Comments To ISO-4355-2013 Part I
Comments To ISO-4355-2013 Part I
Comments To ISO-4355-2013 Part I
Part I: The use of the thermal coefficient Ct for large roofs 22.12.2016
In ISO 4355: 2013 a new correction for the roof size is introduced, because the wind could become
less effective in removing snow from the middle of large roofs, see also [5]. As a result, for large
roof sizes, the exposure coefficient Ce in ISO 4355: 2013, chapter 6.1 will become larger than for a
smaller roof. A very large flat roof will get a roof snow load approaching the ground snow load,
with Ce 1.25. How this can affect the roof snow loads is shown in Fig.1.
The calculation of the basic roof snow load is defined in ISO 4355: 2013, chapter 4.2, equation (3)
in the format: sb = 0.8 s0 Ce Ct b.
a) With Ce 1.25 and b = 1, the basic snow load gives: sb 0.8 s0 1.25 Ct 1 s0 Ct
b) For small roofs however, with Ce = Ce0 = 1: sb = 0.8 s0 1 Ct 1 = 0.8 s0 Ct
c) And for small roofs with Ce = Ce0 1: sb = 0.8 s0 Ce0 Ct 1 = 0.8 Ce0 s0 Ct
For roofs with snow load control by melting (Ct < 1; Cm = 1,333) the central question here is: If the
roof snow is not allowed to accumulate, but removed by melting, is it possible to have 3 different
Correct is only one case, case b): For Ct < 1, with Ct according to Annex D, sb = 0.8 s0 Ct should
be used. Equation (3) leads to incorrect results when the Ct-value according to Annex D is used for
large roofs (case a)) or when values other than the recommended Ceo = 1 are used (case c)). The
reason is the historical background and development of the thermal coefficient Ct in Norway [1]
and Sweden [2]. According to [1], [2] and [3], the factor Ct is based on the wind corrected point
precipitations, not on accumulated ground or roof snow and therefore without any possibility for
later removal of snow by wind related drifts, by evaporation or sublimation. Because of this, in
these investigations the shape coefficient has been deliberately increased to = 1. The (very small)
Ct-values in [1] und [2] represented the ratio of roof to ground snow load Ct = sb / s0.
However, in 1990, a Ct-formula has been introduced in the Norwegian Standard NS 3479 Design
loads for structures Design loads, where the Ct-values were to be used with a standard shape
coefficient of = 0.8 [4]. This is why the Ct-values have obviously been increased (by more than a
value of 1/0.8). The Ct-formula became conservative and safe to use with a shape coefficient of =
In 1998, the Ct-formula was introduced into ISO 4355: 1998. Here it was to be used together with
an exposure coefficient Ce, with the recommended value set to Ce = 0.8, together with a shape
coefficient b = 1. No further correction seemed to be necessary.
The Eurocode EN 1991-1-3: 2003 refers to ISO 4355 for Ct. Here a standard shape coefficient of
1 = 0.8 is used together with a recommended Ce = 1 [6], which also allow the use of the Ct-
formula without correction, except for the roof angle, as it will be explained in Part III.
Also in the new ISO 4355: 2013 no correction is required, if the Ct-value is used with a general
conversion factor of 0.8 and Ce = 1 and b = 1. But any other value of Ce would lead to wrong
results. The increase of Ce for large size roofs is also not necessary, because the Ct-formula
according to Annex D is based on precipitations and a factor of 0.8 has been taken into account.
This is not explained and the background of Annex D is not mentioned in ISO 4355: 2013. It can
lead to basic misunderstandings.
Fig. 1: Comparison of roof snow loads according to EN and ISO based on shape coefficients
(dependent on the roof angle and the material coefficient Cm), exposure coefficients Ce or a general
conversion factor of 0.8
In Fig. 1 the case a) for large roofs is shown in green lines, case b) for small roofs in blue lines. If
the thermal coefficient according to ISO 4355, Annex D is Ct < 1, only the blue lines, and for Cm =
1,333 the light blue line, would be correct. The roof size would have no influence.
A factor for the roof size could eventually also be considered in the Eurocode (red line in Fig. 1) in
one-way or the other, leading to the same misunderstandings. In the Eurocode or in some National
Annexes, the shape coefficient 1 = 0.8 will probably be increased for large size roofs. As soon as
Ct < 1 applies, this increase needs to be questioned too.
Literature, references:
[1] Sandvik, R.: Calculation of Maximum Snow Load on Roofs with High Thermal Transmittance. In:
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Snow Engineering Santa Barbara, USA, 1988, p.
[2] Dahlberg, M., Hanson, L., Lindh, T.: Snlast p Glastak. Examensarbete, Institut of Technology Lund,
Sweden, September 1988.
[3] Nielsen, A.: Snow-Melting and Snow Loads on Glass Roofs. In: Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Snow Engineering Santa Barbara, USA, 1988, p. 168-177.
[4] Melysund, V.: Prediction of local snow loads on roofs. Dissertation, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology NTNU Trondheim, 2010.
[5] Irwin, P.A., Gamble, S.L., Taylor, D.A.: Effects of roof size and heat transfer on snow load. Studies for
the 1995 NBC, In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 22, p. 770-784, 1995.
[6] Final Report of the Commission of the European Communities DG III-D3, Scientific Support Activity
in the Field of Structural Stability of Civil Engineering Works: Snow Loads, 1997, Chapter 4.8:
Reduction of snow load on glass roofs. S. 122-134.
Relevant Codes:
ISO 4355: 2013-12-01: Bases for design of structures Determination of snow loads on roofs.
ISO 4355: 1998-12-01: Bases for design of structures Determination of snow loads on roofs.
EN 1991-1-3: 2003 + AC 2009: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures Part 1-3: General actions Snow loads.
Finland: Annex 4: National Annex to SFS-EN 1991-1-3: 2003: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures Part 1-3:
General actions Snow loads.
Dr.-Ing. Ina Pertermann & Members of CEN/TC 284 Greenhouses
Prof. Dr.-Ing Ram Puthli Chairman DIN NA 005-08-25 Greenhouses
Holunderweg 13 E-Mail:
D-48465 Schttorf