High-SQUID Magnetometers For Biomagnetic Measurements
High-SQUID Magnetometers For Biomagnetic Measurements
High-SQUID Magnetometers For Biomagnetic Measurements
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c 1996 IOP Publishing Ltd
SQUID magnetometers for biomagnetic measurements
10 -1 1
flux noise √S Φ ( Φ0 / √H z)
field no ise √S B (T / √H z)
-4 FLL
10 -1 2
10 -1 3
F L L + ac-bias 10
10 -1 4
1 10 100 1 0 00
frequency (H z)
Figure 1. Noise spectra of a directly coupled magnetometer measured at 77 K inside a superconducting BSCCO tube using
standard FLL electronics. Additional ac-bias modulation assists the reduction of 1/f -noise effectively.
B David et al
-2 -1 1
10 10
flu x noise √S Φ [ Φ0 / √H z]
field noise √S B [T / √H z]
F L L + ac-bia s
-3 -1 2
10 10
-4 -1 3
10 10
1 10 100 10 0 0
freque ncy [H z]
Figure 2. Noise spectrum of an inductively coupled (Ketchen type) magnetometer using FLL electronics. The spectrum,
measured at 77 K in a He-flow-type cryostat includes a lot of environmental noise which affected the SQUID inside the
double µ-metal shield.
-2 -1 1
flux noise √S Φ ( Φ0 / √H z)
field noise √S B (T / √H z)
-3 -1 2
APF+ 10
static bias
-4 -1 3
10 10
b ia s rev ersa l
00.1 1 10 100 1 00 0 10 0 0 0
frequency (H z)
Figure 3. Noise spectra of a multiloop (Drung type) magnetometer at 77 K, measured in the Berlin magnetically shielded
room using additional positive feedback (APF) electronics with static bias and bias reversal.
coils and SQUIDs which are shunted and connected to the in FLL with ac-bias current modulation is one of the lowest
same square pickup loop. The better SQUID is activated yet reported for this type of high-Tc device.
by scribing the respective shunt. The pickup loop has an
outer diameter of 8.8 mm and a width of 0.6 mm with two 3.3. Multiloop (Drung-type) magnetometer
indentations for the SQUIDs and the bond pads, giving
a practical pickup area of Ap ≈ 54 mm2 . Using Lp = The effective area of a multiloop magnetometer is given by
15 nH and a SQUID inductance Ls of 85 pH we estimate [12]
an effective flux capture area of 1.71 mm2 , taking into Ap
Aeff = − Asp (3)
account a coupling coefficient k of 0.84 derived from the N
measurement of the mutual inductance (at 4.2 K) between where Ap is the total effective area of the large outer
the input coil and the SQUID washer. The measured loop, Asp the parasitic effective area of one spoke, and
field-to-flux conversion efficiency B8 is 1.22 nT 8−1 0 , N is the number of loops. Our device (type WH1 in
corresponding to an effective area Aeff ≈ 1.70 mm2 . This [12]) consists of 16 equal loops forming a cartwheel-like
is a surprisingly close conformity between the estimated device with an outer diameter of 7 mm. The effective flux
and measured effective flux capture areas. capture area is estimated to be 1.77 mm2 , the measured
In figure 2 the noise spectrum of an integrated value is 1.67 mm2 . Noise measurements were performed in
inductively coupled magnetometer is shown, measured at the Berlin magnetically shielded room using the additional
77 K inside a double µ-metal shield. The field noise of positive feedback (APF) electronics with bias reversal [13].
44 fT Hz−1/2 at 1 kHz and 260 fT Hz−1/2 at 1 Hz measured The noise spectra of the multiloop magnetometer, measured
SQUID magnetometers for biomagnetic measurements
1 00
am plitude (pT )
0 1 2 3 4
tim e (s)
Figure 4. Real-time trace of a magnetocardiogram recorded with the multiloop magnetometer inside the Berlin magnetically
shielded room. The measurement bandwidth is 0.016–200 Hz.
with static bias current and with bias reversal, are depicted Acknowledgments
in figure 3. A very low white noise level of 30 fT Hz−1/2
was obtained. With bias reversal, the low frequency noise The authors thank Dietmar Drung for measuring the
is greatly reduced to 95 fT Hz−1/2 at 1 Hz. noise spectra of the multiloop magnetometer with
his APF electronics equipment and for recording the
magnetocardiogram. Gratefully acknowledged are helpful
4. Discussion discussions with Silvia Knappe and Hans Koch of the
PTB Berlin, and Meinhard Schilling and Dirk Reimer of
We have fabricated three types of magnetometers.
the University of Hamburg. This work was supported by
Although there is substantial inductance mismatch, a
the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
reasonable enhancement of the effective area can be
BMBF under contract number 13N5709.
achieved using the directly coupled magnetometer. The real
advantage, as compared with an integrated magnetometer,
is that the complete device can be fabricated from a single
layer of YBCO. However, the effective flux capture area References
of the inductively coupled and multiloop magnetometer
is about one order of magnitude larger compared to [1] Zhang Y, Krüger U, Kutzner R, Wördenweber R,
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substrate of 10 × 10 mm2 . This gain in field-to- [2] Koelle D, Miklich A H, Ludwig F, Dantsker E,
flux conversion efficiency B8 is at the expense of a Nemeth D T and Clarke J 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 2271
more complicated fabrication technology. The inductively [3] Lee L P, Longo J, Vinetskiy V and Cantor R 1995 Appl.
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by increasing the number of turns of the input coil. The MAG-17 400
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types of magnetometers is already low enough to record 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 406
MCGs. As an example, a magnetocardiogram is shown in [10] Ludwig F, Dantsker E, Kleiner R, Koelle D, Clarke J,
figure 4, recorded with a multiloop magnetometer inside the Knappe S, Drung D, Koch H, Alford N M and
Berlin magnetically shielded room. Due to the low SQUID Button T W 1995 Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 1418
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