Electric Strikes Guide
Electric Strikes Guide
Electric Strikes Guide
Figure 1.9 The term "mortise lock" stems from the Figures 1.10 and 1.11 show the difference
rectangle shape of the lock body and the in the placement of a cylindrical lock vs. a
rectangle cavity required in the edge of mortise lock with an electric strike.
Door stop
the door for installation.
5) Align the electric strike to properly
Similarly, when an electric strike is depress the deadlatch.
Face installed in a door frame so that the face
Dust box plate is "flush" with the rabbet of the Many locksets also have deadlatches. A
frame, it is referred to as a mortise instal- deadlatch is a latch in which the latch
Strike lip lation. Mortise electric strikes are used to bolt is positively held in the projected
accommodate most types of locksets, position by an auxiliary mechanism. This
including mortise locks, cylindrical locks, latch functions as an "anti-pick" device to
cylindrical deadbolts and unit locks. prevent tampering. Accommodating a
Door rabbet lockset with a latch bolt and a deadlatch,
A "surface mounted" electric strike is the electric strike must be designed to
Door jamb description
mounted on the surface or soffit of the properly depress the deadlatch. Failure to
door frame. These electric strikes are do so will compromise the security of the
used to accommodate "rim" (or surface) lockset.
mounted exit devices and surface mount-
Figure 1.10 ed latch bolts and deadbolts. Oftentimes 3: Determine the type of frame
these electric strikes are not completely the electric strike will be
surface mounted. The faceplate will be installed into: Hollow-metal,
surface mounted, but the body of the Aluminum, or Wood
electric strike will still need to be mor-
ELECTRIC tised into the frame. There are basically three types of frames
(See Figure 1.9) that will be encountered in the field - hol-
low metal (steel), aluminum, and wood.
3) The electric strike must have correct
Cylindrical lock aligned with its cavity depth to accommodate the lock. Hollow metal frames are the most com-
centerline equal to the centerline of the
electric strike
mon type of frame. If the electric strike is
Latch bolts have various lengths (or pro- being installed into a hollow-metal frame,
jections) so it is important to choose an almost any electric strike will work.
electric strike with the correct cavity However, there is an old adage about
Figure 1.11 depth to accommodate the latch bolt. Any "hollow-metal" frames and that is: "hollow-
electric strike selected should have the metal rarely is." What this means is, "hol-
cavity positioned to match up with the low-metal" door frames are usually not
bolt of the lockset. hollow - they are often filled with con-
C crete or other materials. This is required
LOCK 3/8"
4) The center lines of the lock and to stabilize the door frame.
STRIKE electric strike should line up properly
based on the type of lock. Have you ever tried to install an electric
strike with a solenoid protruding from it?
It is important to evaluate whether or not It is not difficult to do if the door frame is
Mortise lock aligned with its the type of lockset used is on center with truly "hollow." It becomes very difficult if
centerline 3/8” below the centerline of
the electric strike cavity. For example, the the frame is not "hollow." Many electric
the electric strike
center line of a cylindrical lock should strikes today have an internal solenoid
match up with the center line of the elec- making them easy to install. In many
tric strike cavity, whereas the center line applications, building codes prevent the
of the mortise lock is positioned 3/8" installation of an electric strike designed
Router - a machine with a revolving verti- 1) Mark the centerline of the lockset on
cal spindle and cutter for milling out the the frame where the strike will be
surface of wood or metal installed.
• Easy to over-cut installation. This will allow you to properly align the
Figure 3.2 • Ideal for wood and aluminum frames. electric strike with the lockset.
*Note: Installation jigs are available (See Figures 3.1 and 3.2)
through specialty companies to aid in
routing aluminum frame installations. 2). Use the manufacturer's instructions
• Very messy - the router will spread (supplied with the electric strike) to meas-
LOCK 3/8"
L debris over a large area. ure and mark the appropriate dimensions
on the door frame as specified.
INSTALLER'S TIP: It is often beneficial
SECTION III to first put masking tape on the door
Electric Strike Installation frame where you will be installing the
Mortise lock aligned with its
electric strike. This serves two impor-
centerline 3/8” below the centerline of
the electric strike Before you begin any type of installation, tant functions: 1) You can mark dimen-
sions directly on the masking tape,
it is important to become familiar with the
which makes them easier to see in
specific electric strike that you will be low-light conditions, 2) The masking
installing. Therefore, review the manufac- tape protects the frame surface from
turer's installation instructions and tem- being scratched during the installation
plate. process.
Make sure the electric strike selected is 3) Using one of the tools described in
the right one for the application. Section II, carefully cut out the required
section or sections of the frame, as noted
By taking the time to answer these five in the manufacturer's electric strike
simple questions, you will be able to installation instructions.
choose the best electric strike for your
application. If the frame has already been equipped
with a standard ANSI 4-7/8" strike prep,
Q: Will the electric strike stand up to the you will want to use an ANSI 4-7/8" elec-
usage frequency and durability require- tric strike. In this type of installation, you
ments of the application? will need to cut out a small section of the
Q: Will the electric strike fully accommo- face of the frame as specified in the man-
date the lockset? ufacturer's instructions. This cutout is an
extension of the 3-3/8" ANSI "Lip" of the
Hertz, symbolized by Hz. Typically AC volt- controls the flow of electricity through the
age power sources are 50/60 Hz (cycles circuit. The important factor when choos-
AC Voltage rectified to DC Voltage waveform per second). Generators or power gener- ing the control system in relation to an
+ ating plants are the most common exam- electric strike will be whether it is rated
Voltage time
ple of AC voltage power sources. Thus, to handle the maximum voltage and cur-
every electrical wall outlet is AC voltage. rent requirements of all the devices being
DC Voltage waveform
(See Figure 4.2) controlled.
AC/DC voltage A basic electric circuit is an arrangement The Conductor for an access control sys-
of components that use voltage, current tem is the wiring that interconnects all of
Figure 4.3
and resistance to perform some function. the components together to complete the
An electric circuit can be represented by circuit. There are various types of wires
a schematic, a diagram that represents and cables, but the essential factor to
Control the interconnection of components. consider is whether it can carry sufficient
Power Locking voltage and current from the power
Source Device
The basic access control circuit is com- source over the distance required to all of
posed of the Locking Device, the Power the electrical components in the circuit.
Source, the Control, and the Conductor Note: Always check with local code
that interconnects all of the components. requirements regarding wire
No matter how complex an access con- specifications.
Basic access control circuit
trol system is, it can be broken down into
these main components for simplification. Locking devices will have a variety of
(See Figure 4.3) voltage or current requirements. Most
locking devices are considered low volt-
Solution: "Pre-load" is any pressure g. Check that the switch, key pad, etc.,
applied to the keeper of the electric strike meet the voltage requirements for the
that causes it to bind. The horizontal rela- system.
tionship between the lockset and the
electric strike will have to be adjusted to
eliminate the binding between the bolt of INSTALLER TIP: To quickly determine
the lock and the electric strike keeper. whether an electric strike is defective,
install it in a site where an electric
Problem: If the electric strike does not strike was previously installed and
operate with the door open worked properly. Use an alternative
power source to test the electrick
If the electric strike does not operate with strike such as a DC battery pack.
the door open, remove the electric strike INSTALLER TIP: If the voltage is too low
from the frame, leaving the wiring con- to operate the electric strike, a 35 volt,
nected, and re-energize the electric 220 micro-farad capacitor may be
strike. If the electric strike operates prop- installed across the bridge rectifier
erly outside of the frame, then the prob- (positive to positive, negative to nega-
lem may be from a tight-fitting frame tive) to provide an initial boost of
cutout pinching the sides of the electric power to the unit. This is also helpful to
strike together. overcome slight preloading conditions.