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Question and answer format. I believe it will be useful for my audience.
1. What is Cross Validation Rules?
CrossValidation rules define whether segment values of a particular segment can be combined with other segment values of another
particular segment when new combinations are created. In other words, cross validation rules prevents the creation of invalid code
combinations. It is applicable for Key Flexfields only.
2. Illustrate the appropriated need for CrossValidation rules with example?
Let us take Accounting Flexfield for our example, we can use cross validation rules for achieving the below business requirements Modules
1. To ensure all balance sheet accounts to be associated only with the balance sheet cost center or corporate cost center
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2. To ensure that profit and loss accounts to be associated with specific cost centers other than corporate cost center. Cash Management (22) DBA (4) DBMS_UTILITY (1)
3. To restrict data entry of cost centers that is not legitimate for a specific company. DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR (2) EDI (1) ETEXT Templates (5)
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3. A user trying to violate the cross validation rules while data entry, what happens and what are the possibilities?
The user will receive an error message given as part of the cross validation rules definition. Oracle Alerts (3) Oracle apps (342) Oracle
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The error messages can be made very informative and tell the user exactly what is wrong with the flexfield combination.
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The invalid segment can also be highlighted. Oracle Purchasing (6) Order Management (44)
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4. What Cross Validation Rules are made up of?
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A cross validation rules is composed of one or more cross validation rules elements. There are two types of rule elements and they are
“Include” and “Exclude”. Each cross validation rule must have at least one include rule element because cross validation rules exclude all
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the values unless they are specifically included via rule element. Exclude rule elements override include rule element.
5. What is Oracle recommendation regarding rule elements definition? FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST in R12
We can accomplish our business requirement either by including specific ranges explicitly or by including all possible ranges and exclude
the specific ranges. But the Oracle recommendation is Query to find Supplier and their Bank Details in
“One Include Rule Element which encompasses all possible values with several exclude cross validation rule elements” R12
6. How do you define an allencompassing include crossvalidation rule element? OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL Description and Its
An allencompassing include for numeric segments is “O” through “9”, while for alpha numeric segments it is from “ O” through “Z”. For Column Details
Example, if our flexfield has three segments with First segment of two Numbers, Second of four characters and third segment of six
characters then the all encompassing include is 000000000000 through 99ZZZZZZZZZZ. WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.RELEASED_STATU
S ( Pick Release Status)
7. What will be a blank value do in a cross validation rule element? 1/4
5/27/2017 Cross Validation Rules in Oracle Apps ~ Oracle Apps Knowledge Sharing
While defining the rule element, leaving the segment blank includes all possible values
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8. What is the use of error segment and error message?
While defining a cross validation rule, we need to enter a mandatory error message that will appear if an enabled cross validation rule is
being violated. Next we can choose to enter an error segment and an effective date range. The error segment will be highlighted if this
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particular cross validation rule is violated.
9. What is the difference between disabling a cross validation rule vs deleting it?
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The difference is when we think about reusing the cross validation rules i.e. deleted cross validation rule needs a redefinition while
disabled cross validation doesn’t need a redefinition just a tick in check box is enough to re enable it.
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10. Whether a single flexfield structure can have multiple cross validation rules?
details in Oracle Apps R12
11. What is the need for multiple cross validation rules?
Even though we can achieve cross validation across more than one segment via single cross validation rule, it is advisable to go for
API to initiate the validation of AP invoice
multiple cross validation rules so that a clear error message and error segment can be highlighted to the user which directly point to the
specific issue. Moreover, using multiple simple cross validation rules is better than single complex cross validation rule.
Supplier and Bank Info in R12
12. When a combination is valid for a flexfield structure which has multiple cross validation rules?
Combination is valid only if they are in at least one include rule element and outside of all exclude elements.
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13. What is the navigation to define a cross validation?
Responsibility: General Ledger Vision Operations
Business Rules
Navigation: Setup : Financial : Flexfield : Key : Rules
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