31-Planned Shut Down
31-Planned Shut Down
31-Planned Shut Down
Purpose: This procedure is used as work instruction for Boiler operator, Desk Engineer, Shift
The following procedures for normal shutdown are based on the assumption that unit is operating
at full load on automatic control and that it is operating at full load on automatic control and that
it is the intention to reduce the pressure to zero and cool the boiler completely.
1. Gradually reduce load in the unit by giving lower set point of load.
2. Reduce firing rate by cutting the coal flow in top most mill and allow the pr. To drop
with the reduction in load to accelerate cooling.
3. Reduce the steam temp. at the rate prescribed by the turbine manufacturer.
4. Steam temperature control, combustion control and feed water control may be left on
automatic mode until the point is reached when better control can be obtained on
manual mode.
5. Continuously watch furnace pressure, drum level, sec airflow and oxygen content in
the flue gas.
6. When the feeder rating on all pulverizes is reduced to 50% of maximum, put the
upper elevation of supporting fuel oil in service. And place the pulverize supplying
the upper coal elevation on manual control.
7. Gradually reduce the feeder rating and when minimum flow is reached close the hot
air gate and allow to optimum flow of cold air until coal air temp. Dropped < 45 deg.
Cent. And stopped the feeder.
8. As pulverize are taken out of service the sec. air damper control system should close
the associated wind box dampers and throttle other damper as required to compensate
for the reducing in firing rate.
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Desk Engineer Deptt.Head Head – Operation & Maintenance
Prepared By Reviewed by Approved By
9. Take the next pulveriser supplying the next higher elevation of coal nozzles out of
service when the feeder rating on all remaining pulverisers reaches 40%.
10. Continue taking additional pulveriser at consecutive lower elevation out of service in
the same manner.
11. When down to the lowest two pulverisers the adjacent warm up guns must be places
in service prior to reducing the feeder rate of either pulveriser to below 50% of
13. Reduce the airflow in line with fuel reduction until 30% of maximum air flow below
this rating until all fires are out and unit is off the line.
14. When all the mills are taken out and boiler is as only oil gun remove top elevation oil
16. Immediately after closing the turbine stop valves, open wide super heater outlet vents
and drains and all re-heater vents and drains.
19. When drum pr. reaches to 2 kg/sq. cm open wide drum vents.
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Desk Engineer Deptt.Head Head – Operation & Maintenance
Prepared By Reviewed by Approved By