Business Awareness: Student Guide
Business Awareness: Student Guide
Business Awareness: Student Guide
Student Guide
Caterpillar Service Technician Module
Business Awareness
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A special thanks to the Caterpillar Family for their contribution in reviewing the curricula for
this program, in particular:
Topic General Business Awareness.....................................9
Introduction................................................................................... 10
Types of Business Structures....................................................... 10
Business Funding......................................................................... 13
Starting a Business...................................................................... 14
Record Keeping............................................................................ 17
Successful Businesses................................................................ 18
Topic Insurance....................................................................19
Business Insurance......................................................................20
Types of Insurance....................................................................... 21
Topic Purchasing..................................................................25
Topic Business Costs..........................................................31
Operational Costs.........................................................................32
Time Management.......................................................................33
Work Study...................................................................................36
Capital Cost Management............................................................ 41
Transaction Documents...............................................................45
Managing Assets..........................................................................48
Appendix Glossary......................................................................55
Commercial Terms And Abbreviations.........................................56
Caterpillar of Australia Pty Ltd
Module Outline Document
Module Objective:
This module identifies the competency required to communicate in the workplace.
Version: 4.0
Recommended Delivery:
1. As a minimum, personnel delivering this module must have the status of a
Caterpillar Trainer and Assessor Program (CTAP) Level 1 Facilitator, or equivalent
5. Resources:
6. References:
BUS001 Facilitator Guide
Relevant manufacturers specifications
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
This is an underpinning knowledge and practical module. Learning Outcomes should
be assessed using formative and summative assessments. Evidence of achieving
this modules learning outcomes, at a knowledge level, is attained by oral and written
assessment. The written assessment is closed book and a minimum standard of 80% is
required. Attainment of the student performance at a hands-on level is achieved by the
use of practical activities aligned with marking guides.
The practical activities may be used as a learning activity or as a practical assessment. If
the practical activity is used as a practical assessment, the student must work alone and
be deemed competent in all aspects. The assessment method must confirm consistency
and accuracy of performance together with application of underpinning knowledge. The
assessment must be by direct observation of tasks, with questioning on underpinning
knowledge. Personnel conducting the assessment must be qualified as a workplace
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Module Outline Document
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
1 General Business Awareness
Business can be defined as any enterprise in which one or more persons make
all of the critical management decisions, such as finance, accounting, personnel,
purchasing, processing, or servicing, marketing and selling, with the aid of
internal specialists and with specific knowledge in functional areas.
Public Sector
By the public sector we mean those enterprises that are owned by the
government. In Australia there are a number of enterprises that are government-
owned. This is primarily because Australia is so large and its population so
small. In Australia if the government didnt look after some things like railways,
postage, telecommunications, and social services, we wouldnt have the level of
services that we do have. Although there are countries that have private railway
lines, this is rare. Railway lines dont make much money, at their best, and, at
their worst, they make substantial losses.
There are many services that a private business would not take on because they
are not profitable and that is often where the government will step in and provide
the service.
However, there are many areas of enterprise that are capable of making a profit
and this area is where the private sector comes in. There will be some profitable
areas where the government will have a monopoly but, more and more,
governments are passing these areas over to private enterprise.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
In some cases governments are simply selling off things that they owned to
private industry this is called privatisation. An example of privatisation is the
former Williamstown Naval Dockyard in Melbourne which used to be run by the
Commonwealth Government but which was sold to the private firm Amecon.
In some cases governments are telling organisations they own that they must
seek to make a profit that is, that they must begin to make decisions as if they
were a privately owned business. An organisation which has been corporatised
is Australian Defence Industries which was once a government-owned and
run organisation controlled by a government department and encompassed
defence industries in all the Australian states. Now Australian Defence Industries
has considerably more independence from government in what it does, has a
manager and board of directors, aims at making a profit, has closed down or
reduced some unprofitable areas and has acquired some new facilities in search
of more profitable business. This is called corporation.
Private Enterprise
There are three basic forms of private enterprise ownership:
Sole trader
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
Sole Trader
A sole trader is a business owned and operated by one person. The sole trader
may employ other people but the full responsibility for the profits and losses of
the business are with the one person. Sole traders can trade under their own
name (as do many consultants) or under a business name. Business names (for
example: Top of the Town Fashions) must be registered with a state government
agency to ensure that no two businesses in a state have the same name.
A partnership is a business owned and operated by two or more people. It is
advisable to draw up a contract to ensure that both sides are legally committed
to their agreement. There is a law called the Partnership Act that may need to be
abided by regardless of whether there is a formal contract of partnership or not.
In some cases there are restrictions on the number of partners who can own the
enterprise. For example, accountancy or lawyer enterprises may not have more
than 400 persons as partners; architects, pharmacists and veterinary surgeons
have a limit of 100; and medical practitioners have a limit of 50.
In the case of a partnership, unless there is a legal agreement to the contrary, all
the partners have a responsibility for the profits and the debts of the partnership.
There are a variety of types of companies. However, we will make only the
distinction between the private and public company.
The private company is one in which the number of people taking part in the
ownership of the company is limited by the legal document that set up the
company. This is often the situation in family companies where the family
members want to ensure only family members can take part in the company.
The public company is one in which anyone can have a share if they are willing
to buy shares. These shares are freely traded on the stock exchange.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
Business Funding
Types Of Funds Used By Businesses
This is the most common means of obtaining business funding. Interest is
charged on the amount of money that is owed daily. The less the account is
overdrawn the lower the interest. Banks usually require security on an overdraft
Personal Loans
These are made to a person applying, not a business. These forms of funds only
apply to small businesses and are of no interest to us.
The leasing of equipment has been a very popular means of gaining capital
equipment without having to pay out large sums of cash. Spray painting booths
would be a good example. A leasing company (lessor) purchases the equipment
and leases it to the spray painting business (lessee) for a specified rental. The
lessor owns the equipment but the lessee uses it for the lease period. The lease
payment includes the interest rate, which is usually higher than bank finance.
Stock Market
The ability to raise subscription funding from investors is a commonly accepted
way for funds to be sourced by growing businesses. This is done via the
mechanisms of a listed Stock Exchange where the floating of a venture is done
in exchange for required funds.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
Starting a Business
Registering A Business Name
A business name is the name or title given to the business activity. A business
name is optional, but if it is to be used it must be registered. Business names
are registered at the Corporate Affairs Office in each state in which trading is
conducted under that name. Registering a business name gives protection from
any other business using that name.
Sources of Advice
Advice is available through the following sources:
Motor Trade Association of Australia
Bank managers
Society of Automotive Engineers
Municipal councils
Trade publications
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
The most common method of identifying the success of a workshop is not only
by counting the number of vehicles that are run through the doors, but by looking
at the businesss Profit and Loss Statement and determining the amount of
profit made in a given time. To be able to do this the owner of the business must
understand the language and terms of accountancy. Following is a short list of
the basic terms used in recording financial transactions in a business (this is by
no means a complete list of terms).
Asset What the business owns (e.g. motor vehicle, tools, cash).
Debtors People who owe the business money for work that it has done.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
The amount of assets (usually cash) taken out of the business.
Equity The money and other assets put into any business.
The stocks of a business at balance day, e.g. materials,
A source document which records the sale of a good or
provision of a service, usually on credit.
The ability of the business to pay its debts in the near future.
This is measured by the degree that current assets (e.g. cash,
debtors) are greater than current liabilities (e.g. bank overdraft,
Profit Total income minus total expenses over a set time period.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
Record Keeping
Every business is required by law to keep records so that the income tax liability,
sources of finance and assets can be easily found. The legal requirements
include State and Federal Government legislation. The financial information
contained in these reports assists in:
Decision Making Appropriate financial decisions can be made.
Responsible Management Managers must demonstrate responsible
care in the management of funds and property.
Compliance to Law Business obeys the taxation and other government
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 1
Reporting Requirements
There are a range of reporting requirements that a business must meet. There
are various government returns that must be prepared from current information.
Information on assets and sales are needed for taxation purposes. Businesses
need cost and value information to insure assets. Suppliers will sometimes
require details of the business before supplying credit.
Banks will require regular reports on turnover and profitability.
Management needs to make plans regarding new products, changes in
operations, expansion, diversification and elimination of poor products.
Businesses require information regarding past experience with products,
debtors and creditors.
Professional advisers will need information about the business. A business
may have to provide evidence in applications for licenses, registration,
permits and fees.
Information is required for calculation of payroll taxes, workers
compensation, insurance and sales tax.
Taxation Reporting
The Taxation Office is interested in accounting information for a number of
reasons. If the business uses goods when it provides a service, sales tax may
be payable on those items. The Taxation Office will need to know the value of
goods sold. Payroll tax and group tax (the value of the tax instalments deducted
from employees wages and salaries) may be required to be paid and the value
of wages and salaries will need to be known. The Income Tax Assessment Act,
requires the accounting records of the taxpayer to be kept in accordance with
the act to enable the assessable income and allowable deductions and rebates
to be explained.
Successful Businesses
Are flexible and adaptable to changing economic conditions, products,
work procedures and demands by clients.
Offer specialised services to customers, after-sales service.
Provide satisfaction for customers; develop the working environment to
suit their particular needs.
Reward for skill and effort linked to the skills, competence, time and
effort given to the business.
Have close company/employee relationship resulting from working
closely with employees and building strong links with them.
Are capital smart attract sound capital investment in the ventures that
they are involved in.
Attract the right amount of capital required adapt and tailor funding to
suit each unique venture.
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2 Insurance
Insurance is a term that is used in all parts of life. People insure all manner of
items and even themselves against loss or damage.
The idea is that any business can seek some reasonable compensation after an
accident or incident has caused some level of loss.
Business Insurance
Businesses should carry many kinds of insurance to cover themselves against
the risks around them. These include:
Lost production
Increased liabilities
Loss of assets
Public liability
Work cover (Workers Compensation)
This can be done by determining the particular needs with:
Insurance Agents
Insurance Brokers
Insurance Underwriters
Are the large insurance companies that provide a specified amount of funds
against a stipulated list of claims. They are the ones who actually pay out on a
policy. Well known underwriters include AXA, Lloyds of London.
Insurance Agents
These are the people who generally represent one insurance company
(underwriter) and sell their insurance through a local agency office.
Insurance Brokers
These are full time professionals who have made a career in insurance, but
work for themselves. They operate by knowing which insurance companies
(underwriters) offer the best deals for all types of insurance.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 2
Types of Insurance
Insurance can be divided into two basic types:
Compulsory Insurance
This insurance includes:
Workers Compensation
Motor Vehicle Third Party
Employee Superannuation
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Student Guide Topic 2
Employee Superannuation
This is an insurance scheme that uses a part of the employees salary and a
contribution from the employer to give the employee an income when they retire.
It is a legal requirement for the employer to make contributions to the nominated
and managed employee superannuation scheme.
Essential Insurance
This insurance includes:
Public Risk
Public Risk
This insurance covers liability of any business for claims regarding damage, loss
or injury to people or property that has been caused by the business operation
or by employees. The business is covered if Public Risk insurance has been
taken out.
This type of insurance protects the business from loss or damage caused by
thieves breaking into premises.
Fire Insurance
This covers loss or damage to premises caused by fire. It is possible to extend
the policy to cover additional risks, however these make the policy more
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 2
Personal Accident
These policies cover potential injury or death and usually apply to individuals
rather than companies. Companies normally take out third party comprehensive
property and injury policies.
Life Assurance
These policies cover the insured and pay out on the death of the person.
Personal Superannuation
Individuals can make their own superannuation contributions in addition to
money paid by employers. These contributions may attract tax benefits or
rebates from the taxation office.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 2
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
3 Purchasing
The purchasing of large pieces of equipment require extensive investigation to
ensure a number of things such as:
Does the piece of equipment satisfy the business needs now, and in the
Will it fit into the space provided?
Is the correct power supply available?
What guarantees come with the equipment?
What training is provided by the supplier?
Can existing staff members man the equipment?
Will future jobs coming into the workshop keep the equipment busy?
How much does it cost to keep the equipment going?
How much does the equipment cost?
These concerns dont affect every purchase, however they identify some of
the concerns that must be considered. Following are the more day-to-day
considerations discussed in the following sections.
Supplier Selection
One important role of a Purchasing Officer is appointing a supplier of goods.
This is often critical to the effective operation of a business. A supplier who fails
to deliver goods can disrupt operations. A supplier who charges high prices can
reduce the potential profitability of the business.
Purchasing Policies
Policies should be considered by a business over a wide range of criteria
associated with the purchasing function. These policies not only cover factors
associated with those aspects relating to materials and service, such as quality,
price, reliability etc., but should also include two important areas, i.e. ethics and
supplier relations. It is these latter two functions that can be very important in
building a cooperative basis for the supply relationship.
Supplier relations are a very critical component of all and any purchasing tasks
and processes. These involve:
Sales people
Purchasing officers should always ensure they treat all sales people fairly and
courteously. This means that the firm should at least interview sales people
whose products have some relevance to the firms operation.
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Student Guide Topic 3
Competitive Bidding
The basis on which assessments will be made should always be communicated
to the bidders. They will then have an understanding of what is required and
should therefore be in the position of ensuring that their bid is complete.
Competitors should also be permitted only one bid and each should remain
confidential. Closing dates should also be specified.
Supply Sources
Policies must be determined on the basis of selecting supply sources. These
policies could include the number of sources, the size of sources, the use of
local sources, reciprocity, foreign sources and the development of new sources.
The ethics of purchasing covers a wide range of practices such as not accepting
kickbacks, buying without prejudice, being honest in ones dealings, being
courteous and so on. These ethics should be clearly stated to employees
involved in purchasing to ensure that management attitudes are known.
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Student Guide Topic 3
This price list gives important information that must be placed on the order to
ensure delivery of the correct part. The automotive industry relies upon the
supply of good quality products and materials from a large number of suppliers.
These suppliers must be reliable and ready to support the business in the
prompt delivery of good quality products.
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Student Guide Topic 3
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
4 Business Costs
To be able to understand and undertake better time and labour management,
businesses need to be able to identify the relationship between operational
costs, labour costs and the end cost to the consumer. Coupling this knowledge
with better time management practices will bring about a more efficient
Operational Costs
In any business there are three major cost components that affect the operation
of that business and the end cost of the product for the consumer. These cost
centres are:
Direct costs
Indirect costs
Overhead costs
If the business does not understand what these costs are, it is not possible for
an accurate hourly cost of operations to be calculated. If an accurate hourly cost
is not known, the profit from work done cannot be calculated.
Direct Costs
Direct costs are those that can be attributed directly to the job or task being
done. These include:
Wages of employees actually doing the job
Loadings into wages
Holiday pay
Superannuation; etc.
Indirect Costs
Indirect costs are those that relate to other tasks/jobs that must be done to keep
the business viable. These include:
Client Relations, etc.
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Overhead Costs
Overhead costs are those that relate to providing the framework for the work to
take place. These include:
Time Management
Time is a fixed resource, there are only 24 hours in a day and if there are too
many things to do there is only one remedy set priorities. That is, reallocate
the amount of time available.
Time Logs
To be able to manage time a business needs to be able to list what tasks and
activities it is currently doing, then analyse that information and see where it can
improve the use of time. This can be done with a time log.
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Student Guide Topic 4
There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week which gives us 168 hours each
week. Traditionally we spend eight hours asleep, eight hours at work and eight
hours at leisure. For an average work day the following could be as follows:
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Student Guide Topic 4
The only way to gain more time in this type of day is to watch less TV or move
closer to work or sleep less. This gives an example of how we can start to
analyse our time using the Time Log. Now we should look at how we spend our
time at work, because for every minute that we spend there is an hourly rate
being charged.
The diary of activities must be analysed to find out how well or how badly you
use your time.
Take Action
After identifying your time management problem comes the hard part. Changing
your bad habits to good ones. Once you have done this process you havent
finished. It should be repeated over a period of time to see if you have lapsed
into bad habits or found new good ones.
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Drop-in visitors. An open-door policy need not mean your door is literally
open all day, implying that you welcome anyone (and everyone) to drop in
Leaving tasks unfinished (a source of stress). This can happen for various
reasons, but should be avoided
Lack of personal organisation (a cluttered desk is the result of a
disorganised mind)
Being spread too thinly across too many tasks, from lack of planning and
setting of priorities and failing to concentrate effort on the few critical tasks
Failure to say no and mean it when the willing worker is being unfairly
loaded with more work and responsibility
Indecision and procrastination. If you frequently put off making decisions
and taking action, you are probably losing time and opportunities and
increasing pressure on yourself
Working hard, but not seeing the distinction between activity and results
(being busy is not necessarily getting results)
Lack of self-discipline, not being able to settle down and concentrate on, the
one task until completion
Accepting upward (or reverse) delegation. Do not encourage employees to
depend too heavily on you for answers
Inadequate support staff and therefore, no way to delegate
Faulty communication, working without enough accurate information and
Work Study
Work studies involve the following major points:
To indicate levels of work activity
The relevant costs for productive output
Various alternative options for how
Where, when and what sort of output is produced
Whether or not there are better ways of doing something.
A work study should show:
Outline of key factors in carrying out a work study
Methods used to record work activity
Method of data collection and presentation of analysis.
A typical work study may examine what any person performs on any selected
day. Each individual activity that the person does on that day may be identified
and given a time value. Then, a notional money value may be given to each unit
of time and activity. These money values could be the same or unique for each
type of activity. For example working with tools may be valued at $25.00 per
hour, while working with paper reports may be valued at $20.00.
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Student Guide Topic 4
At the end of the day the business should be in a better position to decide what
work it should focus on because that type of work makes more profit.
Case Studies are a useful form of activity or work study measurement and
should be considered in areas where it is felt that efficiency gains are possible.
They can provide further supporting information to supplement a capital item
justification, or they can be used independently to provide an analysis of a
perceived problem area.
Case studies are a type of time and motion study without going to the extent of
using stop watches. They record the operations comprising a work segment, e.g.
the amount of time spent climbing on and off the machine, lifting, turning large
heavy items; time lost in finding, or waiting for tooling or equipment.
Using a data collection form, record the current time, allocate each activity an
individual step number, describe the activity; record the completion time and
enter the elapsed time.
Job/Labour Control
Job/Labour Control can take many forms but in its simplest format it is the
dealers ability to manage a service task (large or small in the most effective and
efficient way, to the satisfaction of both the customer and the dealership.
Work Segmentation
To manage any repair work effectively, it is necessary to have the work divided
into pieces (segments) that have meaning and use for a particular dealers
situation. From a control standpoint, it is generally more effective to manage
numerous small operations, for example, (disassemble engine, clean engine,
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
In general, it is best to separate out the high hour functions if accurate labour
control is to be achieved. Segmentation also allows for the division of work
for parts consumption by component, or work area. It further allows for dealer
additions, if only a portion of the labour is flat rated. Additionally full work
segmentation is an absolute must, if effective service history is to be achieved.
On all tasks, both large and small, but particularly essential on large tasks, such
as machine rebuild, is the need to provide status reports back to the shop floor.
To be successful in completing large complex tasks it is necessary for a team
to be elected prior to work arrival. The team should plan the work cycle, know
what is expected in areas of target time, parts and total costs, completion dates,
together with any penalties or incremental earnings should delivery be early or
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
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Student Guide Topic 4
Once the repair is in progress then regular status reports need to be displayed
within the work area. It is suggested that simple Lotus graphs be used for this
purpose as they take little time to produce and visual displays are easy to
understand. Graphs should display expected costs and status versus actual at a
given date.
Weekly meetings should take place throughout the job cycle in order that any
developing problems can be rectified before they become major. It is worthwhile
to consider instructing mechanics to record all delays and obstructions
experienced. This ensures accurate and comprehensive information is reviewed
during the meetings.
Flat Rates
With good segmentation and target times established, an accurate history file
can be developed on particular models/components for repair. This database,
whether it is manual or computer generated, can in turn be used to set up a
quick and easy quotation system by job segments. This gives the dealership the
ability to assemble customer quotes quickly and will aid aggressive marketing of
services with confidence.
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Student Guide Topic 4
From this report, variance between flat rated segments/standard job times and
actual, can be analysed to determine whether there are inefficiencies. The
analysis could result in improvement/changes to areas such as, procedures,
shop layout, tooling, training etc.
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Student Guide Topic 4
can then be placed in the right order from start to finish to make sure that the
job is done as required the first time. On large jobs, (machine rebuilds, engine
rebuilds, etc.), critical path analysis should be considered before initiating
the job. The critical principle behind Critical Path Analysis is to schedule the
individual component repairs to run concurrently (where possible) to reduce
turnaround time on the whole job. This has two major benefits:
The customers machine is repaired in a shorter time
Workshop utilisation is improved.
Additionally it is not uncommon, with major rebuilds, for there to be a financial
penalty for late return, conversely some agreements also provide incremental
payments for early completion. Many commercial PC software packages can
be purchased that can assist the dealer in establishing the shortest possible
turnaround that can be achieved for a particular job. An example of the time
savings that can be made by the use of Critical Path Analysis is discussed within
the Scheduling Module.
Example 1
A review of outside purchases shows that during a 12 month period the
dealership sends 1091 cylinder heads to an outside supplier for planning at
an average cost of $65.00 per head. In addition to these costs we experience
delays to work flow resulting from the suppliers inability to meet our delivery
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Student Guide Topic 4
Example 2
A review of a dealerships cylinder head section identifies that excessive labour
hours are consumed in the rebuilding of 3500 series cylinder heads. Closer
study shows that the root cause is in the amount of time taken to cut valve seats
taking 90 minutes per head.
Example 3
A review identifies the existing cabinet wash cleaner is undersized for the
current use, and is also creating major delays due to its inefficient operation. The
review identifies that mechanics within the specialisation area are spending, on
average, 4.5 hours/day manually cleaning parts.
Example 4
A 5 metre lathe is required by the hydraulic shop to enable re-rods and re-tubes
to be manufactured. Currently 99% of this work is sent to vendors (competitors).
In-house capability will enable the dealer to improve scheduling, and allow
the dealer to be more competitive in pricing.
In each of the above examples it is evident that a previous review/study was the
initial problem identifier; identifying either a missed opportunity or the root cause
of an inefficient operation.
Selection of Equipment
In many instances the selection of the best equipment to suit the dealerships
needs can be difficult. We need to keep in mind when looking for equipment that
our knowledge base may be very narrow and therefore not allowing the best
possible selection to be made. It is recommended therefore, in cases where
there is some doubt, that you discuss your requirement with your supervisor.
This does not infer that he/she is a world expert on all matters; only that he/
she is in a position to draw on the larger network of manufacturing plants and
dealers, from which to identify what equipment works well, and importantly what
does not, from other locations in similar circumstances.
Financial Arrangements
Once the selection process decision is made and all associated costs identified,
discussions need to occur with senior management about appropriate action.
The dealership may elect to purchase outright or to purchase through a leasing
arrangement, or by other means. For our purposes we will assume that the
normal method is through a leasing arrangement with a residual payment at
completion of the term. This is a common business practice.
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Student Guide Topic 4
submitting capital item requests, all savings, especially labour, be clearly shown
and offset against the capital costs.
Example 1
A financial lease covering a four-year term is assumed.
Head Planner
Cost $45,000.00
Table 2
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Example 2
A financial lease covering a four-year term is assumed.
Cost $67,000
Example 3
A financial lease covering a four-year term is assumed.
Cost $159,324.66
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Student Guide Topic 4
Transaction Documents
In business many types of documents are used to progress transactions such as
sales. Typical documents include the following:
Delivery docket/note
Credit note
Debit note
Delivery Docket/Note
Delivery dockets or consignment notes are used when previously ordered goods
are delivered to the customer. Content and layout design of a delivery docket
may be similar to that of an invoice, with the addition of:
The method and/or mode of delivery
A designated position on the document for the person receiving the goods
to sign.
The person or company receiving the delivery must sign to acknowledge
receipt of the item(s) in good order and to confirm the quantities detailed on
the delivery docket.
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Credit Note
When returned goods are accepted by the supplier as being damaged, or
incorrectly supplied, a credit note is issued to the customer. Credit may extend to
all or part of the total of goods invoiced.
Credit notes may be pre-numbered and consist of two or more parts. The
original goes to the customer and a duplicate to the suppliers accounts
department. A third copy may be retained in the book. As credit notes allow for
cash returns or reductions to a customers account, they should receive similar
security measures to those afforded to order documents and cheques. Because
of their importance, approval of credit notes is limited to the suppliers senior
Printing credit notes in red shows a credit situation to the customer. Delivery
charges are not refundable items on credit notes unless a complete order is
incorrectly supplied. Any credits allowed for delivery charges depend upon the
suppliers stated policy. All charges shown on an invoice are also detailed on the
credit note according to the proportion of credit given.
Debit Note
Debit notes may be used for several functions. Suppliers may send debit notes
to customers as notification of an increase in the amount owed on an order
which has not been included on the original invoice. The customer would then
complete and send a debit note with the goods returned to the supplier. On
receipt of the goods and debit note, the supplier of the goods should then issue
a credit note to the customer. Sales tax and any customer discount is calculated
on a debit note in the same manner as an invoice.
Modern business practices dictate that regular use of debit notes is not a
common occurrence. Businesses have found that a telephone call to explain
the problem, followed by a letter or facsimile confirming details of the telephone
conversation, is sufficient information to enable resolution of most problems.
Customers are usually sent an additional invoice if there are additional costs
associated with an order, or if the customer has been undercharged.
While additional invoices or letters of complaint have replaced the debit note in
many instances, they are still valid documents which may be sent from seller or
A receipt can be defined as a written acknowledgment of the payment of monies
owed by one person, to another. Receipts may also acknowledge the change of
possession of an item of value.
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Receipts are not always issued for accounts settled by cheque, as the
processing and clearing of the cheque by a bank is taken as sufficient proof of
payment. Any documentation that is provided to the customer at the completion
of a sale may be considered a document of receipt, if it contains the following
Name of person or business who has paid for goods, (debtor)
The sale amount in words and figures
Signature of the person authorised to sign for the payee/creditor
Whether the sale amount was received in cash or cheque
Cash register roll imprint receipts do not always provide the amount of
information contained on a dedicated receipt document. You should be aware
that roll imprints which do not contain at least the minimum information listed
above may not be recognised as a legal receipt.
The statement of account is the monthly summary of a customers credit
transactions, where an account is operated with a trading company. The
company issuing the statement lists customer purchases, in date order, including
the total amount of each purchase. Because statements are constructed at the
end of the month, any payments received, or credits issued, after the last day of
the month are always credited to the customers next statement. As each credit
purchase was previously invoiced to the customers account, the statement need
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
list only the invoice numbers and the total amount of those invoices. Where
credit for returns or damaged goods is detailed on credit notes, only the number
of each credit note is displayed on the statement, along with the amount of credit
Managing Assets
Fixed Assets
It is important for all people to have a basic understanding of what constitutes
both Fixed and Current Assets and how Fixed Assets are depreciated.
For a company to exist it must invest funds in assets which will be held by the
business for several years. These assets are used to aid the manufacture or sale
of goods and services and are referred to as fixed assets.
Examples include:
Plant and equipment
Land and buildings
Furniture and fittings
Office equipment
Cars and service vehicles
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
They will in most cases, diminish in value as their useful life expires, and will
therefore have their real value written off accordingly. This process is called
Current Assets
Current assets are the daily available assets, and are therefore by definition,
continually changing. They provide the day-to-day funds to ensure that the
business can operate. Current assets are any item (asset) that can be converted
into cash within any one year. Additional examples being:
Cash on hand or at bank
Accounts receivable (trade debtors)
Inventory (stock)
Short term deposits
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
1 $25,000.00 $3,750.00
2 $21,250.00 $3,187.50
3 $18,062.50 $2,709.38
4 $15,353.13 $2,302.97
5 $13,050.16 $1,957.52
6 $11,092.63 $1,663.89
7 $9,428.74 $1,414.31
8 $8,014.43 $1,202.16
9 $6,812.26 $1,021.84
10 $5,790.42 $868.56
Total $20,078.13
Table 5
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Again let us assume that a lathe is purchased for $25,000 and that we expect
to receive a 10 year working life from it. We will depreciate the lathe over the
10 years, and this time we will use the prime cost method of depreciation, we
will depreciate it at an annual rate of 10%. At 10 years the lathe has been fully
1 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
2 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
3 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
4 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
5 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
6 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
7 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
8 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
9 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
10 $25,000.00 $2,500.00
Total $25,000.00
Table 6
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Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
For normal accounting purposes or for corporate reporting (in accordance with
the Companies Act) it is not essential to conform to the tax schedule rates. A
depreciation rate should be chosen, that allows for factors peculiar to each item
of plant, and apply that rate to the calculation of depreciation.
Residual Values
In determining the rate of depreciation to be applied a calculation of the likely
residual value should be made. The depreciation rate applied should then be
determined via the above methods to ensure that the value, at the end of the
useful life of the asset, conforms to that amount.
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Topic 4
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
1 Glossary
A/C Account.
This appears on a statement if a debtor has omitted to pay his/
Account Rendered
her debt from the previous month.
ASAP As soon as possible.
Gross The total purchase price of goods bought plus any charges.
This means that the figure set as a maximum stock level must not
be exceeded.
E & OE Errors and Omissions Excepted.
A minimum stock level. This must be set a level for supplies
(stock) to last until fresh supplies are received.
Net The total purchase price of goods bought less deductions.
Net Monthly No discount is allowed and the account must be paid in full within
Account a certain period of time.
p.c. Per Centum.
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Glossary
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd
Business Awareness
Student Guide Glossary
Caterpillar of Australia P ty Ltd