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Woods-n-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication
• How and Why Deer Are Aged • Adopt-A-Game-Area Program
• Spruce Grouse • Winter Walleye; Transition from Soft to Hard Water
• Duck Pandemonium • Largemouth Bass Virus Re-emerges
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By Tom Campbell...
o, according to the
MDNR, “Michigan
is one of the top five
states nationally in
both number of deer
hunters and overall
deer taken each year. There were
376,365 deer harvested in 2017; Great Traditions
150,709 were antlerless deer,
225,655 were antlered, 51 percent There is so much more to hunting than
Concerned about hunting state land?
of deer were harvested during the the game taken. It is about the memo-
firearm season, 37 percent were ries and this is a day I will never forget Dave Putney took two state land
and as my son gets older he will realize Alpena County may not be known for big
harvested during the archery sea- it as well. Both my son and daughter bucks...don’t tell that to Justin Eagling, bucks near Standish, Oct. 30 a 9-point
son and 38,262 deer were checked, have been going to sit with me from he took this 10-point in Alpena County on and Nov. 2 an 8-point, both shot from
the time they were old enough to get
the highest number of checked deer
out there and patient enough to sit
October 8 and it green scored 158-1/8. hunting on the ground over scrapes!
since 2001.” for at least 10 minutes. My son Mason
Over 30 years at this job and Don Papesh of Paw Paw was ex-
it’s still amazing to see what
Abney (11) came to me a couple years ago after taking his first
deer (doe) with a crossbow and said he wanted to use a com- Great tremely excited about harvest-
pound bow. I was hesitant because the last thing I wanted him ing his first bear in his first year
Michigan’s fall generates in the
outdoors...spectacular adventures, to do was injure the animal. I did buy him one for Christmas DNR of hunting. The 250 pound bruin
and told him he could not hunt with it until he was able to pull is at the taxidermy. But Don
big bucks, huge fish, creating won- back more weight and shoot out to 25 yards. I was impressed Clinic was also just as excited about
derful memories and stories. And with his determination over the summer. He practiced a lot! the DNR’s Bear Hunting Clinics
I (we) never grow tired of hear- I took him to the cabin for the youth hunt with no luck. On offered at the Carl T. Johnson
ing, reading and/or seeing them. October 6, I returned from out-of-town and he was itching to Hunt and Fish Center. Don said
go again. I had him shoot at 15, 20 and 25 yards and he was it seems we are always ripping
Here are a few successful deer and on. I took him out to a spot we had set up in Ortonville where the DNR, but their clinic was
bear hunters’ stories. Please keep we live. When this 6-pt. came in I think I could hear both of our first rate, the staff was fantastic
sharing those stories and photos; hearts pounding. I have never forgotten my first buck with my and he would have never taken
simply email them to me at wnw@ grandfather who started taking me at 12 and was one of my this bear if not for them! The
best friends because of the time spent in the blind with him. To DNR deserves praise for their
pageone-inc.comn see it pass on is awesome! Proud dad, Nate Abney bear clinics!
Open All Year – Pike and walleye season on Lower Peninsula
2018-2019 fur harvesting update
Great Lakes, Lake St. Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers Important reminders • For more details and the definition of bait for
Open All Year – Salmon and trout season on Great Lakes, St. • 2018 regulations for hunting and trapping this regulation, see the 2018 Fur Harvester Digest.
Marys River, Lake St. Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers furbearing species are available in the NEW Fur harvesting seasons
Open All Year – Catch-and-immediate-release bass season on Michigan Fur Harvester Digest. Hunting seasons
all Michigan waters open to fishing • Fur Harvester licenses are valid May 1, 2018 - •Bobcat hunting seasons for Units A, B, C, D, E
Now - Dec. 31 – Pure Michigan Hunt Application Period
Now - March 15 – Walleye and pike open in Lower Peninsula
April 30, 2019. and F open Jan. 1.
inland waters • All fur harvester kill tags are available May 1 •Coyote hunting season is open year-round
Now - March 15 – Walleye and pike open in Upper Peninsula through the last day of trapping season for fisher, statewide.
Great Lakes, inland waters & St. Marys River marten and otter. • Gray and red fox hunting season opened Oct.
Now - Dec. 31 – Smallmouth and largemouth bass catch-and- • Bobcat kill tags are available only until Nov. 15 statewide.
keep on all waters, including Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair 30, 2018. • Raccoon hunting season opened Oct. 1 state-
and St. Clair and Detroit Rivers. Residents with a fur harvester license can get wide.
Now - Dec. 31 – Muskellunge season Lake St. Clair & St. their free kill tags online at eLicense. Kill tags also Trapping seasons
Clair & Detroit Rivers can be requested by visiting a license agent or a
Now - Mar. 1 – Squirrel; Fox and Gray (black phase includ- • Badger trapping season opened Oct. 15 for
ed) Season
DNR Customer Service Center. Zones 1 and 2, and on Nov. 1 for Zone 3. *See the
Now - Mar. 31 – Cottontail and Snowshoe Hare Season New for 2018 Fur Harvester Digest for Zone 1 counties open to
Now - Dec. 16 – Goose Season North Zone Bobcat bag limit is two per resident. badger trapping.
Now - Nov. 25/Dec. 1-2 – Duck Season North Zone • One kill tag is valid for all lands and all units • Bobcat trapping season opens Dec. 1 for
Now - Dec. 2/Dec. 15-16 – Duck Season Middle Zone combined. Units A and B, and Dec. 10 for Units C, D, E and F.
Now - Dec. 9/Dec. 29-30 – Duck Season South Zone • A second kill tag is valid for Unit A ONLY,
Now- Nov. 30 – Regular Firearm Deer Season
• Coyote, gray and red fox trapping seasons
on private lands (excluding Commercial Forest opened Oct. 15 statewide.
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1, 2019 – Grouse season
lands). • Fisher/marten trapping season opens Dec. 7
Dec. 1 - Jan. 1, 2019 – Late archery season
Dec. 7-16 - Muzzleloading deer season Zone 1 Fisher/marten bag limits in Zone 1, excluding Drummond Island.
Dec. 7-16 - Muzzleloading deer season Zone 2 and season dates have changed • Muskrat and mink trapping season opened
Dec. 7-23 - Muzzleloading deer season Zone 3 • Season dates for fisher/marten are Dec. 7-16. Oct. 25 in Zone 1 and Nov. 1 in Zone 2, and will
Dec. 17 - Jan. 1, 2019 - Late antlerless firearm • New bag limit for fisher/marten is a com- open Nov. 10 in Zone 3.
*Consult the Michigan Hunting and Trapping Digest, Fishing Digest, or bined bag limit of two per resident fur harvester, • Raccoon trapping season opened Oct. 15
other species-specific hunting digests for a more complete list of dates
and regulations regarding each season or hunt period.
of which only one may be a fisher. (The fisher/ statewide.
marten kill tag can be used for one fisher OR one • Beaver and otter trapping seasons vary based
marten. The marten-only kill tag can be used for on unit and your residency status. See page 30 of
MJC MJC one marten.) the Fur Harvester Digest.
ARCHERY ARCHERY New foothold trapping Opossum, weasels and skunks can be taken
MACOMB OAKLAND near exposed bait restrictions. year-round with a valid license.
• Foothold traps may not be used to trap Additional information and questions
furbearers within 20 feet of bait that is visible See the Fur Harvester Digest for bag limits and
from more than 4 feet above the bait. (Completely additional regulations for fur harvesting in Michi-
19744 15 Mile Rd
Clinton Twp. 48035
3001 Rochester Rd
Royal Oak, MI 48073 submerged foothold traps are exempt from this gan. Digests are always available online at michi-
restriction.) gan.gov/dnrdigests or call 517-284-WILD (9453).
586-791-4600 248-589-2480
Spruce Grouse Return of the Slob Hunters
Bill Ziegler page 32 Randy Jorgensen page 28
More than 21 million
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Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication
• Duck Pandemonium • Largemouth Bass Virus Re-emerges
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Happy Holidays ~ Happy Holidays ~ Happy Holidays ~ Happy Holidays ~ Happy Holidays
DNR continues CWD surveillance
and information efforts in U.P.
he Michigan De- animals that contract it.
partment of Natural To date, there have been no
Resources has stepped reported cases of CWD infection
up its surveillance and in humans. However, the Centers
information efforts in for Disease Control and Prevention
the wake of the Up- and the World Health Organization
per Peninsula’s first case of chronic recommend the meat of infected
wasting disease being confirmed animals should not be eaten.
Oct. 18 from Dickinson County’s No plans are in place to ban or
Waucedah Township. restrict deer baiting this year. A deci-
A 4-year-old doe killed in Sep- sion on supplemental winter feed-
tember on a deer damage shooting ing will be made once surveillance
permit tested positive for chronic results are in.
wasting disease. The deer was shot
on an agricultural farm about 4 Border Testing Efforts
miles from the Michigan-Wisconsin Since 2015, the DNR has been
border, though there is no informa- conducting active surveillance along
tion available currently to determine the Michigan-Wisconsin border.
whether the deer came from Wis- This surveillance effort detected the
consin. CWD-positive deer.
“The increased surveillance “We set up this surveillance
measures are being taken to deter- because chronic wasting disease has
mine the extent chronic wasting dis- been detected in Wisconsin captive
ease is present in Waucedah Town- and free-ranging deer within 50
ship and the surrounding area,” said miles of the Upper Peninsula,” said
Russ Mason, DNR Wildlife Division Craig Albright, the DNR wildlife
chief. “We are also testing deer from division’s U.P. field operations man-
a wider geographic area to include ager. “We wanted to be watchful
deer making seasonal movements for the disease in Michigan border
and to keep watch for potential counties because early results of our
cases of this fatal deer disease in ongoing deer movement study show
other parts of the region.” some deer make movements across
The DNR has enhanced its the state border.”
CWD information efforts to help Deer collected through deer
raise awareness about what the pres- damage shooting permits, road kills
ence of the disease means for hunt- and hunter submissions have been
ers and others, and to answer impor- tested in the Michigan border coun-
tant questions posed by the public. ties of Gogebic, Iron, Dickinson and
A toolkit with printable brochures, Menominee.
ads, photos and presentations, along Prior to the CWD-positive deer check is voluntary and encouraged. the Wisconsin side of the Menomi-
with maps, testing information and confirmation from Dickinson Coun- No in-state travel restrictions are nee River in Marinette County.
surveillance statistics, is available at ty, the DNR had set a goal of testing
a minimum of 600 deer heads from
currently in place. However, the
DNR recommends limited carcass
Expanded CWD
Surveillance Area
“It is very important to rely on these four border counties for 2018. transport and proper disposal.
facts in learning about CWD,” said Statewide, so far, the DNR has The DNR hopes to collect a Outside the core CWD surveil-
John Pepin, DNR deputy public in- tested 37 percent of its 15,635-deer minimum of 600 deer heads for test- lance area, the DNR has created an
formation officer. “The latest devel- goal for 2018. There have been a ing from this core surveillance area. expanded surveillance area. Like the
opments are being updated regularly total of 10 CWD-positive cases in Through this year’s previous border core area, this wider area is bounded
on the Michigan Emerging Disease Michigan this year, including one surveillance efforts, 358 of those by several geographic landmarks.
Issues webpage (michigan.gov/cwd) each from Dickinson, Ionia, Jackson heads already have been gathered The zone is bordered on the west
maintained by the state. The more and Kent counties, and six from and tested. by the Menominee River and M-95;
folks become informed about the Montcalm County. The boundary of the core area on the north and east by U.S. High-
disease, the better equipped they was set using several roadways. The way 41; and on the south by U.S.
will be to reject misinformation. We Core CWD zone is bordered by U.S. Highway Highway 2 and Lake Michigan.
need hunters, community members Surveillance Area 2, M-95 and the Menominee River As in the core area, baiting for
deer has not been restricted in the
and others to help spread the true A roughly 10-mile-radius core on the west; M-69 from Randville
facts about CWD.” surveillance area – encompassing to Bark River on the north and U.S. expanded surveillance area for 2018.
Chronic wasting disease is a fa- 661 square miles – has been cre- Highway 41/U.S. 2 and Menominee Deer check is voluntary. No in-state
tal nervous system disease found in ated, centered on Waucedah Town- County Road G18 on the south. travel restrictions are currently in
animals from the family Cervidae, ship. Within this zone, the DNR is The Wisconsin Department of place. However, the DNR recom-
including deer, moose and elk. The working to determine whether CWD Natural Resources, given the recent mends limited carcass transport and
disease attacks the brain of infected exists in areas around the doe that CWD confirmation in Dickinson proper disposal.
animals, creating small lesions, tested positive. County, will focus its own CWD “Because of the seasonal move-
which result in neurologic symp- Baiting for deer has not been surveillance testing effort, opposite
toms. The disease is always fatal in restricted in this area for 2018. Deer the U.P.’s core surveillance area, on CWD in the U.P. page 10
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Number One Natural Hunting Location
he Michigan NRC has over the years I’d learned to accept Many nationally known hunting easy. They make hunting look so
banned baiting in 12 it for the many that do because it personalities and writers disregard simple and easy, when in reality for
counties for the 2018 was legal and brought in a lot of active scrape hunting because they most hunters, it’s not. Fortunately I
deer season and be- new deer hunters because they could don’t know how, when, and what know the reality of TV shows and
ginning January 2019 immediately go out and see and get type of scrapes to hunt over and on videos and how they hunt so I’m not
the baiting ban takes opportunities at deer. the micro-managed properties they jaded by them.
place in Michigan’s entire Lower The good news is that the ban on hunt where there are lots of mature Over half of my 50 record book
Peninsula. All in reaction to chronic baiting is not the end of the world, bucks and their movements pretty bucks (31 in the CBM book and
wasting disease (CWD). as many Michigan hunt- much mirror the general 19 P&Ys from out-of-state) were
For at least a generation and a ers including myself have daytime movements of taken at active primary scrape areas
half (30 years) a pretty high percent- consistently proven that other deer, killing mature including my 2017 Michigan nine-
age of Michigan bow and gun hunt- deer and specifically mature bucks is a slam dunk and point, which was standing over an
ers have been introduced into the bucks can be taken regular- there’s no need to know active scrape when I arrowed him.
deer hunting world by exclusively ly without it. The short term how to hunt scrape areas. And those were all taken on public
hunting over bait and have known bad news for those that I’ll never be able to and knock on doors for free permis-
no other method for taking deer. did exclusively bait is they accept the TV and video sion properties which is the norm
Also, many hunters that began will have to make some personalities gross mis- for many hunters.
hunting without using bait have changes in how they hunt representation of hunting I hold firm that active scrape
By John Eberhart
converted over to it because to put to take advantage where there is areas are the most productive desti-
it bluntly and honestly, it makes of natural deer zero competition. nation locations to hunt over when
seeing and killing deer much easier. movements. In such areas they are located in the right places,
Most deer hunters in their 50s, 60s Active scrapes and particularly the antlered buck to year-and-a-half have appropriate perimeter security
and 70s that began hunting in their primary scrape areas have been my and older doe ratios are somewhat cover, are properly prepared, are
teens didn’t start out by using bait, number one go to natural destina- level, as are the older buck to older hunted at the right times of season
yet many have converted to it. May- tion locations for bow hunting doe ratios which is a far cry from and day and are properly entered
be it was due to a lack of scouting since the early 1980s. Some studies the normal deer herd structures the and exited.
time, to keep deer on their property, have shown that 90-plus percent of vast majority of hunters have where Confronted with intense com-
their property had no other reason mature buck (3 ½ years old or older) they hunt. That’s why TV and video petition from Michigan’s 320,000
for deer to be there due to a lack of scrape activity is done during the hunters are so food plot and shelled bowhunters and nearly 700,000 gun
a natural food source or secure bed- security of darkness and over the corn hidden in the weeds so the hunters, there has to be a learned
ding area, but the underlying reason past 20 years the widespread use viewer can’t see it, bait oriented. It process on how to effectively hunt
is it made hunting much easier. of motion cameras by hunters have makes taking one of the property’s mature bucks in heavily pressured
While I personally don’t bait, confirmed those studies. big, non-pressured mature bucks areas if you are to have any chance
at consistent results. activity. their core area and because early on proaches and testosterone levels be-
For over 30 years the majority of Most primary scrape areas are in the season had already sparred gin to peak, scrape activity becomes
my attention has gravitated towards perennial, meaning that unless there with the other bucks for pecking much more intense. While 2 ½ year
locating and hunting over primary are alterations in movement patterns order, they rarely have to fight for old and older bucks that have breed-
scrape areas. In recollection, 18 of due to changes in preferred food estrus does resulting in less sign- ing seasons behind them are respon-
my 31 Michigan record book bucks sources such as acorn masts, fruit posts and fewer and smaller scrape sible for opening up most scrape
and 11 of my 19 P&Y out-of-state production, crop rotations, etc. or areas. areas, as the rut approaches year and
bucks were taken at active scrape alterations of the terrain due to prop- 4) In big timber areas far from a half old subordinate bucks also
areas or an active scrape lined erty development, they will be used any agriculture (Northern Michi- take part in scrape activity.
runway. Many of those scrape areas year after year. gan and the Upper Peninsula), The rut is a two way street and
were located at natural destination The quantity of scrapes within scrape areas are extremely rare or as mature does get close to their
locations such as apple or oak trees a scrape area, how frequently they non-existent because does tend to estrous cycle, they will abandon
that were dropping food or where are revisited and whether or not wander and browse and have no their fawns and frequent active
several terrain features converged there are scrape areas at all can defined feeding destination locations scrape areas leaving their come
into a bottleneck. vary considerably depending on the to entice bucks to make scrape areas hither calling card by scent marking
Scrape area hunting failure can be landscape, general deer population, at. In such areas there are also fewer the licking branches and urinating in
attributed to either faulty recognition gender and age diversity of the local deer and they have much larger core scrapes. Matriarch does have been
of which ones receive mature buck herd and hunting pressure circum- living areas. there done that and are very in tune
daytime activity, poor seasonal and stances. with the breeding procedure and on
daily hunting times, improper entries In heavily hunted areas, due
How Primary Scrape many occasions I’ve witnessed them
and exits, and improper set-ups. to the minimal amount of mature Areas are Used enter a scrape area, leave their call-
So why, where and when does bucks, scrape areas are much less While the overhanging licking ing card scent and loiter in the area
scrape area hunting become your common than in lightly hunted and branches in perennial scrape areas for up to half an hour.
best bet at taking a mature buck? managed areas where the mature are centers of social communication The more utilized licking
buck to doe ratios are similar by mature does and bucks through- branches over a particular scrape,
Identifying/Locating forcing the many mature bucks to out the year, the actual ground the more it is being revisited. So
Individual Scrapes heavily compete for breeding rights scrapes will get little if any activity when preparing a location, always
and Scrape Areas and therefore visit the hubs of doe from January through August. set up within shooting distance of
A scrape is a small one-to-four activity where they made the scrape Once mature bucks shed their the scrape with the most utilized
foot area of churned up dirt located areas. velvet their testosterone levels begin overhanging licking branches.
beneath one to several low hanging The reason for the discrepancies to rise and at hubs of heavy doe traf-
licking branches. Several scrapes is simple, in areas where there are fic they will soon begin the ground
within a small area make up what I lots of mature bucks that fiercely scraping activity. As the rut ap- Active Scrapes page 14
refer to as a primary scrape area. compete for breeding rights there
Primary scrape areas are gener- are more and larger scrape areas. In
ally made in small clearings with areas with few mature bucks they
brush and or trees interspersed don’t have to compete much for
throughout with low hanging licking breeding rights resulting in fewer
branches for scrapes to be made and smaller scrape areas.
under. There will always be several On my hunts to the lightly
runways that converge into a pri- hunted agriculturally rich states of
mary scrape area, and when active Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas, I see as
they are main destination locations. many mature bucks as I do mature
The overhanging licking branch- does and in such areas there’s lots of
es are the main focus of communi- scrape areas and I’ve seen as many
cation and are scent marked by does as 23 scrapes within a large primary
and bucks with their saliva, pre- scrape area. It’s also common on a
orbital, forehead and nasal glands, one week hunt to see a dozen differ-
while the scrape is scent marked ent P&Y class bucks and I’ve seen
with urine and interdigital glands as many as 18 in a week. That’s
located between the hooves. more than I’ll see in Michigan in at
I’ve found active scrape areas as least 10 or so complete seasons.
early as mid-August yet the appeal These are the four major rea-
of scrape areas to bucks increases sons for scrape area discrepancies
with their rise in testosterone levels (quantities of them) from one area to
leading up to the rut phases with another.
peak activity being during pre-rut. 1) In areas with lots of agricul-
While individual scrapes may ture, once the ground foliage drops
be found randomly along a buck’s and the crops (primarily corn) are
travel routes, scrape areas (mul- harvested the deer are much more
tiple scrapes in a small zone) are condensed into whatever adequate
always located where there is security cover remains to bed in and
concentrated doe activity such as transition through. The more con-
at destination food sources such as densed and defined the doe traffic,
fruit and preferred mast trees, along the more likely to have scrape areas
perimeters of crop fields, in pinch at those locations.
points of transition corridors, along 2) In lightly hunted and man-
perimeters or within bedding areas, aged areas where there are lots of
and where differing types of terrain mature bucks that fiercely compete
features converge. for breeding rights, there are more
While rare, water sources in and larger scrape areas.
areas otherwise devoid of water for 3) In heavily pressured areas
¼ mile or farther in any direction where there are few mature bucks, The author arrowed this Michigan 9-point standing over an active
are also prime targets for scrape because they are so dominant within scrape in 2017.
Active Scrapes:
from page 13
game camera set up tions have been derived from trail
as part of an ongoing camera video, photographs, tracks,
state deer movement scat, or in the case of two male cats
study has captured poached, carcasses.
images of a cougar Previous genetic testing on tis-
in Gogebic County, sue samples from those two cougars
about 9 miles north of Ironwood. poached in the U.P. showed the
The images were reviewed and veri- two animals likely came from a
fied by the Michigan Department of population found generally in South
Natural Resources’ cougar team. Dakota, Wyoming and northwest
Since 2008, the DNR has con- Nebraska.
firmed 38 cougar reports, with all “This genetic research lines up
but one of those occurring in the with what we’ve presumed previ-
Upper Peninsula. These reports in- ously, that cougars found in the
clude multiple sightings of the same Upper Peninsula are males dispers-
cougar, not 38 individual animals. ing from this population east of
So far, there remains no conclusive the Rocky Mountains,” said Kevin
evidence of a Michigan breeding Swanson, a DNR wildlife manage-
population of mountain lions. Cou- ment specialist with the depart-
gars are an endangered species in ment’s Bear and Wolf Program.
Michigan protected by law. “These males dispersed from the
“This latest confirmed report main population are looking to
illustrates just how rare cougars are establish new territories.”
in the Upper Peninsula,” said Brian Researchers investigated the
Roell, a DNR wildlife biologist in potential population of origin for the
Marquette. “This is the first time two cougars using a database that
we’ve ever caught a cougar on more includes samples from cougar popu-
than three million game camera im- lations in South Dakota, North Da-
ages we’ve collected in our studies kota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming,
since 2009.” Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona,
DNR researchers use game Texas, Oregon and Florida.
cameras in their Quantifying Upper According to the U.S. Fish and
Peninsula Deer Movements and Wildlife Service, cougars were once
Abundance, predator-prey and bear the most widely distributed land
studies. The deer movement study animal in the Western Hemisphere
alone uses 50 game cameras in the but have been eliminated from about
western U.P., including the one in two-thirds of their historic range.
Ironwood Township that caught the At one time, cougars lived in
images of the cougar at 7:15 p.m. on every eastern state in a variety of
Oct. 1. habitats, including coastal marshes,
The three daylight photos on the mountains and forests. They were
game camera show the mountain native to Michigan, but were
lion walking past, from right to left. trapped and hunted from the
Biologists noted there was no track- state around the turn of the
ing collar on the cougar. No identi- 20th century.
fication of whether the animal was a To learn more about cougars
male or female was possible. in Michigan, visit michigan.gov/
Michigan cougar confirma- cougars.n
Young huntress
takes trophy
10-point on
windy evening
Guest Column By Audrey Balkema
atalie Balkema loves to hunt. She
comes from a family of hunters
and began hunting at a young age.
She took home her first deer with
a crossbow while hunting with
her dad, Brian, when she was just
eight-years-old, a five-point buck. Two years later
while hunting again with her dad and using the
same crossbow, she took another five-point buck,
slightly bigger this time. Now at age 12, she took
a monster 10-point buck with her trusty cross-
bow. She loves hunting!
This deer story begins with Natalie waiting
days to go hunting. It was finally her turn to go
(her brother also hunts) and she came home from
school excited, gathering all of her gear together
and putting on her camo. Her dad called her
mom, Audrey, from work and explained that he
thought it was a bit too windy and he had a long
list of things to do in the barn. He didn’t think
they should go hunting that night.
Audrey broke the news to Natalie and like
any excited 12-year-old, she was annoyed. Nata-
lie asked a few times after that, why in the world Twelve-year-old Natalie Balkema took this Kalamazoo County record book 10-point buck
they can’t just go hunting in the wind. When October 17 on a windy evening hunting with her mother.
her dad came home from work, Audrey joked new tree blind was that Brian had set up two days first and she whispered to her mom,
that maybe he shouldn’t even come in the door before. He had two blinds set up in the same tree, “It’s a buck.”
because Natalie was so disappointed. He went to one above the other. Natalie settled into her spot Audrey had to lean over a bit to see him, but
Natalie’s room and peeked in the door. She said, at 6:20 p.m. and Audrey tried to figure out just once she saw that he was indeed a buck, she told
“I’m mad at you.” He went in and explained to how to get into hers. After trying a few times to Natalie that as soon as she got a clear shot, go
her how wind can work against hunters. reach high enough to get into the top blind, Au- for it! It didn’t take long and “thwack!” The two
Her mom, realizing just how much Natalie drey decided she would just stand behind Natalie watched as the arrow hit the deer and he took off
wanted to go, volunteered to take her. Even if with one foot on Natalie’s seat and the other on a running. They were so excited! Not only was it a
it was windy there was only over an hour of tree branch. buck, but it was a buck on their own property that
daylight left, Natalie could happily hunt and dad They took some selfies 20 feet above the for- they had purchased just 10 months prior, hoping
could get to his list of chores. As the two ladies est floor. The night was sunny and crisp and the for a nice hunting spot for their family.
headed out, Natalie showed Audrey where the wind had actually died down a bit. It had turned At this point both mother and daughter had no
into a gorgeous night for idea just how big of a buck it was, which Natalie
hunting. The two prayed says is a good thing, because she was already
and asked God to send shaking. The two decided to send Brian a picture
a deer, but if not, they of Natalie holding the arrowless crossbow as a
hoped that they’d just way of letting him know something had been
have a fun night. They shot.
also thanked Him for the He replied, “We will be right there in a min-
beautiful fall colors all ute.” Brian, Audrey, Natalie and her older brother
around. and younger sister found the bloody arrow, they
After seeing a couple had hope that they would find him soon. With
of rabbits, a mama doe virtually no good blood trail and the darkening
and her grown fawn sky, Brian called Audrey’s two brothers John and
wandered into view. Dave, who came with a family friend, Matt, to
They’d watched this help. As they all combed the woods, it seemed
doe raise twins until one Natalie’s deer had disappeared.
was hit by a car on their Finally Dave spotted him. He yelled, “I found
street earlier in the year. it!” followed by, “Holy Cow!” As Audrey ran
Then Audrey could that way, she thought about how nice it was for
hear something rustling her brother to make such a big deal for his niece,
leaves behind the doe even though it might be a mediocre deer. As
and she whispered to she came up to the flood of flashlights, she was
Natalie that something amazed at the huge animal lying in front of them.
else was coming. From Natalie was laughing in shock. All of the guys, all
the same path as the avid hunters, congratulated Natalie on a job well
Around Natalie from left to right: Friend Matt Aeed, Grandpa John Kiel, Dad doe, the deer came into done shooting one of the biggest bucks any of
Brian Balkema, Uncle David Kiel, Mom Audrey Balkema and Uncle John Kiel. Natalie’s line of sight them have ever seen, especially in the wind!n
Winter Walleye covers water, a serious ice fisher-
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By Caleb Eckloff - MDNR with three points or cusps), which
is meaningful because a tri-cuspid
ttempting to deter- third premolar is a baby tooth.
mine the age of a At about 18 months of age,
deer while it is in the this tooth is replaced by a bicuspid
field is a matter of (a tooth with two cusps or points)
observing a range of adult tooth — easily distinguishable
physical character- from the tricuspid baby tooth. Some
istics based on various age classes. 1-year-old deer have replaced this
There are numerous resources avail- tooth with a bicuspid adult premolar.
able online and elsewhere to help At this age, the overall condition
hunters learn how to become profi- of all the lower teeth is sharp, with
cient at doing this. A Michigan Depar tment of Natural Resources worker cuts the cheek little wear and little staining.
Each fall, as successful hunters of a deer to help him age the animal. MDNR photos 2-Year-Old Deer
bring their deer in to be registered Deer that are two years old
at Michigan Department of Natural cementum deposits may be counted The Premise have six cheek teeth — just like a
Resources check stations across the
state, many of these men and women
to determine the age of the tooth and, of the Method 1-year-old deer — and a bicuspid
by extension, the age of the animal. As many people know, fawns adult third premolar, but the overall
watch carefully as DNR wildlife Any animal may be aged in this condition of the teeth shows more
technicians and biologists age deer are born during the spring and early
manner, including deer, but instead, indications of wear.
based on characteristics of the ani- the DNR ages deer and elk accord- summer (late May through mid-
June). Therefore, during the autumn Specifically, look at the cusp far-
mal’s teeth. ing to tooth replacement and wear. thest back in the mouth of the deer.
The DNR uses the age of har- Though not as accurate as sectioning deer hunting seasons, the new fawn
crop is about six months old. A 2-year-old deer will have a cusp
vested animals — not exclusively a tooth and counting the layers of ce- that is slightly flat on top. A 1-year-
deer — to model species age struc- mentum, assessing tooth replacement All individual animals in this
old deer will have a back cusp that
ture with the intent to better manage and wear is a more time-efficient age class, or cohort, show similar
is barely worn, with a pointed tip, if
wildlife. method. tooth replacement and wear. Given
it is protruding through the gum line
Furbearers, such as black bears Employing this faster aging the consistent one-year gap between at all.
and bobcats, are aged by removing method is appropriate given the high each year’s fawn crop, each deer Adult deer have what appear
a tooth and sectioning the tooth to number of deer kills registered in age class should have similar to be “longer” faces than fawns.
count the layers of cementum, which Michigan each year. Last year, for tooth wear and other dental As a deer grows, its jaw lengthens,
is a specific part of each tooth that is example, the DNR registered a total characteristics. expanding the opportunity for more
deposited annually. of 39,220 deer from 86 check sta- This premise is the basis for ag- teeth to fit comfortably within the
Like the rings of a tree, annual tions. ing deer using this method. mouth.
Tooth Wear As this happens, the back teeth
and Replacement begin to grow and protrude from the
DNR check station personnel gum line, exposing them to wear
examine the teeth on the lower jaw, and tear from food. For this reason,
or mandible. A deer’s top teeth have in adult deer, it is helpful to assess
the condition of wear of the back
similar wear characteristics, but
teeth — these teeth are relatively
the bottom teeth are often easier to new.
view. This technique is easier to use
Most mammals have deciduous to accurately age a deer than by
teeth, commonly called baby teeth. examining the first molar. However,
Permanent (adult) teeth replace the despite this key role the back cusp
deciduous teeth and are added as the plays in aging a deer, caution must
animal matures. be used.
Fawns, at six months old, are The overall condition of the
easy to identify because they only teeth – tooth staining, and sharpness,
have four cheek teeth, unlike adults, for examples – is a useful aging tool
which have six cheek teeth. as well. This is a skill not easily
Cheek teeth refer to the pre- taught but learned throughout the
molars and molars and can be best course of looking at many deer.
viewed in a deer by cutting the
cheek and opening the mouth. This 3-Year-Old Deer
practice is most helpful in aging Deer that are 3 years old can
older deer. be identified by looking at the back
cusp on the back molar too. These
DNR check station staffers ask
permission from hunters before cut-
Hunters at check stations are often interested in how old their deer is. ting the cheek of their deer. Aging deer page 24
Aging deer:
from page 22
deer will have a “dished” appearance
on this cusp. A tooth in such condi-
tion is worn down, more promi-
nently exposing the brownish inner
portion of the tooth, which is called
The outer white-colored enamel
is much harder than the dentine. Be-
ing softer, dentine wears faster than
enamel. This difference in hardness
results in different wear rates, creat-
ing the “dishing” of the back-most
cusp as the outer enamel wears away
slower than the dentine.
Overall, the cutting surfaces of
the cheek teeth are duller in 3-year-
old deer than in 2- and 1-year-old
Those trying to age deer in this
manner should be aware that enamel MDNR illustration
can be stained dark brown with age
depending on the deer’s food source.
younger deer. They lack the more record the ages of deer up to three this year’s crop or a big buck that
Typically, brown-stained enamel is
distinguishable characteristics used years old, lumping all deer age 3 has been in the woods for a good
found at the gum line, as opposed to
to decisively age a younger deer. and older into one category for the long time, using the techniques of
the brownish dentine found near the
Successive years of wear generally sake of accurate data collection. this tooth replacement and wear
cutting surfaces of the teeth.
result in teeth that are worn down With practice, accurately de- method can help successful hunters,
This is another useful aging tool.
to the gum line by age 10. Someone termining an older deer’s age from researchers, biologists and others
Older deer generally have more
attempting to age these deer will tooth wear becomes easier. In many determine the age of deer bagged
staining of the tooth enamel, but this
have to try to extrapolate what level cases, DNR check station workers or found dead across our Michigan
characteristic may vary widely.
of wear the teeth show compared may ask for a second opinion to try woodlands.
4-Year-Old Deer to 3-year-old deer and 10-year-old to most accurately age a deer for a To learn more about white-tailed
Deer that are 4 years old and deer. This is easier said than done. successful hunter. deer and hunting in Michigan visit
older are more difficult to age than For this reason, DNR staff only Whether looking at a fawn from michigan.gov/deer.n
he Michigan departments of Health and county line) toward Lake to Lake Road, to Lake Hu-
Human Services (MDHHS) and Natural ron (see map).
Resources (DNR) today issued a ‘Do Not DNR also collected an additional 60 deer for PFAS
Eat’ advisory for deer taken within ap-
proximately five miles of Clark’s Marsh in Oscoda
Township. The advisory is due to high levels of PFOS
testing this year as part of the Michigan PFAS Action
Response Team’s work on this emerging contaminant.
In addition to the testing around Wurtsmith, 20 deer
Area Map
(perfluorooctane sulfonic acid) found in a single deer were taken from near each of the PFAS investigation
taken about two miles from Clark’s Marsh, which sites in Alpena, Rockford and Grayling with known
borders the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base. PFOS contamination in lakes and rivers. The deer meat
is one type of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl sub- tested from these areas was found to have no PFAS
stances) chemical. or very low levels of the chemical. An additional 48
One deer out of twenty tested around the former samples of deer muscle from the 2017 hunting season
Wurtsmith Air Force Base was found to have high were tested from other areas across the state. Prelimi-
levels of PFOS. The level of PFOS in the muscle of nary data for these deer also show no PFAS contami-
the deer was 547 parts per billion, exceeding the level nation or very low levels of the chemical. doing further analysis on these test results to learn
of 300 ppb at which action is recommended. PFAS PFAS are chemicals that are in Class B fire- more about PFAS in deer and wildlife. In addition, the
was either not found or was at low levels in muscle fighting foam that was used at the air force base near state will be doing additional testing on deer from the
samples from the other 19 deer. Although only one Wurtsmith and other sites in Michigan. These chemi- Clark’s Marsh region and performing modeling stud-
deer of this group tested at such high levels, the cals are also found in stain and water repellents, per- ies to learn about PFAS consumption in wildlife.
advisory was issued to protect the health of anyone sonal care products, and many other consumer goods. MDHHS and MDNR advise hunters to dispose of
eating venison taken within approximately five miles Some health studies have linked PFAS to health issues any deer in their freezer that may have come from this
of Clark’s Marsh. The state has plans to test more deer such as thyroid disease, increased cholesterol levels, area and do not eat it.
from this area. impaired immune system function, reproductive If you have health related questions please contact
The five-mile radius encircles the Wurtsmith base issues, high blood pressure in pregnant women, and MDHHS at 1-800-648-6942. Hunters can contact the
property and covers what the DNR has estimated to increased chance of kidney and testicular cancers. MDNR at 517-284-6057 or DNR-CustomerService@
be the expected travel range of deer living in or near MDNR and MDHHS developed this investiga- michigan.gov for information about deer tags that
the marsh. The area covered by the deer consumption tion in response to questions from hunters concerned were used in this region.
advisory issued can be described as: about harvesting deer in contaminated areas. This In Michigan, to date, only fish and deer have been
From Lake Huron west along Aster Street, west is the first study of its kind and very little scientific sampled for PFAS. For more information about PFAS
on Davison Road, north on Brooks Road, east on information exists on whitetail deer and PFAS chemi- in wild game and fish, visit Michigan.gov/pfasre-
Esmond Road, north on Old US 23, north on Wells cals. sponse and go to the Fish and Wildlife button. For
Road, west on River Road, north on Federal Forest It is unknown how PFAS could accumulate to this more information about wild game consumption,
Road 2240, north on Lenard Road, north on Indian level in deer. The State of Michigan is investigating the visit Michigan.gov/eatsafegame and go to the Eat Safe
Road, and East on E. Kings Corner Road (along the circumstances of the one deer with elevated levels and Wild Game button.n
acob Clark of Colum-
biaville, Michigan
is starting to be well
known to his taxider-
mist. The 24-year-old
arrowed this beautiful
17-point Michigan buck in Lenawee
County during the morning hunt on
Friday, October 20. The buck is a
main frame 12 pointer but adding
in all the stickers that measure give
this buck even more “wow” status.
He was hunting the family
lease that he and his dad John have
enjoyed hunting on for years, a fact
that shows how serious this family
is about their deer hunting. The buck
featured 23 6/8-inch main beam on
the right side and 23 1/8 on the left.
The bruiser had 9 inches of abnor-
mal points for a green score of 167
1/8. Obviously, the bucks excep-
tional widening really makes him
Jacob says he was in the stand
before first light taking up a posi-
tion between two bedding areas. It’s
in an area that they have worked
hard at accessing carefully without
spooking the deer. He blew two
short grunts followed by one longer
grunt, put his call away and clipped
on his release and immediately
caught movement. The big buck
came in on a string looking for the
mature buck that was invading his
He shot the buck right in his
shooting lane at 25 yards. The deer
mule-kicked and ran about 30 yards,
then stopped and stood for approxi-
mately 10 seconds, he then turned
and walked down into the adjacent
swamp. Jacob backed out and al-
lowed the buck to bed down, which Jacob Clark of Columbiaville with his wide racked 17-pt. record book buck.
it did only 125 yards away. Just to
be on the safe side they brought a Kristin has been known to throw When discussing his great buck the stand the deer are alerted, but
dog in owned by Ken Jordan of Yale around an arrow or two herself. Jacob mentioned a few things that they aren’t bothered at all by the
but were able to find the buck right I spoke to Jacob’s dad John really let me know his hunting IQ sound of a tractor or UTV moving
away. Jacob feels the buck was dead about this great deer and heard some is well beyond his young age. He across the property and then going
five minutes after the shot, but he very positive things that every deer said, “When it comes to big bucks back to the house. It sounds like
wanted to do everything right. hunter around the state should listen it becomes extremely important to this hunting family tries to do all
I have personally known the to. John said they have a philosophy control the situation or the situation the little things that are important in
Clark family for many years. when it comes to deer hunting and will control you.” Wise beyond his being successful.
Jacob’s father John was my part- that is to, “worry only about what years. When they aren’t deer hunting,
ner on the Michigan Walleye Tour they can control, not what the neigh- They work very hard at being this duo hunt geese and turkeys as
back in the mid-1990s. I’ve known bor’s philosophy is, so we person- able to manage each hunt and actu- hard as anyone in the state. They
Jacob since he was young, and it has ally don’t shoot smaller bucks, we ally build deer funnels to make deer still walleye and salmon fish regu-
been special watching this young have control over that.” That makes take certain routes. They don’t tread larly, and Jacob has recently started
man learn to love the outdoors and a lot of sense and has paid off for in bedding areas at all, and tread guiding for geese out west when
become a very accomplished hunter these hunters. Both John and Jacob very lightly on areas they hunt only time allows. It is the best testa-
and angler. John tells me he had have several very nice bucks to their accessing with the right wind. They ment to take our children into the
Jacob in a goose blind at 10 months credit. Jacob certainly seems to have also try to always drive in and drop outdoors with us as it never leaves
old. Jacob’s mom Tammy and sister the drive and hunting ability to har- the hunter off at the stand. John says them. It seems congratulations are in
Kristin are both great supports and vest many more in his lifetime. the minute a hunter walks back to store for the entire Clark family.n
Stat on
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Boneless Deer Processing: all done by hand • NO SAW • packaged &
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Open 7 Days a Week • OPEN SUNDAYS • Hours: 10am-6pm WILLIAMS LAKE RD.
US 23
8 miles East of US 23
8 miles West of Airport Road
e pull up in front of the back. “Oh, that’s right. You and your up dear,” she says “We can climb the ing. I never suspected you had a dog
brick house, which looks fenced up back here.”
like so many others in
this residential neighborhood of my
hometown. Parked in the driveway is
“Yep, this is He clenches his fists. “You idiot!
Why would I have a fence here if I
didn’t have something penned up?”
a picnic!"
index card in her hand, then at the made last fall out at our place where
license plate on the truck. “Let’s see, you left that gate open and 15 of our
license number S-L-O-B 1,” she says. steers got out.”
“Yep, this is it.” He starts to say something, then
We turn into the driveway, get Farmer and his wife reverse roles on trespassing hunters... turns around suddenly and takes off
out and start unloading the car. We running in the direction of the dog.
are about finished when the front friends smoke cigars, don’t you? I fence on the way “Excitable fellow,” I say.
door of the house opens. “Can I help found a couple of stogies butted out out.” She always “Definite Type A personality,”
you?” the man asks. right where that grass fire started on did know the right my wife answers.
“I think we can handle it,” I the farm last year. Boy that was some thing to say. Slick reappears about 45 minutes
reply. kind of fire, Slick. You should have Slick comes later. “Hey Slick,” I call. “Couldn’t
He looks puzzled. “What I meant seen...” stomping around find the dog, huh? Oh well, don’t
was, what are you doing here?” “Look,” he interrupts, “I don’t the corner, my soda worry, he’ll probably be back in a
“We’re going on a picnic.” know what you’re doing here, but...” can in his hand, week or so.”
“You’re what? Do I know you?” It was my turn to interrupt. just as I open the His mouth drops open, as though
“Well, we’ve never been formally “Well, Slick ol’ buddy, it’s been nice gate. “Look out,” he is looking at us for the first time,
introduced,” I say. “But you and your
hunting buddies have been out to our
chatting with you, but we’re losing
our daylight here and we’ve got some
he yells. Too late.
A big Irish setter Jorgensen He screams, “Hey get off, that’s my
new grass seeding. See the sign?”
farm a couple of times, and since you picnicking to do. Just point us to the bolts through the “What sign?” I ask innocently.
never seem to have the time to intro- backyard.” gate and does a couple of complete He walks over to a small sign-
duce yourself, well, we thought we’d I crush my empty soda can and circles in Slick’s front yard. Then post and turns it around so it faces
stop by and pay you a visit, Slick. toss it over my shoulder into a rose the dog dashes across the street, cuts my wife and me. “Can’t you read?”
Where’s your barbecue pit?” bush. “Hey,” he yells. “What do you through a neighbor’s yard, and disap- he bellows.
I let my cigarette drop out of my think you’re doing?” He runs over pears behind a house. “Sure I can, Slick. It says, ‘Keep
Woodcock and Grouse Seasons
or once I’m almost glad missed 10 days ago after sedating
the Michigan wood- him and pulling more than 100 of
cock hunting season is the wicked barbs from his face.
over for another year. Bounce, my son Daniel’s young
It ended yesterday shorthair, cut his paw and is limp-
and I could hardly get ing.
out of bed this morning. My ach- Butterscotch, my daughter’s yel-
ing left foot feels as though it’s on low Labrador, who loves woodcock
fire whenever I try to walk. Ten- bogs with the rest of us, has come
It was a tough bird season for the author, Tom Huggler, and his dogs.
nis elbow in the right arm is from down with a nasty cough. We are the walked 7.3 miles. When I heard that, Luckily the lodge had a clothes
cradling a 28-gauge double gun for walking wounded. Only Daniel is my right knee began to throb. dryer.
the past month. I can’t lift a cup of still healthy—oh, to be 13 years old In short, it was a tough hunting A place I like to hunt on the Gar-
coffee without wincing. again! fall, too hot in September and too den Peninsula was so flooded, the
I don’t remember pain like this Daniel and the dogs and I had wet in October. Arriving on a Tues- water drowned the running boards
in years past. The wife says I’m get- joined friends and their dogs in Are- day evening at our annual bird camp on my truck. I backed away care-
ting old. At only 73 I don’t think so, nac County where we flushed seven in the Upper Peninsula, I learned fully and found another spot to try.
but she says I will believe when I woodcock and five grouse for three most of my friends had spent the last Some good news– there were
finally admit it. I look at it this way: hours of tramping through creek- three days playing cribbage while decent bird numbers if you made
I’m in better shape than my dogs. bottom alders and aspen. Someone constant rain pelted the lodge. The the effort to find them. The biolo-
Ragan, the setter, still suffers from in the group happened to carry an next day while hunting in Marquette gists say we are three years past the
an embedded porcupine quill his vet electronic pedometer. He said we County, we were soaked through. bottom in the 10-year-or-so grouse
pruce grouse are rela- grouse let me get fairly close and I
tively uncommon in the took several photos of it. It did not
Upper Peninsula (UP) fly off but just flew up into a nearby
and even more rare in tree and then tried to move farther
the Northern Lower away from me in the tree.
Peninsula (NLP). There Wildlife researchers have said
are pockets of relatively increased the spruce grouse pre-settlement
numbers of spruce grouse in the range and abundance was likely
UP, although it is often impacted by extensive log-
a surprise to see one in ging of their habitat in the
the woods. The Michigan Northern Lower Peninsula
Breeding Bird Atlas lists and UP. A paper in the
them highly localized in Journal of Wildlife Man-
Crawford, Ogemaw and agement titled “Status of
Oscoda Counties in the Spruce Grouse in Michi- A spruce grouse male the author encountered along the Peshekee
NLP. In the UP you are gan” by G. A. Ammann River Grade in Western Marquette County recently. He was able
most likely to find one in 1963, stated that “spruce to approach within about five yards of this bird and take several
the Eastern Unit of the grouse, though scarce are photos before it flew off. The characteristic of male red crescent is
Hiawatha National
Forest in Chippewa By Bill Ziegler holding their own in
visible over its eye.
and Eastern Macki- A 2005 Michi- and ruffed grouse may overlap nature. As a result, it may be even
nac Counties. In the central UP they gan DNR Report – Michigan’s slightly according to habitat studies harder to see because of their lower
are found in Schoolcraft (Seney Wildlife Action Plan- states spruce although ruffed grouse would prefer population and low-key nature in
National Wildlife Refuge), Mar- grouse are rare in Michigan and are mixed aspen and conifer rather comparison to the ruffed grouse.
quette, Baraga, Houghton and Iron designated as a species of special than the all pine and conifer habitat The ruffed grouse are much more
Counties. concern. Northern Michigan Uni- that spruce grouse require. Spruce noticeable with their loud drumming
I recently was ruffed grouse versity professor William Robinson grouse are an herbivore that report- during their spring mating ritual and
hunting in the Ottawa National For- studied spruce grouse extensively edly eats shorter pine with a prefer- loud flushes when startled. Spruce
est (northwest Iron County) and saw on the Yellow Dog Plains west of ence over spruce needles and low grouse prefer to walk off quietly
what I had first mistook for a ruffed Marquette. This would be one area berries, especially wild blueberries. into heavy cover.
grouse, although when the bird in the UP where a nature enthusi- Spruce grouse have been de- Dave Jentoft – DNR Wildlife
turned I could see the characteristic ast may have a higher chance of scribed as being “indifferent to the Biologist from Sault Ste. Marie said
red patch over its eye. I put my gun encountering this rare grouse. approach by humans” resulting in the State does not currently closely
down and grabbed my camera to Professor Robinson and other the “fools’ hen” name. I was able to monitor spruce grouse populations.
capture a photo of this uncommon wildlife researchers found spruce get very close to both spruce grouse Derek Huebner – US Forest Service
bird. Lewis and Clark described the grouse prefer jack pine habitat I recently photographed. The spruce Wildlife Biologist from St. Ignace
spruce grouse as “gentle” although mixed with some spruce and scat- grouse limited population and vul- said they did some more intensive
others called them “fools’ hen.” The tered woodland openings. Spruce nerability to human hunting resulted monitoring of spruce grouse on the
in their legally protected status. I eastern Hiawatha National Forest
can attest from first hand experience in the 1990s. Currently they record
that in hunting situations targeting any observation of spruce grouse
ruffed grouse, it is often very hard although they are not comprehen-
to spot the spruce grouse’s differ- sively monitoring their populations.
ent characteristics and it is easy to Both wildlife biologists felt the
mistake them for a ruffed grouse. spruce grouse population although
As any grouse hunter knows, ruffed not common, is “stable.”
grouse don’t give you much time to Although you can’t hunt spruce
check them out before they fly off grouse, any bird watching enthusiast
with their loud flutter of wings. and or upland bird hunter would
If you grouse hunt in the coun- likely enjoy observing this relatively
ties listed above and encounter a rare grouse in its natural habitat.
grouse that does not act normally Keep that in the back of your mind
alarmed (like a ruffed grouse typi- when you are walking, hunting or
cally does), it is probably a good sitting in your deer blind in jack
idea to look for the spruce grouse pine, spruce or conifer habitat in the
characteristics. Male spruce grouse UP or NLP; you might be pleasantly
are colored with white spots on a surprised by a sighting or this more
dark gray and black background. unusual grouse. I have seen a third
Females are even harder to differen- spruce grouse in two weeks in three
tiate from ruffed grouse since they different UP counties (Iron, Mar-
are typically white spots on a brown quette, and Baraga). In the five years
background. The males typically prior to this I have not seen any,
The male spruce grouse allowed the author to approach fairly close have a red spot or crescent over their spending the same amount to time
before it flew up into the lower por tion of a spruce tree. The bright eye. The spruce grouses have been in all three counties. Maybe spruce
yellow maple leaves are the background for this rare grouse. described as rather secretive in their grouse numbers are up some.n
Met ck Out
Lod Lake
Nakina FAC ge On
Ontario Canada
to a two-pound leader if some nice
crappies happen to show up!
t’s coming quick this year – point into their mouth you have the JT Outdoors 30” Gold Digger A power hook set can be
ice season. Often early ice to make your lure move inside the are great all-around rods. For target- achieved with these rods because
can be one of the best times mouth, so it can drive into those ing bigger walleye, we use the JT they all fast taper. This means that
of year, so let’s get ready! bones. With a walleye this can often Outdoors 34” Black Reign. All of only the last few inches of the rod
We use two types of be difficult because of the way these rods have similar attributes. have a lot of bend. Since the major-
rods when ice fishing for they are holding that bait solidly in The shorter ones are particularly ity of the rod is stiff, it has a strong
walleyes. One is for jigging and their teeth. A hard, solid hook set is good in one-man shacks like the backbone and thus amazing hook
one is a dead stick, which is simply imperative. Clam Legend XL Thermal and the setting power.
hanging a bait in a secondary hole. Lastly, the rod needs to be able longer rods in bigger shacks like the With the few inches on the end
One thing that makes catching to handle the fight of a walleye. Clam X200 Pro Thermal. of the rod being extremely flexible,
walleyes tricky is the way they bite. Since the rods are short, normally These rods are all super sensi- you have some rod bend during the
They don’t really bite a bait, they less than three feet, you don’t have tive and lightweight. When fishing fight. It is a very specific action to
suck it in. As they move close to a nice long bow in the rod to take up in cold conditions, walleyes often get the right power in the backbone
their prey, they open their mouth, the head shaking of a big walleye. don’t hit the bait very aggressively, but flexibility in the tip, and these
flare their gills and suck a volume These head shakes are amplified once again, they are just sucking three rods nailed it!
of water, hopefully containing your by the use of no-stretch lines. So, it in. Also, many times you will be Dead Stick
bait, into their mouth. Then with a good walleye ice rod needs to be getting bites as the fish chases your There are a couple instances
their sharp teeth they hold the bait able to absorb the pull of the fish. bait in an upward direction, so it is when we use dead sticks. The first
in their mouth, waiting for it to quit It is also important with this hard to detect the bite because they is when walleyes are in a finicky
struggling while determining if they short length be able to keep continu- are pushing slack in the line as they mood. Often hanging a rod with
want to swallow it. If they detect ous tension on the fish, so it cannot bite while they swim toward you. a simple jig and live minnow in a
something is wrong (bad taste, too throw the bait. Add to that the issue You’ve got to be able to feel them hole next to where we are jigging
much resistance, wrong texture) of having to fight the fish up through to move on to the next step – setting produces better than the jigging
they just open their mouth, slam a small hole and you must have the the hook! rod. Jigging is still important to
their gills tight and blow the bait right action to consistently land fish. To increase sensitivity, we use draw the fish in, but we see it on our
out. The problem is, this can all hap- a no stretch line as our mainline. Lowrance HDS units all the time, a
pen is less than a second! Jigging Rod The best choice out there is Berkley walleye comes in and looks at the
So as a walleye angler, we need This is the rod you’re work- NanoFil. NanoFil is a uni-filament jig rod, doesn’t bite, but fades over
sensitivity in our equipment to not ing by popping, dropping, jiggling, line, meaning it is a single strand of to the jig and a minnow and slurps
only feel a soft bite, but to feel it and pounding as you try to entice a no-stretch material with no braiding it in.
quickly and then set the hook before walleye to first get interested, and or weaving. The no-stretch attribute Second, we are also big pro-
the walleye spits out our offering. then to strike. We use a couple of greatly increases your ability to ponents of using JT Outdoor Hot
The hook set can often be different rods for jigging. The Clam feel what is often a subtle bite. The Boxes for our dead sticks. These
problematic with walleyes, as their Ice Team Professional Series 26” beauty of uni-filament is that it does boxes have a propane heat source in
mouth is very bony. To set the hook Medium Action Walleye Rod and not retain water in the line, so ice them to keep the hole clear of ice,
so they can be set up remotely from flex in the rod and fish rarely get off.
our shacks. They are very portable Set up the Snare with the same
and quick to set up. These boxes Nanofil mainline and don’t be afraid
really give us big advantages! If to drop down a size or two in your
you are fishing a flat or basin area leader pound test, this is a more
by spreading out lures similar to finesse technique, so a lighter leader
how you would use planer boards in will often allow the minnow to
the summer, you can multiply your swim more actively on a light jig.
results. If you are fishing structure Two rods, same result – The
it is nice to be able to set up rods Next Bite!n
in several depths. Try jigging in a
shack at the top of the break with a
Hot Box set at the middle or bottom When walleyes are in a finicky
of the break to cover several depths. mood the Next Bite crew likes to
In any situation, the big differ-
ence between a jigging rod and a
use dead sticks and Hot Boxes.
dead stick is that you are not typi-
cally holding the rod to detect the
bite. The walleye is going to suck
the bait in and either hold it while
determining if it is going to eat it,
or it will slowly start to move away.
Since there is a delay between the
bite and the hook set you need to
use a much more limber rod for this
set up. Enter the JT Outdoors 36”
Walleye Snare Rod. This is one of
the coolest rods out there for ice
fishing! It is super flexible at the tip
to about half way down the rod. You
could call this rod action Slow Ta-
per. The idea is that the walleye will
suck in the bait and feel little or no
resistance from the rod. Remember
too much resistance will make them
want to spit the bait.
The Snare Rod has a built-in
red ball at the end of the rod, so
even at a distance you can see the
slightest bite as the rod tip and ball
will move slightly down. When you
get to the rod at this point, a solid
sweeping hook set will double over
the Snare Rod enough to get into its
strong backbone and drive the hooks
home! We have never seen another
rod on the market that duplicates
this rod’s ability to trick a walleye Shooting
into holding onto a bait with its Range Gift
limberness, but still have the hook
setting strength of a Snare Rod! Certificates
Sometimes, especially with Hot make Great
Boxes it might take a while to get to
a biting walleye. What’s interesting Christmas
is that you will catch a surprising Gifts!
number of fish that sit still and hold
on to the lure a long time. The other
thing that may happen is that once
the walleye determines it’s okay to
eat the bait, it will typically swallow
the bait a little deeper and it will
start to move away. Correspondingly
the Snare Rod will double over even
more. Often the red ball will even
touch the water!
This is where things get interest-
ing. As the Snare Rod bends more
and more, it also starts putting more
pressure on the fish. Many times the
fish will make a sudden move to try
to get away. This move often puts
the Snare Rod into its strong back-
bone and the fish will literally set
the hook by itself – thus the name
Snare Rod! One big advantage of
the Snare Rod, is once the fish is
hooked up, you’ll have all kinds of
t was the third flock of dozen. At times the gunning ac-
20 birds that swung low tion is so hot you will have your
over the decoys that got six duck limit in less time than it
my heart pumping. In takes to gobble breakfast, or faster,
the predawn depending on your shoot-
darkness they ing skills. Just ask guide/
looked like tiny MiG jets avid outdoorsman Mike
with afterburners turned Martin of Sebewaing and
on high as they swooshed my pal, Brandon Conner,
downwind past the blind at who recently got swarmed
speeds of 60 mph. The gun- by a flock of 1,000 ducks.
ner quickly got into shoot- When they shot at birds
ing position and when the decoying kissin’ close, oth-
ducks swarmed ers fell from the
his decoys he
made three
By Kenny Darwin dense cloud of
whistling wings
excited shots but didn’t cut a feather. that “blacked out the sun” according
He quickly reloaded just as a small to Conner.
flock banked hard left, cupped The fantastic shooting takes
wings and dove into the spread. His
first shot was a clean miss at less
than 30 yards but the second roar
from the Winchester SX3 12 ga.
brought down a large male in full Above: A group of happy Saginaw
fall plumage. This is waterfowling Bay duck hunters with boatload
at its finest, the brand of sporting of beautiful Oldsquaw ducks
excitement that keeps your heart taken using layout boat and less
pumping and gun smoking. Yet few than 20 diver duck decoys.
Michigan hunters are aware of the
outstanding duck gunning opportu-
Left: Brandon Stanley, Middleville,
nities available during late season. It
is overjoyed with his first adult
is in my opinion beyond a doubt, no male Long tail with brightly col-
question, the most exciting water- ored feathers and long forked tail
fowling for ducks Michigan offers. taken on Saginaw Bay near the
Try this brand of hunting just once, Spark Plug using layout tactics.
burn up a box of shells at lightning
speed, hear the sound of whistling
wings kissin’ close and see seem- opinion the MDNR needs to place a
ingly endless flocks and I absolutely moratorium on commercial netting
guarantee you will be back for more, from late October until late April to
probably hooked for life. This is not protect migrating wild waterfowl.
the type of hunting for the faint of Brightly colored males are high-
heart but heart pounding action at its place on Michigan’s huge open Long-Tailed duck formerly known ly prized by waterfowlers and make
finest with birds swooshing past kis- water lakes when northwestern as Oldsquaw. These winged beau- an attractive mounted bird for the
sin’ close. Duck hunting excitement blows bring northern diver ducks to ties from the north are about 19-22 man cave, den or cabin. Oldsquaw
of the highest order. In many ways the Great Lakes state by the thou- inches long and they travel in flocks, males make a loud uttering, barking
the hunting fun is pure pandemoni- sands. Birds congregate along Lake sometimes massing in numbers call audible for long distances. They
um, high octane excitement, adrena- Michigan, Saginaw Bay, Lake St. exceeding 2,000. Males are boldly migrate south from northern Alaska
line charged super hunting, like no Clair and Erie. At times there will be patterned in black and white with and the arctic coast of Canada
other brand of waterfowling. constant streams of winged angels short black wings and a long parrot- where they feed on shrimp, small
Michigan hunters should be flying close to the endless waves like pointed black tail that extends a fish and mollusks. Oldsquaw spend
aware there is a grandiose duck or huge rafts that cover miles of foot behind their body. Females lack more time underwater than above
hunting opportunity available now open water. Rush them with a boat the long tail but have an appealing in search of crustaceans, mollusks
until ice up that makes opening day and when they flush they resemble black/white patterned body with and small fish. They use their wings
look boring. Actually, the hottest the huge flocks of migrating coots Puffin-looking white cheeks and to swim underwater and can cover
hunting takes place when Novem- that fill Mississippi rice fields. The breast. It is my opinion that Old- great distances in a blink of an eye.
ber arrives and pre-winter weather fast flapping wings and white water squaw is Michigan’s most attractive They prefer to feed in depths less
brings cold air from the arctic filled splashes created by thousands of duck and the birds simply have the than 30 feet but can dive as deep as
with massive flocks of winged an- webbed feet digging into water cutest face of any bird. One look at 200 feet below the surface. They
gels. Get on the water after a north resembles a waterfowl odyssey cre- the sweet smile on their fuzzy white winter on the Great Lakes far from
blow and you can expect swarms of ated only in the dreams of an avid face and short bill with pinkish shore and out of sight for most
birds from small squadrons to flocks duck hunter. highlights and hunters simply fall in sportsmen. If the lakes freeze they
of a hundred or more. Now, here’s the kicker. I’m not love with Oldsquaw. In many ways migrate to the east coast of North
In many ways this is the hot- talking about puddle ducks, migrat- Long-Tailed or Oldsquaw ducks America.
test shooting you could ever image ing teal or occasional scaup. No sir. are one of Michigan’s most valu- Oldsquaw decoy like crazy! No
at zillions of birds, although plenty I’m talking about zillions of a spe- able resources. MDNR has no data waterfowl species will come for a
of gunning is done with decoying cial wild duck that many Michigan regarding recent Oldsquaw killed in decoy spread like wild Oldsquaw
singles, doubles and groups up to a hunters have never heard of, commercial fishing nets. It is my and most hunters use less than two
dozen dekes held together by a
main rope that has a heavy weight
on each end. You don’t need a large
spread for these divers. This ain’t
like hunting bluebill, canvasback or
goldeneye. If Oldsquaw ducks see
a dozen decoys they simply have to
swing close for a better look.
Savvy hunters use a string of
decoys placed downwind from
a layout boat. These spaceship-
looking, low to the water traditional
boats can be the key to success for
hunting divers. Wise ducks will
refuse to come into the spread if you
are sitting up but if you lay down,
hide your human outline in the flat
boat hugging the surface birds will
dive for the spread and land in the
decoys. Most shooting is inside 40 Oldsquaw telephoto images illustrating birds swinging past a layout boat with decoy spread. Savvy
yards. hunters constantly scan the horizon for incoming ducks but they must keep their head low to avoid
A tending boat or mother boat is spooking ducks. About 35% of ducks in close gun range zoom past layout gunners because lying in a
used to transport decoys and layout stationary position makes it difficult to see birds coming from behind or to the sides of the boat.
boat and retrieve downed birds.
Once the layout boat is in position critters and the weapon of choice is your best move is to hunt far from imagined and I feel like I have been
for hunting the tending craft motors a 12 ga. auto loader with Tru Glo shore, I’m talking one to eight miles missing out on some fantastic wa-
upwind and anchors about 100 yards fiber optic sights and #2 magnum from shore. terfowling by avoiding the offshore
from the layout boat. Walleye nets 3-inch loads. On a recent trip, my I hunted Fish Point on Saginaw resources.
are used to retrieve downed birds Winchester SX3 performed beauti- Bay from 1962-1967 and learned to One trip with guide Mike Martin
from the icy waters. The tending fully without jamming for four dif- head for the Bay when a nor’wester and it ignited a fire under my tail
boat carries hot coffee, food, shells, ferent hunters who poured over four blew down massive flocks of wa- to go gunning for Oldsquaw. In my
and guns along with several hunters boxes of 3-inch black cloud shells terfowl. Back then I would set up estimation this is the hottest duck
that are carefully transferred into the through the steaming barrel. on a protruding sand bar that jetted hunting you can imagine. The kind
layout boat. The average layout hunt I watched a first time Oldsquaw out into the pounding surf. I would of outdoor shooting that requires
takes less than one hour for a limit layout hunter through my 500 mm shoot migrating mallards, black much better gunning than regular
kill of six Oldsquaw, at which point telephoto lens as flocks banked ducks and diver ducks aplenty. waterfowl opening day, by far. More
the lucky hunter is transported into left and zoomed his direction. He With fond memories I recall a importantly the resource seems to
the mother boat and a new hunter is got up, blew three holes in the sky, December outing with my father be growing. According to Mike,
placed in the layout boat. reloaded, got down and repeated after gun deer season when he “Oldsquaw numbers seem to be on
Better bring at least a box of the performance until he waved for brought down a large mature male an upswing and once they arrive the
shells if you want your limit of six help. Seems he was out of ammo. Oldsquaw. The wind was howling, hunting action is simply top notch.
birds. Just because ducks are every- Gotta tell you, this style of hunt- the gray sky of dawn was filled with Hunters are almost guaranteed their
where and the shooting is hot and ing will get new hunters fired up flocks of wildly flying ducks and we limit, providing we can get out, and
heavy does not mean Oldsquaw are about waterfowling. It is refreshing were treated to endless flocks of most of my customers harvest a
easy to hit. No sir! These ducks are to be part of the unbelievable fast migrating whistling swans. The mature male specimen for the wall
a difficult target and buzz you mov- action shooting sport when Michi- huge white birds with 60-inch wing- at lightning speed.”
ing 45-60 miles an hour. Their fast gan’s population of other ducks and spans pause each fall on the Great Oldsquaws are very vocal, much
moving short wings give them the pheasants is depressingly in the pits. Lakes before moving to wintering more than other ducks. Males make
ability to dart left, right and zoom Oldsquaw are ducks from the far headquarters along the Atlantic melodious calls heard from long
over your boat like a MiG jet with northern waters and flocks are lo- Coast. distances. They are attracted by
afterburners aglow. Give ’em a tail cated far off shore. At times, strong To hear their loud ‘Hoo-Ha’ and calling but finding a quality duck
wind and you better plan on leading winds and high seas will push flocks see the massive birds in long ribbon- call can be a challenge. But Mike
most birds about five feet. close to the marsh and easy gunning like V formations is breathtaking. has created a call that sounds like
Leave your 20 ga. and #6 or#4 is available near shore. But when Mixed in with the swans and other a live duck and brings birds into
shot at home. Oldsquaws are tough winds subside and the water lays flat ducks were endless flocks of diver shooting range with ease. Contact
ducks like bluebill, canvasback, him at www.longtailcalls.com or
redhead and Oldsquaw. A flock of MikeMartinOutdoors@gmail.com.
white/black ducks skimmed the Bay What about you, looking for
surface and zoomed over our decoys a new hunting adventure that is
and dad brought down a big male not boring and allows you to burn
Oldsquaw. That was in 1965 and I through ammo like you are defend-
remember the event clear as a bell ing yourself from winged dive
because the pretty bird I plucked bombers? Don’t think for a minute
from the Bay was sporting a long low flying Oldsquaw are a piece of
black tail. It was simply the most cake to bring out of the air. These
beautiful duck ever! special birds fly fast, hug the water
Last March when fishing wall- like jet fighters on attack and zoom
eyes with Erik Furseth we had a in and out of rage much faster than
flock of 2,000 Oldsquaw fly over any mallard, widgeon, gadwall and a
our boat making a loud raspy mating host of other ducks. To put it simply,
call. I snapped photos and told Erik Oldsquaws are tough to consistently
I had not seen a Long Tail since the bring down. What about you, ready
1960s. But this fall I joined other for the shooting challenge? One
waterfowlers on the Bay and cap- trip with flocks zipping your spread
A tending craft is used to net downed ducks, transpor t hunters, tured the images on film. The results and I guarantee you will be back for
decoys and layout boat. Kenny Darwin photos were more impressive than I ever more!n
My Second
By Amy Nelson
would like to thank my dad for teach-
ing me how to hunt as he started me
out when I was really little by taking
me bowhunting with him. He would
tell me to be still, quiet and let him
know if I saw a deer. Of course I
pointed out every little animal I saw. Also thanks
to my husband for putting up my tree stands, cut-
ting shooting lanes and helping me drag my deer
out. On to this magnificent hunt.
We have watched this unique racked deer for
two years on trail cam photos and in our farm
fields during the summer. Last year I rode my
horse within thirty yards of this big buck and we
looked each other in the eye and he ran into the
woods. That encounter was so cool.
Last year the neighbor took a shot on this
stud-buck with very little penetration to the front
shoulder. Our other neighbors saw him a couple
times chasing does after that so we knew he was
still around. No one ever got a shot at him that
Amy Nelson with her tremendous record book 14-point she took with her crossbow hunting
year, so we were hoping to at least get pictures from a natural ground blind in October. It was her second buck taken with a bow.
of him this year and we did. Last year he was a twenty yards and saw long tines moving in the soon as I see him walk through it, this is it, I gotta
thirteen point, this year he is a fourteen point with
bushes. I saw he had eight to ten inch tines and do it.”
one extra point that measures a half inch. was at least sixteen inches wide. I decided he was He walked through the opening I picked and
The week prior to me shooting this deer a a shooter. He milled around for a few seconds I released the arrow and heard the thwack of the
neighbor shot him high above the shoulder just and he walked away from me. I pulled my phone arrow go through his body and with the help of
under the vertebra and stuck in his shoulder on out of my pocket and texted my husband telling light nocks, saw it come out the other side and fly
the other side with no vitals being hit. him I just had a shooter go by. another twenty to thirty feet. Lighted nocks are
On October 21 I headed to the woods know- I put the phone in my pocket and sat watching the bomb!
ing there were a lot of nice bucks around. I’m not
when all of a sudden I heard the rustling going The deer took two bounds, made a loop and
a big fan of climbing in tree stands so I decided
on again. All I could see was his head and part of headed into the woods were I could not see him
to hunt on the ground that night. I picked a spot
his neck. He started to head to me and I would anymore. I texted my husband and said, “I got
out close to where I know they travel and got set
pick the bow up waiting for him to walk into an him.” He texted me back, “Find blood and grab
up with my back up to some brush. The wind was opening. The deer would just stand there eating your arrow before it gets dark.” There was instant
coming out of the southwest so I wasn’t con- leaves and looking my direction. He put his head blood and out both sides.
cerned of anything coming up behind me. I had down and I had to put the bow down, my arm I gathered my stuff up and headed to the rang-
some brush in front of me to cover any move- was getting tired. He headed toward an opening er to go home, fixed dinner and waited an hour
ment I would have to make. I didn’t have a lot of
and I would pick my bow back up just for him to and a half before returning for our search.
shot lanes but knew this was a good spot. fall short of walking into that opening. This hap- We tracked him for about seventy five yards
I spend a lot of time in the woods between pened three times, my arm was cramping up from with good blood, but the blood soon ended. I told
mushrooming and hunting and I’m also a very holding the bow so I kept putting it down. my husband to call our friend to bring his dog to
avid trapper. I pay close attention to animal All of a sudden something made a screech in help. Brad said it would take him about twenty
movement. I had been sitting about an hour when the woods and it got his attention. He headed for minutes to get there so we kept looking and
I heard rustling of the leaves. I looked over about
the sound. I picked my bow up and he stopped found blood again.
once again with his face and I took about fifteen steps from were I was
his vitals behind the shrub when we called our friend and said, “There he
brush. I had to make a move is!”
and make two steps to get My husband said, “Where?”
an opening so when he took I said, “Right there,” and walked over
the next step I could get a grabbed his antlers and said, “It’s a big one!”
shot on him. He was only My husband said, “Yeah it’s the fifteen
twenty yards from me this point!”
entire time. He stood there I had to grab him again because I didn’t
for about a minute when he believe it and I started to shake all over again. If
decided to spin and go back I was going to have a heart attack it would have
where he had been. I picked been that day. What a rush and what a hunt! This
Trail camera photos from earlier this year with the very impres- an opening ahead of him is only my second buck with a bow and they were
sive 14-point in full velvet. and in my mind said, “As both taken on the ground.n
ichigan’s pheasant Buren County)
hunting heritage is • Dr. Gordon Guyer State Fish
long and storied. and Wildlife Area (Kalamazoo
Many of our veteran County)
hunters still remem- • Gratiot-Saginaw State Game
ber a time when Area (Gratiot and Saginaw Coun-
pheasant harvests averaged over one ties)
million birds annually, and opening • Lake Hudson State Recreation
day of pheasant season was revered Area (Lenawee County)
in the same way that November 15 • Maple River State Game Area
is today. They speak of no-vacancy (Gratiot, Clinton, and Ionia Coun-
signs at motels, packed diners, and ties)
cars lined up along gravel roads • Nayanquing Point State Wild-
waiting on the delayed start time for life Area (Bay County)
the opener. At the time, Michigan • Petersburg State Game Area
was a premier destination state for (Monroe County)
hunting wild pheasants, rivaling • Pinconning Township State
states like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Game Area (Bay County)
and Kansas. From the 1940s until • Port Huron State Game Area
the 1970s, pheasants were abundant (St. Clair County)
and harvests were high. But in the • Rose Lake State Wildlife Area
last quarter of the 20th century, (Clinton and Shiawassee Counties)
pheasant numbers started to plum- • Sharonville State Game Area
met in Michigan. The sharp decline (Jackson and Washtenaw Counties)
continued until the mid-1990s, when • Shiawassee River State Game
it began to stabilize, albeit at drasti- Area (Saginaw County)
cally reduced population levels. • St. Clair Flats State Wildlife
There were several factors that Despite the odds being stacked against them, pheasants have persisted in Michi- Area (St. Clair County)
contributed to this population crash, gan. Today, they are far less abundant than they once were, but healthy, huntable • St. John’s Marsh (St. Clair
but the trend that underpinned them populations still exist in pockets of suitable grassland habitat. MDNR photo County)
all was the dramatic loss of quality • Thumb Mini-Game Areas
grassland habitat throughout South- properties (State Game Areas, State instead plant a diverse mixture of • Verona State Game Area (Hu-
ern Michigan. Increasing demand Parks, etc.) that prioritize restoration native grasses and wildflowers that ron County)
for grain spurred the development and maintenance of native grass- pheasants and other grassland wild- • Watkins Lake State Park (Jack-
of clean farming technology and lands also hold healthy populations life thrive in. That’s 40,000 acres of son and Washtenaw Counties)
accelerated conversion of grasslands of pheasants. But this habitat, and new pheasant habitat in Michigan! Adopt-A-Game-Area Program
to row crops. Pheasants that had per- the pheasants that depend on it, For the first time in a long time, the Sponsors can earn Gold (over
sisted for generations in the weedy are still vulnerable. CRP contracts habitat needle is moving in the right $25,000), Silver (over $5,000) or
fencerows, hayfields, and diverse expire, Farm Bills change, and direction. Bronze (over $500) sponsorship lev-
crop rotations of small family farms crop prices fluctuate – all of which Another exciting new opportu- els with their tax-deductible dona-
quickly found themselves struggling have the potential to spur additional nity from the MPRI is the Adopt-A- tions, and will receive their name
to survive in a relatively dichoto- habitat loss in Southern Michigan. Game-Area Program. A partnership or logo on a kiosk sign at the
mous landscape of mature wood- Additionally, new issues like deer between Pheasants Forever, the property they sponsor. Addition-
lands and bare, harvested fields. diseases require a lot of the DNR’s MDNR, and the Hal & Jean Glassen ally, sponsors will be recognized
With no cover in which to nest, time and money to combat – time Memorial Foundation, the Adopt-A- on Michigan Pheasants Forever’s
raise chicks, or take shelter from the and money that might have other- Game-Area Program is an oppor- website and Facebook page, the
Michigan winters, pheasant popu- wise been spent on habitat. tunity for the public – individuals, MDNR website, in the Pheasants
lations suffered. Yes, there were But it isn’t all bad news for clubs, foundations, corporations, Forever Magazine, and in an annual
some nasty winters in the 1970s Michigan’s pheasants. In fact, there etc. – to help increase and improve press release.
that negatively impacted pheasant are several reasons to hope that the grassland acreage on public lands Grasslands established through
populations. But pheasants thrive in future is brighter for these iconic in Southern Michigan. Donations this program will improve water
places with much harsher winters naturalized citizens. The Michigan are tax-deductible, and donors can and air quality in Michigan, and
than Michigan. Have you ever been Pheasant Restoration Initiative choose the property they wish to will support a vast array of wildlife
to North Dakota in January? Tough (MPRI), a coalition of like-minded support, thereby improving habi- species, including pheasants, white-
winters in Michigan certainly took conservation groups collaborating tat and recreational opportunities tailed deer, wild turkey, cottontail
their toll on the pheasants, but it was to improve pheasant habitat and on lands that they use and enjoy. rabbit, grassland nesting songbirds,
the lack of cover in which to ride populations at the landscape scale, Funds generated through the Adopt- monarch butterflies, and other native
out those snowstorms that really hit have been working diligently to in- A-Game-Area Program will be pollinators. Additionally, because all
them the hardest. crease grassland acreage in Southern administered by Pheasants Forever habitat work will take place on lands
Despite the odds being stacked Michigan on both private and public to develop and complete habitat open to public recreation, Michigan
against them, pheasants have per- lands. Just this year, members of the projects. residents will benefit from improved
sisted in Michigan. Today, they are MPRI successfully applied for and Properties eligible for sponsor- opportunities for wildlife viewing,
far less abundant than they once were awarded a 40,000-acre allot- ship include: hunting, and other wildlife-based
were, but healthy, huntable popula- ment of CRP SAFE (State Acres • Adams Township State Game outdoor recreation.
tions still exist in pockets of suit- For Wildlife Enhancement) from Area (Hillsdale County) For more information on the
able grassland habitat. Most of this the U.S. Department of Agriculture. • Allegan State Game Area (Al- Adopt-A-Game-Area Program and
habitat is on private lands, on acre- CRP SAFE is a state-specific pro- legan County) projects available for sponsorship,
age enrolled in federal conservation gram by which eligible farmers are • Coldwater Lake State Park visit www.michiganpheasantsfor-
programs like the Conservation Re- paid to retire croplands from farm- (Branch County) ever.org, or contact Ben Beaman at
serve Program (CRP). State-owned ing for a period of 10-15 years, and • Cornish State Game Area (Van bbeaman@pheasantsforever.org.n
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Fishing and multi-unit sonar
Modern sonar and GPS are the most important tools an angler can own...
onar and Global Posi- phone on a sonar screen.
tioning Systems these With pairing and touch screen
days are just plain technology an angler can func-
cool. For me one of the tion an app exactly the same way it
coolest things about functions on his or her cell phone.
combination sonar/ Lowrance is one of the first manu-
GPS is they offer anglers so many facturers who will be making their
different options for setting up their units “pairing” compatible.
boats with fish finding and just as Getting Creative
important navigation and even radar One of the problems associated
technology. with mounting and using multiple
Back in the day, when sonar sonar/GPS units is finding the space
and mapping or navigation units for them. Modern sonar screens
didn’t share the same space, I used have grown into nine, 10, 12 and
to mount a full screen stand-alone even 16 inch screen options, but
sonar and full screen mapping unit boat manufacturers have not kept
on my console. This allowed me pace with providing a convenient
the luxury of using either without place to mount these larger units.
having to switch back and forth Some boat manufacturers are
between time consuming screen offering flush mount options and
splitting and eye squinting options. that is a good thing. Boats with flush
Today with modern sonar/GPS mount options make it much easier
units the size of TV sets, it doesn’t to mount two sonar/GPS units and The console of Jake Romanack’s boat is equipped with two 12-inch
seem at first glance there is a need keep them at a finger’s reach. For sonar/GPS units using a Cisco Fishing System Sure-Lok bracket and
to mount multiple units anymore. those boats that do not offer a flush also a Ram Swivel Arm Bracket. Note also the cell phone bracket
Wrong. Big screen units are awe- mount sonar option, there are ways that keeps the phone handy for accessing fishing apps.
some and the only thing more to get creative in mounting arm mount that enables sonar to unit is broken down most often
awesome is double stacking multiple and large units. be mounted in even more creative into two sonar options. We find that
these big units to gain even In order to fit large ways. chirp sonar is the most practical for
more options. screen sonar units in the Ram produces both swing arm hunting fish in most instances. Chirp
These days at Fishing limited spaces available brackets and double swing arm sonar is a multi-signal form of broad
411 TV we are mounting on console units requires brackets for mounting multiple units beam that enhances target separation
double units on our boats investing in after-market in tight spaces. These units are best and resolution. This in turn makes
because we are using a lot mounting brackets. The purchased online. I purchased mine chirp ideal for marking fish that are
more sonar options for find- Cisco Fishing Systems Sure- at the official Lowrance Electronics in tight schools, found tight to cover
ing fish. Historically most Lok Electronics
By Mark Romanack
online store which carries a wider or resting belly to bottom.
anglers have Bracket is made assortment of products than most When we are trying to determine
used broad of machined brick and mortar shops. bottom composition and also to get
beam sonar and
mapping technology. Today we have
aluminum and
engineered to be infinitely adjust-
The Fishing 411 Set Up a more detailed picture of the bot-
Our primary set up consists tom, down scan imaging is invalu-
broad beam sonar, chirp sonar, down able. The base swivels, the head
of two 12 inch Lowrance Carbon able. This technology allows us to
scan imaging, side scan imaging and tilts and the mounting plate features determine edges that form between
3D scan imaging, plus high defini- sonar/GPS units mounted side by
countless pre-drilled holes that ac-
side on the console and a third 12 firm and soft bottom compositions.
tion mapping options at our dis- commodate literally any piece of
inch Carbon unit mounted near the Edges found between hard and soft
posal. The best way to incorporate electronics. Available in a standard
bow of the boat. All three units are bottom areas are like highways for
all these options is by mounting a height, short and tall version, this
tied together using NMEA 2000 fish.
pair of units and splitting the screen bracket can be made to fit just about
and ethernet networking cables. If we are targeting fish on struc-
to showcase multiple sonar options any electronics mounting project.
The NMEA 2000 cable allows for ture, especially shallow water or
and mapping/navigation at the same The beauty of the Sure-Lok
sharing data such as GPS mod- when fishing in ultra-clear waters,
time. Bracket is not just the maneuver-
ules, engine diagnostics, auto-pilot side scan imaging is invaluable.
Diagnostic Information ability, it’s the multiple ways it
can be mounted to just about any
controls for bow mounted electric This technology allows us to look
In addition to showing sonar and motors and sonic hubs. Meanwhile, out to the side of the boat instead
mapping information, big screen flat surface. This sonar mounting of having to run over top of fish
ethernet cables make it possible for
sonar units can also be set up to accessory can be mounted to track, with the boat to locate them on
units to share map cards, waypoints,
show other important data. Engine thru-bolted using the provided base sonar.
screens, weather modules and also
diagnostics such as RPM rates, fuel or by stacking two bases together Another screen we routinely use
to synch to multiple units.
burn per hour, engine hours, oil con- for a quick disconnect option. is provided by linking the sonar unit
This technology also allows
sumption in two stroke models, etc., Cisco sonar brackets can be to the electric motor, a technology
transducers to be used on different
are just a few of the things anglers found at some marine dealers or known as Gateway. The Gateway
units without having to mount mul-
can monitor on their sonar screen purchased online at their official screen allows the touch screen
tiple transducers for respective units.
instead of on analog gauges. e-commerce site www.ciscofishing- capabilities of the Lowrance Carbon
On the bow of the boat we
This is just the beginning when systemsltd.com. units to be used to control the Mo-
simply split the screen and view
it comes to offering interesting and Swing Arm Brackets the desired sonar picture on one torGuide Xi5 electric motor. All the
useful fishing information on sonar In some circumstances it may side and GPS mapping on the other. functions of the electric motor found
screens. The advent of touch screen be necessary to employ a swing arm Depending on how we are fishing, on the wireless key fob, are also
technology and a new technology sonar bracket such as those pro- the sonar might be set up as broad available through Gateway technol-
known as “pairing” will soon be duced by Ram Mounting Systems. beam, chirp, down scan, side scan or ogy including heading lock, anchor
allowing anglers to use their cell Known best for their ball and socket 3D scan. mode, cruise control, etc.
phone in combination with pairing style mounts, Ram also produces a On the console we keep one unit
technology to view apps from a cell heavy duty aluminum molded swing full screen mapping and the second Sonar page 44
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Other Options
The Fishing 411 crew favors the
sonar/GPS options outlined here,
but other fishermen are likely to
have different needs. For example,
bass anglers who spend the majority
of their time at the bow of the boat
might opt to rig two sonar/GPS units
on the bow for day in and day out
fishing situations. In this case, using
one unit full screen for sonar and the
other for GPS mapping might make
sense, or an angler could opt to split
the screen and use two or three dif-
ferent windows for sonar options and
one smaller window for mapping.
On the console, a single unit The father and son team of Fishing 411 TV share fishing tips and information every week on World Fishing Network.
could be set up split screen to pro-
vide sonar while running and also might want to consider using wait until new units are introduced bargains on fishing electronics.
mapping and navigation data. smaller graph sizes and set up their and manufacturers are motivated to Summing It Up
Screen Size boat with two or three different move the older stock. This happens Modern sonar and GPS are the
These days’ serious fishermen units. Just in rough numbers a Low- literally every year as sonar models most important tools an angler can
are selecting the largest available rance Carbon 7 with the Total Scan and technology are constantly on the own. When it comes to finding fish
screen sizes for their sonar/GPS Transducer is about $1,000 and the move. and just as importantly returning
units. The smaller five and seven Carbon 12 with Total Scan is about New sonar technology is usu- to productive spots over and over
inch models actually feature the $3,000 meaning an angler could buy ally introduced in July at the annual again no other investment matters
same features, but the viewing three seven inch units for the cost of ICAST sport fishing convention more. Setting up a fishing boat with
screen is much smaller. The larger one 12 inch unit. and these new products start multiple sonar/GPS units might
the screen, the most costly the so- Bargains showing up on retail shelves that sound extravagant, but for the seri-
nar/GPS unit becomes. The best way to get a bargain fall. Fall and early winter are ous angler you can never have too
For that reason many anglers when it comes to sonar/GPS is to good times to be shopping for much technology on your side.n
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They often pay someone else to do I fondly remember my first ruffed DNR’s Al Stewart honored
with Dodge Sportsman Award
the “dirty work” of butchering and grouse because I was hunting with
packaging their deer for them. But, I my dad. Grouse season opened Octo-
digress. ber first. By then the trees were turn-
Years ago, the 16 gauge was a ing bright colors, leaves were falling,
very popular shotgun in America. and there was a wonderful fall smell In honor of a career
Many thought it was the perfect gun in the cool air. Dad and I didn’t have that includes more than
for wing shooting upland game. It a bird dog so we walked through the 45 years with the DNR,
was lighter and handier to swing than thick cover side by side about 30 Al Stewart, the depart-
a 12 gauge, yet more powerful than yards apart. The grouse flushed in ment's upland game
the little 20 gauge. The light load for front of me and at my shot it rolled bird specialist, received
a 16 is 1 ounce of shot. An ounce of over on its side and dropped out of the Dodge Sportsman
lead shot traveling about 1200 fps sight into the thick bushes. At first Award last month at
will take most small game at reason- we couldn’t find it. I was devastated. Meadow Brook Hall’s
able distances. The field load is 1 1/8 After a diligent search, dad found it Gourmet Wild Game
ounces of shot, which does very well for me. That made us both happy. Dinner in Rochester,
on pheasants. There is also a magnum After hunting or shooting I was Michigan.
load of 1 ¼ ounces of shot for ducks taught to always disassemble the gun The Dodge Sports-
and geese. and thoroughly clean it. Carefully man Award recognizes
The 16 gauge lost its popularity wood burned under the forearm of a man, woman or orga-
when “magnumitis” hit the American my gun, I found the initials CH and nization who, in the spirit of entrepreneurial American sportsmen John,
shotgunners. The 12 gauge became year ’41. I always wondered about Horace and Danny Dodge, has demonstrated outstanding contributions
a 3 ½ inch magnum and the little 20 CH. I like to think he was a kid, like to Michigan’s outdoor heritage, wildlife and habitat conservation and the
gauge shell was stretched to a full 3 me, with his first shotgun. I wonder promotion of hunting and fishing activities, ethics and education.
inches. The 2 ¾ inch 16 gauge was about his hunts and how much game "I'm very humbled and grateful to be the recipient of this award,” said
left behind. This was also about the he harvested with the old gun. Stewart. “I thank the individuals associated with the Dodge Sportsman
time that shotgunners turned from I still have my old single shot 16. Award selection committee and representatives of the Meadow Brook
upland game to geese and turkeys. The wild pheasants are gone from Hall staff for honoring me with this prestigious professional award. I love
However, there is nothing wrong this area now but I carry it grouse my job and I feel privileged to work with so many fine people who have
with a 16 gauge. The characteristics hunting a time or two each fall. I will an interest in natural resources and helping others.”
that made it popular in the past are always love that gun because of the Shannon O'Berski, director of external relations for Meadow Brook
still good characteristics today. Shells memories of hunting with Dad and Estate, said Stewart was selected for the Dodge Sportsman Award be-
are still widely available and many Mel and the wonderful days afield cause of his “inspired work in leading the conservation and management
16 gauge guns are still in use. Some with it when small game hunting was of upland game birds in Michigan, and for his work mentoring others in
gun makers manufacture a limited about the most exciting thing a kid outdoor skills.” In addition to the body of work Stewart has achieved at
number of 16s today. I hope the 16 could even imagine doing. the DNR, he also is co-chair of the Michigan Pheasant Restoration Initia-
makes a comeback. Yeah, I still like a 16 gauge.n tive.
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first buck was butter fat and weighed do better with the skin on, which will the pronghorn antelope, which must
about 175 pounds, field dressed. That protect it, to a degree, from dirt and taste very much like goat.
olks in many parts of the buck had more fat around his organs flies. If it is to be hung in a cooler, Venison is very lean and ev-
state are blessed with farm and belly than I have seen on any with a controlled temperature, it will ery effort should be taken to avoid
country deer. The local other male deer in over 60 years of doubtless be better off skinned. drying the meat or overcooking it.
whitetails get a lovely diet deer hunting. The other buck, which Some folks advocate hanging Quick, hot cooking and the moisture
of fruit, oats, wheat, corn was chasing does when he fell, ap- a deer for up to two weeks but that from oil, wine or other marinades
and various other farm peared to be the same age but he was can’t occur very often. When it is and vegetables will insure a tasty
crops, all supplied by our farmers. 25 or 30 pounds lighter. The firearm hung that long, one has to be con- and tender entrée. Generally, veni-
Those farmers think it is okay for the deer produced less venison and the cerned about mold and fungus. If the son cannot be cooked successfully
deer to get into the fields and clean meat was not as good as the earlier, temperature is perfect (around 40 on the grill, unless it is sliced thin,
them up after the harvest, but they heavier deer. degrees) and you have garage space marinated and cooked very quickly.
aren’t so pleased to see the deer in There is also a gender difference available, a hanging span of three or Even the round steaks, not a choice
the crop fields before the harvest. in venison. While does do get chased four days to a week would be good. cut on any animal, can be rendered
Those well-fed deer produce venison around a bit during the rut, they are It seems important to note that many tender and delicious by cooking them
that is far different to that of the deer not subject to the same weight loss as deer taken to a processor aren’t hung slowly with carrots, onions and po-
that live on a diet wholly from the the bucks that are in constant motion for more than a day or so. tatoes. Try this in a big cast iron pot
woods on cedar and acorns. While during this period. It follows that After whatever aging period on top of the wood stove. The family
venison is naturally low in fat and doe venison is going to be generally is allowed, the meat should be cut favorite is the tenderloin butterfly
steaks, browned in a skillet then
Church Tackle Co. ALL MADE
joined by heaps of chopped onions
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Favorite Handgun Cartridges
y favorite handgun .38 Specials well, and they all also nose (LRN) 230 grain bullets, 230
cartridges begin with the like my .38 reloads. I’ve fired many grain full metal jackets, (FMJs),
.22 Long Rifle. I’ve shot more reloads than factory .38 or 200 grain flat points, and a few 185
some .22 Longs and .22 .357 rounds in my guns. It’s time to grain lead semiwadcutters (LS-
Shorts, but the Long Rifle round is go make more .38s for plinking and WCs). All were accurate. The 185 The author’s favorite handgun car-
the best of the bunch. These days small game hunting this fall. grain bullets made cleaner holes in tridges go from .22 Long Rifle to .41.
it can also be cheaper to buy Long The .38 Special is easy to reload paper targets. The heavier bullets Magnum.
Rifles than .22 Shorts. (I’m not and all my loads, made with Bulls- smacked the pins harder. Since my
even sure the .22 Long is still being eye or Unique powder, have been guns fed the 230 grain RNLs and short .41s in bowling pin and plate
made.) I have a fondness for snub- accurate. I also have more .38 Spe- FMJs best I standardized on them matches. The steel plates were big-
nose revolvers. The first one I shot cial cases than .357s. Some of the for pins. I still have enough FMJs ger than the bowling pins I’d been
was a nine-shot .22 made by High .38s were scrounged at the range, for one more season of pin shooting. shooting. In one match the sights
Standard. I didn’t shoot some were bought here and After that I’ll probably go back to just seemed to float between them.
it well but was intrigued there, and some came from RNL bullets. The gun went off at just the right
anyway. The .38 Special loaded ammunition. With The .41 Magnum has sometimes time, and the nearest shooter was
snubnoses I own now might some shopping I was able been my favorite revolver cartridge seconds behind me.
not be here if I hadn’t fired to find .38 cases at bargain overall. It certainly is my most Honorable mention in favorite
that nickel-plated, High prices. favorite magnum pistol cartridge. handgun cartridges, for me, goes to
Standard .22. For years the cartridge The .41 was developed as a better the .32 ACP. John Moses Browning
When I began shoot- I reloaded most was the .45 police cartridge. The “police load” developed it and pistols for it were
ing Bullseye matches it ACP. I was shooting PPC- was supposed to have a 210 grain made in the U.S. by Colt, Savage,
lead bullet at about 900 feet per
By Lee Arten
was with a Ruger .22 type matches with a Remington, and other makers. FN
semiautomatic pistol. .45 ACP revolver, and second. A load for hunting used produced pistols in the caliber in
The guns I shot then plate matches, bowl- jacketed bullets and ran at 1,200 or Belgium.
were owned by a University pistol ing pins, and some odds and ends 1,300 feet per second. Some of the There isn’t a lot to recommend
club. It took a few years for me to with a .45 pistol. The .45 worked police departments that issued the it. The .32 is more powerful than the
buy a bull-barreled Ruger .22 of my for all of these, and worked best of .41 Magnum, in the Smith & Wes- .22 LR, but has considerably less
own. It took even longer for me to anything I used on bowling pins. son M58, issued the hunting loads oomph than any good .38 Special
shoot anything but .22 Long Rifle When the old Second Chance Shoot by mistake. The hotter loads turned load. It can be had in very small
cartridges in matches. Eventually I stopped being held, I reloaded .45s out to be a bit much for some of the handguns, like the Kel-Tec P-32 I
shot another Ruger .22 and two .45 less often. Now that The Pin Shoot police who fired them. Shortly the wrote about in the July issue of this
pistols in Bullseye matches. I never is being held in Central Lake, I’ll .41 was being used most in long magazine. That’s a good point about
took to Camp Perry but did have a need to reload more .45 pin loads. range pistol silhouette matches, and the .32.
lot of fun. Though stubbier than .38 Spe- in hunting. The M58 faded from the I like the .32 ACP despite its
There may be a wider variety of cial cases, .45 ACPs are just about S&W lineup and the guns became lack of power. Over the years I’ve
.22 ammo available now than ever. as easy to handle during reloading. collector’s items. accumulated a modest collection
There are hyper-velocity rounds (I drop a lot more 9mm cases on the Before the guns got so expen- of pocket autos in .32. I shoot one
made by several companies, subson- floor during reloading than .38s or sive I went on a .41 Magnum tear. of them, a Manhurin (Walther) PP
ic .22s, heavy bullet .22s, and .22s .45s.) It has also been easy to find Since collecting (or accumulating) quite well. The rest, I just take to the
with bullets that are designed to split accurate loads in the caliber. In my M57s and M657, and one nickel- range and have fun with from time
on hitting game. There are prob- .45 reloading I’ve used lead round plated M58, I’ve shot long and to time.n
ably more types too. The shortage
of .22s that annoyed shooters during
the Obama years appears to be over. www.ROOSTERRANCH.com
A lot of ammo is available and the Open Since 1987
prices are coming down. It might
be time to buy a bit extra and store
it against the next shortage, real, or
The .38 Special is another of
my favorites. Although the .357 is
more powerful, I don’t always need LLC.
power. In those cases, .38 Specials 7480 Germania Road • Ubly, Michigan 48475
work fine. My .357s shoot factory Visit us on the Web: WWW.roosterranch.COM
No Membership Required!
SCHEDULE OPEN August 15, 2018 – April 30, 2019
Field and European Hunts! European Hunt Dates:
Pheasant and Mallard –Saturday, 11-3-18
1000 Cover filled Acres w/ Many Ponds
Pheasant – Saturday, 12-1-18
10 Different Farms to Hunt
Pheasant – Saturday 1-5-19
4000 sq. ft. Hunting Headquarters
Super Shoot – Saturday 2-23-19
2 Overnight Lodges
Many Hunt Packages to Choose From
Pheasant – Saturday 3-2-19
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29TH Your Dogs or Ours - (German Short Hair Pointers
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Pheasant – Saturday 3-9-19
Pheasant – Saturday, 3-30-19
Coldwater, MI Pheasant – Sunday, 4-7-19
or some sportsmen multiple trips
are required, but most feel rejuve-
distant chickadee calls. A
brief wind pushed some By Kenny Darwin you catch. One thing is
certain, Michigan offers
Center Pin float reels have hit Michigan rivers
by storm because they offer sportsmen the perfect
nated, stress free with one solitary snow off branches of sportsmen an opportunity reel to enhance idealistic float or bobber drift. You
experience to Michigan’s holy water nearby cedar trees, leaving a white veil of falling to catch the trout of a lifetime when the New Year can cast unbelievable distances with Center Pin rigs
steelhead streams. For most Michi- snow that drifted silently to the water’s edge. There arrives, crowds are gone and steelhead are eager to and make long, uninterrupted float drifts and simply
gan fishermen, outings are defined were no sounds of the city. No airplanes roaring bite your hook. hook more fish. Today’s Center Pin anglers are sim-
by tranquil, clear waterways team- overhead, no trains rumbling past, no hustling I’ve been fortunate to live the good ol’ days ply better at hooking fish than old school boys who
ing with huge trout; and success is vehicles in endless frantic lines, no people. Per- when the DNR planted millions of steelies and they use short rods, heavy line and bounce bottom.
measured by personal encounters with huge silvery haps the silence of the great outdoors is the draw to returned to natal steams by the thousands. Back The Carlisle bobber was one of the first to help
trout ripping line from your reel drag and leaving steelhead streams in winter. But then again, I was then catching a dozen steelies before breakfast was fishermen catch more steelhead by drifting offerings
your heart pounding and hands shaking. This is best born the son of an avid trout fisherman and the ul- no big shake. Some days we would burn through the same speed as the current. Soon a multitude of
described by the following anecdote. timate rush to me is a big fish violently jerking my 20 fish at lightning speed and I’ll never forget those bobbers were seen drifting Michigan’s top steel-
Back roads were covered with fresh snow and line. I was taught by my father to enjoy Michigan’s big fish days when I would leave the river with no head hot spots. Today Center Pin advocates using
the wheels on my old black Ford van were silent great outdoors but he insisted the true measure of more bait, completely out of hooks, most the line custom floats ideally suited for Michigan’s variety
rolling over the blanket of white. When I reached fishing success is the number and size of the fish ripped off the reel and I’d be dead tired from the of steelhead streams and the result is more hookups.
the Pere Marquette River the back roads had no Last year I roamed rivers with a Center Pin pro
vehicle tracks and the parking lot was empty. One and I was amazed at his float selection, some were
look at the winding river below and I could feel big and heavy for the Grand, Big Manistee and big
my pulse quicken at the thought of landing a big water. Others were medium size for the Pere Mar-
steelhead. quette and Betsie. Still others were small and often
Snow crunched below my waders as I slipped painted camouflage for clear water streams like the
into the blackish-looking water and made a gentle Boardman, Platte and smaller streams.
cast to the head of the deep, slow moving pool. I’m still fishing with my old Clay Bank rod by
Swirling water drifted my bobber past an overhang- Phil Stevens or custom Dick Swan long rod rigged
ing cedar tree then suddenly made a tiny wiggle and with an old Daiwa spinning reel. My favorite bob-
suddenly stopped and began to slowly dip below ber is a Thill and I wrap lead around the bottom
the surface. The float take down seemed slow, to give it weight for long distance casting, paint
relaxed, almost like the hook was touching a snag. I it camo green and use surgical tubing to hold the
knew better because the distance from float to hook main line to the bobber. I can move the bobber up
was only 4 feet and the deep pool sweeped water to and down to match any water depth and the custom
depths of 7 feet. I reeled any excess line and gave bobber allows me to cast long distances in any wind
the 11-foot custom Clay Bank rod a long, sweeping and get perfect bobber drifts. Hey, why switch to a
overhead hook set jerk. Immediately the float jerked new fancy expensive rod/reel when I’m still catch-
abruptly underwater and rod bent double as a hefty ing fish?
fish violently shook his head and stripped line from I gotta admit when water temperatures drop and
the reel drag as it dove for the safety of the depths. steelhead become lethargic I catch far more fish on
My heart was pounding with joy to have a big bugs. Oh sure, I get some strikes on black flies or
fish hooked and after a couple minutes of head wooly bugger patterns but I’m talking about fishing
shaking and short bursts of speed the steelie de- wax worms pinned to custom jigs. This deadly of-
cided to go airborne. Like a huge Florida tarpon the fering is suspended off bottom using a float or bob-
steelhead blasted from the clear water like a Polaris ber. A few split shot between the float and the hook
missile, sending droplets of water flying high above is essential depending on current speed. A super
the placid stream surface. Mid-air it twisted like a small ant-size black barrel swivel made by the folks
snake, rattled its gills, switched ends and crashed at Black Bird Tackle is attached to a 10-14 pound
into the calm water like a kid throwing a bolder into Above: A pair of an- unbelievable sustained adrenaline rush. I shared the main line. The BB size split shot go above the swiv- The author, Kenny Darwin, is happy after landing this beautiful hen in a snag-filled hole. Fishing in the snow is a
the stream. Splashdown was impressive, loud and glers ply the depths outlandish fishing with some of Michigan’s steel- el on the main line. At the business end I use an 18- fun expedition providing unmatched scenic beauty and silence along the stream.
for an instant white water and ripples disturbed the of the famous Pere head legends like Dick Swan, John Westley and 24 foot fluorocarbon leader that is attached to the
calm stream surface. I held line against the blank, Marquette Riv er many more. tiny jig. My jigs are designed to float horizontally in on jigs. The trick to this presentation is to hook catch winter steelies. Float-fishing with fresh spawn
using Center Pin the waxie so the tail can flip and work in the
leaned back on the long rod and eventually worked reels and custom Today fishing has changed and while there are current and they are adorned with hair, feathers or and salmon skein dyed bright pink is a deadly strat-
the silver beauty to a shallow sand bar. floats designed far fewer fish you can bet you will still hook up marabou to give the jig a lifelike wavering, wig- current. If you glob them on the hook you can egy. Some savvy anglers pull plugs like the Wiggle
It was a beautiful hen with torpedo shape, sleek to drift offer the with plenty of big trout if you give it a whirl. Back gling, moving appearance in current. I custom paint plan on catching darn few steelies. Hook ’em Wart, Flatfish or Yakima Mag Lip. Others prefer to
profile with muscled sides and a bullet shaped head exact speed of the years ago everybody bounced bottom with spawn jigs and give them large eyes to mimic aquatic life. through the head, down the body but push the cast spinners but the flash of spoons and spinners
resembling molten steel. The tiny single hook came current without line bags. Today float or bobber fishing has hit Michigan During the dead of winter when steelies are difficult hook out the side so the tail sticks out in back. often spook fish in shallow water. That’s when you
out of the upper lip with ease and when I turned the drag. Left: If your like a fishing tornado and the end result is more to fool into striking, my favorite jig is a 1/16 oz. The tail gives it action, draws wary steelies for change it up and go with wax worms on tiny jigs
fishing conditions dangled below a float. Keep an open mind in winter
beautiful fish into the current it gave a mighty flip are gin clear, shal-
anglers can better enjoy the sport without con- black or gold head and black marabou body. a closer look and once they get a sniff of the
of its tail and zoomed through the shallows like a low, calm water it is stantly snagging bottom and retying hooks. The true Now here’s the kicker. It you want to catch worm, wham, they bite. One strategy is to use and bring along a variety of jigs. Successful steel-
bone fish chasing bait. a good idea to cam- blessing of float fishing is the presentation drifts steelies like crazy, fresh spawn bags will get the job two waxies on the hook so you give the double headers have the ability to try several tactics, switch
I sat on the bank of the beautiful river, listen- ouflage your floats. the exact speed of the current and trout can’t resist done. But as winter persists and water temperatures ripple tail action. lure colors and reach for something new when the
ing to the chorus of rippling water over rocks and Author photos slamming your hook. fall, you will catch far more fish using wax worms There are a number of proven techniques that bite is slow.n
or some sportsmen multiple trips
are required, but most feel rejuve-
distant chickadee calls. A
brief wind pushed some By Kenny Darwin you catch. One thing is
certain, Michigan offers
Center Pin float reels have hit Michigan rivers
by storm because they offer sportsmen the perfect
nated, stress free with one solitary snow off branches of sportsmen an opportunity reel to enhance idealistic float or bobber drift. You
experience to Michigan’s holy water nearby cedar trees, leaving a white veil of falling to catch the trout of a lifetime when the New Year can cast unbelievable distances with Center Pin rigs
steelhead streams. For most Michi- snow that drifted silently to the water’s edge. There arrives, crowds are gone and steelhead are eager to and make long, uninterrupted float drifts and simply
gan fishermen, outings are defined were no sounds of the city. No airplanes roaring bite your hook. hook more fish. Today’s Center Pin anglers are sim-
by tranquil, clear waterways team- overhead, no trains rumbling past, no hustling I’ve been fortunate to live the good ol’ days ply better at hooking fish than old school boys who
ing with huge trout; and success is vehicles in endless frantic lines, no people. Per- when the DNR planted millions of steelies and they use short rods, heavy line and bounce bottom.
measured by personal encounters with huge silvery haps the silence of the great outdoors is the draw to returned to natal steams by the thousands. Back The Carlisle bobber was one of the first to help
trout ripping line from your reel drag and leaving steelhead streams in winter. But then again, I was then catching a dozen steelies before breakfast was fishermen catch more steelhead by drifting offerings
your heart pounding and hands shaking. This is best born the son of an avid trout fisherman and the ul- no big shake. Some days we would burn through the same speed as the current. Soon a multitude of
described by the following anecdote. timate rush to me is a big fish violently jerking my 20 fish at lightning speed and I’ll never forget those bobbers were seen drifting Michigan’s top steel-
Back roads were covered with fresh snow and line. I was taught by my father to enjoy Michigan’s big fish days when I would leave the river with no head hot spots. Today Center Pin advocates using
the wheels on my old black Ford van were silent great outdoors but he insisted the true measure of more bait, completely out of hooks, most the line custom floats ideally suited for Michigan’s variety
rolling over the blanket of white. When I reached fishing success is the number and size of the fish ripped off the reel and I’d be dead tired from the of steelhead streams and the result is more hookups.
the Pere Marquette River the back roads had no Last year I roamed rivers with a Center Pin pro
vehicle tracks and the parking lot was empty. One and I was amazed at his float selection, some were
look at the winding river below and I could feel big and heavy for the Grand, Big Manistee and big
my pulse quicken at the thought of landing a big water. Others were medium size for the Pere Mar-
steelhead. quette and Betsie. Still others were small and often
Snow crunched below my waders as I slipped painted camouflage for clear water streams like the
into the blackish-looking water and made a gentle Boardman, Platte and smaller streams.
cast to the head of the deep, slow moving pool. I’m still fishing with my old Clay Bank rod by
Swirling water drifted my bobber past an overhang- Phil Stevens or custom Dick Swan long rod rigged
ing cedar tree then suddenly made a tiny wiggle and with an old Daiwa spinning reel. My favorite bob-
suddenly stopped and began to slowly dip below ber is a Thill and I wrap lead around the bottom
the surface. The float take down seemed slow, to give it weight for long distance casting, paint
relaxed, almost like the hook was touching a snag. I it camo green and use surgical tubing to hold the
knew better because the distance from float to hook main line to the bobber. I can move the bobber up
was only 4 feet and the deep pool sweeped water to and down to match any water depth and the custom
depths of 7 feet. I reeled any excess line and gave bobber allows me to cast long distances in any wind
the 11-foot custom Clay Bank rod a long, sweeping and get perfect bobber drifts. Hey, why switch to a
overhead hook set jerk. Immediately the float jerked new fancy expensive rod/reel when I’m still catch-
abruptly underwater and rod bent double as a hefty ing fish?
fish violently shook his head and stripped line from I gotta admit when water temperatures drop and
the reel drag as it dove for the safety of the depths. steelhead become lethargic I catch far more fish on
My heart was pounding with joy to have a big bugs. Oh sure, I get some strikes on black flies or
fish hooked and after a couple minutes of head wooly bugger patterns but I’m talking about fishing
shaking and short bursts of speed the steelie de- wax worms pinned to custom jigs. This deadly of-
cided to go airborne. Like a huge Florida tarpon the fering is suspended off bottom using a float or bob-
steelhead blasted from the clear water like a Polaris ber. A few split shot between the float and the hook
missile, sending droplets of water flying high above is essential depending on current speed. A super
the placid stream surface. Mid-air it twisted like a small ant-size black barrel swivel made by the folks
snake, rattled its gills, switched ends and crashed at Black Bird Tackle is attached to a 10-14 pound
into the calm water like a kid throwing a bolder into Above: A pair of an- unbelievable sustained adrenaline rush. I shared the main line. The BB size split shot go above the swiv- The author, Kenny Darwin, is happy after landing this beautiful hen in a snag-filled hole. Fishing in the snow is a
the stream. Splashdown was impressive, loud and glers ply the depths outlandish fishing with some of Michigan’s steel- el on the main line. At the business end I use an 18- fun expedition providing unmatched scenic beauty and silence along the stream.
for an instant white water and ripples disturbed the of the famous Pere head legends like Dick Swan, John Westley and 24 foot fluorocarbon leader that is attached to the
calm stream surface. I held line against the blank, Marquette Riv er many more. tiny jig. My jigs are designed to float horizontally in on jigs. The trick to this presentation is to hook catch winter steelies. Float-fishing with fresh spawn
using Center Pin the waxie so the tail can flip and work in the
leaned back on the long rod and eventually worked reels and custom Today fishing has changed and while there are current and they are adorned with hair, feathers or and salmon skein dyed bright pink is a deadly strat-
the silver beauty to a shallow sand bar. floats designed far fewer fish you can bet you will still hook up marabou to give the jig a lifelike wavering, wig- current. If you glob them on the hook you can egy. Some savvy anglers pull plugs like the Wiggle
It was a beautiful hen with torpedo shape, sleek to drift offer the with plenty of big trout if you give it a whirl. Back gling, moving appearance in current. I custom paint plan on catching darn few steelies. Hook ’em Wart, Flatfish or Yakima Mag Lip. Others prefer to
profile with muscled sides and a bullet shaped head exact speed of the years ago everybody bounced bottom with spawn jigs and give them large eyes to mimic aquatic life. through the head, down the body but push the cast spinners but the flash of spoons and spinners
resembling molten steel. The tiny single hook came current without line bags. Today float or bobber fishing has hit Michigan During the dead of winter when steelies are difficult hook out the side so the tail sticks out in back. often spook fish in shallow water. That’s when you
out of the upper lip with ease and when I turned the drag. Left: If your like a fishing tornado and the end result is more to fool into striking, my favorite jig is a 1/16 oz. The tail gives it action, draws wary steelies for change it up and go with wax worms on tiny jigs
fishing conditions dangled below a float. Keep an open mind in winter
beautiful fish into the current it gave a mighty flip are gin clear, shal-
anglers can better enjoy the sport without con- black or gold head and black marabou body. a closer look and once they get a sniff of the
of its tail and zoomed through the shallows like a low, calm water it is stantly snagging bottom and retying hooks. The true Now here’s the kicker. It you want to catch worm, wham, they bite. One strategy is to use and bring along a variety of jigs. Successful steel-
bone fish chasing bait. a good idea to cam- blessing of float fishing is the presentation drifts steelies like crazy, fresh spawn bags will get the job two waxies on the hook so you give the double headers have the ability to try several tactics, switch
I sat on the bank of the beautiful river, listen- ouflage your floats. the exact speed of the current and trout can’t resist done. But as winter persists and water temperatures ripple tail action. lure colors and reach for something new when the
ing to the chorus of rippling water over rocks and Author photos slamming your hook. fall, you will catch far more fish using wax worms There are a number of proven techniques that bite is slow.n
We love channels for several lake. The other two have fish, but and crappies often host gamefish at
he last five or so De- reasons. First, the right kinds of apparently the bulk of the fish come last open water.
cembers, some friends these man-made ditches hold con- in from the main lake, find the first Another place to find late-
and I have tried to centrations of fish. Second, they’re deep water and hang out there. season bass and pike is on large
squeeze the last bit of usually protected from wind, which The best way to find good chan- flats with clumps of green weeds.
open water for bass makes fishing them from a kayak nels? Ask ice fishermen. The chan- Bass roam these places like wolf
and whatever else will easier and more comfortable. Third,
bite the lures we toss from kayaks. we’re never far from shore—if we
The more the snow falls the bet- take a spill (and none of us has yet)
ter. Sometimes we catch bunches we can get right to the bank and out
of bass including some pretty big of the water instead of having to
ones. One time we had to settle for climb back into the ’yak far from
a single bluegill brought through the shore.
slushy surface and a walleye lost The best channels have some
boat-side. depth throughout, with a deeper hole
The best part of these excur- or two. They’re also often located
sions, and possibly the main reason near deep water on the main lake—
we do it, is to post pictures of our fish don’t have to travel far over
snow-covered selves in kayaks shallow water to get in them.
holding up fish on Facebook. This A good amount of depth is
triggers our more sensible friends relative. One of our best channels
who live in places like Florida and is a large complex with a couple of
Arizona to comment about what “Ts” that stretch well away from
crazed morons we are. the lake. This waterway sprawl has
This article covers the best plac- three deep areas of 12 to 18 feet,
es to fish, lures that work and how with stretches of 4- to 8-foot depths
to dress for success (and survival). in between. By far, the best spot is
Redpine Whitetails
CALL NOW Dress right, be cautious and winter kayak fishing can be a good
time even if you just catch a single bluegill, like the author did on
this trip. It bit a Silver Buddy blade bait. Note the Ned Rigs on the
rods in the background.
trigger strikes. They’re a great lure Even in deep water, a light in the water, it should keep your and you can actually feel comfort-
when the fish are in deeper haunts as 1/16-ounce jighead seems to catch clothing underneath dry enough that able enough to enjoy catching fish in
they sink fast and are easy to keep more fish—perhaps it’s easier for a when you get out, you can warm a snowstorm.
near bottom. One key in cold water fish to pick it up off bottom. Maybe back up. A final admonition: Don’t
is to keep the vibes brief—don’t jerk its slower fall attracts more fish. It I have a one-piece suit, but a go alone. Fish with a buddy. It’s
and rip them too far off the bottom. takes practice to detect bites—you dry top that you can wear with wad- way safer and a lot more fun to
have to keep your line semi-tight ers is a less expensive option.
Lift the rod tip just fast enough to fish with someone as moronic
make them briefly vibrate while and watch it for movement. If it’s Putting on a one-piece drysuit is as you are.n
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Great fishing…
During hunting season!
Ludington’s Pere entertaining fishermen for the next
five months! If you have never gone
Marquette River winter fishing on the river, it’s a true
The silver bullets are back!
bucket list experience. The Luding-
Last weekend Pere Marquette Lake
ton area has several great guides and
Lodge in Ludington hosted the An-
lots of accommodations for
nual “Big Tom Steelhead
your trip. If you’re looking
Tournament.” Competitors
for a starting point, T.J. at
came from as far away
PM Lake Lodge can put
as Detroit to fish in this
you on the fish. Give him
Memorial Tourney. Anglers
a call at (231) 936-1083 or
could fish the Pere Mar-
visit their Facebook page.
quette River (PM), Pere
The fish are here in good
Marquette Lake, or Lake
numbers. Anglers can pier,
Michigan with the heaviest
river, or lake fish within
fish taking top
By John Bergsma
minutes of the
prize. Everyone
lodge. The fish
Fishing the Pere Marquette River in the winter for steelhead is a winner.
caught fish and in
are here so you
a variety of ways; followed by fall run steelhead and plus yearlings annually). In addition
must ask yourself, why aren’t you?
beads, spawn, plugs, spoons, and Atlantic salmon which feed on the to and in its seventh year of planting
flies were all used to catch fish. In Northeast Michigan chinook roe. The tail end of Octo- Atlantic salmon, the lower AuSable
Top Fish went to Shawn Pomor- Fall brings shorter days, cooler ber, November and December offers River offers a diverse fall fishery.
ski with a weight of 14.78 pounds! nights, the color change and ex- excellent fishing opportunity. The With exciting jumps, drag burn-
This is just the start of the steelhead cellent fishing on the lower AuS- lower AuSable River receives the ing runs and excellent table fare,
run that will last all winter long. able River. In early October, the largest steelhead plant in the state of late fall is an excellent time to fish
These awesome fighting fish will be spawning king salmon run begins, Michigan (approximatley 138,000 northeast Michigan.
n B e r g sm a
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missed scores. The score sheets are
tree behind it. I hit the target. It went entered in a book as a permanent
right through and blew the top off
Quality Parking
record. It’s like an end-of-day bank
the tree. I didn’t know I was hunting reconciliation.
Christmas trees. “In 2016 I won the novice pistol
Exhibits “About 2005 my son started
shooting, and that became my
focus. Between recording scores
match with the lowest recorded
score on the plaque. I was trying to
recruit Joe Valentin (2007) to shoot
and getting his matches in, I didn’t
the match, to shoot a better score
shoot. He’s in college so I’m back to so mine wouldn’t show up, but he
shooting. The last several years I’ve wouldn’t. The plaque says ‘Com-
3pm – 8pm
shot the revolver matches. They are puter Guy’ instead of my name.”
quick and easy and I can get back to “I’ve had some time to ask
the computer,” Hoskinson added. myself, ‘Why am I in this group?’
Eric Hoskinson is known as the It isn’t all about shooting—that
“computer guy” in muzzleloading wouldn’t be me. I’ve realized in the
circles. He is responsible for the Keeler Society you have different
computerized recording of all scores people with different skills. The
10am – 7pm for the MSMLA State Champion-
ship Shoots. His efforts represent
common thread is it’s about a will-
ingness to help others and a concern
the behind-the-scenes support opera- for how the muzzleloaders expose
tions essential to successful muzzle- others to black powder shooting.
loading competitions. I’m helping other people shoot,”
“I started in 1990 at Grand Hoskinson said. And that’s what Pa
and tear down for a small donation. Of course,
it takes money to promote conventions and Roy
oy Dahlgren from Escanaba re- is also the U.P.’s primary fundraiser and best
ceived the Trapper of the Year/East salesman. Roy is tireless in his efforts to make
Award from the National Trappers each convention bigger and better than the last.”
Association (NTA) during their McAllister’s comments didn’t cover all of
annual convention in Escanaba the bases regarding Dahlgren’s award-winning
during late July. The organization performance either. Each of the two times the
recognizes two people with the award each year, NTA convention was in Escanaba, a demonstra-
one of which lives east of the Mississippi River tion area where trapping experts could show
and the other west of the river. attendees how best to catch various furbear-
Dahlgren is a prominent member of the UP ers was one of the most important parts of the
Trappers Association and has played key roles program. Dahlgren was responsible for design-
in the success of annual UPTA conventions as ing and overseeing production of the demo area
well as the national conventions held in Escana- each time, and that alone was a major undertak-
ba during 2014 and 2018. On top of that, he is a ing.
tireless promoter of trapping. Imagine taking small pieces of varied types
“Roy Dahlgren has been president of UP of habitat where traps might be set for North
Trappers district three for several years and American furbearers and consolidating them
serves on the Board of Directors on a regional inside a large building, with bleachers on three
level,” NTA president Chris McAllister said sides so spectators can watch and learn how
when presenting the award. “Roy is a strong to become better trappers. There were beaver
advocate for trappers and trapping throughout ponds complete with dams, lodges and feed
the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and beyond. beds; muskrat houses, cattails, a stream, hollow Escanaba resident Roy Dahlgren receiving the
Roy talks trapping to most everyone he meets logs, stumps, trees, rocks, cornfields, grassy award from the National Trappers Association
and promotes both UPTA and NTA wherever he fields, 2-rut woods roads and more. president Chris McAlister during the National
goes. Dahlgren and his assistants raised the bar
in terms of providing demonstration areas for a
Trappers Association Convention in Escanaba
“He puts on many trapping presentations
at area schools and is particularly interested in panel of experts to show attendees how to make during July.
getting young people into trapping. He has put the best sets possible for almost any furbearer NTA conventions,” UPTA member Bob Stein-
on programs for both grade schools and high you can think of. The demonstration areas metz from Escanaba said, “and this may be the
schools and one especially unique program he themselves were not only works of art from the most sophisticated demo area I have seen, even
did was at the Escanaba High School. He put trapper’s perspective, the UPTA hired Front ignoring the projection of the demos on the
in a working coyote set (without the trap) in a Line Media from Florence, Wisconsin to make wide screen. And the comments I heard from
patch of trees on the high school property. The sure the audiences would be able to see and hear attendees is that the projection of the demos
students could then monitor the trap via a game every word presenters said and every step they is the greatest thing they have ever seen. With
camera, and visit the set to identify tracks and showed. The media company provided a large the wide angle and closeup cameras working
other sign. He has also mentored various teens screen on which both wide angle and closeup together, everyone was able to see even small
on his own lines, many of which are now ac- views of what was happening were projected details, regardless of where they were sitting.”
complished trappers. from video cameras. And all experts were wired Dahlgren did such a good job on the demo
“Anyone who’s met Roy knows that where with microphones, so the audience could hear area at Escanaba during 2014 that he helped
he really shines is as a ‘people person,’ a trait their voices. coordinate construction of demo areas at vari-
that serves him well as Convention Coordinator “The UP Trappers went all out for this ous locations across the country where NTA
of the UPTA. Every state needs a CC like Roy. demo area,” 2014 convention coordinator Trent conventions have been held since then. And
In just a few short years he has increased the Masterson said. “It’s one of the best demo areas he’s done much more, but, like the humble man
annual attendance from a few hundred to thou- we’ve ever had at a convention. Many of the he is, Roy didn’t feel he was deserving of the
sands! Roy follows up every year with each and veteran trappers who have put on demonstra- award.
every vendor at their conventions to see what he tions have said, ‘Man, this is just an awesome “There are a lot more people out there who
can do better next time. He does things like talk setup.’” I thought were more deserving of the award,” he
coaches and athletes into helping with set-up “I have personally attended nine or ten said.n
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Fallow Does • Red Stag Does
More U.P. CWD?
This buck’s condition ruled out every
other cervid disease, including viral
gnat-borne hemorrhagic fever...
t was early morning on Oc- wrong, but the blue tongue that is
tober 15 in Arvon (popula- common with hemorrhagic fever
tion 450), Baraga County, was not present.
Michigan. A sharp snap of He started with the right fore-
winter was in the air as Jake leg, because the forelegs are easiest
M., a local tribal member, to remove from the torso, thanks
drew down with his .308 and let fly to the animal’s floating shoulder
with a 180-grain boat-tailed hollow- blade. Everything looked normal as
point. His shooting was good, and he worked skin away from muscle
the bullet made a clean kill at 80 down to the elbow joint, then,
yards. further up, the flesh began
Because the deer was on to take on a greenish cast.
tribal land, and because he The greenness of the meat Top Lt-Rt: The buck’s eyes
could, Jake drove his truck grew deeper and more
to where the buck lay, and widespread the further he were red, the right foreleg’s
loaded it into the bed. He’d skinned. flesh began to take on a
skin and butcher it when he By the time Jake had greenish cast
got home. At this juncture skinned the hide back to the Left: Greenness of the meat
everything seemed to be as buck’s shoulder joint, the grew deeper and more
flesh surround-
By Len McDougall widespread. Above: The
is it should have
been. There had ing its scapula front shoulder skinned down
been nothing that had taken on a
might have indicated to him that distinctly decayed look, beginning to per Peninsula. to the buck’s shoulder joint,
anything was out of the ordinary. actually emulsify into a foul liquid. This buck’s condition ruled out clearly showing the progress
He claimed the 2-year-old buck deer The flesh looked as if the living deer every other cervid disease, including of the disease and the mas-
with Keeweenaw Bay Indian Com- had in fact been a dead carcass lying viral gnat-borne hemorrhagic fever. sive, horrific tissue damage.
munity deer tag #9939. in a wet environment for several Nonetheless, Jake contacted his old
But when he got home, in the il- days, pulled apart, holed, and in no partner at the Natural Resources
lumination of his garage, Jake began way resembling the smooth muscle Division of Keeweenaw Bay Indian
to notice anomalies. The buck’s eyes and fat of a healthy animal. It’s hard Community. Predictably, both rec-
were red. A dead deer normally has to believe that this animal had been ommended delivering the carcass
milky, glazed-over eyes, but this able to stand, let alone walk. For the to MDNR biologists at the Baraga
deer’s half-closed eyes were red, sake of my own sensibilities I hope Field Office, from where it would be
almost bloody. Still, he hung the that the poor animal had been be- presumably transported to a facil- Affordable, Fly-in Fishing on 6 Remote Lakes
buck on gambrel hooks and com- yond feeling pain, because to reach ity with greater medical resources.
menced with skinning it using a such a physical state as it was in Jake decided to hedge his bets by
sharp Benchmade Nimravdus. must have been beyond excruciating. getting the obviously relevant story
The first indication that there was The front shoulder skinned down to a writer to do his best to get it to
something wrong with this deer was to the buck’s shoulder joint, clearly Michigan deer hunters statewide.
when it arrived home, where artifi- showing the progress of the disease This story, and the photos that
cial illumination showed its eyes to and the massive, horrific tissue dam- accompany it, are no less than terri-
be blood red. age that it had inflicted upon this fying for deer hunters. And especial-
Although not especially ab- poor animal. Perhaps most fright- ly for deer hunters who inhabit the
normal, the viscous liquid seeping ening, biologists did not until now heretofore pristine Upper Peninsula.
from the buck’s nostrils and mouth know that Chronic Wasting Disease The U.P. marks the northernmost
seemed discolored and somehow had progressed into Michigan’ Up- boundary of the whitetail’s range.n
shift where scents are hanging. And
this is why I wear ScentLok cloth-
here’s nothing worse ing.
than hearing the In layman’s terms, ScentLok
dreaded sound of a reduces the amount of odor leaving
deer’s “snort” echoing my body due to its layer of activated
through the woods. If carbon. As the bacteria molecules
you’ve ever hunted on my skin or other aromas I may
white-tailed deer late in the season, have absorbed leave my body, they
whether with a bow or muzzleloader get caught up within the pores of the
in hand, then you’ve more than carbon rather than escaping through
likely heard this more than once. the pores of the material. Reducing
And as soon as it’s been heard, it’s The author used ScentLok clothing to reduce his odors, which he firmly my scent not only keeps deer from
too late... you’ve been busted. believes helped him take this impressive late-season white-tailed deer. going on guard, but allows them
That telltale sound a whitetail to wander closer to me, allowing
makes when they’ve winded you is it’s understanding that when you’re sound, one anomalous movement,
outdoors, even in areas you think and even more so the out of-the- me a good, clean shot with either
produced with an instant intake of muzzleloader or bow. Nothing is
air though the deer’s uber-scent-sen- you know better than the back of norm scent are all causes for alarm.
more important to me than downing
miliar of territory as you may think. Slow Down
sitive snout; it’s created so as to alert your own hand, you are not in as fa-
an animal quickly; this means less
other deer in the area that danger is
lurking nearby. And it’s one of the You’re in the deer’s realm, where and Hush Up suffering to my quarry as well as to
myself in not having to track it far.
most disheartening sounds a hunter they spend every day of their life. Scuffling your feet through dried
The tiniest thing out of their ordi- leaves, or twigs breaking as you tip- ScentLok clothing is available
can hear.
nary day will be cause for alarm. toe heel to foot are obvious noises in many diverse camouflaged pat-
In Person And not just to the deer, but all crit- you can control. Slow down and terns. The best way for you to see
all, as well the science behind it, is
Whether new to the sport or ters that live there. make every step count; once to your
to check out their website at scent-
with many years under their belts,
hunters put an amazing amount of Everything spot, clear away any rubbish from
underfoot the moment you start set- lok.com. They’ve done a great job
effort into having a shot in being in its Place tling in. getting into all the details why scent
reduction is a must when hunting
successful. They read articles and Think about the times you have Another noise not often thought
entire books on the subject—just as been in your own home and some- about is eating while in your stand. any game.
you’re doing now—in an attempt thing unusual catches your attention. While food is important when it It’s a Challenge
to absorb as much information as It might be something as simple as comes to staying warm and com- My challenge for you this late
possible so as to take a deer. But just an item that has been slowly slip- fortable throughout the day, wrap season is this: Get in the woods and
reading about how to become more ping off a shelf, and then finally munchies with a product that hunt, and most of all do your hardest
successful isn’t going to tell you all falls; maybe it’s wind gusting from doesn’t make much noise when you to be scent-free. It’s as simple as
you need to know to when it comes a direction it rarely blows, and the unwrap it before venturing out. Tin- that.
to harvesting any big-game animal. seldom-heard whistle from the air foil, for example, makes less noise Every time out, you’ll learn a
I’ve been hunting whitetail since racing through the crack of a win- when you manipulate it then wax thing or two that will make you a
I was a child; early on with my dow pane makes you take note. paper or plastic wrap. Think about it better hunter in the future. Keep
father and grandfather, then on my But it’s not just noises that have before you pack it to make sure not quiet, move very little, reduce your
own once I was old enough to drive. you questioning what’s going on. to give yourself away when refuel- scent. And most importantly, take
Nowadays, I take my family and Ponder the smell of a slice of bread ing your body. someone with you and teach them
friends into the woods for white- left too long in the toaster and start- Although white-tailed deer don’t what you know.
tails to pass on the tradition. The ing to burn. have 20/20 vision, they can easily Mark Martin is professional
one thing I found that goes furthest These subtle happenings startle pick up any movement you make; walleye tournament angler who has
when it comes to successfully taking you ever so slightly. Even if only thus your motions should be slow a passion for hunting white-tailed
a deer rather than just going hunt- for a brief moment, your senses go and deliberate. Quality camouflage deer. He is also an instructor with
ing, however, is it’s the actual time on high alert and you look for the clothing is a must. the Ice-Fishing Fishing/Vacations
and lessons learned while afield in source of what is troubling. Schools taught throughout the Mid-
pursuit of game that matters most. Deer get these same unsure I Stink as a Hunter west. Check out fishingvacation-
But if there’s any one thing I feelings of inquiry as they wander One of the hardest things to school.com and markmartins.net for
want you to take from this article, through their home, too. One odd control while deer hunting, by far, information.n
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f you have had the privi- has evolved. their role as sons in a large family. wasn’t uncommon to make a quick
lege of living through the Albert’s hunting traditions Venison was a delicacy that this pit stop and take aim off of the tire.
past eighty-plus years, originated not out of the love of the large family did not take for granted. Although still on the job, everyone
you would certainly con- sport, but out of necessity. The fam- When deer season rolled around, understood what it meant to bring
clude that deer hunting ily farm, located early on it wasn’t a contest to see home a deer from the field. Little
has changed dramatically in the state of New Jersey, who could drop the biggest did they know their deer “drive”
over the years. Seemingly gone are was strictly managed to buck. Rather, it was a joint practices would transform into a
the days of slipping through the keep deer off of the prop- effort in providing for the tradition that would last decades to
woods, spot stalking whitetails, such erty. Albert recalls in one family for the upcoming follow.
as the infamous Fred Bear. night watching six acres winter. As Albert’s children grew older,
“It was a Thursday afternoon of his green beans totally As farmers, it was many of them elected to move to
deer drive, not NFL football, was of- decimated by the local deer understood that Albert and Michigan for additional schooling.
ten the staple after the Thanksgiving population. That doesn’t the boys would be harvest- Shortly after, Albert and his wife,
Day lunch. Deer hunting was more seem like much ing corn in the Tina, followed. Settling on 52 acres
communal, more family oriented,
back in the days that I hunted. The
with today’s farm-
ing capabilities,
By Jake Dykstra fall. Despite the
urges and desires
in Western Michigan, Albert elected
to start a family operated flower fac-
focus wasn’t on how big the buck
was or even who shot it, but more
but being a small
family operated
of Wildlife Realty to be hunting deer
and the local New
tory business. The love for hunting,
deer hunting specifically, followed
about how much meat was put in the farm, that was the difference be- Jersey pheasant population, Albert Albert’s boys and even his sons-in-
freezer. A large doe was equally as tween being able to purchase beef needed his sons’ help to harvest the laws.
prized as the 6 point buck hanging for the year, or having to grow and fields. It wasn’t uncommon, howev- Soon after acquiring the family
next to it from the rafters. Everyone hunt for your own. As a father of er, to be chopping corn when a deer farm in Michigan, it became obvi-
climbs trees and ‘only shoots mon- eleven, Albert could never afford to would skirt out from between the ously apparent that this is where the
sters’ these days.” focus on “what didn’t taste good.” rows. Always ready, Albert’s boys family would start their own “deer
After nearly eight decades of And neither did his four boys for were poised and ready on a mo- camp traditions” of sorts. Tak-
hunting, one could say Albert has that matter. Growing up, Sam, ment’s notice. With a .22-250 riding ing their New Jersey deer hunting
seen it all as the deer hunting sport Jeff, Albert Jr. and Hank all knew next to them in the combine, it practices with them, Albert and his
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Baraga County
Moose Sightings
The moose population is definitely
up in the U.P.’s Baraga County, accord-
ing to Matthew Skytta from Michi-
gamme. On the morning of October 17
alone, he saw seven different bulls.
“I was just riding out to bait my deer
stands and cut a load of firewood,” he
said. “I saw four bulls in an old clearcut.
They’ve been there all fall. Then I saw
three more in another spot.”
Matt explained that two of the seven
bulls had large antlers with big palms.
He added that a couple of the others were probably 2 ½ years old and the
Adult newts (transformed after eft stage) are greenish and spor t the tail remainder were small bulls. Fresh snow that was on the ground on the 17th
fins as long as they are in reliable water. Amanda Nimke Ballard photo made the moose easier to see than normal.
Skytta took some video and still photos of the moose he saw that day and
survive. Glacial action some 11,000 the red-spotted newt is an extremely posted them on the Facebook Page for U.P. Trail Cams.
years ago in Michigan created a adaptable creature and they are able The moose breeding season starts during late September and extends into
suitable matrix of land and water for to hibernate on land like the efts if October. When a cow is in heat, she sometimes attracts a number of bulls, but
their survival. Their population num- the pond is so shallow that it will Skytta said he didn’t see any cows in the vicinity of the two groups of bulls
bers are uncertain, for they don’t line freeze. As for the red efts, they have he spotted.
up to be counted or take part in an already wiggled under thick layers of “There’s supposed to be a cow and two calves in the old clearcut where I
annual census. I have only seen a red leaf litter and decaying logs, such as saw the four bulls, but we haven’t seen them.”
eft twice this year, once in Oakland the ones at my friend’s hunting cabin, The seven bulls Matt saw on October 17 weren’t the only moose he saw
County at the Timberland Swamp a perfect habitat for winter hiberna- for the week.
Sanctuary, and along a section of the tion. Early next spring when rains “I’ve seen 13 different moose so far this week,” he commented. “I saw
Appalachian Trail in the Blue Ridge melt remaining ice on vernal ponds, eight bulls and five cows and calves. I usually see 30 moose a year. This year,
Mountains of Virginia. the adult newts start their underwa- I’ve seen well over that. The moose population is definitely up in Baraga
In Michigan the breeding season ter breeding rituals, and the red efts County. It seems like every time you go for a ride somewhere, you see a
of the red-spotted newt lasts from emerge from under decaying logs and moose.”
late winter into early spring, a time of continue their forest floor wanderings When Matt and his daughter were coming out of the woods during the
great excitement for those that stalk until they are old enough to transform youth deer hunt during late September, they saw a big bull that was on the
these elusive salamanders. My friend into red-spotted newts and give up heels of a cow that was apparently in heat.
Amanda Nimke Ballard, who has the their terrestrial life. Together they “I broke a number of branches to try to get the bull to stop,” Matt said,
patience to crouch in shallow water keep their mysterious cycle of life “but he ignored me. He was concentrating on that cow.”
on cold spring nights to photograph moving forward in the woods and Skytta’s daughter did manage to fill her first deer license during the youth
salamanders at their vernal ponds to waters of Michigan. hunt, by the way. He said she was really excited about scoring, which is
witness their mating rituals shared Jonathan Schechter is the Nature understandable.
the included photo of the adult red- Education Writer for Oakland County Based on Matt’s moose sightings, Baraga County is obviously a good
spotted newt at the vernal pond. Government and a wanderer of our place to start for U.P. visitors who are interested in seeing a moose.
University of Michigan Mu- woods and wildlands. oaknature@ By Richard P. Smith
seum of Zoology explains their life aol.comn
cycle this way. “Eggs develop for 3
to 8 weeks depending on the water
temperature. In early fall, 3 to 4
months later, the aquatic larvae lose
their gills, develop sac-like lungs
and emerge onto land as an eft. Two
to three years later, the eft develops
a powerful flattened tail and returns
to the water to breed. Adults remain
• See the latest in Fishfinders and Underwater Cameras by Vexilar, SAT. DEC 1st, 9:00AM - 5:00PM SUN. DEC 2nd, 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Humminbird, Garmin, Marcum, Showdown and Deeper!
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I contacted Jim Harding, an
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Show specials and the hottest deals of the season!
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New Gear for Outdoor Fun
ere’s a look at some CleanShot fills the bill. ronmentally safe. Cans are available that longer blades don’t necessarily
of the latest gear ******* with Mossy Oak or Ducks Unlimit- add up to more efficient field dress-
available that might SureCan, Inc., www.sureca- ed camo trims and are also made for ing and cleaning.
enhance your enjoy- nusa.com, 801-827-0500, 2.2-Gal- hauling kerosene and diesel fuel. The Caper is also ⅝-inch shorter
ment of your favor- lon Gasoline and 5-Gallon Gasoline ******* and about 25 percent lighter than the
ite outdoor activity. • Flexible spout – no more tip- Buck Knives, www.buck- Small Game model.
ping • 6-layer design • Self-venting knives.com, 800-326-2825, Open The Micarta handle feels sturdy
Huntego, www.huntegoltd, From the “Why Didn’t Season Series-Pro Caper but not bulky. And the blade in-
248-897-0688, CleanShot I Think of That?” depart- Knife (#493) cludes a thumb space on the un-
• “Shoot through” bore-cleaning ment, the SureCan provides • S35VN stainless steel derside and an index finger choil
cartridge • Comes in packages from a simple solution to a uni- blade • O.D. green Micarta (notched area on unsharpened side
4- to 16- count • Available in 12- or versal problem: hefting and handle • Leather sheath • of blade), which make it easy to
20-gauge positioning a traditional gas Forever warranty control the blade’s action.
I tested the “Made-in-Michigan” can without spilling fuel all Buck has redesigned its *******
CleanShot during a Ruffed Grouse over the place. premier hunting line to be HydraPak, www.hydrapak.
Society shooting event at the Gun The simple solution: indestructible and calls it com, 510-632-8318, Expedition
River Skeet and Trap Club near put the spout on the “the perfect com- • 8-liter (270 fluid ounces) ca-
Grand Rapids. Most of the shoot-
ers had clean, well-maintained
bottom of the can
so the fuel flows
By Tom Carney bination of high-
end tools for field
pacity • “Plug-n-Play” cap/spigot
Easier than a plastic milk bottle
guns with little built-up gunpowder without the need for processing.” to fill, haul, pack and use for water-
residue. Understandably, the bar- tipping over the gas can. The spout The series includes six different ing the pups or cleaning game in
rels showed little difference before rotates and, once the thumb trigger styles, including a “Small Game” the field, the Expedition also holds
and after a dose of CleanShot. One is pressed, gas flows out the bottom model. However, after handling it, twice as much liquid. Its thermo-
shooter had a moderately dirty of the can. When fueling my motor- I determined the Caper would work plastic polyurethane (TPU), high-
gun, though, and one round of the cycle, I noticed the best thing about better for upland bird hunters. To density polyethylene (HDPE), TPU-
CleanShot cleaned the barrel nicely. the SureCan is the fact that the spout start with, the Caper feels more like coated waterproof nylon skin makes
Huntego itself says this is no substi- stays in the tank on its own, even an extension of the hand rather than it almost tough as nails and flexible,
tute for a good bench cleaning. But when I otherwise juggled or read- a tool in the hand. Its 3 ½-inch blade so it can be easily and safely stored
as an “end of the day,” in-the-field, justed the can itself in my hands. is a full ¾-inch shorter than that of with other gear. Two interior baffles,
quick and easy-to-use cleaner, the The SureCan is built to be envi- the Small Game model. I’ve learned on the other hand, give it enough
stability so the full pack can stand
up on its own. The “lay on its side”
and clip-in spigot features make it
easy draw water freely when both
hands are otherwise needed – such
4 Birds $85 per gun as when filling dog bowls, rinsing
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I especially liked the low profile, found it was more than large enough
galvanized cam latches, which make to hold bottled drinks, lunch fix-
Orion’s lid the easiest to open or ings and snack goods to last two
secure of all the coolers I’ve tested. people just about a week. It’s tall
Several hunters I showed the coolers enough to handle 2-liter bottles. The
to were similarly impressed with ample insulation, the heavy-duty
those latches. Orions are manufac- “bear proof” construction plus the
tured by Jackson Kayaks, and the cooler’s ability to function as a cast-
25- and 35-quart versions will ride ing platform for anglers mean this
nicely in the behind-the-seat stor- is a solidly built, substantial piece
age area on most Jackson models. of equipment. Empty, the Orion 45
I field-tested the 45-quart size and weighs 31 pounds.n
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Some great ideas for Christmas
uess what is right hasn’t lost one?) and Queaz-away
around the corner? wrist bands for that first-time sailor.
I thought I should A great new item is a buoy for your
give you some help keys, if you drop them in the water,
when you start your it inflates and keeps them afloat.
shopping. One great Another new item is Leatherman’s
gift idea is a flashlight. Even though Skeletool multi-tool, expensive but
your gift recipient may have a dozen very handy.
lights aboard, the latest hand-held A first-aid kit, with things you
flashlight could become the most select (pre-packaged ones never
versatile and perhaps reach have all the items that may
the greatest distance. Some be needed) is a thoughtful
have an adjustable light gift. Just paint a cross on a
power, controlled by a small, bright colored, tackle
number of bulbs and adjust- box and place everything
able beam direction such as inside. Kayaks are very popular today and would make a great gift.
the Stanley Maxlife 360 ™. Free PDF versions of ments, a sticker is provided that the family you could give them a
You can also set one up on nautical charts are available announces the boat meets safety picture and a promise to visit the
its own tri-pod. at: www.free;charts.noaa. standards of the Coast Guard. This Woods-N-Water News Outdoor
A new PFD gov gift could save your recipient from a Weekend to pick out a puppy. I visit
is a great gift
anytime. After Boat Smart... They
are checked
If the boat has a GPS, purchase a
the puppy tent every year and the
selection at the last show was just
years of test-
ing, inflatables
By Capt. Fred Davis weekly for
accuracy. It’s
radio that can be set up with a Res-
cue 21 system. Using it, rescuers
phenomenal. When the pup gets a
little bigger, the kids can take it for
have proven to be the most comfort- always great to have the latest chart can find an exact location instantly a ride in the kayak. Our family dog
able and are a superior option. Be if cruising to an unfamiliar area. along with the boat’s description. loves it.
sure to choose the right size for the Another free gift could be a All the operator need do is push a For additional ideas, go to www.
recipient to insure a good fit. Also safety inspection. Contact your local button and a Mayday call is auto- davisnet.com and request a catalog.
follow all the manufacturers’ direc- Coast Guard Auxiliary to arrange matically sent. New items you may have never seen
tives for maintenance and care. one and provide the time to your If you have lots of room where such as Shockles™ mooring line
Stocking stuffers such as polar- gift recipient. They come to you and you gather for gift giving, how snubbers and Rocker Stopper moor-
ized sun glasses, drain plugs (who once the boat meets all the require- about a kayak? If there are kids in ing rings look really useful.n
recommended. Boat and motor provided for fishing.
Cedar or Pine
• Fully Insulated
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Moments in Secret Coverts.
As with his previous collections,
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as his writing glides effortlessly
across the lines that delineate
serious writing, humor, nostalgia,
analysis, description and storytelling.
Different this time around: Instead
of moving from activity to activity
with the progressing seasons as he
did in his first two books of essays,
in Among the Aspens Tom delivers
Relax In Style! the goods through a single form
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1205 N. SR 5 hunting.
Shipshewana To purchase: $34.95 (Michigan residents, please add $2.10 sales tax) plus
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Monday-Friday • 8-5 Farm St. NE, Belmont, Michigan 49306.
Saturday • 8-3:30
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By Kathleen Lavey...MDNR
ook across a sun-dappled clear- ability,” and the process is known as
ing in the state forest not far “forest management,” but those terms
from Newberry, and you’ll see aren’t really that important. What they
some low-growing blueberry describe is.
plants bearing ripe fruit and a sea of These terms describe how DNR
bracken ferns, with their leaves turn- forest staff carefully chooses which A crew of migrant workers replants a clear-cut area in Marquette County.
ing late-summer yellow. forests will be thinned or cut to
Look a little closer, and you’ll find promote tree health, fight insects and million acres of the northern Lower growing up,” Whitcomb said.
the forest of the future: an army of disease, or provide optimal habitat for Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula. He admits it can be shocking to
red pine seedlings scattered under the species ranging from the elk to the Much of that land came back to the pass by an area that has recently been
ferns — rich green needles feathering tiny Kirtland’s warbler. state after homesteaders, often lured clear-cut, but within a year or two the
from tiny twigs. They also describe how firefight- by advertisements boasting of good new tree growth takes over.
Foresters for the Michigan De- ers carefully set fires, known as farming opportunities, failed to make “It’s pretty dramatic, there’s no
partment of Natural Resources had prescribed burns, to control invasive a go of it in sandy soils unsuited for doubt about that,” he said. “This is
hoped seeds from neighboring trees species, create wildlife habitat and cash crops. part of the natural system, and they’re
would sprout there after the land was prevent future wildfires. Finally, Since those early days, the DNR going to grow back, and in the mean-
cleared, a process known as natural the terms describe how forests are has used the best science available to time, it’s going to benefit animals and
regeneration. But not enough of the mapped and monitored throughout the replenish and maintain state forests. birds.”
seeds found a toehold in the sandy
growing cycle.
“Healthy forests bring an im-
By 1931, a state tree nursery near
Higgins Lake had shipped 22 million Prescribed Burns
It seems like the opposite of what
So DNR staffers decided to help mense benefit to the people of Michi- seedlings out for planting.
a DNR firefighter should be doing:
them out a little bit. They used heavy gan,” said Deb Begalle, state forester A survey conducted this summer
by the DNR showed that nine out wearing fire-protection gear and walk-
equipment to drag large-link chains and chief of the DNR’s Forest Re- ing along the edge of a woodlot with a
weighing up to 7,000 pounds each sources Division. “Forests help give of 10 residents believe Michigan’s
forests help keep air and water clean, drip torch, dropping burning fuel into
across the soil, loosening the surface us clean air and water. They provide dry grass.
and giving the seeds a softer place to us with places to hunt, fish, hike, bike keep the state beautiful, provide habi-
“Fire has always been a part of
take root. or relax.” tat for wildlife and offer a backdrop
the natural ecosystem in this part of
The Evolution of
“We looked at this area, and it for a host of recreational activities.
Michigan’s forest management is the country,” said Paul Rogers, DNR
wasn’t taking off the way we would
like,” said Keith Magnusson, a DNR Michigan’s Forests certified by two separate organizations fire prevention specialist who has
worked on hundreds of prescribed
forester and manager of the Newberry When the earliest European set- — the Forest Stewardship Council
tlers arrived in Michigan more than and the Sustainable Forestry Initia- burns in his career. “Fire is needed to
management unit. “We decided to help release nutrients in the soil.”
give it a little help.” 300 years ago, they described a land tive. The stewardship council honored
so heavily forested that trails disap- the Michigan DNR last year for being Fire also can help eradicate
It worked, and the seedlings will invasive species that crowd desirable
tower over the ferns within a few peared into trees so thick that water an early adopter of sound forest man-
was the easiest way to travel. agement practices. native plants out of Michigan land-
years. scapes.
The process of churning up the
soil to aid seed growth, known as
By the early 1900s – after decades
of Michigan leading the nation in Forestry Prescriptions “A lot of non-native species
About 60,000 acres of state forest can’t tolerate fire, and that’s why we
scarification, is among many tech- lumber production – most of those
are harvested each year for timber, remove them with fire,” he said.
niques the DNR’s Forest Resources forests were gone.
The Michigan Department of which is less than 2 percent of the Another thing fire can be used for
Division uses to ensure that Michi- total forest. Often, logging projects is to help create habitats for some of
gan’s 4 million acres of state forest Conservation – the predecessor to the
DNR – was founded in 1921, in part, go hand in hand with efforts to create Michigan’s endangered species. The
thrive into the future. habitat for wildlife. The elk, whose tiny, thumbnail-sized Karner Blue
The buzzword for this long view to lead the effort to rebuild the forests.
Michigan’s state forest covers 4 bugling draws visitors to the Pigeon butterfly, for example, lives only on
of maintaining forests is “sustain- River Country State Forest, for ex- lupine plants on small parts of Michi-
ample, need open space to thrive. gan’s landscape. Fire activates the
“Elk make use of early succes- reseeding process for lupine.
sional (forest) habitat. That is created After devastating fires in the late
by restarting a forest or regenerating 1800s and early 1900s, land-manage-
a forest, which is what you get when ment agencies took an active stance
you cut the trees,” said Scott Whit- against fire. That led to a buildup of
comb, manager of the Pigeon River dry fuels in the woods, which made
Country State Forest. “What the tim- forest fires even worse. Today, the
ber harvest mimics is natural distur- DNR also uses prescribed burns to get
bance, such as fire or a wind event.” rid of underbrush and deadwood that
Elk will feed on young aspen serve as fuels for wildfires.
trees for five to eight years, then other The DNR burned just over
species such as American woodcock, 5,900 acres this year, carefully and
ruffed grouse and various songbirds judiciously. Burns are cancelled if
will benefit in succeeding years. The weather is windy or conditions are too
goal in Pigeon River Country is to hot and dry.
maintain a mix of young, middle-aged “We’re doing it in a controlled
and mature forests. About a quarter way, and only in certain areas where
of the forest is currently young aspen biologists and wildlife experts feel it’s
cover. needed,” Rogers said.
Trees and other plants regenerating at the site of a clear-cut. “There’s a mosaic on the land- To learn more about how and why
scape that is constantly in the process the DNR manages Michigan’s state
MDNR photos of aging, being cut, starting over and forests, visit michigan.gov/forestry.n
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Woods-N-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication
By Nathan Miller
Tennis shoe hunters and How to hunt the Michigan two- getting a lot of birds coming back need to eat. Dry fields are what
day duck and goose season. and forth from roost/loaf to field. I the birds need to survive and live
beware as this story is
not for you. We are When always tell the wife and kids I will
see them for supper the night before.
another day. Both ducks and geese
feed hard and aggressive. Throw
talking of the Split here, All day! Given the weather Dress accordingly and have a pizza a little snow flurry or sleet in the
lines up, and going back through joint that can deliver to a duck or picture and you have the weather
where the temps on my journal, the last 10 years have goose blind, and you will keep working to your advantage. This
most years have shown me the weather is typical warm all day. late in the year the birds are holding
for late December. Cold, in the 25°
plummeted and the true to 35°F range, overcast, with west Where tight together and trying to dump in
over top of one another. The cold
waterfowler becomes or northwest winds. Last year was In a typical late December hunt, and a little white precipitation are
engulfed in the most something else though. We got cold,
real cold. -10° to -15°F at night and
we have birds and lots of them,
somewhere. I look for iced over
your best friends. It helps seal the
deal on some extremely educated
beautiful puffy balls of barely reaching zero for daytime lakes and ponds and open rivers are waterfowl.
feathers, seeking mercy highs in the week leading up to the a must. Obviously, rivers are the last Corn is usually the food of
Split. It was tough and we struggled to freeze in most cases. Last year we
for two cold days and worked our butts off to make were walking across a small river to
choice, but if I cannot get on the X
of the corn and I have a bean field
in December... the impossible happen. Well, the im- create an open hole with an ice eater bordering the corn I am never op-
possible got the better of us...that’s because of the sub-zero winter we posed to running traffic, throwing
ichigan’s Split another story. were enjoying. Normally the river every decoy in the trailer and three
duck and goose Hunting all day is normal. If we is my first of choice. Ducks love to other buddies’ trailers to pull them
season is on tap have high sun and bluebird skies, loaf in them and they are in and out birds over. Being in their flight path
for today. My an all-day hunt is probably in the all day long. From first light to early is the main advantage to running
favorite two days works. (Usually, the last hour of afternoon, there’ll be good shoot- traffic.
hunting time if temps dip below ing for everyone for a nice long day
of the year (most
years). I cannot explain to my wife 25°F.) With some heavy clouds, hunt. I wouldn’t ask for anything
how important these two days are. throw some snow or sleet and wind more. When I am hunting my favorite
The Split means more to me as a in there, and birds will be bopping Dry fields are almost right there river blind during the Split, I go big.
waterfowler than anything else the in and out all day. Flocks from pairs next to rivers. For me I have already I am usually seeing a few hundred
previous days of the regular season. to big Michigan wads of 200-plus put 20 or 30 hunts together in dry in here anyway, so I want to match
This will most likely my last duck mallards are showing up. Hunting fields throughout the regular season that as best as I can. Throwing out
hunt until the next season begins. a group of 6-8 hunters can take the and I look forward to ice cold rivers 10 dozen floaters, half on one side
The following is the When, Where, better part of the day. You will be a couple days a year, but the birds of the river and half on the other,
The Split means more to the
author as a waterfowler than
anything else the previous
days of the regular season.
The last duck shoot of the
year in Michigan and most
likely his last duck hunt until
the next season begins.
L e n Je n ki ns
In Good Cover (Including Blues)
From 47 Years Of Selective Breeding
Farm Raised, Exposed to Gun Fire and on Pheasants
Darrin took this
dandy 8-pt.
Oct. 1 in
16, took Allegan Co.
this after chas-
beautiful ing it for
trophy a couple
buck years and
on the would like
second to dedi-
day of cate this
bow buck to his
season in dad who
Ottawa passed
County. away a
few years Devin Langdon, 12, of Byron took this
ago to nice 11-pt. hunting Nov. 4. It’s Devin’s
leukemia! first buck!
Allen Beltinck,
Nelson 14, of
of Imlay Jack
Cam Shepherd,
City Ellsworth took Woodruff
took this with his down with his
trophy a 9-pt. first deer
Lapeer first buck
harvested for her he took
Co. first buck
buck with a while
bow! during hunting
dur- this years
ing the youth with his
archery hunt. dad.
Above: Johnston
family three-gener-
ations in the upland
woods! Left: Bran-
don and Brady John-
Karl Roeske III took this nice black
Kallie Schum-
ston on their first
bear with his bow during the acher, 13, of
woodcock hunt .
second hunt in the Amasa Unit. Deckerville Caleb Besson, 14, took a nice 9-pt.
Unfortunately the wolves got to his took this nice during the youth and Caleb and sister
bear before he did. buck. Chloe, 10, had a good duck hunt too.
12, took a
doe during
the early
doe season
and a 6-pt.
during the Jessica Sczepanski
youth hunt of Midland shot this
hunting great 6-pt. on Oct.
with her Khazen Morton hunting 3. She was hunting
dad in Ne- Mason Sierpien, 10, of the youth hunt bagged with her Darton
waygo Co. It Escanaba took his first bow over a food
was her first deer during the youth this nice big 9-pointer in
hunt in Delta County. St. Clair County. plot she planted.
There’s always an extra seat
our collar’s mounted Pennsylvania longrifle
turned up,” rested in peace against a weathered,
Phil Hawkins four-plank table. The owner’s shot
said in a soft, pouch and white, scrimshawed
casual tone. cow horn with a hand-woven strap
“I’m supposed to look rumpled,” hung on a wrought hook nailed to
Pastor Mus’rat Jack responded with a nearby post. A whiff of hardwood
a smile, “I just arrived on horse- smoke scented with bacon and eggs
back.” He felt along the collar of the drifted on a delicate breeze.
knee-length, black duster associated Dave, Jim and Marty walked
with circuit-riding ministers of the through the gateway in the split rail
early 1800s. “But people say I’m fence. “Morning, pastor,” Marty
rumpled on weekdays, too.” Murphy said with a tip of
In the shadow of the his blue cap. “Good morn-
two-story, log blockhouse, ing, gents,” the parson said.
Caleb Hawkins leaned The trio took a seat on
against the rugged hand- the blockhouse steps and
rail. With his fiddle across looked out over the Max
his chest, he plucked the Vickery Primitive Range
refrain to “Amazing Grace” on the home grounds of the
with his right thumb. A National Muzzle Loading
green wal- Rifle As-
nut, the size
of a British
Black Powder Shooting sociation,
located in
musket ball,
By Dennis Neely Friendship,
thrice on a wooden roof, then disap- At ten minutes before 9 o’clock
peared in a lush clover patch. on that bright June Sunday, the
Beside the clover, a brass- itinerant preacher removed a brass
wonder how popular TV had been invited up to a friend
shows like “Naked and of one of his brother’s camp near
Afraid” and “Survivor” are Munising after the war around
with the vanishing breed of 1946. There were 12 of them, his
men who served in WWII. dad, five of his brothers and a few
More specifically, are there cousins. They lugged up two large
survivors from ships that had been military tents. One was used for the
sunk in those war-ravaged waters, kitchen and supplies while the other
like the sailors who were rescued was used for sleeping. They spent a
after the sinking of the Indianapo- week there and got a few deer.
lis, who might view such reality He also remembers spearing
fodder, shake their heads and reach whitefish on Higgins Lake during
for the remote. the late ’40s with 14 foot boats, a
Doug Stanton, author of books small motor, three guys in the boat,
like In Harm’s Way and Horse a homemade lighting system and
Soldiers plus numerous articles for their own crafted spears. The guy
magazines and newspapers recently in front readied the lights as an at-
wrote a column for the New York tractant (he would submerge them)
Times which includes a reference and also did the spearing. The guy
that “over 16 million Americans in the middle was directing the
served in WWII and of them about route and the guy in back operated
497,000 are still with us today. the engine. “We limited out every
Around 400 of them are dying a time.”
day which means that sometime Joe, his brothers and other
within this generation, all will be family members did much of their
deceased.” deer hunting around the Grayling
But, back to surviving. Just (Michigan) area. He had purchased
over a month before the war ended, a plot of land in the Higgins Lake
the Indianapolis was torpedoed by a area before his enlistment in the
Japanese submarine. It sank quickly Navy and after returning from the
and of the 1,195 men aboard only war, a cabin took shape on the
318 were alive when help finally purchased lot.
arrived four and a half days later. Philippines. He never wanted to in the late ’40s both in the Upper One can tell the common
Stanton writes in his column that share much about what he saw and and Lower Peninsulas. The ritual of connection between Joe and his
as the men floated in the sea, they felt other than to say, “It was an heading to deer camp became even exploits is family. All of his hunt-
were blinded by the sun, hounded experience.” Joe, my father-in-law, more popular after the war partially ing and fishing trips were family
by hallucinations, thirst and hunger, was aboard the USS aircraft carrier due to the need for the camaraderie oriented. There were always broth-
attacked by sharks and eventually Casablanca. He is completely oppo- among those who served, and/or ers, cousins, and nephews along for
came to the realization that no one site. He will, at 94, relate to anyone those who would listen. the ride. “To me it was more about
was coming to rescue them. Some who wants to listen his experiences Deer and fish camps, as we having a good time then having a
aboard his ship. Though both were know them today, emerged in
gave up hope and swam away to good harvest.”
in similar environments but with the late 1930s and boomed in the Today most of Joe’s grandkids
die. Others surrendered to the mo- post-World War II era. Today we
different stories they were still
ment, but did not give up, helping cast from the same mold: young, are often overstimulated by tech-
appreciate what the outdoors offers
their shipmates even when it didn’t too. A few bird hunted, all of them
inexperienced on ocean waters, in- nology and the general pace of enjoy fishing and the camps and
seem to matter. volved in a conflict that could cost modern life. These camps can offer
Now, each summer when Lake stories that accompany such outing.
them their lives in a split second, a brief escape from that world. It He doesn’t trek the woods anymore
Michigan warms Stanton heads to away from home for the first time, is a chance to shed responsibilities
the lake and wonders how and if he but enjoys the two-track roads the
trusting of their values, fate and and concerns and get back to our group travels on and the chance to
would have survived the sinking nature that their cause was just and roots. Much like so many WWII
over 70 years ago like those aboard share his expertise with his son,
true. vets believed; all you really need his grandchildren, son-in-law and
the Indianapolis did. “I swim out Both of these sailors and thou- for success is someplace to lay your friends.
where the bottom swoops to the sands of others of “The Greatest head, a hot fire, a cool drink, and When I was ten, my dad offered
deep and dog-paddle. Five minutes Generation” of warriors came home good friends.
floating alone in the dark unable to me the use of his Shakespeare rod
victorious but also needed a chance In essence it wasn’t always and reel. It was the first time I ever
touch bottom, is the barest glimpse to escape what they had faced. about the hunt. Joe explains, “Yeah, went fishing by myself. He had
of the ordeal that those 318 men They needed to explain, but often I got a few bucks. Nothing too big! received a job offer in Grayling and
of the Indianapolis survived. Even found it difficult to verbalize. Many In fact I shot more does than bucks our family packed our belongings
though you’re certain you’re safe, of these veterans sought sanctuary, back then. To me it was more about and made the move from Petoskey
the mind skips a beat. I promise, if you will, in Michigan woods or what was happening around me to our new home a half block from
you tell yourself, tomorrow will be on the waters after their return. It in the woods then getting a deer. the Au Sable River. I would head to
a good day.” might have been with their fathers, People don’t realize just how busy the river as often as I could in those
My father and father-in-law their siblings, other family mem- the woods are. It’s a show in itself.”
were both Navy men. My dad bers or friends. Hundreds of hunt- He remembers his first Michi-
served aboard an LST out of the ing and fishing camps sprung up gan U.P. deer camp vividly. They Outdoor Heritage page 82
Hot Topics Continued... My Thoughts,
My Views, My Opinions
What’s happening to my outdoors? Share your thoughts, views, opinions
Dear Woods-N-Water News: but now only a great once in a while. Deer were or short stories with Woods-N-Water
I have to tell you about the October issue. everywhere, but only now are there very small
This was the best one ever. Not to say previous groups seen. News readers by emailing
What is going on?
issues weren’t any good but this issue was one I
really read over and over with all the good con- I used to have rabbit tracks in my yard, not wnw@pageone-inc.com or mail to
tents in it. The trail cam photo page had a couple
pictures I sent in but this is not why I am saying
anymore. On our property of 50 acres, we had
two eight-point bucks, two six-point bucks and Woods-N-Water News,
this two young spike bucks and the next year all were
gone. We did not disturb the area and did not
PO Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
I am wondering about the wildlife in the
Pickford area. I have noticed that there are fewer shoot anything. Questions regarding Woods-N-Water
flocks of Canada geese and sandhill cranes. There
are less fish in the Munuscong Bay to catch.
Where did these deer go? Are the wolves
getting these animals? Are there cougars around News subscriptions, newsstand
Used to be an abundance of walleye and there hunting them? The wintertime is not the excuse.
Something is going on in the past few years and
sales, Outdoor Weekend, stories,
were three main resorts in operation. Now there
is basically one. There were beavers and musk- I sure would like to know what is affecting the trophy page, contact our office
rats swimming in the river, now they are absent.
I used to hear the coyotes howling every night,
Concern Sportsman Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm 810-724-0254,
Randall Beard
www.woods-n-waternews.com or
Bay View Outdoor Heritage and WWII: from page 81 facebook woodsnwaternews
Resort & Motel years we were in Grayling. I still
have the reel, a Shakespeare 1700
some fish to be taken in the small,
deeper pool of water that sat wait-
He would explain how plentiful
the walleye were in this area then
• Open Year Round push button. I never have figured ing for me across the street. I don’t and how he and his dad limited
Day or Week out where the rod ended up. remember my father joining me out time after time from their fish
After most of my fishing adven- on the river banks consistently, but camp near Burt Lake. Sadly, I have
• HUBBARD LAKE tures my dad would ask a simple that doesn’t mean he didn’t relish more questions for him. My fa-
Home Of The New Record question: “Did you get anything the moments I had experienced ther has been gone for a few years
Small Mouth Bass. today?” That was it! There wasn’t a there. Now it’s not like he never now. However, he enjoyed many a
• A family and pet friendly lot of small talk just, “Did you get fished before. I remember watching fishing trip with his Navy friends
resort with 5 cottages and 3 anything today?” him go out the door, dipping net, and me after he retired. He and his
motel rooms located on the lake. I often wonder how he might waders and bucket in hand to attack pals would accompany a few of
have reacted if I told him, “Yeah, the millions of smelt which would my friends and me to Drummond
For more information Call
I did Dad! A 15-inch brookie on run up local creeks. Island. We swapped stories with the
a hunk of garden worm.” Now I I did talk to my dad about dip- old-timers which left us youngsters
never did catch anything worth ping and we would also discuss often spellbound.
www.bayviewresort.info bragging about, but there were the days when he was growing up. Yep, my dad and father-in-law
were also survivors. Though never
faced with the horrors that beset the
seamen of the Indianapolis, they
had their own waters to dog-paddle
in. When they were rescued from
their service they headed to Michi-
gan’s woods and waters for solace,
comfort and a sense of knowing
that what they were building at
these camps was a way for them to
experience the feeling that indeed,
“Tomorrow will be a good day.”n
Licensed Shooting
Mayville, MI
(989) 843-6576
• Dogs with Guides Available • Clubhouse
• Open 7 Days A Week • Bird Cleaning
• Fields With Excellent Cover & • Morning And Afternoon
Safety Fields In Between Hunts
• Birds Released After You Arrive • Extra Birds Shot are Free
• No Gun Or Membership Fees • Gift Certificates Available
Located 17 Miles North of Lapeer
Join us in sharing interesting and sometimes rare
trail cam and/or outdoor photos with our readers.
Send your photos to: wnw@pageone-inc.com
Dave Sczepanski’s trail cam WOW! Bill Koresky sent this trail cam photo of an
caught this upset bear tearing awesome beautiful buck taken in the backyard of his
down his other trail cam. mother’s house in Macomb County.
Larry Piotrowski with two beautiful trophy Marty Green of Commerce Twp. got a picture of two
bucks in Oakland County. bears in his “deer” food plot in Oscoda County.
started fishing when I was of the lures I fished with, and Shake-
old enough to walk and speare, the Kalamazoo tackle giant
climb down into a rowboat. that made all kinds of reels and the
Soon, I fell in love with superb Shakespeare fiberglass Won-
everything about the sport - derods. At that time of my fishing
just being outdoors, the fun career, I fished with a Shakespeare
of fishing with my older brother and #1755 green closed faced Wondereel
father, the special smells from inside that I still have, which was balanced
my Dad’s Kennedy tackle box, and with a wonderful white Shakespeare
of course the beauty of a bluegill, a Wonderod.
lake perch and even a rock bass. Fishing tackle manufacturing
Eventually, I went to work part was a relatively small business in
time selling fishing tackle while I the U.S. throughout most of the
was still a teenager learning more nineteenth century. That all started
and more by examining all of the to change in the 1890s and especial-
tackle that we sold and especially ly after 1900 when wood lures were
by talking to the many anglers who first introduced, better reels and rods
came into the store. I also read every were developed, and anglers had
tackle catalog that we had on file. more leisure time to go fishing.
Most of these were from the current The “Big 6” lure makers opened
year but some of them were from their doors during this period - Hed- This 1929 Abbey & Imbrie catalog was the first time they used color
years gone by dating back into the don from Dowagiac, Shakespeare on their cover. Lang’s Auctions photo
1950s, which for me was ancient from Kalamazoo, the Paw Paw
history. Even back then I noticed the Tackle Company from Paw Paw, manufacturing through the 1950s catalogs were sent to their many
artistic beauty of some of the covers. the South Bend Tackle Company and 1960s. customers - sporting goods dealers,
My favorites included the Arbogast from South Bend, Indiana, the The bigger manufacturers had sporting goods store chains and mail
front covers that almost always fea- Creek Chub Bait Company from the most money to spend on out- order houses. They were also given
tured a jumping bass (Fred Arbogast Garrett, Indiana, and the Enterprise door magazine advertising. They away at sports shows and mailed
was the maker of classic Jitterbugs Manufacturing Company (Pflueger) also promoted their array of prod- to consumers when a request was
and Hula Poppers, as well as other from Akron, Ohio. They all started ucts with larger catalogs and spent received. Many of them are rare
freshwater baits). small, developed the right products, more dollars commissioning qual- today with some of them being quite
Some of my other favorites were learned how to market and promote ity artwork for their catalog cov-
from Heddon, the Dowagiac, Michi- them, and grew into the six tackle ers as compared to the mid-sized
gan tackle company that made many companies that dominated lure and smaller manufacturers. These Old catalogs page 86
Left-Right: Montgomery Wards dominated mail order fishing tackle and marine sales during the late 1940s and 1950s. This 1916 Heddon catalog
recently sold for $2200 + 21% buyer’s premium at the Lang’s 2018 fall auction. Lang’s Auctions photo. This 1921 Heddon catalog entitled “Star ting
Him Right” sold for $750 + 21% buyer’s premium at the Lang’s 2018 fall auction. Lang’s Auctions photo. A 1931 South Bend pocket catalog.
Old fishing tackle catalogs:
from page 85
valuable. The one exception was and Company in 1875. The Clerk
South Bend who must have given Company was a New York City fish-
away many thousands of them each ing tackle retailer that was founded
year based on how common South in 1820. Abbey and Imbrie fell on
Bend catalogs are today. hard times in the late 1920s and was
Some of the larger mail order eventually sold in 1930 to Horrocks-
houses also developed some very Ibbotson, a Utica, New York tackle
nice catalogs with attractive and col- manufacturer and wholesaler who
orful front covers. I have included bought the rights to the company’s
two examples in this month’s article. name and logos but little else.
The first is a 1929 Abbey and Imbrie Abbey and Imbrie did have some
128-page fishing tackle catalog with good looking black and white front
a bright red front cover featuring covers earlier, but their 1929 catalog
a smallmouth bass and the A & I appears to have been their first use
dolphin logos. The company began of color on the cover. This Abbey The Creek Chub catalog from 1935 features a young girl with a huge
when partners L.H. Abbey and C.F. and Imbrie 1929 catalog recently largemouth on the front cover…and a smiling young boy with apparently
Imbrie bought out the Andrew Clerk sold for $169.40 in the Lang’s fall an even larger bass on the back cover. Lang’s Auctions photo
2015 auction, which includes a 21% ing a charging largemouth about an even larger bass. Note the NRA
buyer’s premium. to engulf a Heddon Crab Wiggler. stamp on the lower left of the front
The second mail order company This 16-page catalog recently sold cover. This catalog sold for $225 +
featuring great front covers was the for $2200 + 21% buyer’s premium 21% buyer’s premium at the recent
now defunct Montgomery Wards at the Lang’s 2018 fall auction. The Lang’s fall auction.
from Chicago, the cross town com- second Heddon catalog, their 1921 The two South Bend catalogs
pany that aggressively competed issue, is entitled: “Starting Him highlight a pair of young anglers
with Sears Roebuck for so many Right” and shows a grandfather buy- and their great catches. The 1931
years. Wards had a strong lineup ing a Heddon Crab Wiggler for his catalog features a nice stringer of
of fishing tackle and marine prod- smiling grandson. It sold for $750 largemouth bass plus the lure used
ucts from the late 1940s through + 21% buyer’s premium at the same to catch them - South Bend’s all-
the 1950s when they backed off auction. Of special interest, there is time best-selling bait, their red and
and relinquished tackle and marine a note on the rod and reel pages to white Bass Oreno shown on the
sales to Sears and other competitors. add 10% to the listed cost to cover right side of the cover. The 1932
Their catalogs from this era were the war tax. catalog cover shows a proud young
well done and have some surprising I have included just one Creek angler hoisting a 20-lb. plus muskie
collector value today. Chub Bait Company catalog, which that he caught while fishing in a
The “Big Six” lure companies is my favorite. Shown are the front canvas covered canoe.
all produced powerful catalogs cover and the equally amazing The 1926 Pflueger pocket
except for the Paw Paw Tackle back cover from this 1935 48-page catalog states, “For every species of
Company. Their catalogs were catalog. The front cover features a Game Fish - Fresh and Salt Water.”
simple and unexciting though they little girl in a sundress holding up The impressive front cover takes
Pflueger’s 1941 pocket catalog sold hundreds of thousands of lures an enviable largemouth bass, and care of the fresh water species with
features a young woman battling a during their peak years. Two Hed- the back cover shows a barefoot boy a charging bass just about to strike
smallmouth hooked on a Pflueger don catalogs are pictured. One is sitting on an antique automobile one of Pflueger’s tandem spinners.
fluted Spinner. the very rare 1916 catalog featur- fender holding what appears to be The back page highlights a salt wa-
Left-Right: This 1932 South Bend Pocket Catalog featured another young angler with a 20 lb. plus muskie. Next, Pflueger’s 1926 pocket catalog fea-
tures a charging smallmouth on the front cover about to engulf a Pflueger Tandem Spinner…and a high jumping Tarpon on the back cover and a 1930
Shakespeare catalog shows two successful anglers with a nice stringer of bass on what appears to be a farm pond.
ter species - a high jumping tarpon ly throwing a frog colored Arbogast
easily clearing the water’s surface. Jitterbug to escape for another day–
The second Pflueger pocket catalog, an attention getter for sure.
their 1941 edition, shows a smiling I saved two “Made in Michigan”
angler fighting a bass that she has catalogs for the last. The first is Ep-
hooked on a Pflueger spinner. Note pinger’s humorous mail order front
the carefully placed Pflueger lures cover from 1931. Eppinger, was and
next to her on the boat seat. still is today, the manufacturer of
The next series of great look- legendary Dardevle spoons. They
ing front catalog covers come from were also a successful Detroit sport-
Shakespeare, Horrocks-Ibbotson, ing goods retailer who published
True Temper, Wright and McGill semi-annual mail order catalogs
and Arbogast. Shakespeare’s 1930 featuring all kinds of fishing tackle,
catalog cover shows two fishermen camping and hunting equipment.
fishing out of a rowboat with an Our last catalog is the 1965 He-
impressive stringer of largemouth. lin Tackle catalog featuring a photo
Needless to say, they are fishing of Larry Helin holding a near world
with Shakespeare reels and rods and record 23 lb. 8 oz. Arctic Char that
using Shakespeare lures, though you he caught on the Tree River in the
cannot see what the lures were. far north of Canada the previous
The Horrocks-Ibbotson’s illus- summer. Larry is the oldest son of
trated 1938 cover shows a wading Charles Helin, the inventor of the
trout fisherman about to net a trout. “World Famous Flatfish” lure. Larry
They proclaimed themselves to be is now a young 86-year-old angler
“The largest manufacturer of fishing and good friend who lives near
tackle in America,” a slight exag- Lapeer.
geration. They specialized in low I would like to thank the follow- Larry Helin and his near world record 23 lb. 8 oz. Arctic Char were featured
priced reels, rods, lures and tackle ing people for allowing me to use on the front cover of the 1965 Helin catalog. He hooked it on a Flatfish.
of all kinds. The 1941 True Temper their fishing tackle catalog covers:
catalog states they were the “Rod of Debbie, John and Christina Ganung
Champions,” which is accurate as from Lang’s Auctions; Joan and
they were the largest manufacturer Don Lyons from the Heddon Mu-
of steel fishing rods in the U.S. This seum in Dowagiac, and Frank Baron
changed after WWII when Shake- and Larry Helin.
speare and Conolon both introduced Feel free to contact the author
fiberglass fishing rods, and steel at antiquefishing@comcast.net with
rods became a thing of the past. your questions. Photographs are im-
The Wright and McGill 1941 portant, so please send them. They
catalog front cover might be a little help me with identification and give
over the top color-wise, but it cer- me an idea of the condition of the
tainly tells their story featuring the item.n
company’s eagle with a trout held
tightly in its talons and that they sell Right: This ar tistic 1941 True
fish hooks. The 1982 Arbogast cata- Temper catalog caught the
log shows a smallmouth successful- reader’s interest. They were
the leading manufacturer of
steel rods at that time.
Left-Right: The 1938 Horrocks-Ibbotson catalog features a wading fisherman about to net a trout - all caught on an H-I bamboo rod, reel, line and
flies. A very colorful 1941 catalog from Wright McGill cer tainly told the story that they made Eagle Claw hooks. Cer tainly one of all-time great catalog
covers from Arbogast - a smallmouth throwing an Arbogast Jitterbug. The 1931 Eppinger mail order catalog featured this humorous cover. They not
only sold Dardevles but all kinds of tackle plus camping & hunting equipment. Frank Baron catalog.
The PATH Foundation
Passing along the heritage of Michigan’s
great outdoors…By Tom Lounsbury
hildren Charters, Inc. got its start 21 allows him independent mobility in the woods in a
years ago to create outdoor opportuni- manner that is way better than his wheelchair.
ties in Michigan for disadvantaged Clearly a religiously devout young man, Zeke
families and children. The original also considered being able to attend the recent
founders were notable outdoor TV PATH hunting function as another blessing and had
show host Bob Garner and his good travelled to the Thumb from his home in Engle-
friend Bob Knoop of Gaines. It would begin small wood, Tennessee with his parents Jeff and Beverly
by providing fishing and hunting equipment for Hembree. He was clearly very excited about being
those in need, but continue to steadily grow, and in there, and after checking out his hunting blind, he
2008 became the PATH (Passing Along The Heri- let it be known that he wanted to go to the shooting
tage) Foundation which provides a wide variety of range to make sure his scoped rifle was still accu-
outdoor activities (including the necessary equip- rate after 15 hours on the road.
ment and volunteer guides) such as hunting and Watching Zeke and his father work smoothly
fishing for both children and adults with physical together to get Zeke’s scoped Ruger bolt-action in
handicaps, and also includes disabled military 7mm-08 ready for shooting with a special gun rest A proud 12-year-old Zeke Hembree counts the 22
veterans. Bob Knoop is President of PATH and he mounted on the hunting chair let me know they had points of the big buck he shot during a PATH hunt
certainly has a busy schedule. everything worked out as a team, and in no time held recently at the Trophy Ranch near Ubly.
Just recently, PATH would hold a series of Zeke was ready to aim and fire. After the shot, Zeke deer drive, which this was, I thoroughly enjoy be-
hunts, including food and lodging, during a 10 stated very matter of fact that it was a “bulls-eye,” ing a “pooch.” There is that distinct anticipation of
day period for whitetails and hogs at the Trophy which it sure was. He was ready to go hunting, and moving deer, hopefully in the right direction, and
Ranch Hunting Preserve, owned by Kevin Anthony made no bones about it. It was clear he meets life then hearing the shot from those on stand, signal-
of Ubly. Just down the road, the Rooster Ranch and its challenges head on, and on his own terms, ing that your efforts were not in vain, and definitely
Hunting Preserve owned by Kevin’s brother Kim which I much admire and deeply respect. There was requiring a bit of teamwork.
Anthony would also provide guided pheasant hunts no doubt in my mind Zeke is an inspiration for oth- Chris was on the left and I on the right while
with dogs, and good fishing opportunities in nearby ers. we were easing through the cover when we spotted
large ponds was available as well. Barbeques and In no time, Zeke was driving his hunting chair deer slipping through the shadows ahead of us, and
entertainment would also be included on the agenda up the ramp of the hunting trailer he had just previ- moving in the direction we knew Zeke was patient-
making it all a wonderful outdoor experience for the ously inspected, and would be joined by his parents ly waiting. Among the deer was a remarkable buck
participants. and Bob Knoop who would act as hunting guide. I that was a standout, and in no time all of the deer
I made a point of travelling to the Trophy climbed in the tow vehicle, which was a 4-passen- had slipped away from us, as we waited and were
Ranch at the start of things, to review matters, ger Kubota ATV, with Chris Anthony, Kevin’s son, hoping to hear Zeke shoot in the distance.
something I have been meaning to do for some time at the wheel. We would tow the trailer down a wind- Time ticked away, and then there was the shot,
now. My good friend Ken Kelly of Mag-Na-Port ing trail through the woods and it was a viewing ad- which certainly seemed to have a final note to it,
International is the Vice President of PATH and has venture of its own when we encountered a number and we were sure Zeke had made a good hit, as
been inviting me to come and check it all out, but of critters which included whitetail, sika and fallow there were no follow up shots. Chris and I hiked
the timing didn’t work out until now. You might say deer, hogs and even elk which the Trophy Ranch back to the Kubota and headed down the trails to
I was in for an eye opening experience, and as is provides for its hunters. When it came to whitetails see what the final results were. As we approached
often the case, I would also have an opportunity to however, Zeke would be seeking out specific deer. the hunting blind, we could see folks gathered up in
meet some really great folks. Dennis Dobson of Double D Whitetails had the brush. I will never forget seeing a very excited
The first thing to catch my eye when I arrived generously brought in and released a number of out- Zeke who had gotten off his hunting chair and was
were the camouflage trailers – hunting blinds which standing bucks specifically for the PATH hunt. This seated on the ground and counting the multiple
could be towed to a hunting site, set up, offering had been done a couple weeks prior to allow the points on the antlers of the big buck he had just
unique shooting windows and special ramps which deer time to adapt to the environment, and white- shot. You might say the wide and heavy rack was
make them very handicap accessible. tails are whitetails, especially in acres of heavy almost like a briar patch because it featured 22
That is when I saw and met 12-year-old Zeke cover, so this wasn’t a slam-dunk affair. points.
Hembree checking matters out while seated in his Once the hunting trailer was disconnected and Zeke had made an excellent shot, and had
electric powered, 4-wheel drive vehicle he called it and its occupants were set up, Chris and I climbed aimed for what I call the “sweet spot,” which is
his “hunting chair,” which reminded me of an in the Kubota and followed a number of trails to a high shoulder hit that will anchor a deer in its
Amigo on steroids. It was clear he became one with a destination deep in the woods. With the sunny tracks, and with quick and final results. The buck
the hunting chair when on it, which offered him ex- temperature in the 80s that day, deer were obviously had appeared briefly in the distance and then
cellent mobility as he worked the controls in a very holed-up in dense and shady thickets to stay cool, disappeared in the heavy cover. Then it suddenly
natural manner with his left hand. Zeke began using and would require some legwork to shake them reappeared and offered Zeke, who was ready and
his hunting chair four years ago when he started loose. Chris and I set out on foot to make matters waiting, a 30 yard shot, which he performed with-
deer hunting and considers it a true blessing which happen, and when it comes to a good old fashioned out hesitation. Hunting is definitely in his blood,
and Zeke was sure his trophy was going to dwarf
his father’s largest buck hanging on the wall back
Once back at the hunting lodge with the buck,
Zeke decided it was time to go fishing, which he
did. It was clear that he wanted to savor everything
he could of a great outdoor experience. A couple
days later, he would go to the nearby Rooster Ranch
to eagerly hunt pheasants with a shotgun while rid-
ing in his hunting chair behind the bird dogs.
For me, it was an honor to meet and share the
field with Zeke Hembree who is an amazing young
man. I also thoroughly appreciate and support all
the efforts that I witnessed that PATH and its vol-
unteers are doing to make sure of passing along the
heritage of Michigan’s great outdoors.
For more information, go to www.passing-
All the folks involved at a recent PATH hunt held at the Trophy Ranch near Ubly. alongtheheritage.com.n
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queen iComfort mattress included. Amish lodge furniture. Call Dan Want to go fishing? Come to spears, decoys, M/M & Bunny 25 years experience guiding for WOODED PARCEL primarily
New in plastic, As Seen On TV. 989-832-1866. M-4-14-TFN Northern Walleye Lodge for boots, Pike Busters, the battery deer and bear. Baited stands in wooded with mature White Pine and
Cost $3,800. Sell for $975. 989- Great Walleye, Small Mouth, powered decoy system and Amasa, Baraga, and Bergland Maple Trees. The terrain is essen-
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MATTRESS SET. Clean. Never MANAGEMENT. I have a .............................................. way with a culvert leading to the
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ment plan for your property. Visit seats. Upgrade boats available. ELK & DEER GUIDED
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and more info . . . with boat and motor. Text or call
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WANTED www.northernwalleyelodge.com 989-493-2909. H-9-12/18 point. Ranch phone 989-846-6228. as the southern boundary has
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To reach an immense outdoor market use the . . . success rate, no deer, no pay. Call HL-10-3 Lake frontage $485K. One in North
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ROOSTER RANCH - deep well submersible paved road
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great pheasant hunting, 15 with state snowmobile trail close by.
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A = Archery FP = Food Plots HW = Help Wanted SM = Snowmobiles Four bedrooms, 3 ¼ baths. 24 x 48
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Beautiful 4-bdrm, 3 bath home on 10 ACRES!! Over Cute 2-bdrm home on 5 wooded lots for plenty of el- This spacious 4-bdrm, 2.7 bath home is beautiful & well- 3-bdrm, one bath home needs some TLC but is locat- Immaculate ranch-style manufactured home w/3-bdrms, 2
500’ of frontage on the gorgeous Rifle River for excel- bow room and a garage for storage. Near State lands maintained. So many fantastic amenities, full walkout ed in fantastic recreational area and near both Rifle full bath, open floor plan, formal dining, mudroom, master
lent fishing and kayaking. So many great amenities, and many lakes for fishing, boating and swimming. A bsmt, 2.5 ACRES, finished garage, large deck, privacy and George Lakes for fishing, boating and swimming. suite, 30x40 garage and more. This property would also
including 2 garages! A must see home and property!! great place to call your getaway or cozy year round!! fence, tasteful landscaping & above ground pool!! Also close to many trails for the outdoor enthusiast!! make a great place for a hunting club or church retreat!!
$339,500 1852070 $34,900 1851463 $199,900 1837404 $35,900 1852749 $176,000 1851925
This cute 2-bdrm home has been freshly painted in- Move-in ready 4-bdrm ranch-style home on 30 ACRES, Well-maintained 2-bdrm mobile home with 2-story barn- 2-bdrm home, knotty pine interior, hardwood floors, This 3-bdrm home sits on a deep lot with some shade
side and out and is just waiting for you nestled among w/garage, full walkout bsmt, 9x11 bonus room or office, style garage on 2 partly wooded lots. Upper level of main floor master, full walkout bsmt, move-in ready trees and has been freshly painted. On almost an acre
beautiful hardwoods. Only one neighbor to the south family room, master suite, deck, porch and beautiful 30x20 pole barn could be used for your guests & has liv- & mostly furnished! Lakeside deck & boat dock w/ of land and located in great recreational area and not
and has northwesterly views over beautiful farmlands!! wooded views of property and your very own pond!! ing area, bdrm, kitchen & bath! Also near AuSable River!! speed boat, hoist and trailer included in selling price!! far from lakes. Exterior of home does need some TLC!!
$39,900 1848932 $167,900 1853504 $44,500 1838111 $164,900 1849059 $45,900 1848661
Nice 3-bdrm ranch-style home w/garage, formal This home on all sports lake is in need of repair but has Over 2300 square feet of living space, 3-bdrm, 2 full bath Affordable 2-bdrm, 2 bath home w/large rooms, appliances, Nice 3, possible 4, bdrm home on OVER 1/2 ACRE, w/ga-
dining, bright kitchen w/island & breakfast nook, water frontage on 38 acre lake! Garage for storage, and 4-car garage. Home has beautiful views from multiple lots of kitchen cabinets, generator, 16x14 sunroom, paved rage, newer metal roof, remodeled bath, newer windows,
spacious walk-in closet, master suite, wrap-around fenced yard for your pets, sandy beach area and 16x24 decks & is located in great subd w/access to 2 all sports circular drive, breezeway from home to 24x24 garge, newer newer well, laminate floors, gas log FP, appliances, snack
deck w/beautiful views, a pond & boat dock!! bldg for more storage or guest sleeping quarters!! lakes, golf course, tennis courts, trails, camping & more!! windows & newer roof & you can walk to State land!! bar area, large yard w/fire pit & 3 miles from town!!
$149,900 1810533 $49,900 1849090 $143,900 1846541 $49,900 1849274 $89,995 1853056
Well-maintained 2-bdrm home with a beautiful view of This home has over 2000 square feet, beautiful wood This 2-bdrm home with attached garage sits on AN ACRE 3-bdrm, 2 bath home with frontage on BIG WILLIAMS Cozy one bedroom home with deeded access to
all sports RIFLE LAKE and just across the road from 20 ceilings, bedrooms on both floors, bamboo wood floors, of property and is just a short distance to all sports Lake LAKE. Ranch-style home w/addition, partial walkout 190 acre all sports lake! Updates include newer well,
foot access spot! Spacious living area, hickory cabinets, laminate floors, knotty pine interior, heated breezeway, George. Has wood flooring, large front deck, full base- bsmt, master suite, FP, sunroom, wrap-around deck w/ newer roof and newer siding on garage. Home also
knotty pine interior, carport, deck, covered porch & more!! garage w/elec, encl porch, deck & much more!! ment, paved driveway and a second 24x28 garage!! gorgeous views, garage & 60’ of sandy lake frontage!! has wood floors & a sunroom & the garage is heated!!
$79,500 1847245 $100,000 1849751 $69,000 1844224 $105,900 1842289 $65,000 1818008
3 Nice 2-bdrm home just down the road from private boat Nice 3-bdrm home located in great recreational area near 2-bdrm, 2 bath stick built home w/garage & almost Lovely 3-bdrm, 2 bath home that is move-in ready w/little Spacious brick and vinyl 2-bdrm home with 1674 square
access & near sandy beach at STYLUS LAKE! Wood many lakes and state land! Would make the perfect year 1700 square feet of living space! Newer roofing and updates needed and 90 feet of canal frontage leading to feet of living space, formal dining, some appliances, family
floors, nice kitchen w/lots of cabinets & snack bar, balco- round home or an excellent weekend or vacation getaway! newer furnace. Property is nicely landscaped and 30 acre private lake! Open floor plan, newer appliances, room w/its own entrance, huge 72x39 heated 5-car garage
ny, 2-story gambrel-style garage, rear deck & much more!! Large fenced yard for your pets & deck for relaxing!! has a picnic area and a one acre pond with dock!! master suite, 31x15 deck with fantastic lake views!! plus 24x32 pole bldg, both wired for electric & much more!
$114,900 1849895 $59,900 1851030 $129,900 1841975 $59,900 1853977 $134,900 1848848
4-bdrm home on large lot in need of some TLC and updat- Updated 3-bdrm on full bsmt w/laminate floors, newer Cute 3-bdrm vertical log home w/partial bsmt and Beautiful park-like setting w/3-bdrm, 2 full bath home, Neat and clean 2-bdrm year round home or affordable
ing. Open floor plan w/lots of charm and is a fixer-upper stainless steel appliances, family room, maintenance- detached garage for storage, wood stove to keep you AC, great room, FP, master suite, walk-in closets, 3-sea- getaway just across road from lake access. Move-in
with good bones. Located in very desirable area and near free lighted Trex decking, newer windows, newer doors & warm, screened porch, move-in ready and mostly fur- son room, garage & blacktop drive. Two stocked ponds ready with partly knotty pine interior, FP and is mostly
all sports Lake George for fishing, swimming & boating!! newer siding and a 30x24 garage plus shed for storage!! nished! Great year round home or affordable getaway!! w/flowing artesian wells & your own outdoor gazebo!! furnished. Located just 100 feet from DNR boat access!!
$49,900 1851324 $134,900 1850717 $49,900 1850311 $139,900 1848506 $49,900 1837134
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Amazing Applegate Hunting Preserve! 1/2 Million+ 810.449.1286 170 ACRES GENESEE COUNTY
Dollars Worth Deer/Elk Inventory Included in Sale. - OR - Amazing Ranch Home & Guest House,
Ranch Home & Lodge - Several Outbuildings Office:
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*DV 810.653.4500
$1,250,000 *DV $1,650,000
Great farming, income producing. 1/2 mile on Fantastic Development Opportunity. Drummond Island - Cabin
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*DV $1,250,000 *DV $419,000 *DV $949,000
5 Pole Barns, 2-Story Home, 55 acres + 38 Bonus Hunting acres,
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*DV $425,000 *DV $450,000 *DV $459,000
E N D IN 60
10 Acres+/- Great Hunting Property, Log Home, Pond, 30x40 Pole Barn, Gorgeous 3270 Sq Ft Ranch with
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*DV $159,000 $159,000 *DV $249,900 *DV $399,000
OR CALL 810-449-1286
RECREATIONAL PROPERTY ATTENTION HUNTERS! 43+ Wooded acres full of wildlife! Long wind-
ing driveway leads to an opening w/a big pavilion & fire pit that over-
looks a gorgeous pond! Groomed trails all throughout property, cross-
ing over Evergreen Creek w/a beautifully crafted bridge. Awesome,
private building site for your new home, a hunt club or just a great get a
way! Family owned for 60+ years & woods never harvested! Washburn
acres of softwood and hardwood SOFTWOOD HILLS: Large beaver
bush uncut with creek flowing into pond and creek runs thru property, next 120 ACRE FENCED LICENSED DEER FARM! A true Hunter’s Paradise!
Mostly wooded w/2 huge connecting ponds, miles of groomed trails,
lake huron. Shoreline is over a half to above property if more acreage is dear blinds & stands, 30x50 pole finished heated pole barn bunk-
J. McLeod
mile facing south with a fixer upper required. Property is great for bear house, plus a gorgeous Cape Cod 5 bdrm 3.5 bath home! Hunting, fish-
hunt camp plus a 2-bedroom cabin hunting, white tail and grouse. Four ing, 4 wheeling all at your fingertips! Filion, MI (in the Thumb of MI)
Realty Inc.
with a well, solar and generator miles off year-round maintained road.
power. Separate garage, storage $109,900 US. ONLY $275 PER ACRE. FRONTAGE ON ALL SPORTS MURPHY LAKE! 209 Acre lake w/year
building and sauna. All food plots round fun at your fingertips. Fishing, boating & snowmobiling at your
and blinds ready for the 2018 deer 1,350 ACRES: Prime hunting prop- Millington back door, plus State Hunting Land just around the corner! 2 Parcels:
Breathtaking 2.46 wooded acres w/80’ of frontage, $169,900 Or a
season. Small game and water fowl erty - 50 min. East of International unique parcel w/room to park your camper plus a private boat launch
out your front door with all species Bridge. Hunt camp, hardwood that could bring in a summer income. $19,250 Millington, MI
of fish to whale up a storm from 900,000 board feet, and also some
your dock. Financing may be avail- softwood. Timber info available on
able. All realtors protected and request. Miles of trails thru-out.
comissions paid on sales closing. Beaver ponds and streams. Small
ASKING $279,900 US. amount of open area. $809,900 US.
PROPERTY. CLOSE TO Lighthouse Point serviced with hydro,
telephone, sewer, water, gas, cable on
117 Wooded Acres, Golden Township Oceana County. Great Elevation,
Multiple Building Sites. Great Hunting of Deer, Turkey, & Partridge. Trails Cut
SAULT STE. MARIE, paved street. Airport, marina and hos- Throughout the Wooded Terrain. Hardwoods Under Forestry Management.
pital in area. No time limit for building.
MICHIGAN BORDER Waterfront lots 100’– 478’ frontage, Coldwell Banker Woodland Schmidt - Hart
waterview lots 80’ frontage. Prices from 2332 N Comfort Drive • Hart, MI 49420
*LAND CONTRACTS $9,999 US and up.
Sue Payne
lot has it all): 60 miles east of Sault Ste.
www.SuePayneHomes.com • 231-730-8195
Marie. 300’ frontage on Bright Lake near
Hwy 17 East (lake area approx.. 24 sq.
NOW OPEN!!! miles), year-round access with power to
property. Inland lake has Perch, Bass,
DUCK • GOOSE Walleye and Northern Pike. Priced to sell
at $109,900 US.
acres with hunting camp, 25 miles east
MOOSE & WHITETAIL of Sault St. Marie Ontario, property is
gated, isolated and wooded, with an
TROPHY DEER & BEAR insulated 4 bedroom, 2-story cabin.
Generator wired. 20-acre lake and 2
streams. Great Bear Hunting! Two
FISHING!!! Deer plots! Five deeds, no guide
required, underpriced at $239,900 US. E6809 E SANDENE • IRONWOOD TWP 49911
OTHER PROPERTIES WOW ONLY $315 PER ACRE. Terms 80 Wooded Hunting Acres Renovated
available, excellent buy!
AVAILABLE SMALL AND 4 Bdrm, 2 Full Bath, 2200 Sq Ft. Farm House.
ONTARIO: this is in a great hunting Near N
with fields adjacent to this parcel. in Sanilac 121
ASKING $52,900 O.B.O.
County Acres
Don't Delay, 160 ACRES HARDWOOD & $
SOFTWOOD: Large beaver pond. 326,700
Make An Offer. 40 acres of Hunting Bliss. Ranch home OR
Only 2 miles off year-round main- Will
with a full walk out basement, 3 bedrooms, $
LOOKING FOR tained road. 35 minutes East of
2 full baths, gourmet kitchen. All season consider 2,700 per acre
Sault, Ontario. $49,900 US. 1,320 ft
OFFERS!!! Sun room with separate entrance. Attached all offers.
LAJAMBE OFFICE: (705) 248-9663 CELL: (705) 941-8355 3 car garage plus a 32’ X 48’ Pole Barn (can
FAX: (705) 248-1110
fit 2 semi trucks) 14 ft doors. Deer, rabbit
“Just a Click Away!”
• Subscriptions
• Email the Editor
A rare opportunity to own 419 acres located near Gaylord, MI professionally managed for • Classifieds - Buy, Sell, Trade
timber production and wildlife preservation. • Send Photos or Story Tips
Forest includes northern hardwoods and aspen with plantations of red pine and hybrid • Advertising Information
poplar. Recent professional standing timber appraisal is available upon request. www.woods-n-waternews.com
13931 E. M-32
Johannesburg, MI 49751
320 Acre
Listed by: Deer
Chris Paffi, Smith Realty Farm
Group 989-350-2229 Located between Charlevoix
MLS# 313111 and Traverse City.
10 foot x 3 mile fence.
Mostly wooded, mostly maple.
Trout pond, access to
shooting ranges.
P.O. Box 278 • 594 N. Almont Ave.
Imlay City, MI 48444
Carol Steiger, Associate Broker
(231) 627-9991 Office
(989) 351-0110 Cell
email: carol.steiger@remax.net 125+ Acres with 1700 Feet of Betsie River No Bluff Frontage
846 S. Main, Cheboygan, MI MLS# 1850533 - Offered at $627,000
1 BD, 1 BA cabin on 5 10 acres, 1 BD, 1 BA 1 BD cabin on 4.3 acres 2 BD, 1 BA, 2.5 wooded 1 BD, 1 BA, 2.5 acres
acres with a 25x20 stor- trailer, well and septic. in the heart of hunting acres. New flooring, up- with-in walking distance
age building. Property Access to the beach and snowmobiling area. dated kitchen and a new to the Little O Trail
is level and beautiful is up the road and fed- Features a new roof and pellet stove to keep you head. With federal land
with a nice mixture of eral land a 1/4 of a mile has recently been re- toasty warm all winter! adjoining the property
trees. The cabin is a away. Nice area to enjoy modeled. Priced right to Over-sized 2 car, de- it’s a great place to hunt
shell with endless pos- everything the great up sell come see this one tached garage for lots of or a base for riding the
sibilities. north offers! soon! storage. trails!
MLS 18011799 $34,900 MLS 18043192 $39,900 MLS 18033356 $40,900 MLS 18028004 $42,500 MLS 18044528 $55,900
Nicely wooded 1+ Acre 2.69 acres, close to 1 acre parcel, 42’ 5th Wooded 10 acre par-
vacant land. A perfect Federal Land, borders 5 wooded acres of va- Wheel Camper that has cel offers with Federal
spot to get away up snowmobile trail 340. cant land on a county been upgraded including Land in the back, has
north for the weekend Great spot for hunting or maintained road. Would a stackable washer and electric available, and
to go camping! Access camping. Easy access make an excellent build- dryer, oversize fridge, a little clearing already
is by county road. Land from a county main- ing site, or camping and new tires. Two wells, in place. Easy to get to
contract terms are tained road. LC terms spot. Available on Land septic, and electric on and a great Hunting Lo-
available. available. Contract. site. cation.
MLS 18018874 $9,400 MLS 17037582 $13,900 MLS 18023822 $18,900 MLS 18039503 $24,900 MLS 18043326 $29,900
Child Recliners 99
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