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Oilon 3 EN

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Oil, Gas and Dual Fuel Burners

Burner series 130...150

250, 280


390-3500 kW
Table of contents

General 1

How to choose a burner 2

Light oil burners

Technical data and dimensions 3-4

Light oil burners 3-6
PI-diagrams 4

Capacity/back pressure graphs 5

Scope of delivery 6

Heavy oil burners

Technical data and dimensions 7-8

PI-diagrams 8

Capacity/back pressure graphs 9

Scope of delivery 10

Gas burners
Heavy oil burners 7 - 10
Technical data and dimensions 11-12

PI-diagrams 12

Capacity/back pressure graphs 13

Scope of delivery 14

Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas

Technical data and dimensions 15-16

PI-diagrams 16

Capacity/back pressure graphs 17

Scope of delivery 18

Dual fuel burners, heavy fuel oil/gas Gas burners 11 - 14

Technical data and dimensions 19

PI-diagram 20

Capacity/back pressure graphs 20

Scope of delivery 21

Gas valve selection table 22

Gas elbow 22

Burner preheater 23

Silencer 24

WiseDrive an electronic regulator for Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas 15 - 18
controlling the fuel/air ratio 24

Low NOx gas burner 25

Masonry figure 26

Flame dimensions 26

Servomotor 26

Oil supply diagram for heavy fuel oil 27

Gas pressure control assembly 27

Dual fuel burners, heavy fuel oil/gas 19 - 21

Oil, Gas and Dual Fuel Burners
Burner series 130...150
250, 280

Oilon oil, gas, and dual fuel burners are fully automatic, safe, and Capacity regulation methods
reliable. The design and manufacturing of the burners is based Option available, depending on the model:
on economy, safety, and service as well as environmental friendli- Two-stage, H
ness. Our gas burners comply with the EN 676 standard, oil burn- Modulating, M
ers with the EN 230 and EN 267 standards, and dual fuel burners The two-stage burners are equipped with an air damper servo-
with all of these. All burners are EU type tested. We also supply motor, run time of which is 5 seconds between capacity stages.
burners complying with various marine classification society re- The burners automatically operate in one- or two-stage mode
quirements, such as ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, KR, LR, NKK, RINA according to the load. Modulating burners are equipped with a
and RS. servomotor with a transition time of 30 sec/90. The servomotor
is connected to the oil regulator and compound regulator via an
Construction axle. A modulating burner operates regardless of the firing rate,
All burner components are mounted directly on the burner hous- on the basis of the load. The burners are adjusted on the basis of
ing. The aluminium alloy cast housing incorporates a three-phase combustion gas analysis.
motor that runs the fan and the oil pump. In dual fuel burners,
the oil pump has its own three-phase motor. The motors and Oilon preheater guarantees accurate oil temperature con-
preheaters contactors and thermal relays are pre-mounted on the trol
burner. The surface of the housing is finished with durable high- RP and GRP models are equipped with oil shut-off valves, a filter,
gloss paint. The housing is equipped with a hinged burner flange and an electric mass preheater. The preheater is controlled via an
with a safety interlock switch, enabling the burner to be swung electronic regulator that keeps the oil temperature stable. A stable
open to the left or right. The burner flange enables servicing of oil temperature makes it easier to obtain optimal combustion con-
the combustion head, nozzles, and ignition electrodes without ditions. For our heavy oil burners, oil heated during the pre-purge
phase flows to the nozzle through the preheater to ensure that
having to remove the burner itself. The stainless steel alloy com-
the oil temperature is high enough during the ignition phase.
bustion head and the diffuser disc can withstand temperatures of
up to 1,200 C. The combustion head is adjustable, thereby allow- Gas equipment
ing optimal fuel mixing regardless of the firing rate. The burner Gas-related components of the gas and dual fuel burners comply
houses a sight glass for flame observation. On the fan suction side with the EN 676 standard: two shut-off valves, pressure switches
there is an air damper that, together with the servomotor, auto- (min./max.), and an automatic valve leak tester. Other piping-relat-
matically controls the amount of fuel and air based on demanded ed equipment is available upon request.
firing rate. A removable top cover allows for ease of electrical in-
Oil piping
stallation and burner service.
Mounted on the burner, three-stage burners with four solenoid
1 Installation and suitable applications valves (one main valve and one valve for each nozzle). Modulat-
The burners are suitable for warm and hot water boilers, steam ing burners have three solenoid valves. The oil regulator for the
boilers, hot air generators, and various types of process heating. modulating burner is located on the nozzle return oil line. The oil
They are also designed to suit furnaces with high back pressure. filter is located on the suction side of the pump. The two oil hoses
The burners can be mounted in horizontal, vertical and upward- enable the burner to be hinged.
facing, or vertical and downward-facing orientations. Our burners
Flame monitoring
are designed for operation in covered areas, max. +50 C. Normal
All models are equipped with automatic flame monitoring. In KP
operating density altitude is 500 metres above sea level (other alti-
and RP models, flame monitoring is taken care of via a photocell;
tudes available upon request). The burner enclosure class is IP 20. in GP, GKP, and GRP models, it is performed via a UV cell.
Fuels Control devices
Different fuels can be used depending on the burner model: The control automation (control unit) is integrated into the burner.
KP models: The control unit handles all burner operation phases automatically.
- light fuel oil, viscosity 4 to 12 mm2/s, +20 C In the event of a burner failure, the unit stops the burner auto-
RP models: matically. The modulating burners also incorporate a pre-mounted
- heavy fuel oil, viscosity max. 250 mm2/s, +50 C capacity controller.
- heavy fuel oil, viscosity max. 450 mm2/s, +50 C
heating cartridge for pump and nozzle Silencer
- heavy fuel oil, viscosity max. 650 mm2/s, +50 C The sound level of the burners is low, but, if desired, they can be
heating cartridges as above + trace heating for oil piping equipped with a separate silencer to make them even quieter.
GP models: Optimising combustion head pressure loss
- natural gas, 2nd family gases, groups H and E (equipment cat- For an additional charge, the modulating burners can be equipped
egory I2R) with a system that optimises the combustion head pressure loss.
GKP and GRP dual fuel burners: The system reduces the amount of excess air and also improves
- fuel properties as above, natural gas/light fuel oil combustion figures for partial burner loads.
- fuel properties as above, natural gas/heavy fuel oil
Burners using other fuels are available upon request. Gas and dual
fuel burners meet the low NOx class requirements (EN 676 and
EN267) in gas burning. We reserve the right to make technical alterations.
How to choose a burner

A. Procedure B. Equations and rules of thumb

1 Establish relevant boiler and application information 1. Burner capacity = boiler capacity / 0.9 (when boiler efficiency is 90 %)
boiler capacity and efficiency, or required burner capacity 2. Steam boilers: 1 ton/h steam 700 kW boiler capacity
furnace back pressure 3. Light oil: 1 kg/h 11.86 kW burner capacity
fuel/fuels to be used with calorific value 42.7 MJ/kg
burner inlet fuel pressure 4. Heavy oil: 1 kg/h 11.22 kW burner capacity
burner capacity regulation method with calorific value 40.5 MJ/kg
2 Calculate the burner capacity. Burner capacity = 5. Natural gas: 1 m3n/h 10 kW burner capacity
with calorific value 35.84 MJ/m3n
boiler capacity / efficiency
6. The amount of combustion air:
Example: boiler capacity of 2,500 kW, efficiency of 90 % Gas burners: required amount of combustion air for
burner capacity = 2,500 kW / 0.9 = 2,780 kW each 10 kW of burner capacity is 12 to 13 m3/h.
3 Gas burners: Required gas flow [m3n/h] = (burner capacity Oil burners: required amount of combustion air for
[kW] x 3.6) / gass calorific value [MJ/m3n]. each kilo of oil burned [kg/h] is 13.5 m3/h.
Example: required burner capacity = 2,780 kW required 7. Oil pumping, filtering, and preheating unit (Oilon HotBox) is
gas flow = (2,780 kW x 3.6) / 35.8 MJ/m3n = 280 m3n/h, required with heavy fuel oil. The required minimum pump
where 35.8 MJ/m3n is the calorific value of natural gas. output [kg/h] can be calculated as follows:
Oil burners: Calculate the required oil flow [kg/h]. Required Required minimum output [kg/h] = (oil flow to be burned in kg/h
oil flow [kg/h] = (burner capacity [kW] x 3.6) / the oils calorific + 150 to 200 kg/h)* 1.25 to 1.3, where the expression inside
value [MJ/kg]. Example: required burner capacity = 2,780 the parentheses indicates the preheated oil flow to each burner.
kW required oil flow = (2,780 kW x 3.6) / 42.7 MJ/kg = 234
kg/h, where 42.7 MJ/kg is the calorific value of light oil.
4. See relevant brochure for burner capacity/back pressure
graphs: The graphs indicate the burner operating range. For
example, the boiler back pressure with a burner capacity of
2,780 kW is 12 mbar. Looking at the adjoining graph, plot
your burner capacity along the horizontal axis. On the verti-
cal axis plot your boiler back-pressure. Where the two lines
meet, defines the required burner type. The optimum burner
is best chosen by ensuring that the plotted operating point
is as close as possible to the right hand edge of the corre-
sponding operating envelope. Note that different fuels and
capacity regulation methods require separate graphs. The
fuel calorific value is stated on the graphs.
5. Gas and dual fuel burner valve selection : Select a suitable An example of burner selection
valve, using the gas valve selection table. Note that the val-
ues in the selection table apply when the furnace back pres-
sure is 0 mbar. Therefore, you must subtract the furnace back GP-250 M GP-280 M
pressure from the actual gas inlet pressure and choose the
valve according to this value. The ratings shown in the table

apply to natural gas.

For example, using a gas inlet pressure of 70 mbar, a boiler
back pressure of 12 mbar, a required burner capacity of

2,780 kW, the effective pressure will be 70 mbar - 12 mbar =

58 mbar. For the GP-280 M burner, for example, you should 
choose a valve allowing a minimum burner capacity of 2,780 
kW with 58 mbar gas inlet pressure in this case, valve DN


6. Check that the outer dimensions of the burner, especially
those of the combustion head, are suitable for the applica- 
tion; the length of the combustion head should be such that, 
when mounted, the combustion head is even with the fur- 
nace wall or about 10 to 20 mm inside the furnace itself (see 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Masonry figure). kW
Boiler pressure loss graph as
7. Check the flame dimensions in the flame dimension table. a function of burner capacity
Please note that the flame must not come in to contact with
the walls of the furnace.
The max. capacity of a hot water boiler is 2,500 kW, efficiency 0.9, and
8. Accessory requirements must also be taken into considera- the corresponding burner capacity 2,500 kW / 0.9 = 2,780 kW. The graph
tion: gas pressure regulator, oil pumping unit, boiler thermo- indicates that a suitable gas burner for this capacity is the GP-280 M, as the
stats/pressostats. pressure loss value for the boiler is located inside the area for the GP-280
M burner on the capacity/back pressure graph. The GP-250 M can also
be used for this application, provided that the full boiler capacity is not
required. Remember to take efficiency into account when relating the boiler
pressure loss information to the burner capacity/back pressure graph.
Light oil burners

KP-140 H... -150 H KP-130 M... -150 M




KP-140 H 220 470 240 270 1000
KP-150 H 230 470 270 300 1000
KP-130 M 200 430 200 230 980
KP-140 M 220 470 240 270 1000
KP-150 M 230 470 270 300 1000

KP-250 M, -280 M



KP-250 M 300 270 300
KP-280 M 312 300 330
Light oil burners


BURNER KP-130 M KP-140 H KP-140 M KP-150 H KP-150 M

Capacity kg/h 32 -126 47 - 200 47 - 200 85 - 210 56 - 240
kW 390 - 1500 550 - 2350 550 - 2350 1000 - 2490 660 - 2850
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5
Current A 6,2 8,7 8,7 11,1 11,1
Speed rpm 2880 2900 2900 2910 2910
Control unit LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25
Oil hose
- suction R R R R R
- return R R R R R
Oil pump TA2 J7 TA2 TA2 TA2
Weight kg 114 107 118 113 128

BURNER KP-250 M KP-280 M

Capacity kg/h 55 - 220 76 - 295
kW 655 - 2600 900 - 3500
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50Hz
Output kW 7,5 7,5
Current A 14,7 14,7
Speed rpm 2855 2855
Control unit LAL1.25 LAL1.25
Oil hose
- suction R R
- return R R
Oil pump TA3 TA3
Weight kg 146 150


KP-140 H, -150 H KP-130 M...-150 M , -250 M, -280 M




1 Oil filter 5Solenoid valve, NC 1Oil filter 8Non-return valve

2 Oil pump, plugged 2Oil pump, plugged 9Pressure switch, max.
3Solenoid valve, NC AOil, inlet 3Pressure gauge, gauge valve
4Solenoid valve, NC BOil, return 4Solenoid valve, NC AOil, inlet
5Solenoid valve, NC BOil, return
6Pressure gauge, gauge valve
7Oil regulator/servomotor
Light oil burners

Capacity/back pressure graphs

Light fuel oil: 1 kg/h = 11.86 kW

Light oil burners

Scope of delivery
Burners include following equipment:

KP-140,150 H KP-130150 M KP- 250, 280 M

Hinge flange with limit switch
Burner flange gasket
Oil nozzle/nozzles
Solenoid valves for oil
Oil pump with pressure regulating valve
Non-return valve
2 pressure gauges for oil
Pressure switch for return oil
Deaerator o o
2 oil hoses, length 2000 mm
Oil filter
Pressure gauge for o o o
control of inlet oil
Pressure switch for o o o
control of inlet oil
Compound regulator for regulation of
air/oil ratio incl.:
- oil regulator
- servomotor
Potentiometer fitted in servomotor o o o
Differential air pressure switch o o o
Ignition transformer
Ignition cables and electrodes
Flame sensor
Inbuilt combustion air fan with
direct-driven electric motor
Air dampers
Separate servomotor
for air dampers
Pressure gauge for o o o
fan pressure
Control unit
Capacity controller o
Motor contactors and
thermal relays
Operating switches

standard delivery
o option
Heavy oil burners

RP-130 H... -150 H RP-130 M... -150 M





BURNER L2 H1 H2 B2 D1 D4 R1
RP-130 H 200 620 420 430 200 230 980
RP-140 H 220 620 420 470 240 270 1000
RP-150 H 230 750 500 470 270 300 1000

BURNER L2 H1 H2 B2 D1 D4 R1
RP-130 M 200 620 420 430 200 230 980
RP-140 M 220 620 420 470 240 270 1000
7 RP-150 M 230 750 500 470 270 300 1000

RP-250 M, -280 M



RP-250 M 300 270 300
RP-280 M 312 300 330
Heavy oil burners

BURNER RP-130 H RP-130 M RP-140 H RP-140 M RP-150 H RP-150 M
Capacity kg/h 44 - 121 34 - 121 60 - 180 50 - 180 86 - 210 60 - 240
kW 500 - 1370 390 - 1370 680 - 2040 560 - 2040 975 - 2400 680 - 2700
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5
Current A 6,2 6,2 8,7 8,7 11,1 11,1
Speed rpm 2880 2880 2900 2900 2910 2910
Control unit LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25 LAL1.25
Oil hose
- suction R R R R R R
- return R R R R R R
Oil pump E7 TA2 E7 TA2 TA2 TA2
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Capacity kW 6 6 6 6 12 12
Weight kg 115 140 121 139 150 167

BURNER RP-250 M RP-280 M

Capacity kg/h 58 - 230 80 - 308
kW 650 - 2600 900 - 3500
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 7,5 7,5
Current A 14,7 14,7
Speed rpm 2855 2855
Control unit LAL1.25 LAL1.25
Oil hose
- suction R R
- return R R
Oil pump TA3 TA3
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Capacity kW 12 12
Weight kg 195 196

RP-130 H...-150 H RP-130 M...-150 M, -250 M, -280 M





1 Oil filter 9 Solenoid valve, NC 1Oil filter 10 Solenoid valve, NO

2 Oil pump, without plug 10 Solenoid valve, NO 2Oil pump, with plug 11 Solenoid valve, NC
3 Preheater 11 Solenoid valve, NC 3Preheater 12 Oil regulator/servomotor
4 Temperature regulation/ 12 Drilled ball valve 4Temperature regulation/ 13 Pressure gauge, gauge valve
lower limit lower limit 14 Pressure switch, max.
5Limit thermostat A Oil, inlet 5Limit thermostat 15 Deaerator
6Pressure gauge, gauge valve B Oil, return 6Pressure gauge, gauge valve 16 Drilled ball valve
7Thermometer 7Thermometer
8Non-return valve, 8Non-return valve A Oil, inlet
throttle plug 1.2 mm 9 Solenoid valve, NC B Oil, return
Heavy oil burners

Capacity/back pressure graphs

Heavy fuel oil: 1 kg/h = 11.22 kW

Heavy oil burners

Scope of delivery
Burners include following equipment:

RP-130 H...150 H RP-130150 M RP- 250, 280 M

Hinge flange with limit switch

Burner flange gasket
Oil nozzle/nozzles
Heating cartridge for oil nozzle o o o
Solenoid valves for oil
Heating cartridge for solenoid valves
Oil pump with pressure regulating valve
Heating cartridge for oil pump o o o
Non-return valve
2 oil pressure gauges
Pressure switch for return oil
Electric preheater incl.:
- limit thermostat
- electronic temperature controller
- temperature sensor
2 oil hoses, length 2000 mm
Electric tracing cables for burner oil pipes o o o
Electric tracing cables for oil hoses o o o
Oil filter
Pressure gauge for control of inlet oil o o o
Pressure switch for control of inlet oil o o o 10
Compound regulator for regulation of
air/oil ratio incl.:
- oil regulator
- servomotor
Potentiometer fitted in servomotor o o o
Differential air pressure switch o o o
Ignition transformer
Ignition cables and electrodes
Flame sensor
Inbuilt combustion air fan with
direct-driven electric motor
Air dampers
Separate servomotor for air dampers
Pressure gauge for o o o
fan pressure
Control unit
Capacity controller o
Motor contactors and thermal relays
Preheater contactors
Operating switches

standard delivery
o option
Gas burners

GP-140 H... -150 H GP-130 M... -150 M








GP-140 H 220 240 270 1000
GP-150 H 230 270 300 1000


11 GP-130 M 200 430 200 230 980

GP-140 M 220 470 240 270 1000
GP-150 M 230 470 270 300 1000

GP-250 M, -280 M



GP-250 M 295 270 300
GP-280 M 307 300 330
Gas burners

BURNER GP-130 M GP-140 H GP-140 M GP-150 H GP-150 M
Capacity kW 390 - 1500 410 - 2350 410 - 2350 450 - 2700 450 - 2700
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5
Current A 6,2 8,7 8,7 11,1 11,1
Speed rpm 2880 2900 2900 2910 2910
Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322
Weight kg 115 110 121 125 130

BURNER GP-250 M GP-280 M

Capacity kW 370 - 2600 500 - 3500
Burner motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 5,5 7,5
Current A 10,9 14,7
Speed rpm 2855 2855
Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322
Weight kg 160 210


GP-140 H, -150 H GP-130 M...-150 M,
GP-250 M, -280 M









1 Ball valve, blow-off 1 Ball valve, blow-off

2 Gas valve 2 Pressure switch, min.
2.1 Gas filter 3 Double solenoid valve
2.2 Pressure switch, min. 4 Valve leak tester
2.3 Gas valve 1 5 Pressure switch, max.
2.4 Pressure regulator 6 Solenoid valve, NC, ignition gas *)
2.5 Gas valve 2, two-stage 7 Gas butterfly valve
3 Valve leak tester 8 Differential air pressure switch
4 Pressure switch, max.
5 Solenoid valve, NC, ignition gas *) *) on 130150 burners only on request
6 Differential air pressure switch on 250, 280 burners as standard

*) only on request
Gas burners

Capacity/back pressure graphs


Natural gas: gases of 2nd family, groups H and E

(equipment category I2R)
Gas burners

Scope of delivery
Burners include following equipment:

GP-140 H,150 H GP-130 M150 M GP-250 M, 280 M

Hinge flange with limit switch
Burner flange gasket
Compound regulator for regulation
of air/gas ratio incl.:
- servomotor
Potentiometer fitted in servomotor o o o
Gas nozzle
Pressure gauge for measuring o o o
the pressure in gas nozzle
Gas butterfly valve
Max. gas pressure switch
Differential air pressure switch
Ignition transformer
Ignition cables and electrodes
Flame sensor
Inbuilt combustion air fan with
direct-driven electric motor
Air dampers
Separate servomotor for air dampers
Pressure gauge for fan o o o
Control unit 14
Capacity controller o
Motor contactors and
thermal relays
Operating switches
Elbow 90
Double solenoid valve for gas
- gas pressure switch, min.
- 2 gas valves
- automatic valve proving system
- ball valve, blow-off (loose)
Gas train
- gas pressure switch, min.
- main gas valve
- gas valve, two-stage
- pressure regulator
- automatic valve proving system
- filter
- ball valve, blow-off (loose)
Solenoid valve for ignition gas

standard delivery
o option
Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas

GKP-130 H... -150 H GKP-130 M... -150 M








GKP-130 H 200 430 200 230 980
GKP-140 H 220 470 240 270 1000
GKP-150 H 230 470 270 300 1000
GKP-130 M 200 430 200 230 980
GKP-140 M 220 470 240 270 1000
GKP-150 M 230 470 270 300 1000

GKP-250 M, -280 M  




GKP-250 M 295 270 300
GKP-280 M 307 300 330
Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas
BURNER GKP-130 H GKP-130 M GKP-140 H GKP-140 M GKP-150 H GKP-150 M
Capacity oil, kg/h 32 -126 32 - 126 47 - 200 47 - 200 85 - 210 56 - 227
oil, kW 390 - 1500 390 - 1500 550 - 2350 550 - 2350 1000 - 2490 660 - 2700
gas, kW 390 - 1500 390 - 1500 550 - 2350 410 - 2350 1000 - 2490 450 - 2700
Fan motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 3,0 3,0 4,0 4,0 5,5 5,5
Current A 6,2 6,2 8,7 8,7 11,1 11,1
Speed rpm 2880 2880 2900 2900 2910 2910
Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322
Oil hose
- suction R R R R R R
- return R R R R R R
Oil pump J7 TA2 J7 TA2 TA2 TA2
- Motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Current A 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3
Speed rpm 2870 2870 2870 2870 2870 2870
Weight kg 121 144 129 162 147 164


Capacity oil, kg/h
oil, kW
55 - 220
650 - 2600
76 - 295
900 - 3500 PI-diagrams
gas, kW 370 - 2600 500 - 3500
Fan motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz GKP-130 H...-150 H
Output kW 5,5 7,5
Current A 10,9 14,7 1 Ball valve, blow-off 6 Differential air
Speed rpm 2855 2855 2 Gas valve pressure switch
Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322
2.1 Gas filter 7 Oil filter
2.2 Pressure switch, min. 8 Oil pump, with plug
Oil hose 2.3 Gas valve 1 9 Solenoid valve, NC
2.4 Pressure regulator 10 Solenoid valve, NC
- suction R R
- return R R
2.5 Gas valve 2, two-stage 11 Solenoid valve, NC
3 Valve leak tester
Oil pump TA3 TA3 4 Pressure switch for gas, max. A Oil, inlet
- Motor
5 Solenoid valve, NC, B Oil, return
3~ 400 V 50 Hz
ignition gas *) C Gas
Output kW 1,5 1,5
Current A 3,3 3,3 *) only on request

Speed rpm 2870 2870 
Weight kg 270 278 

GKP-130 M...-150 M, 

-250 M, -280 M  







 1 Ball valve, blow-off 12 Solenoid valve, NC
2 Pressure switch, min. 13 Pressure gauge, gauge valve
3 Double solenoid valve 14 Oil regulator/servomotor
4 Valve leak tester 15 Non-return valve

 5 Pressure switch, gas, max. 16 Pressure switch for oil, max.

6 Solenoid valve, NC, 17 Differential air pressure switch
 ignition gas *)
 7 Gas butterfly valve A Oil, inlet
8 Oil filter B Oil, return

9 Oil pump, with plug C Gas
10 Pressure gauge,
gauge valve *) on 130150 burners only on request
11 Solenoid valve, NC on 250, 280 burners as standard
Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas

Capacity/back pressure graphs

GKP-130 H 200-152x50
GKP-130 M 200-152x50 20 GKP-140 H 240-165x60
A-503B A-504B
18 18
16 16 16

mbar ( x100 Pa )
mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )
14 14 14
12 12 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2

300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
kW kW kW

20 GKP-140 M 240-165x60 20 GKP-150 H 270-195x75 20

GKP-150 M 270-195x75
A-580E A-586E
18 18
16 16 16
mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )
14 14 14
12 12 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2

300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
kW kW kW

GKP-250 M 20
GKP-280 M
16 16
mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )

14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
kW kW

Natural gas: gases of 2nd family, groups H and E

(equipment category I2R)
Light fuel oil: 1 kg/h = 11.86 kW
Dual fuel burners, light fuel oil/gas
Scope of delivery
Burners include following equipment:

GKP-130 H...150 H GKP-130 M...150 M GKP-250 M, -280 M

Hinge flange with limit switch
Burner flange gasket
Oil nozzle/nozzles
Solenoid valves for oil
Oil pump with pressure
regulating valve
Separate motor for oil pump
Non-return valve
2 pressure gauges for oil
Pressure switch for return oil
Deaerator o o
2 oil hoses, length 2000 mm
Oil filter
Pressure gauge for control
of inlet oil o o o
Pressure switch for control
of inlet oil o o o
Compound regulator for regulation of
air/gas/oil ratio incl.:
- oil regulator
- servomotor
Potentiometer fitted in servomotor o o o
Gas nozzle
Pressure gauge for measuring o o o
the pressure in gas nozzle
Gas butterfly valve
Gas pressure switch, max.
Differential air pressure switch
Ignition transformer 18
Ignition cables and electrodes
Flame sensor
Inbuilt combustion air fan with
direct-driven electric motor
Air dampers
Separate servomotor for air dampers
Pressure gauge for
fan pressure o o o
Capacity controller o
Motor contactors and thermal relays
Preheater contactors
Operating switches
Elbow 90
Double solenoid valve for
gas incl.:
- pressure switch for gas, min.
- 2 gas valves
- automatic valve proving system
- ball valve, blow-off (loose)
Gas train incl.:
- gas pressure switch, min.
- main gas valve
- gas valve, two-stage
- pressure regulator
- automatic valve proving system
- filter
- ball valve, blow-off (loose)
Solenoid valve for ignition gas

standard delivery o option

Dual fuel burners, heavy fuel oil/gas

GRP-130 M... -150 M GRP-250 M, -280 M










BURNER L2 L4 H1 H2 B2 D1 D4 R1
GRP-130 M 200 450 610 420 430 200 230 980
GRP-140 M 220 450 610 420 470 240 270 1000
GRP-150 M 230 450 750 560 470 270 300 1000

19 GRP-250 M 295 270 300
GRP-280 M 307 300 330



Capacity oil, kg/h 34 - 132 50 - 180 60 - 240 Capacity oil, kg/h 58 - 230 80 - 308
oil, kW 390 - 1500 560 - 2040 680 - 2700 oil, kW 650 - 2600 900 - 3500
gas, kW 390 - 1500 410 - 2040 450 - 2700 gas, kW 370 - 2600 500 - 3500
Fan motor Fan motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz 3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 3,0 4,0 5,5 Output kW 5,5 7,5
Current A 6,2 8,7 11,1 Current A 10,9 14,7
Speed rpm 2880 2900 2910 Speed rpm 2855 2855
Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322 LFL1.322 Control unit LFL1.322 LFL1.322
Oil hose Oil hose
connection connection
- suction R R R - suction R R
- return R R R - return R R
Oil pump TA2 TA2 TA2 Oil pump TA3 TA3
- Motor - Motor
3~ 400 V 50 Hz 3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Output kW 1,5 1,5 1,5 Output kW 1,5 1,5
Current A 3,3 3,3 3,3 Current A 3,3 3,3
Speed rpm 2870 2870 2870 Speed rpm 2870 2870
Preheater Preheater
3~ 400 V 50 Hz 3~ 400 V 50 Hz
Capacity kW 6 6 12 Capacity kW 12 12
Weight kg 167 174 198 Weight kg 233 238
Dual fuel burners, heavy fuel oil/gas


GRP-130 M...-150 M, -250 M, -280 M 1 Ball valve, blow-off

2 Pressure switch, min.
3 Double solenoid valve
4 Valve leak tester
5 Pressure switch for gas, max.
6 Solenoid valve, NC, ignition gas *)
7 Gas butterfly valve
8 Oil filter
9 Oil pump, with plug
10 Preheater
   11 Temperature regulation/lower limit
 12 Limit thermostat
    13 Pressure gauge, gauge valve
 14 Thermometer
15 Non-return valve
16 Oil regulator/servomotor

  17 Solenoid valve, NC

  18 Solenoid valve, NC
  19 Solenoid valve, NO
20 Pressure gauge, gauge valve
 21 Pressure switch for oil, max.
22 Differential air pressure switch

  23 Deaerator

24 Drilled ball valve

A Oil, inlet
B Oil, return
C Gas
*) only on request


Capacity/back pressure graphs

GRP-130 M 200-152x50
GRP-140 M 240-165x60
GRP-150 M 270-195x75
A-510B A-585E A-578E
18 18 18
16 16 16
mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )

mbar ( x100 Pa )

14 14 14
12 12 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2

300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
kW kW kW

GRP-250 M 20
GRP-280 M Natural gas: gases of 2nd family, groups
H and E (equipment category l2R)
16 16 Heavy fuel oil: 1 kg/h = 11.22 kW
mbar ( x100 Pa )
mbar ( x100 Pa )

14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
kW kW
Dual fuel burners, heavy fuel oil/gas
Scope of delivery
Burners include following equipment:

GRP-130 M...-150 M GRP-250 M, -280 M

Hinge flange with limit switch
Burner flange gasket
Oil nozzle/nozzles
Heating cartridge for oil nozzle o o
Solenoid valves for oil
Heating cartridge for solenoid valves
Oil pump with pressure regulating valve
Heating cartridge for oil pump o o
Separate motor for oil pump
Non-return valve
2 pressure gauges for oil
Pressure switch for return oil
Deaerator for oil
Electric preheater incl.:
- limit thermostat
- electronic temperature controller
- temperature sensor
2 oil hoses, length 2000 mm
Electric tracing cables for burner oil pipes o o
Electric tracing cables for oil hoses o o
Oil filter
Pressure gauge for control of inlet oil o o
Pressure switch for control of inlet oil o o
Compound regulator for regulation of
air/gas/oil ratio incl.:
- oil regulator
- servomotor
21 Potentiometer fitted in servomotor o o
Gas nozzle
Pressure gauge for measuring o o
the pressure in gas nozzle
Gas butterfly valve
Gas pressure switch, max.
Differential air pressure switch
Ignition transformer
Ignition cables and electrodes
Flame sensor
Inbuilt combustion air fan with
direct-driven electric motor
Air dampers
Pressure gauge for fan pressure o o
Control unit
Capacity controller
Motor contactors and thermal relays
Preheater contactors
Operating switches
Elbow 90
Double solenoid valve
- gas pressure switch, min.
- 2 gas valves
- automatic valve proving system
- ball valve, blow-off (loose)
Solenoid valve for ignition gas

standard delivery o option

Gas valve selection table


SIZE TYPE **) 20 mbar 30 mbar 50 mbar 100 mbar
GKP-130 H R2 MB-ZRDLE 940 1150 1480 1500 200-152x50
GP/GKP/GRP-130 M DN 50 DMV-DLE 990 1210 1500 1500 200-152x50
DN 65 DMV-D 1140 1400 1500 1500 200-152x50
DN 80 DMV-D 1230 1500 1500 1500 200-152x50
GP/GKP-140 H R2 MB-ZRDLE 1110 1360 1760 2350 240-165x60
GP/GKP/GRP-140 M DN 50 DMV-DLE 1190 1460 1890 2350 240-165x60
DN 65 DMV-D 1590 1950 2350 2350 240-165x60
DN 80 DMV-D 1870 2290 2350 2350 240-165x60
GP/GKP-150 H R2 MB-ZRDLE 1120 1370 1770 2500 270-195x75
GP/GKP/GRP-150 M DN 50 DMV-DLE 1240 1520 1970 2700 270-195x75
DN 65 DMV-D 1610 1980 2520 2700 270-195x75
DN 80 DMV-D 1910 2340 2700 2700 270-195x75


GP/GKP/GRP-250 M DN 50 DMV-D 1200 1500 2000 2600 270-195x75
DN 65 DMV-D 1800 2200 2600 2600 270-195x75
DN 80 DMV-D 2300 2600 2600 2600 270-195x75
DN 100 DMV-D 2600 2600 2600 2600 270-195x75
GP/GKP/GRP-280 M DN 50 DMV-D 1300 1600 2100 3000 300-215x75
DN 65 DMV-D 1900 2400 3100 3500 300-215x75
DN 80 DMV-D 2700 3300 3500 3500 300-215x75
DN 100 DMV-D 3200 3500 3500 3500 300-215x75
DN 125 DMV-D 3500 3500 3500 3500 300-215x75

NOTE! If the gas inlet pressure is less than 20 mbar or if the gas used is not Gas inlet pressure (Pmax) at burner
among those mentioned, evaluation must be made case-specifically. - max. 500 mbar when using DMV-D valve
*) The max. capacities shown in the table are achieved when the boiler - max. 360 mbar when using MB valve
back pressure is 0.
Natural gas 1 m3n/h 10 kW
**) or corresponding type

Gas elbow


R2 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125
GP/GKP/GRP-130150 440 435 465 505 530 580 750
GP/GKP/GRP-250280 450 - 510 560 615 665 745

Other dimensions available on special request

Burner preheater

Accurate temperature control

guarantees good combustion
In burning heavy fuel oil, the right atomising viscosity of the
oil is essential for good combustion and low combustion gas
emissions. A prerequisite for stable atomising viscosity is that
the oil temperature stays stable throughout the firing rate.



Oilon ML mass preheater keeps the oil temperature

stable even if the incoming temperature fluctuates.
On account of the construction and the electronic
regulator, the temperature of the oil flowing to the
nozzle remains stable. The burner may, depending on
the capacity and model, have one or more 6-kW heater
equipped with a safety device to guard against
overheating. The electronic regulator has an integrated
minimum temperature limiter as well; this prevents
the burner from starting if the oil is too cold.

Intake silencer Silencer

Construction Construction
The silencer is made of steel plate lined with fireproof The silencer is made of steel plate lined with fireproof
dampening wool. The silencer is connected to the burners dampening wool. This wheel-equipped silencer isolates the
suction side via a screw connection. The silencer reduces the burner from four sides. Silencer reduces the sounds
high-pitched sound produced by the air flow. produced when the burner operates.

WiseDrive 32-34, an electronic regulator for 24

controlling the fuel/air ratio


Low NOx technology for lower
combustion gas emissions

The development of the Low NOx burners increased the Oilon The high efficiency typical of Oilon burners applies to the
burner selection considerably. The greatest improvement Low NOx burners, too. With respect to the setting dimensions,
took place at the burner combustion head, where changes the outer dimensions of the burner combustion head are the
to the flow of the combustion gases enable lower NOx same as those of standard burners, so Low NOx burners are
emissions. Various tests and practical experience prove that easy to install in place of traditional Oilon burners, without
the Low NOx burners can achieve 40 to 60 % lower emission even electrical modifications. The burners are designed for
levels than traditional burners do. The carbon monoxide gases of 2nd family, groups H and E.
emissions of the Low NOx burners are also very low.

Masonry figure


1 Gasket
2 Mounting panel
3 Ceramic wool or equivalent

4 Masonry
D1, D4, L2 See burner dimension diagram




Flame dimensions Servomotor



The dimensions apply for light oil and gas. For heavy oil, the The new, advanced servomotor of the modulating burners
dimensions used must be larger. makes it possible to determine the minimum capacity of
the burner more quickly than before.
Oil supply diagram for heavy fuel oil



Gas pressure control assembly

Oilon invests in product development and
research. A modern product development
centre meeting all European standards
enables us to perform a wide range of
burning tests and accurate oil and gas

We supply burners for ships according to

classification societies, such as ABS, BV,

We participate in trade shows around the

world every year.

Mets-Pietilnkatu 1
P.O. Box 5
FI-15801 Lahti, Finland
Tel. +358 3 85 761
Fax +358 3 857 6239


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