Working Group
December 2006
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Study Committee B2 Overhead Lines
May 2006
May 2006
During the preparation of this report, WG07 comprised the following members:
Overhead line foundations are the interlinking component between the support and the in-
situ soil and/or rock. However, unlike the other major components of an overhead line, they
are constructed wholly or partly in-situ, in a natural medium whose characteristic properties
may vary between support locations and possibly between adjacent footings. Consequently,
both the design and the subsequent performance of the foundations, and hence to a degree
that of the complete overhead line, is significantly influenced by the methods and practices
used during the installation process.
The aim of the Brochure is to provide an overview of the methods and procedures adopted
for the installation of the different types of support foundations. To achieve this overall aim,
an extensive literature review has been undertaken to identify how the influences described
above interact with the installation process.
There are many factors which potentially influence the installation of overhead line support
foundations: support type, base size and applied loadings; foundation type; geotechnical
conditions; permanent or temporary installation; primary installation, refurbishment or
upgrading of existing foundations; environmental factors, e.g. topography; resources;
constraints due to environmental impact; health and safety requirements and quality
management requirements.
Although for convenience the design of overhead line support foundations has been
considered in Cigre technical brochure 206 [Cigr 2002], there should not be any artificial
boundaries between the design and installation process, i.e. the design and installation
activities should be seamless, with a continuous exchange of information between all parties.
In addition to the obvious interaction between the design and installation process, the
interaction with respect to: environmental constraints, health and safety, quality and resource
management, must all be taken into account and continuously evaluated throughout the
design and installation process.
The serious consequences of failing to verify the assumed geotechnical design parameters
during foundation installation are shown in Figure 1.
As previously stated, the foundation design process and the foundation installation activities
cannot be considered in isolation, but are mutually dependant on each other. Section 2 of the
Brochure considers how the foundation installation activities can have an adverse effect on
the design process, taking into consideration not only changes in the actual geotechnical
conditions, but also errors or mistakes during the actual foundation installation.
For the principal types of foundations considered, the site activities that are likely to affect the
foundation design can be summarised as: failure to recognise changes in the geotechnical
conditions, inappropriate installation, concreting and backfilling techniques, and variations in
foundation dimensions.
For each of the foundation types considered an interaction diagram and associated table
detailed the relationship between the installation activities and their potential effect on the
foundation design has been prepared. A typical interaction diagram for a helical screw
anchor foundation and associated table is shown in Figure 2.
Effect on foundation
Key Parameter Installation activities
4 Actual soil/rock Change in foundation
properties or ground geotechnical design
water level encountered may affect foundation
1 and/or
5 during foundation design strength and/
excavation differs from or long term durability.
water level
G.L. design assumptions.
Failure to use correct
Installation installation torque and Reduction in anchor
torque maintain constant design strength.
6 rotational speed.
Possibly increase in
foundation design
3 Misalignment of the loading and/or
3 Alignment
anchor shaft. reduction in
foundation design
Torsional buckling
4 Downthrust Excessive downthrust.
failure of anchor shaft.
Foundation Incorrect anchor setting. Increased foundation
setting loading.
Changes in ground Reduction in
6 profile adjacent to foundation design
foundation. strength.
Section 3 of the Brochure provides an overview of accepted good practice with respect to
foundation installation, such that the adverse effects can be eliminated or at least reduced to
a minimum. Foundation installation can be considered as a series of discreet interrelated
activities, which for convenience can be divided between the pre-site activities i.e. the
activities that are undertaken prior to the commencement of the contract foundation
installation and those undertaken as part of the main works. The pre-site activities including
the preparation of foundation installation drawings, the concrete mix design, the preliminary
foundation design tests and the preparation of the foundation installation criteria schedule
which lists the type of foundation to be installed for each support location.
Of particular importance is the concrete mix design, which must ensure that the fresh
concrete has the required workability, to enable a, dense, void-free concrete to be placed,
such that the hardened concrete has the required strength and durability for the intended
service life of the foundations. Further details of the factors to be considered in achieving
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these aims are given in the Brochure, together with the effects of changing the mix
proportions on the properties of the concrete.
The main works activities encompass: setting out of the foundations, excavation including the
control of ground water, the installation of drilled shafts and piles, stub setting, concrete
production, delivery and placing, backfilling of the excavation, and site reinstatement.
Although details of all these activities are given in the Brochure, particular emphasis is
placed on the key activities, i.e. excavation, stub setting and concrete placing and
subsequent curing.
All excavations should be adequately supported on forming to ensure the stability of the
sides, prevent damage to the surrounding ground or adjacent structures and ensure the
safety of all personnel; a typical close sheeted excavation is shown in Figure 3.
To ensure the support structure can be erected without inducing additional stresses, the stub
steelwork should be accurately set within the permitted tolerance level; Figure 4 shows the
lower portion of a lattice steel tower utilized in setting the foundation stubs.
Of crucial importance in ensuring that the concrete achieves its intended service life is the
curing regime adopted after placing. The setting and hardening of cement depends on the
presence of water, drying out, if allowed to take place to soon, results in low strength and
porous concrete. The curing regime should ensure that: premature drying particularly due to
solar radiation or wind is prevented; rapid cooling does not occur in the first few days after
placing, the concrete is protected against low temperatures, high internal thermal gradients,
vibration and impacts do not occur.
Quality management
Overhead transmission line construction is undertaken effectively on a long linear site with
isolated areas of activity. Since the overhead line support foundations are installed in a
variable natural medium, quality management should form an integral part of the construction
activities. The common European Standard for the design of overhead lines requires that
>The systems and procedures, which the designer and/or installation contractor will use to
ensure that the project works comply with the project requirements, shall be defined in the
designer=s and/or installation contractor=s quality plan for the project works=. Section 4 of the
Brochure considers various aspects of the quality management activities undertaken during
the foundation design and installation, together with the associated Hold and Notification
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For simplicity the quality management requirements have been divided between pre-project
foundation installation activities and project foundation installation activities. Pre-project
foundation installation activities include the foundation design process, the concrete mix
design, the quality auditing of proposed suppliers and/or subcontractors and, the installation
and full-scale testing of any test foundations. A diagrammatic representation of this process,
together with an indication of the documentation required and the corresponding hold and
notification points is shown in Figure 5.
Suppliers Suppliers
Cement, Rebar,
Installation &
Foundation Installation
Foundation Installation Method
Design Review criteria statement
Key: Process or activity Design
Hold point
Project foundation installation activities include setting out of the foundations, verification of
the foundation geotechnical design parameters, inspection prior to concreting, concrete
placing, concrete identity tests, foundation setting dimensions, foundation proof and integrity
While this section of the Brochure mainly concentrates on the Quality Assurance activities, it
is an inherent responsibility of the installation contractor to instigate his own internal quality
control procedures and verification methods.
Foundation installation can be a hazardous operation both to the site operatives and
members of the general public, if due care and attention is not paid to the health and safety
(H&S) aspects of the work. Consequentially, there is a need to consider H&S aspects of
foundation installation activities; since the H&S legislation varies between countries, the
information contained in Section 5 of the Brochure is indicative only and is based on current
UK practice.
Within this section of the Brochure consideration is given both to the initial design
assessments and on-site risk assessments, whereby the foundation design or the installation
process are reviewed for their inherent hazards and by a process of hierarchical risk control
the risks are eliminated or at least reduced to an acceptable level. Preparation of health and
safety plans both at the pre-tender and construction phases are also considered, together
with the associated method statements and checklists.
The foundation designers should apply a hierarchy of risk control, i.e. the designers need to
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identify the hazards inherent in undertaking the construction work and where possible alter
the design to eliminate them. If the hazards cannot be removed by design changes, the
designers should minimise the risks and provide information about the risks that remain.
Information regarding these residual risks is then contained in the pre-tender health and
safety plan. Possible mitigation measures considered are the use of alternative foundation
types, which require smaller and shallower excavations and the use of driven piles on
brownfield (contaminated) sites.
Good health and safety practices can be summarised as: the adoption of good working
practices; provision of adequately trained and motivated site operatives; ensuring that design
assessments and pre-tender health and safety plans concentrate on the hazardous
operations that a competent contractor could not foresee; that for hazardous operations site
specific risk assessments and method statements are prepared; the site is kept tidy, simple
checklists are used and adequate inspections are undertaken; there is effective
communication between all parties to the work and that timely action is taken if the
assumptions made in the design regarding the ground conditions are not found on-site.
Section 6 of the Brochure deals specifically with the environmental impacts and the
associated mitigation measures related to installation of support foundations and the affect of
the access route construction on the environment.
Potential environmental impacts, which may occur, during access construction and
foundation installation activities include: increase in traffic on local roads; impact of access
tracks on the environment; disturbance of land and vegetation management; vegetation and
tree removal; noise, dust and vibrational pollution; soil erosion and pollution of water courses;
disturbance to birds and fauna and the dispersion of contaminated soil or ground water.
While it is not possible to completely remove all of the potential impacts, described above, it
is possible to at least reduce their impact and therefore to a degree, the publics and/or
landowners perception of the affect of overhead transmission line construction on the
Support sites, which are located in designated areas of importance under international
conventions or by national regulations, will require specific studies to be undertaken in
consultation with the appropriate statutory bodies. Once the studies outlined above have
been completed and depending on their outcome in terms of the environmental and
archaeological impacts, it may be necessary to prepare a site environmental plan, detailing
the mitigation measures required.
With regards to the actual design of the foundation, mention has been previously made of the
use of alternative foundation types, which may lessen the overall environmental impact.
Where foundations are located in contaminated sites, there will be a need to control the
migration of pollutants to the surrounding area and particularly aquifers, especially when
piled foundations are being considered.
As alternative to the use of existing access tracks consideration should also be given to the
use of special temporary access systems, i.e. aluminium track way panels or temporary
stone roads, (see Figure 6.1). Other potential methods of alleviating the environmental
impact are the use helicopters to transport materials, equipment and site operatives, (see
Figure 6.2). The use of helicopters may be a condition of the planning consent of the
overhead transmission line route, if the route crosses sensitive ecological areas or as an
economic alternative to the construction of long and expensive access tracks from the
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nearest public highway.
Figure 6.1 - Aluminium track way panels Figure 6.2 Transportation of concrete
by helicopter
Foundation costs
The support foundations represents between 14 and 23 percent of the total cost of an
overhead line, with an average value of 19 percent [Cigr 1991]. This average value remains
reasonably constant and is not affected by changes in the transmission line voltage, circuit
configuration and support type. Similarly, the percentage breakdown between material
supply and installation also remains reasonably constant at 65 percent to 35 percent.
The factors which have the greatest influence on the foundation cost are: the support type,
the magnitude of the applied loadings, the foundation type and the geotechnical conditions.
With respect to support foundation costs there are no universal rules that can be developed
and this to a degree is a reflection of the difference in costs in relation to different foundation
types which in itself is a reflection of the variability of the ground conditions. Other factors
which may influence the selection of foundation type and hence its cost are: environmental,
resource limitations and health and safety requirements.
The price or rate for the foundation will in addition to the factors described above, depend on
the method of measurement and payment plus the allocation of risk between the client and
the installation contractor. Details of typical methods of measurement and payment are given
in the section 7 of the Brochure.
The installation of overhead line support foundations can not be viewed in isolation but must
be considered as on going process, with a seamless transition between design and
construction, if the adverse effects outlined in section 2 of this Brochure are to be avoided.
Similarly, to ensure that the intended service life is achieved, quality management
requirements must also be integrated within the installation process. Since foundation
installation is also hazardous both to site operatives and the environment, mitigation
measures must also be considered from the outset of the project.
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Cigre [1991], >An International Survey of Component Costs of Overhead Transmission Lines=,
Cigre, Electra No.137, August 1991.
Cigre [2002], Technical Brochure No.206 >The Design of Transmission Line Support
Foundations - An Overview=, Cigre WG 22-07.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 General 1.1
1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.1
1.3 Interaction 1.2
1.4 Foundation Categories 1.4
1.4.1 General 1.4
1.4.2 Applied foundation loadings 1.6
1.5 Foundation types 1.6
1.5.1 Separate foundations 1.6
1.5.2 Anchor foundations 1.10
1.5.3 Compact foundations 1.11
1.6 Liability 1.12
7 Foundation Costs 7
7.1 General 7.1
7.2 Allocation of risk 7.1
7.3 Method of measurement and payment 7.2
7.4 Conclusions 7.3
8 Summary 8
8.1 General 8.1
8.2 Foundation design 8.2
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8.3 Interaction with the design process 8.2
8.4 Foundation installation 8.2
8.5 Quality management 8.3
8.6 Health and safety 8.3
8.7 Environmental impact and mitigation 8.3
8.8 Foundation costs 8.4
8.9 Conclusions 8.5
9 Bibliography 9
NorPower Limited for permission to reproduce Figures 3.5, 3.9 and 3.11.
AMEC Power Ltd. for permission to reproduce Figures 3A.1, 3A.2 and 3A.3;
1.1 General
Overhead line foundations are the interlinking component between the support and the in-
situ soil and/or rock. However, unlike the other major components of an overhead line, they
are constructed wholly or partly in-situ, in a natural medium whose characteristic properties
may vary between support locations and possibly between adjacent footings. Consequently,
both the design and the subsequent performance of the foundations, and hence to a degree
that of the complete overhead line, is significantly influenced by the methods and practices
used during the installation process.
This report is a guide to the methods and procedures adopted for the installation of the
common types of overhead line support foundations used in practice.
There are many factors which potentially influence the installation of overhead line support
The interaction between the primary influences, i.e. design, installation, environmental,
resources, quality and health and safety, is discussed further in section 1.3 of this report.
The aim of this report is to provide a guide/overview of the methods and procedures adopted
for the installation/construction of the different types of overhead line support foundations. To
achieve this overall aim, an extensive literature review has been undertaken to identify how
the influences described in Section 1.1 of this report interact with the installation process.
Section 2 of this report considers the influence of the installation process on the design of the
foundation, i.e. how changes in the design geotechnical conditions, use of inappropriate
installation techniques or mistakes during construction can adversely effect the foundation
design strength and/or the long term durability of the foundation and hence its design life.
The actual installation process, e.g. site access, setting out, excavation, concreting,
backfilling, etc., for various types of foundation is discussed in Section 3, while Section 4
considers the associated quality assurance issues including the quality control test
requirements both on the foundations constituent materials and the complete foundation.
Section 5 of the report considers the health and safety issues related to the foundation
installation process
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The environmental impacts of the foundation installation process together with possible
mitigation measures are discussed in Section 6; while, Section 7 provides a brief review of
the relative cost of the foundation and the associated foundation price and the factors which
influence them. An overall summary of the report is given in Section 8 and Section 9
contains a comprehensive bibliography.
For details of the life cycle assessment for overhead line foundations, reference should be
made to Cigr Technical Brochure No. 265 [Cigr 2004].
1.3 Interaction
Although for convenience the design and installation of overhead line support foundations
have been considered in two separate Cigre technical brochures, there should not be any
artificial boundaries between the design and installation process, i.e. the design and
installation activities should be seamless, with a continuous exchange of information
between all parties, e.g. the client, the foundation designer and the installation contractor. In
addition to the obvious interaction between the design and installation process, the
interaction with respect to: environmental constraints, site access, health and safety, quality
and resource management, must all be taken into account and continuously evaluated
throughout the design and installation process. The overall interaction is shown
diagrammatically in Figure 1.1, while a detailed diagrammatic representation of the
foundation design and installation process is shown in Figure 1.2.
Design Resources
Installation Quality
As stated above, good communications between the respective parties to contract, i.e. the
client, the clients representatives, the foundation designers and the installation contractor
form an essential part of the overall design and installation process and will have a marked
influence on the successful outcome of the project, in terms of quality, safety and the
environmental impact.
The client and/or his representatives should ensure that their technical requirements are
clearly stated in the specification and that for any work on existing support foundations the
existing foundation drawings, calculations and associated health and safety information (pre-
tender health and safety plan) are made available at the earliest opportunity to both the
foundation designers and the installation contractor.
The foundation designers should ensure that all the information used in the design and
especially any assumptions made regarding the installation contractors method of working
are made available to the client, the clients representative and the foundation installation
contractor. The information should include the foundation design calculations, installation
drawings, the geotechnical report and the initial design risk assessment.
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The foundation installation contractor should ensure that all the appropriate information is
considered in the preparation of his construction health and safety plan, site risk assessment
and proposed foundation installation method statements. Critically, the foundation installation
contractors site staff and operatives should ensure that if there are any changes in the
ground conditions from those assumed in the foundation design, e.g. variations in ground
water level or soil properties, the foundation designers are immediately informed and, if
necessary, work on-site suspended until a reassessment of the design has been made and,
if appropriate, a revision to the method statement undertaken.
The serious consequences of failing to verify the assumed geotechnical design parameters
during foundation installation are shown in Figure 1.3; which emphasis the need for effective
communications between the foundation designer and the installation contractor.
For specific details of the foundation design process, reference should be made to Cigr
Technical Brochure No.206 [Cigr 2002].
Labour &
plant resources
Material resources
Third party Access & site Material Plant & labour
constraints requirements quantities resources
Access & site Health & safety
development requirements
constraints &
Foundation Q.C. & Q.A.
installation requirements
1.4.1 General
For simplicity three basic categories of foundation are considered in this report, i.e. spread,
anchor and compact foundations. The use of any particular category of foundation, and
specifically an individual foundation type, will depend to a degree on both the support type
and the geotechnical conditions present. This subsection of the report considers the
relationship between the support type and foundation category, and between the foundation
type and the geotechnical conditions: the geotechnical conditions influencing both the
foundation design and the foundation installation. A diagrammatic representation depicting
the relationships between the support type, the basic foundation category, the foundation
type and the geotechnical conditions, is shown in Figure 1.4.
Uplift Foundations
Monoblock Drilled Shaft Direct Raft Pad or Pyramid Steel Drilled Helical Screw
Embedded & Chimney Grillage Shaft
(Normal soil)
Pile Raft
(Weak soil)
Displacement Non-Displacement
Figure 1.4 Diagrammatic Representation of Interrelationship between Support Type and Principal Foundation Category
May 2006
Note: Weak Soil defined as soil with an SPT value of less than 10 blows per 300 mm, or an undrained shear strength of less than 35 kN/m 2
1.4.2 Applied foundation loadings
Prior to describing the various foundation types, a resume of the principal support types and
their primary applied foundation loadings is given below:
b) HFrame supports
HFrame supports are basically structurally indeterminate. The foundation loads may be
determined either by making assumptions that result in a structurally determinate structure,
or by using computerised stiffness matrix methods. The foundation loads for H-frame
supports consist of overturning moments in association with relatively small horizontal,
vertical forces and torsional moments. If the connection between the supports and
foundations are designed as pins or universal joints, theoretically, the moments acting upon
the foundations will be zero.
Separate foundations may be defined as those specifically designed to withstand the loads
transmitted by each leg of a support. Generally, separate foundations are used for lattice
towers or H-frame structures when the face width exceeds 3 m, provided that the
geotechnical conditions are suitable, or where there are no specific requirements to limit the
differential settlement between adjacent foundations. The connection between the leg of the
support and the foundation is normally provided by stubs encased in the foundations or by
the use of anchor bolts.
Under the classification separate, the following types of foundations have been considered:
a) Spread footings
Spread footings considered in this report are: concrete pad and chimney foundations
including stepped block foundations, concrete pyramid and chimney including normal non
reinforced concrete pyramids, shallow reinforced pyramids and pyramids with extended
Excavation pad if
line for required Included Extended
undercut angle 45 Pad
- 70 deg.
Included Grillage
angle Bearers
25 deg.
For broad base lattice towers drilled shafts may be installed vertically or inclined along the
hip slope of the leg as shown in Figure 1.7. The shaft shear load is greatly reduced for drilled
shafts inclined along the tower leg hip slope. For H-frame supports the shaft would be
installed vertically.
Under-reaming of the base can be undertaken in non-caving soils to increase both the
bearing and uplift capacities of the drilled shaft.
Hip slope
Vertical Inclined
c) Piled foundations
Pile foundations can comprise either a single pile or a group of piles connected at or just
below ground level by a reinforced concrete cap, i.e. a piled foundation.
Piles may be classified as driven (displacement) where the soil is moved radially as the pile
enters the ground, or bored (non-displacement) when little disturbance is caused to the soil
as the pile is installed. Driven displacement piles may comprise a totally preformed section
from steel, pre-cast concrete or timber. Alternatively, where hollow steel or pre-cast concrete
sections are used these are normally subsequently filled with concrete, or for steel H-
sections post grouted. Non-displacement piles are cast-in-situ using either concrete or grout;
the pile section is formed by boring or drilling.
Typical driven pre-cast concrete and steel tube piles, and bored and continuous flight auger
piles are shown in Figure 1.8.
Micropiles are defined as non-displacement piles with a diameter of 300 mm or less and for
the purpose of this report have been included within the section related to anchors and
anchor foundations.
Anchors may be used to provide tension resistance for guys of any type of guyed support
and to provide additional uplift resistance to spread footing type foundations in which case
various types of anchors can be used.
a) Ground anchors
Ground anchors and micropiles consist of a steel tendon (either reinforcing steel, wire or
steel cable) placed into a hole drilled into rock or soil which is subsequently filled with a
cement or resin based grout usually under pressure (Figure 1.9a)
Ground anchors can be grouped together in an array and connected by a concrete cap at or
below ground level to form a spread footing anchor foundation (Figure 1.9b).
b) Block anchors
Block anchors comprise a pad and chimney spread type footing whereby the concrete is cast
directly against the face of the excavation possibly with an undercut at the base (Figure
Ground Rock
Tendon Anchors or
Anchor rod
Helical Screw Anchor Helical Srew Anchor Foundation Deadman / Spread Plate Anchor
(1.9d) (1.9e) (1.9f)
Compact foundations have been defined as those specifically designed to resist the applied
overturning moment from the support. Generally this type of foundation is used for single
poles, for lattice towers with narrow base widths (less than 3 m) and for H-frame supports
with a predominant moment loading. In addition, they may be used to replace separate
footings for wide base lattice towers when there is a specific need to limit the differential
settlement between adjacent footings, i.e. raft foundations. The connection between the
support and the foundation is normally provided by anchor bolts, by a section of the pole
directly encased in the foundation, or by stubs encased in the foundation.
Under the classification of compact, the following types of foundations have been
considered: Monoblock, Drilled shaft, Direct Embedded Pole, Raft and Piled. Both drilled
shaft and piled foundations for compact foundations are similar to those described for
separate foundations.
a) Monoblocks
Concrete monoblock foundations in their simplest form, comprises a cast-in-situ reinforced
concrete block. A typical one for a single pole is shown in Figure 1.10a. A monoblock
foundation for a narrow base width tower is shown in Figure 1.10b; alternatively they can be
cast in-situ using prefabricated formwork or pre-cast, Figure 1.10c.
b) Direct embedment
Originally used for the direct embedment of relatively lightly loaded wood poles, this type of
foundation is now also used for steel and concrete poles subjected to high overturning
moments. However, for steel and concrete poles the size of the excavation, the type of
backfill material, e.g. imported granular or weak mix concrete and the compaction of the
backfill material are carefully controlled.
c) Raft foundations
Under the general classification of raft foundations, the following types of foundations have
been considered: concrete raft foundations and steel grillage raft foundations.
Steel grillage raft foundations as shown in Figure 1.11b, are normally only used for narrow
base lattice steel towers, and basically consist of steel angle section grillage members which
are connected to two steel angle or channel section bearers orientated at 90E to the grillage
members. Depending on the fabrication process used, the grillage members are either bolted
to, or slotted in the bearers. In the latter case it is common practice to spot weld the grillage
members to the bearers prior to installation. The connection of the grillage to the support is
by means of an extension of the tower body.
G.L. G.L.
Figure 1.12 Reinforced concrete raft (slab) foundation for a 110 kV lattice steel tower
1.6 Liability
This report is not intended to be a standard nor a textbook but only a guide to good practice.
The material presented has been collected from a number of sources and is based on
recognized engineering practices. The information contained in this report should not be
used without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitability and application for
any general or specific use. This is especially important in respect of complying with any
statutory requirements relating to health and safety and/or the environment.
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2 Interaction with the Design Process
2.1 General
The foundation design process and the foundation installation activities cannot be considered
in isolation, but are mutually dependant on each other. This section of the report considers
how the foundation installation activities can have an adverse effect on the design process,
taking into consideration not only changes in the actual geotechnical conditions, but also
errors or mistakes during the actual foundation installation.
Although environmental and third party constraints and the effect of resource constraints can
influence both the foundation design process and the foundation installation activities, these
have been dealt with separately.
For simplicity, the interaction has been considered for each major type of foundation
Spread footings as previously stated in section 1.5; include concrete pad and chimney
foundations, concrete pyramid foundations and steel grillage foundations. To illustrate how
the foundation installation activities interact with the foundation design process a composite
concrete pad/pyramid and chimney foundation is shown in Figure 2.1.
9 4
Excavation Reinforcement
5 Concrete
8 6 3A
6A Blinding
2 2A 7
Detailed in Table 2.1 are the relevant construction activities and the affect they have on the
C:\CIGRE\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section2_Final 2.1 May 2006
overall foundation design:
Table 2.1 Interaction installation activities and foundation design Spread footings
In addition, to the parameter outlined in Table 2.1, the following additional considerations are
also applicable in respect of spread footings:
< Key 3 Backfill, failure to adequately compact the backfill may also result in either ponding
of rainwater above the foundation or a change in backfill densities from dry to partially or
fully saturated, both likely to result in a potential reduction in the foundation design
strength and /or long term durability;
< Key 3A Undercut, failure to provide an undercut, or failure to cast the foundation directly
against the side of the excavation for a specified height, will again alter the basic design
principles of the foundation uplift resistance;
< Key 5 and 6A Foundation dimensions and Stub cover, failure to install the foundation at
the correct depth could either result in the stub cleats being located in foundation chimney
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and not in pyramid/pad (as required) if the foundation is set too deep, or the stub may
project below the base of the foundation with insufficient punching shear resistance for the
cleats and without the required concrete cover to the embedded steel, if the foundation is
set shallower than required.
< With respect to spread foundations in rock, formed foundations, i.e. those cast in
formwork should not be used without additional anchoring to the rock, because under
uplift conditions there is effectively no shear resistance developed between the backfill
material and the sides of the rock excavation.
< Although not shown in the Figure 2.1, the failure to adequately restore any in-situ drainage
or, if appropriate, to improve the overall site drainage during the reinstatement activities
could lead to the foundation excavation acting as a sump, with the consequential
reduction in both the soil strength properties and the foundation strength.
Similar construction activities would also be applicable for both non-reinforced concrete
stepped block foundations and steel grillage foundations. For the former, key points 1, 2, 2A,
3, 3B, 4, 5, 5A, 6A, 7, 8 and 9 would apply, while for the latter, key points 1, 2, 3, 3B, 4 and
5A would apply and, if appropriate, the failure to provide a non-cohesive bedding layer.
Within the overall category of separate foundations are drilled shaft or augered foundations,
which essentially consist of cylindrical excavations with or without an under-ream (bell)
formed by a power auger and subsequently filled with reinforced concrete. To illustrate how
the foundation installation activities interact with the foundation design process a composite
drilled shaft (with and without an under-ream) is shown in Figure 2.3.
If short, relatively shallow, drilled shaft foundations are installed with the stub projecting to
the base of the foundation, then reference should be made to section 2.2.1 regarding the
location of the stub relative to the base of the foundation. In addition, failure to adequately
restore any in-situ drainage or, if appropriate, to improve the overall site drainage during the
reinstatement activities could lead to a change in the soil properties and a consequential
reduction in the foundation strength.
G. L.
Temporary / permanent
3A 4
5 2
3 1
9 6
Under-ream 10
7 5
Table 2.2 Interaction installation activities and foundation design drilled shafts
Figure 2.4 Drilled shaft foundations failure to adequately remove all of excavation
material during concrete placing (Key 7 & 10)
Although, piled foundations are included in the general category of both separate and
compact foundations, for simplicity they have been included in this section of the report. Pile
foundations can either comprise a single pile or a group of piles connected at or just below
ground level by a reinforced concrete cap, i.e. a piled foundation.
The following types of piles have been considered in this section of the report:
Bored piles can be constructed dry employing temporary casing to seal the pile bore
through water-bearing or unstable strata overlying suitable stable material. Upon reaching
the design depth a reinforcing cage is introduced, and concrete is placed in the bore to the
required level. The casing is then withdrawn. Wet boring also employs a temporary casing
through unstable ground and is used when the pile bore cannot be sealed against water
ingress. Boring is then undertaken using a digging bucket to drill through the underlying soils
to the design depth. The reinforcing cage is lowered into the bore and the concrete placed by
tremie pipe and subsequent removal of the temporary casing. In some cases there may be a
need to employ drilling fluids to maintain a stable shaft.
Continuous flight auger piles (CFA-pile) are formed by screwing a continuous auger into the
ground to the required depth. Concrete is then pumped under pressure down the hollow
stem of the auger to the bottom of the bore. Once pumping starts the auger is progressively
withdrawn bringing the excavated soil to the surface. Once the auger is finally removed the
reinforcement is placed in the concrete pile.
Pre-cast reinforced piles are normally manufactured off-site, the use of mechanical
interlocking joints means that the individual units can be rapidly coupled together during the
Steel bearing piles can either H-section or tubular steel piles, the latter now being extensively
used for overhead transmission line support foundations. Prefabricated stub connectors can
be cast into the top of the tubes for direct connection of the tower leg.
Although, timber piles have been used previously for transmission line support foundations,
their current use is not extensive and as such they have not been included in this report.
Because of the variety of pile types considered and the fact that the piles can be installed
singularly or in a group, it has not been possible to produce a piled foundation interaction
diagram; consequentially, only a review of the installation activities and their affect on the
overall foundation design is given in Table 2.3.
Note: The following key has been used to identify the different piles types, B - Bored cast
in-situ, C - Continuous flight auger, D - Driven cast-in-place, P Pre-cast reinforced
and pre-cast reinforced concrete segmental piles and S - Steel bearing piles.
Unless noted otherwise, details pertaining to the use of bored cast in-situ piles are covered in
the preceding subjection for drilled shaft foundations.
Where pile caps and ground (tie) beams are required, the interaction between the
construction activities and the design process will be similar to that described in section 2.2.1
for spread footings. In particular, key points 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 9 will apply.
For pile caps and/or ground beams constructed above ground level, additional interaction
between the strength of the formwork and the overall foundation design will also apply.
Since there are a variety of different types of micropiles and ground anchors and
corresponding installation techniques, the parameters identified in figure 2.5 and described in
Table 2.4, have been generalised and may not be applicable to a specific type and/or
method of installation. The parameters described in the following table are equally applicable
to ground anchors.
casing 4
Grout Tendon
7 1
8 8A
Table 2.4 Interaction installation activities and foundation design micropile &
ground anchors
For details with respect to the micropile and ground anchor caps, reference should be made
section 2.2.3.
For details of the interaction between installation activities and the foundation design strength
for block anchors, reference should be made to section 2.2.1 for spread footings.
Although helical screw anchors are relatively simple to install, there are a number of key
installation activities which have a direct influence on the foundation design strength; these
are shown diagrammatically in Figure 2.6 and described in Table 2.5.
If multiple helical screw anchors are interconnected with a reinforced concrete cap, similar
interactions to those described in section 2.2.3 for pile caps would apply.
Deadman and spread plate anchors can be used as alternative to helical screw anchors,
especially in soils which contain boulders. A diagrammatic representation of the interaction
between the installation activities and the foundation design is shown in Figure 2.7 and
described in Table 2.6
8 2
6 Anchor rod
Installation slot
Anchor block
2.4.1 General
The interaction between the installation activities and the foundation design process for both
monoblock and raft foundations is similar to that described for spread footings, and reference
should be made to sections 2.2.1. For raft foundations constructed above ground level,
additional interaction between the strength of the formwork and the overall foundation design
will also apply.
For drilled shafts and piles used as compact foundations, similar interactions to those
described in sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, respectively will apply.
The installation activities associated with the direct embedment of monopoles are similar in
certain respects to those for drilled shaft foundations; the major difference is the absence of
concrete and the presence of a backfill material. Both the width of the annulus between the
pole and the surrounding soil/rock and the degree of compaction of the backfill will have a
major influence on the foundation design strength. In addition, the key points 1, 2, 3, 3A, 5
and 7 for drilled shaft foundations, will also apply.
2.5 Conclusions
This section of the report has considered how the foundation installation activities can
potentially influence both foundation design strength and its long term durability. For the
principal types of foundations considered, the site activities that likely affect foundations can
be summarised as:
The consequences of these failings in the foundation installation activities has been shown in
Figure 1.3, but in a less dramatic manner in figure 2.8, which illustrates the reduction in the
long term durability of the foundation due to a failure to provide an adequate construction
joint between the foundation and muff concrete.
Section 3 of the report outlines the recommended site installation methods and procedures
that should be employed to ensure that the deficiencies described in this section of the report
do not occur.
3.1 General
The previous section of this report has considered how the foundation design can be
adversely influenced both by changes in the geotechnical properties and the use of
inappropriate foundation installation techniques. This section of the report provides an
overview of accepted good practice with respect to foundation installation, such that the
adverse effects can be eliminated or at least reduced to a minimum.
Foundation Geotechnical Programme &
& 3rd Party
Design Investigation Resources
Pre-site Formwork Concrete mix Access
activities Drawings design development
Setting up
Setting out Excavation or Concreting &
Stub setting Backfilling
primary installation curing
& Stub fixing
Setting up
Setting out Concreting &
Excavation Stub setting Backfilling
secondary curing
& Stub fixing
proof tests
Note: Primary activities refer to main foundation installation, i.e. for piled foundations the
installation of the piles themselves, while the secondary activities refer to the
construction of the pile cap.
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.1 May 2006
3rd Parties include Landowners, Grantors, Regulatory Agencies, etc.
This section of the report does not cover the specific requirements for foundation installation
in areas subject to mining subsidence caused by the extracting of coal and other minerals by
shallow, deep or opencast mining. For details of procedures to be adopted reference should
be made to CIRIA Report 32 [CIRIA 1984] and to Jones, Deal and Paisley [1988].
For details of the quality control and quality assurance, and health and safety activities
associated with foundation installation, reference should be made to sections 4 and 5 of this
report respectively.
3.2.1 General
For the purpose of this report, pre-site activities are defined below and assume that the
foundation design and associated geotechnical investigation have already been undertaken,
that any client, environmental and/or third party constraints have been considered and the
requirements of both the programme and financial budgets have been taken into account.
Although, not stated above, it is assumed that all materials, installation plant/equipment and
personnel, site offices/welfare facilities and stores are available.
For the reinforcement bar bending and cutting schedule, care should be taken to ensure that
both bending and cutting tolerances are taken into consideration when determining the
overall bar length and that the specified concrete cover is not infringed. The clear spacing
between the reinforcement should take into consideration both the maximum aggregate size
and the diameter of the vibrator. In addition, the location of concrete spacers, especially
chairs to support the upper layers of reinforcement, should be clearly shown on the
foundation construction drawing.
b) Formwork
The following parameters should be considered in the design of formwork:
< The formwork should be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent the loss of grout or mortar
from the fresh concrete;
< The formwork and its supports should maintain their correct position and ensure the
correct shape and profile of the concrete;
< The design of the formwork should take into account any safety considerations applicable,
including manual handling;
< The formwork should be capable of being dismantled and removed from the cast concrete
without shock, disturbance or damage;
If standard foundations are required for a specific geotechnical condition for a range of
different support types, e.g. suspension, light, medium and heavy angle, and terminal,
normal UK practice is to undertake the design and manufacture of a standard range of steel
formwork (shutters). The key requirement is to achieve the highest interchangeability
between different support types, without compromising the foundation design. A typical steel
shuttering general arrangement drawing is shown in Figure 3A.4 and the actual shutters in
Figure 3.10; an alternative arrangement using disposal shuttering is shown in Figure 3.11.
The use of timber formwork is shown in Figures 3A.11 and 3A.12.
a) General
The primary objective of the concrete mix design is to ensure that the fresh concrete has the
required workability, to enable a dense, void-free, concrete to be placed such that the
hardened concrete has the required strength and durability for the intended service life of the
foundation. For the majority of overhead line support foundations, the durability of the
concrete and not the strength is the key requirement.
To achieve these aims, the concrete mix design, should take into account the following
< The design strength in terms of the 28-day characteristic strength, strength grade or
compressive strength grade;
< The durability required, taking into consideration the intended service life of the
foundation, the chemical aggressiveness of the surrounding soil or ground water (static or
mobile), whether the site is a greenfield or a brownfield location and whether the concrete
is prone to freeze-thaw attack;
< The workability required, taking into consideration the delivery time to site from the
batching plant, the proposed method of transporting and placing the concrete, the method
of compaction, environmental conditions, e.g. cold or hot weather, etc.;
< The type of cement available and whether a combined cement, e.g. Portland cement
combined with pulverised fly ash (pfa) or ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs), can
be used,
< The type and size of the coarse aggregate, taking into account the proposed method of
placing, e.g. rounded aggregates are preferred for concrete placed by tremie or pumping,
the clear spacing between reinforcement and the diameter of the concrete vibrator;
< The permitted use of admixtures;
< Whether a design mix or a standardised mix in accordance with a national standard is
< The relevant requirements of the clients technical specification and/or
national/international standards;
< Whether the concrete is going to be supplied from an external ready-mix supplier or
batched on-site;
< Whether the external supplier is accredited to an approved quality assurance scheme;
< For site batched concrete, the source and types of aggregates and the quality of water.
Note: A brownfield site is defined as a site or part of a site that has been subject to industrial
development, storage of chemicals or deposition of waste, and which may contain
aggressive chemicals in residual surface materials or ground penetrated by leachates.
[BRE 2001]
Similar details to those listed above will also need to be considered in respect of the design
of cementious grouts for anchor foundations.
With regards to durability, the concrete and especially the cover to the reinforcement
undertakes a series of functions, i.e.:
< Provides a high alkaline environment which passivates the reinforcement, thereby
inhibiting corrosion;
< Provides a low permeability physical barrier (of sufficient depth) to the chemical agents
that would otherwise promote corrosion in embedded steel items, e.g. chloride attack on
concrete reinforcement;
< Forms an outer shell to protect the foundation from physical attack, e.g. freeze-thaw
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.4 May 2006
The achievement of the desired level of durability requires the correct cover to the
reinforcement, the appropriate concrete mix, good compaction (i.e. reduction of voids and
low permeability), correct curing, and possibly the use of admixtures in appropriate
applications and quantities.
The effect of altering (increasing) the proportions and/or properties of the concrete mix
constituents, i.e. cement, aggregates and water, on the workability, cohesiveness and
stiffening time of the mix, are shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 - Effect of increasing the proportions and/or properties of the mix
Notes: * Stiffening time is time beyond which reworking the concrete would be detrimental.
Details taken from Table 4.6 of CIRIA report R165 [CIRIA 1977a].
For further information reference should be made to the appropriate standards, e.g. EN 206-
1 [BSI 2000a], BS 8500 [BSI 2002]. Reference should also be made to section 3.6 of this
report, for specific requirements for concrete mixes for drilled shaft foundations and piles.
Concrete can also suffer from internal degradation from alkali-aggregate reaction, normally in
the form of alkali-silica reaction, for further details reference should be made to BS 8500 [BSI
c) Combined cements
Portland cement combined with either pfa or ggbs can provide adequate protection against
sulfate attack and enhanced protection against chloride attack, and these combinations are
suitable alternatives to Sulfate-resisting Portland cement, when this is not available. Care
should be taken when using a ggbs combination due to its slower rate of gain of strength and
tendency to bleed more than concrete made from Portland cement.
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.5 May 2006
d) Admixtures
Admixtures are a useful way of modifying or improving the concrete mix in respect of the
workability or durability. All admixtures should be used in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions, especially where multiple admixtures are used in combination for their
compatibility and in accordance with the relevant standard, e.g. EN 934 [BSI 2001a]. The
range of admixtures available includes: accelerators, retarders, air-entraining agents, water
reducers, plasticisers and pumping aids.
< Accelerators reduce the setting/stiffening time and increase the rate of strength gain;
< Retarders retains workability thereby offsetting the effects of high ambient
temperatures, slower/strength time response and hence prevention of
cold joints between pours;
< Air-entraining increase the durability of concrete to resist freeze-thaw attack;
agents however, the use of this admixture can cause a reduction in the
concrete strength and may require a change in the mix design;
< Water reducers higher workability for a given water content hence denser concrete,
& plasticisers higher strength for a reduced water content at a maintained workability
therefore stronger concrete, same strength at a reduced cement
content whilst maintaining the same w/c ratio hence lower permeability;
< Superplasticisers very high workability at given water content thereby assisting placing in
difficult situations, time and energy saving no compaction necessary,
non-shrink/non-bleed grouts.
The effect of altering (increasing) the admixture proportions on the workability, cohesiveness
and stiffening time of the concrete mix are shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 - Effect of increasing the admixture proportions on the mix properties
Admixture Effect on
Workability Cohesiveness Stiffening time
Accelerators N/A N/A Reduce
Retarders N/A N/A Increase
Water reducers / plasticisers Increase Increase N/A
Air-entrainer Increase Increase N/A
Superplasticisers Increase Increase N/A
Pumping aids Increase Increase N/A
For further details regarding concrete technology for cast in-situ foundations, reference
should be made CIRIA Report C569 [CIRIA 2002b].
Full-scale foundation design tests are normally undertaken in advance of the main site
activities and are usually carried out on specially installed foundations, with one or more of
the following objectives:
A typical full-scale foundation uplift loading test arrangement is shown in Figure 3.2. For
further details regarding full-scale foundation design requirements, reference should be
made to IEC 61773 [IEC 1996] and Cigre Brochure No. 81 [Cigre 1994].
Foundation installation criteria are detailed in a schedule which categorises for each support
location, the soil and/or rock type, ground water level, the type of foundation to be installed
and the concrete mix to be used. The schedule is prepared by the foundation designer and
should demonstrate the basis for the selection, taking into account the following items:
Prior to commencing any work on-site apart from site clearing, main and auxiliary line pegs
both transverse and longitudinal to the direction of the overhead line should be established,
such that, the centre peg of the support can be re-established, if necessary. The pins used,
should be of steel with a minimum length of 300 mm and a minimum diameter of 12 mm,
located outside the proposed area of working and driven to ground level.
Pins used for marking out the foundation excavation should be of a similar type. Setting out
pins for piles should be similar and for raking piles due account should be taken of the
horizontal offset required, to allow for any difference in elevation between the piling platform
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.7 May 2006
and the cut-off level of the pile. In addition, for raking piles an alignment pin will be required
to indicate the direction of the rake. If appropriate, the pins should be clearly tagged with the
pile reference number.
Permitted installation tolerances for piles are given in both EN 1536 [BSI 2000b] and the
Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls [ICE 1996].
3.4 Excavation
Unless the excavation is battered or stepped, excavations in non-cohesive loose sand and
gravel, soft clays and silts will require close sheeting to prevent ground movement. The use
of steel trench sheeting or timber boards driven prior to excavation commencing may be
necessary in many cases. For details of safe slope angles for battered back sides of
excavations reference should be made to HSG185 [HSE 1999]. Typical excavations with
side support are shown in Figures 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.
G. L. Timber or steel
Close sheeting
Puncheons plates
Open sheeting Base of excavation
Note: Safety barriers and/or guard rails, stop blocks omitted for clarity.
Excavations in cohesive soil and weak rock may stand unsupported; however, there is
always a risk that excavations in these ground conditions will collapse without warning.
Cohesive stiff or very stiff clays may be adequately supported by open trench sheeting where
alternate sheets/boards are omitted. Care is necessary when excavating rock which may
fracture, to ensure that loose blocks do not fall from the excavation face.
The risk of the collapse of the excavation side is influenced by the following factors:
Excavated material suitable for reuse as a backfill should be stored within the working area,
but in such a location so as not to cause an increase in loading (surcharge) on the face of the
excavation (minimum distance from excavation face of 1.5 m or the depth of the excavation,
if greater). Excavated top soil should be stored separately.
For excavation in cohesive soil, the final 150 mm above the formation level should only be
removed prior to placing the blinding concrete, thereby preventing softening of the exposed
formation layer. Normal practice is to use a concrete blinding layer 75 mm thick, although in
chemically aggressive soils it may be necessary to use an impermeable membrane between
the blinding concrete and the soil. Similar requirements may be required for certain weak
rocks that deteriorate due to the presence of moisture, e.g. uncemented mudstones.
No water should be permitted to accumulate in the excavation; any water arising from the
excavation or draining into it, should be drained to an approved location, clear of the
excavation area and in a manner that does not cause erosion, silting or contamination of
existing drains and watercourses. Adequate steps should be taken to prevent the adjacent
ground being adversely affected by the loss of fines in any groundwater control process. The
water removal system may include conventional pumping from a sump in the corner of the
excavation or alternatively in soils with a high permeability using well pointing de-watering
techniques. For further details regarding groundwater lowering, e.g. de-watering, reference
should be made to BS 8004 [BSI 1984]. The design of the groundwater control system
should ensure that any upward flow of water is not sufficient to cause piping at the base of
the excavation, whereby the soil cannot support any vertical load.
3.5 Reinforcement
The necessity for adequate concrete cover has been previously discussed in section 3.2.3
with respect to the overall durability of the foundation. With regards to the storage, cutting,
bending, fixing and site bending of the reinforcement, the following points should be taken
into consideration:
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.10 May 2006
< All reinforcement should be adequately stored to prevent contamination or damage.
< Cutting and bending should be undertaken in accordance with the appropriate standard,
e.g. BS 8666 [BSI 2000c] and should be clearly identified with securely fixed durable tags.
< The welding of reinforcement cages or the welding of handling steelwork to the cage
should be undertaken in accordance with appropriate standards. Care should be taken to
ensure that the reinforcement is of weldable quality.
< The reinforcement should be property supported and maintained in position by the
adequate use of chairs, concrete block spacers, plastic wheel spacers and tying wire (see
Figures 3.7, 3.8, 3A.7 and 3A.8).
BS 7973 [BSI 2001b], requires that spacers and chairs for horizontal mat reinforcement,
e.g. for pile caps should be spaced at 50 x reinforcement diameter, but not exceeding
1000 mm and should be staggered in plan. Similarly, spacers for vertical reinforcement
should be positioned at similar spacings.
< The reinforcement should be free of all loose rust, scale or contamination of any kind.
< Site bending of reinforcement, or bending and subsequent straightening of reinforcing
bars projecting from existing concrete, should be undertaken at a reinforcing bar
temperature greater than 6C and in accordance with recognised practices.
< Where heating is required, the heat should be applied as uniformly as possible over a
length of bar equal to 10 x reinforcement diameter. The centre of the heated length should
be at the centre of the completed bend. The temperature should be maintained constant
during bending and straightening operations and should not exceed 100C. Temperature
measuring crayons or a contact pyrometer should be used to determine the temperature.
Care should be taken to prevent quenching of the heated bars either by application of
water, or by a high volume of air.
< Straightened bars should be visually inspected before and after straightening to determine
whether they are cracked or otherwise damaged.
Where possible the site bending of reinforcement should be avoided by the use of bar
For further details regarding the care and treatment of steel reinforcement on site, reference
should be made to CIRIA Report 147 [CIRIA 1995]. ISO 14654 [BSI 1999] contains
guidelines on site practice with respect to the use of epoxy-coated steel reinforcement.
To avoid the problems and their effect on the foundation design outlined in section 2 of this
report, all drilled shaft foundations and piles should be installed in accordance with the
appropriate standards or recognized codes of practice.
To avoid the problems and their effect on the foundation design outlined in section 2 of this
report, all micropiles and ground anchors should be installed in accordance with the
appropriate standards or recognized codes of practice.
For a general introduction on the use of micropiles for overhead line support foundations,
reference should be made to Cigre Brochure 281 [Cigre 2005].
The key points for consideration in respect of stub setting or holding down bolt assemblies
< Stubs should be held firmly in position by a stub setting template (see Figures 3.9 and
3.14) or other device including the bottom panel of a tower (see Figure 3.10), while the
concrete is placed.
< The support should be maintained until backfilling of the foundation is complete, or for
drilled shaft, anchor and pile caps, compact and raft foundations until a minimum period of
48 hours have elapsed after concreting.
< Where individual templates are used (i.e. per footing), as opposed to an overall frame
template, additional care should be taken to ensure the stub setting dimensions and the
level, rake and orientation of the stubs are correct and within any specified setting
< Where the lower section of the support is used, as an alternative to a stub setting
template, adequate measures should be taken to ensure the stability of the support;
< When large heavy stubs are used, care should be taken to ensure the effect of the
suspended stubs does not cause the stub setting template to distort. The use of concrete
blocks to support the lower end of the stub and assist in the leveling of the stubs will
overcome this. Where concrete blocks are used, they should have similar strength and
durability to the surrounding concrete;
< Where holding bolt assemblies are used for separate foundations, setting templates
should be used and retained in position for a minimum of 48 hours after concreting.
3.9.1 General
The following recommendations with respect to the production, delivery both to and on site,
and placing are for guidance only and reference should be made to the applicable standards,
e.g. BS 5328 Part 3 [BSI 1990a], EN 206-1 [BSI 2000a], BS 8500 [BSI 2002], for specific
a) Material storage
The key requirements for material storage are:
< Provision of separate storage for cement, ggbs, pfa and each nominal size and type of
< Silos used for bulk storage of cement, ggbs and pfa should be weatherproof and control
dust pollution;
< Bagged cement should be stored to prevent it becoming damp and used in the same
order as delivered;
< Cement that is adversely affected by damp should not be used;
< Aggregate storage areas should have adequate drainage;
< Water should be protected against contamination.
b) Batching
Concrete batching should be undertaken taking into account the following points:
< Cement, ggbs and pfa should be measured by mass, using a separate weighing device
from that provided for the aggregates;
< For bagged cement use whole bags;
< Aggregate(s) should be measured by mass, using a weighing device, with due allowance
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.14 May 2006
for the mass of the water in the aggregate(s);
< Water may be measured by volume or mass;
< The accuracy of the measuring equipment should be within "3% for all constituent
materials, except admixtures where "5% is acceptable;
< The weighing devices should be zeroed daily, checked for accuracy monthly and
calibrated every 3 months;
< In cold weather, the mixing plant, aggregates and mixing water should be free from snow,
ice and frost. If steam heating of aggregates is used, allowance for the increased moisture
content should be made;
< In cold weather if the water and aggregates are heated, the water should not be heated
above 80EC, and if the water is heated above 60EC, it should be mixed with the aggregate
before coming into contact with the cement;
< In hot weather, the most effective means of reducing the concrete temperature is the
addition of crushed ice to the mix water [BRE 1971]. However, the mass of crushed ice or
ice chips should not exceed 50% of the total mass of water [BSI 2000b].
Concrete should be transported from the mixer to the point of placing as rapidly as
practicable, by methods that will maintain the required workability and will prevent
segregation, loss of any constituents or ingress of foreign matter, significant loss or gain of
water and loss of air entrainment. No additional water should be added to the mix before
placing, unless where required to permit the correct mixing of admixtures just before placing;
however, no changes to the design water-cement ratio are permitted. In addition, the mode
of transportation should take into consideration the terrain and the required rate of supply.
Normally, concrete should be placed within two hours after the initial loading in a truck mixer
or agitators, or within one hour if non-agitating equipment is used. These periods may be
extended or shortened, depending on climatic conditions and whether ggbs, pfa, accelerating
admixtures or retarding admixtures have been used.
Concrete chutes suitable for high workability concrete should have an adequate constant
slope to permit continuous flow without segregation and should be fitted with end baffle
plates to prevent segregation or impact with the reinforcement or other embedded items.
Where it is intended to place the concrete by pumping, careful attention should be paid to the
concrete mix design, i.e. the workability, with particular reference to the fine aggregate
grading, type and size of coarse aggregate, the use of replacement cementious material
(pfa), the water cement ratio and the use of suitable admixtures, to ensure that segregation
and bleeding does not occur.
Before the concrete is placed, all rubbish should be removed from the formwork and the
faces of the forms in contact with the concrete should be cleaned and treated with a suitable
release agent. The release agent should be applied to provide a uniform coating to the forms
without contaminating the reinforcement. Figure 3.10 illustrates the setting up of steel
formwork prior to concreting, while Figures 3.13, 3.14, 3A.6 and 3A.13 all show concrete
being placed.
For further details regarding the placing of concrete in general and especially the use of
tremie pipes, reference should be made section 3.6 of this report and CIRIA report R165
[CIRIA 1997a].
Although, it is preferable to have an integrally cast foundation, this may not be possible due
to the foundation type or connection between the tower bracings and the stub member. To
ensure that the joint between the two concrete pours are acceptable the following procedure
is recommended:
< The surface of the first pour should be roughened to increase the bond strength and to
provide aggregate interlocking;
< For horizontal joints, this can be achieved by spraying the joint surface approximately 2 to
4 hours after the concrete is first placed with a fine spray of water and/or brushing with a
stiff brush;
< If it is not possible to roughen the joint surface until the concrete has hardened, the large
aggregate particles near the surface should be exposed by sand blasting;
< The joint surface should be cleaned immediately before the fresh concrete is placed and if
necessary the surface should be slightly wetted to prevent excessive loss of mix water by
< Particular care should be taken in placing the fresh concrete close to the joint to ensure it
has adequate fines content and is fully compacted and dense.
3.9.6 Compaction
Unless a self-compacting concrete mix is used, all concrete should be thoroughly compacted
by vibration, or other means, and worked around the reinforcement, embedded items, e.g.
stubs and into corners of the formwork to form a solid void-free mass. When vibrators are
used, vibration should be applied until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a
manner that does not promote segregation. Over-vibration should be avoided to minimize the
risk of forming a weak surface layer or excessive bleeding.
3.9.7 Curing
The setting and hardening of cement depend on the presence of water; drying out, if allowed
to take place too soon, results in low strength and porous concrete. At the time of concrete
placing, there is normally an adequate quantity of water present for full hydration; however, it
is necessary to ensure that this water is retained so that the chemical reaction continues until
the concrete has thoroughly hardened. Correspondingly, curing and protection should start
immediately after compaction of the concrete and should ensure adequate protection from:
Although, normal formwork, e.g. steel shutters for concrete spread footings, provides
adequate protection to the concrete in normal climatic conditions, extra measures may be
required during cold or hot weather conditions. As an approximate guide, for concrete with a
characteristic strength of between 25 N/mm and 35 N/mm, a minimum period before
stripping of 24 hours should be allowed for Portland cement or combined cements, except for
combined cements containing ggbs when a minimum period of 48 hours should be allowed.
For further information regarding minimum curing periods, reference should be made to BS
8110 section 6 [BSI 1997].
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.17 May 2006
For horizontal surfaces, e.g. upper surfaces of pile caps or raft foundations, effective curing
can be achieved by covering the surface with an impermeable membrane, e.g. polyethylene,
which should be well sealed and fastened, or by using a sprayed curing membrane.
The concrete setting time and gain in strength are delayed at low temperatures and if the
partly set concrete is allowed to freeze, serious damage can occur. Consequentially, in cold
weather consideration should be given to:
< Prevention of freezing of the immature concrete, e.g. by insulating the fresh concrete
using thermal blankets, etc. (see Figure 3.15);
< The extended stiffening times of fresh concrete, which lead to increased formwork
pressures and finishing times;
< The low rate of concrete strength development, which can lead to delays in subsequent
< Increasing the cementious content of the mix, thereby increasing the heat of hydration and
early strength gain;
< Using admixtures that reduce the setting time and/or increase the rate of strength gain;
< Specifying a minimum temperature of fresh concrete higher than the norm of 5EC.
The key requirement of winter working is planning, taking into consideration weather
forecasts, and keeping records of maximum and minimum temperatures, thereby assisting in
the assessment of the concrete maturity and formwork striking times.
The rate of gain of strength is related to the concrete maturity, which is the product of the
concrete temperature above -10EC and the number of hours at that temperature. For
concrete with a characteristic strength of 25 N/mm, the requisite pre-hardening period is 52
hours if the concrete temperature is 5EC reducing to 26 hours at 20EC. For further details
reference should be made to Concrete Practice [C & CA 1975].
For conventional reinforced concrete spread footings, the early backfilling of the foundation
will assist in the prevention of damage to the concrete by frost action, provided that the
backfill material is not frozen.
In hot weather the main difficulties in concreting are caused by reductions in the working life
of fresh concrete due to loss of mix water by evaporation and accelerated hydration, and
early-age thermal cracking arising from a high temperature rise in the concrete.
Consequentially, in hot weather consideration should be given to:
< Using admixtures to retard the hydration and/or to increase the initial workability;
< Using a cement or cement combination that has a low heat evolution;
< Specifying a maximum temperature of fresh concrete lower, than the norm of 30EC.
As previously noted, the key requirements for concreting in hot weather are planning and the
need to protect the fresh concrete from drying out by sun and/or wind action.
3.10 Backfilling
As previously mentioned in section 2 of this report, failure to adequately compact the backfill
is one of the prime reasons for a foundations actual uplift strength, being less than its
theoretical design strength. Correspondingly, the following recommendations should be
taken into consideration:
< Backfilling should be compacted in 300 mm layers to achieve a bulk density equivalent to
that assumed in the geotechnical design model;
< Backfilling should be undertaken progressively over the whole foundation plan area, with
particular emphasis on the area adjacent to the inner face of the chimney (see Figure
Stub setting template
excavation Stub
Backfill to spread
Difficulty of placing
backfill on inner face
< During backfilling, the side support sheeting to the excavation should, wherever possible,
be progressively withdrawn such that the toe of the sheeting is never more than 600 mm
below the surface of the compacted material;
< Extreme care should be taken during compaction to ensure that the foundation is not
damage nor displaced out of position;
< The compaction plant should be selected to achieve the required bulk density. The actual
C:\Cigre\Foundation Installation\Section3_Final 3.19 May 2006
method of compaction selected will depend on the type of material to be compacted, the
difficulty in accessing areas within the excavation and the safety of the site operatives.
For spread footing foundations in soils subjected to permafrost and frost forces,
consideration should be given to backfilling with non frost susceptible materials, e.g. granular
fill with less than 8% silt content and passing through a 200 sieve. For further
recommendations regarding the use of insulating materials and the application of a lubricant
to steel foundation members, reference should be made to Cigre Brochures No.141 [Cigre
1999a] and No. 206 [Cigre 2002].
Compaction of the backfill around steel grillage foundations is shown in Figure 3A.9.
Normal practice is to coat, as a minimum, all exposed concrete surfaces above ground level
and 300 mm below ground level, although in very aggressive conditions, it may be necessary
to coat all concrete surfaces below ground level. Similarly, all support steelwork should be
treated for a minimum distance of 300 mm above the top of the concrete. Where steel
bearing piles or driven cast-in-situ piles with permanent casings are used, a combination of
sacrificial steel and protective coatings, may be used as alternative to a pure protective
coating system.
Coatings may take the form of waterproof membranes or surface coatings. Surface coatings
include cementious mortars, polysulphides, resins and silicones, silanes and siloxanes for
concrete and coal tar epoxy paint for steelwork. Although, historically two coats of heavy duty
bituminous paint (with a density of 1 kg/litre and applied at a rate of 1.7 to 2.1 m/litre) has
performed satisfactorily in the UK, care should be taken in its use owing to its tendency to
crack under high temperature conditions. Coal tar epoxy coatings to buried steelwork should
have a minimum dry film thickness of 300 :m.
Prior to the application of any external coating, the concrete should be allowed to cure for at
least 28 days and all surface laitance, dirt and other contaminants should be removed.
Where applicable, the concrete surface should be treated with a proprietary filling compound,
compatible with the coating system.
If it is necessary to bury the support steelwork (excluding directly embedded steel poles),
consideration should be given to protecting the buried steelwork using an approved medium,
e.g. mastic impregnated tape or coal tar epoxy coating. The use of concrete to protect
buried support steelwork, especially lattice tower bracing members is not recommended, due
to the difficulty of ensuring a homogenous concrete covering and the possibility of damaging
or distorting the steelwork.
Reference should be made to section 3A, where photographs of both foundation installation
equipment and sequences in the installation of different types of foundations are shown.
The foundation installation activities considered in this section of the report have
encompassed the general pre-site activities, e.g. preparation of foundation installation
drawings, concrete mix design, preliminary foundation design tests, the foundation setting
out, excavation, the placing of the reinforcement, concrete production, delivery and placing,
backfilling, and protective coatings.
To ensure that activities described in this section are performed satisfactory such that the
foundation achieves its intended service life, the next section of the report considers the
quality management requirements in respect of foundation installation.
Note: The use of a cast-in-situ concrete block to support the stub vertically and the use of a
simple adjustable prop system to form the stub setting template.
Figure 3A.8 - Foundation Installation - Driven steel tube piles - pile cap
Note: Pile cap ready for concreting, concrete cast directly against the surrounding soil, use
of pre-cast concrete block below stub and reinforcement welded to steel tube piles
(starter bars).
Figure 3A.9b Compaction of the backfill around the steel grillage foundations
Figure 3A.9d Detail of the plate vibrator used for the backfill compaction
Figure 3A.11c Bored pile 2 x 1.2 m diameter per leg, details of pile cap and chimney
extension 110 kV lattice steel towers ~ Germany
Note: The overlapping of adjacent footings prevent individual excavations, resulting in a major
excavation and backfilling operation.
4.1 General
Overhead transmission line construction is undertaken effectively on a long linear site with
isolated areas of activity. Since overhead line support foundations are installed in a variable
naturally occurring medium, quality assurance and quality control should form an integral part
of the construction activities. Consequentially, the majority of overhead line technical
specifications or design standards require that all activities are undertaken in accordance
with the relevant requirements of ISO 9001 [BSI 2000e]. The common European Standard
EN 50341-1 [BSI 2001d], requires that The systems and procedures, which the designer
and/or installation contractor will use to ensure that the project works comply with the project
requirements, shall be defined in the designers and/or installation contractors quality plan
for the project works.
This section of the report considers various aspects of the quality assurance and quality
control activities undertaken during the foundation design and installation.
The following definitions are used throughout this section of the report:
< Quality Assurance - Part of the quality management, focussed on providing confidence
that quality requirements are fulfilled. Quality Assurance has both internal and external
aspects, which in many instances may be shared between the contractor (1st party), the
customer (2nd party) and any regulatory body (3rd party) that may be involved.
< Quality Control - The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil
requirements for quality. Quality control is considered to be the contractors responsibility.
< Hold Point - A stage in the material procurement or workmanship process beyond which
work shall not proceed without the documented approval of designated individuals or
< Notification Point - A stage in the material procurement or workmanship process for
which advance notice of the activity is required to facilitate the witnessing of the activity.
Normally, the clients written acceptance is required to authorise work to proceed beyond a
Hold Point. With regards to notification points, if the client does not attend after receiving
document notification, the work may normally proceed. Note that the term client includes his
representative, if appropriate.
For simplicity sake, the quality requirements have been divided between pre-project
foundation installation activities, i.e. the design phase including the foundation type testing, (if
appropriate, of the proposed project foundations) and project foundation installation activities.
Within the pre-project activities consideration has been given to possible Hold and
Notification points, concrete mix design and specification, foundation installation criteria and
foundation installation method statements. For the project foundation installation phase of the
work, consideration has again been given to possible Hold and Notification points, setting out
tolerances for the support and the actual foundations, verification of the foundation
geotechnical design parameters, inspection prior to concreting, concrete identity tests,
foundation proof and/or identity tests and foundation installation records.
While this section of the report mainly concentrates on the Quality Assurance activities, it is
an inherent responsibility of the installation contractor to instigate his own internal quality
control procedures and verification methods. Without these procedures and activities
including the appropriate level of internal auditing in-place, the overall quality assurance
requirements of the project will be difficult to achieve.
Identified below are examples of quality control activities that may be applicable during the
foundation installation:
< Verification of all foundation installation drawings, technical specifications for sub-
contracted goods and services, e.g. concrete, foundation test programmes, installation
method statements, concrete mix design, etc.;
< Auditing of proposed material supplier(s) or sub-contractor(s);
< Verification of the concrete trial mix results;
< Verification of the foundation type test results;
< Verification of the support and foundation setting out;
< Verification of the foundation geotechnical design parameters during the foundation
installation process, if this is not undertaken as part of the project quality assurance
< Verification of concrete identity test results and concrete returns;
< Verification of the backfill density;
< Verification of the foundation setting dimensions;
< Verification of the proof and integrity test results;
< Verification of the as constructed foundation drawings and associated records.
4.3.1 General
Pre-project foundation installation activities include the foundation design process, the
concrete mix design, the quality auditing of proposed suppliers and/or subcontractors, the
installation and full-scale testing of any test foundations and the preparation of the foundation
installation criteria and the associated foundation installation method statement(s). A
diagrammatic representation of this process, together with an indication of the documentation
required and the corresponding hold and notification points is shown in Figure 4.1.
4.3.2 Suppliers
All materials used in the foundation installation should, where possible, be purchased from a
supplier operating a quality management system in accordance with a recognised standard;
where this is not possible, the installation contractor should instigate his own quality control
requirements with respect to the materials purchased, e.g. all materials should be regularly
tested in accordance with the appropriate standards. Similar comments would also apply to
any subcontractor engaged for the foundation installation.
Suppliers Suppliers
Cement, Rebar,
Installation &
Foundation Installation
Foundation Installation Method
Design Review criteria statement
Key: Process or activity Design
Hold point
Before any concrete is supplied (assuming off-site ready mix), the recommended procedure
is for the purchaser (the foundation installation contractor) to request the proposed producer
to provide the following information:
< The nature and source of all constituent materials, including water and admixtures;
< The proposed quantity of each constituent, per cubic metre of fully compacted concrete;
< Evidence of the suitability of the proposed mix proportions to meet the specified
< The suppliers quality assurance certification.
Where evidence is requested of the adequacy of the proposed mix proportions to meet the
specified strength, this generally can be obtained from previous productions of concrete
using similar materials and equipment to that proposed or using trial mixes.
Where concrete is produced on-site, the constituent materials should be obtained from a
recognised source and the relevant quality control test undertaken. The evidence of the
suitability of the mix design would be based on the results from trial mixes.
Acceptance of the trial mix is usually based on the results of both workability and
In certain cases, where standardised mixes are used and are supplied from plants having a
product conformity certificate, the certification body is responsible for checking the suitability
of the mix proportions.
Typical details on specifying concrete, together with the respective quality assurance
requirements are given in BS 5328 [BSI 1990b], EN 206-1 [BSI 2000a], BS 8500 [BSI 2002].
Once the source of supply of the concrete has been decided and the adequacy of concrete
mix proportions agreed, it is frequently a requirement that the installation contractor should
submit to the client, a concrete specification detailing:
< Details of the proposed mix proportions and the relevant standards used;
< The source of supply, including if necessary all the constituent materials;
< Detail of the trial mixes undertaken and works test results;
< Quality assurance and quality control procedures instigated.
Prior to undertaking any full-scale foundation design tests, it would be normal practice for the
installation contractor to submit his proposed foundation test programme, e.g. test
arrangement, loading regime, etc., to the client for agreement. This again would be Hold
Point, although the actually testing of the foundation would usually only be a Notification
The final, two written submissions that are normally required before work can commence on-
site are the foundation installation criteria and the foundation installation method
statement(s). For details of the foundation installation criteria, reference should be made to
section 3.2.5 of this report.
The foundation installation method statement(s) should include, as appropriate, the following:
< The proposed method of foundation installation (for all foundation types), including
proposals regarding the removal of water from the excavation and methods of verifying
the foundation soil / rock parameters assumed in the foundation design (e.g. soil type,
depth and ground water level) ;
< The proposed method of site bending or welding of concrete reinforcement;
< The proposed method of placing concrete, including grouting;
< The proposed method of installing permanent casings, including backfilling or grouting
behind the casings;
< The proposed method of backfilling the excavation and backfill compaction;
< Quality assurance and quality control procedures;
< Risk assessments including cross-reference to design checks undertaken on the
foundations under temporary construction loadings or during refurbishment and/or
upgrading activities.
4.4.1 General
Assuming that agreement has been given for the installation contractor to commence work
on-site, the relationship between the various foundation installation activities and the
associated QA/QC requirements can be represented diagrammatically, as shown in Figure
Confirmation of Excavation
Excavation or
geotechnical Support details
For two stage process, e.g installation of individual piles/anchors and separate caps
stub and
Process or activity Backfilling Hold point
Document submission Notification point
Typical requirements would be for the centre-peg of the support to be located along the line
route within 2000 mm of the location shown on the overhead line profile. The perpendicular
displacement transverse to the line route would be 50 mm relative to a theoretical route
centre-line joining the adjacent angle support points.
Where angle supports have asymmetrical length crossarms, the route centre line and the
support centre-peg will not be coincident (see Figure 4.3) and this should be taken into
account when setting out the foundations.
Route peg
Route centre-line
The serious consequence of failing to verify the assumed foundation geotechnical design
parameters during the foundation installation is shown in Figure 1.3. This sub-section of the
report considers what practical methods / techniques are available to verify the geotechnical
parameters assumed in the foundation design.
The on-site verification process obviously assumes that the basic design parameters are
shown on the foundation installation drawing (reference section 3.2.2(a)) or that a copy of SI
report is available on-site. Details of common geotechnical design parameters and possible
verification methods are given in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.4 shows a typical foundation
installation record sheet.
For details of the Norwegian practice in respect of on-site verification of the suitability of rock
for transmission tower foundations, reference should be made to Appendix 4A of this report.
Common practice is for the installation contractor to inform the client of his intention to
commence concreting; thus allowing the client to undertake an inspection if so desired
(Notification Point). Similarly, if the installation contractor needs to undertake site bending of
reinforcement, e.g. the bending of the pile reinforcement into a pile cap, this activity would
also be a Notification Point.
< Cleanliness of the foundation, e.g. ensuring that any rubbish has been removed and the
formwork is coated with a release agent;
< Stub or anchor bolt setting dimensions;
< Rigidity of the stub setting or anchor bolt template;
< Reinforcement cover and rigidity of any reinforcement cage or mat;
< Fixity of formwork to ensure it had adequate stiffness and support to prevent movement or
displacement during concreting;
< Availability of stand by vibrators;
< Site health and safety aspects as appropriate (see Section 5).
The failure by both the installation contractor and the client to undertake an adequate
inspection prior to concreting is shown in Figure 4.5.
Segregated concrete
Bricks to support
Depression in base
of concrete pyramid
Exposed concrete
reinforcement should
have 50 mm cover
Although this is a quality control activity, it is imperative to ensure that the concrete is placed
strictly in accordance with the specified requirements, thereby insuring that the problems
identified in section 2, e.g. concrete segregation, honeycombing, formation of cold joints,
necking of cast-in-situ piles, etc., do not occur.
Figure 4.6, illustrates potential segregation of concrete due to the failure to use adequate
concrete chutes.
Concrete identity tests normally comprise workability, air content (if appropriate) and
compressive strength tests.
Workability tests either slump or flow tests, as appropriate, should be undertaken on spot
samples obtained after the initial discharge of 0.3 m of concrete, from the producers
delivery vehicle or alternatively at the point of placing into the foundation. Slump and flow
tests should be undertaken in accordance with the appropriate standards, e.g. EN 12350-2
[BSI 2000f] and EN12350-5 [BSI 2000g], with the acceptance criteria in accordance with
BS 8500 [BSI 2002].
Air content identity tests should be undertaken on composite samples and tested in
accordance with the appropriate standards, e.g. EN12350-7 [BSI 2000h], with the
acceptance criteria in accordance with BS 8500 [BSI 2002].
Compliance with the specified characteristic strength is normally based on tests made on
cubes or cylinders (test specimens) at twenty-eight days. Normal practice is for four test
specimens to be taken from each pour or footing. If the footing requires more than one pour,
a set of test specimens should be taken from each pour. Samples should be taken in a
similar manner to that described for workability tests. Test specimens should be made, cured
and details recorded in accordance with the appropriate standard, e.g. EN 12390-2 [BSI
C:\CIGRE\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section4_Final 4.9 May 2006
2000j] and compressive strength or density in accordance with EN 12390-3 [BSI 2000k] and
EN 12390-7 [BSI 2000m] respectively. Usually, the following procedure is adopted:
< One specimen is tested at seven days to provide an early indication as to whether the
twenty-eight day strength is likely to be achieved;
< Two specimens are tested at twenty-eight days;
< One specimen held in reserve for further testing if required.
Should the twenty-eight day compressive strength criteria fail to be met, then there are a
number of actions that could be undertaken, e.g.:
The determination of the location and extent of the non-conformity may involve undertaking
either some or all of the following tests:
However, the usual cause of failure of a test specimen(s) is poor workmanship in the making,
curing and transporting the test specimen: it should also be noted that in the majority of
cases, the characteristic strength is not the most important feature of the concrete but its
durability, e.g. cement content and the water-cement ratio. Since it is difficult to determine
either the cement content or the water-cement ratio directly, reliance has to be placed on an
indirect measure, i.e. the compressive strength of the concrete.
The installation contractor should maintain and when requested make available to the client,
a record of the daily returns of the quantity, concrete mix, location and identity test results for
all of the concrete placed.
Where the installation contractor proposes to use a proprietary concrete curing compound to
protect exposed surfaces of the concrete from solar radiation or to improve moisture
retention, normal practice is for agreement to be requested from the client for its use, e.g. a
Hold Point.
If it is necessary to import backfill material either due to the unsuitability of the existing soil,
e.g. large boulders or lumps of clay, or where it is necessary to use a flowable material for
directly embedded steel poles, the installation contractor should submit details of his
proposed backfill material, source of supply, the relevant standard(s), if appropriate, and if
necessary his proposed method of backfilling / compaction. This would normally be a Hold
The relevant stub setting or anchor bolt dimensions, e.g. back to back of the stubs (face and
diagonal), stub levels and rakes, should be measured prior, during and after concreting.
Records of these measurements should be retained by the installation contractor and made
available to the client upon request.
Where the dimensions, levels or rakes are outside the permitted tolerance values, the
installation contractor should propose the relevant remedial measures to the client. These
might vary from redesign of the splice connection between the stub and the support leg to
removal and reinstallation of one footing. This would normally be a Hold Point.
For details of permitted stub setting tolerances, reference should be made to table 4.2 of this
< Guy anchor foundations nominal distance from the support centre line " 15 mm or 0.15%
of the guy lane dimension (whichever is greater);
< Guy anchor alignment " 2.5E of the specified guy angle;
< H-poles nominal centre to centre dimensions " 0.1 % of the nominal centre to centre
Proof tests should be undertaken on all foundations where the resistance of the foundation is
dependant upon the geotechnical properties of the soil, or where there is doubt of the
reliability of the theoretical design model used. The number of foundations subject to proof
testing will depend on the soil type, the extent of the ground investigation, the heterogeneity
of the subsoils, the type of the foundation and the reliability of the design. Where proof tests
are considered necessary, it is recommended that a least 5 percent of the relevant number of
foundation types or foundation elements should be proof tested. For further details, reference
should be made to IEC 61773 [IEC 1996] and EN 1537 [BSI 2000d].
For drilled shaft, bored cast-in-situ, continuous flight auger or similar types of piled
foundations, low-strain integrity tests should be undertaken on all piles to ensure a
satisfactory level of workmanship is achieved especially during concreting. For further details
reference should be made to ICE Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls
[ICE 1996], CIRIA Report 144 [CIRIA 1997] and ASTM D 5882 [ASTM 1996].
Occasionally it may be necessary to erect a support on the foundations earlier than the
normal time allowance of seven days after placing. Reliance on cube testing for early-age
strength assessment is usually unsatisfactory because:
In these circumstances, consideration should be given to the use of pull-out inserts cast into
the concrete. The principle behind the test method is that the force required to pull out an
insert cast into the concrete can be correlated with the concretes compressive strength. For
further details, on the use of the Lok-test, reference should be made BCA report Early age
strength assessment on site [BCA 2000].
As part of the overall quality management requirements a foundation installation record sheet
should be prepared for each support location by the foundation installation contractor and,
where appropriate, should be agreed and signed by the client.
The installation report sheet should contain the following information, as appropriate:
Final as-constructed drawings form a vital part of the quality assurance requirements for a
construction contract. In addition to the as-constructed foundation drawings, the foundation
design calculations, the geotechnical report, foundation installation criteria schedule,
foundation test reports, concrete mix design, etc., should all form part of the final records.
4.7 Conclusions
The quality assurance principles outlined in this section of the report cannot be considered in
isolation, but must be considered in the overall context of quality, safety and environmental
impact. Correspondingly, the next two sections of this report considers both of these issues
in detail.
Norway Use of Holding Down Bolts with holes 8 to 10 mm larger than bolt diameter, horizontal tolerance 4
(Stanett) / 5mm, vertical maximum difference 3 mm.
Max. difference in
Spain level between all 4
stubs 0.01% of
(Red 0.15% of diagonal;
0.1% of face
Electrica) diagonal 5 mm /m Max. difference Not defined
dimension between mean level
of pairs of diagonally
(Iberdrola) opposite stubs
Max. difference in
level between all 4
stubs 3 mm or
6 mm or 6 mm or 0.01% of diagonal;
1% of width of
0.1% of face 0.1% of diagonal 5 mm /m Max. difference
steel frame
dimension dimension between mean level
of pairs of diagonally
opposite stubs 3 mm
or .0.1%.
Max. difference in
level between all 4
stubs 10 mm or
10 mm or 15 mm or 1 about
UK 1:100 from hip 0.05% of diagonal;
0.1% of face 0.1% of diagonal longitudinal
(NGT) slope Max. difference
dimension dimension axis
between mean level
of pairs of diagonally
opposite stubs 6 mm.
Max. tolerance from
the top of each stub
0.1% of face or
0.1% of diagonal dimension;
USA 0.1% of face 1.6 mm / 300
diagonal Max. difference Not defined
(GAI) dimension mm
dimension between mean levels
of diagonally opposite
stubs 0.1% of
diagonal dimension.
A4.1 Introduction
To ensure that the rock will have sufficient strength to withstand the applied foundation uplift
forces it is necessary to categorize the quality of the bedrock into quality classes thereby
ensuring that the appropriate type of foundation is installed.
The rock can for convenience be divided into four categories or classes, where the fourth
class represents completely weathered rock which can be treated as equivalent to soil.
The rock qualities and typical anchorage details are given below:
The rock is homogeneous without fractures. The anchorage length for ribbed reinforcement
with a diameter of 25 mm is 1.3 m, while that for 32 mm diameter is1.6 m.
The rock has some fractures, but it is not faulted. The anchorage length for ribbed
reinforcement with a diameter of 25 mm is 2.0 m for 50% of the bolts and 1.3 m for the
remaining 50%; for 32 mm diameter the anchoring length is 1.6 m. Bolts with different
anchorage lengths shall be used alternately.
The rock is of poor quality, highly fissured and faulted. The anchorage length for ribbed
reinforcement with a diameter of 25 mm is between 2.0 m to 3.0 m for 50% of the bolts
(depending on the degree of weathering of the rock) and 1.3 m for the other 50%; for 32 mm
diameter the anchorage length is 1.6 m. Bolts with different anchorage lengths shall
alternate. In addition, it may be necessary to strengthen the area around the foundation
using rock bolts or equivalent; the anchorage length of the rock bolts, depending on the
degree of weathering, should be between 2.0 m to 3.0 m.
The rock is of very poor quality, highly fissured and strongly weathered. In these
circumstances a soil type foundation is installed.
For details of typical rock foundations, reference should be made to Figure 3A.6.
The main parameters for a simple rock quality classification are the Block size (B) and the
C:\Cigre\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section4A.1_Final 4A.1 May 2006
fracture characteristics and the degree of weathering (S). The grading of the rock type
parameters used in the selection of the appropriate foundation types are shown in table A4.1.
Classes which are defined as number in table A4.1 are of course strongly dependent on rock
type and the geological conditions.
Examples of the application of table A4.1 to different rock and foundation types are given
For classification of the rock qualities determine the sum of the rock type parameters (B+S).
Suitable rock types for the different types of foundations are given in table A4.2. The
illustrations show examples of typical rock types, together with the appropriate foundation
type. However, it must be emphasized that the classification of rock type and the choice of
foundation type will be highly influenced by the surrounding terrain.
The classification shown in table A4.2 is applied to all the following figures (B+S = class I, II,
III or IV).
5.1 General
Foundation installation can be a hazardous operation both to the site operatives and
members of the general public, if due care and attention is not paid to the health and safety
(H&S) aspects of the work. The information contained in this section of the report is indicative
only and is based on current UK practice. However, it should not be considered as being
complete, nor fully satisfying the requirements of the relevant statutory or approved codes of
practice of the readers own country.
One of the guiding principals of the UKs H&S legislation, is the principle of so far as
reasonably practicable. In other words, an employer (or designer) does not have to take
measures to avoid or reduce the risk if they are technically impossible or if the time, trouble
or cost of the measure would be grossly disproportionate to the risk [HSE 2003]. However, in
strict Health and Safety terms so far as reasonable practical are not measured against cost
and benefit but refer to any means, which are technically possible irrespective of cost.
H&S plan
H&S plan
Within this section of the report consideration is given both to the initial design assessments
and on-site risk assessments, whereby the foundation design or the installation process are
reviewed for their inherent hazards and by a process of hierarchical risk control the risks are
eliminated or at least reduced to an acceptable level. Preparation of health and safety plans
both at the pre-tender and construction phases are also considered, together with the
associated method statements.
Under the UKs Construction (Design and Management) Regulations [HMSO 1994], there is
a requirement for all designers to ensure that when they design for construction work they
consider foreseeable H&S risks during the construction, maintenance and eventual removal
of the structure and, that they are in balance with other design considerations, e.g. aesthetics
and costs.
The designers should apply a hierarchy of risk control, i.e. the designers need to identify the
hazards inherent in undertaking the construction work and where possible alter the design to
eliminate them. If the hazards cannot be removed by design changes, the designers should
minimise the risks and provide information about the risks that remain. Information regarding
these residual risks is then contained in the pre-tender health and safety plan. This point is of
particular importance when overhead line support foundations are being refurbished or
upgrading with the support in place, or during any preliminary investigations to ascertain the
condition of existing foundations.
Mitigation measures that could be considered are the use of alternative foundation types,
which require smaller and shallower excavations, e.g. replacing reinforced concrete spread
foundations by driven steel tube piles or micropiles with a small reinforced concrete cap. The
use of driven piles on brownfield (contaminated) sites instead of bored piles eliminates the
need for the removal of contaminated spoil.
For further details regarding risk assessments, please refer to section 5.4 of this report.
5.3.1 General
The H&S plan develops with the project and has two distinct phases; the first is associated
with the design and planning of the project before tendering, the second is associated with
the construction phase. The purpose of the plan is to ensure information relevant to health
and safety is passed on to those who need it. For further details, reference should be made
to Health and Safety in Construction [HSE1996].
< A general description of the works and details of the project timescale;
C:\CIGRE\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section5_Final 5.2 May 2006
< Details of the H&S risks as they are known, including information provided by designers
about specific project risks they were unable to eliminate and assumptions in broad terms
they have made about precautions which will be taken by the installation contractor to
combat these risks;
< Information required by the potential principal contractor, to allow them to identify the H&S
competences and resources they will need for the project;
< Information on which to base a construction phase H&S plan.
Often the necessary information will already be contained within existing documents, e.g. the
tender documents and design drawings. In these cases the plan can be simply an index to
where the necessary information can be found.
The plan only needs to contain information which is specific to the project and is necessary
to assist in the development of a safe system of working; it does not need to repeat
information which a competent contractor would already know.
For the construction phase the principal contractor (i.e. the contractor appointed by the client
to plan, manage and control H&S during the construction phase of the project), develops the
H&S plan so that it addresses issues which are relevant to health, safety and welfare matters
of the project. Issues which may need to be considered in the plan are:
< How the H&S will be managed during the construction phase, including how information
will be passed to other contractors and how their activities will be coordinated;
< Information about welfare arrangements;
< How the views of site operatives and their representatives on H&S issues will be
< Information on the necessary levels of H&S training required;
< Arrangements for monitoring compliance with H&S law;
< Site H&S rules, e.g. permits to work, and relevant H&S standards where appropriate;
The extent to which a particular item needs to be addressed within the plan will depend on
the degree of risk associated with the project and how much coverage has been given to the
issues in other documentation. Where the risk is low and the issues are covered in the
principal contractors health and safety policy, a simple reference to the safety policy
arrangements may be sufficient.
a) General
Risk assessments are required during the design phase of the project and prior to
undertaking any hazardous operations on-site. A risk assessment is a systematic
determination of what the hazards are, the probability of harm occurring and the possible
consequences of the harm and its severity. A hazard is the potential for harm, whereas a
risk is the chance or probability that somebody will be harmed by the hazard.
A precise estimate of risk is not required, under most conditions a qualitative method could
be selected, provided its limitations are recognized. For example three categories of severity
could be assumed, e.g. High (fatality, major illness, etc.), Medium (injury causing short-term
disability) and Low (minor injury). Similarly, the designers need to consider whether the
hazard and the worker will coincide and again only a crude, qualitative judgement need be
made, e.g. High (certain or near certain to occur), Medium (reasonably likely to occur) or Low
(very seldom or never occurs).
The product of the severity and the occurrence will then give some measure of the assessed
risk, which can in turn provide an indication of the action required, i.e. does the designer
need to change his design or can it be accepted without modifications.
< Consider how the job or process will be undertaken, where it is done and what equipment,
materials and chemicals will be used;
< Decide who might be harmed, e.g. employees, or other workers on the site, members of
the general public;
< Evaluate the risks and decide on the action, i.e. is somebody likely to be harmed?
< Record the results;
< Review the findings.
Where there is a risk, the hierarchy of safety controls described in sub-section (d) should be
The H&S method statement sets out how a hazardous job or process will be carried out,
including all the control measures which will be applied; this will assist in planning the work
and identifying the health and safety resources required. In addition, it is an effective and
practical way of providing information to the site operatives about how the work is expected
to be done and the precautions to be taken.
Method statements should include details of safe means of access and egress from the site,
arrangements for a safe place of work on site, plant and equipment to be used, training and
competence, specific hazards to be expected, measures to control the hazards, routine
inspections to be undertaken, precautions or limitations on the activities of others in the
vicinity and a cross-reference to the associated risk assessment. For further information,
reference should be made to Health and Safety for Engineers [Thomas Telford 1996].
As part of the risk assessment or the preparation of the method statement, supporting
calculations may be necessary. Typical examples would be if a foundation is subject to a
reversal of loadings, e.g. a spread footing designed for compression is required to take uplift
under a temporary loading condition, or an existing foundation is being partially uncovered as
part of a preliminary investigation or during refurbishment/upgrading activities with the
support and conductors still in place.
One of the major safety issues connected with site access and/or work on-site, is that
associated with working adjacent to, or underneath live overhead lines. For site access
normal procedure is to use a height barrier as shown in Figure 5.3.
5.6.1 General
All construction sites should be fenced-off from the general public and/or from other site
activities. The types of fencing will reflect the degree of risk involved and whether the site is
enclosed in an overall protected area. Typical fencing would be timber paling with a suitable
lockable gate, ensuring that in agriculture areas the site is fully stock proof at all times. In
areas adjacent to public areas or highways, it may be necessary to use 2.0 m high steel link
fencing. In addition, warning notices and lighting may need to be provided.
Sites should be kept clean and tidy, with materials safely stored and all working areas should
be free from obstructions. In addition, there should be proper arrangements for collecting and
disposal of waste and, if appropriate, additional lightning should be provided if it is envisaged
that work will be undertaken in poor natural lighting or in the dark.
The following checklist identifies some of the hazards most commonly found on a foundation
installation site:
If it is proposed to use explosives for excavation purposes, their use and storage must be
undertaken strictly in accordance with all appropriate civil and, if appropriate, military
Figure 5.4 Inadequate support of sides of Figure 5.5 Failure of surrounding soil
C:\CIGRE\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section5_Final 5.7 May 2006
Steel trench sheeting supporting
sides of excavation
The cause of the failure was due to water from broken field drains being allowed to soften the
ground behind the excavation, thereby causing a complete rotational slip of the supported
material and failure of the excavation support system. The steel trench sheeting had been
driven to a minimum of 1 m below the depth of the excavation.
5.7 Summary
< The adoption of good working practices, ensuring that unofficial and unsafe systems of
working are eliminated by site inspections and H&S audits;
< Provision of adequately trained and motivated site operatives;
< Ensure that design assessments and pre-tender health and safety plans concentrate on
the hazardous operations that a competent contractor could not foresee;
< Ensure that, where applicable, site specific risk assessments and method statements are
prepared for hazardous operations;
< Ensure the site is kept tidy, simple checklists are used and adequate inspections are
< Ensure that there is effective communication between all parties to the work, i.e. the
designers, site engineers and site operatives is in place;
< Ensure that timely action is taken if the assumptions made in the design regarding the
ground conditions, e.g. ground water level, soil and/or rock strength etc., are not found on-
While this section of the report has concentrated on specific health and safety aspects in
relation to foundation installation, the general H&S requirements in respect of the control of
substances hazardous to health, noise, manual handling, provision of personal protective
equipment, etc., should not be overlooked.
6.1 General
This section of the report deals specifically with the environmental impacts and the
associated mitigation measures related to overhead transmission line support foundations.
For details regarding the overall issue of environmental impacts of overhead transmission
lines, reference should be made to Cigre Technical Brochure 147 [Cigre 1999b].
Since the installation of the foundations is the first major activity associated with the
construction of an overhead transmission line, the affect of the access route construction on
the environment is also considered in this section of the report.
Potential environmental impacts caused by the foundation installation process including the
provision of site access are reviewed in this section of the report. Possible mitigation
measures, e.g. the use of temporary access systems or alternatively the use of helicopters
are considered, together with means to reduce the impact caused by the actual foundation
installation process.
Both the local environment and the communities adjacent to the route of the overhead
transmission line are affected by the construction activities, with access construction and
foundation installation having a major impact. Consequentially, the adoption of the
appropriate mitigation measures can significantly reduce the environmental impact of an
overhead transmission line during the construction phase.
Potential environmental impacts, which may occur, during access construction and
foundation installation activities include:
< Increase in traffic on local roads, especially as regards the delivery of plant, equipment
and materials, e.g. excavation or piling equipment, supply of ready-mix concrete;
< Impact of access tracks on the environment;
< Disturbance of land and vegetation management;
< Vegetation and tree removal;
< Noise, dust and vibrational pollution;
< Soil erosion and pollution of water courses;
< Disturbance to birds and other fauna;
< Foundation installation, including the dispersion of contaminated soil or ground water.
While it is not possible to completely remove all of the potential impacts, described above, it
is possible to at least reduce their impact and therefore to a degree, the publics and/or
landowners/grantors perception of the affect of overhead transmission line construction on
the environment.
As an integral part of the planning and consent process, the majority of new overhead
transmission lines are subject to an environmental assessment, e.g. The Electricity Works
(Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulation 2000' [HMSO 2000].
This requirement has also been extended to cover the constructional activities associated
with the refurbishment and/or upgrading of existing overhead transmission lines. Both an
initial desk-top study and site assessments would be undertaken to establish which of the
existing support sites are likely to be affected by environmental and/or archaeological
constraints. The area to be considered would possibly extend to include a buffer zone 500 m
wide either side of the route centre line and including the access roads/tracks.
Overhead transmission line support sites, which are located in designated areas of
importance under international conventions or by national regulations, will require specific
studies to be undertaken in consultation with the appropriate statutory bodies, within the UK
these would be:
Once the studies outlined above have been completed and depending on their outcome in
terms of the environmental and archaeological impacts, it may be necessary to prepare a site
environmental plan, detailing the mitigation measures required.
< Commencement of early consultations with the appropriate statutory or voluntary bodies,
to ensure that necessary notifications, agreements, consents etc., are made and/or
received prior to proposed commencement of site activities;
< Removal of any bird nests in the proposed or existing support location during the non bird
nesting period prior to commencing site work;
< Vegetation management, e.g. tree lopping and/or hedge trimming and/or removal, before
the commencement of any site work;
< Translocation of any protected species of fauna from the working area;
< Working outside the bird nesting period, over-wintering period of migratory birds or fauna
breeding period;
< Adoption of special access procedures, or installation techniques;
< Use of low emission equipment, use of silent or equipment with a low noise profile;
< Minimizing the number of trips to the site or reduced working periods.
Archaeological mitigation measures might include the necessity for a watching brief during
the foundation installation.
With regards to the actual design of the foundation, mention has been previously made of the
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use of alternative foundation types, which may lessen the overall environmental impact, e.g.
the use of micropiles, driven steel tube piles, helical screw anchors, etc., as an alternative to
conventional reinforced concrete spread foundations. However, this may have to be
counterbalanced against the possible temporary increase in environmental impact during the
installation phase from the use of larger plant and equipment.
Where foundations are located in contaminated sites, there is a need to control the migration
of pollutants to the surrounding area and particularly aquifers, especially when piled
foundations are being considered. For further information, regarding piling and other ground
improvement methods on contaminated land, reference should be made to the National
Ground Water and Contaminated Land Centre Report NC/99/73 [EA 2001]. An example of
a solution to overcome the problems associated with installing support foundations in
contaminated ground is detailed below:
The ground conditions at the support sites under consideration had a 2 m clay cap, 6 m
depth of landfill, and 2 to 3 m of virgin clay above layers of sand and peat, above the Keuper
Marl. The sand and peat layers acting as a minor aquifer. The particular problem was that
Tritium from a university physics laboratory experiments had dissolved into the
leachate. The other waste included incinerator ash, some food waste and low level
radioactive waste from the local hospital X-ray facility. The latter had decayed to background
radioactive levels and was simply re-buried.
The landfill was excavated down to the virgin clay over an area which was at least 1.5 m in
length and width greater than the footprint of the piles. Clay of low permeability was used to
fill the excavations up to ground level, was compacted in layers with a swing machine, and
the steel tubular piles were then driven through the new clay - in effect each tower is
standing on a clay island. The environmental agency responsible subsequently monitored
the local groundwater, and no rise in contamination was found. No problems were
encountered due to settlement of the clay, but the method adopted is not considered to be
applicable with raked concrete piles. The additional cost (circa 1998) was approximately
15,000 for each tower site, compared to 6,000,000 to underground the 6 circuits around
the landfill.
Leachate flooding the excavations was a problem; however, this could be overcome by
spraying it over the site and allowing it to evaporate, once consent had been obtained from
the owner and the weather was suitable. When the work commenced, the weather was cold
and wet, and the installation contractor had to transport the leachate away to a licensed
disposal site at considerable expense. Subsequentially, the installation contractor kept two
excavations open all the time, and pumped from the one which was to be backfill into the
other. For the final excavation the installation contractor was able to spray the remaining
leachate over the site.
Other environmental mitigation measures, which could be considered at the design stage (in
the widest environmental context), are the use instead of Portland cement of alternative
cementious materials, which in themselves are waste by-products from other industrial
processes, e.g. use of pulverised fly ash or blast furnace slag. In the same context,
consideration should also to given to the use reclaimed aggregates, EN 206 [BSI 2000a],
permits the use of both recycled aggregates or recycled crushed concrete in the production
of concrete.
The successful planning and construction of site access roads or tracks, modifications to field
fences and/or hedges, gateways, etc. (accommodation works), will obviously make a
significant contribution to the overall impact of the project, both in terms of the environmental
C:\CIGRE\WG07\Foundation Installation\Section 6_Final 6.3 May 2006
impact and the relationship with landowners, grantors and the general public, and where
appropriate the environmental protection agencies. The need to commence early
negotiations with landowners, grantors, civic authorities, environmental protection agencies,
etc., is highly recommended.
Consideration will also be required in respect of the use of public roads by site traffic, with
particular reference to road width, weight limits on bridges, clearance to structures or
overhead lines, location of schools or other areas where there is a concentration of children,
etc. Any traffic management scheme will need to be agreed with the responsible authorities.
Wherever possible use should be made of existing tracks as access roads/tracks, although
they may need to be upgraded, depending on the existing wearing surface, drainage
conditions, general ground conditions and the anticipated volume and size/weight of site
traffic using the proposed access. Consideration may also need to be made in the respect of
provision of temporary bridging of water courses or drainage systems. The removal of
hedges, fences, widening of gateways and possible insertion of new entrances from the
public highway, will all need control and agreement with the appropriate parties. In addition,
the landowner/grantor should not be put to any inconvenience in gaining access to his
land/property by the installation contractors use of the access route.
Where new access tracks are required, these should wherever possible, follow the natural
contours of the terrain to minimise cut and fill quantities. Care should also be taken to
minimise the effect of erosion caused by water runoff and siltation of water courses. For
further details regarding the control of water pollution reference should be made CIRIA report
C648 [CIRIA 2006].
Consideration should also be given to the use of special temporary access systems, i.e.
aluminium track way panels or temporary stone roads (i.e. crushed imported stone laid on a
geotechnical membrane), see Figure 6.1. The effect of failing to install a temporary access
system is shown in Figure 6.2.
The cost and temporary environmental impacts (increase in local traffic and noise level etc.),
must be weighed against the benefits, i.e. protection of environmental sensitive areas,
reduction in soil compaction and reduction in avoidable land damage. In addition,
consideration should also be given to extending the temporary access system to provide a
working-platform at the tower site for plant and equipment; although the benefits in reduction
in land damage, etc., may have to be weighed against the detrimental effects of extended
seasonal working periods and hence temporary environmental impacts. Other benefits that
will accrue from the use of special temporary access systems will be a reduction of soil
deposited on the public highway and may lessen the possibility of the spread of soil borne
diseases in agricultural crops, e.g. Rhizomania in Sugar Beet.
6.3.3 Helicopters
One of the key features of the use of helicopters is the need for careful planning prior to
commencing the work, taking into consideration payload limitations, duration and altitude
limit of the helicopter, downtime for helicopter maintenance, weather conditions, possible
need to breakdown installation equipment into manageable units, the establishment of
strategically placed depots for the transfer of materials, equipment and personnel from road
to air and possibly changes in the concrete mix design to allow for longer periods of
Potential mitigation measures that the foundation installation contractor can undertake are:
For further information regarding environmental good practice on-site in the UK, reference
should be made to CIRIA Report C 502 [CIRIA 1999].
The sequence of the reinstatement will obviously depend on the construction activities and to
a degree will not be completed until all site work has been finished.
6.4 Conclusions
This section of the report has considered the potential environmental impacts arising from
both the site access accommodation works and the actual foundation installation. The actual
environmental impact will obviously depend on the environment of the transmission line route
and the type and size of the support foundations being installed.
Possible mitigation measures include the initial environmental assessment, the preparation
of a site environmental plan, the use of temporary access systems or alternatively the use of
helicopters for the transportation of plant, material and site operatives. Since any mitigation
measure will, to a degree, have an impact on the foundation installation and possibly the
actual design of the foundation; it can not be considered in isolation, but must be considered
as part of the overall interaction between the foundation installation, foundation design, the
associated quality management, and health and safety requirements for the scheme.
7.1 General
The support foundations represents between 14 and 23 percent of the total cost of an
overhead line, with an average value of 19 percent [Cigr 1991]. This average value remains
reasonably constant and is not affected by changes in the transmission line voltage, circuit
configuration (single or double circuit) and support type. Similarly, the percentage breakdown
between material supply and installation also remains reasonably constant at 65 percent to
35 percent.
The factors which have the greatest influence on the foundation cost are:
< The foundation type which is to a degree dependant upon the support type;
< The magnitude of the applied loadings;
< The geotechnical conditions of the in-situ soil and/or rock.
< Foundation costs were a linear function of the load capacity for a given foundation type
per soil condition and location;
< That for compact foundations for a 10 percent change in load, there was a 2 to 8 percent
change in cost;
< For spread footings with an initial high uplift resistance, for a 10 percent change in load,
there was a 9 to 10 percent change in the cost.
From the above, it can be seen that there are no universal rules that can be developed for
support foundation costs and this to a degree is a reflection of the difference in costs in
relation to different foundation types which in itself is a reflection of the variability of the
ground conditions.
Other factors which may influence the selection of foundation type and hence its cost are:
< Environmental, e.g. topography, climate, contamination and access requirements, e.g. the
predominate use of steel grillage foundations in Canada;
< Resource limitations;
< Health and safety requirements.
The price or rate for the foundation, in other words what the foundation installation contractor
gets paid by the client, will in addition to the factors described above, depend on the method
of measurement and payment plus the allocation of risk between the client and the
installation contractor. Details of typical methods of measurement and payment are given in
the following sections of this report.
With regards to the allocation of risk between the client and the installation contractor, for the
foundation installation this specifically relates to the question of the in-situ geotechnical
conditions. Either, the foundation installation contractor carries the majority of the risk, based
on a fixed all-inclusive rate with limited geotechnical information at the time of tendering or
whether the risk is shared, based on a re-measured fixed rate with extras payments for
changes in the assumed ground conditions. Obviously, there are intermediate levels of risk
allocation, whereby the client undertakes the geotechnical investigation prior to the tender
stage or undertakes the actual foundation design. Other factors which need to be considered
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are the question of foundation testing and the risk of a test failure, whether environmental
assessments (impacts) have been undertaken and the associated mitigation measures
agreed with the relevant authorities before the tender stage.
In respect of the geotechnical risks, it is interesting to note that the final warning in the paper
by Littlejohn, Cole and Mellors entitled Without site investigation ground is a hazard [ICE
1994], states That you pay for site investigations whether you have one or not, and you are
likely to pay considerably more if you do not, or if it is inadequately designed, executed or
interpreted. Consequentially, it is preferable if the client undertakes a reasonable extensive
geotechnical investigation prior to going out to tender.
During the past twenty to thirty years, there has been a noticeable change in the method of
measurement and payment for OHL support foundations, from a re-measured fixed rate with
extras payments for changes in the assumed ground conditions, to one of inclusive prices
based on a fixed rate with no re-measure apart from piled foundations, and this only in
respect of pile length.
Typically in the UK until the early 1980's, foundation contract prices were based on:
< A fixed unit rate for a standard foundation per tower type (inclusive of all tower
extension); based on normal ground conditions, irrespective of access conditions, ground
slope, subsoil conditions or the presence of water, unless the Engineer certified the
conditions as abnormal. The rate of a standard foundation to include the supply of all
materials and all site work in respect of the foundation installation, e.g. setting-out,
excavation, excavation support, stub setting, concreting, backfilling, site reinstatement,
If the Engineer certified the conditions as abnormal, additional payments, based on fixed
rates, would be made in respect of the following items, all subject to re-measured quantities:
< Additional excavation, related to the difference in ground level between any two stub
positions exceeding 1.5 m, after taking into consideration the use of differential leg
extensions. Note that an allowance was made with regards to the excavation plan area
being 0.45 m wider than the foundation base area.
< Close timbering (support) of the foundation excavation due to poor soil conditions was
required, based on the assumption that for normal ground conditions only 50% of the
excavation sides would be timbered. Additional payment, based on the difference in cost
between close timbering and the cost of 50% timbering.
< Additional pumping was necessary in excess of that required to remove overnight
accumulation of water in the excavation: payment based on the pump size and the hours
of pumping.
< Rock was encountered in the excavation, which could not be removed by pick and shovel
and was unsuitable for a rock foundation.
< Piling was required. Payment based on piling sub-contractors cost plus a percentage to
cover main contractors on-costs.
Standard foundations suitable for normal ground conditions, were spread footings either
reinforced concrete pyramid and chimney foundations or drilled shaft (augered) foundations.
Normal ground conditions were defined in terms of the maximum allowable bearing pressure
of the foundation in conjunction with an assumed frustum angle for, use in uplift resistance
< The rates for foundation supports shall include for site clearing, geotechnical investigation
(assuming that this has not already been undertaken by the client), excavating in any
material and by any means, manual or mechanical, and for ensuring stability and natural
drainage inside the working area including pumping and well-point dewatering, excavation
support, concrete work, formwork, concrete reinforcement, stub steelwork, stub cutting,
routine testing, for all backfilling, compacting and disposal of surplus material, site
restoration and all other work required to complete the foundation in accordance with the
technical specification.
< In addition, the rate shall include for the use of any type of cement or density of concrete
required to ensure the durability of the foundation, the supply of weak-mix concrete or the
importation of any backfill material necessary due to the excavated material being
unsuitable as backfill.
< The rate for foundations shall include all stub steelwork installation and setting out,
including the use of templates, setting to any level and any excavation necessary for
setting out. The protective treatment to defined concrete faces or support steelwork,
provision of site protective barriers and foundation earthing as necessary.
< Design tests to prove the foundation design shall be paid for at the rates quoted and shall
include for the removal of the foundation to a defined depth below ground level.
Support foundations would be defined in terms of permitted types of foundations, e.g. spread
footings, anchor or piled for a range of soil categories. Soil categories are usually described
in terms of soil and backfill density, the internal angle of friction of the soil, allowable bearing
and lateral earth pressures, etc., and the correlation with geotechnical investigation, e.g.
standard or cone penetration tests.
Even if this approach is adopted, additional work in respect of the provision of access
development or the use of helicopters for the transportation of materials and plant would be
paid for as an extra.
7.4 Conclusions
Irrespective of the method of measurement and payment adopted for the foundation design
and installation, the actual total cost of the foundation, i.e. the design, supply of material and
installation and hence the total cost of the project, can be reduced if sufficient time is spent in
the preparation of the work prior to the actual commencement of the installation. This
effectively means reducing the risk due to geotechnical uncertainties, environmental impacts,
access development, quality, health and safety, and especially effective communications
between the client, foundation design and foundation installation contractor.
8.1 General
Although the support foundations typically only represents nineteen percent of the total cost
of an overhead transmission line [Cigre 1991]: the actual installation process differs from that
of all the other transmission line components, in that it is undertaken in a variable medium
which can rapidly change not only between support locations but also between adjacent
footings on the same support site. This variability of the in-situ soil or rock and the ground
water level, can have a marked influence not only on the long term performance of the
foundation, but also on the short term success of the scheme, unless the interaction between
the foundation design and installation is carefully controlled. The failure to control this
interaction has been demonstrated in Figures 1.3 and 2.6, and is further illustrated in Figure
Figure 8.1 ~ Failure of the Tully Falls Townsville 132 kV OHL, Queensland, Australia
This report has attempted to demonstrate that to achieve both the intended performance and
service life of the support foundations, the installation process cannot be viewed in isolation,
but must be considered as an evolving process that has a continuous interaction with the
foundation design. Furthermore, the interaction with respect to the environmental impact of
the actual foundation installation and associated access, the health and safety of the site
operatives and general public must also be taken into consideration.
C:\CIGREWG07\Foundation Installation\Section 8_Final 8.1 May 2006
8.2 Foundation design
To provide initial guidance to the readers of this report, the relationship between the support
types, i.e. broad based lattice towers, externally guyed supports, monopoles or narrow based
lattice towers and H-framed supports, the primary applied foundation loading, e.g. vertical
uplift and compression forces for broad base lattice towers or overturning moments for
monopoles and the principal foundation types, e.g. separate, anchor and compact, has been
provided in section 1 of this report and is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1.4.
To assist the readers further, a description of individual foundation types within each of the
three principal categories of foundations considered has also been given in that section, i.e.:
< Separate Spread footings, e.g. pad or pyramid and chimney, grillage;
Drilled shafts;
Piled, i.e. driven (displacement) and bored (no-displacement).
< Anchor Ground, Block, Helical screw, Deadman.
< Compact Monoblock, Direct embedment and Raft
The interaction between the foundation installation activities and the foundation design
process has been considered in section 2, for each of the individual types of foundation
described above. This interaction has been portrayed by the use of interaction diagrams and
descriptive tables, which for each foundation type highlights the key design parameter, the
associated installation activity and the effect on the foundation design.
The effect on the foundation design can, as has already been stated, be summarised as a
potential reduction in the foundations geotechnical design strength and a reduction in the
long term durability of the foundation and hence its service life. The major causes of these
potential effects can be ascribed to the following foundation installation activities:
< Changes in the assumed geotechnical conditions during the foundation installation;
< Incorrect foundation excavation or installation techniques;
< Poor dimensional control of the foundation overall size or in the stub and/or holding bolt
< Inappropriate concreting techniques, e.g. placing, compacting or curing;
< Inappropriate techniques or controls during the backfilling of the foundation.
To ensure that the foundations are correctly installed and the effects described in section 2
do not occur, section 3 of this report provides an overview of the accepted good practice with
respect to the foundation installation activities.
The need to ensure the that the project works comply with project requirements has been
considered in section 4 of this report, with respect to the quality assurance and quality control
requirements associated with foundation installation activities.
The pre-project activities relate to the foundation design process, the vetting of proposed
suppliers or sub-contractors, the concrete mix design, the foundation design tests and the
foundation installation criteria and associated method statements. The project foundation
installation activities encompassing: setting out, verification of the foundation design soil
/rock parameters, concrete placing and identity tests, backfilling, foundation proof and
integrity tests.
While it is not restricted to foundation installation the question of the final as-installed
records, is also considered in this section of the report.
The health and safety of the foundation installation contractors site operatives and members
of the general public in respect of foundation installation activities, has been outlined in
section 5. This has been based on current UK practice and may not be completely applicable
to the readers own local statutory requirements or accepted local practice.
One of the guiding principals of UKs H&S legislation is the principle of so far as reasonable
practical; in others words an employer does not have to avoid or reduce the risks if they are
technically impossible or if the time, trouble or cost of the measure would be grossly
disproportionate to the risk. However, in strict Health and Safety terms so far as reasonable
practical are not measured against cost and benefit but refer to any means, which are
technically possible irrespective of cost.
Health and safety stems from the designer ensuring that this proposed design can be safely
built, maintained and eventually removed. Where the designer identifies a hazard, he should
if possible eliminate, or minimise the risk or where this is not possible identify the residual
The need for employers to undertake risk assessments of hazardous on-site operations,
preparation of method statements and excavation health and safety checklists are also
considered in this section of the report.
The environmental impacts associated with the foundation installation and the associated
accesses considered in section 6, can be summarised as: increase in traffic on local roads,
impact of access tracks, disturbance of land and vegetation management, noise, dust and
vibrational pollution, soil erosion and pollution of water courses, disturbance to birds and
other fauna, and the effect on the flora surrounding the support site.
The support foundations represents between 14 and 23 percent of the total cost of an
overhead line, with an average value of 19 percent [Cigr 1991]. This average value remains
reasonably constant and is not affected by changes in the transmission line voltage, circuit
configuration and support type. Similarly, the relative percentage breakdown between
material supply and installation also remains reasonably constant at 65 percent to 35
The factors which have the greatest influence on the foundation cost are: the support type,
the magnitude of the applied loadings, the foundation type and the geotechnical conditions.
With respect to support foundation costs there are no universal rules that can be developed
and this to a degree is a reflection of the difference in costs in relation to different foundation
types which in itself is a reflection of the variability of the ground conditions. Other factors
which may influence the selection of foundation type and hence its cost are: environmental,
resource limitations and health and safety requirements.
The price or rate for the foundation will in addition to the factors described above, depend on
the method of measurement and payment plus the allocation of risk between the client and
C:\CIGREWG07\Foundation Installation\Section 8_Final 8.4 May 2006
the installation contractor. Details of typical methods of measurement and payment are given
in the section 7 of the Brochure.
8.9 Conclusions
The installation of overhead line support foundations can not be viewed in isolation but must
be considered as on going process, with a seamless transition between design and
construction, if the adverse effects outlined in section 2 of this Brochure are to be avoided.
Similarly, to ensure that the intended service life is achieved, quality management
requirements must also be integrated within the installation process. Since foundation
installation is also hazardous both to site operatives and the environment, mitigation
measures must also be considered from the outset of the project.
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