Flaucher 5elp Functions Lesson Plan
Flaucher 5elp Functions Lesson Plan
Flaucher 5elp Functions Lesson Plan
ALCOS Algebra 2, Standard 30. Graph func ons expressed symbolically, and show key features of the graph, by hand in
simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases.* [F-IF7]
Activity 2
On the projector, we will watch two YouTube videos on parent func ons and we will discuss them. Then, in groups of 4,
students will search YouTube using their phones or the Chromebooks to nd a parent func ons rap, song, or dance that they
like. They will use this as a model to create their own lyrics or dance video to describe the parent func ons that they are
assigned. This will also provide them with a preview of transforma ons that we will be learning in this lesson. We will use a
laptop connected to the projector to watch the completed projects.
The class videos that will be shown are h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58ZmkhlanZA (song) and
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJVeNVR3XPA (dance). A copy of the rubric can be found at
h ps://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=JX8C427&nocache=1505098060785 that will be used for grading the
Direc ons sheet and rubric
Coder, H. (2013, October 17). Parent func on dance. Retrieved from YouTube:
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJVeNVR3XPA
Ground, Mr. (2010, September 14). Math shorts #1 Parent Func ons. Retrieved grom YouTube:
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58ZmkhlanZA
Activity 1
Students will be assigned a partner and they will be given graphing calculators to explore what happens as the parent func on
equa ons are manipulated following the document that has been shared with the students on Google Docs. There will be
printed copies for students that experience technical dicul es. They should type their answers on the document and shared
with the teacher when they have completed the ac vity. This is a link the students can refer to if they have forgo en how to
use the graphing calculators.
h p://www.dummies.com/educa on/graphing-calculators/ -84-plus-graphing-calculator-for-dummies-cheat-sheet/
Student Graphing Calculators sheet.
Activity 2
Students will be in pairs and use the Chromebooks to play the Scirra Arcade quadratic transformations slide activity. The
ac vity tells the player to move dots to represent the placement of the parabola a er a given transforma on.
The game URL: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-games/quadratic-transformations-2901
Student will watch my video lesson which gives a review of parent func ons and a closer look at transforma ons. Students will
take notes on the note taker as I am going over the problems. There is also a graphic organizer to summarize the video lesson.
This notes sheet and graphic organizer has been shared with the students on Google Docs so they can access it digitally, but I
will also provide a hard copy if needed. At the end of the lesson there are 5 higher order thinking ques ons for students to
explore along with a challenge problem. Once students nish watching the video lesson, they will log onto www.Socra ve.com
(specic details are below in the evalua ons sec on). They will complete the online quiz so I can assess their understanding of
the lesson.
My Video lesson link: https://youtu.be/iIh-CP3Ulvc
note taker and graphic organizer.
Assignment 1
As a chance to use transforma ons to create a picture, students will use Desmos to create a picture incorpora ng the parent
func ons or transforma ons. This will be an individual project. I will show the students an example picture that I have created
and provide a direc ons sheet along with the rubric so students will know what is expected of them and how they will be
graded. Once they have completed their pictures, they will post the link to the Edmodo class page. The picture I created on
desmos https://www.desmos.com/calculator/trhifx3j8s The rubric link is
Direc ons sheet and rubric.
Assignment 2
As a group project, students will form groups of 2 or 3 and create PowerPoint or Prezi of the transforma ons we have covered
in this lesson. Students will have to include all 6 of the transforma ons and 6 of the parent func ons discussed. The students
Engagement Assessment
1) I will check their progress on the quizlet games.
2) The students will be given a rubric to guide them in crea ng their projects. This rubric will used to evaluate and grade the
YouTube song or dance project the groups have created.
h ps://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=JX8C427&nocache=1505098060785
Exploration Assessment
A er comple ng the explora on exercises with the graphing calculators and slide ac vity, the class will use the Plickers cards to
answer some forma ve assessment ques ons about the parent graphs. This will help assess the classs understanding of parent
func on graphs and equa ons that go with the graphs. The Plickers sign in site is www.Plickers.com. Use the following log in
informa on to view the quiz I created for parent func ons.
User email aucherc@uwa.edu Password UWAdemo!
Explanation Assessment
The students will take a quiz over the problems explored and worked in the video lesson. The quiz will be presented through
Socrative, and the students will take the quiz using Chromebooks or their phones. To view the sample quiz, use the following
informa on to log-in to my account. They will be taking the func on transforma on quiz which is launched. The student log on
is h ps://b.socra ve.com/login/student/ and the room name is Flaucher.
Socra ve Website: www.socra ve.com
User email: Flaucherc@uwa.edu Password: UWAdemo!
Elaboration Assessment
In addi on to assessing the students learning of this lesson through the projects, there will be a Kahoot game they will play.
There are three dierent Kahoots from which to choose depending on the level of the students in the class. These ques ons
will come directly from the notes they have taken from the video lesson. The students will use their phones for the assessment
Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.