Blazemaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings Submittal Sheet
Blazemaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings Submittal Sheet
Blazemaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings Submittal Sheet
BlazeMaster ®
CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings
Submittal Sheet
Description Technical
Tyco® CPVC Pipe and Fittings pro-
duced by Tyco Fire & Building Prod-
ucts (TFBP) are designed exclusively Sizes
for use in wet pipe automatic fire sprin- 3/4" to 3"
kler systems. The Tyco CPVC Pipe Maximum Working Pressure
and Fittings are produced from Blaze- 175 psi
Master® CPVC compound that is a
specially developed thermoplastic Approvals
compound composed of post chlorin- UL, FM, C-UL, NSF, LPCB, MEA, and
ated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resin the City of Los Angeles. (Refer to In-
and state of the art additives. Tyco stallation Handbook IH-1900 dated
CPVC Pipe and Fittings are easier to June 2008 for exact listing/approval
install than traditional steel pipe sys- information.)
tems, and at the same time, provide Manufacture Source
superior heat resistance and strength U.S.A.
as compared to traditional CPVC and
PVC piping materials used in the Material
plumbing trade. Various adapters are • Pipe: ASTM F442, SDR 13.5
available to connect CPVC pipe to me-
tallic piping. All female pipe thread • Fittings: ASTM F438 (Sch. 40) and
adapters have brass inserts for dura- ASTM F439 (Sch. 80), ASTM F1970
bility. Grooved adapters connect di-
rectly to grooved end valves and me-
tallic pipe, with flexible grooved end
Installation Limited
Tyco® CPVC Pipe and Fittings pro-
duced by Tyco Fire & Building Prod-
ucts (TFBP) are to be installed in Products manufactured by Tyco Fire &
accordance with Installation Hand- Building Products (TFBP) are war-
book IH-1900 dated June 2008. ranted solely to the original Buyer for
ten (10) years against defects in mate-
rial and workmanship when paid for
Care and and properly installed and maintained
under normal use and service. This
Maintenance warranty will expire ten (10) years
from date of shipment by TFBP. No
The owner is responsible for the in- warranty is given for products or com-
spection, testing, and maintenance of ponents manufactured by companies
their fire protection system and de- not affiliated by ownership with TFBP
vices in compliance with this docu- or for products and components which
ment, as well as with the applicable have been subject to misuse, improper
standards of the National Fire Protec- installation, corrosion, or which have
tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in not been installed, maintained, modi-
addition to the standards of any fied or repaired in accordance with ap-
authority having jurisdiction. The in- plicable Standards of the National Fire
stalling contractor or product manufac- Protection Association, and/or the
turer should be contacted relative to standards of any other Authorities
any questions. Having Jurisdiction. Materials found
Automatic sprinkler systems should be by TFBP to be defective shall be either
inspected, tested, and maintained by a repaired or replaced, at TFBP’s sole
qualified Inspection Service in accord- option. TFBP neither assumes, nor
ance with local requirements and/or authorizes any person to assume for it,
national codes. any other obligation in connection with
the sale of products or parts of prod-
ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for
sprinkler system design errors or inac-
curate or incomplete information sup-
Before closing a fire protection system
plied by Buyer or Buyer’s repre-
control valve for inspection or mainte-
nance work on the fire protection sys-
tem that it controls, permission to shut In no event shall TFBP be liable, in
down the affected fire protection sys- contract, tort, strict liability or under
tem must first be obtained from the any other legal theory, for incidental,
proper authorities and all personnel indirect, special or consequential dam-
who may be affected by this action ages, including but not limited to labor
must be notified. charges, regardless of whether TFBP
was informed about the possibility of
After placing a fire protection system such damages, and in no event shall
in service, notify the proper authorities TFBP’s liability exceed an amount
and advise those responsible for moni- equal to the sales price.
toring proprietary and/or central sta-
The foregoing warranty is made in lieu
tion alarms.
of any and all other warranties, ex-
press or implied, including warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a par-
ticular purpose.
This limited warranty sets forth the ex-
clusive remedy for claims based on
failure of or defect in products, materi-
als or components, whether the claim
is made in contract, tort, strict liability
or any other legal theory.
This warranty will apply to the full ex-
tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in
whole or part, of any portion of this
warranty will not affect the remainder.
© 2008 TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446