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Type 8BK20 Switchgear up to 24 kV

with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers

Catalog HA 25.21
Type 8BK20 Switchgear Contents
up to 24 kV with Withdrawable
Circuit-Breakers Application, Features
Typical uses
Personnel safety,
Air-Insulated, Equipment reliability, operation 2 to 4

Metal-Enclosed, Metal-Clad Technical Data

Single/Duplicate Busbar Electrical data, dimensions
Installation details
Shipping details
5 and 6
6 and 7
Product Range
Single busbar panels
Duplicate busbar panels
9 to 11
12 3
Electrical Design
Basic panel design 13
Mechanical Design
High-voltage section
Low-voltage section
14 to 18
19 5
Standards, specifications,
guidelines 20 to 22 6
Catalog index
Conditions of sale and delivery,
export regulations,
trademarks, dimensions

Medium-Voltage Switchgear
Catalog HA 25.21 1999
Supersedes: Catalog HA 25.21 1995 Siemens AG 1999
Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Application Features
with Withdrawable

Personnel safety

8BK20 switchgear with withdrawable circuit-breakers Switching operations with Testing with conventional
for indoor installation is suitable for: door closed voltage testers to VDE 0681,
Personnel safety is increased Part 4, but with the door
Rated voltages by: open
from 7.2 kV to 24 kV Opening and closing of the Opening and closing of the
switching device make-proof earthing switch
Rated short-circuit breaking currents In the disconnected or with the door closed
from 31.5 kA to 50 kA connected position On the feeder and on the
Mechanically or electrically busbar: manually
Rated busbar normal currents With the door closed
up to 4000 A Interlocking of door/
Isolation by moving the withdrawable part
Rated feeder normal currents withdrawable part, manually
1 up to 4000 A or motorized, with the door
The door is incorporated in the
interlocking concept as follows:
Opening is possible only
Verification of safe isolation
from supply. According to when the withdrawable part
Typical uses VDE 0105, Part 1, there are is locked in the disconnected
three alternative methods: position.
Power stations, transformer stations and switching Closing of a make-proof The withdrawable part can be
substations of public utilities earthing switch with the door moved from the disconnect-
closed ed to the service position
Cement industry Pole-by-pole testing with a only when the door is closed
capacitive voltage detector
Automotive industry with the door closed
Iron and steelworks
Rolling mills
Food and fiber industry
Chemical industry
Mineral oil industry
R-HA25-286 eps

Offshore installations
Railway power supplies
Diesel power stations
Emergency power supplies

2Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Features Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Personnel safety Equipment reliability

Protection against electric Arc-tested sheet-steel Switchgear interlocking Maintenance

shock and ingress of solid enclosure or compart- All interlocks are mechanical Minimum maintenance
foreign bodies mentalization with preventive, key-operated effort is assured by:
8BK20 switchgear provides 8BK20 switchgear has been access shutters, i.e.: Total enclosure under all
both external and internal tested in accordance with Operating levers can only be operating conditions
protection. the relevant standards for inserted when the inter-
resistance to accidental arcing Use of proven, mainte-
External protection is locking conditions are fulfilled nance-free vacuum
provided by to ensure:
This prevents impermissible switching devices
Complete enclosure of the External protection overstraining of the interlock-
panels in all operating states (personnel safety) ing mechanisms Availability
Internal protection is Optional resistance to Easy procurement of parts
provided by internal arcing (exceeding Electric strength
Internal metal compart-
mentalization with enforced-
operation shutters, optional
the scope of the standards),
i.e. the effects of an arc are
limited as follows:
Adequate electric strength of
8BK20 switchgear is assured
for extensions and repairs
through the use of:
Standard insulators
arc-resistant version of the Pressure-proof in relation to Standard instrument
busbar compartment neighboring panels Sufficiently large air gaps transformers
The inter-cubicle partitions; Pressure-proof from the between phases and to earth
Standard vacuum
optional arc-resistant version withdrawable part or the Suitable electrode form switching devices
Degree of protection connection compartment to
These design features allow Standard copper sections
Standard version IP4X/IP3XD. the busbar compartment
all conductor insulation to be
Higher degrees of protection, (applicable to rated currents Detachable low-voltage
dispensed with entirely.
such as IP31D, IP50 and up to 2500 A only) compartment up to 15 kV
IP51, can be obtained by Pressure-proof from the with plug-in connection
Highest level of
additional measures. busbar compartment to the technology
independence of climate
withdrawable part or connec-
and environment
tion compartment (applicable
to rated currents up to This is provided by:
2500 A only) Ribbed insulators in cast
Pressure switch resin, with high resistance
Limits arc duration to a to pollution
maximum of 100 ms Total enclosure under all
Minimizes the damage and operating conditions
effects of an arc
Recommended use with
grading times >0.5 s
A function check of the
pressure switch is possible
without interrupting
Triggers the feeder circuit-
breaker if the pressure
switch responds

8BK20 switchgear with

withdrawable circuit-breakers

Siemens HA 25.21 19993

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable


Moving a withdrawable part Interlocking conditions

inside a panel The following operations can
Little effort is required by hand be carried out as soon as the
or motor to move a with- L1 following standard interlocking

HA25-2491a eps
drawable part inside a panel L2
conditions have been met:
with the aid of: Moving the withdrawable
A spindle mechanism L3 part from the disconnected
Ball-bearing rollers to the connected position:
-C 1
Low-voltage connector

R-HA25-284 eps
Moving a withdrawable part plugged in
outside a panel U LE High-voltage door closed 1)

1 A withdrawable part is light and

easy to move outside a panel:
With a central service truck
-C 2 -H Circuit-breaker in the OPEN
Make-proof earthing switch
(see also adjacent figures) Ready to use in the OPEN position 1)
By one man Moving the withdrawable
Without tools part from the connected to
the disconnected position:
Regardless of floor surface Legend Circuit-breaker in the OPEN
C1 position
Sequence for moving the Capacitor integrated in
withdrawable part Operating the circuit-breaker:
current transformer withdrawable part in the
Move the withdrawable part or in post insulator
interlocked end position
into the disconnected
C2 Operating the make-proof
position Capacitor of the connecting earthing switch:
Open the door cables and of the voltage
R-HA25-285 eps

detector to earth Withdrawable part in the

Unplug the low-voltage interlocked disconnected
connector H position 1)
Voltage detector, plug-in
Unlock the withdrawable part Opening the high-voltage
(unintentional removal of the ULE door:
withdrawable part is prevent- Voltage between conductor
ed by an additional interlock) and earth Withdrawable part in the
Collapsed interlocked disconnected
Bring up the central service position 1)
truck and lock it onto the
panel (additional interlock is
Verification of safe
then overridden) Central service truck isolation from supply
Pull out the withdrawable
part onto the truck as far as
it will go (it cannot fall)
Detach the central service Central service truck for Verification of safe isolation
truck and the withdrawable moving the withdrawable from supply
part from the panel part With a voltage detector con-
Remote control Withdrawable part can be forming to the LRM system
lowered to the floor (Low Resistance Modified) to
Electric remote control, e.g. E VDE 0682 Part 415:
from a central control room, Collapsible for space-saving
can be provided for the storage Pole-by-pole verification of
following functions: Withdrawable part locks safe isolation from supply
Moving a motorized automatically onto the trunk Detector suitable for
withdrawable part into the Lifting arms can be cranked continuous operation
disconnected or connected up to maximum heights Safe to touch
position 1200 mm for 7.2/12/15 kV Routine-tested
Opening and closing of the installations
1430 mm for 17.5/24 kV Measuring system and
switching device voltage detector can be
Local manual operation is tested
always ensured. Large, swiveling wheels
Voltage detector flashes
Suitable for all withdrawable when high voltage is applied

Additional interlocks that exceed
the scope of VDE 0670 Part 6 or
IEC 60 298.

4Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Technical Data Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Electrical data

Withdrawable vacuum
circuit-breaker panel Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24

Disconnector-link panel Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000

Sectionalizer panel Rated short-time power-frequency
Busbar connection panel, withstand voltage kV 1120 1128 1136 1138 1150
types I and II Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1160 1175 1195 1195 1125
Rated short-circuit breaking current max. kA 1150 1150 1150 1125 1125
Rated short-time
withstand current 1s max. kA 1150 1150 1150 1125 1125
3s max. kA 1140 1140 1140 1125 1125
Rated short-circuit making current/ max. kA 1125 1125 1125 1163 1163
rated peak withstand current
Rated normal current of busbars max. A 4000 4000 4000 2500 2500
Rated normal current of feeders max. A 4000 4000 4000 2000 2000

Withdrawable vacuum
switch panel Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17,5 24 2
Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000
Rated short-time power-frequency
withstand voltage kV 1120 1128 1136 1138 1150
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1160 1175 1195 1195 1125
Rated short-time
withstand current 1s max. kA 50/20 2) 150/20 2) 150/20 2) 25/16 2) 25/16 2)
3s max. kA 40/20 2) 140/20 2) 140/20 2) 25/16 2) 25/16 2)
Rated short-circuit making current/ max. kA 25/50 2) 125/50 2) 125/50 2) 63/40 2) 63/40 2)
rated peak withstand current
Rated normal current of busbars max. A 4000 4000 4000 2500 2500
Rated normal current of feeders max. A 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630
Dimensions of HV HRC fuses mm 1292 1292 1292 1442 1442

Metering panel
Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24

Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000

Rated short-time power-frequency
withstand voltage kV 1120 1128 1136 1138 1150
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1160 1175 1195 1195 1125
Rated short-time
withstand current 1s max. kA 1150 1150 1150 1125 1125
3s max. kA 1140 1140 1140 1125 1125
Rated peak withstand current max. kA 1125 1125 1125 1163 1163
Rated normal current of busbars max. A 4000 4000 4000 2500 2500

Earthing transformer panel

Rated voltage kV 7.2 12

Width mm 1800 1800

Rated short-time power-frequency
withstand voltage kV 1120 1128
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 1160 1175
Rated short-time
withstand current 1s max. kA 1150 1150
3s max. kA 1140 1140
Rated short-circuit making current/ max. kA 1125 1125
rated peak withstand current
Rated normal current of busbars max. A 4000 4000

1) Please inquire about 17.5 kV with corresponding insulating capacity. 2) When used without HV HRC fuses.

Siemens HA 25.21 19995

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Technical Data
with Withdrawable

Dimensions Installation details

Panel dimensions
Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24
Room planning
Width mm 1800 1800 1800 1000 1000 Pay attention to the
Height Standard mm 2050 2050 2050 2250 2250 information in the
With additionally mm 2450 2450 2450 2650 2650 adjacent figures and
mounted low-voltage tables for details of
compartment planning the
With cable connection mm 2550 2550 2550 2750 2750 switchgear room.
to the busbars
With de- 20 kA mm 2050 2050 2050 2530 2530
plates fitt- 25 kA mm 2450 2450 2450 2530 2530
ed to comply Legend
with criteria 1 8BK20 switchgear
1 to 6, for arc
fault duration 2 Panel subdivision
of 1s 3 Switchgear termination
Depth Single Connection mm 1650 1650 1650 2025 2025 4 Front operating aisle

2 busbar
at front,
wall mounting 2)
Connection mm 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150
Distance from wall
Building wall

at front,
free-standing 2)
Connection mm 1775 1775 1775 2150 2150
at rear,
free-standing 2)
Duplicate Back- mm 3560 3) 3560 3) 3560 3) 4310 4310
busbar to-
panel back

Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24

Useable internal
dimensions of Width mm 800 800 800 1000 1000
the low-voltage
Standard Width mm 680 680 680 1880 1880
compartment compartment Height mm 680 680 680 1680 1680
Depth mm 450 450 450 1450 1450
Additional Width mm 680 680 680 1880 1880
top box Height mm 380 380 380 1380 1380
Depth mm 420 420 420 1420 1420

Rated voltage kV 7.2 12 15 1) 17.5 24

Useable internal height
for high-voltage cables Width mm 800 800 800 1000 1000
Distance between Standard Connection approx. 425 425 425 1520 1520
centers of lug hole and version at front mm
cable brackets. Connection approx. 600 600 600 1650 1650
at rear mm
Standard Connection approx. 625 625 625 1720 1720
version at front mm
with deeper
Connection approx. 800 800 800 1850 1850
bottom plate
at rear mm

1) Please inquire about 17.5 kV with corresponding

insulating capacity.
2) See also section entitled Panel connection, page 19.
3) Depth of 3960 mm for rated short-circuit breaking
current of 50 kA.

6Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Technical Data Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Installation details

Single-row and face-to-face arrangement

Room dimensions (min. room height 2800 mm 1)) Con- Connec- Rear- Arrange- Dimension
nec- tion com- mounted ment
(see also adjacent tables) tion partment pressure a b c d

posi- pressure relief duct
HA25-2492a eps

tion relief mm mm mm mm

Rated voltage 7.2/12/15 kV

1 2 3
1100 1300

Front Downwards None Wall 1650 150
To rear None Wall 1100 1300 1650 150
Upwards With Wall/free 1100 1300 1775 50 4)
33 33 Rear Upwards With Free 1100 1300 1775 500
100 50 a
4 5 6 Rated voltage 17.5/24 kV
Front Downwards None Wall 1400 1500 2025 150
Single-row arrangement (plan view) To rear None Wall 1400 1500 2025 150
for single busbar installations Upwards With Wall/free 1400 1500 2150 50
1400 1500 500

Rear Upwards With Free 2150
HA25-2493a eps

Back-to-back arrangement

Con- Connec- Rear- Arrange- Dimension

nec- tion com- mounted ment
tion partment pressure a c
33 33 posi- pressure relief duct
100 50 tion relief mm mm

50 100
33 33 Rated voltage 7.2/12/15 kV
Front Upwards With Free 1100 1650

Rated voltage 17.5/24 kV

Front Upwards With Free 1400 2025

Face-to-face arrangement (plan view)

for single and duplicate busbar installations

Floor loading
HA25-2494a eps

Single busbar or duplicate busbar Duplicate busbar panels in back-to-back

panels in face-to-face arrangement, equipped with two circuit-breakers
4 arrangement

Weight of each single panel Weight

Rated voltage 7.2/12/15 kV

700 to 1200 kg 1400 to 2000 kg

Rated voltage 17.5/24 kV

260 2)

800 to 1000 kg 1600 to 2000 kg


Fixing Foundation rail position

The switchgear can be fixed by: The position of the foundation rails
33 33 is fixed by fixing points in the base
100 3) 100 3) Bolting to the foundation rails
4 frame of the panels. Please inquire

Welding to the foundation rails for further details.

Back-to-back arrangement (plan view)

for duplicate busbar installations

1) Please inquire if rooms are low.

2) Please inquire about 8BK20 systems up to 15 kV with 4) For switchgear with a rated short-circuit breaking current of 50 kA at 7.2/12/15 kV only
a rated short-circuit breaking current of 50 kA. connection at front and with rear pressure relief duct is feasible.
3) A 1200 mm wide operating aisle is needed to move The rear distance from wall must be at least 500 mm.
the withdrawable part. Termination walls at the sides for this distance from wall must be provided on site.

Siemens HA 25.21 19997

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Technical Data
with Withdrawable

Shipping details

Transport units Transport unit Rated voltage and width

The following factors should be 7.2/12/15 kV 17.5/24 kV
taken into account when 800 mm 1000 mm
deciding on the size of Single busbar panels or single panels max. 3 panels max. 3 panels
transport units to be employed: of a duplicate busbar installation for
Transport facilities on site face-to-face arrangement
Duplicate busbar panels for back-to-back max. 2 double panels max. 2 double panels
Transport dimensions and arrangement
Size of building doorways

Destination Transport by Type of packing

Packing Germany/ Road and Panels on pallets and open packing with polyethylene
Europe rail sheets covering the panels
Overseas Ship Panels on pallets in sealed crates with upper and lower
polyethylene sheets, welded together, with desiccant bags
and sealed wooded floor; max. storage: 6 months

Destination Rated Number of panels Dimensions, volumes and weights
voltage per transport
Transport dimensions and unit
Width Depth Height Volume Gross weight
weights m m m m3 approx.kg
Connection at front, without rear-mounted pressure relief duct
Europe 7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 1.90 2.25 14.53 1770
2 panels 1.90 1.90 2.25 18.12 1540
3 panels 2.66 1.90 2.25 11.37 2300
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.27 2.45 17.00 1100
2 panels 2.27 2.27 2.45 12.63 2200
3 panels 3.26 2.27 2.45 18.13 3250

Connection at front or rear, with rear-mounted pressure relief duct

7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 2.08 2.25 14.96 1770
2 panels 1.90 2.08 2.25 18.90 1530
3 panels 2.66 2.08 2.25 12.48 2300
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.44 2.45 17.53 1100
2 panels 2.27 2.44 2.45 13.57 2200
3 panels 3.26 2.44 2.45 19.50 3250

Back-to-back arrangement 1)
7.2/12/15 kV 1 double panel 1.06 4.00 2.30 19.75 1390
2 double panels 1.90 4.00 2.30 17.48 2780
17.5/24 kV 1 double panel 1.26 4.70 2.55 15.10 2050
2 double panels 2.27 4.70 2.55 27.10 4100

Connection at front, without rear-mounted pressure relief duct
7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 1.90 2.41 14.85 1050
2 panels 1.90 1.90 2.41 18.65 1880
3 panels 2.66 1.90 2.41 12.15 2730
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.27 2.61 17.65 1450
2 panels 2.27 2.27 2.61 13.44 2650
3 panels 3.26 2.27 2.61 19.31 3860

Connection at front or rear, with rear-mounted pressure relief duct

7.2/12/15 kV 1 panel 1.06 2.08 2.41 15.31 1080
2 panels 1.90 2.08 2.41 19.47 1930
3 panels 2.66 2.08 2.41 13.30 2770
17.5/24 kV 1 panel 1.26 2.44 2.61 18.03 1500
2 panels 2.27 2.44 2.61 14.44 2700
1) The gross weight increases by 3 panels 3.26 2.44 2.61 20.74 3900
about 180 kg when there are 2
withdrawable circuit-breakers in a Back-to-back arrangement 1)
panel. The depth will be increased
7.2/12/15 kV 1 double panel 1.06 4.00 2.46 10.43 1950
by 0.4 m for switchgear with rated
2 double panels 1.90 4.00 2.46 18.70 3460
short-circuit breaking current of
50 kA at 7.2/12/15 kV. The volume 17.5/24 kV 1 double panel 1.26 4.70 2.70 16.00 2750
will change accordingly. 2 double panels 2.27 4.70 2.70 28.81 5000

8Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Product Range Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Single busbar panels

Withdrawable panel


Withdrawable parts


Voltage Withdrawable Current

transformer vacuum transformer
on busbars circuit-breaker

or Make-proof or Withdrawable and/or Voltage

earthing vacuum transformer
switch on circuit-breaker
busbars 1)

or Bus riser or Withdrawable

and/or Make-proof
or Cable or Disconnector and/or Cable sealing
connection link ends 2)
at top max. 4 x 500 mm2
per phase

or Spur or Bars
at top

or Panel
HA25-2515a eps

1) See also page 19 for details of voltage measure-

ment of the panel connection.
2) Details refer to conventional Siemens single-core
sealing ends for XLPE cables or other makes with
similar dimensions.

Siemens HA 25.21 19999

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Product Range
with Withdrawable

Single busbar panels

Sectionalizer Withdrawable Bus riser panel,

(Mirror-image arrangement panel type I
also possible) Busbar Busbar
fittings fittings

Withdrawable parts Withdrawable part

Connection Connection
fittings fittings

Voltage Withdrawable Current Current Metering Voltage

transformer vacuum transformer transformer section transformer
on busbars circuit-breaker on busbars

or Make-proof or Withdrawable Make-proof or

earthing vacuum earthing
switch on circuit-breaker switch on
busbars busbars

1 )

3 or
or Withdrawable
HA25-2516a eps

or Disconnector

Withdrawable Bus riser panel,

panel type II

Busbar Busbar
fittings fittings

Withdrawable parts

Connection Connection
fittings fittings

Voltage Withdrawable Current Current Voltage

transformer vacuum transformer transformer transformer
on busbars circuit-breaker on busbars

or Make-proof or Withdrawable Voltage or Make-proof or

earthing vacuum transformer earthing
switch on circuit-breaker switch
busbars on busbars

1 )
or Panel or Withdrawable Current or
ventilation vacuum transformer
M switch and voltage
HA25-2517a eps


or Disconnector Voltage or
link transformer
and current
transformer 1) See also page 19 for
details of voltage
measurement of the
panel connection.

10Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Product Range Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Single busbar panels

Metering panel, withdrawable type Busbar connection panels

Type I
Busbar Busbar
fittings fittings

Withdrawable part Withdrawable part


Voltage Metering Voltage Metering Current

transformer section transformer section transformer
on busbars on busbars

or Make-proof or Make-proof and/or Voltage

earthing earthing transformer
switch on switch on
HA25-2520a eps

busbars busbars

or Bus riser and/or Cable sealing

max. 4 x 500 mm2
per phase
or Cable or Bars
at top
HA25-2518a eps

Earthing transformer panel Type II


HA25-2519a eps

Voltage Current
transformer transformer
on busbars

or Make-proof and/or Voltage

earthing transformer
switch on
HA25-2521a eps


and/or Cable sealing

max. 12 x 500 mm2
per phase

or Bars

Siemens HA 25.21 199911

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Product Range
with Withdrawable

Duplicate busbar panels

8BK20 duplicate Face-to-face arrangement

busbar switchgear is Panels from the single
assembled from the busbar product range Withdrawable panel Withdrawable panel
range of single busbar
panels. The two rows are linked by
cables or bars underneath SS1
They can be arranged the panels SS2
Bus coupling, comprising
Face-to-face or Withdrawable panel
Back-to-back Busbar connection panel

HA25-2523a eps

3 Back-to-back arrangement
Withdrawable panel

Withdrawable panel

Panels from the single
busbar product range
The two rows are linked by
bars inside the panels
HA25-2524a eps

Bus coupling, comprising:

Withdrawable panel, but only
with current transformer and
a special bus coupling and
riser panel
Fittings on the busbars as for
sectionalizing a single busbar

SS1 = Busbar system 1

SS2 = Busbar system 2

12Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Electrical Design Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Basic panel design

Single busbar panel

Single-row arrangement

HA25-2525a eps
1 Low-voltage compartment
2 Withdrawable vacuum 8
3 Cable connection
7 1
4 Voltage transformer
5 Make-proof earthing switch
6 Current transformer
7 Busbars 6 2
8 Rear-mounted pressure
relief duct (option)

Single-row arrangement

HA25-2537a eps
Duplicate busbar panels

Face-to-face arrangement
2 to 8: See above
9 Cable or busbar connection
between both panels under-
neath the installation (in the
cable basement)
10 Special connection bracket
Back-to-back arrangement
1 to 8: See above 9
11 Busbars between both
panels within the
Face-to-face arrangement
Withdrawable part Withdrawable part
in disconnected in connected
position position
HA25-2538b eps


Back-to-back arrangement

Siemens HA 25.21 199913

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Mechanical Design
with Withdrawable

High-voltage section

Frame Design
Bolted steel profiles and

R-HA25-096 eps
Rails for accommodating
the withdrawable part
Base cover optionally
Surface treatment Steel profiles
Steel profiles and sheets
Doors and front frame
color grey (RAL 7032) Rail for with-
Switchgear side walls drawable part
color grey (RAL 7032)

Panel with partition removed

R-HA25-097 eps

Partitions Design
Partitions isolate neigh- Galvanized sheet steel
boring panels from one With cutout for Cutout for
another continuous
continuous busbars busbars
Bushing plate with cast

5 resin bushings for

transverse isolation of
busbars optionally
Degree of protection
with respect to
neighboring panels: Partition
Optionally in an arc-
resistant design

Panel with partition

Pressure relief Design relief flaps
When the pressure relief Galvanized sheet steel
flaps are opened, the Locked to prevent
R-HA25-227a eps

excess pressure in the unintentional opening

panel in the event of an arc from the outside
occurring is dissipated.
Separate pressure relief
flaps for busbar, with-
drawable part and
connection compart-
ments Panel with pressure
relief flaps

14Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Mechanical Design Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

High-voltage section

Compartmentalization Upper and lower mating

contacts fixed in cup-type
Design bushings

R-HA25-224 eps

R-HA25-225 eps
Bolted galvanized steel Enforced operated metal
sheets subdivide the shutters for opening or
panel into closing the cup-type
Busbar compartment bushings when moving
Withdrawable part the withdrawable part
compartment Metal shutters can be
Connection compartment locked when the with-
Degree of protection drawable part is racked
between the individual out
compartments: Upper barrier
IP4X/IP3XD (access to the busbar)
Thanks to integrated cup- or lower barrier (access
type bushings, complete to the cable) can be
compartmentalization unscrewed independ-
even when the ently of one another
withdrawable part is in Optional resistance to Metal shutters opened Metal shutters closed
the connected position internal arcing of the (no operation)
busbar compartment Withdrawable part

Inspection window (1) for checking

R-HA25-112a eps

the withdrawable part position

High-voltage door Door handle
Inspection window (1) After the lock has been Lock (2)
Pressure-proof unlocked, the door is
CLOSED/OPEN pushbuttons
For checking the opened by lifting or is
withdrawable part closed by lowering Door handle
position (taking the interlocking
For reading off the conditions into account) Lever for tilting over the
extension mechanism
indicator of the switching button of the switching Inspection window (1) for
device, of the operating
cycle counter and of
the closing spring
ing when the withdrawa-
reading off the indicators

Openings for withdrawable part

charged indication ble part is in the connec-
Lock (2) ted position:
When the door is closed, Opening for hand crank
For locking or unlocking
the high-voltage door mechanically with push-
(taking the interlocking button and tiltable
conditions into account) extension mechanism for
with an interlocking key pushbutton actuation
Hand crank opening ing when the withdrawa- High-voltage door
Hand crank for charging ble part is in the discon- (e.g. for panel with 3AH
the operating mechanism nected position: vacuum circuit-breaker)
springs of the switching When the door is closed
device mechanically by means
Opening closes auto- of pushbuttons (direct
matically actuation) High-voltage door
HA 25-2539 eps

Lever for tilting over the

Operating mechanism box
extension mechanism of the switching device
(see adjacent figure for
operating principle) CLOSED/ Pushbutton actuation in the
OPEN high-voltage door
Openings for with-
drawable part actuation Extension
For the hand crank for mechanism
moving the withdrawable
Actuation of the pushbuttons
part (taking the on the switching device
interlocking conditions
into account)
Tiltable extension mechanism
For the interlocking key for pushbutton actuation
of the withdrawable part
(same key as for the
high-voltage door).

Siemens HA 25.21 199915

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Mechanical Design
with Withdrawable

High-voltage section

Busbars Busbar fittings (options)

(commercially available The following fittings on the
flat copper) busbars shown in the
adjacent figure with reference

R-HA25-294 eps
Busbar mounting to the example of with-
On commercially drawable vacuum circuit-
available cast-resin breaker panels are optionally
insulators available without detrimentally
Busbars bolted, influencing pressure relief:
length according to
panel width 4MR voltage transformer
Cast-resin insulated
Compartmentalization Up to 3 x one-pole or
Metal compartment- 2 x two-pole
alization to the with-
drawable part and Make-proof earthing switch
connection compart- Manually operated
ments with degree
of protection Optionally lockable or
IP4X/IP3XD electromagnetically locked
Busbar compartment Bus riser
continuous through-
out the entire instal- Rated normal current in
lation, transverse accordance with the max.
compartmentalization rated normal current of the
with respect to busbar Busbar
neighboring panels Connecting bars mounted on compartment
possible 3 post insulators
Resistance to internal Necessary bar duct can be
arcing of the busbar modified
optionally possible Cable connection at top
Max. 2 x 500 mm2 single-
core XLPE cables per phase1)
Busbar insulation not
With cable connection
5 necessary because
dielectric strength is
also guaranteed with-
compartment and cable
out insulation
Spur panel connection at top
Busbar insulation up
Max. 2 x 500 mm2 single-
to the upper mating
core XLPE cables per phase1)
contacts optionally
possible Cable connection within the
panel, with cable brackets

1) Details refer to conventional

Siemens sealing ends or other
makes with similar dimensions.

16Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Mechanical Design Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

High-voltage section

Panel connection Panel connection fittings

Connection of cables (options)
or bars to current The following optional fittings
transformers or post are available for panel con-

R-HA25-295 eps
insulators nection according to the
Connection variants relevant project planning
or types of instal- documentation:
lation are as shown
in the illustrations Connection
Earthing and short- Connection of max.
circuiting via earthing 4 x 500 mm2 single-core
switch directly at the XLPE cables per phase with
point of connection Siemens sealing ends or
other makes of similar size
voltage transformers Or connections for plug-in,
within the current shock-proof sealing ends,
transformer including floor plate
protection zone Or connection for bars:
Flat copper bar with
bushings, optionally with
floor plate or fully insulated
bars including floor plate

4MA post-insulator current

transformers Connection
Cast-resin insulated
Narrow design to DIN 42 600
Max. 3 units

4MR voltage transformers

HA25-2547a eps
Cast-resin insulated
Max. 3 x one-pole or
2 x two-pole
Fixed-mounted, without
primary fuses
Withdrawable, optionally with
primary fuses, voltage pickoff
on the circuit-breaker, auto-
matic earthing of primary
terminals or isolation of
secondary circuits during
access to voltage trans-

Make-proof earthing switch Connection from front

Manually operated
Additional to standard locking
of earthing switch/with-
HA25-2548a eps

drawable part, optionally

lockable or electromagnet-
ically locked

Surge arresters or limiters

Surge arresters for protecting
the switchgear against
external overvoltages
Limiters for protecting the
loads against switching over-
Max. 3 units

Connection from rear

Siemens HA 25.21 199917

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
Mechanical Design
with Withdrawable

High-voltage section

Withdrawable vacuum Fitted with a vacuum

circuit-breaker section circuit-breaker featuring a

R-HA25-228 eps
(See page 5 for technical spring stored-energy
data) operating mechanism



R-HA25-229 eps
Withdrawable vacuum Fitted with a vacuum
switch section switch featuring a spring
(See page 5 for technical stored-energy operating
data) mechanism
Also optionally with HV
HRC fuses


R-HA25-231 eps
Withdrawable Performs a disconnector
disconnector-link section function
(See page 5 for technical Fitted with copper links
Locking preferably with a Chassis

R-HA25-232 eps

Withdrawable metering Fitted with 4MR voltage

section transformers, cast-resin
(See page 5 for technical insulated,
data) Max. 3 x one-pole or
2 x two-pole Chassis

Also optionally with 6.3 A

primary fuses

18Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Mechanical Design Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Low-voltage section

Low-voltage compartment Solid-state HMI

For accommodating the (human-machine interface)
devices for protection, Bay controller SIPROTEC 4
control, measuring and type 7SJ62 for control and
metering, e.g. bay controller protection
SIPROTEC 4 type 7SJ62
Shock-proof partitioning Features
from the high-voltage section 1 LCD for process and
Pressure-resistant equipment data, e.g. for:
partitioning from the high- Measuring and metering
voltage section values
Binary data for status of
Low-voltage compartment switchpanel and device
can be removed (only Protection data

R-HA25-098a eps
possible for installations up General signals
to 15 kV) thanks to plug-in Alarm
ring and control cables
2 Keys for navigation in menus Door of the low-voltage
Door optionally with and for entering values compartment
inspection window
3 Seven programmable LEDs
Additional built-on low- with possible application-
voltage compartment related inscriptions, for indi-
possible cating any desired process
and equipment data 1
See page 6 for details of
useful internal dimensions 4 Four programmable function
keys for frequently per- 2
Low-voltage cables formed actions
Withdrawable section control
cables via 64-pole plug 3
connector, flexible cables in a
metal conduit
Control cables of the panel
are flexible and have metallic

covers Bay controller
Connection from with- type 7SJ62
drawable part and panel
wiring to the low-voltage
compartment by means of
10-pole module connectors
Ring cables with plug-in
connections between panels
for installations up to 15 kV

Low-voltage compartment
with fittings (example)

Siemens HA 25.21 199919

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Standards, specifications, guidelines

Standards Insulating capacity Rated Rated short-time power- Rated lightning impulse
voltage frequency withstand voltage withstand voltage
Type 8BK20 switchgear for The insulating capacity is (rms) (rms) (peak)
indoor installation complies verified by testing the switch-
with the following valid gear with rated values of For Between For Between
standards: short-time power-frequency isolating phases and isolating phases and
withstand voltage and distances to earth distances to earth
Standard Standard
impulse withstand voltage kV kV kV kV kV
according to VDE 0670 Part 17.2 23 20 170 160
IEC 60 694 VDE 0670 Part 1000 1000 or IEC 60 694 (see 12,0 32 28 185 175
IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6 adjacent table):
15,0 39 36 105 195
IEC 60 298 VDE 0670 Part 6, Rated values are referred to
Appendix AA Appendix AA sea level and to normal 17.5 45 38 110 195
IEC 60 129 VDE 0670 Part 2 atmospheric conditions 24,0 60 50 145 125
IEC 60 265-1 VDE 0670 Part 301 (1013 h Pa, 20 C, 11 g/m3
humidity in accordance with 1

HA25-2503 eps
IEC 60 420 VDE 0670 Part 303 VDE 0111 and IEC 60 071). For site altitudes above 1000 m,
0.9 the adjacent correction factor a
IEC 60 056 VDE 0670
The insulating capacity

Correction factor a
Parts 101 to 107 0.8 is recommended, depending
decreases with increasing on the actual site altitude above
IEC 61 243-5 E VDE 0682 Part 415 0.7
altitude, but is not taken into sea level.
and EN 61 243-5 (E) 0.6
account by the standards and
IEC 60 529 VDE 0470 Part 1 specifications up to a site 0.1
IEC 60 071 VDE 0111 altitude of 1000 m. 0
0 m 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

In accordance with the Site altitude above sea level

harmonization agreement
reached by the countries of the Rated short-time power-frequency withstand voltage
European Community, their Rated short-time power-frequency (VDE 0670 Part 1000/IEC 60 694)
withstand voltage to be selected
national standards conform to 1.1 a
IEC 60 298.
Rated lightning impulse withstand Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (VDE 0670 Part 1000/IEC 60 694)
voltage to be selected
Service locations 1.1 a
Type 8BK20 switchgear can be Example Site altitude above sea level 3000 m
used as indoor installation in Rated voltage of switchgear 12 kV
accordance with VDE 0101 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (VDE 0670 Part 1000/IEC 60 694) 75 kV
Outside lockable electrical 75 kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage to select = = 93 kV
service locations at places 1.1 0.73
which are not accessible to Result:
the public. Enclosures of According to the above table, 17.5 kV switchgear should be selected.
switchgear can only be
removed with tools.
Inside lockable electrical
6 service locations. A lockable
electrical service location is a
place outdoors or indoors
Resistance to internal arc
Definitions of criteria:
Criterion 1
Resistance to internal arc
faults can be provided over
that is reserved exclusively Tests for verifying resistance Correctly secured doors, and above the requirements
for housing electrical equip- to internal arc faults should covers etc. do not open. of the standards and specifi-
ment and which is kept establish proper protection Criterion 2 cations mentioned before.
under lock and key. Access is for operating personnel. Parts which may cause a
restricted to authorized per- hazard do not fly off.
Tests for resistance to Criterion 3
sonnel and persons who internal arc faults can be
have been properly No holes in the freely
agreed between the owner accessible external parts of
instructed in electrical and manufacturer in
engineering. Untrained or the enclosure as the result of
accordance with VDE 0670 burning in or tearing open.
unskilled persons may only Part 6 or IEC 60 298.
enter under the supervision Criterion 4
of authorized personnel or The tests must be performed Vertically arranged indicators
properly instructed persons. in accordance with VDE 0670 do not ignite.
Part 6, Appendix AA or IEC Criterion 5
Definition 60 298, Appendix AA. Horizontally arranged
indicators do not ignite.
Make-proof earthing Type 8BK20 switchgear
Criterion 6
switches are earthing conforms to the criteria of
The effectiveness of the
switches that have a short- the above standards and
earth connection must not be
circuit making capacity specifications
detrimentally influenced.
(VDE 0670 Part 2). Criteria 1 to 3 and 6 in the
standard version
Criteria 1 to 6 with additional

20Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Standards Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Standards, specifications, guidelines

Current-carrying capacity In the enclosed panels, the Withdrawable section Disconnected position
According to VDE 0670 Part 6 current-carrying capacity can positions In this position, segregation
or Part 1000, IEC 60 298 or be partly reduced by the There are three different is ensured, i.e. arcing
IEC 60 694, current-carrying restricted ventilation. It can positions for the withdrawable possible only against earth.
capacities are referred to the be increased by: sections of type 8BK20 The low-voltage connector
following ambient Using a circuit-breaker with a switchgear as defined in can be either plugged in or
temperatures: higher rated current VDE 0670 Part 6 or IEC 60 298: disconnected.
Maximum Through-ventilation, i.e. prod- Test position
proof ventilation slits in the Service position
of 24-hour mean + 35 C In this position, the switching The low-voltage connector is
Maximum + 40 C high-voltage door and in the plugged in.
top cover plate device establishes a con-
The current-carrying capacity Forced ventilation, i.e. prod- nection between the busbars
of the panels and busbars proof ventilation slits in the and the panel connection.
depends on the ambient high-voltage door in conjunc- The low-voltage connector is
temperature outside the tion with a fan on the top plugged in.
enclosure. cover plate

Climate and ambient Climate class I1 Climate class I2 Climate class I3

conditions Rooms in buildings with good Rooms in buildings with poor Rooms in buildings without
Type 8BK20 switchgear, if thermal insulation or high thermal insulation or low significant thermal insulation
necessary with additional thermal capacity, heated or thermal capacity, heated or and with low thermal
measures, can be used in the cooled: normally only the cooled, without temperature capacity, neither heated nor
following climate classes and temperature is monitored, monitoring; heating or cooled, e.g. telephone
under the following ambient e.g. in normal living rooms, cooling subject to failure over booths, entrances of build-
conditions: offices, shops, tele- several days, e.g. unattended ings, barns, lofts, unheated
communications exchanges, relays, booster or trans- store rooms, sheds, garages.
Ambient conditions storage rooms for sensitive former stations, stables,
Natural pollutants products. motor vehicle repair shops,
Chemically active pollutants manufacturing rooms for
Small animals unfinished products, hangars.
Climate classes I1, I2, I3
The climate classes are
based on IEC 60 721-3-3 and
IEC 60 721-3-4 and are
Conditions in switchgear rooms
defined as follows:
Room climate 1) Ambient Relative Condensation Special ambient Additional
affecting the temperature humidity conditions measures
switchgear needed
Climate class I1 + 15 to 5 to None None
+ 40 C 85 %
Climate class I2 25 to 10 to Occasionally None Yes
+ 55 C 100 % once a month
Blown sand, dust, small animals Yes
for 2 hours
Climate class I3 25 to 10 to Frequently None Yes
+ 70 C 100 % once a day
Blown sand, dust, small animals Yes
for 2 hours
Dripping water due to ceiling Yes
condensation (not harmful) to
VDE 0470 Part 1 or IEC 60 529

Areas subject Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 2 ppm Yes

to chemical Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 1 ppm Yes
pollution Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 3 ppm Yes
Ammonia (NH3) 15 ppm Yes
Nitric oxides (NO2) 2 ppm Yes
Chloride deposit (Cl) (saline fog) 2 mg/dm2 Yes

1) Based on IEC 60 721-3-3 and IEC 60 721-3-4.

Siemens HA 25.21 199921
Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Standards, specifications, guidelines

Interlocks Protection against water, Standard Degree of protection Type of protection

The following interlocks are electric shock and ingress of
specified by VDE 0670 Part 6 solid foreign bodies VDE 0670 I P 4X
and IEC 60 298: As detailed in Part 6 and
The withdrawal or engage- VDE 0470 Part 1 IEC 60 298
ment of a circuit-breaker, IEC 60 298 and 60 529
Shock-hazard protection
switch or contactor shall be VDE 0670 Part 6 Protected against approach to live parts and contact
impossible unless it is in the type 8BK20 switchgear con- with moving parts by wires or strips of thickness
open position. forms to the following degrees greater than 1 mm.
The operation of a circuit- of protection:
breaker, switch or contactor Protection against water
For panels without ventilation No specification.
shall be impossible unless it slits:
is in the service, disconnect-
Degree of protection I P 3XD
ed, removed, test or earthing VDE 0470
condition. Standard Op- Part 1 and
tional IEC 60 529
It shall be impossible to close
the circuit-breaker, switch or Enclosure IP4X/ IP31D,
Foreign-body protection
contactor in the service IP3XD IP50,
Protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies,
position unless it is diameter 2.5 mm.
connected to the auxiliary Compart- IP4X/
circuit, unless it is designed mentalization IP3XD Protection against water
No specification.
to open automatically without
the use of an auxiliary circuit. For panels with prod-proof Shock-hazard protection
The provision of additional ventilation slits: Protected against access to hazardous parts with a
or alternative interlocks shall wire (test probe with a diameter of 1 mm, length 100 mm,
Degree of protection must have an adequate clearance from hazardous parts).
be subject to agreement
between the manufacturer Standard Op-
and user. tional
I P 3 1D
The manufacturer shall give Enclosure IP4X/ IP31D

all necessary information on IP3XD
the character and function of Compart- IP4X/
interlocks. mentalization IP3XD Foreign-body protection
Protected against ingress of solid foreign bodies,
It is recommended that
diameter 2.5 mm.
earthing switches having a
Refer to the adjacent table for
short-circuit making capacity Protection against water
less than the rated peak Protected against ingress of vertically dripping water.
withstand current of the
circuit should be interlocked
Shock-hazard protection
with the associated dis- Protected against access to hazardous parts with a
connectors. wire (test probe with a diameter of 1 mm, length 100 mm,
Apparatus installed in main must have an adequate clearance from hazardous parts).
circuits, the incorrect position
of which can cause damage
I P 5 0
6 or which are used for assur-
ing isolating distances during
maintenance work, shall be

provided with locking facil- Foreign-body protection

ities (for example, provision Protected against ingress of solid foreign bodies,
for padlocks). dust-protected.
Wherever possible, pref- Shock-hazard protection
erence should be given to Protected against access to hazardous parts with a
mechanical interlocks. wire (test probe with a diameter of 1 mm, length 100 mm,
must have an adequate clearance from hazardous parts).
Type 8BK20 switchgear
fulfils other interlocking Protection against water
conditions over and above Not protected.
those mentioned here;
see page 4.
I P 5 1

Foreign-body protection
Protected against ingress of solid foreign bodies,

Shock-hazard protection
Protected against access to hazardous parts with a
wire (test probe with a diameter of 1 mm, length 100 mm,
must have an adequate clearance from hazardous parts).

Protection against water

Protected against ingress of vertically dripping water.

22Siemens HA 25.21 1999

Please contact your
Siemens Representative Catalog Index Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Catalog Index of the Power Transmission and Distribution Group (Medium-Voltage Division)

Title Designation Order No.

High-Voltage High-Voltage Equipment (Above 52 kV)

and Medium- Overvoltage Protection HG 21 E50001-K1521-A101-A1-7600
Surge Counting Devices for Surge Arresters HG 21.4 E50001-K1521-A401-A1-7600

Medium-Voltage Equipment (High-Voltage Equipment up to 52 kV)

3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers HG 11.11 E50001-K1511-A111-A3-7600
Components up to 24 kV for 3AH Vacuum Circuit-Breakers HG 11.15 E50001-K1511-A151-A1-7600
3TL Vacuum Contactors HG 11.21 E50001-K1511-A211-A1-7600
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches HG 11.31 E50001-K1511-A311-A1-7600
NX ACT Vacuum Circuit-Breaker Module HG 11.51 E50001-K1511-A511-A1-7600
Vacuum Switches, Switch-Disconnectors, HV HRC Fuse HG 12 E50001-K1512-A101-A4-7600
Switchgear Interlock Units, Control Valves,
Compressed Air Systems HG 13 E86010-K1513-A101-A1-7600
Overvoltage Protection HG 21 E50001-K1521-A101-A1-7600
3EH2 Surge Arresters HG 21.2.5 E50001-K1521-A251-A3-7600
3EE2 Special-Purpose Surge Arresters for the Protection
of Motors, Generators and Furnace Transformers HG 21.2.7 E50001-K1521-A271-A3-7600
Insulators of Cast Resin (Excerpt) HG 22 E50001-K1522-A111-A1-7600
Current and Voltage Transformers HG 24 E50001-K1524-A101-A2-7600
Air-Cored Reactors, High-Voltage Capacitors HG 25 E86010-K1525-A101-A4-7600

Medium-Voltage Medium-Voltage Switchgear (High-Voltage Indoor Distribution Switchgear)

Switchgear Metal-Enclosed Truck-Type Switchboards
for Indoor Installation 8BC1, 8BD1 HA 21 E86010-K1421-A101-A3-7600
Type 8BK20 Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers (Metal-Clad) HA 25.21 E50001-K1425-A311-A6-7600
Type 8BK40 Switchgear up to 17.5 kV/63 kA with
Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers HA 25.31 E50001-K1425-A411-A2-7600
Generator Circuit-Breaker Units up to 17.5 kV/80 kA, Type 8BK41 HA 25.41 E50001-K1425-A511-A1-7600
Type 8BJ50 Switchgear up to 24 kV with Withdrawable Circuit-Breakers* HA 25.61 E50001-K1425-A711-A2-7600
NX AIR Withdrawable Circuit-Breaker Module Switchgear
up to 12 kV, Air-Insulated HA 25.71 E50001-K1425-A811-A1-7600
36/38 kV Switchgear
with Withdrawable Vacuum Circuit-Breakers, HA 26.1 Siemens Den Haag,
Type 8BK20 Dept.CMS DMS
Type 8BK30 Switchgear up to 12 kV
with Draw-Out Vacuum Contactors HA 27.11 E50001-K1427-A111-A2-7600
Panels up to 36 kV with Fixed-Mounted Circuit-Breakers,
SF6 -Insulated, Types 8DA10 and 8DB10
Single-Pole, Metal-Enclosed, Metal-Clad
Single-Busbar Switchgear
Duplicate-Busbar Switchgear HA 35.11 E50001-K1535-A101-A6-7600
Type 8DC11 Panels up to 24 kV, Fixed-Mounted Vacuum
Circuit-Breaker Switchgear, SF6-Insulated HA 35.41 E50001-K1435-A401-A3-7600
NX PLUS Fixed-Mounted Circuit-Breaker Switchgear
up to 36 kV, SF6-Insulated HA 35.51 E50001-K1435-A511-A1-7600
Spline-Shaft Drive 8UG for Torque Transmission up to 200 Nm
Motor Drive 8UH for Torque Requirements up to 250 Nm
Fixed-Mounted Ring-Main Units up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated,
Type 8DH10
HA 39.1
HA 39.3

HA 41.11

Fixed-Mounted Ring-Main Units up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated,
Type 8DJ10 HA 45.11 E50001-K1445-A111-A6-7600
Secondary Distribution Switchgear up to 24 kV, SF6-Insulated,
Type 8DJ20 HA 45.31 E50001-K1445-A311-A1-7600
Type 8FB1 Compact Transformer Substations up to 24 kV HA 51.1 E50001-K1451-A111-A2-7600
Factory-Built Container Stations, Type 8FF1 HA 52.1 E50001-K1452-A111-A1-7600

Siemens HA 25.21 199923

Type 8BK20
Switchgear up to 24 kV
with Withdrawable

Conditions of Sale and Delivery

Subject to the
General Conditions of Supply The technical data, dimensions We reserve the right to adjust
and Delivery and weights are subject to the prices and shall charge the
for Products and Services change unless otherwise prices applying on the date of
of the Electrical and Electronic stated on the individual pages delivery.
Industry and to any other of this catalog.
conditions agreed upon with
the recipients of catalogs. The illustrations are for
reference only. A En 1.91a

Export Regulations Trademarks Dimensions

In accordance with present An export licence may All product designations used All dimensions in this catalog
provisions of the German however be required due to are trademarks or product are given in mm.
Export List and the US country-specific application and names of Siemens AG or of
Commercial Control List, final destination of the other suppliers.
export licences are not products.
required for the products
Relevant are the export criteria
listed in this catalog.
stated in the delivery note and
the invoice subject to a possible
export and reexport licence.
Subject to change without

Responsible for
Technical contents: General editing:
Dieter Jahn, Gabriele Pollok,
Siemens AG, Dept. EV MS1 VM, Siemens AG, Dept. EV BK T,
Erlangen Erlangen
This edition corresponds to the 1998 German edition.
24Siemens HA 25.21 1999 Printed in Germany
KGK 1.99 16. 24 En 100857 6101/U827
Central Office: Electrokavir Co. Under License of SIEMENS
KAVIR Bldg. No. 374 Mirdamad Ave, TEHRAN 15189 - IRAN _ P.O. Box: 15189-65514
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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: E50001-K1425-A311-A6-7600

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