Sizing is the process of giving a protective coating on the warp yarn to minimize yarn breakage
during weaving
Sizing is the most important operation in preparing warp yarn for weaving especially with cotton
yarn. The smallest error in sizing process may be very harmful. This may increase warp breakage rate
on the looms and consequently reduce weaving production and quality. Therefore sizing is termed
as theHeart of weaving
Warping beam
Guide roller
Feed roller
Press roller
Emmersion roller
Squeezing roller
Measuring roller
Cylinder roller
Leasing rod
Weavers beam.
Important parameters
i. Viscosity of Size Paste
The viscosity of the size paste is mainly influenced by the concentration (solid
content) and temperature of size paste. Higher concentration implies higher
viscosity. Viscosity of size paste reduces with the increase of temperature. The wet
pick-up generally increases with the increase in viscosity. Viscosity also determines
the penetration of size paste within the yarn structure. If more penetration is
desired then viscosity should be lowered and vice versa
ii. Squeezing Pressure
The squeeze pressure forces out the excess paste picked up by the warp sheet.
Besides, the pressure distributes the paste uniformly over the yarn surface and
causes size penetration within the yarn structure. Higher squeeze pressure reduces
the wet pick-up and add-on%
The bottom squeezing roller is made up of stainless steel. The top squeezing roller is having a
metallic core part which is covered with synthetic material. If the hardness of the top roller is
low, then there will be flattening of the roller. Thus the contact area increases which
effectively reduces the pressure acting at the nip zone. Therefore, the size pick-up increases.
In contrast, harder rollers give sharper nip and lower wet pick-up. The shore hardness of the
top roller is around 45.
iv. Speed of Sizing
Speed of sizing also influences the wet pick-up by the warp sheet.
Higher speed reduces the residence time of the yarn within the paste which should
reduce the wet pick-up.
Higher speed increases the drag force between the warp sheet and size paste which
should induce more flow of paste with the warp sheet.
Higher speed reduces the time of squeezing which should increase the wet pick-up.
The speed of sizing will influence the wet pick-up based on the preponderance of the
aforesaid factors. In modern sizing machine, the practical speed can be around 100 m/min.
Though machine manufactures claim that the speed can be as high as 150 m/min.
Secondary agents
Oxidising/Reducing agent
Weighting agent
Brightening agent
Anti-foaming agent
De-lustring agent
Antistatic agent
Other ingredients
TRO Turkey red oil
Calcium carbonate
Tinobal blue
Titanium oxide
Sizing may be classified into four types on the basis of size% on the yarn.
1. Light sizing : 10% - 15%
2. Pure sizing :16% - 25%
3. Medium sizing : 26% -50%
4. Heavy sizing : 50%- 100%
Warp weight (in kg) = length in meter X 1.094 X total ends / 840 X 2.204 X warp count
Size pick up% = sized warp weight unsized warp weight / unsized warp weight X 100
Weight of size = warp weight X size pick up %.