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guide for the detection and determina-

tion of generated gases in oil-immersed
transformers and their relation to the
serviceability of the equipment

October 2 5 . 1978 SH07054

An American National Standard
IEEE Guide for the
Detection and Determination of Generated
Gases in Oil-Immersed Transformers and their
Relation to the Serviceability of the Equipment

1. Scope and Introduction This guide covers:

(1) The calibration and use of field instru-
The detection of certain gases generated in an ments for detecting and estimating the amount
oil-filled transformer in service is frequently of combustible gases present in gas blankets
the first available indication of a possible above oil, or in gas detector relays.
malfunction that may eventually lead to (2) The use of fixed instruments for the
failure if not corrected. Arcing, corona dis- detection and determination of the quantity
charge, low-energy sparking, severe overloading, of combustible gases present in gas blanketed
and overheating in the insulation system are equipment.
some of the mechanisms that can result in (3) Procedures for obtaining samples of gas
chemical decomposition of the insulating and oil from the transformer for laboratory
materials and the formation of various com- analysis.
bustible and noncombustible gases. Normal (4) Laboratory methods for analyzing the
operation may also result in the formation of gas blanket and the gases extrated from the
some gases. Oil.
In a transformer, generated gases will be ( 5 ) Interpretation of results in terms of
found dissolved in the insulating oil. They may transformer serviceability.
also be found in the gas blanket above the oil ( 6 ) A bibliography.
or in gas-collecting devices. The detection of an
incipient fault, if present, involves an evalua-
tion of the amount of generated gas present
and the continuing rate of generation. An 2. The Calibration and Use of Field Instru-
indication of the source of the gases and the ments for Detecting and Estimating the
kind of insulation involved can sometimes be Amount of Combustible Gases Present
gained by determining the composition of the in Gas Blankets Above Oil,or in Gas
generated gases.
The purpose of this guide is to describe the Detector Relays
details and procedure for the gas analysis of Many of the gases generated by a possible
gas from gas spaces or gas-collecting devices malfunction in an oil-filled transformer are
and for gas dissolved in the oil. Experience combustible, The on-site detection and estima-
with the guide will assist the operator in tion of combustible gases in the transformer in
determining which procedure, or combination the field using a portable combustible gas
of procedures, best suits his needs. Several meter can be the first and the easiest indication
factors are involved, such as the type of oil of a possible malfunction, and may form the
preservation system; the type and frequency of basis for further testing or an operating
his sampling program; and the analytical decision.
facilities at his disposal. However, whether
used separately or as complements to one 2.1 Scope.
another, the procedures disclosed in this guide 2.1.1 This method covers the detection and
a l l provide the operator with positive and estimation of combustible gases in the gas
useful information concerning the service- blanket above the oil or in gas detector relays
ability of the equipment. in transformers using portable field instru-


ments. It is only applicable to transformers methane content usually between 2 and 3

using mineral oil as the dielectric fluid. Gases percent. The methane content should be
dissolved in the oil and noncombustible gases known to the nearest 0.1 percent.
are not determined. A method of calibrating
the instruments with a known gas mixture is 2.4 Safety Precautions.
included. 2.4.1 Gases generated in transformers can be
2.1.2 This method affords an estimate of the explosive. The combustible gas meter should,
total combustible gases present in a gas mixture. therefore, be equipped with a flame arrester.
If a more accurate determination of the total Air should be used to dilute the sample gas to
amount of combustible gases or a quantitative avoid the possibility of an explosion. Never use
determination of the individual components pure oxygen for this purpose. Strict precautions
is desired, a laboratory analytical method should be observed when sampling the gases
using a gas chromatograph or mass spectrometer from the transformer.
should be used. 2.5 General Considerations.
2.2 Summary of Method. 2.5.1 In this method it is essential that
2.2.1 A sample of gas is diluted with a fixed sufficient oxygen be present in the gas mixture
ratio of air and introduced into the meter at a to oxidize the combustible gases. Since the gas
pressure of approximately one atmosphere. blanket in a transformer is usually an inert gas,
Any combustible gases present are catalytically it is necessary to dilute the sample gas with a
oxidized on the surface of an incandescent known amount of air. This is usually accom-
platinum alloy wire which is an element of a plished by either introducing air and the sample
Wheatstone bridge. When combustible gases gas into the instrument in known ratios through
oxidize on the surface they increase the tem- fixed orifices, or by mixing known quantities
perature of the element which changes its of air and sample gas externally by displace-
ment over water before introduction into the
resistance and upsets the balance of the bridge.
i n s b e n t . The working range of these instru-
The change in the resistance of the indicating
elements in the bridge circuit is indicated on a ments is between the low limit of sensitivity
meter which is usually calibrated to read in and about the lower explosive limit. They
percent total combustible gas. generally read off scale at the high end between
the lower explosive limit and the upper explo-
2.3 Apparatus. sive limit, and may indicate zero when the
2.3.1 Portable combustible gas meter' con- combustible gas content is above the upper
sisting of the following components: explosive limit.
(1) Platinum alloy catalytic oxidizing ele- 2.5.2 Contamination on the surface of the
ments incorporated in a Wheatstone bridge platinum alloy elements can seriously impair
circuit complete with a suitable battery and the sensitivity and response of the meter. This
controls for balancing and voltage adjustment. loss of response does not affect the normal
(2) A milliampere meter preferably cali- balancing of the bridge circuit and is not
brated to read directly in percent total detected by an electrical check of the instru-
combustible gases. ment. It is, therefore, essential to check and
(3) Gas mixing device for mixing air and calibrate the instrument frequently against a
sample gas at fixed ratios. standard combustible gas mixture.
2.3.2 Standard reference gas. 2.5.3 Since each combustible gas has its own The standard reference gas shall be individual instrument response, the values
a mixture of methane and nitrogen, with the determined by an instrument are dependent
upon the kind of combustible gas used for
calibration. In order to permit interlaboratory
'The following commercial instruments have been
comparisons of results, a mixture of methane
found to be satisfactory: Davis Vapotester Model in nitrogen has been selected as the standard
MS-1, available from Scott Aviation-Davis Products, calibrating gas mixture.
225 Erie Street, Lancaster, NY 14086. J. W. Portable
Indicator Model SS-P, available from Johnson-Williams NOTE: Detector element fouling generally impairs
Division of Bacharach Industrial Instrument Company, the instrument's response to hydrocarbon gases, includ-
2300 Leghorn St., Mountain View, CA, Portable ing methane, but has little effect on response to
Fault-Gas Detector Model A, available from McGraw- hydrogen. A comparison of the results of analyses of
Edison, Power Systems Division, Canonsburg, PA. known mixtures of methane in nitrogen and hydrogen


in nitrogen can, therefore, be employed to indicate gas content is probably above the upper explo-
the degree of detector element fouling.
sive limit. This can be verified by additional
2.6 Calibration. dilution of the sample gas with air to bring the
2.6.1 Prepare the instrument for operation combustible gas content within the range
and make zero balance and voltage adjustments of the instrument.
in accordance with the instructions of the instru- 2.7.6 Recheck the instrument’s zero balance
ment manufacturer and the procedure, 2.7. and voltage adjustments.
2.6.2 Mix the standard reference gas with air 2.7.7 Report reading in percent to the
and introduce it into the meter in exactly the nearest small-scale division.
same manner as used for the sample gas from 2.7.8 After use, purge the instrument to
the transformer. remove sample gas in order to minimize cor-
2.6.3 Turn the calibration adjustment so the rosion and eliminate contamination.
meter indicates the known methane content of
the reference standard when the air and
reference gas mixture is being tested. Purge the 3. The Use of Fixed Instruments for the
meter with air to remove traces of reference gas
and proceed as in 2.7. Detection and Determination of the
Quantity of Combustible Gases
2.7 Procedure.
2.7.1 Prepare the instrument for operation Present in Gas-Blanketed
in accordance with the instrument manu- Equipment
facturer’s instructions. This should normally
include a warmup period to allow the battery The reliability of sealed transformers with a
voltage to stabilize, a voltage adjustment, and gas space over the oil can be enhanced by
an instrument balance or zero adjustment. monitoring the gas space using self-contained,
2.7.2 Calibrate the instrument against the fixed mounted instruments. These instruments
standard methane mixture following the detect and determine the quantity of com-
procedure in 2.6.The frequency of calibration bustible gases as well as sound an alarm when
required for individual instruments can be the combustible gases exceed a predetermined
determined by experience. Low readings level. Optional recorders can also be used to
because of contamination on the platinum provide a daily record of the combustible gases
elements can only be detected by a check with present.
a gas of known composition. In any case of 3.1 Scope.
doubt, the instrument should be recalibrated. 3.1.1 This method covers the detection and
2.7.3 If the instrument has a range switch determination of combustible gases in the gas
or more than one dilution orifice, set for space above the oil in transformers using fixed
maximum range or dilution to avoid damage to instruments and sounding an alarm when the
the instrument. Purge the instrument so it is combustible gases exceed a predetermined
free of gas from previous tests. level that is considered to be indicative of
2.7.4 Introduce the mixture of air and pending trouble.
sample in accordance with instructions of the 3.1.2 This method affords a quantitative
instrument manufacturer. The flow rate measurement of the total combustible gases
should be moderate and reproducible. The present in the transformer gases. If the amount
pressure of gas in the oxidation chamber of the individual gas components is desired, a
should be atmospheric and the temperature laboratory analytical method using a gas
should be above the dew point of the gas being chromatograph or mass spectrometer should
tested to prevent condensation of moisture on be used.
the oxidizing elements.
2.7.5 Read the percent combustible gas 3.2 Summary of Method.
indicated on the meter. If the reading is low, 3.2.1 At least two somewhat related methods
change to a lower range or change the orifice are employed.
to one admitting less dilution air. If the instru- The first type of gas monitor
ment goes momentarily off scale on the high continually compares the thermal conductivity
side and then returns to zero, the combustible of the transformer gas with that of pure


nitrogen and is suitable for any transformer of of its formation over the oil resulting from 1

the closed type with a gas space above the incipient internal fault in transformers. If the
transformer oil. level of combustible gases reaches a preset limit The transformer gas is con- an alarm is actuated, this warning of pending
tinually circulated through one section of a trouble.
Wheatstone bridge and returned to the trans-
former. The other section of the bridge contains 3.4 Apparatus.
pure nitrogen and is balanced against the 3.4.1 Fixed Combustible gas apparatus’
transformer gas. consisting generally of the following com- When combustible gases are ponents.
produced in the transformer, they mix with the (1) A Wheatstone bridge circuit capable of
transformer gas and increase the thermal accurately determining changes in thermal
conductivity of gases, with controls for bal-
conductivity of the transformer gas. The
ancing and voltage adjustment.
increase in the thermal conductivity of the
transformer gas unbalances the Wheatstone (2) A milliampere meter calibrated to read
directly in percent total combustible gases.
bridge and is proportional to combustible
3.4.2 The standard reference gas shall be
gases as indicated on a meter.
made in accordance with manufacturers’ rec- The second type of gas monitor
continuously samples the transformer gas at
3.4.3 Optional Recorder. Provision is made
fixed intervals and bums any combustible
on the fixed combustible gas apparatus to
gases present to provide a measure of the
install a recorder to give a permanent daily
combustible gases. This type of monitor is
record of changes in combustible gas
used only on transformers with a positive
pressure of nitrogen over the oil. At a fixed interval (usually 3.5 Safety Precautions. Gases generated in
24 h) a sample of the transformer gas is pumped transformers can be explosive. Strict precau-
from the unit, mixed with air, and passed tions should be observed when sampling the
over a heated platinum sensor of a Wheatstone gases from transformers.
bridge. Any combustible gas in the sample is
burned. This raises the temperature of the sensor 3.6 Calibration. The instruments shall be
and unbalances the bridge which was balanced calibrated in accordance with the manufac-
against a second platinum sensor in air. The turers’ instruction guide.
degree of unbalance is proportional to the 3.7 Maintenance.
amount of combustible gases present in the 3.7.1 At the time of installation and each
transformer gas as indicated on a meter. year thereafter, the equipment should be A relay is operated in conjunction standardized to be sure the monitor is operat-
with the percent gas meter so that when the ing properly.
combustible gases exceed a preset value (usually 3.7.2 For restandardization and repairs, the
1percent) the relay sounds an alarm. operator should follow the manufacturers’ The alarm relay can be reset at instruction guide.
a higher combustible gas level once the initial
1 percent level has been reached. The time to
reach this new level will give a measure of the 4. Procedures for Obtaining Samples of
rate of gas formation. Gas and Oil from the Transformer for All units that have sounded an Laboratory Analysis
alarm should be checked with a portable gas
meter to verify the combustible gas level, or 4.1 Gas Samples for Laboratory Analyds.
the gas should be sampled for complete analy- 4.1.1 Gas Blanket. It has become common
sis by a gas chromatograph or mass spec- practice to extract samples of gas from the
3.3 Significance.
3.3.1 The combustible gas monitor provides 2 A commercial instrument found to be satisfactory
a means for the continuous detection of com- is TCG Fault-Gas Monitor, available from McGraw-
bustible gas and the determination of the rate Edison CO, Power Systems Division, Canonsburg, PA.




UP TO 1000 rnL OVER 1000mL

Fig 1
Metal Sample Containers

gas blanket above the oil in sealed transformers, Sample size requirements are a function of
for submission to the laboratory for quantita- the sensitivity of the apparatus in use and the
- tive analysis. This may be conveniently amount of dissolved gas present. Samples as
performed in accordance with ASTM D2759, small as 1 ml or as large as 1000 ml have
Standard Method for Sampling Gas from a proven to be satisfactory with current
Transformer under Positive Pressure, being technology.
careful to obtain a representative sample. 4.1.4 Transport and Direct Sampling Con-
4.1.2 Gas Collection Device. Transformers tainers. It is essential that the oil sample be
not having a gas space may be equipped with a representative of oil within the equipment.
gas collector relay which is connected to the Following are recommendations for the accep-
highest point of the transformer in order to tance criteria for transport and direct sampling
collect the gases which may form in the unit. containers.
A gas sample may be taken from such a device Transport Containers. Transport
by connecting a gas-tight (or precision ground) containers should meet the leak criterion
glass syringe through a short length of plastic in They should be suitable for ship-
tubing and a three-way stopcock t o the device. ment by mail and by any freight carrier. It
To do so, flush the tubing, stopcock, and cannot be overemphasized that the results of
syringe by valving the gas from the relay to the the analysis by this method may dictate
syringe. (See ASTM D923, Tentative Method judgments on the serviceability of power
for Sampling Gas from a Transformer by equipment; therefore, all precautions should be
Syringe.) taken to ensure the safe delivery of good
4.1.3 Gas Dissolved in Oil. Gas decomposi- uncontaminated samples.
tion products of electric insulating oil and Several types of containers are presently
solids are soluble in oil to varying degrees used. They are listed below.
depending on composition.
In the case of oil-filled (diaphragm or con- (a) calibrated stainless steel cylinders (Fig 1)
servator) transformers, until sufficient gas has (b) flexible metal cans (Fig 1 - one sug-
accumulated to operate a gas detector relay, gested type)
(c) syringes (see ASTM D923)
there is no gas in the transformer tank above
(d) glass bottles.
the oil; hence, the only gas available for analysis
is that dissolved in the oil. The optimum method of filling the can and


sampling the contents of the can are still under in Fig 1. Syringes must also conform to the
development. leak criterion in and be used in accor- Leak Acceptance Criterion for dance with ASTM D923.
Transport Containers. The introduction or loss Oil Sampling Using Metal Bottles -
of gases to or from the sample during sampling, Oil Sampling Procedure. Tubing adaptors are
transport to the analytical laboratory, and attached to each end of the threaded ends of
transfer to the extraction process should not the shutoff valves of the stainless steel sampling
exceed 0.35 percent of the hydrogen or helium bottle. Two lengths of flexible polyvinyl
content of a standard sample per day -in lieu chloride tubing are attached to the tubing
of other procedures meeting this criterion, adaptors. Before attaching the polyvinyl
ASTM D923 is recommended, but subject to chloride tubing to the main sample valve,
the above leak criterion. flush the valve into a scrap-oil container. One Direct Sampling or Transfer Con- end of the tubing is attached to the oil sampling
tainers. Glass syringes are the direct sampling valve of the transformer and the open end of
containers of choice where the oil is taken the other piece of tubing is placed in a scrap-
directly from the equipment and introduced oil container. Both valves of the sample bottle
into the extraction device. They are also are opened and then the main valve of the
recommended for transferring oil or gas samples transformer is opened. The sample bottle
from transport containers ( as shown must be held in the vertical position (Fig 2).

Fig 2
Oil Sampling with a Metal Bottle


- The oil will gradually fill the oil container from way high-vacuum stopcock lubricated with the
the bottom and overflow through the top minimum amount of high-vacuum silicone
into the scrap-oil container. Continue over- grease.
flowing the oil until no more bubbles can be A degassing flask with a fritted glass gas
seen through the plastic tubing and until two dispersion inlet tube, of sufficient volume to
quarts of oil have been collected in the scrap- contain up to 50 ml of oil below the inlet
oil container. Close the top valve of the sample tube, capable of being evacuated, containing
bottle and allow oil pressure to build up, then a ptfe coated magnetic spin bar, and mounted
close the bottom valve of the sample bottle on a magnetic stirrer.
and finally the main transformer valve. A means of measuring absolute pressure
within the apparatus.
NOTE: Oils having a high degree of gas saturation A vacuum pumping system capable of evacu-
may account for bubbles if there is a significant change
in the temperature in the sample in or during transit. ating the glassware to an absolute pressure of
(See 1 X 10-3 torr or lower.
Vacuum glassware sufficiently large com-
pared to the volume of the oil sample, so that
virtually complete degassing is obtained and
5. LaboratoryMethods for Analyzing the the volumetric collection ratio is as large as
Gas Blanket and the Gases Extracted possible. A 500 ml gas collecting flask has been
from the Oil found suitable.
High-vacuum valves or stopcocks employing
5.1 Gas Extraction and Analysis. the minimum necessary amounts of high-
5.1.1 Gas Blanket Sample. The sample of vacuum stopcock grease are used throughout
the gas blanket may be submitted directly to the apparatus.
analysis as described in 5.2.3 except that the A gas collection tube calibrated in 0.01 ml
results will be reported as percentages. divisions capable of containing up to 5 ml of
- 5.1.2 Gas Extraction from Oil Sample by gas, terminated with a silicone rubber retaining
Expansion in an Evacuated Flask. septum. A suitable arrangement is shown in Scope. This method covers the Fig 5.
extraction and measurement of gases dissolved A reservoir of mercury3 sufficient to fill the
in electrical insulating oil having a viscosity of collection flask and collection tube.
20 centistokes (100 Saybolt Universal Seconds) Determination of apparatus
or less at 4OoC (104'F) and their containment collection ratio. The apparatus shall be care-
for quantitative analysis. Any noncondensable fully checked for vacuum tightness of all
gas may be determined. joints and stopcocks. Summary of Method. Dissolved The volume of the total extraction space
gases are extracted from a sample of oil by V T , and the volume of the collection space
introduction of the oil into a pre-evacuated V c , shall be measured, and the ratio
known volume. The evolved gases are com- VC
where V, is the volume of
pressed to atmospheric pressure and the total (VT -k vcyl)-v,
volume measured. oil sample, VT is the total internal volume of Description of Terms. Gas content extraction space, and Vcyr is the volume of
of oil by volume is the total volume of gases, calibrated stainless steel cylinder (if a syringe
corrected to 760 torr and zero degrees Celsius, is used this number is zero) shall be calculated
contained in a given volume of oil, expressed as the volumetric ratio.
as a percentage. The degassing efficiencies for each individual
5.1 2.4 Appamtus. component gas shall be calculated using the Method A: A method suitable formula
for determining the total amount of dissolved
gas and the amounts of the individual dissolved
gases using samples of 1 ml to 50 ml in size.
- (See Figs 3 and 4). Flexible polyvinylchloride
tubing terminated with a Luer fitting to accept ~~

a glass syringe and leading t o a solid plug, three- Suitable handling precautions shall be observed.


5. I .2.4.4

Fig 3
Apparatus for Extraction of Gas from Insulating Oil
Method A Type I

Solubility coefficients of fixed gases may be

determined by ASTM Method D2780,Standard
degassing coefficient of compo- Method of Test for Solubility of Fixed Gases
nent i in Liquids.
volume of oil sample Solubility coefficients that have been deter-
total internal volume of extrac- mined for a number of gases in one specific
tion space electrical insulating oil at 25OC are shown in
Ostwald solubility coefficient of Table 1. Values for gases in other oils may be
component i estimated by reference to ASTM D2779,
volume of calibrated stainless steel Standard Method for Estimation of Solubility
cylinder. of Gases in Petroleum Liquids.


-. Table 1 degassing flask and operate the magnetic

Ostwald Solvbility Coefficients for One Oil stirrer vigorously for approximately 10 min
(see Note 2).
Ostwald Solubility(3) Close the stopcock isolating the collection
Component Gas(') Coefficient Ki 25OC
flask, and allow mercury to flow into the
Hydrogen 0.0558 collection flask.
Nitrogen 0.0968
Carbon monoxide 0.133 Open the stopcock to the reference column
Oxygen 0.179 and by means of the hand pump (Fig 3) or
Methane 0.438 leveling bottle (Fig 4) bring the level of the
Carbon dioxide 1.17
Acetylene 1.22 mercury in the reference column even with the
Ethylene 1.76 level in the collection tube.
Ethane 2.59 Measure the volume of extracted gas in the
Propane 11.0
Butane(*) 20.0 collection tube and correct for collection
efficiency by dividing it by the volumetric
NOTES: collection ratio (see Correct t o
(1) DIND, J. E., DAOUST, R., REGIS, J., and 760 torr and OOC. Determine the volume of
MORGAN, J. Analysis of Gasses Dissolved in Trans-
former Oils. Doble Conference Index o f Minutes, oil degassed in the degassing flask. Record as a
Sec 6-1101,1971. percentage the gas content of oil by volume.
(2) Value reported in a private communication
from M. Frydman, American Electric Power Service
Corporation. NOTES:
(3) The Ostwald coefficient values shown in this
table are correct only for the specific mineral oil (1) Any gas bubbles present in the syringe should
having a density a t 15.5OC of 0.855 g/cm3 used in the be retained during this flushing operation.
original determination. Ostwald coefficients for mineral (2) If gas bubbles are present in the syringe, it is
oils of different densities may be calculated as follows: essential that the total contents of the syringe be used
in the analysis.
0.980 -density
Ki (corrected) =
0.1 255 Stainless steel bottle procedure
where density is the density of the oil of interest in
(up to 50 ml capacity). Connect the bottom
grams per cubic centimeter at 15.5OC. valve of the vertically mounted, precalibrated,
This equation is derived from the equation in para- stainless-steel cylinder to the extraction appa-
n a p h 4.5 of ASTM Method D2779. Note especially ratus using thick-walled, flexible, polyvinyl
that all of the Ostwald coeffieients are changed by the
same factor, meaning that though the absolute chloride tubing. Evacuate the extraction sys-
solubilities of each of the gases will change if a dif- tem to the bottom valve of the cylinder. Close
ferent oil is used, the ratio of the solubility of one stopcock to vacuum pump. Slowly open the
gas to that of another gas will remain constant.
lower cylinder valve and admit the entire Syringe procedure. Lower the contents t o the extraction chamber (see Figs 3
mercury level from the collection flask. and 4).
Evacuate the system of collection flask and Operate the magnetic stirrer vigorously for
degassing flask to an absolute pressure of approximately 10 min.
1X torr or less. (In Fig 3 the space above Close the stopcock isolating the collection
the mercury in the reservoir must also be flask, and allow mercury to flow into the
evacuated. ) collection flask.
Connect the oil sample syringe by the poly- Open the stopcock to the reference column
vinyl chloride tubing to the three-way stopcock and by means of the hand pump (Fig 3) or
leading to the degassing flask. leveling bottle (Fig 4) bring the level of the
Flush a small quantity of oil from the syringe mercury in the reference column even with the
through the tubing and stopcock to waste level in the collection tube.
making sure that all the air in the connecting Measure the volume of extracted gas in the
tube is displaced by oil (see Note 1). collection tube and correct for collection
Close stopcocks to the vacuum pumps and efficiency by dividing it by the volumetric
then slowly open the three-way stopcock to collection ratio (see Correct to
allow oil and any gas bubbles that may be 760 torr and OOC. Determine the volume of
- present in the sample syringe to enter the oil degassed in the degassing flask. Record as a
degassing flask. percentage the gas content of oil by volume.
Allow the desired amount of oil to enter the For larger containers, an Aliquot sample is



i \

Fig 4
Apparatus for Extraction of Gas from Insulating Oil
Method A Type I1

transferred to the extraction apparatus in

accordance with OPENING
NOTE: Oils having a high degree of gas saturation TUBE
may produce bubbles if there is a significant change
in the temperature in the sample during transit. This
may alter the ratio of gases present in the transferred ---RUBBER SEPTUM
oil sample. Method B: A method suitable

for determining the relative concentrations o f
the individual dissolved gases using samples
up to 1000 ml. This method does not deter-

mine total dissolved gas. That value must be
determined by an independent method. The
limitation of this method is being investigated
(see Fig 6).
Fig 5
Retaining Rubber Septum for Gas
Collection Tube






C" "A"
500 CC 500 CC



VESSEL '8" 250 cc

Fig 6
Apparatus for Extraction of Gas from Insulating Oil
Method B Procedure. Set stopcock A in and B.
position 3, and open stopcocks B, C, D, E, F, Partially open stopcock B to allow the oil
and G. Close stopcock H. to flow into vessel A. 3
Connect sampling bottle to stopcock A. When vessel A is approximately 4 full close
Evacuate the system to an absolute pressure stopcock A by turning it to a position half
of 10-2 torr or lower. way between position 1and position 2.
Close stopcocks B and C. Close stopcocks D and E. Turn stopcock A
-. Turn stopcock A to position 2, open the to position 1.
valves on the sampling bottle and allow the Open stopcock C.
oil to fill the tubing between stopcocks A When vessel B is full of oil,close stopcock F.



Turn stopcock A to position 3, and partially Table 2 .

open stopcock F to allow oil to fill the entire Sensitivity Levels for Gases
The extracted gas in the upper part of vessel
A and the gas collection tube will now be at Minimum Detectable Limits for
Gases Dissolved in Oil
atmospheric pressure. Component Gas (PPm)
5.1.3 Gas Analysis. Hydrogen 5 Scope. This method covers the Hydrocarbons 1
identification and determination of the follow- Carbon oxides 25
ing individual component gases in the gas Atmospheric gases 50
NOTE: It is recommended that ASTM Standard
hydrogen H2 Recommended Practice for General Gas Chroma-
tography Procedures, Designation E260, be used as a
oxygen 0 2
nitrogen N2
carbon monoxide CO
carbon dioxide CO2 standard shall agree within +1 percent with
methane CH4 respect to area under the peaks for hydrocarbon
ethane c2 H6
and carbon oxide components.
ethylene c2 H4 Reagents and Materials. Any suit-
acetylene c2 H2
able adsorbent materials may be used. Several
propane c3 H8
combinations have been found to be suitable
propylene c3 H6
including molecular sieve, porapak Q,
butane c4 10
porapak S, hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA),
diisodecyl phthallate, silica gel, chromosorb Summary of Method. A portion of 102, and carbosieve B.
the gas sample is introduced into a gas chro- Helium, argon, or nitrogen carrier gas, having
matograph equipped with suitable adsorption a minimum purity of 99.95 mole percent.
columns. The composition of the specimen is Reference standard gas mixture containing
determined from its chromatogram by com- known percentages of the gases listed
paring the area of the peak of each component in Propane, propylene, and butane
with the area of the peak of the same compo- may be omitted if desired.
nent on a reference chromatogram made on a Fixed needle gas-tight syringes of suitable
standard mixture of known composition. size.4 Description of Terms. Parts per Calibration. Prepare the gas chro-
million (ppm) by volume of (specific gas) in matograph for use as directed by the manu-
oil, is the volume of that gas corrected to facturer, and establish a set of operating
760 torr and OOC, contained in lo6 volumes of conditions capable of separation of the indicated
oil. component gases. Apparatus. A gas chromatograph Inject a preestablished volume of the refer-
consisting essentially of a carrier gas source, a ence standard gas mixture into the chromat-
pressure regulator, a sample injection port and ograph and establish a pattern of elution
adsorption column, a flowmeter, a detector, times for the gas components known to be in
and a recorder. the mixture, a t an established set of operating
Means must be provided to measure and con- conditions and sample size. Repeat the analysis
trol the temperatures of the adsorption until consistent operating conditions provide
columns, the inlet port, and the detector, to consistent chromatograms. Calibration should
within kO.5OC. be repeated daily when analyses are being
The apparatus must be capable of sufficiently conducted.
separating the component gases, at the
sensitivity levels shown in Table 2, ta ensure
quantitative measurement of the respective 4Syringes available from the Hamilton Company.
peak areas. P.O. Box 17500, Reno, Nevada 89510; and Pressure-
Lok Syringes made by Precision Sampling Corpora-
The apparatus shall provide sufficient re- tion, P.O. Box 1519, Baton Rouge, LA 70815, have
producibility that successive runs of a reference been found suitable.

OF GENERATED GASES IN OIGIMMERSED TRANSFORMERS C57.104-1978 Procedure. Increase the pressure 6. Interpretation of Gas Analysis in

on the gas sample contained in the collection
tube described in slightly above
Terms of Transformer Serviceability
atmospheric pressure by raising the level of
mercury in the reference column slightly above
the level of the mercury in the gas collection 6.1 General. When a fault occurs in a trans-
tube. former, the newly formed gases partly dis-
Insert the needle of the gas-tight injection solve in the oil. An exchange in concentration
syringe through the septum of the gas collec- of the gases in the gas space and the oil volume
tion tube, and withdraw a suitable volume into proceeds until a new state of equilibrium is
the syringe. Adjust the gas pressure as indicated attained, this being determined by the partial
by the reference column precisely to pressures of the individual gases and their
atmospheric before closing the syringe or solubilities. Thus the gases in the gas space are
withdrawing the needle from the septum. high in the low oil-soluble gases and the gases
When the apparatus conditions are equal t o in the oil are high in the more oil-soluble
those established during the calibration gases. Likewise, some changes in the gas com-
procedure, quickly inject the known volume of position in transformers can take place due to
gas into the chromatograph through the the chemical reaction of the gases with the oil
injection port. or with each other.
Repeat the procedure until consistent chro- It is important to understand in the use of
matograms are obtained. the procedures recommended in this guide that Calculation. Determine the inte- the observed percentages of the gas compo-
grated area of each peak of the chromatogram. nents will differ widely depending upon
For routine comparative analyses when reduced whether the sample is taken from the gas space,
accuracy may be tolerated, peak heights may a gas detector relay, or from the oil itself,
be used, instead of integrated areas. even though the gas components are formed at
Identify the gases represented by each peak the same source. This is basically due to
by comparison of elution times with those differences in the solubility of the various
obtained for the reference standard gas mixture gases in transformer oil, the various trans-
in the calibration procedure. former oil types, the type of preservation, the
Determine the amount of each identified gas degree of circulation, the materials of construc-
component by comparing respective peak tion in contact with the oil, the stage of
areas with those obtained for the reference development of the fault, and the degree of
standard gas mixture in the calibration saturation of both the oil and gas space at the
procedure. time of sampling. The following values indicate
Calculate the volume concentration of each the oil solubility of different gases in one
specific gas with respect to the volume of oil specific insulating oil at 760 mm Hg and
degassed in the degassing flask. 25°C.
Correct to 760 torr and O°C and express
as parts per million (ppm) by volume of
(specific gas) in oil.
Percent by Volume at 26'C
Correct each experimental value for the
incomplete degassing by dividing it by its Hydrogen (HZ1 5.6
respective degassing efficiency derived above, Nitrogen (Nz) 9.7
and normalize the corrected values. Carbon monixode (CO) 13.3
Air 10.3 Report. The report shall include: Arson (AR) 15
Oxygen ( 0 2 ) 17.9
identification of oil sample Methane (C& ) 43.8
temperature of oil at time of sampling Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 117
total gas content of oil by volume ex- Ethane (c2 H6 ) 259
Ethylene (C2 H4 ) 176
pressed as a percentage Acetylene (C2 H2 ) 122
volume concentration in the oil, for Propylene (C3H6 ) 1200
each component gas, expressed in parts Propane (C3Ha) 1100
Butane ( C4Hlo ) 2000
per million.


Oils of differing chemical composition will quantities of hydrogen, carbon monoxide,

result in different gas solubility values. methane, and ethylene.
The solubility of air in oil, allowing for the 6.2.2 Low-Energy Spark Discharges Under
different partial pressures and solubilities of Oil with or without Cellulose. The gases
the individual components, nitrogen, oxygen, produced as the result of low-energy discharge
argon, and carbon dioxide, is approximately breakdown of oil alone consist primarily of
10.3 percent. The composition of the con- hydrogen and some methane. Acetylene is
stituents in oil by analysis is approximately usually not present. Carbon dioxide and carbon
70 percent nitrogen, 30 percent oxygen and monoxide are present when cellulose is
argon, and 0.03 percent carbon dioxide by involved. This type of fault usually produces
volume. small amounts of gases which can continue
Gas samples used to determine the service- over an extended period before failure of the
ability of transformers in this guide are obtained transformer. In fact, these type faults often
by any of the following three (3) methods. correct themselves and do not progress any
(1) A sample from the gas space above the further.
oil in the transformer. 6.2.3 Severe Local Overheating with or
(2) A sample of the gas extracted from a without Cellulose. This type of fault is usually
representative portion of the oil in the trans- caused by a turn-to-turn failure or a poor
former. connection with thermal breakdown of oil
(3) A sample of the gas collected in a gas resulting in significant amounts of hydrogen,
relay such as a Buchholz relay. methane, and ethylene. In some cases, small
amounts of acetylene can be detected. Large
quantities of carbon dioxide and lesser
6.2 Conditions Causing Gas Formation in quantities of carbon monoxide are found
Transformers. At present, the art of deter- where cellulose is present.
mining fault types from the analysis of gaseous 6.2.4 Corona Discharge in Oil. Corona dis-
byproducts is relatively new. Investigators have charges can cause oil breakdown and may
been limited by equipment, analytical methods, occur in voids and other gas pockets. It is
and the natural complexity of the problem; but characterized by the formation of predominant
the principal obstacle in the development of amounts of hydrogen and significant amounts
fault interpretation as an exact science has
of methane with only traces of ethane and
been the very small number of cases where
both the type and quantity of gases and the
6.2.5 Thermal Decomposition of Cellulose.
precise location and identification of the fault
This results from overheating of transformer
are all known. The following list represents a
insulation by overloading equipment or in
summary of the present state of the art. Its
cases where normal oil circulation is impaired
purpose in this guide is to provide a basis for
and high temperatures result in the trans-
the accumulation of further data on fault
formers. Normal operating temperatures also
type correlation with gas analysis.
cause decomposition. The gases produced are
6.2.1 High-Energy Arcing Under Oil with or primarily carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
without Cellulose. The gases produced contain with some hydrogen, occasionally. In extreme
cases, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons
large percentages of hydrogen and acetylene
with lesser amounts of methane and ethylene. can result from thermal breakdown of the
If the arc is associated with cellulose, significant associated oil.
6.2.6 Rusting and Dissociation of Water. In
amounts of carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide are formed in addition. If the fault some cases, significant quantities of hydrogen
are formed from excessive moisture in critical
is not a cellulose area, the carbon oxides are
areas of the transformers. The moisture can
barely detectable. The total volume of gas
result in rusting of the core and dissociation
generated is very high. It should be recognized
that acetylene is very soluble and reactive, and
to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Other com-
bustible gases are not found.
in a relatively short-time disappears due to
combination with other gases and absorp-
tion. Formvar enamels and other polymeric 6.3 Suggested Operating Procedures Upon
insulations usually produce significant Detection of Combustible Gas. Planning con-


0.5 2.1
to to
G0.49 2.0 5.0 >5.0

<O.Ol Procedure A Procedure B Caution Extreme Caution

Procedure C Plan Outage
D and E Procedure C, D, E

0.01 Procedure B Caution Extreme Caution Reduce Load

to Procedure C Plan Outage Plan Outage
0.03 Procedure C, D, E

>0.03 Caution Extreme Caution Extreme Caution Extreme Caution

Procedure Procedure C, D, E Reduce Load Hazardous to
c , D, E Plan Outage Continuous
Procedure C, D, E Operation

The initial level of total combustible gas and the rate of increase of generation are calculated. The appropriate
testing and surveillance procedures recommended in Table 3 are:
Procedure A: Analyze weekly. If rate remains the same or decreased, analyze monthly and then bi-monthly. If
gassing then stops check 4-6 months.
Procedure B: Analyze every 3 days. If rate is constant, check for load dependency. If load dependent, reduce
load if possible and monitor weekly.
Procedure C: Analyze daily. Check load dependence, audible internal corona. If rate drops use Procedure B and
Procedure D: Take gas space sample for analysis.
Procedure E: Take oil sample for analysis.

venient system outages for replacing faulty evaluate the results of the analyses per 6.3.2.
equipment necessitates early detection and (2) Determine the total combustible gas
immediate information on the generation rate generation rate by periodic sampling or by
or sensitivity of the generation rate to changes recording results from continuous monitor.
in load. When combustible gases are first (3) Determine equipment serviceability and
detected in the gas space, relay, or dissolved the appropriate action by utilizing the informa-
in the oil it is recommended that the equip- tion on TCG levels from gas space samples only
ment manufacturer or service representative be and generation rates as described in Table 3.
notified immediately. Then depending on the
type of gas detection used, TCG or dissolved 6.3.2 Determination of the Operating Condi-
gas, the following procedures recommended in tion of Transformers by Analysis of the
this guide can be utilized t o assess the operat- Separate Gases Extracted from the Oil or
ing condition of the equipment. Removed from Relay or Gas Space. Again it
6.3.1 Determination o f the Operating Condi- is recommended that the equipment manu-
tion o f Transformers Using Total Combustible facturer or his service representative should be
Gas (TCG) Analysis (Sections 2 and 3). When notified when fault gases are first detected.
either portable devices or fixed devices indi- While a number of methods are known to be
cate combustible gas: in use for the interpretation of the gas analysis,
- (1) Remove a sample of the gas from the two of the most commonly used methods are
gas space (or relay) or obtain an oil sample, or qualitative interpretation ( and ratio
both. Analyze per Section 5 of this guide and and rate analysis interpretation (


These methods used in conjunction with TCG testing procedures will provide new informa-
methods (6.3.1) provide the equipment tion to permit better maintenance techniques
operator with valuable insight into the loca- for transformers.
tions and the types of faults generating the 6.3.23 Ratio and Rate Analysis Znterpre-
gases. They also provide further guidance tation. Two most useful ratio methods
concerning the gravity of the fault and a better attributed to Domenberg ( and
estimate of the progress of the fault and the Rogers ( utilize the ratios of key
relative urgency of a planned outage. Accurate component gases obtained from gas space,
fault type analysis by these procedures relay or extracted from the oil to diagnose the
expedites repair. fault type. The literature (7.2)contains con- Qualitative Interpretation. While siderable documentation of actual cases which
some investigators attach more or less impor- provide the basis for the assignment of fault
tance to the detection of certain gases, a types to these ratios.
generally accepted list of gases and the condi- Dornenberg mtio method (re-
tion or type of fault generally associated with vised 1972). The gases considered sufficient
them can be found in Table 4. to describe types of faults are: H 2 , CH4, C2H4,
It is recognized that there are many variables C2H6, CO, and C O 2 . Units of moles/liter or
that prevent clear-cut interpretation of faults ppm v/v can be used for calculating the ratio.
found in transformers and the steps that must Three techniques are applied: key components,
be taken to eliminate the gassing problem. norms, and ratios.
However, in many cases, the technique of Key Components:
continuous monitoring and analyses of dis- (a) thermal decomposition (hot spots) :
solved and free gases generated in transformers mainly C2H4, CH4; less C2H6, H 2 ;
has become a valuable tool in the diagnosis of sometimes C2H2
the transformer fault and how best t o correct (b) electrical discharges (except corona)
it. There is little doubt that improvements in mainly H 2 , CH4 (H CH,); C2 gases in

Table 4
Types ofProbable Faults

Detected Gases Interpretations

(a) nitrogen plus 5 percent or less oxygen normal operation of sealed transformer
(b) nitrogen plus more than 5 percent oxygen check for tightness of sealed transformer
(c) nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or carbon monoxide, transformer overloaded or operating hot, causing some
or all cellulose breakdown. Check operating conditions

(d) nitrogen and hydrogen corona discharge, electrolysis of water, or rusting

(e) nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon corona discharge involving cellulose or severe over-
monoxide loading of transformer
(f) nitrogen, hydrogen, methane with small amounts sparking or other minor fault causing some breakdown
of ethane, and ethylene of oil
(8) nitrogen, hydrogen, methane with carbon dioxide, sparking or other minor fault in presence of cellulose
carbon monoxide, and small amounts of other
hydrocarbons; acetylene is usually not present
(h) nitrogen with high hydrogen and other hydro- high energy arc causing rapid deterioration of oil
carbons including acetylene
(i) nitrogen with high hydrogen, methane, high high temperature arcing of oil but in a confined area;
ethylene, and some acetylene poor connections or turn-to-turn shorts are examples
(j) same as (i) except carbon dioxide and carbon same as (i) except arcing in combination with cellulose
monoxide present


Table 5
Dissolved Gases (GasExtracted from Oil)
Domenberg Method

CZH6 -
CZH4 CZH2 cb
(hot spots)
1 1
1 1
>0.4 <0.3
(hot spots) >0.1 <l.O x.2 <O.l

Electrical Electrical
discharges discharges >O.Ol
(except corona) <0.1 >l.o <0.2 X.1

Corona I
1 1

Table 7
Suggested Diagnosis from Gas Ratios-Rogers Ratio Method

CH, CZ H4 cz Hz
H2 cH4 cz Hci c2 H4 Suggested Diagnosis


.o I <1 .o

I <0.5
I Normal

Partial discharge - Corona



II <l.O

I 2:;
or 23.0
I Partial discharge - Corona
with tracking

Continuous discharge

I 7

2::; or 23.0
20.5 or 23.0
Arc -With power follow

Arc - No power follow
I <1.o 20.5
<3.0 through

2::: or 23.0
I I I I Slight overheating - t o

213; or >3 .O
I >1 .o I <l.O I <0.5
I Overheating 150-200°C

>0.1 21.0 <1.o <0.5 Overheating 200-300°C


<1.0 I 21.o
<3 .O I <Oa5 I General conductor over-

>1.o <l.O 21.0 <0.5 Circulating currents in

<3.0 <3.0 windings

21.0 <1.0 2 3 .O <0.5 Circulating currents core

-- <3.0 and tank ;overloaded


Order C2 H2, C2 H4, C2 H6 7. Bibliography

(c) corona - mainly H 2 ; smaller amounts
CH4 ,c2 H6
(d) cellulosic insulation decomposition - Technical Publications Related to
CO, CO?. Detection and Determination of
Norms: The rate of gas evolution is impor- Generated Gases in Oil-Immersed
tant. If the concentration of dissolved gases in Transformers and their Relation to the
generating equipment and transformer equip- Serviceability of Equipment
ment exceed the 90 percent probability norms
listed below, the equipment merits further
investigation. 7.1 Scope. The titles are grouped as follows:
I - Gas evolution (7.2).
I1 -Detection and Interpretation (7.3).
ppm vlv
Generating Transmission (A) Gas Detector Relay (7.3.1).
Equipment Equipment (B) Gas Cushion in Sealed Transformers
H2 240 100 (C) Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil
CH4 160 120
c2 H2 11 35 (7.3.3).
c2 H4 190 30
c2 H6 115 65 The sources used are :
CO 580 350
AZEE and ZEEE Transactions 1939 through 1975
o n Power Apparatus and
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Ratios: The ratios of CH4/H2 - (methane: Annual International Con-
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CH4 - (acetylene: methane); are determined. Electrical World 1949 through 1969
Different values for these ratios are given in
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1551 PUGH, P. S . and WAGNER, H. H. CROMLEY, R. J. Failure and Repair of
Detection of Incipient Faults in a Transformer Joint. Doble Conference
Transformers by Gas Analysis. AIEE Index of Minutes, Sec 6-701,1963.
Transactions, vol 80, pp 189-95, VANLUND, J. A. Gas Analysis for
1961. Detection of Incipient Power Trans-
1561 WAGNER, H. H. Experience with former Faults. Doble Conference Index
Transformer Fault - Gas Detector o f Minutes, Sec 6401,1963.
Testings. Doble Conference Index of VORA, J. P. and AICHER, L. C.
Minutes, Sec 6-701,1961. Incipient Transformer Fault Detection
HORELICK, A. L. Incipient Fault and Interpretation. IEEE C.P. 63-584,
Detection Method Proves Valuable for 1963.
Transformer Protective Maintenance. BELLASCHI, P. L. Introduction to
Tmnsmission and Distribution, p 34, Symposium on Gas Analysis for Detec-
January 1961. tion of Incipient Faults in Power
GORE, GORDON and REICHART. In- Transformers. Doble Conference Index
cipient Transformer Faults Quickly o f Minutes, Sec 6-101,1963.
Detected. Electrical World, vol 155, HORELICK, A. L., WAGNER, H. H.
pp 80-83, April 24,1961. and LYNCH, J. C. Method for Testing
WAGNER, H. H. Pennsylvania Trans- Electrical Instrumentalities for Incipient


Faults. U. S. Patent no 3111388, Power Appamtus and Systems, vol

November 19,1963. PAS-84, no 8, pp 700-706,1965.
WAGNER, H. H. Pennsylvania Trans- [84] VORA, J. P. and AICHER, L. C.
former Total Combustible Gas (TCG), Transformer Fault Gas Analysis Inter-
Incipient Fault Detector. Doble Con- pretation. IEEE Transactions on Power
ference Index of Minutes, Sec 6302, Appamtus and Systems, vol PAS-84,
1963. no 2, pp 172-176, discussion on p 487,
WAGNER, H. H. Progress Report on 1965.
TCG Incipient Fault Detector Practice. 1966
IEEE C.P. 63-585,1963. [85] THOMAS, D. J. Combustible Gas in
1964 Power Transformers (its Detection and
[741 SYRJAMAKI, E. M. Calibration and Significance). Do ble Conference Index
Comparison of Fault Gas Detectors. of Minutes, Sec 6-1010,1966.
Doble Conference Index of Minutes, [86] GOCHMAUER, E. L. TCG Analysis of
Sec 2-101,1964. Incipient Fault Forecasted. Doble Con-
FERGUSON, M. L. Combustible Gas ference Index of Minutes, Sec 6-201,
Analysis as a Preventive Maintenance 1966.
Tool. Doble Conference Index of [87] PRICE, R. C. Transformer Failure at
Minutes, Sec 6-1801,1964. the Allen Steam Plants. Doble Con-
DUKE, C. A., GOODROE, C. R., TAY- ference Index of Minutes, Sec 6-301,
LOR, R. O., and THOMPSON, W. W. 1966.
Detection of Combustible Gases in
Nitrogen Sealed Power Transformers. 1967
Doble Conference Index of Minutes, [88] ROSE, M. Automatic Sampling and
Sec 6-1001,1964. Measurement of Combustible Gases in
WAGNER, H. H. Development of Transformers. Doble Conference Index
Continuous Monitoring Total Com- of Minutes, Sec 6401,1967.
bustible Gas (TCG) Incipient Fault [89] THOMPSON, W. W. Modification of
Detector. Doble ‘Conference Index of Conservator Transformers t o Permit
Minutes, Sec 6-1901,1964. Combustible Gas Surveillance. Doble
CRAWFORD, C. E. and WILSON, A. F. Conference Index of Minutes, Sec
Incipient Transformer Fault Detected 6-601,1967.
by Combustible Gas Monitoring Pro- [go] WAGNER, H. H. Pennsylvania TCG
gram and Ultra Sound Tests. Doble Transformer Fault-Gas Continuous
Conference Index o f Minutes, Sec Monitor. Doble Conference Index of
6-1201,1964. Minutes, Sec 6-701,1967.
WAGNER, H. H. Survey of TCG Tests 1968
on Transformers. IEEE C.P. 6-4209, [91] SHEPPARD, H. R. Dangerous Condi-
1964. tions Are Detected by Analyzing
PARKER, J. C. Testing Nitrogen Over Transformer Gases. Tmnsmission and
Oil in Power Transformers. Doble Distribution, vol 20, no 2, pp 71-74,
Conference Index of Minutes, Sec 1968.
6-1501,1964. [92] HAHN, J. H. Field Untanking and
1965 Repair of a 230/115 kV, 40/50,3/66.7
1811 FERGUSON, M. L. Combustible Gas M/A, OA, FA, FA, Autotransformers.
Problem. Doble Conference Index o f Doble Conference Index o f Minutes,
Minutes, Sec 6-401,1965. Sec 6-101,1968.
GRAHAM, W. R. and RINER, R. B. [93] McDERMID, W. Generation of Com-
Incipient Fault Detection in Power bustible Gas in 230 kV Oil-Filled
Transformers. Doble Conference Index Current Transformers. Doble Con-
of Minutes, Sec 6-201,1965. ference Index of Minutes, Sec 6-301,
WAGNER, H. H. Five Years Experience 1968.
with Transformer TCG Incipient Fault [94] SHEPPARD, H. R. Why is Gas Gen-
Detector Tests. IEEE Transactions on erated in Oil-Filled Transformers?


Transmission and Distribution, vol 20,

no 1, pp 6365,1968. MULLER, R., POTTHOFF, K. and
1973 SOLDNER, K. Analyse des Gas Dissous
[95] GILLIES, D. A. and MUCKERHEIDE, dans 1’Huile en Tant que Moyen de
L. H. Combustible Gas Monitoring - Surveillance des Transformateurs et de
500 kV Current Transformers. Doble Detection de Defaults Naissants. Pre-
Conference Index o f Minutes, Sec sented at CIGRE Paper 12-02, 1970.
6-201,1973. FALLOU, B., ,VIALE, F., DEVAUX,
7.3.3 Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil. A., FOURNIE, R., GALAND, J.,
CLARK, F. M. The Role of Dissolved VUARCHES, P., DAVIES, I., ROGERS,
Gases in Determining the Behavior of R. R., ‘REYNOLDS, E. H., and DORN-
Mineral Insulating Oils. Journal of ENBURG, E. Application des
Franklin Institute, vol 215, no 1,p 39, Mdthodes d’Analyse Physico-Chimiques
1933. a 1’Etude des Ddgradat!ons dans l’lsola-
DORNENBERG, E. and GERBER, O.E. tion des Matdriels Electriques. Pre-
Analysis of Dissolved and Free Gases sented at CIGRE Paper 15-07,
for Monitoring Performance of Oil- 1970.
Filled Transformers. Brown Boveri MORARU, D., POPESCO, C., STOICA,
Review, vol 54; E ~ Q213, p 104,1967. M., and TANASESCO, F. I. Detection
des Degradations Produites par des
STAMM, H. and SCHULZE, W. De- Ddcharges Partielles pour les Types
terioration of Insulators Consisting of d’Isolation Papier-Huile. Presented at
Paper-Oil Layers and its Study by Gas CIGRE Paper 15-05,1970.
Chromatography. Presented at CIGRE WILPUTTE, R. Contribution a l’Etude
Paper 12-14,1968. de 1’Evolution de Gas dans les Isolants
SHEPPARD, H. R. Why is Gas Gen- Liquides et So!ides Soumis a 1’Action
erated in Oil-Filled Transformers? de Contraintes Electriques. Presented at
Transmission and Distribution, pp 63- CIGRE, Paper 15-03,1970.
65, January 1968. BEER, G., OBERTI, A., BOSSI, A.,
STROM, R. and TAKAHASHI, S. HIRRA, C. Contribution exp6rimentale
Analysis of Fault Gases in Ttans- a l’dtude de la ddgradation produits
former Oil by Improved Method of par les descharges partielles dans le
Gas Chromatography. Ontario Research papier isolant impregnb a l%uile. h e -
Quarterly (Second Quarter), pp 21- sented at CIGRE, Paper 15-02,1970.
25,1968. Discussion of Papers from Group 15
HAHN, J. H. Field Untanking and Re- (Insulating Material). Presented at
pair of a 230/115 kV, 40150, 3166.7 CIGRE 1970.
M/A, OA, FA, FA Autotransformer. LINDEMAN, K. Analyse Transformer
Doble Conference Index of Minutes, Gas To Identify Faults. Power, vol
Sec 6-101,1968. 114, no 4, p 74,1970.
Detection of Developing Damage in
THIBAULT, M. and GALAND, J. Transformer. Gorchakovu Elek. Stu.,
Modem Physical Chemistry Methods vol41, no 4, p 51,1970.
for Analysis of Insulation Degradation ISHII, T., NAMBA, S. Les Gaz Produits
in Service. Review Gendmle de Lors de la Ddt4rioration de 1’Isolation
l’Electricit6, vol 78, no 3, pp 301- des Transformateurs. Journal of the
302,1969. Institute o f Electrical Engineers of
WADDINGTON, F. B. and ALLAN, Japan, vol90, no 5 , p 910,1970.
D. J. Transformers Fault Detection by
Dissolved Gas Analyses. Electrical Re-
view, pp 751-755, May 23,1969. DIND, J., DAOUST, R., REGIS, and
COLTON, R. Combustible Gas Testing MORGAN J. Analysis of Gases Dis-
on Large Oil-Filled Transformers. E.I.C. solved in Transformer Oil. Doble Con-
69C 3331-37, pp 115-118,1969. ference Index of Minutes, vol 38,


AIC71, Sec 6-1101,1971. Gas in Transformer Oil for the Detec-

[1151 Morgan Schaffer Corporation, Trans- tion of Incipient Faults. In IEE Con-
former Fault Detection Service. ference Publication No 94, Sec 1,
[116] COLLINS, R. L. Hydrogen Detector. Part 2, March 1973.
U. S. Patent 3 559 457,1971. [128] BALLASCHI, P. L. Application of
[117] STOLL, P. and VUILLEMIER, C. Une Fault-Gas Detection Methods on Trans-
Methode Chromatopaphique de Mesure former Test at the Factory. Doble
Absolue de CO2 dans 1’Huile des Conference Index of Minutes, Sec 10-
Transformateurs. Bull. Ass. Suisse Elec., 301,1973.
vol62, no 23, p 1113,1971. [1291 PUGH, D. R. Combustible Gas Analysis.
[118] HINO, T. and SUGANUMA, Y. Rapid Doble Conference Index of Minutes,
Measurement of the Deterioration of Sec 10401,1973.
Oil Immersed Paper. E.I.C. 7 1 C 38EI- [130] MARTIN, W. B., JR., and TAYLOR,
41,129 (1971). R. 0. Experience with Chromatographic
[119] DAVIES, I. Composition of the Gases Analysis of Fault Gases in Power Trans-
Formed in Electrical Insulating Oils. formers. Doble Conference Index o f
J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol., vol 21, Minutes, Sec 10-201,1973.
p 194,1971. [131] BOOKER, J. R. Experience with
[120] THIBAULT, M. and GALAND, J. Incipient Fault Detection Utilizing Gas
Methodes Physico-Chimiques d’Etude Chromatography Analysis. Doble Con-
de Degradations en Service. Rev. Gen. ference Index of Minutes, Sec 10-501,
Elec., vol80, no 1,p 46, Jan 1971. 1973.
[132] RAAB, E.L. Symposium on Gas
Chromatography. Doble Conference
[121] THIBAULT, M. and GALAND, J. Index of Minutes, Sec 10-501A, 1973.
Mdthodes Physico-Chimiques d’Etude
11331 YAMAOKA, M., e t al. G I 0 Analyser
de Degradation en Service. Rev. Gen. (Auto-Analyser for Gases in Oil).
Elec., vol81, no 1, p 48,1972. Fuji Electr. Rev. (Japan.), vol 19, no 2,
[122] DAOUST, R. Analysis of Gases Dis- pp 83-86,1973.
solved in Transformer Oils, Doble
[134] SMIRNOV, M. A. et al. Gas-Content of
Conference Index of Minutes, vol 39, ’ the Oil in Working Transformers.
AlC71, Sec 10-601,1972. Elektr. Stuntsii (Rus.), no 8, pp 57-
11231 McCRAE, G. G. Experience with 60,1973.
Incipient Faults Detection by Gas-in- 1974
Oil Analysis. Doble Conference Index [135] PUGH, D. R. Advances in Fault Diag-
of Minutes, vol 39, 1AC72, Sec 6-701, nosis by Combustible Gas Analysis.
1972. Doble Conference Index of Minutes,
[124] HARDY, HURWORTH, and ROBIN- Sec 10-1201,1974.
SON. Diagnostic Testing of Transformer
[ 1361 BEELER, G. Combustible Gas Analysis
Insulation by Gas-in-Oil Analysis. Pre- on Peach Bottom No. 1 Transformer.
sented SUPEC 72 conference, Uni- Doble Conference Index of Minutes,
versity of Bradford, 1972. Sec 10-1401,1974.
[125] Gas Analysis as an Aid to Transformer [137] KEENE, D. J. Transformer Problem
Fault Location. Elect. Times, vol Detected by Fault-Gas Analysis. Doble
161, no 5, p 46,1972. Conference Index of Minutes, Sec 10-
[126] CAMERON. D. I. Gas-in-Oil Analysis - 1301,1974.
A Tool for Early Warning of Equip-
[138] DUVAL, M. Fault Gases Formed in
ment Trouble. Presented at CEA Oil-Filled Breathing E.H.V. Trans-
Spring, 1972 Meeting.
formers; Interpretation of Gas Analysis
1973 Data. IEEE C.P. no. C 74 4768,1974.
DAVIES, I., ROBINSON,K., ROGERS, TER, W. Monitoring Oil Cooled Trans-
R. R., and SHANKS, E. CEGB EX- formers by Gas Analysis. Brown Boveri
perience of the Analysis of Dissolved Review, vol 61, no 5, pp 238-247,


May 1974. PEJOVIC, V. and BOJKOVIC, A.

MULLER, R., SCHLIESING, H., and Control of Transformer Insulation Sys-
SOLDNER, K. Testing and Supervision tems by Gas Analysis. Teknika
of Transformers by Analysis of (Yugoslavia), vol 30, no 5, pp 5 8 ,
the Gases Dissolved in the Oil. 1975.
Elek trizitaetsw irtschaft (Germany), vol THIBAULT, M. and RABAUD, J.
73, no 23, pp 683-687,1974. Application of the Analysis of Dis-
Discussion From Group 15 (Insulating solved Gases to the Maintenance of
Materials). CIGRE Conference Proceed- Transformers. Rev. Gen. Elec., vol 84,
ings, vol I., 1974. no 2, p 21, February 1975.
DIND, J. E. and REGIS, J. HOWHydro-
ROGERS, R. R. U.K. Experience in Quebec Diagnoses Incipient Trans-
the Interpretation of Incipient Faults former Faults by Using Gas-in-Oil
in Power Transformers by Dissolved Analysis. Pulp Paper Can. vol 76,
Gas-in-Oil. Chromatographic Analysis. no 9: T264, September 1975.
Doble Conference Index o f Minutes, DAVIES, I. A. Review of Methods for
Sec 10-201,1975. Examining the Analysis of Gases in
ARMSTRONG, G. W., JR., and Oil Filled Electrical Equipment, With
BAKER, A. E. Transformer Problems Observations on the Concentrations
Detected or Confirmed by Use of Found and Their Dependence on Time.
Combustible Gas Analysis. Doble Con- C.E.G.B Paper No. SSD/SE/RR/68/75.
ference Index of Minutes, Sec 10-301,
1975. HUBACHER, E. J. Analysis of Dis-
DVORACEK, E., and WALLA, J. solved Gas in Transformer Oil to
Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Trans- Evaluate Equipment Condition. P.C.E.A.
former Oils. Energetika, vol 15, no 1, Engineering and Operation Section
pp 8-11, January 1975. Spring Conference, March 1976.


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