Transmission Line Parameters: Module - I
Transmission Line Parameters: Module - I
Transmission Line Parameters: Module - I
Flux Linkages:
As stated earlier, the inductance of a circuit is defined as the flux linkages per unit current.
Therefore, in order to find the inductance of a circuit, the determination of flux linkages is of
primary importance. We shall discuss two important cases of flux linkages. 1. Flux linkages due
to a single current carrying conductor. Consider a long straight cylindrical conductor of radius r
metres and carrying a current I amperes (rms) as shown in Fig.1(i). This current will set up
magnetic field. The magnetic lines of force will exist inside the conductor as well as outside the
conductor. Both these fluxes will contribute to the inductance of the conductor.
(i) Flux linkages due to internal flux
The cross section of the conductor is shown in fig 1(ii).
If (=0r) is the permeability of the conductor, then flux density at the considered point is
given by
Now, flux d through a cylindrical shell of radial thickness dx and axial length 1 m is given by
This flux links with the current Ix only. Therefore the flux linkages per unit length of the
conductor is
The external flux extends from the surface of the conductor to infinity
The flux d links all the current in the conductor once and only once.
Consider a single phase overhead line consisting of two parallel conductors A and B
spaced d metres apart as shown in Fig. Conductors A and B carry the same amount
of current (i.e. IA = IB), but in the opposite direction because one forms the return
circuit of the other.
In order to find the inductance of conductor A (or conductor B), we shall have to
consider the flux linkages with it. There will be flux linkages with conductor A due to
its own current IA and also due to the mutual inductance effect of current I B in the
conductor B.
Flux linkages with conductor A due to its own current
The radius r is that of a fictitious conductor assumed to have no internal flux but
with the same inductance as the actual conductor of radius r. The quantity e -1/4= =
07788 so that r = r e-1/4= 07788 r
The term r (= r e-1/4) is called geometric mean radius (GMR) of the conductor. Loop
inductance = 2 LA = 2 2 107 log d/r H/m Note that r = 07788 r is applicable
to only solid round conductor.
Inductance of Three phase transmission line
Fig. shows the three conductors A, B and C of a 3-phase line carrying currents I A, IB
and IC respectively. Let d1, d2 and d3 be the spacing between the conductors as
shown. Let us further assume that the loads are balanced i.e. I A + IB + IC = 0.
Consider the flux linkages with conductor A. There will be flux linkages with
conductor A due to its own current and also due to the mutual inductance effects of
IB and IC.
(ii)Unsymmetrical spacing
When 3-phase line conductors are not equidistant from each other, the conductor
spacing is said to be unsymmetrical. Under such conditions, the flux linkages and
inductance of each phase are not the same. A different inductance in each phase
results in unequal voltage drops in the three phases even if the currents in the
conductors are balanced. Therefore, the voltage at the receiving end will not be the
same for all phases. In order that voltage drops are equal in all conductors, we
generally interchange the positions of the conductors at regular intervals along the
line so that each conductor occupies the original position of every other conductor
over an equal distance. Such an exchange of positions is known as transposition.
Fig. shows the transposed line. The phase conductors are designated as A, B and C
and the positions occupied are numbered 1, 2 and 3. The effect of transposition is
that each conductor has the same average inductance.
As x approaches infinity, the value of E approaches zero. Therefore, the potential difference
between conductor A and infinity distant neutral plane is given by:
Both these potentials are w.r.t. the same neutral plane. Since the unlike charges
attract each other, the potential difference between the conductors is
This configuration, without the presence of the earth surface will produce the same
field distribution which is produced by single charge and the earth surface. Thus, for
the purpose of calculation of capacitance, the earth may be replaced by an image
charged conductor below the surface of earth by a distance same as the distance of
the actual conductor above the earth. Such a conductor has a charge equal in
magnitude but opposite in sign to that of the original conductor and is known as
image conductor.
Transmission Line Resistance
Though the contribution of line resistance to series line impedance can be
neglected in most cases, it is the main source of line power loss. Hence while
considering transmission line economy, the presence pf line resistance must be
considered. The resistance used for tha analysis of transmission line performance is
the effective(or ac) resistance.
The effective ac resistance is given by
Performance of transmission lines means the calculation of efficiency and regulation.
This involves the calculation of sending end and receiving end voltages and currents, power
flow, power factor, power loss and limits for power flow under steady and transient conditions.
Efficiency of transmission line: is defined as the ratio of power delivered at the receiving end to
the power send out at the sending end.
Voltage regulation of a transmission line: is defined as the change in receiving end voltage
when full load is thrown off, the sending end voltage remaining the same.
Every transmission line will have three basic electrical parameters. The conductors of the
line will have electrical resistance, inductance, and capacitance. As the transmission line is a set
of conductors being run from one place to another supported by transmission towers, the
parameters are distributed uniformly along the line. The electrical power is transmitted over a
transmission line with a speed of light that is 3X108 m/sec. Frequency of the power is 50 Hz.
The wave length of the voltage and current of the power can be determined by the equation given
f. = v where f is power frequency, & is wave length and v is the speed of light.
Hence the wave length of the transmitting power is quite long compared to the generally used
line length of transmission line. For this reason, the transmission line, with length less than 160
km, the parameters are assumed to be lumped and not distributed. Such lines are known as
electrically short transmission line. This electrically short transmission lines are again
categorized as short transmission line (length up to 80 km) and medium transmission line (length
between 80 and 160 km). The capacitive parameter of short transmission line is ignored whereas
in case of medium length line the, capacitance is assumed to be lumped at the middle of the line
or half of the capacitance may be considered to be lumped at each ends of the transmission line.
Lines with length more than 160 km, the parameters are considered to be distributed over the
line. This is called long transmission line.
Classification of Transmission Lines
Transmission lines are classified in to three types based on the length of the line and the
operating voltage.
1) Short transmission line the line length is up to 80 km and the operating voltage is < 20 kV.
2) Medium transmission line the line length is between 80 km to 200 km and the operating
voltage is > 20 kV and < 100kV
3) Long transmission line the line length is more than 200 km and the operating voltage is >
100 kV
Generalized Circuit Constants (ABCD Parameters) of Transmission Lines
Transmission lines can be treated as two port networks with the sending end voltage (Vs)
and current (Is) as inputs and receiving end voltage (Vr) and current (Ir) as outputs. Such a
circuit is passive, linear and bilateral.
V s =AV r + B I r
Is = C V r + D I r
Where A, B, C and D are called the generalized transmission networks constants. They are also
known as transmission line constants or auxiliary network constants.
In matrix form,
[ ]
= [ A
D ] [ ]
The matrix [ A
D ] is called the transfer matrix.
As the shunt capacitance of the line is neglected, hence sending end current and receiving end
current is same, i.e.
Is = Ir.
Vs = Vr + Ir.R.cosr + Ir X.sinr
That means,
Vs Vr + Ir.cosr+ Ir.X.sinr as it is assumed that s r
As there is no capacitance, during no load condition the current through the line is considered as
zero, hence at no load condition, receiving end voltage is the same as sending end voltage.
As per definition of voltage regulation of power transmission line,
ABCD constants for short transmission lines
Is Z Ir
Vs Vr