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Brujah Genre Packet 2017

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The text provides a brief history of the Brujah clan from its origins in Enoch to the present day and mentions several notable Brujah like Dark Selina and Smiling Jack. It also cites various source materials for Vampire: The Masquerade.

The text describes the Brujah clan originating in the first human city of Enoch under Caine and being founded by Troile the Elder, who was a philosopher. It states the clan was originally called the 'Learned Clan' and discusses their history up until the events mentioned in the document.

Dark Selina is mentioned as a former Camarilla Prince and Cardinal who now supports the Loyalist faction. Smiling Jack is described as an iconoclast and Captain Anarch known for his pranks across North America. Robin Leeland is an ancient Prince who denounced his title and supports the 'Changed'.


Credits Special thanks
Written and Developed by: The Players, Narrators, Storytellers and Coordinators
The 2016 Brujah Team of One World by Night.
Submissions by: Writers, Developers, Play-Testers and other Staff of
Rob Beckett; White Wolf Game Studio, CCP, Onyx Path, BNS, and
Danielle Frink; Paradox Interactive for all of the work and devotion
Ben Colbert; That has been put into this game and its various forms.
Bruce Lindsay

Photoshop Art: Zuri Grimm

Layout: Heather Anne Pope
Original Photoshop Art by Zuri Grimm and Art Punx Studio
Layout and Design by Heather Anne Pope
Photography: Josh Martin (Theo Bell); Various donations as noted below

Special thanks to the following people who donated their images for use in this packet; rights to these images remain
with the original owners of the images and no rights for recreation, except as used in this packet, transfer to the OWBN
Brujah Team: Ben Colbert, Kerrie Sander, Susan Burnett, Branwyn Bregler, David Ashby, Bonnie Landry, Mitch Cabral,
Crystal Mazur, Crystal Anne, Kelly Cochran-Smith, Ross McDowall, David Mayo.

This document is for supplemental purposes only—no copyright infringement is intended. It is not intended for profit nor
official representation of White Wolf Publishing/CCP hf and/or their subsidiaries. Written information, including all
names, abbreviations, and anything related to White Wolf’s “World of Darkness” and “Vampire: the Masquerade” are
copyright White Wolf Publishing/CCP hf. The creators, editors, and so on of this document do not represent White Wolf
Publishing, Onyx Path or Paradox Interactive, in any capacity.

The packets and guides are written and designed by One World by Night (OWbN) and are in order to specify
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and are used with permission. All rights are reserved.

For more information, please visit http://www.white-wolf.com or http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com. © 2013.

This document was written by Robert Beckett for use in One World by Night. For this reason, the individual currently
serving as the Brujah Coordinator for One World by Night shall be considered a Licensor of this work. This work may be
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The Clan up until now Troile, some whore that got embraced by the so called
founder. She or he, no one actually knows and let’s face it

History with the Tzimisce around does it really matter, got pissed
at the founder when they found out he was fucking
someone else. Troile put the bite on him. It might have
Enoch been the first diablerie.
It is said that Vampires existed some 10,000 years ago in
the so called first human city, called Enoch. It is said that All of Troile’s childer after that lost their magic time
Caine, a murdering farmer turned lick, laid the first stones powers and just started getting really fucking fast. Hell,
of that city. It is said that he ruled with wisdom and until 2011 I’d be willing to bet most of you had never even
created childer who created childer and that one of his heard the word Temporis. I’d also bet that many of you
grandchilder was our Clan’s founder. It has many names have been told that if a Brujah has Temporis they’re the
but Brujah, Troile the Elder, and Ilyes are the most enemy and can’t be trusted. All I’m going to say on that is,
common. Whatever its name, it is known to have been a think for yourself!
being of wisdom, a philosopher who laid the groundwork
the likes of which Socrates and Plato would later build Carthage
upon. We were said to be called “The Learned Clan.” Carthage, a land of beauty and opportunity where all
vampires and people could live together in peace and love
Here’s some fucking perspective, 10,000 years ago we . . . bullshit!
didn’t have books, shit, we didn’t have written language!
We didn’t have that until something like 3200 years BCE. It was war as I understand it. Between some Ventrue, some
It’s 2017, that would place this so called learned clan in a Brujah and some fucking lunatic Malkavians. Carthage
city, learning and philosophizing some 5,000 years before and Rome wanted the same territories or whatever it is that
that. Obviously someone is trying to make us feel better ancients fought wars over. What we do know is that the
about our small dicks or something. It’s all a load of shit if city had a population made up mostly of Brujah,
you ask me! Assamites, and Setites. We know that they say Troile dealt
with ancient devils. Given the shit that happened back in
The Clan Changes 2011, that might fucking be true.
The first brood, what some call the True Brujah, are
supposed to be different from us. Some of the stories about Troile had been said to be buried under the salted earth of
them are becoming more prevalent what with all of the Carthage along with its allies. We now know that isn’t
changes since 2011. I’ll talk about the changes later true, at least any longer.
Is Troile Dead?
They’re supposed to be our boogeymen. Let mortals know Well yes, but who exactly was Troile? Was it the Brujah
about vampires, the True Brujah will get you. Teach our Antediluvian? Was it an elder so old we can’t count that
secrets, the True Brujah will get you. Embrace an idiot, the high? Was it the creator of bloodlines? It could have been
True Brujah will get you. Fuck man, we all know that last all or any of these things. What is for sure is that the clan
one isn’t true. How many of you have taught people about doesn't seem to have lost membership since Troile’s death.
our clan, or some of our special tricks? You’re still That would suggest that, unlike popular lore, Troile may
walking the night. not have been, in fact, the Antediluvian (real or self-made)
for this clan.
Seems to me like the the True Brujah aren’t quite as scary What we do absolutely know, is that Troile died sometime
as we’ve been taught to believe. early in 2011. We know this because our clan went
apeshit. For a month we attacked everything in sight. We
So what happened? How’d we change from these time got pissed off at even more stupid shit than we normally
manipulating philosophers into the motley crew we are do. We also know that some of our clan changed. New
now? The way I hear it, it was Troile. This is a different

bloodlines were created and members of these lines
continue to show up . . . no matter how many people try to
kill them off.
*See Appendix I

When Troile died some Brujah changed. It kept going for
something like a year and a half. Then it stopped. Some of
the old guard had been hunting them down this whole time
and still are. While many of us still see them as Brujah, the
old guard doesn’t. Well, the jokes on them, Brujah started
to change again. The more metaphysical minded people
say it’s like throwing a rock in the water. The ripples go
out, then back in and they never actually stop. Who knows,
maybe one night we’ll all change.

Yea, we’re all Brujah, but that doesn’t mean we get along.
We’re not the fucking Waltons living on a mountain
named after us, we’re more like the Bunkers living in
Queens and trying to just get by without killing each other.
Okay, you’re laughing. That’s good. It’s real speak though.

Archie Bunker was a genuinely good sort of guy who was

pretty damned prejudiced. He didn’t mean to be and he
knew it was wrong, but it was what it was. But fuck with
his family and you’re gonna get hit by a cab! Meathead,
god I loved this guy, he fought. He fought every day to
teach Archie that people deserve respect and that right was
right. He was also a fucking mooch eating his dad-in-law’s represent the stereotype of the clan - violent anarchists
food and sleeping under his roof. Sound like people you with little respect for social norms or the "system" that
know? I bet it does. they rage against. Since most of them are younger kindred,
not far removed from their humanity, they fight to bring a
What does it mean to be Brujah? Well there’s a fucking more modern outlook and structure to kindred society.
loaded question. It means you think for yourself, or at least Outspoken and brash, Iconoclasts frequently find
it used to. Really, I think the best answers you’re going to themselves drawn to the Anarchs - or driven there by their
get are described in the various ideologies of the Clan. refusal to submit to the Camarilla's ideals of status and
Each Ideology seems to embody the different outlooks the prestation. Rather than attempt to control the clan's
clan has had over the years. susceptibility to frenzy, they revel in it as a means of
wreaking destruction on what they believe to be a corrupt
Iconoclasts system.
"Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral
standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Idealists
Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don't "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard,
let them take you ALIVE." - Sid Vicious solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy
answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some
Brujah are, by their very nature, extremely passionate
individuals. To those outside the clan, Iconoclasts

people more than having to think." - Martin Luther King, your sire. Well that’s a load of pigshit. Some Brujah drank
Jr. some other Brujah and whoever started that fucking rumor
is probably still laughing it off.
The Idealists try to recapture the classic idea of the warrior
scholar that many remember as the Brujah's legacy. Thing is that’s not the end of it. Brujah are still hunting
Deliberate and thoughtful, these philosophical kindred Brujah. It’s across all of the ages too. Elders and Ancilla
attempt to lead others to change through discussion, debate and Neonates, are all caught up in what might become the
and application of their reasoning. They tend to be biggest vampire civil war since that shit that happened in
primarily ancillae and elders and more likely to work the sixteenth century.
within the system to bring about reforms.
Pick your sides kiddies, there ain’t no middle ground.
But despite their tendency to rely on their words rather
than their fists to get their points across, Idealists are still Rants and Raves
just as passionate as their more-action oriented brethren. A Brujah gathering can run the gamut from a polite
When found among the Anarchs, Idealists tend to be the political debate to an all-out brawl to a outrageous party
voices of the revolution, using their reason and powered by trance music, drugs and danger - and
philosophies to defend and recruit the Movement. Many everything in between. Regardless of the content, clan
Dispassionate Brujah find themselves among the ranks of meetings are classified as either Rants, held to discuss a
the Idealists, often those who have taken instruction in the specific topic, or Raves, which are all-out parties.
rediscovered Path of Entelechy.
Any Brujah can call a Rant or a Rave, but there are more
Individualists responsibilities than sending out invitations or hiring a
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where good DJ. Making sure your shindig doesn't get interrupted
there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson by the mortal authorities is important. And so is making
sure you provide a good "meal" for your guests. Blood
Brujah who do not follow either the extremes of frenzies can really kill the mood at a good Rant.
iconoclasm or of idealism are often considered
Individualists. Still agents of change, they pursue their And while the guest lists for either are not necessarily
own personal ideals, often focusing on what would best exclusive to those of Brujah blood, generally Rants are for
serve the good of the many - the many varies depending on the clan to discuss things - with words or fists. While any
the specific Individualist. As their reasons and approaches topic can be brought up at a Rant, there are a few specific
are as varied as their backgrounds, Individualists varieties that warrant special mention.
frequently work alone unless they manage to develop like-
minded allies. Many Brujah consider this group as the Policy Rant - Probably the most frequent type of rant held
middle ground that all experience Iconoclasts go through in a domain on a regular basis, these are for Brujah to try
on their way to becoming Idealists, but not all rally behind a common cause.
Individualists relinquish their unique agendas and methods
as they age from neonate to ancilla to elder. The Kairos Debates - The word itself probably brings to mind a formal
bloodline seems drawn to this ideology more and more argument between two parties over either a specific issue,
often. or multiple topics. For Rants, the whole point of a debate
is arguing over an issue until either the moderator - if there
(un)Civil War is one - or the other side acknowledges the opponent's
So yea like I said, We’ve been fighting among ourselves. argument as correct.
Okay, that’s not a big deal, we’re fucking Brujah. What Is
a big deal though is that we’ve been killing each other over
this shit. Even that’s not the worst of it. There was a rumor
Spite Rant - When enough Brujah agree one of their
going around a few years ago that if you were changed and
clanmates has stepped over the line, either by betraying the
wanted to be “normal” all you had to do was diablerize
clan or doing something so heinous that it requires a
violent response, they call a Spite Rant. The most common

end for this punishment Rant is the offender is required to these things seem to be true at different points in time.
run "the gauntlet" - basically a long line of other Brujah Sometimes they just start springing up around us too. No
who all get a chance to beat the runner down. Final death one knows for sure what the process is and it seems to be
is optional, but not unheard of, as a result of the gauntlet. different every time. What we do know is that the Brujah
sport a pretty impressive collection of bloodlines. Let’s
Raves, on the other hand, are wild parties hosted by the take a look at each of them just to bring you up to speed.
Brujah. Although modest dance soirees are not unheard of,
Raves have more in common with the mortal parties of the
same name than with Toreador Salons. An opportunity for
everyone to relax, a Rave epitomizes everything that a
party should be - music, dancing, and even the presence of
mortal vessels full of drugs and alcohol. But the one thing
that most kindred look forward to is the opportunity to
blow off some steam in a good old-fashioned brawl, which
may not be part of the planned festivities but are fairly
regular occurrences at Raves.

Teaching Clan Secrets

The Clan has gone back and forth on this for centuries, but
ultimately it comes down to some things are just for us.
We have, and continue to, develop powers and secrets that
we really shouldn’t share with other clans. The current
consensus amongst the most prominent members of our
clan is that if they catch people teaching or possessing
these secrets when they shouldn’t, is that we should hunt
them down and destroy the fuck out of them. I’ve even
heard The Call used to bring these people to our very
particular brand of justice
So, what makes something a Clan secret verses a personal
secret? Obviously the most ancient history of our Clan
might be considered secret. Those special powers we’ve
developed that have become staples of the Clan, the so
called Combination Techniques or Combination
Disciplines. If it is something that you, personally created,
it could really go either way, but you’d be able to make
your case at a Rant if you ever had to. The Kairos
Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Temporis
On an Out of Character level, teaching any Combination Advantage: Brujah Advantage as per Laws of the Night
Discipline that OWbN recognizes per our bylaws as Disadvantage: Brujah Flaw as per Laws of the Night,
requiring Brujah Coordinator Approval to a non Brujah Revised.
will be considered teaching a Clan Secret and require a Suggested Ideology: Individualist
Binding Agreement with the Brujah Office. The teaching Suggested Sect: Anarchs, Sabbat
of Brujah Lore 4 or 5 may require such an agreement Rarity: Brujah Coordinator Notification Required
depending on the specifics of the situation.
The Year of Fire holds different meaning towards those
The Bloodlines who suffered the most during that tumultuous time,
Where do Bloodlines come from? Are they intentional specially amongst the Brujah clan. The clan had always
creations or caitiff that pass along their traits? Both of been fractious, even when united behind a Call to Arms,

but the Year of Fire tested the clan to its limits. It was out where they fit in the world. Many had to ‘grow up’ and
found it wanting. Two distinct changes spread through the instead think of what they were going to do the next night
clan and with no rhyme or reason to who changed and why and stop living in the moment. No longer could they fall
the clan tore itself apart. Out of these ashes, one such back onto their clan, instead they had to fall back upon
group, the Kairos cut their teeth on a new political scene themselves for protection. This harsh learning curve
that emerged out of the global infernalist war. They had changed many Brujah more than just the loss or gain of the
once been Brujah, they claimed to be Brujah but they no changes. They learned to be wary of their own clan whom
longer held the powers over Celerity. Instead they they still called family in most regards, at least in public.
harnessed the powers over time itself, Temporis. Dark
rumors of a time long ago spoke of such kindred within the Many of the Kairos have become Individualists and this is
clan having these powers but elders warned that those who not surprising to many. While many outside of the clan
held such sway were the immortal enemies of the clan. seem to think that the Brujah are one dimensional and stay
consistent over time the opposite could not be more true. If
Under such light of Infernalism and fear from the elders of anything the trying times faced by all of the Changed
the clan the Kairos were more or less shunned. They could pushed them to evolve for their own continued survival.
not hide easily within their clan, especially when their fire Thus gave rise to the Individualistic Kairos, something that
burned white hot and they lost themselves to their beast, is becoming more commonplace. While the Movement
unable to control the powers of time or manifest the swears that they have welcomed the Kairos as brothers in
Celerity they had been known to use. As with all times of arms, that they are free to do as they wish, that they have
upheaval some Kairos remained within the Tower, content the protection of their fellow
to try and eek out some unlife but fearing the very clan
who raised them. How could one justify that as living? anarchists, the Kairos have been burnt. How can they trust
Still others went down darker paths and joined with the a group as much as they once trusted their own clan? In the
Sword of Caine, seeking answers or just burnt of the realm of an immortal blood sucking creature of the night
hypocrisy their former clanmates and lack of protection the you become jaded. And for a Brujah, that rivals their
Tower claimed to bestow upon its members. passion.

How could one justify living when other clans wanted to Still there are bright spots. Some within the clan are trying
use the Kairos against their family?But there was another to make it better for the Kairos to live out their unlives
option that many took. The Anarch Movement offered while as always their detractors stand upon their pulpits
protection and to some extent knew what the Kairos had and scream for them to be thrown to the sun. There are
been through. They were the freedom fighters. They were those Kairos who turned out to be ‘bad eggs’ who tried to
the downtrodden who stuck together. And they welcomed make it better for the clan but failed. There are those who
the Kairos with opened arms. Where others saw the simply went into hiding, swearing to never return to the
darkness they saw the light. Where others saw dark nights until the clan united once more. There are
abominations they saw kinship. The greater portion of the those who burnt out, seeking the last battle to throw
Kairos flocked to this banner and who could blame them? themselves at their enemies in defense of their clan to
The Tower had turned into a cesspit of backstabbing and prove that they were always who they said they were. And
burned bridges. Their own clan shunned them and in some through all of this there is still a core of Kairos who have
cases hunted them openly, declaring them to be infernalist taken all of the hits thrown at them and stood up asking for
or worst, Caitiff. The very clan that had given them the fire more. To be a Kairos is to know betrayal. To be a Kairos is
that burned in their core, that passion that made them to know that your clan, your family who once raised you,
feared soldiers and leaders, cast them out. True there were harbors doubts about your loyalty. To be a Kairos who has
some who fought for the Kairos but their words were few survived from the very start is to be a hardened Brujah. A
when the clan believed the fearmongering. very dangerous Brujah.

Those who changed into the Kairos found themselves lost Those that are embraced however, who have not known
and many had to spend long nights soul searching to find what it was to be a ‘normal’ Brujah simply suffer

alongside those who saw the change from the start. They the Beast. As nights go on it grows ever more difficult for
are lumped into as one but at the same time they hold the the Dispassionate to maintain their connection to their
key to moving on. Their sires embraced them for a reason, Humanity. Dispassionate wishing to increase their
partly to show that they can in fact raise loyal members of Morality or Virtue traits must pay double the standard
the clan but also to show that they are sticking around. If experience point costs. On all Conscience and Conviction
they are going to have a voice they need enough kindred challenges, Dispassionate must bid two extra Traits or
standing beside them to do it. As with any embrace within automatically lose the bid.
the clan they are as varied as their are people in this world. Suggested Ideology: Idealist
But one thing is certain. They are told of how the Kairos Suggested Sect: Camarilla, Anarch
came to be and what it means to be one of them. If Rarity: Brujah Coordinator Notification Required
anything they are pushed to become a better Brujah than
those who claim to be ‘pure’. To be a Kairos is to fight an What happens when the clan with the who wears their
uphill battle, laughing as they do so, daring the world to hearts on their sleeve start to lose that connection to
say they aren’t Brujah. humanity? You get the Dispassionate Brujah. It’s not that
they cease to care, it’s that it’s so much harder for them to
do care about caring. Yet, they are Brujah. They are
Children of Troile. Just like their cousins they find a thing
that they are drawn to and fight for that thing. In tonight’s
world that often ends up being the rights of the Changed,
but there are just as many thoughts on how to approach
that as there are changed to benefit from it.

The Epicene
Epicene adj.
1. having characteristics of both sexes or no
characteristics of either sex; of indeterminate sex.

Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Temporis

Advantage: Brujah Advantage as per Laws of the Night
Disadvantage: The Epicene have two disadvantages, first
they suffer the same emotional withdrawal as the
dispassionate (take the Dispassionate disadvantage).
Second, they do not repopulate themselves. When they
embrace, they do not create Epicene, they create either
The Dispassionate Kairos or Dispassionate randomly. The Epicene only
emerge, spontaneously, during an individual Brujah’s
Disciplines: Celerety, Potence, Presence
Advantage: Brujah Advantage as per Laws of the Night
Suggested Ideology: Any
Disadvantage: Even as it lends vigor to their long-dead
Rarity: Brujah Coordinator Approval Required
flesh, so does the blood of the dispassionate smother their
emotions. This decaying passion draws them further and
During the year of fire, the Brujah changed. Everyone now
further from the living world, washing away over centuries
knows about the Kairos and the Dispassionate and thinks it
of study all semblance of human warmth. In the end,
stopped there. It went even further for some, and those few
though they might debate the concepts of morality in great
who went through both changes emerged as the Epicene.
depth, they can no longer feel what is right and what is
This group is unknown outside of themselves. Those few
wrong. Those that can take up the Paths of vampiric
who recognized that they received both changes banded
morality. Those that cannot are consumed, the vast
together in secret and vowed not to reveal themselves,
knowledge they’ve amassed forever lost to the ravages of
even if it meant bringing their own final death.

They watch, they keep chronicles of the Clan and its The modern divisions between the Camarilla, the Sabbat
struggles. They are uniquely poised to understand the clan and the Anarchs ostensibly began during the Anarch
in a way no other can. Epicene aren’t embraced, every one Revolt. While all of these groups disagree on the
of them was once a “normal” Brujah. They understand the fundamentals of Cainite society and the race's very
passion that drives the clan, they also understand how that purpose, most of their histories agree on one point: the
passion is muted in the Dispassionate. They also view bloody conflict started with the actions of a single Brujah.
themselves as a bridge between the disparate parts of the Patricia Bollingbrooke led a group of younger Brujah in an
Clan, they are the only group that can come close to assault on one of the most prominent elders of clan
understanding the True Brujah and the way they view the Ventrue, Hardestat. Her supposed diablerie of this Elder
world around them, unchanging yet constantly in flux. emboldened childer across Europe to turn on their
oppressive sires, and the violent uprising became known as
the Anarch Revolt. The Brujah who fought against the
Elders were the first to call themselves Antitribu.

Regardless of whether or not Patricia had been successful

in diablerizing Hardestat, which was called into question
when he appeared at the Convention of Thorns, the core
identity of the Brutes had been established. While their
Camarilla counterparts are frequently at odds with their
system, abandoning the Tower for the so-called freedom of
the Anarchs, Brujah Antitribu have found a unity of
purpose in the Sabbat. Their fervor to serve, protect and
further the Sword of Caine provide them with a common
goal that drives them to look beyond their personal
differences or diverse backgrounds.

The Brujah Antitribu fulfill many roles within the Sabbat,

but are generally thought of as soldiers, thugs or cannon
fodder. But those who might be tempted to write the
Brutes off as brutal punks or mindless muscle should know
that they come from all walks of life, and have
demonstrated their refusal to give up the true freedom of
the Sword for anyone - including their Sabbat
brethren.Their growing dissatisfaction with the Tzimisce
and Lasombra leaders of the sect have been demonstrated
in many ways, most violently in the Third Sabbat Civil
War. In just one hundred nights, the attempted coup of
Brujah Antitribu Jeremiah Nobles and his followers led to the
“Ya know what makes us different from the others, Vato? acknowledgement of all the antitribu clans as equals to the
Passion. Mutha fuckin’ passion. We feel the change we Tzimisce and Lasombra, as well as the inclusion of the
want. We are the change. We ain’t just some fuckin’ Caitiff of the Sword as their own clan, led by Joseph
shovel heads… we’re Brutes. We are the motion of Pander.Even though they are politically and culturally
change, of revolution. So when some big wig fuckin’ different from their non-Sabbat counterparts, the Brujah
Lasombra or Tzimisce keep poppin’ off at the mouth like Antitribu experienced the same month of madness in the
they’re the ones who started this shindig, you know the wake of Troile's death. While the recent spread of the
truth. It was us. They didn’t have the balls to start the Changed has been significantly less than among the Brujah
Disciplines, Advantage and Disadvantage per Laws of the of the Tower, there are still those among the Brutes who
Night Sabbat guide page 34 have developed the strange time powers or cold

dispositions of the Kairos and the Dispassionate. All that clan, many have attempted to study this ancient bloodline
has transpired since the death of Troile, including the Year in an effort to understand what is happening within the
of Fire, has been taken as confirmation among the Sabbat Clan. At the same time, the True Brujah have turned their
that their fight is more vital than ever. eyes to these new upstarts who possess their unique

In the wake of the Fourth Sabbat Civil War, the Montreal

Accords brought some rather sweeping changes to the
Sabbat. The most significant change for the Brutes was the
decision to declare that the antitribu title would no longer
be claimed by members of the Sword, but instead applied
to their counterparts that serve the Camarilla. There are
many among the clan who see this resolution as terrible
insult to their contributions to the founding of the Sabbat.
When combined with the continued lobbying among the
Tzimisce and Lasombra to proclaim themselves the true
leaders of the Sword, it seems certain that the Brutes are
likely to take action again to save their sect from itself,
possibly under the banner of the Loyalist faction and the
leadership of their infamous clanmate, Dark Selina.
True Brujah
Disciplines, Advantage and Disadvantage per Laws of the
Night Storyteller Guide page 20.
Suggested Sect Affiliations: Tal'Mahe'Ra, Autarkis
Rarity: Brujah Coordinator Approval Required

Fearful Brujah elders whisper of a secret bloodline or

cabal that claim to be the true children of Brujah, who seek
the destruction of those that descend from his diablerist,
Troile. These nebulous stories are waved off by most
younger Brujah as fairy tales or paranoid delusions. But
the truth is, the True Brujah do begrudge the imposters
who have laid claim to their own grand achievements in
ancient Carthage.
The True Brujah, sometimes referred to as the Elois, are
the erudite scholars of clan legend. They pursue
knowledge with as much dedication as the Brujah chase qualities of time manipulation and a dispassionate nature -
after change. But the Elois lack the burning passion that and seem determined to wipe out these new aberrations of
characterizes their kin. Their cold and detached natures, Troile's blood. Whether it’s because of the ancient grudge
combined with their unique gifts for manipulating time, or the desire to keep their secrets their own, the Elois have
cause the True Brujah to become hard and resistant to begun moving among kindred societies again, using
change. This has led many of them to be unable to retain innuendo, rumor and impersonation to try to set all
any sense of Humanity. Those Elois that have survived for vampires, not just the Brujah, against the Changed.
centuries have pursued other Paths to keep the Beast at
bay. As one of its original pillars, the True Brujah have a rich
history with a sect known as the Manus Nigrum, or the
In recent nights, the True Brujah have become more than True Black Hand. Considered a failed Gehenna cult by
just nameless legend or conspiracy. After the events that both the Black Hand of the Sabbat and the Elders of the
led to the appearance of the Changed among the Brujah Ivory Tower, this once broken group has slowly reformed

and drawn back many True Brujah to the fold. This group
prizes secrecy. Subtle maneuvering and knowledge of
obscure lores, are all areas of expertise for the Elois. Some
True Brujah within the Manus Nigrum have begun the
process of discrediting the Changed, fostering the air of
suspicion and distrust that already exists between them and
the rest of the Brujah clan.

The Osebo
Disciplines, Advantage and Disadvantage per Kindred of
the Ebony Kingdom
Morality: As outlined in Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom
Rarity: ⅔ Council vote
With their fiery tempers and reputations as warriors, the
Osebo of the Ebony Kingdom clearly share a common
bond with the Brujah of the rest of the world. But while
the Brujah are known for their passion and pursuit of
change in the systems around them, the Osebo, also known
as The Pride, tend to give into their impulsive desires for
violence in the most depraved ways. Lacking any greater
ambitions of their own, Osebo frequently are relegated to
the role of thug or warrior in service to other Laibon. Their
tendency to be followers rather than leaders is not from a
lack of pride, but rather from the knowledge that left to
their own devices they lack the control to keep their
degenerate tendencies in check. they should be given an appropriate flaw from laws of the
night or other sources.
Others Brujah (LOTN:R), Osebo and Kairos ghouls should be
There are rumors of many other different Brujah given “Short Fuse.”
bloodlines around the world. In South America, Central
America, Cuba, and parts of the united states there are True Brujah, Dispassionate and Epicene ghouls should be
rumors of Brujah who gain power from spirits and saints. given either the “Desensitization” derangement as printed
These Santero, if they exist are few in number. in CB:Malkavian:R or Intellectualization. Whichever they
There’s rumor of a secret group that has hidden with the choose should be considered always active.
Setites or the Giovanni for the last thousand years, who Intellectualization: The rigors of new vampiric life are
knows? The point is that wherever you go you’re going to simply too much to bear for some kindred.
hear about some secret group or special snowflake or some In defense, instead of feeling everything the vampire
other stupid shit. Until you see it with your own eyes, be recoils and forces herself to feel nothing. She throws up a
cautious, but know it’s probably bullshit. defensive wall within her psyche, separating incompatible
emotions from cold, clear logical thought. During times of
Ghouls extreme duress, if her emotions and/or passions are
brought forward she will Frenzy. Because of her emotional
Ghouls are a reflection of their master. As a result, Ghoul’s detachment to issues of morality, all Virtue traits of
of Brujah should carry the Clan Flaw of their master. If Conscience/Conviction are made at -1 and may not be
your game does not use the Morality system for ghouls retested.

• You could pull off an angry rant about Carthage if
Brujah Lore you wanted to. It would be mostly made up, but
you have heard them enough times to pull one off.
Lore Level 1 • You know of the Elders in your region as well as
their reputations and temperaments.
• You have heard of rants and understand how they • You have heard of areas in the world that are
work, but not well enough to call one properly traditionally controlled by Brujah.
• You know that elders of the clan are very different • You have heard there may be other offshoot
than the neonates bloodlines of Brujah out there
• You have heard of the clan concepts iconoclasts, • You have heard of the so called True Brujah
individualists and idealists
• You know what a call to arms is, but not all the ins Lore Level 4
and outs of it Brujah: This requires notification
• You know who the older Brujah are in your local Non-Brujah: This requires Coordinator Approval
town Note: This level of knowledge requires talking to multiple
• You know who the Brujah Justicar is Elders of the clan and getting many stories that can be
• You are aware of the changed Brujah called pieced together into a greater truth.
Kairos and Dispassionate • You are intimately aware of Brujah families and
• You have heard rumors of Brujah combo societies.
disciplines, you would know they exist, not what • You are aware of paths and philosophies
they do or how to learn them. predominantly followed by Brujah
• You know that the Clan actively discourages and • You have heard some credible stories on Carthage
is even known to hunt down people who teach and about the involvement of the Ventrue and
Brujah secrets to outsiders. Toreador\
Lore Level 2 • You have heard many of the stories regarding
• You have probably heard someone rant about
Carthage before but know little about it Lore Level 5
• You know that no one is hated among the Brujah Everyone: Brujah Coordinator Approval
more than traitors and cowards Note: This level of knowledge cannot be obtained through
• You know how to call a rant and when not to call word of mouth alone. In addition to talking to numerous
one clan Elders, it requires years of painstaking personal
• You know the difference between a rant and a rave research and use of documentation dating back millennia.
• You know details about the different ideologies • You have heard first hand tales of Carthage and its
and which one you are rise and fall, though they are biased to the views of
• You know how to run a gauntlet and other forms the teller
of punishment. • You know most of the Brujah elders, and their
• You have heard of the elder Brujah in your local reputations, worldwide
areas and ways to contact them • ST discretion on any additional information you
• You can spout names of some of the more famous know, but it is recommended that NO PC or
Brujah chronicle-level NPC know everything there is to
• You have heard about the Dream/Vision seen by know about the Brujah.
Brujah when Troile died. (If your character was
embraced before 2010 you received the vision)
Lore Level 3
• You know that caitiff can not be adopted as Brujah
• You know how to hold the less common forms of
• You know how to properly call a debate forum

Morality Lastly, For some powers we notate that the rule of three
(3) be followed. This is for balance purposes as well as to
Humanity - All help the character. If a character with Clotho's Gift has
Orion - Brutes (Regulated by the Sabbat Team) seven (7) physical traits and bids them all, there are two
Path of Entelechy - Dispassionate (Regulated by Brujah possible outcomes to the activation challenge. The first is
Coordinator) that they have seven (7) additional actions for a total of
Scorched Heart - True Brujah (Regulated by Brujah eight (8) actions. The second is that they lose the
Coordinator) activation test and now have to Willpower Refresh before
they can attempt to activate Clotho's Gift again.

PATH OF ENTELECHY Time Attunement: Run per Laws of the Night Storytellers
Guide page 32.
HIERARCHY OF SINS 1. Internal Recursion: Run per Laws of the Night
Storytellers Guide page 33.
This path is most appropriate for the Dispassionate. It can 2. Lapse: Run per Laws of the Night Storytellers Guide
be found in Lore of the Clans on page 51 page 34 with the following modifications;
a. with the limit of three (3) stamina traits risked
In order to convert this Morality Path to MET format at the time of activation.
combine every two levels as follows; b. Successive activation may be challenged for
on the final round to become active the
10 and 9 become 5 following round.
8 and 7 become 4 3. Subjective Suspension: Run per Laws of the Night
6 and 5 become 3 Storytellers Guide page 35 with the following
4 and 3 become 2 addition;
2 and 1 become 1 a. If the character wishes to suspend an object in
Disciplines another character’s possession (weapon,
clothing, etc . . .) they must make their static
Every Clan has its own take on disciplines, the Brujah are mental test vs the target character’s physical
no different. Below are some of the tricks unique to our traits.
clan. Any mechanics provided for disciplines or b. Per V20 page 468 (Patience of the Norns), If a
combination techniques/disciplines are strongly suggested suspended object is touched by something it
for uniformity across the OWbN, but are not binding. was not already in contact with at the time of
Discipline: Temporis suspension, it is returned to the flow of time.
4. Clotho's Gift: Run per Laws of the Night Storytellers
Some of these changes are as allowed by the proposal Guide page 36 with the following changes:
located at http://www.owbn.net/votes/84080. a. Per V20 page 469, A user gets half of their
Temporis levels rounded up in rounds this
Temporis is a power that can quickly become unbalanced power is activated.
in live action play. Here are suggested mechanics for b. A user only be allowed to risk three (3)
Temporis that are intended to keep it balanced and less stamina traits for a total of four (4) potential
disruptive to play. actions on a successful activation. We
recommend this because even though it allows
No one with Temporis should be allowed to have all an action more than celerity does to PCs, it is
Stamina traits. They would have no strength traits and thus balanced by the fact that activation is not
be unable to lift objects and no Dexterity related traits and guaranteed and the player can lose risked traits
thus not be able to dodge an attack. It is our in the attempt to activate the power.
recommendation that the limit be set to no more than one c. As no difficulty is listed for the activation
half of their physical traits (feel free to round up in the challenge (static physical retest with occult)
case of an odd number). we suggest a difficulty of 7 + the number of
traits risked to activate the power.

d. Characters be able to spend blood for successful your target will be down one trait on all self
activation of Clotho's Gift while it is active but control challenges for the remainder of the scene.
cannot activate it until the current use expires Cost: 11 XP
or be immediately destroyed. Burning Wrath - LotC 49; Clanbook Brujah: Revised 66
e. Per V20 Page 469, Actions acquired with (Celerity ••• Potence •••)
Clotho’s Gift follow the same timing rules as System: Please see Clanbook Brujah: Revised page 66 for
Celerity actions. Thus a character who MET Mechanics – This power should last for a Scene as
successfully activates this power with three (3) written in LotC.
risked traits would receive: [Action 1, Cost 9 XP
Normal/Everyman round], [Action 2,
f. Swiftness Followup], [Action 3, Legarity Command the Wary Beast - LotC 49
Followup], [Action 4, Quickness Followup] (Animalism •• Presence •••)
g. Per V20 page 469, using any power, object or System: Spend a Willpower trait and make a social
effect that grants yet another action will result challenge against an enemy's mount (most animals will not
in the immediate destruction of the character. have more than 6 social traits) which can be retested with
h. Per V20 Page 469 “however, for every action Animal Kin. If you are successful the rider is down two (2)
spent activating a discipline, the vampire traits on all ride challenges. If used on your own or an
suffers one level of unsoakable lethal ally’s mount, the rider will be up one (1) trait on all ride
damage.” The keyword here is “activating.” challenges.
No power that is reflexive (Fortitude) or
considered always on (Potence) or activated Hindsight - DA20 315
before but does not require maintenance (wolf (Auspex •••, Temporis •)
claws) Clotho’s gift will incur damage for its System: Touch an inanimate object and spend one or more
use. Mental traits. Each mental trait spent allows you to view
i. Certain merits, such as Ambidextrous may one year's worth of history as it relates to that object. For
grant an additional action. These merits will each mental trait spent you may ask one question
function as normal unless they specifically regarding the history of the object you are looking at. This
duplicate celerity (no Innate Magical Ability may include such things as “was this weapon used to kill
to duplicate celerity) John,” or “What was the last thing written with this pen,”
Combination Disciplines or “Did Jason ever hold this item?”

• Brujah Combination Disciplines require no Ultimately the Storyteller decides if a question is

approval for Brujah unless otherwise noted. appropriate. This power offers no emotional insight into
• All Brujah Combination Disciplines require events. If you attempt to look into the future of an object
Coordinator Approval for non-Brujah. you are overcome by disparate visions and will be down
• Combination Disciplines Involving Temporis are one trait on all mental challenges for the next scene as you
equally available to True Brujah, Kairos and try to untangle them.
Epicene. Cost: 5 XP
• Celerity and Temporis are not interchangeable for
learning Combination Disciplines unless a specific Iron Glare - CoP 101
disciplines states it is available for either. (Potence ••• Presence •••)
System: Make a powerful display of strength and make a
Coord Approval for non-Brujah social challenge vs. all opponents you wish to effect. Any
(Combination Technique by Rarity) kindred who lost the social challenge against you, is down
two traits against you in any social challenge. The power
Aura of Accursed Rage - PGttLC 158; DA20 313 loses efficacy when overused. If the power is used again in
(Animalism ••• Presence ••) the same night, it only affects one trait. More than that in a
System: Spend one blood trait and make a social challenge night and its powers are nullified.
which can be retested with Intimidation. If you are Cost: 9 XP

Iron Heart - LotC 49; Clanbook Brujah: Revised 66 Scourge of Alecto - LotC 51
(Potence ••• Presence •••) (Celerity •• Presence ••)
System: Please see the Clanbook Brujah Revised page 66 System: Spend a Willpower trait and a full round
for MET Mechanics. concentrating on your target. Spend between one (1) and
Cost: 9 XP three (3) social traits and engage your target in a
Willpower challenge and if you are successful they will
Leaps and Bounds - LotC 49 suffer one level of lethal damage for each social trait spent.
(Celerity •• Potence ••) If the target is normally susceptible to frenzy (Storyteller
System: Spend a Blood trait after which you may jump, determination) they must immediately test for Frenzy and
vertically or horizontally up to a distance equal to double they are two (2) traits down for this test.
your maximum (potential) number of steps per round. This Cost: 9 XP
may be the only action you take this round.
Cost: 6 XP
Coord Approval - For
Pulse of Undeath - LotC 50; Clanbook Brujah: Revised 66
(Auspex • Potence •) Everyone
System: Please see the Clanbook Brujah Revised page 66 Espirit De Corps
for MET Mechanics. (Potence •••• Presence ••••)
Cost: 3 XP System: Spend a Willpower trait and and a social trait
each for up to five allies. Each person so affected is up two
Quicksilver Contemplation - PGttHC 169
(2) traits on all challenges meant to instill fear or
(Auspex •• Temporis •••)
intimidate them or to keep them from fighting.
Additionally, by spending a second Willpower trait and up
System: Spend a Blood trait and declare between one (1)
to another three social traits, the character may grant levels
and three (3) Mental traits to risk. Each Mental trait so
of potence to those affected by this power. Levels of
risked adds one to the character’s trait total for the round
potence granted may not exceed the intermediate power of
for all categories. Each time the character loses any
challenge one (1) bonus trait disappears (and the risked
Cost: 12 XP
trait is lost in addition to the bid trait). This power lasts for
one round.
Creation of Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or
Cost: 11 XP
other custom content using Temporis requires Brujah
Reluctant Performance Artist - LotC 50 Coordinator Approval Per Character bylaws 7.b.ii.5
(Dominate ••• Presence •••)
System: When using Mesmerize on a mortal, spend a
Willpower Trait and you may command them to perform a
public action, “usually something bizarre or absurd and
consistent with modern performance art” (LotC 50).
People who have a lower willpower trait score than the
character who used this power will stop and watch, but if
the action is something illegal they should be considered
one (1) trait higher than normal; if the subject attacks the
audience they should be considered three traits (3) higher.
At the end of the scene, mortals who watched the
“performance art” will go about their business normally. A
opinion of the “performance” will be based on their
personal taste.
Cost: 9 XP

Appendix I
Vision - The Death of Troile
If you play a Brujah and were embraced prior to
16 March 2011, you received this vision. It does
not matter if your character knows it is a Brujah,
it does not matter if your character had or has
amnesia. As long as you were embraced Brujah,
you received this vision.

The cool night air hits your skin, as it brushes

through the dead hairs on your arm you begin to
stir from your day slumber. As you begin to
shake off the death that falls upon you with the
rising of every sun, you clear your eyes and
begin to take in your surroundings. It is then
with much Alacrity you realize where you
are. As the sounds of soldiers yelling and
clanging of great war machines echoes through
the night, you know the Romans have finally
broken through the wall of Carthage. The night
has come, and this is your final stand.

As you exit the basement of the humble house

you had slept in during your most vulnerable
time. You take one step and feel the sticky red
ichor that lines the streets. As you realize the
romans have already begun their slaughter of
the home you love so dearly, you search
frantically for your fellow Cainites. All you can
do is hope, that you are not the last. You make
your way through the city in chaos, slaughtering
roman soldier and Cainite alike, you about
collapse to your knees knowing this is the
end. Then, out of the chill of the night your
salvation is heard. It is her!

Calling upon the precious vitae in your veins

you try to move faster than you have ever
moved before. You know that if you can reach
her, she will give you all the salvation you seek. As you round the street corner to the city square you see
her in all her glory. Clad in armor and her hair tied up ever so neatly your savior bends

knees with each shout of her voice. With each swing of her mighty bronze sword the earth trembles. The
very sight of her brings you to weep. Even though in your heart, you know you all are truly doomed, at least
she stands with all of you still. Even at the end.

As you are swept up in her glory and following every command she gives, you know it is his fault. You

knew it from the day he arrived. Why she fell in love with him, you will never know. Though perhaps it is
not entirely his fault after all. Perhaps he truly is sincere. Surely he could have fled at any moment. Instead
he stands by her side, ever the loyal lover it would appear. The hours go on; the fighting is brutal and
desperate. Even she knows the fight is lost. Now the Romans have the last of you encircled. You look to
your savior for words of encouragement. That you will die knowing you stayed true to your heart. And
indeed her last words are inspiring, but even she can’t fully hide the fear in her eyes. You all know this is
the end. The leaders of the Roman Cainites crest the hill. Smiles of victory and satisfaction cross their face,
they are so close you can feel it. The strong woman, whom you believed in, whom you have followed all
this time, she turns and bids you all good bye, even now she apologies for failing you all. The last time you
see her, she is clutching her lover tightly, and him her. They begin to sink into the ground, as much of the
rest of the remaining army does. You know that while the battle might be lost, the war, perhaps it can
eventually be won in time. You are after all, immortal. You feel the earth begin to consume you, its warm
embrace keeping you safe. You can only imagine what the bloated vile romans are doing to your beloved

For a time it is black, blacker than you could ever conceive. Perhaps this is what hell is like, devoid of all
the warmth of the gods love. You feel an eternity pass. Trapped forever in that moment. The fall of the
only thing you ever loved. The weight of the sorrow carries in your heart as time passes. As you relive each
moment you wonder what difference you could have made. Just as you feel as though you can take no more,
you hear a voice in the distance. It is far to humble to hear at first. Murmuring at best, whispers as if those
treading know what they have stumbled upon. Then silence.

As your heart begins to hang heavy, having hoped your resurrection had come at last, you simply begin to
return to your state of normalcy. That’s when you hear it. A piercing scream. The Howl of Death. It strikes
and assaults all your senses. It pierces your very soul. You move to scream as you realize the source of the
despair. Your savior has been slain. After all these years, she has finally been brought low. As you rage
against your tomb, trying to release yourself from your prison you know you will go mad. Your bonds will
not let go, you are as helpless as the day the romans came.

Even with all your might it’s no hope, that’s when the dirt begins to move on its own. You can feel it being
thrown aside above you. You wonder, and hope, that perhaps the killers have come for you finally. Perhaps
some young Cainite discovered the truth and has come to claim ancient vitae. A warmness of your own
demise begins to fill you, an end to it all. Perhaps you will rejoin your lady once again. At the very least,
hell can be no worse then what you have already endured. As the final patch of dirt clears your face and you
smile knowing the end has come, you look up to not see your slayers. Instead you are greeted by him. Her
lover, he has dug you free. He offers you a hand and leans in with a stern look upon his face and blood tears
in his eyes.

“Come Maharbal, I have risen. And we shall have our revenge.”

Appendix II
Important Brujah Characters
Manuela Cardoso - The Justicar
Manuela was Embraced in Brazil in the 17th century. A former slave who does not hide her past, she rose in
prominence and traveled to many cities in Europe in the 18th Century, one of few kindred who would make
the dangerous trip across the Atlantic more than once. While her career through several positions in many
Domains was public enough, her name remained somewhat shielded from the general population. Known as
a brilliant tactician and diplomat, her loyalty to the Camarilla and its ideals was perhaps her most known
feature. In 2015 she appeared at a gathering in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, claiming to be the new Justicar of
Clan Brujah in replacement of Jaroslav Pascek. A quiet dispute between the two broke off as he claimed she
was an impostor and a lier. In the end, her name was confirmed as the true Justicar.

Valeria - The Chief Archon

Little is known about the Brujah Justicar's Chief Archon. The name rose somewhat around the 18h century,
around domains of the Old World. While her reputation seems to be that of a diplomat and a politician of the
finest caliber, she is usually seen at the side of the Justicar she serves, a shadow never too far behind. She
usually handles most of the business of the office, ensuring only matters of great importance reaches the

Theo Bell – Archon to

Manuela Cardoso
His reputation precedes him, usually right
before a well-placed fist. There isn’t a region
in North America that cannot boast of an
encounter with Theo Bell, most of which
involves the torpor of swaths of Kindred who
dared provoke the Justicar, or perhaps
stepped a toe out of a line that only Theo Bell
knows. Anyone wishing to become more
acquainted with him is heavily advised
against it, and would do well to engender
themselves to Archon Valeria instead.
Formerly in service to the replaced Jaroslav
Pascek, now Theo Bell must define his role
once again inside the offices of the new

Robin Leeland
Robin predates the founding of the Camarilla and the 1st Anarch Revolt. A Prince of his lands in the Dark
Ages, and well connected to may kindred of significant age. Centuries gone by and he Sired the infamous
Wat Tyler, the Anarch to light the fires of the first Anarch Revolt. Their relationship became strained and
distance grew between them.

During the Year of Fire, Robin denounced his title of Prince and began publicly supporting those from the
1st city of Carthage that had awoken when Troile rose. He warned the Camarilla and others that the powers
of Carthage would be turned full force if they attempted to stop their dream of Vampiric Freedom among
Having earned the ire of the Justicariate, Robin became a wanted man for his support of the Carthaginians
that sought to rip the masquerade wide open. Then with the corruption of the Carthaginians by the Baali
within their Ranks, Robin disappeared for some time, unable to be found.
He is said to have been last seen at the "el Libertad" in NY over the summer of 2016. He has shown he
supports the Changed and calls them brothers, as well as announced the reformation of the Prometheans.

Smiling Jack
Smiling Jack is the epitome of an iconoclast,
Nihilist, so called Captain Anarch. He's been
seen all across the world from the Caribbean,
South America, East Coast West Coast, if
there is trouble to be made and Ventrue to piss
off, Jack has probably been there.

His most well known "trick" would have been

when he held the guests of the Queen Mary all
Hostage back in Los Angeles 2013 by rigging
explosives throughout the ship. Some found it
hilarious, some genuinely feared for their
lives. Smiling Jack got his rocks off.

Smiling Jack has never been one for politics

or taking up a gang or leadership role within
the Movement, he instead Mentors young
Anarchs and acts like a role model. He has
taken in many thin bloods and is rumored to
have agents of his in the Blood Republic that
formed from the west Coast of Canada.
A common rumor still implies that Jack has
been aiding Tremere who have run from the
clan by protecting them in exchange for access
to their magics. None have been able to
confirm truth to this, nor has anyone had the
nerve to address the suspicion to Smiling Jack
directly. He can definitely shoot fireballs
though. So there's that.

Dark Selina
An elder Brujah and former prince of the Camarilla, Dark Selina has long since supported what she believes
to be the true ideals of the Sword of Caine - absolute freedom from the oppression of the Elders. She is
known to have supported the Sabbat of New England for years in their campaigns to destroy the Ivory
Tower. Her support (often unknown to many Sabbat) has resulted in New England becoming the largest and
strongest Sabbat held territory in all of North America.

In 2015, Dark Selina was among those brought to trial for their actions during the Fourth Sabbat Civil War.
Her rivalry with Charles VI led to their cross-accusations of each other, which ultimately, were both found to
be baseless. At the Ecumenical Council of 2016, in Mexico City, Dark Selina officially renounced her
position as Cardinal in preparation to throw her full support behind the Loyalist faction.

Source Material
V20: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition
PGttHC: Players Guide to the High Clans
PGttLC: Players Guide to the Low Clans
LotC: Lore of the Clans
LS2: Libellus Sanguinis 2
CoP: Council of Primogen
DA20: Vampire: the Dark Ages, 20th Anniversary Edition
Laws of the Night: Revised
Laws of the Night: Revised - Storytellers Guide
Clanbook Brujah: Revised
Encyclopedia Vampirca
The Waltons
All in the Family


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