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MS Parent Bulletin (Week of January 15 To 19)

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Issue # 16 Week of January 15 — 19  SY1718

Dear Parents, printed copies available.

 Cost: 350 PHP per ticket. (Tickets go on sale on
Welcome back to school! Tuesday)
 All proceeds go to charity and there will be ser-
This semester we welcome 28 new students to the Middle vice learning vendors, food stands and some
School, bringing our overall total to 707 students. ISM is very amazing raffle prizes including an IPhone 8 and a
proud of its caring and supportive climate and we look for- Go-pro camera!
ward to embracing all new families into our community. If  Venue: ISM Campus (Bus car park area by Gate 3)
you are new, please don’t hesitate to stop by the MS Office  Organizers: HS Student Committee
or our wonderful PCA office if you have any questions. We
understand how difficult transitioning to a new school mid- COMING UP NEXT WEEK: (JANUARY 22 - 26)
year can be, so please let us know if we can be of any assis- Tuesday, January 23rd:
tance. Please also note that we have a dedicated New Par-  MS New Parent Coffee:
ent Coffee scheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd at 7:30 a.m.  Presenters: MS Leadership Team and Counselors
This session will help all new parents learn more about our
 Time: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Middle School and provide them with the opportunity to ask
 Venue: Little Theater (LT)
questions of the MS Leadership and Counseling Teams.
 Focus: Information session for new parents.
The second semester is kicking off at full speed with MS after  Please note, if you joined ISM after August 2017,
-school activities starting, auditions for the MS play (Peter you are more than welcome to attend this ses-
Pan) taking place from January 15th - 17th and we also have sion.
a visiting literacy consultant called Matt Glover on campus.

Please check out the dates and informational points below,

so you are firmly in the communication loop!


Thursday, January 18th:
 Parent Coffee:
 Presenter: Matt Glover (International Consultant) MS Play: Peter Pan 3
 Time: 7:45 - 9:15 a.m.
 Venue: Little Theater (LT) Campus Card Corner 3
 Focus: Literacy (Reading and Writing)
Alumni News 3
Saturday, January 20th:
Athletics & Activities 4
 Battle of the Bands - Prelims:
 Time: 5:00 - 9:30 p.m. Admissions & Advancement 6
 Permission Slips: MS students will need to submit
a completed permission slip in order to purchase ISM Upcoming Events 6
a ticket. Permission slips will be emailed to par-
ents on Monday and the MS office will also have
Wednesday, January 24th Friday,
January 26th:
 MS/HS Report Cards  Run to the Sun:
 The MS report cards are uploaded to PowerSchool  Time: 4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
and will be open for parent access on Wednes-  Venue: HS Track and Field
day, January 24th.  Focus: Fundraising event for our Service Learning
 Please make sure your PowerSchool access code Partners
is up and running and all fees have been paid so  Please look out for the flyer that will be shared
you don’t experience any difficulty accessing next week.
your child’s report card.
Kind regards,
Thursday, January 25th: Rachel and Amanda
 MS/HS Parent Coffee:
 Presenter: Tom Nehmy (International Consultant)
 Time: 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
 Venue: Little Theater (LT)
 Focus: Wellbeing

On 8 January 2018, there was a debit card issue at
the start of the day and manual transactions were
required to be done in the canteen for food pur-
chases. The system was restored by 9:30a.m. and
the concessionaires were instructed to transact the
manual purchases into their system. In case you
notice a transaction made during school hours (and
not at break time) by the students on this day,
please consider this.
For more information, visit:
Hi Middle school, http://campusonline.ismanila.org
For questions/concerns, email:
This year's play is a devised performance. This campuscard@ismanila.org
means we will be using a structure and creating
the script.

Main Role/Speaking Role :

Sign Ups will be the first week back outside Ms
Grev's room 1149. You also need to indicate if
you don't get a main role if you would like to be ALUMNI NEWS
part of the ensemble or crew.

second week back 15th - 17th January. 3.10 to
3.50 or 3.55 to 4.35. callbacks Thursday
and Friday.

15 people per audition. Student need to create

their own audition of 30 sec to 1 minute and then
will work in groups to devise scene. Character
from Peter pan.
Director and Producer Paul Soriano ‘00 has won
Ensemble sign up here - Not need to audition - several awards for his film, “Siargo” at the recently
just fill out this form - https://goo.gl/forms/ concluded Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF), in-
lLcUrlBkWQCbWSWE2 cluding Best Director, Cinematography and Sound.

Crew sign up - Behind the scenes - No need to MMFF is an annual film festival that focuses on Fili-
audition - just fill out this form. https://goo.gl/ pino films. Starting Christmas Day untik the first
weekend of January, all films shown in local movie
theaters are MMFF entries.
Any questions please contact Ms. Rankin or Ms. Please watch the trailer HERE.
Grev. Please contact Maica Cruz of the Alumni Office at
alumni@ismanilaorg to share your Alumni Bearcat
ISSUE # 36


Welcome back Bearcats to a very busy semester 2 of sports ISM
coming up with local league finals for season 2 soon and of  Feb 1-3 IASAS S2 Championships- Tennis at ISM/
course season ending IASAS championships just around the Basketball at ISB/Rugby and Touch at TAS/
corner at the end of January. ISM proudly hosts Tennis Jan Swimming at JIS
31-Feb 4 and Track&Field/Golf April 12-14  Feb 5 HS S3 tryouts begin(Badminton/
First up....IASAS Tennis housing update- As of Thurs Jan 11  Feb 9-11 Wall climbing team- Hong Kong Climb-
70 beds are promised with 80 needed, so 10 more to ing competition
go.! Please help house a pair of visiting IASAS tennis players…  Feb 12 MS S3 tryouts begin(Badminton/
see link below to register online. Tennis athletes arrive Wed Track&Field/Mixed Touch)
Jan 31st.
Information on our ES/MS Activities program is available on
Housing forms for hosting IASAS tennis players Jan 31-Feb 4 is the ES and MS Activities blogs. Links to these blogs are on the
available here. If you are participating in our tennis program helpful shortcuts menu on the home page of the ATAC blog
S2 or were housed at a S1 IASAS event in Bangkok or Singa- or accessible via the ISM website.
pore please help out by housing a pair of tennis players.
Bearcat community support is encouraged and needed to For our Sailfish swim team program please check information
support these events. about tryouts at Sailfish blog
Season 3 will begin Feb 4 through until mid April. Tryouts For gymnastics team information please check Gymnastics
and practice schedules will be released next week on ATAC blog Look for Coach Jas or Coach Ramon at the MS gym
blog and will be posted on divisional notice boards. S3 sports when attending training sessions.
for MS- Track&Field, Badminton and Mixed Touch. HS S3
sports are Baseball, Softball, Track&Field, Badminton and Please note the practice times for ATAC programs for SY 17-
Golf. 18 are as follows:
 All year round team team training sessions are – 3:15-
The S2 practice schedule is posted (see link below) and is on 4:30. See schedule for our All year round
the ATAC blog schedules page and are posted on notice teams program here…
boards around school.  See Sailfish blog for swim squad start and finish times
after the tryouts period has concluded and squads have
2nd season practice sched 17-18 been finalised.
 Gymnastics team training is 3:10-4:50pm every M,W,F
For our year round teams practice schedules are posted on
notice boards around the school and on the schedules page All HS seasonal teams practice from 3:05- 4:50pm.
of the ATAC (Athletics) blog and provided in the ink below. MS seasonal teams practice 3:15-4:40pm.
In order to clear the campus prior to 5pm all after school
All season sports sched 17-18.xls – 17-18 programs will conclude by 4:50pm or earlier. The last bus
is 4:55pm this is due to the ever increasing traffic concerns
Please take the time to navigate the ATAC blog as it is our in our area.
one stop shop for all information related to the competitive
ISM sports program. Parents and students please take some time to peruse the
ATAC blog it has a wide variety of information and links to
Upcoming Events:*matches at ISM unless specified as *away our sports and activities program. If you have any questions
venue. Check ATAC game schedule at the parent portal for regarding the competitive program of sports at ISM after
all the midweek and weekend matches upcoming. Please reading the information on the blog please send an email
check on a regular basis as venues and time do change at to pekinm@ismanila.org and I will assist you as best I can.
short notice. Players will always be informed by their coach-
es if times/venues change. Bearcat Den- drop by our fantastic spirit store. There is a a
 Jan 12 HS Basketball away at Brent range of new products and items to purchase including items
 Jan 13 MS/HS Basketball at ISM from our service partners.
 Jan 13 Touch at Faith/Rugby at ISM
 Jan 14 ES Rifa girls soccer festival at BSM Best Regards,
 Jan 20 Touch finals at Brent/ISM HS Swim meet Mark Pekin
 Jan 25-27 HS Hardeman Cup Basketball at Faith/ Director of Athletics & Activities 4
ISSUE # 36


Leaving ISM?

Students Leaving During the School Year:

Parents are obliged to officially inform the Admissions Office through a Withdrawal Notification Form
at least (15) days prior to your child’s last day of school.

Students Leaving at the End of the School Year:

Parents are obliged to officially inform the Admissions Office through a Withdrawal Notification Form
on or before the second Friday of May.

The Withdrawal Notification Form and complete Withdrawal Procedure can be down-
loaded from HERE and submitted to the Admissions Office.

Instructions for Demographic Update

We encourage all families to check their demographic information and make necessary
updates. CLICK HERE for the step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
Please contact your School Office for PowerSchool log-in information.

ISSUE # 36


Calling all ISM families for the first PCA event of 2018! Join
us for the ISM PCA Family Build event with rED on Saturday,
27 January 2018 from 7:30 am - 12:00 noon.

rED or Renovate to Educate aims to restore classrooms, li-

braries and playgrounds of public schools all over the Philip-
pines. For our upcoming event, we will visit a local high
school in Taguig (just over 4 km from ISM) to help with re-
storing chairs, tables, and painting a community mural.

Slots are limited. Please sign up through this link: https://


Please note that this is a parent-child event. Meet us at the

ES playground or at the build site.

Directions to the site:

Rene Cayetano Memorial Science and Technology High

Hope you can join us!

ISSUE # 36

ISSUE # 36

Call for Art: Gavel & Block + ISM Art Auction for the Benefit of
the VSH Scholarship

Gavel & Block and ISM would like to invite you to take part in
"benefit" -- an auction in support of the Vicky SyCip Herrera Filipi-
no Scholarship. The Filipino Scholarship Program seeks to fund
local national students of exceptional ability but whose parents
lack the financial capacity to fund an education at IS Manila. Since
1967, ISM's Filipino Scholarship Program has changed the lives of
over 150 students -- and often the lives of their families as well.
Your participation in this auction will contribute to the fund that
that will provide for the continuing tuition and support for an ad-
ditional, truly deserving Filipino Scholar.

We welcome consignment or donations of art pieces, jewelry,

antique & modern furniture, as well as other valuable items.
Please email images and details of your items
to alumni@ismanila.org before February 28, 2018.
ISSUE # 36

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