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Fan 73892

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FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
January 2013

3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC

Features Description
 Floating Channel for Bootstrap Operation to +600 V The FAN73892 is a monolithic three-phase half-bridge
gate-drive IC designed for high-voltage, high-speed,
 Typically 350 mA/650 mA Sourcing/Sinking
driving MOSFETs and IGBTs operating up to +600 V.
Current-Driving Capability for All Channels
 Extended Allowable Negative VS Swing to -9.8 V for Fairchild’s high-voltage process and common-mode
Signal Propagation at VDD=VBS=15 V noise-canceling technique provide stable operation of
high-side drivers under high-dv/dt noise circumstances.
 Outputs Out of Phase with Input Signals
An advanced level-shift circuit allows high-side gate
 Over-Current Shutdown Turns Off All Six Drivers driver operation up to VS = -9.8 V (typical) for VBS =15 V.
 Matched Propagation Delay for All Channels The protection functions include under-voltage lockout
 3.3 V and 5.0 V Input Logic Compatible and inverter over-current trip with an automatic fault-
clear function. Over-current protection that terminates all
 Adjustable Fault-Clear Timing six outputs can be derived from an external current-
 Built-in Advanced Input Filter sense resistor. An open-drain fault signal is provided to
indicate that an over-current or under-voltage shutdown
 Built-in Shoot-Through Prevention Logic has occurred. The UVLO circuits prevent malfunction
 Built-in Soft Turn-Off Function when VDD and VBS are lower than the threshold voltage.

 Common-Mode dv/dt Noise-Canceling Circuit Output drivers typically source and sink 350 mA and
650 mA, respectively; which is suitable for three-phase
 Built-in UVLO Functions for All Channels half-bridge applications in motor drive systems.

Applications 28-SOIC
 3-Phase Motor Inverter Driver
 Air Conditioner, Washing Machine, Refrigerator,
Dish Washer
 Industrial Inverter – Sewing Machine, Power Tool
 General-Purpose Three-Phase Inverter

Ordering Information
Operating Packing
Part Number Package
Temperature Method

FAN73892MX(1) 28-Lead, Small Outline Integrated Circuit, (SOIC) -40 to +125°C Tape & Reel

1. These devices passed wave-soldering test by JESD22A-111.

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Application Diagram

Figure 1. 3-Phase BLDC Motor Drive Application

Internal Block Diagram

50K VB1
HIN1 28
50K 27
HIN3 [ tFLTIN=250ns ]

5 DELAY 16


LIN3 [ DT=300ns ] VDD VB2 24
HO2 23
VHIN V Phase Driver VS2 22
10 [ tFLTEN=250ns ] ISOFT COM
VDD VB3 20
8 HO3 19
WHIN W Phase Driver VS3 18
12 WLIN LO3 14




3.3V 0.5V

Protection Circuit

Figure 2. Functional Block Diagram

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 2
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Pin Configuration

Figure 3. Pin Assignments

Pin Definitions
Pin Name Description
1 VDD Logic and low-side gate driver power supply voltage
2 HIN1 Logic Input 1 for high-side gate 1 driver
3 HIN2 Logic Input 2 for high-side gate 2 driver
4 HIN3 Logic Input 3 for high-side gate 3 driver
5 LIN1 Logic Input 1 for low-side gate 1 driver
6 LIN2 Logic Input 2 for low-side gate 2 driver
7 LIN3 Logic Input 3 for low-side gate 3 driver
8 FO Fault output with open drain (indicates over-current and low-side under-voltage)
9 CS Analog input for over-current shutdown
10 EN Logic input for shutdown functionality
11 RCIN An external RC network input used to define the fault-clear delay
12 VSS Logic ground
13 COM Low-side driver return
14 LO3 Low-side gate driver 3 output
15 LO2 Low-side gate driver 2 output
16 LO1 Low-side gate driver 1 output
17, 21, 25 NC No connect
18 VS3 High-side driver 3 floating supply offset voltage
19 HO3 High-side driver 3 gate driver output
20 VB3 High-side driver 3 floating supply
22 VS2 High-side driver 2 floating supply offset voltage
23 HO2 High-side driver 2 gate driver output
24 VB2 High-side driver 2 floating supply
26 VS1 High-side driver 1 floating supply offset voltage
27 HO1 High-side driver 1 gate driver output
28 VB1 High-side driver 1 floating supply

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 3
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be
operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended.
In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability.
The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. TA=25°C, unless otherwise specified.

Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit

VS High-Side Floating Offset Voltage VB1,2,3-25 VB1,2,3+0.3 V
VB High-Side Floating Supply Voltage -0.3 625.0 V
VDD Low-Side and Logic-Fixed supply voltage -0.3 25.0 V
VHO High-Side Floating Output Voltage VHO1,2,3 VS1,2,3-0.3 VB1,2,3+0.3 V
VLO Low-Side Floating Output Voltage VLO1,2,3 -0.3 VDD+0.3 V
VIN Input Voltage ( HINx , LINx , CS, and EN) -0.3 5.5 V
VFO Fault Output Voltage ( FO ) -0.3 VDD+0.3 V
PWHIN High-Side Input Pulse Width 500 ns
dVS/dt Allowable Offset Voltage Slew Rate ±50 V/ns
PD Power Dissipation 1.4 W
θJA Thermal Resistance 70 °C/W
TJ Junction Temperature 150 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature -55 150 °C
2. Mounted on 76.2 x 114.3 x 1.6mm PCB (FR-4 glass epoxy material). Refer to the following standards:
JESD51-2: Integral circuit’s thermal test method environmental conditions, natural convection;
JESD51-3: Low effective thermal conductivity test board for leaded surface-mount packages.
3. Do not exceed maximum power dissipation (PD) under any circumstances.

Recommended Operating Conditions

The Recommended Operating Conditions table defines the conditions for actual device operation. Recommended
operating conditions are specified to ensure optimal performance to the datasheet specifications. Fairchild does not
recommend exceeding them or designing to Absolute Maximum Ratings.

Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit

VB1,2,3 High-Side Floating Supply Voltage VS1,2,3+10 VS1,2,3+20 V
VS1,2,3 High-Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage 6-VDD 600 V
VDD Low-Side and Logic Fixed Supply Voltage 10 20 V
VHO1,2,3 High-Side Output Voltage VS1,2,3 VB1,2,3 V
VLO1,2,3 Low-Side Output Voltage COM VDD V
VFO Fault Output Voltage ( FO ) VSS VDD V
VCS Current-Sense Pin Input Voltage VSS 5 V
VIN Logic Input Voltage ( HIN1,2,3 and LIN1,2,3 ) VSS 5 V
VSS Logic Ground -5 5 V
TA Ambient Temperature -40 +125 °C

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 4
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VDD, VBS1,2,3) = 15.0 V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. The VIN and IIN parameters are referenced to
COM and are applicable to all six channels. The VO and IO parameters are referenced to VS1,2,3 and COM and are
applicable to the respective output leads: HO1,2,3 and LO1,2,3. The VDDUV parameters are referenced to COM. The
VBSUV parameters are referenced to VS1,2,3.

Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Low-Side Power Supply Section
IQDD Quiescent VDD Supply Current VLIN1,2,3=0 V or 5 V, EN=0 V 200 μA
IPDD Operating VDD Supply Current fLIN1,2,3=20 kHz, rms Value 500 μA
VDD Supply Under-Voltage Positive-Going
VDDUV+ VDD=Sweep 7.5 8.5 9.3 V
VDD Supply Under-Voltage Negative-Going
VDDUV- VDD=Sweep 7.0 8.0 8.7 V
VDD Supply Under-Voltage Lockout
VDDHYS VDD=Sweep 0.5 V
Bootstrapped Power Supply Section
VBS Supply Under-Voltage Positive-Going
VBSUV+ VBS1,2,3=Sweep 7.5 8.5 9.3 V
VBS Supply Under-Voltage Negative-Going
VBSUV- VBS1,2,3=Sweep 7.0 8.0 8.7 V
VBS Supply Under-Voltage Lockout
VBSHYS VBS1,2,3=Sweep 0.5 V
ILK Offset Supply Leakage Current VB1,2,3=VS1,2,3=600 V 10 μA
IQBS Quiescent VBS Supply Current VHIN1,2,3=0 V or 5 V, EN=0 V 10 50 80 μA
IPBS Operating VBS Supply Current fHIN1,2,3=20 kHz, rms Value 200 320 480 μA
Gate Driver Output Section
VOH High-Level Output voltage, VBIAS-VO IO=0 mA (No Load) 100 mV
VOL Low-Level Output voltage, VO IO=0 mA (No Load) 100 mV
VO=15 V, VIN=0 V with
IO+ Output HIGH Short-Circuit Pulse Current(4) 250 350 mA
PW≤10 µs
IO- Output LOW Short-Circuit Pulsed Current(4) VO=0 V, VIN=5 V with PW≤10 µs 500 650 mA
Allowable Negative VS Pin Voltage for HIN
VS -9.8 -7.0 V
Signal Propagation to HO
Logic Input Section
VIH Logic "0" Input Voltage HIN1,2,3 , LIN1,2,3 2.5 V
VIL Logic "1" Input Voltage HIN1,2,3 , LIN1,2,3 0.8 V
IIN+ Logic Input Bias Current (HO=LO=HIGH) VIN=0 V 100 μA
IIN- Logic Input Bias Current (HO=LO=LOW) VIN=5 V 8.5 25 μA
RIN Logic Input Pull-Up Resistance 50 KΩ
Enable Control Section (EN)
VEN+ Enable Positive-Going Threshold Voltage 2.5 V
VEN- Enable Negative-Going Threshold Voltage 0.8 V
IEN+ Logic Enable “1” Input Bias Current VEN=5 V (Pull-Down=150KΩ) 33 μA
IEN- Logic Enable “0” Input Bias Current VEN=0 V 2 μA

Continued on the following page…

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 5
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Electrical Characteristics
VBIAS (VDD, VBS1,2,3) = 15.0 V and TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. The VIN and IIN parameters are referenced to
COM and are applicable to all six channels. The VO and IO parameters are referenced to VS1,2,3 and COM and are
applicable to the respective output leads: HO1,2,3 and LO1,2,3. The VDDUV parameters are referenced to COM. The
VBSUV parameters are referenced to VS1,2,3.

Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Over-Current Protection Section
VCSTH+ Over-Current Detect Positive Threshold 400 500 600 mV
VCSTH- Over-Current Detect Negative Threshold(4) 440 mV
VCSHYS Over-Current Detect Hysteresis 60 mV
ICSIN Short-Circuit Input Current VCSIN=1 V 5 10 15 μA
ISOFT Soft Turn-Off Sink Current 25 40 55 mA
Fault Output Section
VRCINTH+ RCIN Positive-Going Threshold Voltage 3.3 V
VRCINTH- RCIN Negative-Going Threshold Voltage 2.6 V
VRCINHYS RCIN Hysteresis Voltage 0.7 V
IRCIN RCIN Internal Current Source CRCIN=2 nF 3 5 7 µA
VFOL Fault Output Low Level Voltage VCS=1 V, IFO=1.5 mA 0.2 0.5 V
RDSRCIN RCIN On Resistance IRCIN=1.5 mA 50 75 100 Ω
RDSFO Fault Output On Resistance IFO=1.5 mA 90 130 170 Ω
4. These parameters are guaranteed by design.

Dynamic Electrical Characteristics

TA=25°C, VBIAS (VDD, VBS1,2,3) = 15.0 V, VS1,2,3 = COM, CRCIN=2 nF, and CLoad = 1000 pF unless otherwise specified.

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit

tON Turn-On Propagation Delay VLIN1,2,3=VHIN1,2,3=5 V, VS1,2,3=0 V 350 500 650 ns
tOFF Turn-Off Propagation Delay VLIN1,2,3=VHIN1,2,3=0 V, VS1,2,3=0 V 350 500 650 ns
tR Turn-On Rise Time VLIN1,2,3=VHIN1,2,3=5 V 20 50 100 ns
tF Turn-Off Fall Time VLIN1,2,3=VHIN1,2,3=0 V 10 30 80 ns
tEN Enable LOW to Output Shutdown Delay 400 500 600 ns
tCSBLT CS Pin Leading-Edge Blanking Time(5) 200 300 400 ns
tCSFO Time from CS Triggering to FO From VCSC=1 V to FO Turn-Off 630 ns
Time from CS Triggering to All Gate From VCSC=1 V to Starting Gate
tCSOFF 640 ns
Outputs Turn-Off(6) Turn-Off
tFLTIN Input Filtering Time(7) ( HINx , LINx ,,EN) 200 250 300 ns
tFLTCLR Fault-Clear Time 1.3 ms
DT Dead Time 230 290 350 ns
MDT Dead-Time Matching (All Six Channels) 50 ns
MT Delay Matching (All Six Channels) 50 ns
PM Output Pulse-Width Matching PWIN > 1 µs 50 100 ns
5. These parameters are guaranteed by design.
6. These parameters are referenced to specified CRCIN(=2 nF), and proportional to value of CRCIN as shown in
Figure 43. It is strongly recommended that the capacitor on RCIN pin should be less than 5 nF.
7. The minimum width of the input pulse should exceed 500 ns to ensure the filtering time of the input filter is exceeded.
8. PM is defined as PWIN-PWOUT.
© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 6
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Characteristics

650 650

600 600

550 550
tON [ns]

tOFF [ns]
500 500

450 450

400 High-Side 400 High-Side

Low-Side Low-Side
350 350
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 4. Turn-On Propagation Delay Figure 5. Turn-Off Propagation Delay

vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

100 80

90 70

80 60

70 50
tF [ns]
tR [ns]

60 40

50 30

40 20
High-Side High-Side
30 Low-Side 10
20 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 6. Turn-On Rise Time vs. Temperature Figure 7. Turn-Off Fall Time vs. Temperature

600 2.0

tFLTCLR [ms]

tEN [ns]



400 1.0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 8. Enable LOW to Output Shutdown Delay Figure 9. Fault-Clear Time vs. Temperature
vs. Temperature

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 7
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Characteristics (Continued)

400 50

350 25

MDT [ns]
DT [ns]

300 0

250 -25

200 -50
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 10. Dead Time vs. Temperature Figure 11.Dead-Time Matching vs. Temperature

50 -7
Delay Matching [ns]

VS [V]

0 -10
MTON -12
-50 -13
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 12. Delay Matching vs. Temperature Figure 13.Allowable Negative VS Voltage
vs. Temperature

400 100


250 60

200 40

50 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 14. Quiescent VDD Supply Current Figure 15. Quiescent VBS Supply Current
vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 8
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Characteristics (Continued)

700 700

600 600

500 500


400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 16. Operating VDD Supply Current Figure 17.Operating VBS Supply Current
vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

9.5 9.5


8.5 8.0


7.5 6.5
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 18. VDD UVLO+ vs. Temperature Figure 19.VDD UVLO- vs. Temperature

9.5 9.0

9.0 8.5


8.5 8.0

8.0 7.5

7.5 7.0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 20. VBS UVLO+ vs. Temperature Figure 21.VBS UVLO- vs. Temperature

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 9
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Characteristics (Continued)

100 100
High-Side High-Side
Low-Side Low-Side
80 80
VOH [mV]

VOL [mV]
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 22. High-Level Output Voltage Figure 23.Low-Level Output Voltage

vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

3.0 3.0




1.0 0.5
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 24. Logic HIGH Input Voltage Figure 25.Logic LOW Input Voltage
vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

160 2.0

IIN+ [μA]

IIN- [μA]



60 0.0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Figure 26. Logic Input HIGH Bias Current Figure 27.Logic Input LOW Bias Current
vs. Temperature vs. Temperature

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 10
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Typical Characteristics (Continued)

100 200

80 180


60 160

40 140

20 120

0 100
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
Supply Voltage [V] Supply Voltage [V]

Figure 28. Input Pull-Down Resistance Figure 29.Enable Pin Pull-Down Resistance
vs. Supply Voltage vs. Supply Voltage

400 100


250 60

200 40

50 0
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
Supply Voltage [V] Supply Voltage [V]

Figure 30. Quiescent VDD Supply Current Figure 31.Quiescent VBS Supply Current
vs. Supply Voltage vs. Supply Voltage

700 700

600 600

500 500


400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100
10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 14 16 18 20
Supply Voltage [V] Supply Voltage [V]

Figure 32. Operating VDD Supply Current Figure 33.Operating VBS Supply Current
vs. Supply Voltage vs. Supply Voltage

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 11
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Switching Time Definitions

Figure 34. Switching Time Waveform Definitions

Figure 35. Input / Output Timing Diagram

Figure 36. Detailed View of B and C Intervals During Over-Current Protection

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 12
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Drive IC
Applications Information
1. Dead Time 2.2 Shoot-Through Protection
The shoot-through protection circuitry prevents both
Dead time is automatically inserted whenever the dead
high- and low-side switches from conducting at the
time of the external two input signals (between HINx same time, as shown Figure 39.
and LINx signals) is shorter than internal fixed dead
times (DT1 and DT2). Otherwise, external dead times HINx
larger than internal dead times are not modified by the
gate driver and internal dead-time waveform definition is LINx
shown in Figure 37.
50% 50%


After DT
50% 50%

LOx After DT
Example A
50% 50%

Figure 37. Internal Dead-Time Definitions

2. Protection Function Shoot-Through

2.1 Fault Out ( FO ) and Under-Voltage Lockout Prevent

The high- and low-side drivers include under-voltage

lockout (UVLO) protection circuitry that monitors the
supply voltage for VDD and VBS independently. It can be
designed to prevent malfunction when VDD and VBS are After DT

lower than the specified threshold voltage. The UVLO LOx

hysteresis prevents chattering during power-supply
transitions. Moreover, the fault signal (power supply Example B
voltage FO ) goes to LOW state to operate reliably
during power-on events when the power supply (VDD) is Figure 39. Shoot-Through Protection
below the under-voltage lockout high threshold voltage 2.3 Enable Input
for the circuit (during t1 ~ t2). The UVLO circuit is not When the EN pin is in HIGH state, the gate driver
otherwise activated; shown Figure 38. operates normally. When a condition occurs that should
shut down the gate driver, the EN pin should be LOW.
The enable circuitry has an input filter; the minimum
input duration is specified by tFLTIN (typically 250 ns).

Figure 38. Waveforms for Under-Voltage Lockout

Figure 40. Output Enable Timing Waveform

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 13
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Driver IC
2.4 Fault-Out ( FO ) and Over-Current Protection
FAN73892 provides an integrated fault output (FO ) and
an adjustable fault-clear timer (tFLTCLR). There are two
situations that cause the gate driver to report a fault via
the FO pin. The first is an under-voltage condition of
low-side gate driver supply voltage (VDD) and the
second is when the current-sense pin (CS) recognizes a
fault. If a fault condition occurs, the FO pin is internally
pulled to COM, the fault-clear timer is activated, and all
outputs (HO1, 2, 3 and LO1, 2, 3) of the gate driver are
turned off. The fault output stays LOW until the fault
condition has been removed and the fault-clear timer
expires. Once the fault-clear timer expires, the voltage
on the FO pin returns to pull-up voltage.
The fault-clear time (tFLTCLR) is determined by an internal
current source (IRCIN=5 μA) and an external CRCIN at the
Figure 42. RCIN and Fault-Clear Waveform Definition
RCIN pin, as shown as:
2.5 Recommended CRCIN
C RCIN × VRCIN,TH Figure 43 shows timing of tCSOFF and tCSFO vs. CRCIN.
t FLTCLR = [s ] (1)
It is strongly recommended that the capacitor on RCIN
The RDSRCIN of the MOSFET is a characteristic pin should be less than 5 nF in order to properly protect
discharge curve with respect to the external capacitor power devices in over-current situations.
CRCIN. The time constant is defined by the external
capacitor CRCIN and the RDSRCIN of the MOSFET.
The output of current-sense comparator (CS_COMP) 1000
passes a noise filter, which inhibits an over-current
shutdown caused by parasitic voltage spikes of VCS.
Time [ns]

This corresponds to a voltage level at the comparator of

VCSTH+ - VCSHYS= 500 mV - 60 mV =440 mV, where
VCSHYS=60 mV is the hysteresis of the current 600

comparator (CS_COMP), as shown in Figure 41. 500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 43. Timing of tCSOFF and tCSFO vs. CRCIN

3. Noise Filter
Figure 41. Over-Current Protection 3.1 Input Noise Filter
Figure 42 shows the waveform definitions of RCIN, FO , Figure 44 shows the input noise filter method, which has
and the low-side driver; which uses a soft turn-off symmetry duration between the input signal (tINPUT) and
method when an under-voltage condition of the low-side the output signal (tOUTPUT) and helps to reject noise
spikes and short pulses. This input filter is applied to the
gate driver supply voltage (VDD) or the current-sense pin
HINx, LINx, and EN inputs. The upper pair of waveforms
(CS) recognizes a fault. If a fault condition occurs, the
(Example A) shows an input signal duration (tINPUT)
FO Pin is internally pulled to COM and all outputs much longer than input filter time (tFLTIN); it is
(HO1,2,3 and LO1,2,3) of the gate driver are turned off. approximately the same duration between the input
Low-side outputs decline linearly by the internal sink signal time (tINPUT) and the output signal time (tOUTPUT).
current source (ISOFT=40mA) for soft turn-off, as shown The lower pair of waveforms (Example B) shows an
in Figure 42. input signal time (tINPUT) slightly longer than input filter
time (tFLTIN); it is approximately the same duration
between input signal time (tINPUT) and the output signal
time (tOUTPUT).

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

FAN73892 • Rev.1.0.3 14
FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Driver IC
Figure 46 shows the characteristics of the input filters
while receiving narrow ON and OFF pulses. If input
signal pulse duration, PWIN, is less than input filter time,
tFLTIN; the output pulse, PWOUT, is zero. The input signal
is rejected by input filter. Once the input signal pulse
duration, PWIN, exceeds input filter time, tFLTIN, the
output pulse durations, PWOUT, matches the input pulse
durations, PWIN. FAN73892 input filter time, tFLTIN, is
about 250 ns for the high- and low-side outputs.

Figure 44. Input Noise Filter Definition

3.2. Short-Pulsed Input Noise Rejection Method
The input filter circuitry provides protection against
short-pulsed input signals ( HINx , LINx , and EN) on the
input signal lines by applied noise signal.
If the input signal duration is less than input filter time
(tFLTIN), the output does not change states.
Example A and B of the Figure 45 show the input and
output waveforms with short-pulsed noise spikes with a
duration less than input filter time; the output does not Figure 46. Input Filter Characteristic of Narrow ON
change states.

Figure 45. Noise Rejecting Input Filter Definition

© 2011 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com

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FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Driver IC
Package Dimensions

Figure 47. 28-Lead, Small Outline Integrated Circuit, (28 Wide-Body SOIC)

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FAN73892 — 3-Phase Half-Bridge Gate-Driver IC

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