GigaSPEEDXL Solutions
GigaSPEEDXL Solutions
GigaSPEEDXL Solutions
The Culmination of a
Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
*Source: Cost of Network Downtime in the U.S., September 2000, Infonetics Research, Inc.
A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
that has long been a motivating factor in our research and bandwidth. Sophisticated modeling tools and exhaustive
– nearly half of all LAN/WAN problems (43%) are design research yield the optimal system-level and
caused by cabling or apparatus. Network inefficiencies component-level parameters. Finally these specifications
caused by overstressed cabling cost the average of quality and reliability are incorporated into the production
Source: Cost of Network Downtime in the U.S., September 2000, Infonetics Research, Inc.
SYSTIMAX® Solutions
To assure that these specifications of quality and Your PCs double in power every 2-3 years, driven by
reliability are built into our products, we do something bandwidth-hungry applications. Your cabling – which
else no other vendor does. Using proprietary tools represents only about 5% of your network costs – will
and techniques, we design, test and manufacture have to handle massive traffic increases for 20 years.
the entire channel – cables, outlets, cords, patch Would you rather gamble, or make a safe choice?
panels – as a single, tightly integrated system.
A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
The pipe may not be as fat as it appears Vendor “A” Vendor “B” Vendor “C” Vendor “D”
Patching Category 6 Information Patch
Many vendors use components from several manufacturers. hardware cabling outlets cords
Even if each is Category 6 compliant, slight differences
in design can cause signal reflections at the points where
they join. These signal “echoes” reduce performance of If not perfectly matched, components can reflect data signals where they join.
the entire channel. SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED XL components Even if each component is Category 6 compliant, end-to-end performance can
are impedance-balanced to match precisely – the be greatly reduced.
only way to achieve peak channel performance and
reliability from end-to-end. GigaSPEED XL GigaSPEED XL GigaSPEED XL GigaSPEED XL
PATCHMAX® 71/81-series MGS400 GS8E
1100 panels cabling outlets patch cords
How do SYSTIMAX SolutionsTM offer the best protection Customer confidence: SYSTIMAX SCS is the most
for your investment in cabling infrastructure? It can’t all widely used cabling system in the world, according to
be explained in this brochure, but here are a few independent researchers. Today, our cabling is being
important distinctions between us and our competitors: installed at a rate of more than 1,000 miles per day
(1,600 km), in more than 120 countries. Why?
Manufacturing excellence: SYSTIMAX SCS quality
The answer is very simple. We build the best, and
control methods are so stringent that ISO-9001
we serve our customers well.
specifications were based on standards we developed
years before. This allows us to provide every customer Technological leadership: Virtually all UTP
on every continent with the same performance and performance standards were based on our research –
reliability in every location. Category 3, 4, 5 and 6, so far. SYSTIMAX SCS
scientists and engineers are active participants in every
Industry-leading support: We believe we are the
major standards-setting organization in the world, and
only company with the depth, the reputation and the
remain at the forefront of new standards development.
worldwide resources to provide support when and
where you need it – with global sales facilities, 4-tier
technical support and a network of highly trained
BusinessPartners on every continent.
SYSTIMAX® Solutions
Our GigaSPEED XL8 Solution exceeds it by 7 dB. Both are so GigaSPEED XL7 Solution: Typical performance
Guaranteed performance
advanced that they can support 6 connection points – with generous
margin to spare over Category 6 specifications; (see table on page 5).
Please note that these are guaranteed, end-to-end channel Frequency (MHz)
Category 6 channel specification (TIA)
performance figures. We welcome comparisons to competitive
GigaSPEED XL7 Solution guaranteed channel performance
solutions in the market place. GigaSPEED XL7 Solution typical channel performance
Highlights from the Best Warranty in the Industry We Build Solutions. Ask us.
• All GigaSPEED XL Solutions are backed by a We have far more to explain about how our systems
20-year Extended Product Warranty that we can help solve your immediate and future challenges.
Our research has yielded many innovative solutions
believe to be the best in the industry.
that cannot be detailed in this small brochure.
• Our Application Assurance covers everything
from voice, data and video applications to To learn more, please visit our Web site at
standards-based complex building management or contact your SYSTIMAX Solutions
systems by some of the world’s leading representative. We’ll be glad to explain how we’ve
surpassed the expectations of companies large and
small, around the world. And how quickly, easily and
• We will specify the performance of each inexpensively we can do the same for you.
application – not “average,” not “nominal,” as
many companies do, but guaranteed worst-case
channel performance – and we will warrant that
your certified SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED XL Solution
will meet or exceed those specifications for 20 years.
A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
© 2004 CommScope, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Visit our Web site at or contact your local SYSTIMAX Solutions
representative or SYSTIMAX BusinessPartner for more information.
SYSTIMAX Solutions is a trademark of CommScope. All trademarks identified by ® or ™
are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.
This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement
any specifications or warranties relating to SYSTIMAX Solutions products or services.
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