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Identifying the Elements of a Story

I. Learning Objectives

 Name and differentiate the elements of the story

 Identify the setting, main character and secondary character, climax and
ending of the story listened to
 Show fair and honest decision through wise judgment

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Identifying the setting, main character and secondary

character, climax and ending of the story.

b. References: PELC I 1.4.1

Holy Bible, 1 Kings 3:16-28
Developing Reading Power 6, pp.
c. Materials: Holy Bible, charts

Value Focus: Fairness and Honesty

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Motivation

Teacher leads the pupils to close their eyes and listen attentively to
sounds heard from their surroundings. (15 seconds)

Process the experience by asking:

1. What sound did you hear while your eyes were closed?

Possible Answers: human voice, gusty wind, noise,

crumpling of paper, etc.

2. Did you hear the beating of your heart?

Possible Answers: Yes/No

3. In what situations should you listen to what your heart tells you?
(answers vary)
2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Give the letter of the word or phrase that is closest to the meaning of
the underlined words in the sentences. Choose from the box.

a. amazed or surprised
b. make, give
c. women who engage in sexual
activities for money
d. take as the rightful owner
e. take care of and watch over

__________1. Prostitutes work in night clubs whose customers are


(Answer: c)

__________ 2. I nurse my newly born infant well.

(Answer: e)

__________ 3. “You can claim your prize in the office,” said the contest

(Answer: d)

__________ 4. The audience was awed as they watched the acrobatic


(Answer: a)

__________ 5. We are given talents to render service to others.

(Answer: b)

3. Motive Question

How did Solomon make the wise judgment?

B. Development of Lesson

1. Presentation

The teacher reads to the pupils the story, “Solomon Judges Wisely”.

Some time later, two prostitutes came to the king to have an

argument settled. “Please, my lord”, one of them began, “this woman
and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a baby while she was with
me in the house. Three days later, she also had a baby. We were
alone; there were only two of us in the house. But her baby died
during the night when she rolled over on it. Then she got up in the
night and took my son from beside me while I was asleep. She laid her
dead child in my arms and took mine to sleep beside her. And in the
morning when I tried to nurse my son, he was dead! But when I
looked more closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t my son at
Then the other woman interrupted, “It certainly was your son,
and the living child is mine.”
“No,” the first woman said, “the dead one is yours, the living one
is mine.” And so they argued back and forth before the king.
Then the king said, “Let’s get the facts straight. Both of you claim
the living child is yours, each says that the dead child belongs to the
other. All right, bring me a sword.” So a sword was brought to the
king. Then he said, “Cut the living child into two and give half to each
of these women!”
Then the woman who really was the mother of the living child,
and who loved him very much, cried out, “Oh no, my lord! Give her the
child – please do not kill him!”
But the other woman said, “All, right, he will be neither yours nor
mine; divide him between us!”
Then the king said, “Do not kill him but give the baby to the
woman who wants him to live, for she is his mother!”
Word of the king’s decision spread quickly throughout all Israel,
and the people were awed as they realized the great wisdom God had
given him to render decisions with justice.

2. Analysis and Discussion

a. Answering the Motive Question

 Solomon ordered to have the baby killed. From that move, he
was able to prove to himself who the real mother was.

b. Answering other questions:

1. Who had an argument before King Solomon? What was the
argument about?

 The two prostitutes had an argument. It was about a baby

whom they both wanted to claim.
2. What can you say about Solomon’s judgment? If you were him,
would you also do what he did?

 Solomon had wise judgment. If I were him, I would also do

what he did because for me that really proved who between
the two mothers showed true love for the baby.

3. The real mother of the baby would rather let the other woman
have the baby than let the baby be killed; she showed selfless
love and sacrifice. Will you share with the class what your
mother has done for you out of selfless love and sacrifice?

 My mother bought me a new pair of shoes though I knew

her money was just enough for our school allowances.
 My mother was absent for several days from her work just
to take care of me when I got sick.

3. Skill Development
a. Elicitation
Ask: 1.When did the story happen?
(A long time ago)
- Where did the story happen?
(In the Kingdom or at King Solomon’s kingdom)

2. Who is the main character?

(King Solomon)
Who are other characters in the story?
(The two women / mothers)

3. What is the most interesting or exciting part of the story?

(When King Solomon ordered to have the baby killed and cut in
4. How did the story end?
(King Solomon ordered the baby to be given to the woman who
wanted the baby to live.)

Suggested graphic organizer during the elicitation of the elements of story:

Solomon Judges Wisely

Setting Characters Climax Ending

in the Kingdom MAIN When King Solomon King Solomon

of King ordered to have the ordered that the
King Solomon baby killed and cut in baby be given to
two the woman who
SECONDARY wanted the baby
a long time ago
to live.
the two women
or mothers
a. Analysis

Say: The ideas in number 1,2,3 and 4 are called the elements of
a short story.

Ask: What two questions are asked in number 1?

(where and when)
What element of the story does it tell?

Ask: Number 2 question refers to what element

of the story?(characters)
What are the two kinds of characters?
(main and second)

Ask: Number 3 adds the most exciting /

interesting part of the story, what element is
it? (climax)

Ask: And what element of the story is in number 4?


4. Generalization

The elements of a short story are setting, main and secondary

characters, climax, and ending.

Setting – tells when and where the story happens

Main character – the lead actor
Secondary characters – other characters aside from the main
Climax – the most exciting / interesting part of a story
Ending – the conclusion or the fall of the climax

C. Post Activity

1. Application

Listen as the teacher reads the story. Then be able to tell the setting,
main character, second character, climax and ending.

“Mother, what is land?” Baby Fish asked Mother Fish. “May I go

and find out?
But his mother would not let him go. Baby Fish was very much
disappointed. He did not like to eat and play. Mother Fish was afraid
Baby Fish might die so she allowed him to go. Baby Fish was very
happy, but his Mother was very sad. Baby Fish swam and swam. Soon
he became hungry. He saw one live shrimp. He caught the shrimp and
was about to swallow it when he felt a tug in his mouth. He tightened
his bite on the shrimp. But he felt himself pulled upward and fast.
“This shrimp must be very strong,” thought Baby Fish. He was
not frightened. He opened his mouth. He struggled to set himself free
but the pull upward was strong. Then he felt himself being lifted out of
the water and being tossed to the land.

2. Enrichment

Supply the needed information in the table.

Main Secondary
Setting Climax Ending
Character Character
IV. Evaluation

Listen to the following short story then answer the questions that follow.


All the animals in the forest were happy because they heard that
their cruel king was sick. The lion did not come out of his cave as he
usually did. He sent out a message to his subjects that he wanted to bid
them goodbye before he died.
“What does he want to see us for?” asked the deer.
“Maybe he will give each of us a share of his wealth.”
All the animals went to see their king lion except the fox. He sat on
a tree and watched the animals go inside the cave. He waited for them to
come out, but no one did. Later that afternoon, the king lion appeared at
the entrance of the cave. When he saw the fox, he said,
“Why did you not come to see me? Don’t you want to share with the other
animals what I have given them?”
“I really want to visit you, my king” said the fox.
“But I am sure your home is crowded now. All the animals have
gone inside your cave and no one has come out yet”
“Ha! Ha!” laughed the king lion. “They all wanted to stay inside the
cave. You will be staying there for a long time, if you will wait for them to
come out.”
He went away happily because he was still well and alive. He knew
well why not a single animal came out of the cave. “Our king lion thinks
he is wise but he cannot deceive me with his trick. He will never catch me
With the decision never to come back again, the fox went away as
fast as he could from the lion’s cave.

______1. Where did the story happen?

a. in a garden
b. in a forest
c. in a city
d. in a castle

______2. Who is the main character?

a. deer
b. fox
c. king lion
d. other animal
_______3. Who are the secondary characters?
a. fox
b. king Lion
c. deer
d. other animals

_______4. Which is the climax of the story?

a. King Lion got sick.
b. The fox went away as fast as he could.
c. All the animals went to visit their king Lion.
d. King Lion told the fox to see him in the cave.

_______5. What is the ending of the story?

a. Other animals did not come out of the cave.
b. The fox went away as fast as he could from the lion’s
c. The lion invited the fox to see him in the cave.
d. King lion wanted to bid goodbye to the animals.

V. Assignment

Listen to a story over the radio and be able to retell it to the class tomorrow.

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