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1. A projectile is thrown with a speed u, at an angle to an inclined plane of inclination . The

angle at which the projectile is thrown such that it strikes the inclined plane normally is
(A) cot 1(2 tan ) (B) cot 1 (tan ) (C) tan 1 (2cot ) (D) tan 1(cot )
2. A projectile is fired with a velocity u at right angles to the slope, which is inclined at an angle
with the horizontal. Derive an expression for the distance R to the point of impact.

2u2 u2 2u2 u2
(A) tan sec (B) tan sec (C) cot sec (D) tan sec
g 2g g g
3. Two bodies are projected from a point on inclined plane with inclination , such that both will
strike the plane at the same point. If one of the body is projected at an angle , the ratio of time
of flight of both the bodies is
sin( ) sin( ) cos( ) cos( )
(A) (B) (C) (D)
cos cos sin sin


4. Rain is falling vertically downwards with a velocity of 3 kmph. A man walks in the rain with a
velocity of 4 kmph. The rain drops will appear to be falling on the man with a velocity of
(A) 1 kmph (B) 3 kmph (C) 4 kmph (D) 5 kmph
5. An aeroplane takes off from Mumbai to Delhi with velocity 50 kph in north-east direction. Wind
is blowing at 25 kph from north to south. What is the resultant displacement of aeroplane in 2
(A) 73.7 km (B) 65 km (C) 50.6 km (D) 44.8 km
6. A man running on a horizontal road at 8 kmph finds the rain falling vertically. He increase the
speed to 12 km/hr and finds that the drops make angle 30o with the vertical. Find the speed
and the direction of the rain with respect to the road.
(A) 2 5 kmph (B) 4 7 kmph (C) 15 kmph (D) 18 kmph
7. A boat is moving with a velocity 3iˆ 4ˆj with respect to the ground. The water in the river is
flowing with a velocity 3iˆ 4jˆ with respect to the ground. The velocity of the boat relative to the
water is
(A) 6iˆ 8jˆ (B) 8iˆ 6jˆ (C) 6iˆ 6ˆj (D) none of these
8. A boy can swim in still water at 1 m/s. He swims across a river flowing at 0.6 m/s which is 336
m wide. If he travels in shortest possible time, then what time he takes to cross the river.
(A) 250 s (B) 420 s (C) 340 s (D) 336 s
9. A man can swim in still water with a speed of 2 m/s. If he wants to cross a river of water
current speed 3 m/s along shortest possible path, then in which direction should he swim?
(A) at an angle 120o to the water current (B) at an angle 150o to the water
(C) at an angle 90 o to the water current (D) none of these
10. A man wishes to cross a river in a boat. If he crosses the river in minimum time he takes 10
minutes with a drift of 120 m. If he crosses the river taking shortest route, he takes 12.5
minutes, find velocity of the boat with respect to water
(A) 20 m/min (B) 12 m/min (C) 10 m/min (D) 8 m/min
11. A boat which has a speed of 5 kmh–1in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the
shortest path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the river water is
(A) 1 kmh–1 (B) 3 kmh–1 (C) 4 kmh–1 (D) 5 kmh–1
12. A boat is sent (aimed) across (perpendicular) the water flow in a river with a velocity 4 kmh –1.If
the resultant velocity of boat is 5 kmph, then velocity of water in river is
(A) 3 kmh–1 (B) 4 kmh–1 (C) 5 kmh–1 (D) 6.4 kmh –1
13. The river 500 m wide is flowing with a current of 5 kmph. A boat starts from one bank of the
river wishes to cross the river at right angle to stream direction. Boatman can row the boat at
13 kmph. The time he takes to cross the river is
(A) 1.5 minutes (B) 2.5 minutes (C) 3.5 minutes (D) 4.5 minutes
14. Four persons are initially at the four corners of a square whose side is equal to d. Each person
now moves with a uniform speed V in such a way that the first moves directly towards the
second, the second directly towards the third, the third directly towards the fourth and fourth
directly towards the first. The four persons will meet after a time equal to
d 2d 2d d
(A) (B) (C) (D)
V 3V 3V 3V
15. A car is going eastwards with a velocity of 8 ms–1. To the passengers in the car, a train
appears to be moving northwards with a velocity 15 ms –1. What is the actual velocity of the
(A) 7 ms–1 (B) 17 ms–1 (C) 23 ms –1 (D) none of these
16.Time taken by the projectile to reach from A to B is t. Then the distance AB is equal to

ut 3 ut
(A) (B) (C) 3 ut (D) 2ut
3 2

17. A ball A is thrown up vertically with speed u. At the same instant another ball B is released
from rest from a height h. At time t, the speed of A relative to B is
(A) u (B) u – 2gt (C) u 2 2gh (D) u – gt
18. A motor boat going downstream overcame a raft at point A. After one hour it turned back and
met the raft again at a distance 6 km from point A. Find the river velocity
(A) 3 km/hr (B) 6 km/hr (C) 9 km/hr (D) 12 km/hr
19. Two cars start off to race with velocities 4 m/s and 2 m/s and travel in straight line with
2 2
uniform accelerations 1 m/s and 2 m/s respectively. If they reach the final point at the same
instant, then the length of the path is
(A) 30 m (B) 32m (C) 20 m (D) 24m
20. Two particles start moving from the same point along the same straight line. The first moves
with constant velocity v and the second with constant acceleration a. During the time that
elapses before the second catches the first, the greatest distance between the particles is
v2 v2 2v 2 v2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
a 2a a 4a
21. A very broad elevator is going up vertically with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s 2. At the
instant when its velocity is 4 m/s a ball is projected from the floor of the lift with a speed of 4
m/s relative to the floor at an elevation of 30°. The time taken by the ball to return the floor is (g
= 10 m/s 2)
1 1 1
(A) s (B) s (C) s (D) 1 s
2 3 4
22. In the above problem range of the ball over the floor of the lift is
(A) 2 3 m (B) 3 m (C) m (D) 2 m
23 A particle is projected vertically upwards from O with velocity v and a second particle is
projected at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity v at an angle of
projection . The time when the distance between them is minimum is
h h h h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2v sin 2v cos v 2v
24. One stone is dropped from a tower from rest and simultaneously another stone is projected
vertically upwards from the tower with some initial velocity. The graph of the distance(s)
between the two stones varies with time (t) as (before either stone hits the ground)
s s s s

t t t t
(A) (B) (C) (D)
25. A car 2 m long and 3 m wide is moving at 10 m/s when a bullet hits it in a direction making an
angle of tan–1 (3/4) with the car as seen from the ground. The bullet enters one edge of the car
at the corner and passes out at diagonally opposite corner. Neglecting gravity, the time for the
bullet to cross the car is
(A) 1.0 s (B) 0.4 s (C) 0.2 s (D) 0.6 s
26. A car is moving horizontally along a straight line with a uniform velocity of 25 ms–1. A projectile
is to be fired from this car in such a way that it will return to it after it has moved 100 m. The
speed of the projectile must be:
(A) 9.8 ms –1 (B) 19.6 ms–1 (C) 15.6 ms–1 (D) 24.6 ms –1
27. A swimmer crosses a flowing stream of width to and fro in time t1. The time taken to cover
the same distance up and down the stream is t2. If t3 is the time the swimmer would take to
swim a distance 2 in still water, then
(A) t12 t 2 t 3 (B) t 22 t1 t 3 (C) t 23 t1 t 2 (D) t 3 = t1 + t2
28. A particle A is projected from the ground with an initial velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 60°
with horizontal. From what height h should another particle B be projected horizontally with
velocity 5 m/s so that both the particles collide in ground at point C if both are projected
(g = 10
m/s 2)
(A) 10 m
(B) 30 m
(C) 15 m
(D) 25 m
29. A man moving on a horizontal surface with a velocity of 4 m/s finds rain to be falling at an
angle of 30o with the vertical. If the man moves with twice the speed as above, he still
observed rain to be falling at 30o with the vertical. Then
(A) magnitude of velocity of rain relative to man is 4 m/s in both cases i.e., when the man
moves with 4 m/s as well as when he moves at 8 m/s
(B) magnitude of velocity of rain relative to man is 4 m/s when man moves with 4 m/s, but
magnitude of velocity of rain relative to man is 3.46 m/s when the man moves with 8 m/s
(C) velocity of rain as observed by a ground observer is 6.92 m/s
(D) velocity of rain as observed by a ground observer is 4.73 m/s
30. A man standing on a horizontal surface observes rain falling vertically with 5 m/s. If he now
starts walking eastwards with a constant acceleration
(A) the rain drops hit the man with an increasing speed as the man moves faster
(B) the angle with the vertical at which the rain drops strike the man increases
(C) the angle with the vertical at which the rain drops strike the man increases at a varying rate
(D) the angle with the vertical at which the rain drops strike the man increases at a constant
31. A man is walking due east and rain appears to him to fall vertically down, then
(A) rain is falling vertically down as seen by an observer who is stationary
(B) rain is falling with a slant towards east
(C) a faster man moving towards east finds the rain to be slanted westwards
(D) a man who is climbing down the pole may observe horizontal rain
32. Two persons A and B approach a junction O along. Mutually perpendicular roads as shown in
the figure.
200m x
VA = 20m/s

100m VB = 10m/s
(A) the two particles will collide as VAB is along AB
(B) the displacement of A as seen by B before they collide is{20( ˆi) 10jˆ }10 m.
(C) the displacement of B as seen by A before they collide is{20( ˆi) 10jˆ }10 m.
(D) they collide after 10 seconds
33. A man is walking on the ground with a speed of 5 m/s and he sees the rain to be falling
vertically. When he increases his speed to 10 m/s he sees the rain to be hitting him from front
at a slant of 45o with vertical
5 m/s

(A) speed of the rain w.r.t man is 5 2 m/s when he is moving at increased speed
(B) if the man slows below 5 m/s rain will hit him from behind
(C) speed of rain w.r.t ground is 5 2 m/s
(D) rain is falling vertically w.r.t ground
Two particles are projected vertically and horizontally
respectively from end points A and B of an inclined
plane as shown in the figure. length of the incline is v0
and particle A is projected vertically upwards with
velocity v0. Both the particles are projected at the same 30o
time and they collide in mid–air. Then,

34. Velocity with which B is projected is

v0 2v 0 v0
(A) (B) (C) 3 v 0 (D)
2 3 3
35. The time after which they collide is
2 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
v0 2v 0 3v 0 2v 0
36. The distance from the incline where the two particles meat will be
3 3
(A) 2v 02 g (B) 2v 02 g (C) 4v 20 g (D) 4v 20 3g
8v 02 8v 20 16v 20 16v 20
A particle A is projected in a vertical plane XY from origin B VB
with a velocity (2iˆ 3ˆj) m/s. Another particle is simultaneously VA
projected from a height of 90 m horizontally with a speed 6
m/s as shown
A x

37. Will the two particles collide

(A) yes (B) no (C) data is not sufficient (D) none of these

38. What will be the minimum distance between them during motion
(A) 52 m (B) 62 m (C) 72 m (D) 82 m

39. At what time particle will be at minimum distance?

(A) 51 s (B) 52 s (C) 53 s (D) 54 s
5 5 5 5
The particles A and B are thrown from the 53o 20m/s 10 ( ˆj) m/s
top of two towers A and B as shown in the
37o B
figure. acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2 20 m
10 m
55 m

40. particles will collide in mid air

(A) true (B) false (C) data inadequate (D) none of these
41. The collide in air after a time of
(A) 2 s (B) 2.5 s (C) data inadequate (D) they will not collide
42. If wind is blowing only affects particle A and gives it an acceleration of (22iˆ 4ˆj) m/s2 then
(A) the particles will not collide (B) the particles will collide in a shorter time
(C) the particles will take longer time to collide (D) data inadequate

A river is flowing at a uniform speed of 2 m/s and a boat B
which can move with a speed of 4 m/s in still water is to Vr = 2 m/s
travel from station A to station B as shown in the figure. The
width of the river is 0.5 km between A and B. 90o
43. The time required by the boat to cross the river will be
250 250
(A) 250 s (B) sec (C) sec (D) 500 s
3 3
44. The shortest possible time required by the boat to cross the river will be
(A) 125 sec (B) 250 sec (C) 500 sec (D) sec
45. If the boat crosses the river in shortest possible time, then its distance from point B will be
(A) zero (B) 250 m (C) 125 m (D) m
46. If x(t), v(t), and a(t) are the displacement, 20
velocity and acceleration functions of a particle
with time. The v(t) vs time graph is as shown 10
1 2 3 4 5 t
Column – I Column – II
(A) a (t) for the region 4 < t < 5 is (p) Positive
(B) d
for the region 2 < t < 4 is (q) negative
(C) d
for the region 5 < t < 6 is (r) a constant
(D) d2 [x(t)] (s) not a constant
for the region 2 < t < 4 is
47. The figures show various situations of rain falling and the man moving in column–I and the
velocity of rain w.r.t man in the column–II.
Column – I Column – II

(A) Vr g (p) Vr m
Vm g

V rg
4 m/s Vrm
(B) 2m/s (q)
V rg 2m / s
(C) 4m/s (r)

Vr m
(D) Vm g (s)
V rg

Vr m

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A
8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A
15. B 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. B
22. C 23 . D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C
29. A,C 30. A,B,C 31.. B,C,D 32. A,B,C,D 33. A,B,C 34. C
35. B 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. A 41. B
42. B 43. B 44. A 45. B
46. A – p,r B – q,r c – p,s D – s 47. A – r, B – p, C – q, D – s, t


1. A body is projected up a smooth inclined plane with velocity u from the point A as shown in the
figure. The angle of inclination is 45o and the top is connected to a well of diameter 40 m. If the
body just manages to cross the well, what is the value of u? Length of inclined plane is 20 2


40 m
(A) 40 m/s (B) 40 2 m/s (C) 20 m/s (D) 20 2 m/s
2. A child throws a ball so as to clear a wall of height h and at a distance x from it. The minimum
speed required for clearing the wall is
1/ 2 g g
(A) g(h h2 x2 ) (B) g(2h h2 x2 ) (C) (h h2 x2 ) (D) (2h h2 x2 )
2 2
3. From an inclined plane a particle is thrown in a direction normal to the surface. The ratio of
successive ranges of the particle on inclined plane is (Consider all collisions as elastic
collisions, i.e. particle rebounds with the same speed with which it strikes the plane)
(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 2 : 3 : 4 (C) 1 : 3 : 5 (D) 1 : 4 : 5
4. Particle A is released from a point P on a smooth inclined plane inclined at angle with the
horizontal. At the same instant another particle B is projected with initial velocity u making an
angle with the horizontal. Both the particles meet again on the inclined plane. Find the
relation between and .
u B

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2 4 4
5. A particle is thrown in horizontal direction with speed
u from a point P, the top of a tower shown in figure
at a vertical height h above the inclined plane of
inclination . The speed with which the particle is
thrown so that it strikes the plane normally is
2gh 2gh gh
(A) (B) (C)
1 cot 2 2 cot 2 2 3 cot 2
6. Two boats, A and B, move away from a buoy anchored at the middle of a river along the
mutually perpendicular straight lines, the boat A along the river, and the boat B across the
river. Having moved off an equal distance from the buoy the boats returned. The ratio of times
of motion of boats t a / tb if the velocity of each boat with respect to water is 1.2 times greater
than the stream velocity is
(A) 1.8 (B) 1.5 (C) 1.2 (D) 1.1
7. A man swimming in a river from a point A on one bank has to reach a point C on other bank,
which is at a distance from the point B, directly opposite to A on other bank. River width is d
and the current velocity is u0. The minimum speed of swimmer relative to still water with which
he should swim is
2 0d d d 2 0d
(A) 2 2
(B) 2
(C) 2
(D) 2
d d d d2

8. A glass wind screen whose inclination with the vertical can be changed is mounted on a car.
The car moves horizontally with a speed of 2 m/s. At what angle with the vertical should the
wind screen be placed so that the rain drops falling vertically downwards with velocity 6 m/s
strike the wind screen perpendicularly.
(A) tan–1(1/3) (B) tan–1(3) (C) cos–1(3) (D) sin –1(1/3)
9. The distance between two moving particles at any time is a. If v be their relative velocity and v1
and v 2 be the components of v along and perpendicular to a. The time when they are closest to
each other are
av1 av 2 av av
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
v2 v2 v1 v 22
10. In the above problem, the minimum distance between them is
av av av1 av 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
v2 v1 v v
11. Two particles are projected simultaneously from two points O and O’ such that d is the
horizontal distance and h is the vertical distance between them as shown in the figure. They
are projected at the same inclination a to the horizontal with the same velocity v. The time after
which their separation becomes minimum is
v cos
v cos
2v cos
12. Two particles A and B are located at x = 0 and x = d respectively. The particle A starts from
rest and moves in the positive x–direction with constant acceleration a0. Particle B’s velocity
varies as vB a0 x . Then
(A) velocity of B relative to A initially is a0 d
(B) acceleration of B relative to A has a magnitude of and it remains constant
(C) velocity of B relative to A first decreases in magnitude then increases in magnitude
(D) the two particles will collide after a time 2( 2 1)
13. Two cars A and B both start from the same point in same direction and move on a circular
track of R = 50 m as shown in the figure. The cars A and B move with a constant speed of 10
m/s and 20 m/s.

A, B X

(A) relative velocity of A w.r.t B after 5 seconds is 30 ( ˆj) m/s

(B) relative velocity of A w.r.t B after 2.5 seconds will be 10( ˆi) 20( ˆj)
(C) relative velocity of A w.r.t B seconds is 20 ( ˆi)
(D) relative velocity of B w.r.t A seconds will have a magnitude at 10 m/s

A small particle is projected from one corner of a large C
box, which slides down freely on a smooth incline of b
inclination with an acceleration as g sin as shown in
the figure. The particle is projected with an initial velocity B
v0. The two dimensions of the box are a and b. If the v0
particle is projected at the instant the box starts sliding
down. Then A

14. The angle at which particle should be projected relative to floor of the box if it should reach
point D is
agsin 1 2agsin 1 agcos 1 2agsin
(A) tan 1 (B) tan 1
(C) sin 1 (D) cos 1

v 02 2 3v 02 2 v 20 2 v 02
15. If the particle is thrown vertically upwards relative to ground observer, distance of the point on
the floor of the box from A, where the particle lands is
2v 20 v 02 sin 2 2v 02 v 02 sin 2
(A) sin (B) (C) cos (D)
g gcos 3g 2gcos
16. The angle at which the particle is to be projected relative to the floor of box such that it hits the
vertical face normally is
2agsin 1 2agcos 1 4agcos 1 2agcos
(A) tan 1 (B) sin 1
(C) tan 1
(D) cos 1

v 20 2 v 02 2 3v 20 2 v 20

Comprehension – 2
A boat starts from a point A on one side of the river B
and moves to the other side. It reaches the point B 3.75 m/s
by moving along the straight path AB. Velocity of
the stream is 3.75 m/s and the velocity of boat in 20 m
still water is 5 m/s. The boat returns back to point C
on the same bank traveling back along the path 53o
4 A C
BC. sin53 . The width of river is 20 m. Then
17. The time after which boat reaches B is
(A) 4 sec (B) 5 sec (C) 8 sec (D) 12 sec
18. The total time which the boat takes to cover its trip from A to B and then from B to C is nearly
(A) 7.4 sec (B) 8.5 sec (C) 9.3 sec (D) 10 sec
19. Total distance traveled by the boat in its trip is
(A) 40 m (B) 55 m (C) 45 m (D) 50 m

20. Match the following

Column – I Column – II
(A) 2 (p) A particle is thrown horizontally with a
t s A speed u from a height of 10 m at t = 0.
11 u
(B) t 2s (q) A particle is thrown with a speed of 10
u 10 3m/s 3 m/s at an angle 30 from the
30 inclined plane inclined at an angle 30
30 with horizontal at t = 0.
(C) t=1s (r) A particle is thrown from point A with 1
x =y2 m/s at an angle 45 with horizontal at t =
u 0? A parabolic shape wire (x2 = y) is
placed in same vertical plane as shown
A in figure.

(D) t = 2s (s) u = 5 m/s R = 5m A particle is projected horizontally from

A point A with 5 m/s at t = 0 on the
periphery of a hemispherical bowl of
radius 5m.

(t) A particle is dropped outside from the

g window of a freely falling elevator at t =
1s. Initially, elevator was at rest at a
height of 20 m and starts falling at t = 0.
* t denotes the time at which the particle strike the other surface
21. Consider 5 different situations a man M moving and rain as observed by him. VR velocity of
VR / M velocity of rain relative to man
VM velocity of man
The situations are shown on right hand column.
Column – I Column – II
VR lies in which of the V R / M 4m / s
following ranges
(A) 3.3 m/s VR 4.3 m/s (p)
M 3 m/s
VR / M 4m / s

(B) 4.3 m/s < VR 5.3 m/s (q)

M 2 m/s

VR / M 4m / s

(C) 5.3 m/s < VR 6.3 m/s (r) M

4 m/s

VR /M 5m / s

(D) 6.3 m/s < VR 7.3 m/s (s)
2 m/s


VR / M 5m / s

3 m/s


22. The position vector of a particle varies with time t as x = kt(1– t), where k is a constant vector
and is a positive factor. Find
(a) the velocity v and the acceleration a of the particle as functions of time.
(b) the time interval t taken by the particle to return to the initial points, and the distance
covered during that time.
23. A ball starts falling with zero initial velocity on a smooth inclined plane forming an angle with
the horizontal. Having fallen the distance h, the ball collided elastically on the inclined plane
and rebounded. At what distance from the impact point will the ball rebound for the second
24. An object A is kept fixed at the point x = 3m y
and y = 1.25 m on a plank P raised above the
ground . At time t = 0 the plank starts moving
along the +x direction with an acceleration 1.5
m/s . At the same instant a stone is projected u
from the origin with a velocity u as shown. A O x 3.0 m
stationary person on the ground observes the
stone hitting the object during its downward
motion at an
angle of 450 to the horizontal . All the motions are in the x-y plane. Find u and the time after
which the stone hits the object. Take g = 10 m/s2.
25. Two inclined planes OA and OB having inclination A u B
0 0
with horizontal) 30 and 60 respectively, intersect Q
each other at O as shown in figure. A particle is
projected from point P with velocity u = 10 3 m / s . h

Along a direction perpendicular to plane OA. If the 30
particle strikes plane OB perpendicularly at Q,
(a) Velocity with which particle strikes the plane OB,
(b) Time of flight, (c) Vertical height h of P from O,
(d) Maximum height from O, attained by the particle and (e) distance PQ.(g = 10 m/s 2)
26. Two small stones A and B are projected simultaneously at time t = 0. The stone A is projected
horizontally with sped v A from the top of a tower that A vA

is y meter high and the stone B is projected from the

ground at a distance x from the foot of the tower with Y vB= 90 m/s
speed vB = 90 m/s at an angle of 37 with the
37 B
horizontal as shown in the figure. At time t = 6 sec
after projection they collide in air and at that moment
their velocities are mutually perpendicular. Find
(a) the value of x and y.
(b) the value of v A
27. Two boats A and B move away from buoy anchored at the middle of a river along mutually
perpendicular straight lines, the boat A along the river and the boat B across the river. Having
moved off an equal distance from the buoy the boat returned. Find the times of motion of boats
tA/ tB if the velocity of each boat with respect to water is n times greater than the stream
28. A ball of mass m is thrown at an angle of 450 to the B 45
horizontal from top of a 65 m high tower AB as shown –1
10 2 ms
20 ms
in figure. Another identical ball is thrown with velocity D
20 ms–1 horizontally towards AB from top of a 30 m
high tower CD one second after the projection of first 30m

ball. Both the balls move in same vertical plane. If they A

collide in mid air. Calculate distance A.C. d

29. A particle is moving along a vertical circle of radius R = 20 m with a constant speed v =31.4
ms–1 as shown in figure. Straight line ABC is horizontal and passes through the centre of the
circle. A shell is fired from point A at the instant when particle is at C. If distance AB is 20 3 m
and shell collides with the particle at B, calculate
(i) smallest possible value of the angle u
of projection, 20 m
(ii) Corresponding velocity u of projection. A C
( = 3.14 and g = 10 ms –2)
30. Two identical shells are fired from a point on the ground with same muzzle velocity at angles of
elevation = 450 and = tan–1 3 towards top of a cliff, 20 m away from point of firing. If both
the shells reach the top simultaneously, calculate
(i) muzzle velocity,
(ii) height of the cliff.
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 7. A 8. B
9. A 10. D 11. C 12. A,B,C,D 13. A,B 14. C
15. A,B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C
20. A – r, B – p, C – s, D – q, t 21. A – p, B – q,t, C – s, D – r
22. (a) v = k (1-2 t), a = – 2 k (b) t = 1/ , s = k/2 23. = 8 hsin
24. u = 7.28 m/s & 0 = tan 1 (5/3) 25. (a) 10m/s, (b) 2sec, (c) 5m, (d) 16.25 m, (e) 20 m
26. vA = 5 m/s, X = 462 m, Y = 324 m 27. 28. 40 m
n2 1

29. (i) = tan–1 1 (2n 1)2 30 (ii) 20 ms1. 30.

i) 20 ms–1 (ii) 10 m

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