M switch and voltage
HA25-2517a eps
or Disconnector Voltage or
link transformer
and current
transformer 1) See also page 19 for
details of voltage
measurement of the
panel connection.
busbars busbars
HA25-2519a eps
Voltage Current
transformer transformer
on busbars
or Bars
HA25-2523a eps
3 Back-to-back arrangement
Withdrawable panel
Withdrawable panel
Panels from the single
busbar product range
The two rows are linked by
bars inside the panels
HA25-2524a eps
Single-row arrangement
HA25-2525a eps
1 Low-voltage compartment
2 Withdrawable vacuum 8
3 Cable connection
7 1
4 Voltage transformer
5 Make-proof earthing switch
6 Current transformer
7 Busbars 6 2
8 Rear-mounted pressure
relief duct (option)
Single-row arrangement
HA25-2537a eps
Duplicate busbar panels
Face-to-face arrangement
2 to 8: See above
9 Cable or busbar connection
between both panels under-
neath the installation (in the
cable basement)
10 Special connection bracket
Back-to-back arrangement
1 to 8: See above 9
11 Busbars between both
panels within the
Face-to-face arrangement
Withdrawable part Withdrawable part
in disconnected in connected
position position
HA25-2538b eps
Back-to-back arrangement
High-voltage section
Frame Design
Bolted steel profiles and
R-HA25-096 eps
Rails for accommodating
the withdrawable part
Base cover optionally
Surface treatment Steel profiles
Steel profiles and sheets
Doors and front frame
color grey (RAL 7032) Rail for with-
Switchgear side walls drawable part
color grey (RAL 7032)
Partitions Design
Partitions isolate neigh- Galvanized sheet steel
boring panels from one With cutout for Cutout for
another continuous
continuous busbars busbars
Bushing plate with cast
Pressure relief Design relief flaps
When the pressure relief Galvanized sheet steel
flaps are opened, the Locked to prevent
R-HA25-227a eps
High-voltage section
R-HA25-224 eps
R-HA25-225 eps
Bolted galvanized steel Enforced operated metal
sheets subdivide the shutters for opening or
panel into closing the cup-type
Busbar compartment bushings when moving
Withdrawable part the withdrawable part
compartment Metal shutters can be
Connection compartment locked when the with-
Degree of protection drawable part is racked
between the individual out
compartments: Upper barrier
IP4X/IP3XD (access to the busbar)
Thanks to integrated cup- or lower barrier (access
type bushings, complete to the cable) can be
compartmentalization unscrewed independ-
even when the ently of one another
withdrawable part is in Optional resistance to Metal shutters opened Metal shutters closed
the connected position internal arcing of the (no operation)
busbar compartment Withdrawable part
High-voltage section
R-HA25-294 eps
Busbar mounting to the example of with-
On commercially drawable vacuum circuit-
available cast-resin breaker panels are optionally
insulators available without detrimentally
Busbars bolted, influencing pressure relief:
length according to
panel width 4MR voltage transformer
Cast-resin insulated
Compartmentalization Up to 3 x one-pole or
Metal compartment- 2 x two-pole
alization to the with-
drawable part and Make-proof earthing switch
connection compart- Manually operated
ments with degree
of protection Optionally lockable or
IP4X/IP3XD electromagnetically locked
Busbar compartment Bus riser
continuous through-
out the entire instal- Rated normal current in
lation, transverse accordance with the max.
compartmentalization rated normal current of the
with respect to busbar Busbar
neighboring panels Connecting bars mounted on compartment
possible 3 post insulators
Resistance to internal Necessary bar duct can be
arcing of the busbar modified
optionally possible Cable connection at top
Max. 2 x 500 mm2 single-
core XLPE cables per phase1)
Busbar insulation not
With cable connection
5 necessary because
dielectric strength is
also guaranteed with-
compartment and cable
out insulation
Spur panel connection at top
Busbar insulation up
Max. 2 x 500 mm2 single-
to the upper mating
core XLPE cables per phase1)
contacts optionally
possible Cable connection within the
panel, with cable brackets
High-voltage section
R-HA25-295 eps
insulators nection according to the
Connection variants relevant project planning
or types of instal- documentation:
lation are as shown
in the illustrations Connection
Earthing and short- Connection of max.
circuiting via earthing 4 x 500 mm2 single-core
switch directly at the XLPE cables per phase with
point of connection Siemens sealing ends or
other makes of similar size
voltage transformers Or connections for plug-in,
within the current shock-proof sealing ends,
transformer including floor plate
protection zone Or connection for bars:
Flat copper bar with
bushings, optionally with
floor plate or fully insulated
bars including floor plate
HA25-2547a eps
Cast-resin insulated
Max. 3 x one-pole or
2 x two-pole
Fixed-mounted, without
primary fuses
Withdrawable, optionally with
primary fuses, voltage pickoff
on the circuit-breaker, auto-
matic earthing of primary
terminals or isolation of
secondary circuits during
access to voltage trans-
High-voltage section
R-HA25-228 eps
(See page 5 for technical spring stored-energy
data) operating mechanism
R-HA25-229 eps
Withdrawable vacuum Fitted with a vacuum
switch section switch featuring a spring
(See page 5 for technical stored-energy operating
data) mechanism
Also optionally with HV
HRC fuses
R-HA25-231 eps
Withdrawable Performs a disconnector
disconnector-link section function
(See page 5 for technical Fitted with copper links
Locking preferably with a Chassis
R-HA25-232 eps
Low-voltage section
R-HA25-098a eps
possible for installations up General signals
to 15 kV) thanks to plug-in Alarm
ring and control cables
2 Keys for navigation in menus Door of the low-voltage
Door optionally with and for entering values compartment
inspection window
3 Seven programmable LEDs
Additional built-on low- with possible application-
voltage compartment related inscriptions, for indi-
possible cating any desired process
and equipment data 1
See page 6 for details of
useful internal dimensions 4 Four programmable function
keys for frequently per- 2
Low-voltage cables formed actions
Withdrawable section control
cables via 64-pole plug 3
connector, flexible cables in a
metal conduit
Control cables of the panel
are flexible and have metallic
covers Bay controller
Connection from with- type 7SJ62
drawable part and panel
wiring to the low-voltage
compartment by means of
10-pole module connectors
Ring cables with plug-in
connections between panels
for installations up to 15 kV
Low-voltage compartment
with fittings (example)
Standards Insulating capacity Rated Rated short-time power- Rated lightning impulse
voltage frequency withstand voltage withstand voltage
Type 8BK20 switchgear for The insulating capacity is (rms) (rms) (peak)
indoor installation complies verified by testing the switch-
with the following valid gear with rated values of For Between For Between
standards: short-time power-frequency isolating phases and isolating phases and
withstand voltage and distances to earth distances to earth
Standard Standard
impulse withstand voltage kV kV kV kV kV
according to VDE 0670 Part 17.2 23 20 170 160
IEC 60 694 VDE 0670 Part 1000 1000 or IEC 60 694 (see 12,0 32 28 185 175
IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6 adjacent table):
15,0 39 36 105 195
IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6, Rated values are referred to
Appendix AA Appendix AA sea level and to normal 17.5 45 38 110 195
IEC 60 129 VDE 0670 Part 2 atmospheric conditions 24,0 60 50 145 125
IEC 60 265-1 VDE 0670 Part 301 (1013 h Pa, 20 C, 11 g/m3
humidity in accordance with 1
HA25-2503 eps
IEC 60 420 VDE 0670 Part 303 VDE 0111 and IEC 60 071). For site altitudes above 1000 m,
0.9 the adjacent correction factor a
IEC 60 056 VDE 0670
The insulating capacity
Correction factor a
Parts 101 to 107 0.8 is recommended, depending
decreases with increasing on the actual site altitude above
IEC 61 243-5 E VDE 0682 Part 415 0.7
altitude, but is not taken into sea level.
and EN 61 243-5 (E) 0.6
account by the standards and
IEC 60 529 VDE 0470 Part 1 specifications up to a site 0.1
IEC 60 071 VDE 0111 altitude of 1000 m. 0
0 m 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Current-carrying capacity In the enclosed panels, the Withdrawable section Disconnected position
According to VDE 0670 Part 6 current-carrying capacity can positions In this position, segregation
or Part 1000, IEC 60 298 or be partly reduced by the There are three different is ensured, i.e. arcing
IEC 60 694, current-carrying restricted ventilation. It can positions for the withdrawable possible only against earth.
capacities are referred to the be increased by: sections of type 8BK20 The low-voltage connector
following ambient Using a circuit-breaker with a switchgear as defined in can be either plugged in or
temperatures: higher rated current VDE 0670 Part 6 or IEC 60 298: disconnected.
Maximum Through-ventilation, i.e. prod- Test position
proof ventilation slits in the Service position
of 24-hour mean + 35 C In this position, the switching The low-voltage connector is
Maximum + 40 C high-voltage door and in the plugged in.
top cover plate device establishes a con-
The current-carrying capacity Forced ventilation, i.e. prod- nection between the busbars
of the panels and busbars proof ventilation slits in the and the panel connection.
depends on the ambient high-voltage door in conjunc- The low-voltage connector is
temperature outside the tion with a fan on the top plugged in.
enclosure. cover plate
Foreign-body protection
Protected against ingress of solid foreign bodies,
Shock-hazard protection
Protected against access to hazardous parts with a
wire (test probe with a diameter of 1 mm, length 100 mm,
must have an adequate clearance from hazardous parts).
Catalog Index of the Power Transmission and Distribution Group (Medium-Voltage Division)
HA 41.11
Fixed-Mounted Ring-Main Units up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated,
Type 8DJ10 HA 45.11 E50001-K1445-A111-A6-7600
Secondary Distribution Switchgear up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated,
Type 8DJ20 HA 45.31 E50001-K1445-A311-A1-7600
Type 8FB1 Compact Transformer Substations up to 24 kV HA 51.1 E50001-K1451-A111-A2-7600
Factory-Built Container Stations, Type 8FF1 HA 52.1 E50001-K1452-A111-A1-7600
Subject to the
General Conditions of Supply The technical data, dimensions We reserve the right to adjust
and Delivery and weights are subject to the prices and shall charge the
for Products and Services change unless otherwise prices applying on the date of
of the Electrical and Electronic stated on the individual pages delivery.
Industry and to any other of this catalog.
conditions agreed upon with
the recipients of catalogs. The illustrations are for
reference only. A En 1.91a
In accordance with present An export licence may All product designations used All dimensions in this catalog
provisions of the German however be required due to are trademarks or product are given in mm.
Export List and the US country-specific application and names of Siemens AG or of
Commercial Control List, final destination of the other suppliers.
export licences are not products.
required for the products
Relevant are the export criteria
listed in this catalog.
stated in the delivery note and
the invoice subject to a possible
export and reexport licence.
Subject to change without
Responsible for
Technical contents: General editing:
Dieter Jahn, Gabriele Pollok,
Siemens AG, Dept. EV MS1 VM, Siemens AG, Dept. EV BK T,
Erlangen Erlangen
This edition corresponds to the 1998 German edition.
24Siemens HA 25.21 1999 Printed in Germany
KGK 1.99 16. 24 En 100857 6101/U827
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