High Current Switching Regulators: Description
High Current Switching Regulators: Description
High Current Switching Regulators: Description
® L296P
(15 lead)
.. CURRENT (L296P)
L296 (Vertical) L296HT (Horizontal)
L296P (Vertical) L296PHT (Horizontal)
The L296 and L296P are stepdown power switching The L296 and L296P are mounted in a 15-lead Mul-
regulators delivering 4 A at a voltage variable from tiwatt plastic power package and requires very few
5.1 V to 40 V. external components.
Features of the devices include soft start, remote in- Efficient operation at switching frequencies up to
hibit, thermal protection, a reset output for micro- 200 KHz allows a reduction in the size and cost of
processors and a PWM comparator input for syn- external filter components. A voltage sense input
chronization in multichip configurations. and SCR drive output are provided for optional
The L296P incudes external programmable limiting crowbar overvoltage protection with an external
current. SCR.
N° Name Function
1 CROWBAR INPUT Voltage Sense Input for Crowbar Overvoltage Protection. Normally connected to the
feedback input thus triggering the SCR when V out exceeds nominal by 20 %. May
also monitor the input and a voltage divider can be added to increase the threshold.
Connected to ground when SCR not used.
2 OUTPUT Regulator Output
3 SUPPLY VOLTAGE Unrergulated Voltage Input. An internal Regulator Powers the L296s Internal Logic.
4 CURRENT LIMIT A resistor connected between this terminal and ground sets the current limiter
threshold. If this terminal is left unconnected the threshold is internally set (see
electrical characteristics).
5 SOFT START Soft Start Time Constant. A capacitor is connected between this terminal and ground
to define the soft start time constant. This capacitor also determines the average
short circuit output current.
6 INHIBIT INPUT TTL – Level Remote Inhibit. A logic high level on this input disables the device.
7 SYNC INPUT Multiple L296s are synchronized by connecting the pin 7 inputs together and omitting
the oscillator RC network on all but one device.
8 GROUND Common Ground Terminal
9 FREQUENCY A series RC network connected between this terminal and ground determines the
COMPENSATION regulation loop gain characteristics.
10 FEEDBACK INPUT The Feedback Terminal on the Regulation Loop. The output is connected directly to
this terminal for 5.1V operation ; it is connected via a divider for higher voltages.
11 OSCILLATOR A parallel RC networki connected to this terminal determines the switching frequency.
This pin must be connected to pin 7 input when the internal oscillator is used.
12 RESET INPUT Input of the Reset Circuit. The threshold is roughly 5 V. It may be connected to the
feedback point or via a divider to the input.
13 RESET DELAY A capacitor connected between this terminal and ground determines the reset signal
delay time.
14 RESET OUTPUT Open collector reset signal output. This output is high when the supply is safe.
15 CROWBAR OUTPUT SCR gate drive output of the crowbar circuit.
L296 - L296P
CIRCUIT OPERATION 0.4V. The output stage is thus re-enabled and the
(refer to the block diagram) output voltage rises under control of the soft start
network. If the overload condition is still present the
The L296 and L296P are monolithic stepdown
limiter will trigger again when the threshold current
switching regulators providing output voltages from
is reached. The average short circuit current is lim-
5.1V to 40V and delivering 4A.
ited to a safe value by the dead time introduced by
The regulation loop consists of a sawtooth oscillator, the soft start network.
error amplifier, comparator and the output stage. An
The reset circuit generates an output signal when
error signal is produced by comparing the output
the supply voltage exceeds a threshold pro-
voltage with a precise 5.1V on-chip reference (zener
grammed by an external divider. The reset signal is
zap trimmed to ± 2 %). This error signal is then com-
generated with a delay time programmed by an ex-
pared with the sawtooth signal to generate the fixed
ternal capacitor. When the supply falls below the
frequency pulse width modulated pulses which drive
threshold the reset output goes low immediately.
the output stage. The gain and frequency stability of
The reset output is an open collector.
the loop can be adjusted by an external RC network
connected to pin 9. Closing the loop directly gives an The scrowbar circuit senses the output voltage and
output voltage of 5.1V. Higher voltages are obtained the crowbar output can provide a current of 100mA
by inserting a voltage divider. to switch on an external SCR. This SCR is triggered
Output overcurrents at switch on are prevented by when the output voltage exceeds the nominal by
the soft start function. The error amplifier output is 20%. There is no internal connection between the
initially clamped by the external capacitor Css and output and crowbar sense input therefore the crow-
allowed to rise, linearly, as this capacitor is charged bar can monitor either the input or the output.
by a constant current source. A TTL - level inhibit input is provided for applications
Output overload protection is provided in the form of such as remote on/off control. This input is activated
a current limiter. The load current is sensed by an by high logic level and disables circuit operation. Af-
internal metal resistor connected to a comparator. ter an inhibit the L296 restarts under control of the
When the load current exceeds a preset threshold soft start network.
this comparator sets a flip flop which disables the The thermal overload circuit disables circuit opera-
output stage and discharges the soft start capacitor. tion when the junction temperature reaches about
A second comparator resets the flip flop when the 150 °C and has hysteresis to prevent unstable con-
voltage across the soft start capacitor has fallen to ditions.
Figure 1 : Reset Output Waveforms
L296 - L296P
L296 - L296P
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Rth j-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max. 3 °C/W
Rth j-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. 35 °C/W
(refer to the test circuits Tj = 25oC, Vi = 35V, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Fig.
DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS (pin 6 to GND unless otherwise specified)
Vo Output Voltage Range Vi = 46V, Io = 1A Vref 40 V 4
Vi Input Voltage Range Vo = Vref to 36V, Io ≤ 3A 9 46 V 4
Vi Input Voltage Range Note (1), Vo = VREF to 36V Io = 4A 46 V 4
∆Vo Line Regulation Vi =10V to 40V, Vo = Vref, Io = 2A 15 50 mV 4
∆Vo Load Regulation Vo = Vref mV 4
Io = 2A to 4A 10 30
Io = 0.5A to 4A 15 45
Vref Internal Reference Voltage (pin 10) Vi = 9V to 46V, Io = 2A 5 5.1 5.2 V 4
∆ Vref Average Temperature Coefficient Tj = 0°C to 125°C, Io = 2A 0.4 mV/°C
∆T of Reference Voltage
Vd Dropout Voltage Between Pin 2 Io = 4A 2 3.2 V 4
and Pin 3 Io = 2A 1.3 2.1 V 4
I2L Current Limiting Threshold (pin 2) L296 - Pin 4 Open, 4.5 7.5 A 4
Vi = 9V to 40V, Vo = Vref to 36V
L296P - Vi = 9V to 40V, Vo = Vref A 4
Pin 4 Open 5 7
RIim = 22kΩ 2.5 4.5
ISH Input Average Current Vi = 46V, Output Short-circuited 60 100 mA 4
η Efficiency Io = 3 A % 4
Vo = Vref 75
Vo = 12V 85
SVR Supply Voltage Ripple Rejection ∆Vi = 2 Vrms, fripple = 100Hz 50 56 dB 4
Vo = Vref, Io = 2A
f Switching Frequency 85 100 115 kHz 4
∆f Voltage Stability of Switching Vi = 9V to 46V 0.5 % 4
∆ Vi Frequency
∆f Temperature Stability of Switching Tj = 0°C to 125°C 1 % 4
∆ Tj Frequency
fmax Maximum Operating Switching Vo = Vref, Io = 1A 200 kHz –
Tsd Thermal Shutdown Junction Note (2) 135 145 °C –
I3Q Quiescent Drain Current Vi = 46V, V7 = 0V, S1 : B, S2 : B mA
V6 = 0V 66 85
V6 = 3V 30 40
– I2L Output Leakage Current Vi = 46V, V6 = 3V, S1 : B, S2 : A, 2 mA
V7 = 0V
L296 - L296P
L296 - L296P
Figure 5 : PC. Board and Component Layout of the Circuit of Figure 4 (1:1 scale)
L296 - L296P
Figure 6c.
Figure 6d.
L296 - L296P
Figure 7 : Quienscent Drain Current vs. Supply Figure 8 : Quienscent Drain Current vs. Supply
Voltage (0 % Duty Cycle - see fig. 6a). Voltage (100 % Duty Cycle see fig. 6a).
Figure 9 : Quiescent Drain Current vs. Junction Figure 10 : Quiescent Drain Current vs. Junction
Temperature (0 % Duty Cycle - Temperature (100 % Duty Cycle -
see fig. 6a). see fig. 6a).
Figure 11 : Reference Voltage (pin 10) vs. VI Figure 12 : Reference Voltage (pin 10) vs. Junction
(see fig. 4). Temperature (see fig. 4).
L296 - L296P
Figure 13 : Open Loop Frequency and Phase Figure 14 : Switching Frequency vs. Input
Response of Error Amplifier Voltage (see fig. 4).
(see fig. 6c).
Figure 17 : Line Transient Response (see fig. 4). Figure 18 : Load Transient Response (see fig. 4).
L296 - L296P
Figure 19 : Supply Voltage Ripple Rejection vs. Figure 20 : Dropout Voltage Between Pin 3 and
Frequency (see fig. 4). Pin 2 vs. Current at Pin 2.
Figure 21 : Dropout Voltage Between Pin 3 and Figure 22 : Power Dissipation Derating Curve.
Pin 2 vs. Junction Temperature.
Figure 23 : Power Dissipation (device only) vs. Figure 24 : Power Dissipation (device only) vs.
Input Voltage. Input voltage.
L296 - L296P
Figure 25 : Power Dissipation (device only) vs. Figure 26 : Power Dissipation (device only) vs.
Output Voltage (see fig. 4). Output Voltage (see fig. 4).
Figure 27 : Voltage and Current Waveforms at Pin 2 Figure 28 : Efficiency vs. Output Current.
(see fig. 4).
Figure 29 : Efficiency vs. Output Voltage. Figure 30 : Efficiency vs. Output Voltage.
L296 - L296P
Figure 31 : Current Limiting Threshold vs. Rpin 4 Figure 32 : Current Limiting Threshold vs. Junction
(L296P only). Temperature.
L296 - L296P
Figure 34 : Typical Application Circuit.
(*) Minimum value (10 µF) to avoid oscillations ; ripple consideration leads to typical value of 1000 µF or higher L1 : 58930 - MPP COGEMA
946044 ; GUP 20 COGEMA 946045
L296 - L296P
Figure 35 : P.C. Board and Component Layout of the Circuit of fig. 34 (1:1 scale)
L296 - L296P
Figure 36 : A Minimal 5.1 V Fixed Regulator. Very Few Components are Required.
L296 - L296P
V o = 5.1 to 15 V
I o = 4 A max. (min. load current = 100 mA)
ripple ≤ 20 mV
load regulation (1 A to 4 A) = 10 mV (V o = 5.1 V)
line regulation (220 V ± 15 % and to I o = 3 A) = 15 mV (V o = 5.1 V)
L296 - L296P
Figure 40 : In Multiple Supplies Several L296s Figure 41 : Voltage Sensing for Remote Load.
can be Synchronized As Shown.
Figure 42 : A 5.1 V/15 V/24 V Multiple Supply. Note the Synchronization of the Three L296s.
L296 - L296P
Figure 43 : 5.1V/2A Power Supply using External sistor may be added, as shown in Figure 45 ; with
Limiting Current Resistor and Crow- this circuit discharge times of a few microseconds
bar Protection on the Supply Voltage may be obtained.
(L296P only)
Figure 45
L296 - L296P
mm inch
B 2.65 0.104
C 1.6 0.063
D 1 0.039
E 0.49 0.55 0.019 0.022
F 0.66 0.75 0.026 0.030
G 1.02 1.27 1.52 0.040 0.050 0.060
G1 17.53 17.78 18.03 0.690 0.700 0.710
H1 19.6 0.772
H2 20.2 0.795
L 21.9 22.2 22.5 0.862 0.874 0.886
L1 21.7 22.1 22.5 0.854 0.870 0.886
L2 17.65 18.1 0.695 0.713
L3 17.25 17.5 17.75 0.679 0.689 0.699
L4 10.3 10.7 10.9 0.406 0.421 0.429
L7 2.65 2.9 0.104 0.114
M 4.25 4.55 4.85 0.167 0.179 0.191
M1 4.63 5.08 5.53 0.182 0.200 0.218
S 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102
S1 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102 Multiwatt15 V
Dia1 3.65 3.85 0.144 0.152
L296 - L296P
mm inch
A 5 0.197
B 2.65 0.104
C 1.6 0.063
E 0.49 0.55 0.019 0.022
F 0.66 0.75 0.026 0.030
G 1.14 1.27 1.4 0.045 0.050 0.055
G1 17.57 17.78 17.91 0.692 0.700 0.705
H1 19.6 0.772
H2 20.2 0.795
L 20.57 0.810
L1 18.03 0.710
L2 2.54 0.100
L3 17.25 17.5 17.75 0.679 0.689 0.699
L4 10.3 10.7 10.9 0.406 0.421 0.429
L5 5.28 0.208
L6 2.38 0.094
L7 2.65 2.9 0.104 0.114
S 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102
S1 1.9 2.6 0.075 0.102 Multiwatt15 H
Dia1 3.65 3.85 0.144 0.152
L296 - L296P
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