2019 - 5 Jan-Theophany - Great Hours
2019 - 5 Jan-Theophany - Great Hours
2019 - 5 Jan-Theophany - Great Hours
6 January
By the Grace of God Theophany – Great Hours
PO BOX 28348
✞ Evlogitos O Theos imon, pantote, nin PRIEST ✞ Blessed is our God, always both Amin Amen
ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to the Ages of Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3)
Amin ages. Pater Agie Evlogison Holy Father, give the Blessing
PEOPLE Amen Hristos, O Alithinos Theos imon, tes Christ our God, through the
Presvies tis Panahrantou ke Intercessions of our Most Pure Lady
✞Doxa Si, O Theos, Doxa Si! ✞Glory to Thee, our God; Glory to Panamomoou Agias Aftou Mitros... Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary...
Thee. ...Dinami tou Timiou ke Zoopiou ...through the Power of the Precious and
✞Vasilef Ouranie, Paraklite, to Pnevma ✞O Heavenly King, the Comforter, Stavrou... Life-giving Cross...
...Prostasies ton timion Epouranion ...the Protection of the sublime Spiritual
tis Alithias o Pantahou Paron ke ta Spirit of Truth, Who art in all places
Dinameon Asomaton ... Powers in Heaven;
Pantae Pliron, o thisavros ton and fillest all things; Treasury of
...ikesies tou Timiou Endoxou Profitou ke ...the Supplications of the Precious,
Agathon ke zois horigos, elthe ke good things, and Giver of Life; Come
Vaptistou Ioannou... Glorious Prophet and Forerunner
skinoson en imin ke katharison imas, and dwell in us, and cleanse us from
John the Baptist...
apo pasis kilidos ke soson Agathe, tas every stain, and save our souls, O
... ton Agion endoxon ke panefimon ... of the Holy, Glorious and
psihas imon. Gracious Lord.
Apostolon... Praiseworthy Apostles...
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy ...ton Agion evdoxon ke kallinikon ...of the Holy, Glorious and Victorious
Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3] Martirion... Martyrs...
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, ...ton Osion ke Theoforon Pateron imon... ...of our Saintly and God-Inspired
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
...ton Agion ke Dikeon Theopatoron ...of the Holy and Righteous Ancestors
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Ioakim ke Annis... Joachim and Anna...
Amin Amen. ...tou Agiou ... ou ke tin mnimin ...of …………… whose memory we
✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. epiteloumen ke panton ton Agion... Commemorate today, and of all the
thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins.
….. Eleise ke Sose imas, os Agathos ke ... have Mercy and Save us, for He is a
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy
Filanthropos ke eleimon Theos. Gracious, Merciful and Loving God.
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. Amin Amen
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3] ✞Di efhon ton Agion Pateron imon, ✞ Through the Prayers of our Holy
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Kyrie Iisou Hriste O Theos imon, Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God,
eleison ke soson imas. have Mercy on us and Save us.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amin Amen
Amin Amen
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas apo temptation, but deliver us from the
tou ponirou. evil one.
Makarios anir, os Elpizi ep’ Afton. Blessed is the man who Hopes in Him. ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God.
Fovithite ton Kyrion pantes i Agii Aftou, Fear the Lord, all His Saints, for there is
oti ouk Estin isterima tis Fovoumenis no want for those who Fear Him. ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen
✞O come let us worship and bow down
Afton. Hristo to Vasili imon Theo.
to Christ, our King and God.
Plousii eptohefsan ke epinasan, i de Rich men turned poor and starved, but ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen
ekzitountes ton Kyrion ouk those who seek the Lord shall not Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon.
✞O come let us worship and bow down
elattothisonte pantos Agathou. lack all Good Things. before Christ Himself, our King and
our God.
Defte, Tekna, akousate mou - Fovon Come, Children, listen to me – I will
Kyriou didaxo imas. teach you to Fear the Lord.
Tis estin anthropos O thelon Zoin, Who is the man who desires Life, who Ta rimata mou enotise Kyrie, sines tis Hear my words, O Lord. Understand my
Agapon imeras idin Agathas? loves to behold Good Days? kravgis mou, proshes ti foni tis cry. Hearken to the voice of my
deiseos mou, O Vasilefs mou ke O prayer, O my King and my God. For
Pafson tin glossan sou apo kakou ke hili Keep your tongue from evil, and your Theos mou. Oti pros Se prosefxome to Thee will I pray: O Lord, in the
Sou tou mi lalise dolon. lips from speaking deceit. Kyrie. To proi isakousi tis fonis mou. morning Thou shalt hear my voice.
Ekklinon apo kakou ke piison Agathon, Shun evil and do good; seek Peace and To proi parastisome Si, ke epopsi me. In the morning I will stand before
zitison Irinin ke dioxon aftin. pursue it. Oti ouhi Theos thelon anomian Si i. Thee, and will see Thee because
Thou art not a God Who desires
Ofthalmi Kyriou epi Dikeous, ke Ota The Eyes of the Lord are upon the iniquity.
Aftou is Deisin afton. Righteous, and His Ears are open to
their Supplications. Ou parikisi Si ponirevomenos, oude Neither shall the wicked be near Thee
diamenousi paranomi, katenanti ton nor shall the unjust abide before
Prosopon de Kyriou epi piountas kaka The Lord’s Face is against those who do Ofthalmon Sou. Emisisas pantas tous Thine Sight. Thou despise all
tou exolothrefse ek Gis to evil, so as to destroy their ergazomenous tin anomian. Apolis workers of iniquity; Thou will
mnimosinon afton. remembrance from the Earth. pantas tous lalountas to psevdos. destroy all who speak lies. The
Ekekraxan i Dikei, ke O Kyrios isikousen The Righteous cried, and the Lord Andra ematon ke dolion idelissete bloody and deceitful man the Lord
afton, ke ek pason ton thrlipseon heard them. And He Delivered them Kyrios. abhors.
Afton errisato aftous. from all their afflictions. Ego de en to plithi tou Eleos Sou, As for me: in the multitude of Thy
Engis Kyrios tis sintetrimmenis tin The Lord is near to those who are iselevsome is ton Ikon Sou; proskiniso Mercy, I will enter Thy House; I will
kardian ke tous tapinous to pnevmati broken hearted, and He Saves the pros Naon Agion Sou en fovo Sou. worship towards Thy Holy Temple in
Sosi. humble in spirit. Kyrie, odigison me en ti Dikeosini fear of Thee. O Lord, guide me, in
Sou, eneka ton ehthron mou, Thy Righteousness because of my
Polle e thlipsis ton Dikeon, ke ek pason Many are the afflications of the katevthinon enopion Sou tin odon enemies; direct my way in Thy Sight.
Afton Risete aftous O Kyrios. Righteous, but from them all, the mou. Oti ouk estin en to stomati For there is no Truth in their mouths
Lord will Deliver them. afton Alithia, i kardia afton matea. and their hearts are vain. Their
Filassi Kyrios panta ta osta afton - en ex The Lord shall guard all their bones – Tafos anogmenos O larigx afton, tes throats are like open sepulchres.
afton ou sintrivisete. not one shall be broken. glosses afton edoliousan. Krinon They deal deceitfully with their
aftous, O Theos. Apopesatosan apo tongues. Judge them, O God. Let
Thanatos amartolon poniros, ke i The death of sinners is evil, and those ton diavoulion afton. Kata to them fall from their devices;
misountes ton Dikeon plimmelisousi. who hate the Righteous shall go plithos ton asevion afton, exoson according to the multitude of their
aftous, oti parepikranan Se Kyrie. wickedness cast them out for they Prosdoko ANASTASIN nekron. Ilook for THE RESURRECTION of the
have provoked Thee, O Lord.
Ke evfranthiisan pantes i elpizontes epi And let all those be glad who hope in
Se. Is eona agalliasonte, ke Thee for they shall rejoice for ever,
kataskinosis en aftis ke kavhisonte en and Thou shalt dwell in them. And Amin Amen
Si i agapontest to Onoma Sou. Oti Si all those who Love Thy Name shall REPENTANCE PRAYER
evloisis Dikeon. glory in Thee. For Thou will Bless
the Righteous. Anes, afes, sighorison, O Theos, ta Pardon, remit, forgive O God, our
paraptomata imon, ta ekousia ke ta offences, both voluntary and
Kyrie, os oplo evdokias estefanosas O Lord, Thou hast Crowned us as with akousia, ta en ergo ke logo, ta en involuntary, in deed and word, in
imas. a Shield of Thy Good Will. gnosi ke agnia, ta en nikti ke imera, knowledge and ignorance, by night
PSALM 22/23 ta kata noun ke Dinian, tap anta and by day, in mind and thought,
Kyrios Pimani me, ke ouden me isterisi; The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not imin sighorison, os Agathos ke forgive us all things, since Thou art
Filanthropos. Good and Lovest mankind.
is topon hlois, eke me katerskinosen. want. He maketh me to lie down in
Epi idatos anapavseos exethrepse me, green pastures; He leadeth me OUR LORD’S PRAYER
tin psihin mou epestrepsen. beside the still waters. Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
Odigise me epi Trivous Dikeosinis, He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
eneken tou Onomatos Aftou. the Paths of Righteousness for His Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
Name’s sake. Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis Gis. on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
Ton Arton imon ton Epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
Ean gar ke porevtho en meso Skias Yea, though I walk through the Valley imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
Thanatou, ou fobithisome kaka, oti Si of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
met’ emou i. I Ravdos Sou ke i evil; For Thou art with me; Thy Rod tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
Vaktiria Sou, avte me parekalesan. and Thy Staff comfort me. imas is pirasmon, alla Rise imas temptation, but Deliver us from the
Itimasas enopion mou Trapezan, ex Thou preparest a Table before me in apo tou ponirou. evil one.
enantias ton thlivonton me. Elipanas the presence of mine enemies; Thou ✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
en eleo tin kefalin mou, ke to potirion anointest my Head with oil; my cup i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
sou methiskon me osi kratiston. runneth over. Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
Ke to Eleos Sou katadioxi me pasas tas Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
imeras tis zois mou. Ke to katikin me me all the days of my life; And I will Ages of Ages.
en Iko Kyriou, is makrotita imeron. dwell in the House of the Lord Amin PEOPLE Amen
Kyrios fotismos mou ke Sotir mou, tina The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; En tis rithris simeron tou Iordanou, Today the Lord has appeared in the
fovithisome? whom shall I fear? gegonos O Kyrios, to Ioanni ekvoa. courses of the Jordan, crying to John
Mi diliastis Vaptisi me. Sose gar and saying, Be not dismayed at My
Kyrios iperaspistis tis Zois mou, apo The Lord is the Strength of my life; of iko, Adam ton protoplaston. Baptism; for I have verily come to
tinos diliaso? whom shall I be afraid? Save Adam - the first to be created.
En to engizin ep eme kakountas, tou When the wicked came against me to THE APOLISIS – THE DISMISSAL
fagin tas sarkas mou. eat up my flesh - my enemies and Kyrie eleison (12) Lord have mercy (12)
foes -they stumbled and fell.
Eii to Onoma Kyriou Evlogimenon apo Blessed be the Name of our Lord, now
I thlivontes me ke i ehthri mou, avti Although an army may encamp against tou nin ke eos tou eonos. (3) and from ages to ages.
istheniusan ke epeson. Ean me, my heart shall not fear; although
parataxite i kardia mou. Ean war may rise against me, in this I will
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
epanasti ep’ eme polemos, en tavti be confident. ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
ego elpizo.
Mian itisamin para Kyriou, tavtin zitiso, One thing I have desired of the Lord,
Amin Amen
PSALM 33/34
tou katikin me en iko Kyriou pasas that will I seek: that I may dwell in
tas imeras tis zois mou. Tou theorin the house of the Lord all the days of Evlogiso ton Kyrion en panti kero, dia I will Bless the Lord at all times; His
me tin terpnotita Kyriou, ke my life, to behold the beauty of the pantos i enesis aftou en to stomata Praises shall continually be in my
episkeptesthe ton naon ton Agion Lord, and to inquire in His temple. mou. mouth
aftou. En to Kyrio epenethisete i psihi mou. In the Lord praised be my soul.
Oti ekrypse me en skinin aftou, en For in the time of trouble He shall hide Akousatosan prais, ke evfranthitosan. Let the gentle hear and be glad.
imera kakon mou eskepase me, en me in His pavilion; in the secret
Ke Anastanta ti Triti Imera kata tas And on the Third Day He rose again, Ipominon ton Kyrion, andrizou, ke Wait on the Lord; be of good courage,
Grafas. according to the Scriptures… krateoustho i kardia sou, ke ipominon and He shall strengthen your heart;
ton Kyrion. wait, I say, on the Lord!
Ke Anelthonta is tous Ouranous ke And Ascended into Heaven, and sits at
Kathezomenon ek dexion tou Patros; the right Hand of the Father…
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke palin erhomenon meta Doxis krine And He shall come again with Glory to Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and for
zontas ke nekrous, Ou tis Vasilias ouk Judge the living and the dead; eonon. ever, and to the ages of ages.
este telos. Whose Kingdom shall have no end.
Amin Amen.
ZOOPION, to ek tou Patros LORD, AND GIVER OF LIFE, Who Alleluia [3] Alleluia [3]
Ekporevomenon, ✞ TO SIN PATRI KE IO Proceeds from the Father, ✞ Who Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord, have mercy
SIMPROSKINOUMENON KE SINDOXAZOMENON together with the Father and the
to lalisan dia ton Profiton. Son is Worshipped and Glorified; ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Who spoke by the Prophets. and to the Holy Spirit
APOSTOLIKIN EKKLISIAN. AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Apestrefeto pote, O Iordanis Potamos, ti The River Jordan receded of old by the
Omologo EN VAPTISMA is afesin I Confess ONE BAPTISM for the remission miloti Elissie, analifthentos Iliou. Ke mantle of Elisha when Elijah
amartion. of sins. diirito ta idata enthen ke enthen. Ke Ascended to Heaven; and the water
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of Tade legi Kyrios: Evfranthiti erimos These things the Lord said: The Land
eonon. ages. dipsosa, agalliastho erimos, ke that was desolate and impassable
Amin Amen anthito os krinon. shall be glad;
TO OUR DIVINE SAVIOUR – TONE 1 Ke exabthisi, ke iloharisi, ke agaliasete And the wilderness shall rejoice, and it
O Monogenis Ios ke Logos tou Theou O Only Begotten Son and Word of God, ta erima tou Iordanou, ke i doxa tou shall flourish like the lily. It shall
Athanatos Iparhon ke Who being Immortal, yet deigned for Livanou edothi avti, ke i timi tou bud forth and blossom, and shall
katadexamenos dia tin imeteran our Salvation to be Incarnate Karmilou, ke O laos mou opsete tin rejoice with joy and praise: the glory
Sotirian Sarkothine ek tis Agia through the Holy Theotokos and Doxan Kyriou, ke to Ipsos tou of Lebanon is granted to it: the
Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias, Ever-Virgin Mary, and without Theou. beauty of Carmel, and Saron; they
atreptos enanthropisas, Stavrothis te, change became Man; and was shall see the Glory of the Lord, and
✞ Ke Si tin doxan anapempomen, sin ✞ And to Thee we ascribe all Glory, Ek tou kata Mattheon Agiou Evangeliou PRIEST The Reading from the Holy Gospel
to Anarho Sou Patri, ke to Panagio, together with the Father, Who is to anagnosma. according to St Matthew
ke Agatho, ke Zoopio Sou Pnevmati, Without Beginning, and Thine All-
nin ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, Proshomen! Let us attend!
now and ever, and to the ages of
✞Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! ✞ Glory to Thee, O Lord, Glory
Amin. Amen. PEOPLE
to Thee!
PSALM 102/103
Evlogi i psihi mou ton Kyrion, ke
panta Bless the Lord, O my soul; and
En tes imeres ekines paraginete Ioannis PRIEST And in those days came John the
ta entos mou to Onoma to Agion everything within me: Bless His Holy
O Vaptistis kirisson en ti erimo tis Baptist preaching in the desert of
Aftou. Name!
Ioudeas ke legon: Metanoite, iggike Judaea, and saying: Repent! for the
Evlogi i psihi mou ton Kyrion ke mi Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget
epilanthanou pasas tas Enesis Aftou: not all His Rewards: He Who is 1
Mi di paradois imas is telos, dia to Forsake us not utterly, for Thy Holy Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
Onoma Sou to Agion. Ke mi Name’s sake, and destroy not Thy Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
diaskedasis tin Diathikin Sou. Ke mi Covenant. Take not Thy Mercies Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
apostisis to Eleos Sou af imon, dia from us, for the sake of Abraham Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis Gis. on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
Avraam ton igapimenon ipo Sou, ke beloved of Thee, and for the sake of Ton Arton imon ton Epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
dia Isaak ton doulon Sou ke Israil ton Isaac Thy servant, and of Israel Thy imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
Agion Sou. Holy One. ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
TRISAGION PRAYERs tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
imas is pirasmon, alla Rise imas temptation, but Deliver us from the
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy apo tou ponirou. evil one.
Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3]
✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke Father, and of the Son and of the
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages. is tous eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
Amin Amen. Ages of Ages.
✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Amin PEOPLE Amen
thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins. FESTAL KONTAKION - THEOPHANY
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities En tis rithris simeron tou Iordanou, Today the Lord has appeared in the
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. gegonos O Kyrios, to Ioanni ekvoa. courses of the Jordan, crying to John
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3] Mi diliastis Vaptisi me. Sose gar and saying, Be not dismayed at My
iko, Adam ton protoplaston. Baptism; for I have verily come to
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Save Adam - the first to be created.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and INTERCESSORY PRAYERS
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
Amin Amen Kyrie eleison (40) PEOPLE Lord, have Mercy (40)
O en panti kero ke pasi ora en Ourano O Christ our God, Who at all times and
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven: ke epi gis proskinoumenos ke doxa in every hour, in Heaven and on
Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy zomenos Hristos O Theos; O earth, art worshipped and glorified;
Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done Makrothimos, O Polyeleos, O Who art Long-suffering, Merciful and
Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis Gis. on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us Polyevsplahnos; O tous Dikeous Compassionate; Who Lovest the Just
Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and Agapon ke tous Amartolous Eleon; O and showest Mercy upon the sinner;
imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we pantas Kalon pros Sotirian dia tis Who Callest all to Salvation through
ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against epangelias ton melonton Agathon. the Promise of Blessings to come: O
tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into Aftos Kyrie pros dekse ke imon en ti Lord, in this hour: receive our
imas is pirasmon, alla Rise imas temptation, but Deliver us from the ora tafti tas entefxis ke ithinon tin Supplications and direct our lives
apo tou ponirou. evil one. zoin imon pros tas Endolas Sou: according to Thy Commandments.
✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST ✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the Tas psihas imon Agiason; a somata Sanctify our souls; hallow our bodies;
Agnison; tous logismous diorthoson; correct our thoughts; cleanse our
doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous tas enias Katharon; ke rise imas apo minds; deliver us from all
Father, and of the Son and of the pasis thlipseos kakon ke odinis. tribulation, evil and distress.
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto
the Ages of Ages. Tihison imas Agiis Sou Angelis, ina, ti Encompass us with Thy Holy Angels so
paremvoli afton frurumeni ke O di that guided and guarded by them,
Amin PEOPLE Amen goumeni katantisomen is tin Enotita we may attain to the Unity of the
KONTAKION - THEOPHANY tis Pisteos ke is tin epignosin tis Faith and to the Knowledge of Thine
aprosito Sou Doxis, oti Evlogitos i is Unapproachable Glory, for Thou art
En tis rithris simeron tou Iordanou, Today the Lord has appeared in the tous Eonas ton eonon. Blessed unto the Ages of Ages.
gegonos O Kyrios, to Ioanni ekvoa. courses of the Jordan, crying to John Amin. Amen
Mi diliastis Vaptisi me. Sose gar and saying, Be not dismayed at My
iko, Adam ton protoplaston. Baptism; for I have verily come to Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord, have Mercy (3)
Save Adam - the first to be created. ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. ever and to the Ages of Ages.
Amin. Amen opsete pasa sarx to Sotirion tou straight; and the rough ways plain;
Theou. and all flesh shall see the Salvation
of God.
✞ Tin Timoteran ton Herouvim, ke ✞ O Thou who art more Honourable Elegen oun tis ekporevomenis ohlis He said therefore to the multitudes that
Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, than the Cherubim, and more Vaptisthine ip’ aftou, gennimata went forth to be Baptised by him:
tin adiafthoros Theon Logon Glorious beyond compare than the ehidnon, tis ipedixen imin figin apo You offspring of vipers, who has
tekousan tin ontos Theotokon, Se Seraphim, who without corruption tis mellousis orgis; piisate oun taught you to flee from the Wrath to
Megalinomen bore the Word of God: truly Thou art karpous axious tis Metanias, ke mi come? Bring forth therefore fruits
the Theotokos, and Thee we Magnify. arxisthe legin en eaftis, patera worthy of Repentance; and do not
BLESSINGS ehomen ton Avraam, lego gar imin begin to say, We have Abraham for
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison Pater. PEOPLE In the Name of the Lord, Bless, oti dinate O Theos bek ton lithon our Father. For I say to you that God
Father. touton egire tekna to Avraam. is able from these stones to raise up
children to Abraham.
✞ O Theos iktirise imas ke Evlogise imas ✞ O God be Merciful to us and Bless
epifane to Prosopo Aftou ke Eleise us, and cause His Face to shine upon Idi de ke i axini pros tin rizan ton dedron For now the axe is laid to the roots of the
imas. us, and be Merciful to us. kite, pan oun dendron mi pioun trees. Every tree therefore that does
Karpon Kalon ekkoptete ke is pir not bring forth Good Fruit, shall be
Amin PEOPLE Amen vallete. cut down and cast into the fire!
✞ Hriste, to Fos to Alithinon, to Fotizon PRIEST O Christ, the True Light Who
Ke epiroton afton i ohli legontes, ti oun And the people asked him, saying:
ke Agiazon Panta anthropon Enlightens and Sanctifies all who
erhomenon is ton kosmon, simeothito come into the world: let the Light of piisomen? Apokrithis de legi aftis, O What then shall we do? And he
ef imas to Fos tou Prosopou Sou, ina Thy Countenance be marked upon ehon dio hitonas metadoto to mi answering, said to them: He who has
en afto opsiometha Fos to aprositon. us so that in It we may see the ehonti, ke O ehon vromata omios two coats, let him give to him who
Ke katefthinon ta diavimata imon Unapproachable Light. And direct piito. has none; and he who has meat, let
pros ergasian ton Entolon Sou. our steps in Thy Commandments, at him do in like manner.
Presvies tis Panahrantou Sou Mitros, the Prayers of Thine Undefiled Ilthon de ke telone Vaptisthine, ke ipon The Publicans also came to be Baptised,
ke Panton Sou ton Agion. Mother and of all Thy Saints. pros afton: “ Didaskale, ti piisomen?’ and said to him: “Teacher, what
Amin. PEOPLE Amen shall we do?”
Hristou, os Edoken Eavton iper imon, Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for Ton Arton imon ton Epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
ina Litrosite imas apo pasis anomias, us, that He might Deliver us from all imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
ke katharisi Eafto Laon Periousion - iniquity, and might Cleanse to ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
Zilotin Kalon Ergon. Himself people who are zealous for tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
Good Deeds. imas is pirasmon, alla Rise imas temptation, but Deliver us from the
apo tou ponirou. evil one.
Ote de i Hristotis ke i Filanthropia For when the Goodness and Love of
✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke
epefani tou Sotiros imon Theou, ouk mankind of our Saviour – our God -
PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
ex Ergon ton en Dikeosini, on Appeared, not by the Works of i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
epiisamen imis, alla kata ton Aftou Righteousness that we have done,
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
Eleon esosen imas, dia loutrou but according to His Mercy, He Saved
paliggenesias, ke anakenoseos us, by the Washing of Regeneration, Ages of Ages.
Pnevmatos Agiou, ou exeheen ef’ and Renewal in the Holy Spirit, Amin PEOPLE Amen
imas plousios, dia Iisou Hristou tou Whom He has poured forth upon us THE PROSTRATIONS
Sotiros imon. Ina, Dikeothentes ti abundantly, through Jesus Christ our MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW DOWN TO GOD
ekinou Hariti, Klironomi genometha Saviour, that, being Justified by His
kat’ Elpida Zois Eoniou. Grace, we may be Heirs, in Hope of ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
Life Everlasting. to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God.
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
Irini Si to anagnonti PRIESTPeace be to thee, the Reader, and to Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God.
all the people. ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
Alleluia! [3] PEOPLE Alleluia! [3] Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon before Christ Himself, our King and
Ek tou kata Louka Agiou Evangeliou PRIEST The Reading from The Holy Enegkate to Kyrio ii Theou, enegkate to Give to the Lord, O you mighty, give to
to anagnosma. Gospel According To St Luke Kyriou Iious Krion; Enegkate to Kyrio the Lord Glory and Strength.
Doxan ke timin.
Proshomen! Let us attend!! Enegkate to Kyrio doxan Onomati Aftou, Give to the Lord the Glory due to His
✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞ Glory to Thee, O Lord, Glory Proskinisate to Kyrio en aili Agia Name; worship the Lord in the
to Thee! Aftou. beauty of Holiness.
Foni Kyriou epi ton idaton, O Theos tis The Voice of the Lord is upon the
En eti pentekedekato tis igemonias PRIEST In the fifteenth year of the reign of doxis evrontise. Kyrios epi idaton waters: the God of Glory thunders;
Tiveriou Kesaros, igemonevontos Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being pollon. the Lord is upon many waters.
Pontiou Pilatou tis Ioudeas, ke Governor of Judaea and Herod being Foni Kyriou en ishii, foni Kyriou en The Voice of the Lord is powerful; the
Tetrarhountos tis Galileas Irodou, Tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his
Megaloprepia. Voice of the Lord is full of Majesty.
Filippou de tou adelfou aftou brother Tetrarch of Itruraea and
Tetrarhountos tis Itoureas ke the country of Trachonitis, the Foni Kyriou Sintrivontos kedrous, ke The Voice of the Lord breaks the
Trahonitidos horas, ke Lysaniou tis Lysanias Tetrarch of Abilene, under Sintripsi aftas, os ton moshon, ton cedars; yea, the Lord breaks the
Avilinis Tetrarhountos, ep’ arxiereos the High Priests Annas and Caiphas Livanon, ke O igapimenos os ios cedars of Lebanon. He makes them
Anna ke Kaifa, egeneto rima Theou the Word of the Lord was made monokeroton. also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and
epi Ioannin ton Zahariou ion en ti known to John, the son of Zachariah, Sirion like a young unicorn.
erimo. in the desert. Foni Kyriou diakoptontos floga piros. The Voice of the Lord divides the
Ke ilthen is pasan tin perihoron tou And he went into all the country flames of fire.
Iordanou kirisson Vaptisma Metanias around the Jordan River preaching Foni Kyriou Sissiontos erimon, ke Sissisi The Voice of the Lord shakes the
is afesin amartion, os gegrapte en the Baptism of Repentance for the Kyrios tin erimon Kaddis. wilderness; the Lord shakes the
Vivlo logon Isaiou tou Profitou remission of sins; as it was written wilderness of Kadesh.
legontos, foni voontos en ti erimo, in the Book of the sayings of Isaiah Foni Kyriou katartizomeni elafous, ke The Voice of the Lord causes the hinds
etimasate tin odon Kyriou, evthias the Prophet: A voice of one crying apokalypsi drimous, ke en to Nao to calve, and uncovers the forests:
piite tas trivous aftou! in the wilderness: Prepare ye the Aftou pas tis legi Doxan. and in His Temple every one speaks
Way of the Lord, make straight His of His Glory.
Kyrios ton kataklismon katikii, ke The Lord sits upon the flood; yea, the
Pasa farax pliroithisete ke pan oros ke Every valley shall be filled; and every kathiite. Kyrios Vasileos is ton eona. Lord is King forever.
vounos tapinothisete, ke este ta skolia mountain and hill shall be brought Kyrios ishin to lao Aftou dosi. Kyrios The Lord will grant Strength to His
is evthian ke e trahie is odous lias, ke low; and the crooked shall be made Evlogisi ton laon Aftou en Irini. people; the Lord will Bless His
people with Peace.
PSALM 41/42
Kero dekto epikousa Sou, ke en Imera In an acceptable time I have heard Thee,
Sotirias evoithisa Si, ke eplasa Se ke and in the Day of Salvation I have
On tropon epipothi i elafos epi tas pigas As the hart pants after the fountain of edoka Se, ke ethika Se is diathikin helped Thee; and I have preserved
ton idaton, outos epipothi i psichi waters; so my soul pants after Thee, Ethnin, tou Katastise tin Gin, ke kata Thee, and given Thee to be a
mou pros se O Theos. O God. klironomise Klironomias erimous, Covenant of the people, that Thou
Edipsisen i psihi mou pros ton Theon ton My soul has thirsted after the strong legonta tis en desmis, ‘Exelthete!’ ke mightest Raise up the Earth and
ishyron, ton zonta, pote ixo, ke Living God; when shall I appear tis en to Skoti, ‘Anakaliptesthe!’ inherit the Inheritances that were
ofthisome to Prosopo tou Theou? before the Face of God? destroyed, saying to those who are
bound: ‘Come forth!’ and to those
Egenithi ta dakrya mou emi artos, My tears have been my bread day and who are in Darkness: ‘Show
imeras ke niktos, en to legesthe mi night, whilst it is said to me daily: yourselves!’
kath’ ekastin imeran, Pou estin O Where is my God?
Theos mou? En pases tes odis voskithisonte, ke en They shall feed in the ways, and their
pases tes trives i nomi afton. pastures shall be in every plain.
Tafta emnisthin, ke exehea ep’ eme tin These things I remembered, and poured
psihin mou. out my soul in me. Ou pinasousin, oude dipsisousin, oude They shall not hunger, nor thirst,
Oti dielevsome en topo skinis For I shall go over into the place of the pataxi aftous O kafson, oude O ilios, neither shall the heat nor the sun
thavmastis, eos tou ikou tou Theou, wonderful Tabernacle, even to the all’ O Eleon Aftous parakalesi aftous strike them: for He Who is Merciful
en foni agalliaseos ke House of the God: With the voice ke dia pigon idaton axi aftous. to them, shall comfort them, and at
exomologiseos ihou eortazontos. of joy and praise; the noise of one the fountains of waters shall give
feasting. Ke thiso pan Oros is Odon, ke pasan them drink.
Ina ti perilipos i i psihi mou? ke ina ti Why art thou sad, O my soul? And why trivon is voskima aftis. And I shall make all My Mountains a
Sintarassis me? Elpison epi ton do you trouble me? Hope in God, Way, and all My Paths shall be
Theon, oti exomologisome afto. for I will still give praise to Him: the Idou! outi porrothen ixousin, outi apo exalted.
Sotirion tou prosopou mou, ke O Salvation of my countenance, and Behold! they shall come from afar, and
vorra ke thalassis, alli de ek gis
Theos mou. my God.
Person. from the North and from the sea,
Pros emafton i psihi mou etarahthi, dia My soul is troubled within myself:
Evfranesthosan i Ourani, ke Agalliastho and from the land of Persia.
touto mnisthisome Sou ek gis therefore will I remember Thee from
Iordanou, ke Ermoniim, apo orous the land of Jordan and Hermoniim, i Gi, rixato ta ori efroSini ke i vouni Give praises, O ye Heavens, and Rejoice,
mikrou. from the little hill. dikeo Sinin, oti ileisen o Theos ton O Earth, O ye mountains, Praise with
Laon Aftou, ke tous tapinous tou jubilation: because the Lord has
Avyssos avisson epikalite is fonin ton Deep calls on deep, at the noise of Thy Laou Aftou Parekalesen. Comforted His People, and those
katarrakton Sou. Pantes i flood gates. All Thy heights and Thy who Beseech Him.
meteorismoi Sou, ke ta kimata Sou billows have passed over me. Ipen de Sion: Egkatelipe me Kyrios, ke O
ep’ eme diilthon. Kyrios epelatheto mou! Zion said: The Lord has forsaken me,
Imeras entelite Kyrios to Eleos Aftou, ke In the daytime the Lord has commanded Mi epilisete gyni tou pediou aftis i tou and the Lord has forgotten me!
niktos odi Afto par’ emi. His Mercy; and an Ode to Him in the mi eleise ta ekgona tis kilias aftis? A woman cannot forget her infant, so
night. how can she not have pity on the
Prosevhi to Theo tis Zois mou, ero to With me is Prayer to the God of my I de ke tavta epilathito gyni, all’ ego ouk offspring of her womb?
Theo, Antiliptor mou i. Dia ti mou
Life. I will say to God: Thou art my epilisome Sou, legi Kyrios Even if she should forget, I will not
Support. Why hast Thou forgotten Pantokrator forget Thee, says the Lord Almighty.
THE EPISTLE ST PAUL ST TITOS 2 : 11 – 14; 3 : 4 – 7
Ke ina ti skithropazon porevome, en to And why do I go mourning, whilst my
ekthlivin ton ehthron mou? enemy afflicts me? Pros Titon Epistolis Pavlou to READER The Reading from the Epistle of
En to katathlasthe ta osta mou, Whilst my bones are broken, my
anagnosma St Paul To Titus
onidizon me i ehthri mou. enemies who trouble me have Sofia! Proshomen! PRIEST Wisdom! Let us attend
reproached me.
En to legin aftous mi kath’ ekastin Whilst they say to me day by day: Tekno Tite, Epefani i Haris tou Theou, i READER My son Titus: The Grace of God
imeran, Pou estin o Theos sou? Where is thy God? Sotirios pasin anthropis, pedevousa our Saviour has Appeared to all men;
Ina ti perilipos i i psihi mou? Ke ina ti Why are you cast down, O my soul?
imas, ina arnisameni tin asevian, ke instructing us, that, denying
Sintarassis me? tas kosmikas epiuymias, Sofronos ke ungodliness and worldly desires, we
And why do you trouble me? Dikeos ke Efsevos Zisomen en to nin should live soberly, and Righteously,
Elpison epi ton Theon, oti Hope in God, for I will still give praise eoni. Prosdehomeni tin Makarian and Godly in this world, looking for
exomologisome Afto, Sotirion tou to Him: the Salvation of my Elpida, ke Epifanian tis Doxis tou the Blessed Hope and Coming of the
prosopou mou, ke O Theos mou. countenance, and my God. Megalou Theou ke Sotiros imon Iisou Glory of our Great God and Saviour,
PSALM 50/51
Ote pros afton erhomenon O Verily, the Forerunner, seeing the Lord
Prodromos, ton Kyrion tis Doxis evoa of Glory coming towards him, cried: Eleison me, O Theos kata to Mega Eleos Have Mercy on me, O God, according to
theoron.* Ide, O Litroumenos ton Behold the Redeemer of the world Sou, ke kata to plithos ton iktirmon Thy Great Mercy, and according to
kosmon paragegonen ek fthoras. Ide, comes from corruption! Behold He Sou exalipson to anomima mou. the multitude of Thy Tender Mercies
riete imas ek thlipseos. Idou, O rescues us from sorrow! Behold He blot out my iniquity.
amartimaton afesin harizomenos, epi Who grants forgiveness of sins has Epi plion plinon me apo tis anomias Wash me yet more from my iniquity,
Gis ek Parthenou Agnis elilithe di come to the earth from a Pure Virgin,
mou, ke apo tis amartias mou and from my sin Cleanse me. For I
Eleon. Ke anti doulon, Iious Theou of His own Mercy! Wherefore, he
Katharison me. Oti tin anomie mou know my iniquity, and my sin is
ergazete. Anti de skotous Fotizi to makes us sons of God instead of
ego ginosko, ke i amartia mou always before me.
anthropinon, dia tou idatos tou Thiou servants; and instead of darkness He
enopion mou esti diapantos.
Vaptismou Aftou. Lipon defte, Illuminates mankind with the Water
simfonos ✞ Afton Doxologisomen, sin of His Divine Baptism. Let us, Si mono imarton, ke to poniron enopion To Thee only have I sinned, and have
Patri, ke Agio Pnevmati. therefore, ✞ Glorify Him in unison Sou epiisa. Opos an dikeothis en tis done evil before Thee: that Thou
with the Father and the Holy Spirit! logis Sou, ke nikisis en to krinesthe may be Justified in Thy Words, and
Se. Victorious when Thou art judged.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and for Idou!gar en anomies sovelifthin, ke en Behold! For I was conceived in
eonon. ever, and to the Ages of ages. amarties ekissise me i mitir mou. iniquities; and in sins did my mother
conceive me.
Amin. Amen.
Idou gar Alithian Igapisas - ta adila ke Behold! For Thou has Loved Truth - the
[CHANTED BY THE READER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SOLEAS, REPEATING THE FIRST AND LAST ta krifia tis Sofias Sou edilosas mi. uncertain and hidden things of Thy
Tin hira sou tin apsamenin, tin Thy hand which touched the Head of Pantiis me issopo, ke katharisthisome. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be
akiraton korifin tou Despotou... [3] the Master, free of corruption... (3) Plinies me, ke iper hiona Cleansed. Wash me, and I shall be
levkanthisome. made whiter than snow.
...Meth is ke daktilo afton, imin ...The same with which Thou pointed
kathipedixas, eparon iper imon pros Him out to us by the pointing of the Akoutiis mi agalliasin ke evfrosinin, To my hearing Thou shalt give Joy and
afton Vaptista, os parrisian ehon finger, raise Thou it to Him for our agaliasonte ostea tetapinomena. Gladness: and the bones that have
pollin. Ke gar mizon ton Profiton sakes, O Forerunner; for Thou has been humbled shall rejoice.
apanton, ip aftou memartirise. Tous attained Great Favour, since it was
ofthalmous sou palin de, tous to testified of Thee by Him that Thou
Apostrepson to Prosopon Sou apo tin Turn away Thy Sight from my sins, and
Panagion Pnevma katidontas, os en art the Greatest of all the Prophets. amartion mou, ke pasas tas anomias blot out all my iniquities.
idi peristeras katelthon, anapetson And Thine eyes also, which beheld mou exalipson.
pros afton Vaptista, ileon imin the All Holy Spirit descending like a Kardian katharan ktison en emi, O Create a clean heart in me, O God:
apergasamenos. dove, raise to Him, O Baptiser, Theos, ke pnevma evthes egkenison Renew a right spirit within my
gaining Mercy for us. en tis egkatis mou. bowels.
Ke defro stithi meth imon. [3] Come, Thou, and stand with us (3) Mi aporripsis me apo tou Prosopou Sou, Cast me not away from Thy Sight; and
Episfragizon ton imnon, ke proexarhon Concluding our praise and beginning ke to Pnevma Sou to Agion mi take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
tis Panigireos. the celebration of the Feast. antanelis ap’ emou.
FESTAL PROKEIMENON Apodos mi tin agalliasin tou Sotiriou Restore to me the Joy of Thy Salvation,
Kyrios Fotismos mou ke Sotir mou READER The
Lord is my Light and my Sou, ke Pnevmati Igemoniko Stirixon and with a Perfect Spirit Strengthen
Salvation. me. me.
Kyrios iperaspistis tis Zois mou READER The Lord is the Protector of my Didazo anomous tas odous Sou, ke Teach the unjust Thy Ways: and the
life. asevis api Se apistrepsousi. wicked shall be converted to Thee.
THE PROPHECY OF ISAIAH – 49 : 8 – 15 Rise me ex ematon, O Theos, O Theos tis Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O
Proshomen! PRIEST Let us attend! Sotirias mou: agalliasete i glossou God, Thou God of my Salvation: my
mou tin Dikeosinin Sou. tongue shall greatly rejoice in Thy
Profitias Iseou to anagnosma READER The Reading from The Prophecy
Of Isaiah
Kyrie,ta hili mou anixis, ke to stoma O Lord, my lips Thou will open: and
Proshomen! PRIEST Let us attend! mou aanangeli tin Enesin Sou. my mouth shall declare Thy Praise.
Tade legi Kyrios: READER Thus said the Lord: Oti i ithelisas thisian, edoxa an: For if Thou had desired sacrifice, I
Olokaftomata ouk evdoxisis. would indeed have given it: whole
burnt offerings shall not please
Thee. diavasin, Hristos Efani, en Iordani, Baptism, by which we cross the Path
Thisia to Theo, pnevma sintetrimmenon: A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: Agiase ta idata. of Transient Age. Christ Appeared
in the Jordan to Sanctify its waters.
kardian sintetrimmenin ke a heart contrite and humbled, O God
tetapinomenin O Theos ouk Thou will not despise. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
exoudenosi. eonon. Ages.
Agathinon, Kyrie, en ti evdokia Sou tin Do good, O Lord, in Thy Good Will with Amin Amen
Sion, ke ikodomithito ta tihi Zion; and let the walls of Jerusalem THEOTOKION
Ierousalim. be built.
O di imas gennithis ek Parthenou, ke Born of a Virgin, Thou Who for our sake
Tote eudoisis Thisian Dieosinis, Then shalt Thou be pleased with a Stavrosin ipomenas Agathe, O suffered crucifixion, O Good One,
Anaforan ke Olokaftomata: Tote Sacrifice of Righteousness, with Thanato ton Thanaton skilefsas, ke and despoiled Death through Death
anisousin epi to thisiastirion Sou offering and whole burnt offerings – egersin dixas os Theos, mi paridis ous as God, revealed the Resurrection.
moshous. then shalt they offer young calves eplasas ti Heri Sou. Dixon ton Despise not those whom Thou
upon Thine Altar. Filanthropian Sou Eleimon. Dexe in created with Thine own Hand. Show
tekousan Se Theotokon, Presvevousan Thy Love for mankind, O Merciful
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, iper imon, ke Soson, Sotir, imon, laon One. Accept the Intercessions of Thy
and to the Holy Spirit apegnosmenon. Mother, the Theotokos, for us; and
Alleluia [3] Alleluia [3] Save Thy despairing people, O our
Kyrie eleison [3] Lord, have mercy [3] FESTAL IDIOMELON – THEOPHANY- TONE (7) VARYS/GRAVE
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Thavmos in katidin, ton Ouranou ke gis It is amazing how the Maker of Heaven
and to the Holy Spirit Piitin, en Potamo gimnothenta. and earth is seen naked in the river,
FESTAL APOLYTIKION - THEOPHANY Vaptisma ipo doulou, is imon sotirian, accepting like a servant Baptism
Apestrefeto pote, O Iordanis Potamos, ti The River Jordan receded of old by the dechomenon os doulon. Ke hori from a servant for our Salvation.
miloti Elissie, analifthentos Iliou. Ke mantle of Elisha when Elijah Angelon exeplittonto, fovo ke hara. Therefore, the Ranks of the Angels
Meth on prokinoumen Se, soson imas were astonished in fear and
diirito ta idata enthen ke enthen. Ke ascended to Heaven; and the water
gegonen afto xira Odos i igra, is tipon was separated to this side and that, Kyrie. (2) rejoicing. With them therefore, we
worship Thee. Save us, O Lord. (2)
alithos tou Vaptimatos, di ou imis tin the wet element turning into a dry
reousan tou viou diaperomen Path for him, being Truly a Symbol FESTAL STIHI - THEOPHANY - TONE 2
diavasin, Hristos Efani, en Iordani, of Baptism, by which we cross the Dia touto minsthisome sou ek gis Therefore will I remember Thee from
Agiase ta idata. Path of Transient Age. Christ Iordanou ke ermoniim, apo Orous the land of the Jordan and Hermon,
Appeared in the Jordan to Sanctify Mikrou. from the Small Mountain.
its waters.
Ote pros afton erhomenon O Verily, the Forerunner, seeing the Lord
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and for ever, and to the ages of Prodromos, ton Kyrion tis Doxis evoa of Glory coming towards him, cried:
eonon. ages. theoron.* Ide, O Litroumenos ton Behold the Redeemer of the world
Amin Amen. kosmon paragegonen ek fthoras. Ide, comes from corruption! Behold He
THEOTOKION riete imas ek thlipseos. Idou, O rescues us from sorrow! Behold He
amartimaton afesin harizomenos, epi Who grants forgiveness of sins has
Theotoke, ou i Ampelos i Alithini, i Thou art the True Vine, O Theotokos, Gis ek Parthenou Agnis elilithe di come to the earth from a Pure Virgin,
vlastisasa ton Karpon tis Zois. Se bearing the Fruit of Life.. Thee do Eleon. Ke anti doulon, Iious Theou of His own Mercy! Wherefore, he
iketefomen, Presvefe Despina, meta we implore. Wherefore, O Lady, ergazete. Anti de skotous Fotizi to makes us sons of God instead of
ton Apostolon, ke Panton ton Agion, Intercede together with the Apostles anthropinon, dia tou idatos tou Thiou servants; and instead of darkness He
Eleithine tas psihas imon. and the Saint, for the Salvation of Vaptismou Aftou. Lipon defte, Illuminates mankind with the Water
our souls.
simfonos ✞ Afton Doxologisomen, sin of His Divine Baptism. Let us,
Patri, ke Agio Pnevmati. therefore, ✞ Glorify Him in unison
I tou Prodromou ke Vaptistou, tou Verily, the right hand of the with the Father and the Holy Spirit!
Profitou, ke iper pantas timithentos Forerunner, Baptiser and Prophet,
tous profitas, etromaxe nin hir dexia, exceeding all Prophets in honour,
Idosan se idata O Theos, idoxan Se The waters saw Thee, O God, the
ote etheasato se ton amonon tou trembled when he beheld Thee, O idata ke efovithisan, etarhthisan waters saw Thee and were afraid,
Theou, ton katheronta kosmou Lamb of God Who bears the sins of avissi. and the Depths were troubled – a
amartimata, ke agonia siskethis evoa. the world. And being encompassed multitude like the sound of waters
Our tolmo prospsavse Loge tis korifis with fear exclaimed: I dare not touch
sou. Aftos agiason me, ke fotison Thy Head, O Word. Sanctify me and
iktirmon. Aftos gar is i Zoi ke to Fos, Enlighten me O Compassionate One,
ke i Irini tou kosmou.(2) for Thou art the Life, the Light, and
Ouk estin omios Si en theis Kyrie, ke ouk There is none like Thee among the
the Peace of the world! (2)
esti kata ta Erga Sou. godless, O Lord. And there are no
works like Thy Works.
Panta ta Ethni, osa epiisas, ixousi, ke All the Gentiles Thou made shall come Dia touto minsthisome sou ek gis Therefore will I remember Thee from
Iordanou ke ermoniim, apo Orous the land of the Jordan and Hermon,
Proskinisousin Enopion Sou Kyrie, ke and Worship before Thee, O Lord,
Mikrou. from the Small Mountain.
Doxasousi to Onoma Sou. and they shall Glorify Thy Name.
Oti Megas is Si, ke pion Thavmasia - Si i For Thou art Great, doing Wonders -
I Trias O Theos imon, Eaftin imin Our Triune God has revealed Himself to
simeron, adiaeretos pefaneroken. O us today without division; for the
Theos monos. Thou alone art our God. men gar Patir, enargi Martyrian to Father uttered the clear Testimony
Odigison me Kyrie en ti odo Sou, ke Lead me in Thy Way, O Lord, and I will singeni Epefonise. To Pnevma to His Son, and the Spirit descended
porefsome en ti Alithia Sou. walk in Thy Truth. peristeras en Ikoni katepti from Heaven like a dove, and the
Ouranothen. O Iios tin ahranton Son bowed His pure Head to the
Evfranthito i kardia mou, tou Fovisthe to Gladden my heart so as to Fear Thy korifin to Prodromo ipekline. Ke Forerunner, and being Baptised
Onoma Sou. Name. Vaptisthis, to anthropinon ek doulias Saved mankind from captivity, since
Exomologisome Si, Kyrie O Theos mou, I will Confess Thee, O Lord my God, errisato, os Filanthropos. He is the Lover of mankind
en oli kardia mou, ke Doxaso to with my whole heart, and I shall Idosan se idata O Theos, idoxan Se The waters saw Thee, O God, the
Onoma Sou is ton eona. Glorify Thy Name forever. idata ke efovithisan, etarhthisan waters saw Thee and were afraid,
avissi. and the Depths were troubled – a
Oti to Eleos Sou Mega ep eme, ke erriso For Great is Thy Mercy to me, and Thou multitude like the sound of waters
tin psihin mou ex Adou katotatou. Rescued my soul from the lowest
Hades. I Trias O Theos imon, Eaftin imin Our Triune God has revealed Himself to
simeron, adiaeretos pefaneroken. O us today without division; for the
O Theos paranomi epanestisan ep eme, O God, lawless men rose up against me, men gar Patir, enargi Martyrian to Father uttered the clear Testimony
ke sinagogi krateon ezitisan tin and a gathering of strong men singeni Epefonise. To Pnevma to His Son, and the Spirit descended
psihin mou, ke ou proethento Se sought my soul, and they did not set peristeras en Ikoni katepti from Heaven like a dove, and the
enopion Afton. Thee before them. Ouranothen. O Iios tin ahranton Son bowed His pure Head to the
korifin to Prodromo ipekline. Ke Forerunner, and being Baptised
Ke Si Kyrie, O Theos mou Iktirmon ke And Thou, O Lord, art Benevolent and
Vaptisthis, to anthropinon ek doulias Saved mankind from captivity, since
Eleimon, Makrothimos, ke Polyeleos, Merciful, Longsuffering and errisato, os Filanthropos. He is the Lover of mankind
ke Alithinos. Extremely Merciful and Truthful.
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Epivlepson ep eme ke Eleison me. Look upon me and have Mercy. and to the Holy Spirit
Dos to kratos Sou to pedi Sou, ke Soson Give Thy Strength to Thy servant, and FESTAL STIHI – THEOPHANY – TONE (5) PLAGAL 1
ton iion tis pediskis Sou. Save the son of Thy handmaid. Erhomenos meta Sarkos, pros Iordanin O Life-giving Lord, when Thou went to
Piison met emou Simeon is Agathon, Work a Sign in my midst for Good, Kyrie, Vaptisthine thelon, en shimati the Jordan in the Flesh, in the
ke idetosan i misountes me, ke and let those who hate me see it anthropou Zoodota, ina tous likeness of man, willing to be
esknthitosan, oti Si Kyrie evoithisas and be disgraced, for Thou, O planithentas imas os Efsplaghnos, Baptised to Enlighten us who have
mi, ke parekalesas me. (2) Lord, Helped me and Comforted pasis mihanis ke pagidos tou erred, Delivering us from all the
me. (2) drakonto, Risamenos Fotisis, ek wiles of the dragon and his sins,
Patros Memartyrise. To de Thion since Thou art Compassionate, the
Pnevma,. Peristeras en idi Si episti. Father Testified of Thee, and the
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, All ikison psihes imeteres safton, Divine Spirit came to Thee like a
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and Filanthrope! dove. Dwell Thou, therefore, in our
eonon. ever, and to the Ages of ages. souls, O Lover of mankind!
Amin Amen Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
Alleluia [3] Alleluia (3) eonon. ages.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Amin Amen
and to the Holy Spirit Erhomenos meta Sarkos, pros Iordanin O Life-giving Lord, when Thou went to
TROPARION OF THEOPHANY Kyrie, Vaptisthine thelon, en shimati the Jordan in the Flesh, in the
anthropou Zoodota, ina tous likeness of man, willing to be
Apestrefeto pote, O Iordanis potamos, ti The River Jordan receded of old by the planithentas imas os Efsplaghnos, Baptised to Enlighten us who have
miloti Elissie, Analifthentos Iliou. Ke mantle of Elisha when Elijah pasis mihanis ke pagidos tou erred, Delivering us from all the
diirito ta idata enthen ke enthen. Ke Ascended to Heaven; and the water drakonto, Risamenos Fotisis, ek wiles of the dragon and his sins,
gegonen afto xira odos i igra, is was separated to this side and that, Patros Memartyrise. To de Thion since Thou art Compassionate, the
tipon alithos tou Vaptismatos, di’ ou the wet elementturning into a dry Pnevma,. Peristeras en idi Si episti. Father Testified of Thee, and the
imis tin reousan tou viou diaperomen path for him, being truly a Symbol of All ikison psihes imeteres safton, Divine Spirit came to Thee like a
Filanthrope! dove. Dwell Thou, therefore, in our fonisousin en to larggi afton. their throats.
souls, O Lover of mankind! Omiis aftis geninto i piountes afta, ke Let those who make them become like
FESTAL PROKEIMENON- TONE 4 pantes i pepithotes ep’ aftis. them: and all those who trust in
Idosan se idata O Theos, idosan Se idata READER The waters saw Thee, O God; the them.
ke efovithisan, etarahthisan avissi. waters saw Thee and were afraid, Ikos Israel ilpisen epi Kyrion, Voithos ke The House of Israel hopes in the Lord -
and the Depths were troubled – a Iperaspistis afton estin. He is their Helper and Protector.
multitude like the sound of waters.
Ikos Aaron ilpisen epi Kyrion, Voithos ke The House of Aaron hopes in our Lord
Foni Kyriou epi ton idaton, O Theos tis The Voice of the Lord is upon the Iperaspistis afton estin. – He is their Helper and their
Doxis evrontise, Kyrios epi idaton waters; the God of Glory thundered; Protector.
pollon. the Lord is upon the many waters!
I Fovoumeni ton Kyrion, ilpisan epi Those who Fear the Lord Hope in the
Kyrion, Voithos ke Iperaspistis afton Lord - He is our Helper and
Profitas Isaiou to anagnosma.... READER The Reading from the Prophecy of esti. Protector.
Isaiah Kyrios mnisthis - Evlogisen imas. The Lord remembers us - Blesses us.
Sofia! Proshomen! PRIEST Wisdom! Let us attend! Evlogisen ton Ikon Israel, evlogisen ton He Blessed the House of Israel, He
Ikon Aaron. Blessed the House of Aaron.
Tade legi Kyrios, Lousasthe, ke kathari READER These things the Lord said: Wash Evlogise tous Fovoumenous ton Kyrion, He Blesses all who Fear the Lord - both
ginesthe, afelete tas ponirias imon yourselves, be clean, take away the tous mikrous meta ton megalon. small and great.
apo ton psihon imon, apenanti ton evil of your devices from My Sight:
ofthalmon mou, pavsate apo ton cease to act perversely. Learn to do Prosthii Kyrios ef’ imas, ef’ imas, ke epi May the Lord add Blessings upon you:
ponirion imon. Mathete kalon piin, well: seek Judgement, relieve the tous ious imon. upon you, and upon your children.
ekzitisate krisin, risasthe oppressed, judge for the fatherless, Evlogimeni imis to Kyrio to piisanti ton Blessed be you of the Lord Who made
adikoumenon, krinate orfano, ke defend the widow. And then come, Ouranon ke tin Gin. Heaven and Earth.
dikeosate hiran. Ke devte ke and accuse me, said the Lord: if
dialehthomen, legi Kyrios, ke ean osin your sins be as scarlet, they shall be O Ouranos tou Ouranou to Kyrio - tin de The Heaven of Heaven is the Lord’s -
e amartie imon os finikoun, os hiona made as white as snow: and if they Gin edoke tis iis ton anthropon. the Earth He has granted to the sons
levkano, ean de osin kokkinon, os be red as crimson, they shall be of mankind.
erion levkano, ean thelite, ke white as wool. If you are willing, and Ouk i nekri Enesousi Se, Kyrie - oude The dead shall not praise Thee, O Lord -
isakousite mou, ta agatha tis gis will heed Me, you shall eat the Good pantes i katabenontes is Adou, all’ nor all those who go down to Hades,
fagesthe, ean de mi thelite, mide Things of the land. But if you will imis i Zontes Evlogisomen ton Kyrion, but we who Live, Bless the Lord -
isakousite mou, mahera imas not, and will provoke Me to Wrath: apo tou nin, ke eos tou eonos. now and unto the Ages of Ages.
katedete, to gar stoma Kyriou elelise the sword shall devour you because 3
tafta the Mouth of the Lord has spoken it. PSALM 85/86
Klinon Kyrie to ous Sou, ke epakouson Incline Thine Ear, O Lord, and hear me,
En tes imeres ekines, egeneto en to ton READER Brethren, it came to pass, while mou, oti ptohos ke pevis imi ego. for I am poor and needy.
Apollo ine en Korintho, Pavlon Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul,
dielthonta ta anoterika meri, elthin is having passed through the upper Filazon tin psihin mou, oti Osios imi. Guard my soul, for I am Holy; O my
Efeson. coasts, came to Ephesus and found Soson ton doulon Sou O Theos mou God, Save Thy servant, who Hopes in
certain disciples. ton elpizonta epi de. Thee.
Ke evron Mathitas tinas ipe pros aftous: He said to them: “Have you received Eleison me Kyrie, oti pros Se kekraxome Have Mercy on me, O Lord, for all day
“I Pnevma Agion elavete the Holy Spirit since you believed?” olin tin imeran. long I cry to Thee.
Pistefsantes?” Evfranon tin psihin tou doulou Sou, oti Gladden the soul of Thy servant, O
I de ipon pros afton: “ All’ oude i They said to him: We have not even pros Se ira tin psihin mou. Lord, for to Thee, O Lord, I lift up my
Pnevma Agion estin ikousamen.” heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” spirit.
Ipe te pros aftous: “Is ti oun Paul said: “In what then were you Oti Si Kyrie Hristos, ke epiikis, ke For Thou, O Lord, art Kind and Good,
Ebaptisthite?” Baptised? “ polyeleos pasi tis epikaloumenis Se. and Infinitely Merciful to all who call
Ii de ipon: “ Is to Ioannou Baptisma.” They said: “Into John’s Baptism” upon Thee.
Ipe de Pavlo: “Ioannis men Evaptise Paul said: John Baptised with the Enotise Kyrie tin prosefhin mou, ke Listen, O Lord, to my Prayer and heed
Vaptisma Metanias, to lao legon, is Baptism of Repentance, telling he proshes ti foni tis Diseos mou. the voice of my Supplication.
ton erhomenon met’ Afton ina people to believe in Him Who was to En imera thlipseos mou ekekraxa pros In the day of my affliction, I cried to
Pistevsosi, toutestin is ton Hriston come after him - that is, in Christ
Se, oti epikousas mou. Thee for Thou heard me.
Iisoun. Jesus.”
PSALM 92/93
Akousantes de Evaptisthisan is to Having heard these things, they were
O Kyrios evasilevsen, evprepian The Lord, has reigned, He is vested with Onoma tou Kyriou Iisou. Baptised in the Name of our Lord
enedisato, enedisato Kyrios Dinamin Beauty: the Lord is vested with Jesus.
ke Perizosato. Strength, and has girded Himself. Ke epithentos aftis tou Pavlou tas hiras, And when Paul had laid his hands on
Ke gar estereose tin ikoumenin, itis ou For He has established the world which ilthe to Pnevma to Agion ep’ aftous, them, the Holy Spirit came upon
salevthisete. shall not be moved. elaloun te glosses ke profitefson. them, and they spoke with tongues
Etimos O Thronos Sou apo tote, apo tou Thy Throne is prepared from of old: and prophesied.
Eonos Si I. Thou art from Everlasting. Isan de i pantes Andres osi dekadio. In all there were about twelve men.
Epiran i potami, Kyrie, epiran i potyami The floods have lifted up, O Lord: the Iselthon de is tin Sinagogin, ke pithon ta Entering into the Synagogue, he spoke
fonas afton, arousin i potami floods have lifted up their voice. peri tis Vasilias tou Theou. boldly for the space of three months,
epitripsis afton, apo fonon idaton The floods have lifted up their disputing and exhorting concerning
pollon. waves, with the noise of many the Kingdom of God.
Thavmasti i meteorismi tis thalassis, Wonderful are the surges of the sea: Arhi tou evangeliou Iisou Hristou, Iou PRIEST The beginning of the Gospel of
Thavmastos en ipsilis O Kyrios. Wonderful is the Lord on High. tou Theou. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Ta Martiria Sou epistothisan sfodra.
To Thy Testimonies have become Os gegrapte en tis Profites, idou ego As it is written in the Prophets, Behold,
Iko Sou prepi Agiasma, Kyrie, is exceedingly credible: Holiness apostello ton Angelon Mou pro I send My Messenger before Thy
makrotita imeron. becomes Thy House, O Lord, unto Prosopou Sou, os kataskevasi tin Face, which shall prepare Thy Way
length of days Odon Sou emprosthen Sou, before Thee.
PSALM 113/114
Foni voontos en ti erimo, etimasate tin The voice of one crying in the
En exodo Israil ex Egyptou, Ikou Iakov ek When Israel went out of Egypt, the odon Kyriou, evthias piite tas Trivous wilderness, Prepare ye the Way of the
laou varvarou, egenithi Ioudea House of Jacob from a barbarous Aftou, Lord, make His Paths straight.
Agiasma Aftou, Israil exousia Aftou. people: Judea was made this Egeneto Ioannis vaptizon en ti erimo ke John Baptised in the wilderness, and
Sanctuary, Israel His Dominion.
kirisson vaptisma metanias is afesin preached the Baptism of Repentance
I thalassa ide , ke efigen, O Iordanis The sea saw and fled: Jordan was amartion. for the remission of sins.
estrafi is ta opiso. Ta ori eskirtisan turned back. The mountains skipped Ke exeporeveto pros afton pasa i Ioudea And there went out to him all the land
osi krii, ke i vouni os arnia probation like rams, and the hills like the
hora ke i Ierosolimite, ke evaptizonto of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem,
. lambs of the flock.
pantes en to Iordani potamo ip’ aftou and were all Baptised by him in the
Ti si esti, thalassa, oti efyges; ke Si, What ailed you, O sea, that you fled? exomologoumeni tas amartias afton. River Jordan, confessing their sins.
Iordani, oti estrafis is ta opiso? Ta ori, and you, O Jordan, that you turned In de O Ioannis endedimenos trihas John was clothed with camel’s hair, and
oti eskirtisate osi krii, ke i vouni os back? O mountains, that you skipped
kamilou ke zoni dermatinin peri tin with a belt of skin about his loins;
arnia provaton? like rams, and you hills, like lambs
osfin aftou, ke esthion akridas ke meli and he ate locusts and wild honey.
of the flock?
Apo Prosopou Kyriou esalevthi i gi, apo At the Presence of the Lord the Earth
Ke ekirisse legon: “Erhete O Ishiroteros And he preached, saying, “There comes
prosopou tou Theou Iakov. Tou was moved, at the Presence of the
mou opiso mou, ou ouk imi ikanos One Mightier than I after me, the
strepsantos tin petran is limnas God of Jacob: Who turned the Rock
kipsas lise ton imanta ton ipodimaton latchet of Whose sandals I am not
idaton, ke tin akrotomon is pigas into pools of water, and the stony
Aftou. worthy to stoop down and unloosen.
idaton. hill into fountains of waters.
Mi imin, Kyrie, mi imin, all’ i to Onomati Not to us, O Lord, not to us,but to Thy Ego men Evaptisa imas en idati, aftos de I indeed have Baptised you with water;
Vaptise imas en Pnevmati Agio. but He shall Baptise you with the
Sou dos Doxan, epi to Elei Sou ke th Name give Glory, for Thy Mercy, and
Holy Spirit.”
Alithia Sou, mipote iposi ta Ethni, Pou for Thy Truth’s sake, lest the
estin O Theos afton? Gentiles should say: Where is their PRAYERS
God? ✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞ Glory to Thee, O Lord, Glory to
O Theos imon en to Ourano ke en ti Gi - Our God is in Heaven and on Earth - Thee!
panta osa ithelise epiise. doing all things whatsoever He Wills. ✞Kyrios O Theos Evlogitos. Evlogitos ✞Blessed is the Lord our God from day
Ta idola ton Ethnon, argyrion ke The idols of the Gentiles are silver and Kyrios imeran kath imeran. to day; the God of our Salvation will
hrysion, erga hiron anthropon - gold, the works of the hands of men Katefodose imin O Theos ton Sotirion bring Prosperity upon us! Our god
Stoma ehousi, ke ou lalisousin, - having mouths that cannot speak, imon. O Theos imon, O Theos tou is the God Who Saves!
ofthalmous ehousi, ke ouk opsonte, having eyes that cannot see, having Sozin.
ota ehousi, ke ouk akousonte, rinas ears that cannot hear, having noses
ehousi, ke ouk osfranthisonte, hiras that cannot smell, having hands that
ehousi, ke ou psilafisousi, podas cannot feel, having feet that cannot
ehousi, ke ou peripatisousin, ou walk - nor can they cry out through
TRISAGION PRAYERS – TO GOD THE HOLY TRINITY ke Efharistian anapempomen, to Thee, ✞ our Father without
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Anarho Patri Sin to Monogeni Sou Iio, beginning, and Thine Only Begotten
ke to Panagio, ke Agatho, ke Zoopio Son, and Thine All Holy, Good and
Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3]
Sou Pnevmati, nin, ke ai, ke is tous Life-giving Spirit, now and forever,
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, eonas ton eonon. unto the Ages of Ages.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages. Amin. PEOPLE Amen
Amin Amen.
✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Ninth Hour
thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins. TRISAGION PRAYERS
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3]
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3] ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amin Amen.
Amin Amen ✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us.
thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins.
OUR LORD’S PRAYER singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven: Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities
Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake.
Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3]
Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into Amin Amen
imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas temptation, but deliver us from the OUR LORD’S PRAYER
apo tou ponirou. evil one. Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis Gis. on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
Ages of Ages. imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
Amin PEOPLE Amen tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
FESTAL KONTAKION - THEOPHANY imas is pirasmon, alla Rise imas temptation, but Deliver us from the
apo tou ponirou. evil one.
En tis rithris simeron tou Iordanou, To the flowing streams today of River
Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke i PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
gegonos O Kyrios, to Ioanni ekvoa. Jordan, the Lord has Appeared,
Mi diliastis Vaptisi me. Sose gar crying to John and saying, Be not Doxa ✞ tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
iko, Adam ton Protoplaston. dismayed at My Baptism. For I Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
have come to Save Adam the First eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
Ages of Ages.
Amin PEOPLE Amen
Kyrie eleison (40) PEOPLE Lord, have Mercy (40)
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God.
O en panti kero ke pasi ora en Ourano O Christ our God, Who at all times and
ke epi gis proskinoumenos ke doxa in every hour, in Heaven and on ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
zomenos Hristos O Theos; O earth, art worshipped and glorified; Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God.
Makrothimos, O Polyeleos, O Who art Long-suffering, Merciful and ✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down
Polyevsplahnos; O tous Dikeous Compassionate; Who Lovest the Just Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon before Christ Himself, our King and
Agapon ke tous Amartolous Eleon; O and showest Mercy upon the sinner; our God.
pantas Kalon pros Sotirian dia tis Who Callest all to Salvation through
epangelias ton melonton Agathon. the Promise of Blessings to come: O
Aftos Kyrie pros dekse ke imon en ti Lord, in this hour: receive our
Tihison imas Agiis Sou Angelis, ina, ti Encompass us with Thy Holy Angels so ora tafti tas entefxis ke ithinon tin Supplications and direct our lives
paremvoli afton frurumeni ke O di that guided and guarded by them, zoin imon pros tas Endolas Sou: according to Thy Commandments.
goumeni katantisomen is tin Enotita we may attain to the Unity of the
tis Pisteos ke is tin epignosin tis Faith and to the Knowledge of Thine Tas psihas imon Agiason; a somata Sanctify our souls; hallow our bodies;
aprosito Sou Doxis, oti Evlogitos i is Unapproachable Glory, for Thou art Agnison; tous logismous diorthoson; correct our thoughts; cleanse our
tous Eonas ton eonon. Blessed unto the Ages of Ages. tas enias Katharon; ke rise imas apo minds; deliver us from all
pasis thlipseos kakon ke odinis. tribulation, evil and distress.
Amin. Amen Tihison imas Agiis Sou Angelis, ina, ti Encompass us with Thy Holy Angels so
paremvoli afton frurumeni ke O di that guided and guarded by them,
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord, have Mercy (3) goumeni katantisomen is tin Enotita we may attain to the Unity of the
tis Pisteos ke is tin epignosin tis Faith and to the Knowledge of Thine
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, aprosito Sou Doxis, oti Evlogitos i is Unapproachable Glory, for Thou art
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and tous Eonas ton eonon. Blessed unto the Ages of Ages.
eonon. ever and to the Ages of Ages.
Amin. Amen Amin. Amen
THEOTOKION Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord, have Mercy (3)
✞ Tin Timoteran ton Herouvim, ke ✞ O Thou who art more Honourable ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, than the Cherubim, and more Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
tin adiafthoros Theon Logon Glorious beyond compare than the eonon. ever and to the Ages of Ages.
tekousan tin ontos Theotokon, Se Seraphim, who without corruption Amin. Amen
Megalinomen bore the Word of God: truly Thou art THEOTOKION
the Theotokos, and Thee we Magnify.
BLESSINGS ✞ Tin Timoteran ton Herouvim, ke ✞ O Thou who art more Honourable
Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, than the Cherubim, and more
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison Pater. PEOPLE In the Name of the Lord, Bless, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon Glorious beyond compare than the
Father. tekousan tin ontos Theotokon, Se Seraphim, who without corruption
✞ O Theos Iktirise imas ke Evlogise imas ✞ O God be Merciful to us and Bless
Megalinomen bore the Word of God: truly Thou art
epifane to Prosopo Aftou ke Eleise us, and cause His Face to shine upon the Theotokos, and Thee we Magnify.
imas. us, and be Merciful to us. BLESSINGS
Amin PEOPLE Amen En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison Pater. PEOPLE In the Name of the Lord, Bless,
✞ Thee ke Kyrie ton Dynameon, ke pasis PRIEST O God and Lord of Hosts, and Father.
Ktiseos dimiourge, O dia splaghna Maker of all Creation, in Thine ✞ O Theos iktirise imas ke Evlogise imas ✞ O God be Merciful to us and Bless
anikastou Eleous Sou, ton Monogeni Unfathomable Compassion and epifane to Prosopo Aftou ke Eleise us, and cause His Face to shine upon
Sou Iion, ton Kyrion imon Iisoun Mercy Thou sent down Thine Only imas. us, and be Merciful to us.
Hriston, katapempsas epi Sotira tou Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
genous imon, ke dia tou Timiou Aftou for the Salvation of mankind; and by Amin PEOPLE Amen
Stavrou, to Hirografon ton amartion His Precious Cross Thou tore up the ✞ Despota Thee, Pater Pantokrator, PRIEST O Master God, Father Almighty,
imon diarrixas, ke thriamvefsas en record of our iniquities, and
Kyrie Iie Monogenis, Iisou Hriste ke Lord, Only Begotten Son, Jesus
afto tas arhas ke exousias tou triumphed over the principalities
Agion Pnevma, mia Theotis, Mia Christ, and Holy Spirit, One
Skotous, aftos. and powers of Darkness.
Dinamis, Eleison me ton amartolon, Godhead, One Power: have Mercy on
Despota Filanthrope, prosdexe ke imon O Master, and Lover of mankind, accept ke, is epistase krimasi, Soson me ton me, a siner, and by the Judgements
ton amartolon tas Efharistirious the Thanksgiving and Fervent Anaxion doulon Sou, oi Evlogios i is that Thou knowest, Save me, Thine
taftas ke iketirious entevxis, ke Rise Prayers even of us sinners, and tous Eonas ton eonon. unworthy servant, for Blessed art
imas apo pantos olethriou ke Deliver us from every dark and Thou unto the Ages of Ages.
Skotinou paraptomatos, ke panton destructive transgression and from
ton kakose imas zitounton, oraton ke all the visible and invisible enemies Amin. PEOPLE Amen
aoraton ehthron.
Kathiloson ek tou fovou Sou tas sarkas Nail
that seek to harm us.
our flesh with the Fear of Thee,
Sixth Hour
imon, ke mi ekklinis tas kardias imon and do not incline our heart towards TRISAGION PRAYERS
is logous, i is logismous ponirias, alla evil words or thoughts, but rather ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
to potho Sou troson imon tas psihas, prick our soul with Love for Thee, so
Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3]
ina pros Se diapantos atenizontes. that always looking to Thee.
Ke to para Sou Foti odigoumeni, Se to And Guided by Thy Light, we may
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
aprositon ke aidion katoptevontes unceasingly Confess and Thank
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
Fos, akatapafston Si tin Exomologisin,
Amin Amen. ✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us.
✞Panagia Trias eleison imas. Kyrie, elas ✞ All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins.
thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, cleanse us from our sins. singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, visit and heal our infirmities eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake.
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have Mercy [3]
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3] ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
Amin Amen
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven: Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas temptation, but deliver us from the
imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas temptation, but deliver us from the apo tou ponirou. evil one.
apo tou ponirou. evil one. PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke i
✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke PRIEST✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the
Doxa ✞ tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto Ages of Ages.
the Ages of Ages. PEOPLE Amen
Amin Amin
Kyrie Eleison [12] Lord have mercy [12] En tis rithris simeron tou Iordanou, Today the Lord has appeared in the
gegonos O Kyrios, to Ioanni ekvoa. courses of the Jordan, crying to John
Mi diliastis Vaptisi me. Sose gar and saying, Be not dismayed at My
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, iko, Adam ton Protoplaston. Baptism; for I have come to Save
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and Adam, the First Formed.
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages.
Amin Amen
Kyrie eleison (40) Lord, have Mercy (40)
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down O en panti kero ke pasi ora en Ourano O Christ our God, Who at all times and
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God.
ke epi gis proskinoumenos ke doxa in every hour, in Heaven and on
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down zomenos Hristos O Theos; O earth, art worshipped and glorified;
Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God. Makrothimos, O Polyeleos, O Who art Long-suffering, Merciful and
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down Polyevsplahnos; O tous Dikeous Compassionate; Who Lovest the Just
Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon before Christ Himself, our King and Agapon ke tous Amartolous Eleon; O and showest Mercy upon the sinner;
our God. pantas Kalon pros Sotirian dia tis Who Callest all to Salvation through
PSALM 73/74 epangelias ton melonton Agathon. the Promise of Blessings to come: O
Aftos Kyrie pros dekse ke imon en ti Lord, in this hour: receive our
Ina ti Theos aposo is telos? Orgisthi O O God, why hast Thou cast us off to the ora tafti tas entefxis ke ithinon tin Supplications and direct our lives
thimos Sou epi provata Nomis Sou? end? Why is Thy Wrath enkindled zoin imon pros tas Endolas Sou: according to Thy Commandments.
against the Sheep of Thy Pasture?
Mnisthiti tis Sinagogis Sou, is ektiso ap’ Remember Thy Congregation, which
Tas psihas imon Agiason; a somata Sanctify our souls; hallow our bodies;
Agnison; tous logismous diorthoson; correct our thoughts; cleanse our
arhis. Thou hast possessed from the
tas enias Katharon; ke rise imas apo minds; deliver us from all
pasis thlipseos kakon ke odinis. tribulation, evil and distress.
- ouk eti apothniski - Thanatos Aftou again from the dead - dies no more - Elitroso Ravdon klironomias Sou, oros The Sceptre of Thy Inheritance which
ouk eti kirievi. Death having no more dominion Sion touto, O kateskinosas en afto. Thou hast Redeemed: Mount Zion in
over Him. which Thou has dwelt.
O gar apethane ti amartia, apethane For in that He died to sin, He died once; Eparon tas Hiras Sou epi tas iperifanias Lift up Thy Hands against their pride to
efapax, O de zi, zi to Theo. but in that He Lives, He Lives unto afton is telos, osa eponirevsato O the end; see what things the enemy
God. ehthros en to Agio Sou. has done wickedly in the Sanctuary.
Outo ke imis logizesthe eaftous, nekrous So do you also reckon, that you are Ke enekafhisanto i misountes Se en And they that hate Thee have made
men ine ti amartia, Zontas de to dead to sin, but Alive unto God, in meso tis Eortis Sou. their boasts, in the midst of Thy
Theo, en Hristo Iisou to Kyrio imon. Christ Jesus our Lord. Solemnity.
Ethento ta simia afton simia ke ouk They have set up their ensigns for
Irini si to anaginoskonti. PRIEST Peace be to thee, the Reader, and to egnosan, os is tin exodon iperano. signs, and they know not both in the
all the people. going out and on the highest top.
Alleluia! [3] PEOPLE Alleluia! (3) Os en drimo xiloon, axinas exekopsan As with axes in the wood of trees, they
THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK - 1 : 9 - 11 tas thiras aftis epi to afto, en peleki have cut down at once the gates
THE C ONGREGATION MUST STAND ke lavxevtirio katerraxan aftin. thereof - with axe and hatchet they
have brought it down.
Pros Romaious Epistolis Pavlou to PRIESTThe Reading from the Holy Gospel
anagnosma. according to St Mark Enepirisan en piri to agiastirion Sou, is They have set fire to Thy Sanctuary:
tin gin efevilosan to skinoma tou they have defiled the Dwelling Place
Proshomen! Let us attend! Onomatos Sou. of Thy Name on the earth.
✞ Doxa Si, O Theos, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞ Glory to Thee, O Lord, Glory to Ipon eon ti kardia afton e Siggenie afton They said in their heart, the whole
Thee! epi to afto, Devte, ke katapavsomen kindred of them together: Let us
pasas tas Eortas tou Theou apo tis abolish all the Festival Days of God
Ke egeneto en ekines tes imeres ilthen O PRIEST And it came to pass in those days, gis. from the land.
Isous apo Nazareth tis Galileas ke Jesus went from Nazareth of Galilee, Ta Simia Afton ouk idomen, ouk estin eti Our Signs we have not seen, there is
evaptisthi ipo Ioannou is ton and was Baptised by John in the Profitis, ke imas ou gnosete eti. now no Prophet: and He will know
Iordanin. Jordan. us no more.
Ke evtheos anavenon apo tou idatos ide And forthwith coming up out of the Eos pote, O Theos, onidii O ehthros, How long, O God, shall the enemy
skizomenous tous Ouranous ke to water, He saw the Heavens opened, paroxini O ipenantios to Onoma Sou reproach: is the adversary to
Pnevma os peristeran katavenon ep and the Spirit like a dove is telos? provoke Thy Name forever?
Afton. descending, and remaining on Him. Ina ti apostrefis tin Hira Sou, ke tin Why dost Thou turn away Thy Hand:
Ke Foni egeneto ek ton Ouranon. “Si I O And there came a Voice from Heaven: Dexian Sou ek mesou tou Kolpou Sou and Thy right Hand out of the midst
Iios Mou O Agapitos, en Si “Thou art My Beloved Son; in Thee is telos? of Thy Bosom forever?
Iidokisa.” Am I well pleased!” O de Theos, Vasileus imon pro eonon, God is our King before ages: He has
irgasato Sotirian en meso tis gis. wrought Salvation in the midst of
✞ Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE ✞ Glory to Thee, O Lord, Glory to the earth.
Thee! Si ekrateosas en ti Dinami Sou tin By Thy Strength Thou make the sea
Taxi prokatalavetosan imas i iktirmi Let Thy Mercies quickly overatke us, for thalassan, Si Sinetripsas tas kefalas firm: Thou crushed the heads of the
Sou, Kyrie, oti eptohefsamen sfodra. we have become very poor. Help us, ton drakonton epi tou idatos. dragons in the waters.
Voithison imin, O Theos, O Sotir O God, our Saviour. Because of the Si Sinethlasas tin kefalin tou drakontos, Thou broke the heads of the dragon:
imon. Eneken tis Doxis tou Onomatos Glory of Thy Name, O Lord, Save us edokas afton vroma lais tis Ethiopsi. Thou gave him to be meat for the
Sou, Kyrie, rise imas ke ilasthit tes and be Merciful to us who sin, people of the Ethiopia .
amarties imon eneka tou Onomatos because of Thy Name. Si dierrixas pigas ke himarous, Si Thou broke up the fountains and the
Sou. exiranas potamous nItham. torrents: Thou dried up the Ethan
Thrice Holy Prayers – To The Holy Trinity
Si estin i imera, ke si estin i nix, si Thine is the day, and Thine is the night:
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy katirtiso favsin ke ilion. Thou made the morning light and
Athanatos, eleison imas Immortal; have mercy on us [3] the sun.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Si epiisas panta ta orea tis gis, theros ke Thou made all the borders of the earth:
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and ear si eplasas afta. the summer and the spring were
eonon. forever, and to the ages of ages. formed by Thee.
Amin Amen.
Mnisthiti taftis, ehthros onidise ton Remember this, the enemy has
Kyrion, ke laos afron paroxyne to reproached the Lord: and a foolish Proshomen! PRIESTLet us attend!
Onoma Sou. people have provoked Thy Name.
Profitias Iseou to anagnosma READERS The Reading from the Prophecy
Mi parados tis thiriois psihin Do not deliver up to beasts the souls of Isaiah
exomologoumenin si, ton psihon ton who confess to Thee: and forsake
peniton sou, mi epilathi is telos. not to the end the souls of the poor. Proshomen! PRIEST Let us attend!
Epivlepson is tin Diathikin Sou, oti Observe Thy Covenant: for the
Tade legi Kyrios: These things the Lord said:
eplirothisan i eskotismeni tis gis ikon ambiguous of the earth have been
anomion. filled with dwellings of iniquity. “...Antlisate idor met evfrosinis ek ton Thou shalt draw waters with Joy out of
Mi apostrafito tetapinomenos ke Let not the humble be turned away with Pigon tou Sotiriou. the Saviour’s Fountains.
katishimmenos, ptohos ke penis confusion: the poor and needy shall Ke eris en ti imera ekini: “Imnite ton And Thou shalt say on that day:
enesousi to Onoma Sou. praise Thy Name. Kyrion!” “Praise the Lord!
Anasta, O Theos, dikason tin Dikin Sou. Arise, O God, judge Thy own cause: Voate to Onoma Aftou. Call upon His Name.
Mnisthiti tou onidismou sou, tou ipo remember Thy reproaches with
afronos olin tin imeran. which the foolish man has Anaggilate en tis Ethnesi - ta Evdoxa Declare His Glorious Things among the
reproached Thee all the day. Aftou, mimniskesthe oti Ipsothi to Gentiles - remember how Exalted is
Mi epilathi tis fonis ton iketon sou, i Forget not the voices of Thine enemies: Onoma Aftou! His Name!
iperifania ton misounton se anebi dia the pride of those who hate Thee Imnisate to Onoma Kyriou, oti Ipsila Hymn the Name of the Lord, for He has
pantos. increases continually. Epiisen! done Great Things!
PSALM 76/77 Anangelate tafta en pasi ti Gi! Declare these throughout all the Earth!
Foni mou pros Kyrion ekekraxa, foni With my voice I cried to the Lord - with Agalliasthe, ke Evfrenesthe i katikountes Exalt, and Rejoice, O inhabitants of
mou pros ton Theon, ke proseshe mi. my voice, to God; and He heard me. Zion. Oti Ipsothi O Agios tou Israil en Zion, for the Highest is the Holy One
En imera thlipseos mou, ton Theon In the day of my affliction I sought God, meso aftis. of Israel Who is in your midst!
exezitisa, tes hersi mou niktos with my hands lifted up to Him in THE EPISTLE OF ST PAUL TO THE ROMANS 6 : 3 - 11
enantion aftou, ke ouk ipatithin. the night, and was not deceived.
Apininato paraklithine i psihi mou. My soul refused to be comforted. Pros Romeous epistolis Pavlou to READER The Reading from the Epistle of
anagnosma. St Paul to the Romans 6: 3 – 11
Emnisthin tou Theou, ke ivfranthin. I remembered God, and was glad. Sofia! Proshomen! PRIEST Wisdom! Let us attend!
Iidoleshisa, ke oligopsihise to pnevma. I complained, and my spirit became
discouraged. Adelfi, osii is Hriston Evaptisthimen, is READER Brethren, do you not know that all
Prokatelavonto filakas i ofthalmi mou, Through all the night watches my eyes ton Thanaton Aftou Evaptisthimen? of us who are Baptised in Christ
etarahthin ke ouk elalisa. were troubled and I did not speak. Jesus, are Baptised into His Death?
Dielogisamin imeras arheas, ke eti eonia I meditated upon the days of old, and Sinetafimen oun afto dia tou For we are buried together with Him by
emnisthin ke emeletisa the Eternal Years I remembered. Vaptismatos is ton Thanaton, ina, os Baptism into Death; that as Christ is
Niktos meta tis kardias mou idoleshoun, In the night with my heart I meditated: per igerthi Hristos ek nekron, dia tis Risen from the dead by the Glory of
ke eskalle to pnevma mou. and searched my spirit. Doxis tou Patros, outo ke imis en the Father, so we also may Walk in
Kenotiti Zois Peripatisomen. Newness of Life.
Mi is tous eonas aposete Kyrios, ke ou Will I be cast off unto the Ages by the
prosthisi tou evdokise eti? Lord and will He never be favourable I gar Simfiti gegonamen to omiomati For if we have been planted together in
again? tou Thanatou Aftou, alla ke tis the likeness of His Death, we shall be
Anastaseos esometha. also in the likeness of His
Is telos to Eleos Aftou apokopsi - Will He cut off His Mercy forever - from Resurrection.
Sinetelese rima apo geneas is generation to generation?
genean? Touto ginoskontes, oti O Paleos Imon Knowing this, that our Old Man is
Mi epimelisete tou Iktirise O Theos? I Will God forget to show Mercy? Or will Anthropos Sinestavrothi, ina crucified with Him, that the body of
Sinexi en ti Orgi Aftou tous Iktirmous He in His Wrath shut up His Mercies? katargithi to soma tis amartias, tou sin may be destroyed, to the end
Aftou? miketi doulevin imas ti amartia. that we may serve sin no longer.
Ke ipa: Nin irxamin - afti i alliosis tis And I said:, Now have I begun to O gar apothanon, Dedikeote apo tis For he who is dead is Justified from sin.
Dexias tou Ipsistou. undertand - This change is by the amartias.
right hand of the Most High. I de apethanomen sin Hristo, If we are dead with Christ, we believe
pistevomen, oti ke Sizisomen Afto, that we shall Live also together with
idotes, oti Hristos - egerthis ek nekron Christ: Knowing that Christ - rising
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Emnisthin ton Ergon Kyriou, oti I remembered the Works of the Lord,
and to the Holy Spirit mnisthisome apo tis arhis ton for I will remember Thy Wonders of
FESTAL STIHI – THEOPHANY – TONE (5) PLAGAL 1 Thavmasion Sou, ke meletiso en pasi old, and I will meditate on all Thy
tis Ergis Sou ke en tis epitidevmasi Works: and will consider Thy Ways.
Ti anaketizis Sou ta idata O Iordani; ti Why art Thy waters troubled, O Jordan, Sou adoleshiso. .
anapodizis to rithron, ke ou provenis and why dost Thou turn backward,
tin kata fisin porian; Ou Diname not proceeding forward according to O Theos, en to Agio i Odos Sou, tis Theos O God, in the Holy Place is Thy Way.
ferin, fisi, pir katanaliskon. Existame, Thy natural flow? It shall answer: I Megas os O Theos imon? Who is as great a God like our God?
ke fritto tin akran sigkatavasin. Oti cannot bear a Consuming Fire. Si i O Theos, O pion Thavmasia! Thou art the God Who does Wonders!
ouk iotha ton Katharon apoplinin, Therefore, I marvel and tremble at
ouk emathon ton anamartiton Thine exceeding Condescension; for Egnorisas en tis lais tin Dinamin Sou, Thou made known among the people
aposmihien, alla ta reripomena skevi I am not accustomed to wash the elitroso en to Vrahioni Sou ton laon Thy Power, Delivering Thy People
ekkatherin. Akanthas flegin me Pure; I have not learnt to Purify the Sou - tous Ious Iakov ke Iosif. with Thine Arm – the sons of Jacob
amartimaton didaski, O en emi Sinless One; but to purify impure and Joseph.
Vaptizomenos Hristos. O Ioannis vessels; for Christ Who Baptised in Idosan Se idata, O Theos! Idosan Se The waters saw Thee, O God! The
simmartiri mi. I Foni tou Logou Voa. me teaches me to burn the thorns of idata, ke efovithisan! Etarahthisan waters saw Thee and were afraid!
Ide O Amnos tou Theou, O eron tin sins. And John, the Voice of the avissi – plithos ihous idaon. And the Depths were troubled – a
amartian tou kosmou. Afto Pisti Word, Testifies with me, crying: multitude like the sound of waters.
Voisomen: O Epifanis Theos, is tin Behold the Lamb of God Who bears
imon Sotirian, ✞ Doxa Si. the sin of the world! Let us Faithful, Fonin edokan e Nefele, ke gar ta veli Sou The Clouds uttered their voice, for
therefore, cry to Him: O God Who diaporevonte. Thine Arrows passed through them.
hast Appeared for our Salvation, Foni tis vrontis Sou en to troho. The Voice of Thy Thunder was in the
✞Glory to Thee! Wheel;
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of Efanan e astrape Sou ti ikoumeni, Thy Lighning gave light to the world. It
eonon. ages. esalvthi ke entromos egenithi i Gi. was shaken, and the Earth was made
to tremble.
Amin Amen
Ti anaketizis Sou ta idata O Iordani; ti Why art Thy waters troubled, O
En ti thalassi e Odi Sou, ke e trivi Sou en In the sea is Thy Way, and Thy Paths are
idasi pollis. in many waters.
anapodizis to rithron, ke ou provenis Jordan, and why dost Thou turn
tin kata fisin porian; Ou Diname backward, not proceeding forward Ke ta ihni Sou ou gnosthisonte. And Thy Footsteps shall not be known.
ferin, fisi, pir katanaliskon. Existame, according to Thy natural flow? It Odigisas os Provata ton Laon Sou ne Thou led Thy People like Sheep by the
ke fritto tin akran sigkatavasin. Oti shall answer: I cannot bear a Hiri Moisi ke Aaron. hand of Moses and Aaron.
ouk iotha ton Katharon apoplinin, Consuming Fire. Therefore, I marvel
PSALM 90/91
ouk emathon ton anamartiton and tremble at Thine exceeding
aposmihien, alla ta reripomena skevi Condescension; for I am not O katikon en voithia tou Ipsistou, en He Who dwells in the Aid of the Most
ekkatherin. Akanthas flegin me accustomed to wash the Pure; I have skepi tou Theou tou Ouranou High shall abide under the
amartimaton didaski, O en emi not learnt to Purify the Sinless One; avlisthisete. Protection of the God of Jacob.
Vaptizomenos Hristos. O Ioannis but to purify impure vessels; for
simmartiri mi. I Foni tou Logou Voa. Christ Who Baptised in me teaches Eri to Kyrio, Antiliptor mou i, ke katafigi He shall say to the Lord: Thou art my
Ide O Amnos tou Theou, O eron tin me to burn the thorns of sins. And mou, O Theos mou, ke elpio ep’ Protector, and my Refuge: my God,
amartian tou kosmou. Afto Pisti John, the Voice of the Word, Afton. in Him will I trust.
Voisomen: O Epifanis Theos, is tin Testifies with me, crying: Behold the Oti Aftos Risete Se ek pagidos thirevton, For He has Delivered me from the snare
imon Sotirian, ✞ Doxa Si. Lamb of God Who bears the sin of the ke apo logou tarahodous. of the hunters: and from the sharp
world! Let us Faithful, therefore, cry word.
to Him: O God Who hast Appeared En tis metafrenis Aftou episkiasi si, ke He will overshadow Thee with His
for our Salvation, ✞Glory to Thee! ipo tas Pterygas Aftou elpiis. shoulders: and under His wings
PROKEIMENON – THEOPHANY – TONE 4 Thou shalt trust.
Foni Kyriou epi ton idaton, O Theos The Voice of the Lord is upon the Oplo kiklosi se i Alithia Aftou, ou His Truth shall compass Thee with a
tis Doxis evrontise, Kyrios epi waters; the God of Glory thundered; fovithisi apo fovou nikterinou, apo shield: Thou shalt not be afraid of
idaton pollon. the Lord is upon the many waters! velous petomenou imeras. Apo the terror of the night; nor the arrow
pragmatos en skoti diaporevomenou, that flies in the day; of things that
Enegkate to Kyrio, ii Theou, enegate Bring to the Lord, O ye sons of God, apo Simptomatos ke demoniou walk about in the dark; of invasion,
to Kyrio iious krinon, enegkate to bring to the Lord the sons of rams; mesimvrinou. or of the noonday devil.
Kyrio Doxan ke Timin! bring to the Lord Glory and Pesite ek tou klitous sou hilias, ke myrias A thousand shall fall at Thy side, and
Honour! ek dexion sou, pros se de ouk eggii. ten thousand at Thy right hand; but
it shall not come close to Thee.
Plin tis ofthalmis sou katanoisis, ke Thou shalt judge with Thine eyes:
antapodosin amartolon opsi. Thou shalt see the reward of the Otiouk ehomen parrisian dia ta polla As there is no boldness in us because
wicked. imon amartimata ou ton ek Sou of the multitude of our sins, do
Oti Si, Kyrie, i elpis mou, ton Ipsiston For Thou, O Lord, art my Hope: Thou gennithenta disopison, Theotoke Thou, O Virgin Theotokos, Intercede
Parthene. Polla gar ishii deisis Mitros with the Son Whom Thou hast Borne,
ethou katafigin Sou. hast made the Most High Thy
pros efmenian Despotou. Mi paridis for the Entreaty of a Mother has
amartolon ikesias i pansemnos, oti Great Power to win the favour of the
Ou vroselevsete pros Se kaka, ke mastix There shall no evil come to Thee: nor Eleimon esti, ke Sozin Dinamenos, O Master. Despise not, O All Venerable
ouk eggii en to Skinomati Sou. shall the scourge come near Thy ke pathin iper imon katadexamenos. Lady, the Prayers of sinners, for He
Dwelling. Who took upon Himself to suffer for
Oti tis Aggelis Aftou entelite peri Sou, For He has given His Angels charge over our sake is Merciful and Strong to
tou diafilaxi Se en pases tes Odis Sou. Thee; to keep Thee in all Thy Ways.
Epi hiron arousi Se, mipote proskopsisa In their hands they shall bear Thee up:
pros lithon ton Poda Sou. lest Thou dash Thy Foot against a Tade legi Kyrios pros Ioannin: Profita Thus said the Lord to John: Come, O
stone. defro Vaptison me, ton Se Prophet, and Baptise Me, Who has
Epi aspida ke vasiliskon epivisi, ke Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the dimiourgisanta. Ton Fotizonta created Thee, the Illuminator and
Hariti, ke katheronta apantas. Apse Purifier of all by Grace. Touch My
katapatisis leonta ke drakonta. basilisk: and Thou shalt trample
under foot the lion and the dragon. Thias Korifis Mou, ke mi distasis. Divine Head and falter not, O
Profita, afes arti. Ke gar plirose Prophet. Let it be now; for I have
Oti ep’ eme ilpise, ke risome afton, Because he hoped in Me, I will Deliver paragegona, Dikeosinin pasan. Si come to fulfil all Justice. Be not
skepaso afton, oti egno to Onoma him, I will protect him because he oun mi distasis olos. Ke gar ton doubtful, therefore, at all; for verily,
Mou. has known My Name. kekrimmenon tis idasi polemion, ton I have come to destroy Arhon of
Kekraxete pros Me, ke epakousome Afto, He shall cry to Me, and I will hear him: arhonta tou skotous, epigome olese. darkness, the Contender, who hides
met’ Aftou imi en thlipsi, exeloume I Am with him in tribulation, I will Litroumenos ton kosmon, ek ton in the waters, now rescuing the
afton, ke Doxaso Afton. Deliver him, and I will Glorify him. aftou pagidon nin parehon os world from his traps, and granting
Makrotita imeron empliso afton, ke dixo With length of days I will fill him: and Filanthropos, Zoin tin Eonion.(2) Eternal Life, since I Am the Lover of
afto to Sotirion mou. I will show him My Salvation. mankind. (2)
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Dia touto minsthisome sou ek gis Therefore will I remember Thee from
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and for Iordanou ke ermoniim, apo Orous the land of the Jordan and Hermon,
eonon. ever, and to the ages of ages. Mikrou. from the Small Mountain.
Amin Amen. Simeron i pslamiki Profitia, peras lavin Today it is time for the Prophecy of the
epegete. I thalassa gar fisin, eide ke Psalms to take effect; for it said that
Alleluia [3] ✞ Doxa si, O Theos, doxa Alleluia [3] ✞ Glory to Thee, O God;
efigen. O Iordanis estrafi is ta opiso, the sea beheld and ran away; and
Si! (3) Glory to Thee. (3) apo Prosopou Kyriou, apo Prosopou Jordan turned back from the Face of
Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3] tou Theou Iakov, elthontos upo the Lord, from the Face of the God of
doulou dexasthe Vaptisma. Ina imis, Jacob, Who came to accept Baptism
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, edolikis akatharsias ekplinthentes, from a servant, so that having been
and to the Holy Spirit fotisthomen tas psihas di Aftou. washed from abominable idolatry,
FESTAL APOLYTIKION - THEOPHANY our souls may be Illuminated by
Apestrefeto pote, O Iordanis potamos, ti The River Jordan receded of old by the Him.
miloti Elissie, analifthentos Iliou. Ke mantle of Elisha when Elijah Idosan se idata O Theos, idoxan Se The waters saw Thee, O God, the
diirito ta idata enthen ke enthen. Ke ascended to Heaven; and the water idata ke efovithisan, etarhthisan waters saw Thee and were afraid,
gegonen afto xira odos i igra, is was separated to this side and that, avissi. and the Depths were troubled – a
tipon alithos tou Vaptismatos, di’ ou the wet element turning into a dry multitude like the sound of waters
imis tin reousan tou viou diaperomen path for him, being truly a Symbol of Simeron i pslamiki Profitia, peras lavin Today it is time for the Prophecy of the
diavasin, Hristos Efani, en Iordani, Baptism, by which we cross the Path epegete. I thalassa gar fisin, eide ke Psalms to take effect; for it said that
Agiase ta idata. of Transient Age. Christ Appeared efigen. O Iordanis estrafi is ta opiso, the sea beheld and ran away; and
in the Jordan to Sanctify its waters. apo Prosopou Kyriou, apo Prosopou Jordan turned back from the Face of
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of tou Theou Iakov, elthontos upo the Lord, from the Face of the God of
doulou dexasthe Vaptisma. Ina imis, Jacob, Who came to accept Baptism
eonon. Ages.
edolikis akatharsias ekplinthentes, from a servant, so that having been
Amin Amen fotisthomen tas psihas di Aftou. washed from abominable idolatry,
our souls may be Illuminated by