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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

Sunday Matins & Divine Liturgy Hymns

Used in conjunction with the relevant Service Books)

22 October 2023
By the Grace of God
21st Sunday After Pentecost – 5th Sunday of St Luke
The Gadarene Demoniac
The 7 Holy Youths of Ephesos – St Averkios of Hieropolis

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed

By Marguerite Paizis
Archondissa & Teacher by Divine Grace
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
Archdiocese of Good Hope
Holy Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God
Port Elizabeth, Republic of South Africa

or download directly from
Marguerite Paizis on Scribd – www.scribd.com/writers4574

Re-edited & Published - 27 September 2023

Tone 3
Resurrection Gospel 9: John 20 : 19 - 31
Galatians 1 : 11 - 19
Luke 8 : 26 - 39


Archimandrite Symeon Krayiopoulos: “… You have decided to go to
God to be Cleansed, but that does not mean that you have already
been Cleansed. The thing is to return to God and be firm. Your
soul shall be Cleansed, little by little. God accepted your
Resurrection Matins Hymns – Tone 3 Repentance, Forgives you, but after many years, you shall see how
superficial your Repentance was! Of course, there is a iota of
21st Sunday After Pentecost – 5th Sunday of St Luke sincerity, but it only went so far. You have still got a very long way
The Gadarene Demoniac to go!”

Kindly use the Service Book until this point, St John of Kronstadt: “… If, at the time of Prayer, or, indeed, other
then carefully follow instructions with regard to these Hymns times, the enemy fills your mind with coarse thoughts, do not
despair. Keep saying to yourselve: “Our Lord God came to Earth so
O KTOIH OS - AP OLY TIKION – T ONE 3 that I might be Cleansed from these thoughts and from others
similar to them.” In general, do not lose heart over any sin, but
Εὐφραινέσθω τὰ Οὐράνια, The Heavens Rejoice and the Earth Hope in God’s Almighty Help and Great Mercy.”
Ἀγαλλιάσθω τὰ ἐπίγεια, ὅτι is Glad, for the Lord hast shown
St Makarios of Optina: “… If you need to take a quick decision and
ἐποίησε Κράτοσ, ἐν βραχίονι Strength with His Arm; He hast
you realise that you need to consult someone on the issue that is
Αὐτοῦ, ὁ Κύριος, ἐπάτησε τῷ trampled down Death by Death! occupying you, but there is no one nearby who can advise you, turn
Θανάτῳ τὸν Θάνατον, He hast become the First-born of to the Lord our God and, as our Holy Fathers teach us, call upon His
Πρωτότοκος τῶν νεκρῶν the dead! From the womb of Help three times, and then do whatever He tells you to do…”
ἐγένετο, ἐκ κοιλίας Ἂδου Hades He hast Rescued us, and
Elder Ephraim of Vatopaidi: “… We are potentially persons. Our
Ἐῤῥύσατο ἡμᾶς, καὶ παρέσχε τῷ to the world He hast granted completion as persons, which is the Purpose of our existence, is
κόσμῳ τὸ Μέγα Ἒλεος. Great Mercy. achieved through our Elevation to the Uncreated Archetype. This
Elevation is offered to us as a Gift by God the Word, through His
Evfrenestho ta Ourania, Agaliastho The Heavens Rejoice and the Earth Incarnation. The Authentic Human Being is revealed in the Person
ta Epigia, oti epiise Kratos en is Glad, for the Lord hast shown of our Lord Jesus Christ…”
Vrahioni Aftou O Kyrios. Epatise Strength with His Arm; He hast St Isaac the Syrian: “… We walk among the stumbling blocks and
to Thanato ton trampled down Death by Death! pitfalls. Pray that we do not fall into them. The snares of Death
Thanaton.Prototokos ton nekron He hast become the First-born of are full of sweetness. Do not let your soul be ensnared by their
egeneto. Ek kilias Adou errisato the dead! From the womb of sweetness. The sweetness of the snares of Death are concern for
imas ke pareshe to kosmo to Hades He hast Rescued us, and to earthly things and for money, wicked thoughts and evil deeds.”
Mega Eleos. the world He hast granted Great
Mercy. St Tikhon of Zadonsk: “… Joy in our heart is a clear Sign of our Love
for God. Because it is natural to feel Joy for whatever we Love. So,
without Joy, our Love for God is inconceivable…”
Κανόνα Πίστεως καὶ Εἰκόνα A Canon of Faith art Thou, and Elder Christodoulos, Abbot, Koutloumousiou Monastery: “…
πραότητος, ἐγκρατείας Icon of Gentleness, and a Ministration to others is riches of the heart, the Sweetest Fruit of
Διδάσκαλον, ἀνέδειξέ Σε τῇ Teacher of self-control. This Love for God and our neighbour. It is an Act of Empathy, flowing
Ποίμνῃ Σου, ἡ τῶν πραγμάτων was evident to Thy Flock, by the from the soul towards everyone, since such Service is not offered
Truth of Thy Life. Wherefore only to family and friends, but also to neighbours…”
Ἀλήθεια· Διὰ τοῦτο ἐκτήσω τῇ
being Humble, Thou acquired
ταπεινώσει τὰ ὑψηλά, τῇ St Seraphim of Sarov; “… careful study of the Word of God in peace
Exalted Gifts, for being poor,
πτωχείᾳ τὰ Πλούσια, Πάτερ and quiet is very Beneficial. If we undertake such a task in
Heavenly Riches. O Father, Holy combination with Good Deeds, the Lord shall not deprive us of His
Ἱεράρχα Αβέρκιε· Πρέσβευε Hierarch Averkios, Intercede Mercy, but shall Reward us with the Gift of Knowledge of the Truth,
Χριστῷ τῷ Θεῷ, Σωθῆναι τὰς with Christ our God to Save our and Discrimination between Good and evil…”
ψυχὰς ἡμῶν. soul.

39. 5 TH
great fear. Kanona Pisteos ke Ikona praotitos, A Canon of Faith art Thou, and Icon
Aftos de embas is to plion He got into the boat and returned. egkratias Didaskalon, anedixe Se of Gentleness, and a Teacher of
iperstrepsen. ti Pimni Sou, I ton pragmaton self-control. This was evident to
Edeeto de Aftou o anir, af’ ou The man from whom the demons Alithia. Dia touto ektiso ti Thy Flock, by the Truth of Thy
exelilithi ta demonia, ine sin Afto. had departed had beseeched Him tapinosi ta ipsila, ti ptohia ta Life. Wherefore being Humble,
to stay with Him. plousia, Pater Ierarha Averkie. Thou acquired Exalted Gifts, for
Presveve Hristo to Theo, Sothine being poor, Heavenly Riches. O
Apelise de afton o Iisous legon: Jesus sent him away, saying:
tas psihas imon. Father, Holy Hierarch Averkios,
“Ipostrefe is ton ikon sou ke “Return to thine own house, and
Intercede with Christ our God to
diigou osa epiise si O Theos.” tell them what great Things God
Save our soul.
has done for thee.”
Ke apilthe kath olin tin polin And he proclaimed throughout the
kirisson osa epiisen afto o Iisous. city what Great Things had done
for him by Jesus. “Ταχὺ προκατάλαβε…”
 Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ  Glory to the Father, and to the
The Inspired Wisdom of our Holy Fathers Πνεύματι. Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

St Dimitri of Rostov: “… Without the Grace of God, we are dry reeds,

Οἱ Μάρτυρές Σου Κύριε, ἐν τῇ Thy Martyrs, O Lord, were worthily
barren trees, useless rags, vessels of sin, receptacles of the grievous Ἀθλήσει αὐτῶν, Στεφάνους Awarded Crowns of Incorruption
passion. Anything Good we have within us come only from the ἐκομίσαντο τῆς ἀφθαρσίας, ἐκ as they Contested for Thee, our
Divine Grace of our Lord God. Sins and the passions are all that is Σοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν· Σχόντες Immortal God. Since they
ours!” γὰρ τὴν Ἰσχύν Σου, τοὺς possesses Thy Power, they
Elder Hieronymos of Aegina: “… Do not speak a lot. Hold your τυράννους καθεῖλον, ἔθραυσαν defeated the tyrants, dashing the
tongue. Love silence. Once you get used to it, you shall not want to καὶ δαιμόνων, τὰ ἀνίσχυρα demons’ powerless displays of
speak. That is how wonderful Silence is…” θράση. Αὐτῶν ταῖς ἱκεσίαις, defiance. O Christ our God, at
St Ignatios Brianchaninov: “…Egocentrism is distorted love for oneself. Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, Σῶσον τὰς their Entreaties, Save our soul.
It is absurd and destructive. People who love themselves ψυχὰς ἡμῶν.
passionately pursue anything and everything that is worthless, Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς Both now and ever and unto the
transient and sinfully pleasurable. They are their own worst
Αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ages of ages.
enemies. They are committing Spiritual Suicide. By seeking their
own satisfaction, in Reality, they are hating and destroying Ἀμήν Amen
themselves and are headed for Eternal Death, being self-
condemned!” I Martyres Sou, Kyrie,en ti Athlisi
afton, Stafanous ekomisanto tis
Elder Ephraim of Vatopaidi Monastery: “… The Faithful who
aftharsias, ek Sou tou Theou
Experience Sanctity in Orthodoxy, voluntarily take upon their imon. Shontes gar tin Ishin Sou,
shoulders the universal responsibility for the evil that exists in the tous tyrannous kathilon,
world. They place themselves below all other people and the whole ethrafsan ke demonon, ta
of Creation, feeling that they are the worst and most sinful of all anishira thrasi. Afton tes ikesies,
beings. From the depths of this self-reproach, they seek God’s Hriste o Theos, Soson tas psihas
Mercy for all His creatures, because such people feel responsible for imon.
the sorrows and sinfulness of the human race…”
St Ambrose of Optina: “… If we can imprint the Joyous Name of our
Lord Jesus Christ on the heart of a child, it is more than all the little
Τὸ ἀπ' αἰῶνος ἀπόκρυφον, καὶ Hidden from Eternity, which also
crosses and icons we give to them!” Ἀγγέλοις ἄγνωστον μυστήριον, the Angels themselves knew not,
διὰ σού Θεοτόκε τοῖς ἐπὶ γῆς the Mystery was revealed
through Thee, O Theotokos, to
3. 5 TH
πεφανέρωται· Θεὸς ἐν us on Earth. God, without me me vasanisis!” the Most High? I beg Thee, do
Ἀσυγχύτῳ ἑνώσει σαρκούμενος, confusion, united Natures, not torment me!”
καὶ Σταυρὸν ἑκουσίως ὑπὲρ became Incarnate and accepted Paringile gar to pnevmati to For He had commanded the unclean
ἡμῶν καταδεξάμενος· δι' οὗ Crucifixion voluntarily for our akatharto exelthin apo tou spirits to come out of the man.
Salvation. By Resurrecting the anthropou.
Ἀναστήσας τὸν Πρωτόπλαστον,
First Created, He Saved from Pollis gar hronis sinirpaki afton, ke For they often seized him, and he
Ἒσωσεν ἐκ Θανάτου τὰς ψυχὰς Death our soul.
ἡμῶν. edesmito alisesi ke pedes had been kept under guard,
filassomenos. bound with chains and shackles.
Ke diarrisson ta desma ilavneto ipo And he had broken the bonds and
To ap’ eonos Apokrifon ke Angelis Hidden from Eternity, which also tou demonos is tas erimou. was driven by the demons into
Agnoston Mystirion, dia Sou the Angels themselves knew not, the wilderness.
Theotoke tis epi gis pefanerote. the Mystery was revealed
through Thee, O Theotokos, to
Epirotise de afton o Iisous legon. “Ti Jesus asked him, saying: “What is
Theos en asighito enosi
us on Earth. God, without si estin onoma?” your name?”
Sarkoumenos. Ke Stavron
ekousios iper imon confusion, united Natures, O de ipe: “Legeon.” Oti demonia He said: “Legion.” For many
katadexamenos. Di ou Anastisas became Incarnate and accepted polla isilthen is afton. demons had entered him.
ton Protoplaston, Esosen ek Crucifixion voluntarily for our Ke parekali afton ina mi epitaxi And they begged Him not to
Thanatou tas psihas imon. Salvation. By Resurrecting the aftis is tin Avisson apelthin. command them to go out into the
First Created, He Saved from Abyss.
Small Litany Death our soul
In de eki ageli hiron ikanon A herd of many swine was grazing
voskomeni en to ori. Ke there on the mountain, so they
O KTOIH OS - F IRST K ATHISM A – TO NE 3 parekaloun afton in epitrepsi begged Him to permit them to
aftis is ekinous iselthin. enter them.
Χριστὸς ἐκ νεκρῶν ἐγήγερται, ἡ Christ has Risen from the dead -
ἀπαρχὴ τῶν κεκοιμημένων. Ὁ the First Fruit of those who Ke epetrepsen aftis. And He permitted them.
Πρωτότοκος τῆς Κτίσεως, καὶ Repose. The First Born of Exelthonta de ta demonia apo tou The demons went out of the man,
anthropou isilthon is tous hirous, entered the swine, and frantically
Δημιουργὸς πάντων τῶν Creation and Creator of
ke ormisen I ageli kata tou stampeded down the incline, into
γεγονότων, τὴν καταφθαρεῖσαν everything, hast Renewed in krimnou is tin limin ke apepnigi. the lake and drowned.
φύσιν τοῦ γένους ἡμῶν, ἐν Himself the corrupted nature of
Idontes de I voskontes to Seeing what had happened, the
ἑαυτῷ ἀνεκαίνισεν. Οὐκ ἔτι our race. O Death, thou no gegenimenon efigon, ke herdsmen fled and told it in the
Θάνατε κυριεύεις· ὁ γὰρ τῶν longer rule, for our Master of all apingilan is tin polin ke is tous city and in the country.
ὅλων Δεσπότης, τὸ Κράτος Σου things hast destroyed thy agrous.
κατέλυσε. power. Exilthon de idin to gegonos, ke They went out to see what had
happened, and went to Jesus,
Δόξα Πατρί, και Υιώ, και Αγίω ✵Glory to the Father, and to the ilthon pros ton Iisoun, ke everon
and found the man from whom
kathimenon ton anthropon, af’
Πνεύματι Son, and to the Holy Spirit ou to demonia exelilithi, the demons had departed, sitting,
Σαρκὶ τοῦ Θανάτου γευσάμενος Having tasted Death in the Flesh, O imatismenon ke sofronounte clothed and in his right mind, at
para tous Podas tou Iisou. the Feet of Jesus.
Κύριε, τὸ πικρὸν τοῦ Θανάτου Lord, Thou hast cut out the
ἐξέτεμες τῇ Ἐγέρσει Σου, καὶ Ke efovithison. And they were afraid.
bitterness of Death by Thy
τὸν ἄνθρωπον κατ' αὐτοῦ Rising and granted mankind Apingilan de aftis I idontes pos Those who had seen it, told them by
ἐνισχύσας, τῆς ἀρχαίας κατάρας esothi o demonisthis. what means he who had been
Strength against it, announcing demon possessed was Healed.
τὴν ἥτταν ἀνακαλούμενος, ὁ the abolition of the ancient
ὑπερασπιστὴς τῆς Ζωῆς ἡμῶν, Ke irotisan afton apan to plithos tis And the whole multitude of the
Curse. Defender of our Life, O perihorou ton Gadarinon region of the Gadarenes
✵Κύριε Δόξα Σοι! Lord:✵Glory to Thee! apelthin ap’ Afton, oti fovo besought [Jesus] to depart from
megalo sinihonto. them, for they were seized with
Both now and ever, and to the
37. 5 TH
Ἐξῆλθον δὲ ἰδεῖν τὸ γεγονός, καὶ They went out to see what had Και νυν και αεί, και εις τους Ages of ages.
Αιώνας των αιώνων. Amen
ἦλθον πρὸς τὸν Ἰησοῦν, καὶ happened, and went to Jesus,
εὗρον καθήμενον τὸν ἄνθρωπον, and found the man from whom Αμήν.
Christ has Risen from the dead - the
ἀφʼ οὗ τὰ δαιμόνια ἐξεληλύθει, the demons had departed,
First Fruit of those who Repose.
ἱματισμένον καὶ σωφρονοῦντα sitting, clothed and in his right Hristos ek nekron egigerte, i aparhi
ton kekimimenon;O Prototokos The First Born of Creation and
παρὰ τοὺς Πόδας τοῦ Ἰησοῦ. mind, at the Feet of Jesus.
tis Ktiseos, ke Dimiourgos panton Creator of everything, hast
Καὶ ἐφοβήθησαν. And they were afraid. ton gegonoton, tin kataftharisan Renewed in Himself the
corrupted nature of our race. O
fisin tou genous imon, en eafto
Ἀπήγγειλαν δὲ αὐτοῖς οἱ ἰδόντες Those who had seen it, told them anekenisen. Ouk eti Thanate Death, thou no longer rule, for
πῶς ἐσώθη ὁ δαιμονισθείς. by what means he who had been kirivis; O gar ton olon Despotis, our Master of all things hast
to Kratos Sou katelise. destroyed thy power.
demon possessed was Healed.
Καὶ ἠρώτησαν αὐτὸν ἅπαν τὸ And the whole multitude of the ✵Glory to the Father, and to the
πλῆθος τῆς περιχώρου τῶν ✵Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Son, and to the Holy Spirit
region of the Gadarenes
Γαδαρηνῶν ἀπελθεῖν ἀπʼ αὐτῶν, besought Him to depart from
Pnevmati Having tasted Death in the Flesh, O
ὅτι φόβῳ μεγάλῳ συνείχοντο· Sarki tou Thanatou, gefsamenos Lord, Thou hast cut out the
them, for they were seized with Kyrie, to pikron tou Thanatou, bitterness of Death by Thy Rising
great fear. exetemes ti egersi Sou; ke ton and granted mankind Strength
Αὐτὸς δὲ ἐμβὰς εἰς τὸ πλοῖον He got into the boat and returned. Anthropon nin kath’ aftou against it, announcing the
ὑπέστρεψεν. enishisas, tis arheas kataras tin abolition of the ancient Curse.
itan anakloumenos; O Defender of our Life, O Lord:
Ἐδέετο δὲ αὐτοῦ ὁ ἀνήρ, ἀφʼ οὗ The man from whom the demons Iperaspistis tis Zois imon, Kyrie ✵ ✵Glory to Thee!
ἐξεληλύθει τὰ δαιμόνια, εἶναι had departed had begged Him to Doxa Si! Both now and ever, and to the
σὺν Αὐτῷ· stay with Him. Ages of ages.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton
Ἀπέλυσε δὲ αὐτὸν ὁ Ἰησοῦς λέγων· Jesus sent him away, saying: eonon. Amen
“Ὑπόστρεφε εἰς τὸν οἶκόν σου “Return to thine own house, and Amin
καὶ διηγοῦ ὅσα ἐποίησέ σοι ὁ tell them what great Things God
Θεός.” has done for thee.” O KTOIH OS - TH E OTOKION - T ONE 3

Καὶ ἀπῆλθε καθʼ ὅλην τὴν πόλιν And he proclaimed throughout the Σὲ τὴν Μεσιτεύσασαν τὴν To Thee who Mediated the
κηρύσσων ὅσα ἐποίησεν αὐτῷ ὁ city what Great Things had done Σωτηρίαν τοῦ γένους ἡμῶν, Salvation of our race we sing
Ἰησοῦς. for him by Jesus. ἀνυμνοῦμεν Θεοτόκε Παρθένε· Praises, O Virgin Theotokos. For
ἐν τῇ Σαρκὶ γὰρ τῇ ἐκ Σοῦ Thy Son and our God Incarnate
To kero ekino, elthonti to Iisou is tin At that time when they went to the
προσληφθείσῃ, ὁ Υἱός Σου καὶ accepted the Suffering of
horan ton Gadarinon ipintisen country of the Gadarenes, where Θεὸς ἡμῶν τὸ διὰ Σταυροῦ Crucifixion whereby He set us
afto anir tis ek tis poleos, os ihe they met a certain man from the καταδεξάμενος πάθος, free from corruption as the
demonia ek hronon ikanon. city who had demons for a long Ἐλυτρώσατο ἡμᾶς, ἐκ φθορᾶς Lover of mankind.
time. ὡς Φιλάνθρωπος.
Ke imation ouk enedidisketos,’ke I And he wore no clothes, nor did he
ikia ouk emenen, all’ en tis live in a house but in the tombs. Se tin Mesitefsasan tin Sotirian tou To Thee who Mediated the
mnimasin. genous imon, animnoumen Salvation of our race we sing
Idon de ton Iisoun ke anakraxas Theotoke Parthene. En ti Sarki Praises, O Virgin Theotokos. For
When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell gar ti ek Sou proslifthisi, O Iios Thy Son and our God Incarnate
prosepesen afto ke foni megali down before Him, and with a
ipe: “Ti emi ke Si, Iisou Iie tou Sou ke Theos imon, to dia accepted the Suffering of
loud voice said: “What have I to Stavrou katadexamenos Pathos,
Theou tou Ipsistou? Deome Sou, Crucifixion whereby He set us
do with Thee, Jesus, Son of God Elitrosato imas, ek fthoras os free from corruption as the
5. 5 TH
Filanthropos. Lover of mankind.
Ἰδὼν δὲ τὸν Ἰησοῦν καὶ ἀνακράξας When he saw Jesus, he cried out,

Small Litany προσέπεσεν αὐτῷ καὶ φωνῇ fell down before Him, and with a
μεγάλῃ εἶπε· “Τί ἐμοὶ καὶ Σοί, loud voice said: “What have I to
O KTOIH OS - S EC OND KAT H ISM A - T ONE 3 Ἰησοῦ Υἱὲ τοῦ Θεοῦ τοῦ do with Thee, Jesus, Son of God
[“Τὴν ὡραιότητα..”] Ὑψίστου?; Δέομαί Σου, μή με the Most High? I beg Thee, do
Τὸ ἀναλλοίωτον τὸ τῆς Θεότητος, Awed by Thine Immutable Godhead βασανίσῃς!” not torment me!”
καὶ τὸ ἑκούσιον Πάθος Σου and Thy voluntary Passion, O Παρήγγειλε γὰρ τῷ πνεύματι τῷ For He had commanded the
Κύριε, εἰς ἑαυτὸν καταπλαγείς, Lord, Hades mourned: I tremble ἀκαθάρτῳ ἐξελθεῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ unclean spirits to come out of
ὁ ᾍδης ἐπωδύρετο. Τρέμω τὴν at Thy Body’s Substance, which is ἀνθρώπου. the man.
not corrupted. I see Thee, the
τοῦ Σώματος, μὴ φθαρεῖσαν Πολλοῖς γὰρ χρόνοις συνηρπάκει For they often seized him, and he
ὑπόστασιν, βλέπω τὸν Invisible, Mystically making war
αὐτόν, καὶ ἐδεσμεῖτο ἁλύσεσι had been kept under guard,
ἀόρατον, Μυστικῶς on me; and so those whom I hold
καὶ πέδαις φυλασσόμενος. bound with chains and shackles.
πολεμοῦντά με· Διὸ καὶ οὓς cry out: “ ✵Glory, O Christ, to Thy
Καὶ διαῤῥήσσων τὰ δεσμὰ And he had broken the bonds and
κατέχω Κραυγάζουσι· ✵Δόξα
ἠλαύνετο ὑπὸ τοῦ δαίμονος εἰς was driven by the demons into
Χριστὲ τῇ Ἀναστάσει Σου!
τὰς ἐρήμους. the wilderness.
Δόξα Πατρί, και Υιώ, και ✵Glory to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Spirit Ἐπηρώτησε δὲ αὐτὸν ὁ Ἰησοῦς Jesus asked him, saying: “What is
Αγίω Πνεύματι
λέγων· “Τί σοί ἐστιν ὄνομα?” your name?”
Τὸ ἀκατάληπτον τὸ τῆς The inexplicable, incomprehensible
unspoken Mystery of Thy Ὁ δὲ εἶπε· “Λεγεών·” Ὅτι He said: “Legion.” For many
Σταυρώσεως, καὶ
Crucifixion and Resurrection we δαιμόνια πολλὰ εἰσῆλθεν εἰς demons had entered him.
ἀνερμήνευτον τὸ τῆς
Faithful now Theologise. For αὐτόν·
Ἐγέρσεως, Θεολογοῦμεν οἱ
Πιστοί, ἀπόῤῥητον Μυστήριον· toady the Realm of Death and Καὶ παρεκάλει Αὐτὸν ἵνα μὴ And they begged Him not to
Hades hast been despoiled, and ἐπιτάξῃ αὐτοῖς εἰς τὴν Ἄβυσσον
Σήμερον γὰρ Θάνατος, καὶ ὁ command them to go out into
the race of mankind is Vested ἀπελθεῖν.
ᾍδης ἐσκύλευται, γένος δὲ the Abyss.
with Incorruptibility. Wherefore,
ἀνθρώπινον ἀφθαρσίαν
with Gratitude we cry aloud:
Ἦν δὲ ἐκεῖ ἀγέλη χοίρων ἱκανῶν A herd of many swine was grazing
ἐνδέδυται· Διὸ καὶ Εὐχαρίστως βοσκομένη ἐν τῷ ὄρει· καὶ there on the mountain, so they
“✵Glory, O Christ, to Thy
κραυγάζομεν· “✵Δόξα Χριστὲ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα ἐπιτρέψῃ begged Him to permit them to
τῇ Ἀναστάσει Σου!” αὐτοῖς εἰς ἐκείνους εἰσελθεῖν· enter them.
Και νυν και αεί, και εις τους Both now and ever, and to the Ages Καὶ ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτοῖς. And He permitted them.
αιώνας των αιώνων. of ages.
Ἐξελθόντα δὲ τὰ δαιμόνια ἀπὸ τοῦ The demons went out of the man,
Αμήν. Amen ἀνθρώπου εἰσῆλθον εἰς τοὺς entered the swine, and
χοίρους, καὶ ὥρμησεν ἡ ἀγέλη frantically stampeded down the
To anallioton, to tis Theotitos, ke to Awed by Thine Immutable Godhead κατὰ τοῦ κρημνοῦ εἰς τὴν incline, into the lake and
ekousion, pathos Sou Kyrie, is and Thy voluntary Passion, O
λίμνην καὶ ἀπεπνίγη. drowned.
eafton kataplagis, O Adis Lord, Hades mourned: I tremble
epodireto; Tremo tin tou at Thy Body’s Substance, which is Ἰδόντες δὲ οἱ βόσκοντες τὸ Seeing what had happened, the
somatos, mi ftharisan ipostasin; not corrupted. I see Thee, the γεγενημένον ἔφυγον, καὶ
Invisible, Mystically making war herdsmen fled and told it in the
Vlepo ton aoraton, Mystikos ἀπήγγειλαν εἰς τὴν πόλιν καὶ εἰς
polemounta me; dio ke ous on me; and so those whom I hold city and in the country.
cry out: “ ✵ Glory, O Christ, to Thy
τοὺς ἀγρούς.
kateho kravgazousi: ✵ Doxa
Hriste ti Anastasi Sou! Resurrection!”

35. 5 TH
Oude gar ego para anthropou For I neither received it from man, ✵Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio ✵Glory to the Father, and to the
parelavon afto, oute edidahthin, nor was I taught it, but it came Pnevmati Son, and to the Holy Spirit
alla di apokalipseos Iisou Hristou. through the Revelation of Jesus To akatalipton, to tis Stavroseos, The inexplicable, incomprehensible
Christ. ke anerminefton, to tis egerseos, unspoken Mystery of Thy
Ikousate gar tin emin anastrofin For you have heard of my former Theologoumen i Pisti, aporriton Crucifixion and Resurrection we
pote en to Ioudaismo, oti kath’ conduct in Judaism, how I Mystirion; simeron gar Faithful now Theologise. For
ipervolin ediokon tin ekklisian persecuted the Church of God Thanatos, ke O Adis eskilefte, toady the Realm of Death and
tou Theou ke eporthoun aftin. beyond measure and tried to genos de Anthropinon, Hades hast been despoiled, and
destroy it. aftharsian endedite; dio ke the race of mankind is Vested with
Efharistos kravgazomen: ✵ Incorruptibility. Wherefore, with
Ke proekopton en to Ioudaismo iper And I advanced in Judaism beyond Doxa Hriste ti Anastasi Sou! Gratitude we cry aloud: “✵Glory,
pollous sinilikiotas en to geni many of my contemporaries in O Christ, to Thy Resurrection!”
mou, perissoteros zilotis iparhon my own Nation, being more
ton Patrikon mou paradoseon. exceedingly zealous for the
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Both now and ever, and to the Ages
Traditions of my Fathers. eonon. of ages.
Ote de Evdokisen o Theos, o aforisas When it pleased God, Who Amin Amen
me ek kilias mitros mou ke separated me from my mother’s T H E OTOKION - T ONE 3
kalesas dia tis Haritos Aftou womb and called me through His
apokalipse ton Iion Aftou en emi, Grace, to reveal His Son in me, Τὸν ἀκατάληπτον καὶ The Incomprehensible and the
ina evangelizome Afton en tis that I might preach Him among ἀπερίγραπτον, τὸν Ὁμοούσιον Uncircumscribable Con-
Ethnesin, evtheos ou the Gentiles, I did not Πατρὶ καὶ Πνεύματι, ἐν τῇ substantial with the Father and
prosanethemin sarki ke aimati, immediately confer with flesh
Γαστρί Σου Μυστικῶς, the Spirit Mystically Thou
oude anilthon is Ierosolima pros and blood, nor did I go up to contained in Thy Womb. And we
tous pro emou Apostolou, alla Jerusalem to those who were ἐχώρησας Θεομῆτορ, μίαν καὶ
Ἀσύγχυτον, τῆς Τριάδος acknowledge that in Thine
apilthon is Aravian, ke palin Apostles before me, but went to
ipestrepsa is Damaskon. Arabia, and returned again to ἐνέργειαν, ἔγνωμεν τῷ Τόκῳ Offspring, One Unconfused
Damascus. Σου, ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ, Δοξάζεσθαι· Energy of the Trinity is Glorified
Epita meta tria eti anilthon is After three years I went up to Διὸ καὶ Εὐχαρίστως βοῶμέν in the world. And so with
Ierosolima istorise Petron, ke Jerusalem to see Peter, and Thanksgiving, we cry to Thee: ✵
Σοι· ✵ Χαῖρε ἡ Κεχαριτωμένη!
epemina pros afton imeras remained with him fifteen days. Hail, O Full of Grace!
Eternon de ton Apostolon ouk idon, I None of the other Apostles I saw
Ton akatalipton, ke aperigrapton, The Incomprehensible and the
mi Iakovon ton Adelphon tou except James, the Brother of our Uncircumscribable Con-
ton Omoousion, Patri ke
Kyriou. Lord. substantial with the Father and
Pnevmati, en ti gastri Sou
Mystikos, ehorisas Theomitor; the Spirit Mystically Thou
T H E H OLY G OSPEL ACCO RD ING TO S T LU KE 8 : 26 – 39 mian ke asighiton, tis Triados contained in Thy Womb. And we
energian, egnomen to Toko Sou, acknowledge that in Thine
Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, ἐλθόντι τῷ At that time when they went to the en to kosmo doxazesthe; dio ke Offspring, One Unconfused
Ἰησοῦ εἰς τὴν χὠραν τῶν country of the Gadarenes, where efharistos voomen Si: ✵ Here, i Energy of the Trinity is Glorified
Γαδαρηνῶν, ὑπήντησεν αὐτῷ they met a certain man from the Keharitomeni! in the world. And so with
ἀνήρ τις ἐκ τῆς πόλεως, ὃς εἶχε city who had demons for a long Thanksgiving, we cry to Thee: ✵
Hail, O Full of Grace!
δαιμόνια ἐκ χρόνων ἱκανῶν. time. Resurrection Evlogitaria, Trisagion
Hymn, Theotokion & Small Litany
Καὶ ἱμάτιον οὐκ ἐνεδιδύσκετο, καὶ And he wore no clothes, nor did he
ἐν οἰκίᾳ οὐκ ἔμενεν, ἀλλʼ ἐν τοῖς live in a house but in the tombs.

7. 5 TH
Ἐκπλήττων τῇ ὁράσει, δροσίζων Amazed by his appearance, and Οὐδὲ γὰρ ἐγὼ παρὰ ἀνθρώπου For I neither received it from man,
τοῖς ῥήμασιν, ὁ ἀστράπτων sustained by his words, the
παρέλαβον αὐτό, οὔτε nor was I taught it, but it came
Ἄγγελος, ταῖς Μυροφόροις Myrrh-bearing Women heard the
ἐδιδάχθην, ἀλλὰ διʼ through the Revelation of Jesus
ἔλεγε· Τὸν Ζῶντα τί ζητεῖτε ἐν dazzling Angel say: Why do you
ἀποκαλύψεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. Christ.
Μνήματι; ἡγέρθη κενώσας τὰ seek the Living in a Tomb? He
has Risen, emptying the graves. 'Ηκούσατε γὰρ τὴν ἐμὴν For you have heard of my former
μνήματα τῆς φθορᾶς ἀλλοιωτήν,
γνῶτε τὸν ἀναλλοίωτον, εἴπατε Know that the Unchanging has ἀναστροφήν ποτε ἐν τῷ conduct in Judaism, how I
τῷ Θεῷ· Ὡς φοβερὰ τὰ Ἔργα changed corruption. Say unto Ἰουδαϊσμῷ, ὅτι καθʼ ὑπερβολὴν persecuted the Church of God
Σου! ὅτι τὸ γένος Ἔσωσας τῶν God: How fearful art Thy Works! ἐδίωκον τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ beyond measure and tried to
ἀνθρώπων. For Thou hast Saved the human Θεοῦ καὶ ἐπόρθουν αὐτήν. destroy it.
race! Καὶ προέκοπτον ἐν τῷ Ἰουδαϊσμῷ And I advanced in Judaism beyond
ὑπὲρ πολλοὺς συνηλικιώτας ἐν many of my contemporaries in
Ekplitton ti orasi, drosizon tis Amazed by his appearance, and τῷ γένει μου, περισσοτέρως my own Nation, being more
rimasin, O astrapton Angelos, tes sustained by his words, the ζηλωτὴς ὑπάρχων τῶν πατρικῶν
Myroforis elege: “Ton zonta ti Myrrh-bearing Women heard the exceedingly zealous for the
Zitite en Mnimati? Igerthi
μου παραδόσεων. Traditions of my Fathers.
dazzling Angel say: Why do you
kenosas ta Mnimata. Tis fthoras
alliotin, gnote ton anallionton.
seek the Living in a Tomb? He
has Risen, emptying the graves.
Ὅτε δὲ εὐδόκησεν ὁ Θεός, ὁ When it pleased God, Who
Ipate to Theo: Os fovera ta Erga Know that the Unchanging has ἀφορίσας με ἐκ κοιλίας μητρός separated me from my mother’s
Sou! Oti to genos esosas ton changed corruption. Say unto μου καὶ καλέσας διὰ τῆς womb and called me through His
Anthropon!” God: How fearful art Thy Works! Χάριτος αὐτοῦ ἀποκαλύψαι τὸν Grace, to reveal His Son in me,
For Thou has Saved the human υἱὸν αὐτοῦ ἐν ἐμοὶ, ἵνα that I might preach Him among
race! εὐαγγελίζωμαι αὐτὸν ἐν τοῖς the Gentiles, I did not
O KTOIH OS - AN ABATHM I - TO NE 3 Ἔθνεσιν, εὐθέως οὐ immediately confer with flesh
Ἀντίφωνον Αʹ - Ἦχος γʹ Antiphon 1 – Tone 3 προσανεθέμην σαρκὶ καὶ αἵματι, and blood, nor did I go up to
Τὴν αἰχμαλωσίαν Σιών, σὺ ἐξείλου Thou Delivered Zion from οὐδὲ ἀνῆλθον εἰς Ἱεροσόλυμα Jerusalem to those who were
ἐκ Βαβυλῶνος κᾀμὲ ἐκ τῶν Babylon’s captivity. Now, draw πρὸς τοὺς πρὸ ἐμοῦ Apostles before me, but went to
παθῶν, πρός Ζωήν ἕλκυσον, me out of my passions, to Life. O ἀποστόλους, ἀλλὰ ἀπῆλθον εἰς Arabia, and returned again to
Λόγε. Word. Ἀραβίαν, καὶ πάλιν ὑπέστρεψα Damascus.
Ἐν τῷ Νότῳ οἱ σπείροντες I n the South, those who sow with εἰς Δαμασκόν.
δάκρυσιν ἐνθέοις, θεριοῦσι Godly Tears shalt reap the ῎Επειτα μετὰ τρία ἔτη ἀνῆλθον εἰς After three years I went up to
στάχυας, ἐν Χαρᾷ Ἀειζωΐας. Sheaves of Life Eternal with Joy. Ἱεροσόλυμα ἱστορῆσαι Πέτρον, Jerusalem to see Peter, and
 Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ ✵Glory to the Father, and to the καὶ ἐπέμεινα πρὸς αὐτὸν ἡμέρας remained with him fifteen days.
Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι. Καὶ νῦν καὶ Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both δεκαπέντε·
ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς Αἰῶνας τῶν now and ever, and to the Ages Ἔτερον δὲ τῶν Ἀποστόλων οὐκ None of the other Apostles I saw
αἰώνων. of Ages.
εἶδον, εἰ μὴ Ἰάκωβον τὸν except James, the Brother of our
Ἀμήν Amen. Ἀδελφὸν τοῦ Κυρίου. Lord.
✵Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι, πᾶσα ✵In the Holy Spirit art all Good
Gifts, as in the Father and the Adelphi, gnorizo imin to Evangelion Brethren, I make known to you that
Ἀγαθοδωρία, ὡς Πατρὶ καὶ to evangelisthen ip’ emou oti ouk the Gospel, which was preached
Son, together Radiating Life, and
Υἱῷ συναστράπτει, ἐν ᾧ τὰ in Whom everything Lives and esti kata anthropon. by me is not according to man.
πάνταζῇ καὶ κινεῖται. moves.

33. 5 TH
Hriste o Theos, Soson tas psihas Ἀντίφωνον Βʹ - Ἦχος γʹ Antiphon 2 – Tone 3
Ἐὰν μὴ Κύριος οἰκοδομήσῃ Οἶκον If the Lord does not build the House
Patronal Apolytikion  τῶν Ἀρετῶν, μάτην κοπιῶμεν, of Virtues, then we Labour in
τὴν δὲ ψυχὴν Σκέποντος, οὐδεὶς vain. If He Protects our soul, no
S EASONAL KO NTAKION – T HE OTOKOS – T ONE 2 ἡμῶν πορθεῖται τὴν Πόλιν. one can conquer the City.
Προστασία τῶν Χριστιανῶν O Protection of the Christians Τοῦ Καρποῦ τῆς Γαστρός, τῷ The Fruit of the Womb art the
ἀκαταίσχυντε, μεσιτεία, πρὸς Unashamable, Mediation to the Πνεύματι Υἱοποιητῶς Σοι τῷ Saints, in whose spirits Sons to
τὸν Ποιητὴν ἀμετάθετε, μὴ Creator Immovable, despise not, Χριστῷ, ὡς Πατρὶ οἱ Ἅγιοι Thee, O Christ, as to a Father, art
παρίδῃς, ἁμαρτωλῶν δεήσεων the pleading voices of those in πάντοτε εἰσί. they forever.
φωνάς, ἀλλὰ πρόφθασον, ὡς sin, but hasten O Good One, to
Ἀγαθή, εἰς τὴν βοήθειαν ἡμῶν, the Aid of all who in Faith cry
 Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ ✵Glory to the Father, and to the

τῶν Πιστῶς κραυγαζόντων Σοι· out to Thee: Hasten Thine

Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι. Καὶ νῦν καὶ Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both

Τάχυνον εἰς Πρεσβείαν, καὶ Intercession, and press on Thy

ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς Αἰῶνας τῶν now and ever and to Ages of

σπεῦσον εἰς ἱκεσίαν, ἡ Supplication, O Theotokos who

αἰώνων. Ages.

προστατεύουσα ἀεί, Θεοτόκε, forever protects all those who Ἀμήν Amen
τῶν Τιμώντων Σε. honour Thee! ✵Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι, ἐνθεωρεῖται ✵Through the Holy Spirit Holiness
πᾶσα Ἁγιότης Σοφία· Οὐσιοῖ and Wisdom art received, for He
Prostasia ton Hristianon πᾶσαν γὰρ Κτίσιν· Αὐτῷ grants substance to all Creation.
akateskhinte, mesitia pros ton λατρεύσωμεν· Θεὸς γάρ, ὡς Worship Him for He is God, as is
Piitin ametathete, mi Paridis, Πατρί τε καὶ Λόγῳ. the Father and the Word.
amartolon deiseon fonas, alla
profthason os agathi, is tin Ἀντίφωνον Γʹ - Ἦχος γʹ Antiphon 3 – Tone 3
voithian imon, ton pistos
kravgazonton Si: Tahinon is Οἱ Φοβούμενοι τὸν Κύριον, Blessed art those who Fear the Lord,
presvian, ke spefson is ikesian, i Μακάριοι Τρίβους βαδιοῦνται, for. walking in the Way of His
prostatevousa ai, Theotoke, ton τῶν Ἐντολῶν φάγονται· ωηρὰν Commandments, they shalt
timonton Se. γὰρ Παγκαρπίαν. Partake of the Living Harvest.
P ROKE IME NON – P SALM 46 – TO NE 3 Κύκλῳ τῆς Τραπέζης Σου ‘Round about Thy Table,’ joyfully
Ψάλατε τῷ Θεῷ ἡμῶν, ψάλατε, Sing praises to God. Sing Praises. Εὐφράνθητι, καθορῶν Σου beholding Thy children’s
Ποιμενάρχα, τὰ ἔκγονα children, O Shepherd, bearing
ψάλατε τῷ βασιλεῖ ἡμῶν, Sing Praises to our King. Sing
φέροντα, κλάδους Ἀγαθοεργίας. branches of Virtuous Deeds.
ψάλατε. Praises.
Στίχ. Πάντα τὰ ἔθνη κροτήσατε O Clap your hands, all you Nations.  Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ ✵Glory to the Father, and to the
χεῖρας, ἀλαλάξατε τῷ Θεῷ ἐν Shout to God with the Voice of Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι. Καὶ νῦν καὶ Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
φωνῇ ἀγαλλιάσεως. Rejoicing. ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς Αἰῶνας τῶν Both now and ever and to Ages
Πρὸς Γαλάτας Ἐπιστολῆς Παύλου The Reading is from the Epistle of αἰώνων of Ages.

τὸ ἀνάγνωσμα. St Paul to the Galatians Ἀμήν Amen

T H E E PISTLE OF S T P AUL TO TH E G AL ATIANS 1: 11 – 19 ✵Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι, ὁ πᾶς πλοῦτος ✵Of the Holy Spirit art all Wealth of
τῆς Δόξης, ἐξ οὗ Χάρις καὶ Ζωὴ Glory, from Whom comes Grace
Ἀδελφοί, γνωρίζω ὑμῖν τὸ Brethren, I make known to you that πάσῃ τῇ Κτίσει· σὺν Πατρὶ γάρ, and Life for all Creation.
Εὐαγγέλιον τὸ εὐαγγελισθὲν ὑπʼ the Gospel, which was preached
ἀνυμνεῖται καὶ τῷ Λόγῳ. Wherefore, He is Praised with the
ἐμοῦ ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν κατὰ by me is not according to man.
Father and the Word.

9. 5 TH

Antifonon 1 – Ihos 3 Antiphon 1 – Tone 3 Κανόνα Πίστεως καὶ Εἰκόνα A Canon of Faith art Thou, and
Tin ehmalosian Sion, si exilou ek Thou Delivered Zion from Babylon’s πραότητος, ἐγκρατείας Icon of Gentleness, and a
Vavilonos. Kame ek ton pathon, captivity. Now, draw me out of Teacher of self-control. This
pros zoin elkison, Loge.
Διδάσκαλον, ἀνέδειξέ Σε τῇ
my passions, to Life. O Word. was evident to Thy Flock, by the
En Ποίμνῃ Σου, ἡ τῶν πραγμάτων
to noto i spirontes, In the South, those who sow with Ἀλήθεια· Διὰ τοῦτο ἐκτήσω τῇ Truth of Thy Life. Wherefore
dakrisinentheis, theriousi Godly Tears shalt reap the being Humble, Thou acquired
stahias, en Hara Aizoias. Sheaves of Life Eternal with Joy. ταπεινώσει τὰ ὑψηλά, τῇ
Exalted Gifts, for being poor,
✵Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✵Glory to the Father, and to the πτωχείᾳ τὰ Πλούσια, Πάτερ Heavenly Riches. O Father, Holy
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both Ἱεράρχα Αβέρκιε· Πρέσβευε Hierarch Averkios, Intercede
eonas ton eonon. now and ever, and to the Ages of Χριστῷ τῷ Θεῷ, Σωθῆναι τὰς with Christ our God to Save our
Ages. ψυχὰς ἡμῶν. soul.
Amin. Amen.
✵Agio Pnevmati, pasa ✵In the Holy Spirit art all Good Kanona Pisteos ke Ikona Praotitos, A Canon of Faith art Thou, and Icon
Agathodoria, os Patri ke Io Gifts, as in the Father and the egkratias Didaskalon, anedixe Se of Gentleness, and a Teacher of
sinastrapti, en O ta panta Si ke Son, together Radiating Life, and ti Pimni Sou, I ton pragmaton self-control. This was evident to
kinite. in Whom everything Lives and Alithia. Dia touto ektiso ti Thy Flock, by the Truth of Thy
moves. tapinosi ta ipsila, ti ptohia ta Life. Wherefore being Humble,
Antifonon 2 – Ihos 3 Antiphon 2 – Tone 3 plousia, Pater Ierarha Averkie. Thou acquired Exalted Gifts, for
Ean mi Kyrios Ikodomisi Ikon ton If the Lord does not build the House Presveve Hristo to Theo, Sothine being poor, Heavenly Riches. O
areton, matin kopiomen. Tin de of Virtues, then we Labour in tas psihas imon. Father, Holy Hierarch Averkios,
psihin skepontos, oudis imon vain. If He Protects our soul, no Intercede with Christ our God to
porthite tin Polin. one can conquer the City. Save our soul.
Tou Karpou tis gastros, to The Fruit of the Womb art the MENAION – APOLYTIKION – 7 HOLY YOUTHS OF EPHESOS – TONE 4
pnevmati, iiopiitos Si to Hristo, os Saints, in whose spirits Sons to
Patri i Agii Pantote isin. Thee, O Christ, as to a Father, art “Ταχὺ προκατάλαβε…”
they forever.
✵Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio
Οἱ Μάρτυρές Σου Κύριε, ἐν τῇ Thy Martyrs, O Lord, were worthily
✵Glory to the Father, and to the
Ἀθλήσει αὐτῶν, Στεφάνους Awarded Crowns of Incorruption
Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both
tous Eonas ton eonon. now and ever and to Ages of ἐκομίσαντο τῆς ἀφθαρσίας, ἐκ as they Contested for Thee, our
Ages. Σοῦ τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν· Σχόντες Immortal God. Since they
Amin Amen γὰρ τὴν Ἰσχύν Σου, τοὺς possesses Thy Power, they
✵Agio Pnevmati, entheorite pasa ✵Through the Holy Spirit Holiness τυράννους καθεῖλον, ἔθραυσαν defeated the tyrants, dashing the
Agiotis, Sofia, ousii pasan gar and Wisdom art received, for He καὶ δαιμόνων, τὰ ἀνίσχυρα demons’ powerless displays of
Ktisin. Afto latrefsomen. Theos grants substance to all Creation. θράση. Αὐτῶν ταῖς ἱκεσίαις, defiance. O Christ our God, at
gar, os Patri te ke Logo. Worship Him for He is God, as is Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, Σῶσον τὰς their Entreaties, Save our soul.
the Father and the Word. ψυχὰς ἡμῶν.
Antifonon 3 – Ihos 3 Antiphon 3 – Tone 3
I fovoumeni ton Kyrion, Makarii Blessed art they who Fear the Lord, I Martyres Sou, Kyrie,en ti Athlisi
trivous Vadiounte, ton entolon for. walking in the Way of His afton, Stafanous ekomisanto tis
fagonte, zoiran gar pagkarpian. Commandments, they shalt aftharsias, ek Sou tou Theou
Partake of the Living Harvest. imon. Shontes gar tin Ishin Sou,
Kiklo tis Trapezis Sou, evfranthiti, ‘Round about Thy Table,’ joyfully tous tyrannous kathilon,
kathoron Sou Pimenarha, ta beholding Thy children’s ethrafsan ke demonon, ta
engona feronta kladous children, O Shepherd, bearing anishira thrasi. Afton tes ikesies,
Agathoergias. branches of Virtuous Deeds.
31. 5 TH
ἡ Τριάς, καὶ φωτίζει πάντας Respelndent is the Holy Trinity, ✵Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio ✵Glory to the Father, and to the
τοὺς κράζοντας· “Μνήσθητι καὶ which Illumines all who Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
tous eonas ton eonon. Both now and ever and to Ages
ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου!” Faithfully Proclaim: “Remember
of Ages.
us also, in Thy Kingdom!”
Amin Amen
Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς Both now and forever, and unto
✵Agio Pnevmati, O pas ploutos tis ✵Of the Holy Spirit art all Wealth of
Αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. the Ages of ages. Doxis, ex ou Haris ke zoi pasi ti Glory, from Whom comes Grace
Ἀμήν Amen. ktisi. Sin Patri gar animnite ke and Life for all Creation.
to Logo. Wherefore, He is praised with the
Father and the Logos

O - P - T 3
Χαῖρε, ἡ Πύλη τοῦ Θεοῦ, διʼ ἧς Hail, O Gate of God, through

διῆλθε, Σαρκωθεὶς ὁ whom went the Incarnate Εἴπατε ἐν τοῖς Ἒθνεσιν· Ὁ Κύριος Say among the Gentiles: The Lord
Πλαστουργός, ἐσφραγισμένην Creator, when He was Born ἐβασίλευσε, καὶ γὰρ κατώρθωσε Reigns, for He established the
φυλάξας Σε! Χαῖρε, Νεφέλη fromThee, and kept Thee Sealed! τὴν οἰκουμένην, ἥτις οὐ world, which shalt not be
Κούφη, τὸν Θεῖον ὄμβρον Hail, O Swift Cloud who brings σαλευθήσεται! (2) shaken! (2)
φέρουσα Χριστόν! Χαῖρε, the Divine Showers – Christ! Στίχ. Ἄσατε τῷ Κυρίῳ Ἂσμα V E R S E Sing to the Lord a New Song!
Κλῖμαξ καὶ Θρόνε Οὐράνιε! Hail, O Ladder to Heaven and Καινόν.
Χαῖρε, Ὅρος Σεπτόν, πῖον Celestial Throne! Hail, O Holy Εἴπατε ἐν τοῖς Ἒθνεσιν· Ὁ Κύριος Say among the Gentiles: The Lord is
ἀλατόμητον! Mountain, Uncut and Rich! ἐβασίλευσε, καὶ γὰρ κατώρθωσε King, for He established the
τὴν οἰκουμένην, ἥτις οὐ world, which shall not be
σαλευθήσεται! shaken!

Εὐφραινέσθω τὰ Οὐράνια, The Heavens Rejoice and the Earth Ipate en tis Ethnesin oti Kyrios Say among the Gentiles: The Lord
Ἀγαλλιάσθω τὰ ἐπίγεια, ὅτι is Glad, for the Lord hast shown Evasilefse. Ke gar katorthose tin Reigns, for He established the
ἐποίησε Κράτοσ, ἐν βραχίονι Strength with His Arm; He hast Ikoumenin, itis ou salevthite.(2) world, which shalt not be shaken!
Asate to Kyriou asma (2)
Αὐτοῦ, ὁ Κύριος, ἐπάτησε τῷ trampled down Death by Death! STIHOS:
kenon... V E R S E Sing to the Lord a New Song!
Θανάτῳ τὸν Θάνατον, He hast become the First-born of
Πρωτότοκος τῶν νεκρῶν the dead! From the womb of Ipate en tis Ethnesin oti Kyrios Say among the Gentiles: The Lord is
evasilefse. Ke gar katorthose tin
ἐγένετο, ἐκ κοιλίας Ἂδου Hades He hast Rescued us, and
Ikoumenin, itis ou salevthite.
King, for He established the
Ἐῤῥύσατο ἡμᾶς, καὶ παρέσχε τῷ to the world He hast granted world, which shall not be shaken!
κόσμῳ τὸ Μέγα Ἒλεος. Great Mercy. Small Litany – Praises to Almighty
God 
Evfrenestho ta Ourania, Agaliastho The Heavens Rejoice and the Earth R ESURREC TION G OSPEL 9 - J OHN 20 : 19 – 31

ta Epigia, oti epiise Kratos en is Glad, for the Lord hast shown Our Risen Lord Bestows His Authority To Forgive Sins Upon His Apostles
Vrahioni Aftou O Kyrios. Epatise Strength with His Arm; He hast
to Thanato ton trampled down Death by Death!
Οὔσης ὀψίας τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ τῇ The same day in the evening,
Thanaton.Prototokos ton nekron He hast become the First-born of μιᾷ τῶν Σαββάτων, καὶ τῶν being the first day after the
egeneto. Ek kilias Adou errisato the dead! From the womb of θυρῶν κεκλεισμένων ὅπου ἦσαν Sabbath, and when the doors
imas ke pareshe to kosmo to Hades He hast Rescued us, and to οἱ Μαθηταὶ συνηγμένοι διὰ τὸν were shut where the Disciples
Mega Eleos. the world He hast granted Great φόβον τῶν Ἰουδαίων, ἦλθεν ὁ were assembled - for fear of the
Ἰησοῦς καὶ ἔστη εἰς τὸ μέσον, Judeans - Jesus came and stood
καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· “Εἰρήνη ὑμῖν!” in their midst, and said to them:
11. 5 TH
“Peace be with you!”
Τῇ Τριημέρῳ Σου Ταφῇ, τοὺς ἐν After Three Days Entombed, in
Καὶ τοῦτο εἰπὼν ἔδειξεν αὐτοῖς τὰς And having said this, He showed τῷ Ἄδῃ νεκρωθέντας ὡς Θεός, Hades, as God, Thou granted
Χεῖρας καὶ τὴν Πλευρὰν Αὐτοῦ· them His Wrists and His Side. Ζωοποιήσας συνήγειρας, καὶ Life to the dead and Resurrected
Ἐχάρησαν οὖν οἱ μαθηταὶ ἰδόντες T he Disciples were glad to see the ἀφθαρσίαν πᾶσιν, ὡς ἀγαθὸς them. O Good One, Thou welled
τὸν Κύριον. Lord. ἐπήγασας ἡμῖν, τοῖς ἐν Πίστει forth the Gift of Incorruption to
Εἶπεν οὖν αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν· Jesus said to them again: “Peace be κράζουσι πάντοτε· “Μνήσθητι us all, who in Faith unceasingly
“Εἰρήνη ὑμῖν, καθὼς καὶ ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου.” exclaim: “Remember us also, in
with you! As the Father has
Thy Kingdom!”
ἀπέσταλκέ με ὁ Πατήρ, κᾀγὼ sent Me, I also send you.”
πέμπω ὑμᾶς.” Μακάριοι ἐστὲ ὅταν ὀνειδίσωσιν Blessed art you when men revile
Καὶ τοῦτο εἰπὼν ἐνεφύσησε καὶ And He breathed upon them, and ὑμᾶς, καὶ διώξωσι, καὶ εἴπωσι you and persecute you and
λέγει αὐτοῖς· “Λάβετε Πνεῦμα said to them: “Receive the Holy πᾶν πονηρὸν ῥῆμα καθʼ ὑμῶν, utter all kinds of evil against
Ἅγιον. Ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς Spirit. If you forgive the sins of ψευδόμενοι ἕνεκεν ἐμοῦ. you falsely for my sake.
ἁμαρτίας, ἀφιένται αὐτοῖς, ἄν any, they are forgiven them; if Ταῖς Μυροφόροις Γυναιξί, πρώταις To the Myrrhbearing Women Thou
τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.” you retain the sins of any, they ἐφάνης, Ἀναστὰς ἐκ τῶν first Appeared when Thou had
are retained.” νεκρῶν, Σωτὴρ βοήσας τό, Risen from the dead, O Saviour,
Θωμᾶς δέ, εἷς ἐκ τῶν Δώδεκα, ὁ Thomas, one of the Twelve, who Χαίρετε, καὶ διʼ αὐτῶν τοῖς saying: “Rejoice!” and Thou sent
λεγόμενος ‘Δίδυμος,’ οὐκ ἦν was called ‘the Twin’ 1 was not
Φίλοις, τὴν σὴν μηνύεις ἔγερσιν them to Thy Friends, to proclaim
μετ' αὐτῶν ὅτε ἦλθεν Ἰησοῦς· with them when Jesus came.
Χριστέ· Διὰ τοῦτο Πίστει Σοι Thy Resurrection, O Christ.
κράζομεν· “Μνήσθητι καὶ ἡμῶν, Wherefore, Thy Faithful exclaim:
Ἔλεγον οὖν αὐτῷ οἱ ἄλλοι The other Disciples therefore told
ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου.” “Remember us also, in Thy
Μαθηταί· “Ἑωράκαμεν τὸν him: “We have seen the Lord!”
Χαίρετε καὶ Ἀγαλλιᾶσθε, ὅτι ὁ Rejoice and be Glad, for your
Ὁ δὲ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· “Ἐὰν μὴ ἴδω ἐν He said to them: “Unless I see in His μισθὸς ὑμῶν πολὺς ἐν τοῖς Reward is Great in Heaven.
ταῖς Χερσὶν Αὐτοῦ τὸν τύπον τῶν Wrists the print of the nails, and Οὐρανοῖς.
ἥλων, καὶ βάλω τὸν δάκτυλόν put my finger into the print of
μου εἰς τὸν τύπον τῶν ἥλων, καὶ Ἐν τῷ Ὅρει Μωϋσῆς, χεῖρας On the Mountain, Moses of old,
the nails, and put my hand into
βάλω τὴν χεῖρά μου εἰς τὴν ἁπλώσας, προετύπου τὸν extended his hands and thus
His Side, I will not believe.”
Πλευρὰν Αὐτοῦ, οὐ μὴ Σταυρόν, τὸν Ἀμαλὴκ prefigured the Cross, defeating
πιστεύσω.” τροπωσάμενος, ἡμεῖς δὲ Πίστει Amalek. And now, with Faith,
τοῦτον, κατὰ δαιμόνων Ὅπλον we defeat the demons by taking
Καὶ μεθ' ἡμέρας ὀκτὼ πάλιν ἦσαν And after eight days His Disciples Κραταιόν, εἰληφότες πάντες up the Mighty Weapon of the
ἔσω οἱ Μαθηταὶ Αὐτοῦ, καὶ were again inside, and Thomas κραυγάζομεν· “Μνήσθητι καὶ Precious Cross, and crying
Θωμᾶς μετ' αὐτῶν. with them. ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου!” aloud: “Remember us also in
Ἔρχεται ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῶν θυρῶν Jesus came, the doors being shut, Thy Kingdom!”
κεκλεισμένων, καὶ ἔστη εἰς τὸ and stood in their midst, and  Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ  Glory to the Father, and to the
μέσον καὶ εἶπεν· “Εἰρήνη ὑμῖν!” said: “Peace be with you!” Πνεύματι. Son, and to the Holy Spirit…
Εἶτα λέγει τῷ Θωμᾶ· “Φέρε τὸν Then He said to Thomas: “Reach Τὸν Πατέρα καὶ Υἱόν, καὶ Πνεῦμα The Father, and the Son, and the
δάκτυλόν σου ᾧδε, καὶ ἴδε τὰς your finger here, and look at ἅγιον, ὑμνήσωμεν πιστοί, ἕνα Holy Spirit, let us Faithfully Extol
Θεόν, ἕνα Κύριον, ὡς ἐξ ἑνὸς – One God, One Lord, as there is
St Thomas had been nick-named “the twin” because he was always in two minds about Ἡλίου· τρισσολαμπὴς γάρ ἐστιν only one sun. For Thrice
things – he debated and analysed everythigng. Hence also the expression
“doubting thomas” although he did not doubt but was incredulous/unconvinced.
29. 5 TH
O – R C – BE - TO 3
Χεῖράς Μου. Καὶ φέρε τὴν My Wrists; and reach your hand
Μακάριοι οἱ Ἐλεήμονες, ὅτι Blessed art the Merciful, for they χεῖρά σου καὶ βάλε εἰς τὴν here, and put it into My Side,
αὐτοὶ ἐλεηθήσονται shalt obtain Mercy. Πλευράν Μου, καὶ μὴ γίνου and do not be unbelieving, but
ἄπιστος ἀλλὰ Πιστός!” Believe!””
Ἀθετήσαντα Χριστέ, τὴν Ἐντολήν When our Primal Father, Adam,
Σου, τὸν προπάτορα Ἀδάμ, τοῦ disobeyed Thy Divine Command, Καὶ ἀπεκρίθη ὁ Θωμᾶς, καὶ εἶπεν And Thomas answered and said to
Παραδείσου ἐξώρισας, τὸν δὲ O Christ, Thou expelled him Αὐτῷ· “Ὁ Κύριός μου καὶ ὁ Him: “My Lord and my God!”
Λῃστὴν Οἰκτίρμον, from Paradise. But when the Θεός μου!”
Ὁμολογήσαντά Σε ἐν Σταυρῷ, Faithful Robber, while on the Λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Ὅτι Jesus said to him: “Thomas,
ἐν αὐτῷ εἰσῴκισας κράζοντα· cross, Confessed Thee to be ἑώρακάς Με πεπίστευκας, because you have seen Me, you
“Μνήσθητί μου Σωτήρ, ἐν τῇ Lord, Thou Restored him, as he Μακάριοι οἱ μὴ ἰδόντες, καὶ Believe. Blessed are those who
Βασιλείᾳ Σου!” cried to Thee: “Remember me, O Πιστεύσαντες.” have not seen and yet Believe.”
Saviour, in Thy Kingdom!” Πολλὰ μὲν οὖν καὶ ἄλλα Σημεῖα Jesus did many other Signs in the
Μακάριοι οἱ Καθαροὶ τῇ Καρδίᾳ, Blessed art the Pure in Heart, for ἐποίησεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἐνώπιον τῶν presence of His Disciples, which
ὅτι αὐτοὶ τὸν Θεὸν ὄψονται. they shalt see God. Μαθητῶν Αὐτοῦ, ἃ οὐκ ἔστιν are not written in this book.
Ἁμαρτήσαντας ἡμᾶς, τῇ τοῦ When we sinned, Thou Condemned γεγραμμένα ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τούτῳ·
Θανάτου, κατεδίκασας ἀρᾷ, ὁ us and pronounced the Curse of Ταῦτα δὲ γέγραπται ἵνα πιστεύσητε These are written that you may
Ζωοδότης καὶ Κύριος, ἐν δὲ τῷ Death, being the Lord and Giver ὅτι ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ Χριστὸς ὁ Believe that Jesus is the Christ,
Σώματί Σου, ἀναμαρτήτως of Life. But later, O Loving Υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, καὶ ἵνα the Son of God, and that,
Δέσποτα παθῶν, τοὺς θνητοὺς Master, Thou Who art sinless Πιστεύοντες, Ζωὴν ἔχητε ἐν τῷ Believing, you may have Life in
ἐζώωσας κράζοντας· “Μνήσθητι suffered in the Flesh, and Thou Ὀνόματι Αὐτοῦ. His Name.
καὶ ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου!” brought the dead to Life, who
exclaimed: “Remember us also, Ousis oun opsias ti imera ekini ti The same day in the evening, being
in Thy Kingdom!” mia ton Savvaton, ke ton thiron the first day after the Sabbath,
Μακάριοι οἱ Εἰρηνοποιοί, ὅτι Blessed art the Peacemakers, for keklismenon opou isan i Mathite and when the doors were shut
αὐτοὶ Υἱοὶ Θεοῦ Κληθήσονται. sinigmeni di ton fovon ton where the Disciples were
they shalt be called ‘sons of Ioudeon, ilthen O Iisous ke esti is assembled - for fear of the
God.’ to meson, ke legi aftis: “Irini Judeans - Jesus came and stood
Ἀναστὰς ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν, Having Risen from the dead, Thou imin!” in their midst, and said to them:
συνεξανέστησας, ἡμᾶς ἐκ τῶν “Peace be with you!”
also Raised us from the
παθῶν, τῇ Ἀναστάσει Σου Ke touto ipon edixen aftis tas Hiras And having said this, He showed
passions, by Thy Holy
ke tin Plevran Aftou. them His Wrists and His Side.
Κύριε, τοῦ δὲ Θανάτου πᾶσαν, Resurrection, O Christ our God.
τὴν Δυναστείαν ὤλεσας Σωτήρ· Eharisan oun i Mathite idontes ton The Disciples were glad to see the
And roundly Thou defeated Kyrion. Lord.
Διὰ τοῦτο Πίστει Σοι κράζομεν· Death’s dominion over us, O
“Μνήσθητι καὶ ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Ipen oun aftis O Iisous palin: Irini Jesus said to them again: “Peace be
Lord. Wherefore Thy Faithful imin! Kathos apestalke Me O with you! As the Father has
Βασιλείᾳ Σου!” exclaim: “Remember us also, in Patir, kago pempo imas.” sent Me, I also send you.”
Thy Kingdom!” Ke touto ipon enefisise ke legi aftis: And He breathed upon them, and
Μακάριοι οἱ δεδιωγμένοι ἕνεκεν Blessed art those who are “Lavete Pnevma Agion. An said to them: “Receive the Holy
tinon afite tas amartias; Spirit. If you forgive the sins of
Δικαιοσύνης, ὅτι αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ persecuted for Righteousness’
afiende aftis an tinon kratite any, they are forgiven them; if
Βασιλεία τῶν Οὐρανῶν. sake, for theirs is the Kingdom kekratinde.” you retain the sins of any, they
of Heaven. are retained.”

13. 5 TH
Thomas - de is ek ton Dodeka - O Thomas, one of the Twelve, who Mathitas, ke Pnevmatos Agiou
legomenos ‘Didymos,’ ouk in met’ was called ‘the Twin’ was not metedokas aftis, ke exousian
afton ote ilthen O Iisous. with them when Jesus came. enimas afeseos amartion. Ke ton
Thoman ou katelipes to tis
Elegon oun afto i ali Mathite: The other Disciples therefore told apistias katavaptizesthe klidoni.
“Eorakamen ton Kyrion!” him: “We have seen the Lord!” Dio parashou ke imin, gnosin
O de ipen aftis: “Ean mi ido en tes He said to them: “Unless I see in His Alithi, ke afesin ptesmaton,
Hersin Aftou ton tipon ton ilon, Wrists the print of the nails, and efsplaghne Kyrie.
ke valo ton daktilon mou is ton put my finger into the print of
tipon ton ilon, ke valo tin hira the nails, and put my hand into Theotokion – Great Doxology –
mou is tin Plevran Aftou, ou mi His Side, I will not believe.” Resurrection Apolytikion 
Ke meth imeras okto palin isan eso i And
Mathite Aftou, ke Thomas met’
after eight days His Disciples
were again inside, and Thomas
Divine Liturgy Hymns – Tone 3
afton. with them.
Erhete O Iisous ton thiron ke Jesus came, the doors being shut,
klismenon, ke esti is to meson ke and stood in their midst, and Ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Σου μνήσθητι ἡμῶν In Thy Kingdom, remember us, O
ipen: “Irini imin!” said: “Peace be with you!” Κύριε, ὅταν ἔλθῃς ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ Lord, when Thou come in Thy
Ita legi to Thomas: “Fere ton Then He said to Thomas: “Reach Σου. Kingdom.
daktilon sou othe ke ithe tas your finger here, and look at Μακάριοι οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι, Blessed art the poor in spirit, for
Hiras Mou, ke fere tin hira sou My Wrists; and reach your hand
ke vale is tin Plevran Mou, ke
ὅτι αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ Βασιλεία τῶν theirs is the Kingdom of
here, and put it into My Side,
mi ginou apistos, alla Pistos.” and do not be unbelieving, but Οὐρανῶν. Heaven.
Believe!”” Μακάριοι οἱ πενθοῦντες, ὅτι αὐτοὶ Blessed art those who mourn, for
Ke apekrithi Thomas ke ipen Afto: And Thomas answered and said to παρακληθήσονται. they shalt be comforted.
Him: “My Lord and my God!”
“O Kyrios mou ke O Theos mou!” Μακάριοι οἱ Πρᾳεῖς, ὅτι αὐτοὶ Blessed art the Meek, for they
Legi afto O Iisous: “Oti eorakas Me, Jesus said to him: “Thomas,
κληρονομήσουσι τὴν γῆν. shalt inherit the Earth.
pepistevkas. Makarii i mi because you have seen Me, you
idondes ke pistefsandes.” Believe. Blessed are those who Μακάριοι οἱ πεινῶντες καὶ Blessed art those who hunger and
have not seen and yet Believe.” διψῶντες τὴν Δικαιοσύνην, ὅτι thirst for Righteousness, for
Polla men oun ke alla simia epiisen Jesus did many other Signs in the αὐτοὶ χορτασθήσονται. they shalt be satisfied.
O Iisous enopion ton Mathiton presence of His Disciples, which
Aftou, a ouk esti gegramena en are not written in this book.
to vivlio touto.
En ti Vasilia Sou mnisthiti imon, In Thy Kingdom, remember us, O
Kyrie, otan elthis en ti Vasilia Sou. Lord, when Thou come in Thy
Tafta de gegrapte ina Pistefsite oti These are written that you may Kingdom.
Iisous estin O Hristos O Ios tou Believe that Jesus is the Christ,
Theou ke ina Pistevondes Zoin
Makarii I ptohi to pnevmati, oti afton Blessed art the poor in spirit, for
the Son of God, and that, estin I Vasilia ton Ouranon.
egite en to Onomati Aftou. theirs is the Kingdom of
Believing, you may have Life in
His Name.
Resurrection Prayer - Psalm 50/51 – Makarii I penthountes, oti afti Blessed art those who mourn, for
Intercessory Hymns – Salvation paraklithisonte. they shalt be comforted.
Prayers 
Makarii I prais, oti afti Blessed art the Meek, for they shalt
klironomisousi tin Gin. inherit the Earth.
Ἐξανέστης σήμερον, ἀπὸ τοῦ Thou arose today from the Tomb, Makarii I pinontes ke dipsontes tin Blessed art those who hunger and
Τάφου Οἰκτίρμον, καὶ ἡμᾶς O Compassionate One, and led Dikeosinin, oti afti hortasthisonte. thirst for Righteousness, for
ἐξήγαγες, ἐκ τῶν Πυλῶν τοῦ us out of the Gates of Death. they shalt be satisfied.
Θανάτου. Σήμερον Ἀδὰμ Today Adam dances and Eve
27. 5 TH
Thian Gnosin Epestrepsas, were shown to be an unerring χορεύει, καὶ Χαίρει Εὔα, ἅμα δέ, Rejoices, and Prophets with
Fotagogos aplanis, Averkie Guide to Light, O Averkios. καὶ οἱ Προφῆται, σὺν Patriarchs also Praise ceaselessly
diknimenos, ke demonon katheretis. Thou also neutralised demonic Πατριάρχαις, ἀνυμνοῦσιν the Divine Might of Thine
Dia touto Evfimoumen Se. hosts that had deceived the
multitudes, whom Thou
ἀκαταπαύστως, τὸ Θεῖον Authority.
returned to the Knowledge of Κράτος τῆς ἐξουσίας Σου.
the True God. Wherefore we
Extol Thee. Exanestis simeron, apo tou tafou Thou arose today from the Tomb, O
iktirmon, ke imas exigages, ek Compassionate One, and led us
I Ieris Sou, Kyrie, endisonte Thy Priests, O Lord shalt Vest
ton pilon tou thanatou. Simeron out of the Gates of Death. Today
Dikeosinin, ke I Osii Sou Agalliasi themselves in Righteousness.
Adam korevi, ke heri Eva, ama Adam dances and Eve Rejoices,
Agalliasonte. Thy Saints shalt Greatly
de, ke i Profite sin Patriarhes, and Prophets with Patriarchs
animnousin akatapafstos, to also Praise ceaselessly the Divine
Megistos, pasin osper ilios Pater, ti Thou shone Thy Light like a great Thion Kratos tis Exousias Sou. Might of Thine Authority.
Ikoumeni anetilas, lapsesi Pansofon sun, O Father, on the whole
Sou Logon, ke Iamaton Lamprotisi, world. To the Light Thou O KTOIH OS - I KOS - T ONE 3
Fotagogon tous Pistous, ke Skotos Guided the Faithful with
pathon Pantote, ekdiokon sinergia, Splendid Rays of Thine All Ὁ Οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ Γῆ σήμερον Let Heaven and Earth dance today,
tou Agiou Makar Pnevmatos. Wise Teachings, and Brightness χορευέτωσαν, καὶ Χριστὸν τὸν and in harmony sing the Praises
of Thy Cures, continually Θεὸν Ὁμοφρόνως ὑμνείτωσαν, of Christ our God, for He Raised
driving out all the Darkness of ὅτι τοὺς δεσμίους ἐκ τῶν Τάφων the prisoners from the tombs.
the passions, as through Thee
the Holy Spirit Worked.
Ἀνέστησε. Συγχαίρει πᾶσα ἡ All Creation Rejoices together as
Κτίσις, προσφέρουσα ἐπάξια it Hymns the Creator of all
ᾄσματα, τῷ πάντων Κτίστῃ καὶ things and our Redeemer. For
Ὡς ἐπʼ Ἐσχάτων τῶν χρόνων, In the fullness of time, O Christ, Λυτρωτῇ ἡμῶν. Ὄτι τοὺς today He drew mortals out of
οὔσης ὀψίας Σαββάτων, Thou appeared among Thy
βροτοὺς ἐξ Ἂδου σήμερον, ὡς Hades, as the Giver of Life, and
ἐφίστασαι τοῖς Φίλοις Χριστέ, Beloved Ones on the eve of the
Sabbath, and confirmed a Ζωοδότης συνανελκύσας, πρὸς Raised them together to Heaven,
καὶ Θαύματι Θαῦμα βεβαιοῖς, τῇ Οὐρανοὺς συνανυψοῖ. Καὶ having Cursed the haughtiness
Wonder through a Wonder to
κεκλεισμένῃ εἰσόδῳ τῶν θυρῶν, καταράσσει τοῦ ἐχθροῦ τὰς of the enemy and smashed the
them: Thy Resurrection from the
τὴν ἐκ νεκρῶν Σου Ἀνάστασιν· ἐπάρσεις, καὶ πύλας τοῦ ᾅδου Gates of Hades by the Divine
dead by Thine Entrance while
Ἀλλʼ ἔπλησας Χαρᾶς τοὺς the doors were shut. And Thou διαθλάττει, τῷ Θείῳ Κράτει τῆς Might of His Authority.
Μαθητάς, καὶ Πνεύματος Ἁγίου filled the Disciples with Joy, Ἐξουσίας Αὐτοῦ.
μετέδωκας αὐτοῖς, καὶ ἐξουσίαν granting them the Holy Spirit,
ἔνειμας ἀφέσεως ἁμαρτιῶν, καὶ and bestowed upon them the
τὸν Θωμᾶν οὐ κατέλιπες, τῷ τῆς Power to forgive sins. And as O Ouranos ke i Gi simeron Let Heaven and Earth dance today,
horevetosan, ke Hriston ton Theo and in harmony sing the Praises
ἀπιστίας καταβαπτίζεσθαι for Thomas, Thou did not allow
omofronos imnitosan, oti tous of Christ our God, for He Raised
κλύδωνι. Διὸ παράσχου καὶ him to drown in the depths of
desmious ek ton Tafon Anestise. the prisoners from the tombs.
ἡμῖν, Γνῶσιν Ἀληθῆ, καὶ ἄφεσιν faithlessness. Wherefore, grant Sigheri tasa i Ktisis, prosferousa All Creation Rejoices together as
πταισμάτων, Εὔσπλαγχνε Κύριε. us the Knowledge of the Truth, epaxia asmata, to panton Ktisti it Hymns the Creator of all
and forgiveness of sins, O ke Litroti imon. Oti tous vrotous things and our Redeemer. For
Compassionate Lord. ex Adou simeron, os Zoodotis today He drew mortals out of
Os ep’ eshaton ton hronon, ousis
sinanelkisas, pros Ouranous Hades, as the Giver of Life, and
opsias Sabbaton, efistase tis filis, sinanipsi, ke katarrassi tou Raised them together to Heaven,
Hriste, ke Thavmati Thavma ehthrou tas eparsis, ke Pilas tou having Cursed the haughtiness
Beveis ti keklismeni isodo ton Adou diathlatti, to Thio Krati tis of the enemy and smashed the
thiron, tin ek nekron Sou Exousias Aftou. Gates of Hades by the Divine
Anastasin. All eplisas haras tous Might of His Authority.
15. 5 TH
M – S – 22 O
δεικνύμενος, καὶ δαιμόνων demonic hosts that had
Τῇ ΚΒʹ τοῦ αὐτοῦ μηνὸς Μνήμη On this 22 nd
day of the month, we καθαιρέτης· Διὰ τοῦτο deceived the multitudes,

τοῦ ἐν Ἁγίοις Πατρὸς ἡμῶν καὶ Commemorate our Father Εὐφημοῦμέν Σε. whom Thou returned to the
Knowledge of the True God.
Ἰσαποστόλου Ἀβερκίου, among the Saints and Eual to the
Wherefore we Extol Thee.
Ἐπισκόπου Ἱεραπόλεως, τοῦ Apostles, St Averkios, Bishop of
Θαυματουργοῦ. Hieropolis and Miracle-Worker. Οἱ Ἱερεῖς Σου, Κύριε, ἐνδύσονται Thy Priests, O Lord shalt Vest
Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡμέρᾳ Μνήμη τῶν Ἁγίων On this day we Commemorate the Δικαιοσύνην, καὶ οἱ Ὅσιοί Σου themselves in Righteousness.
Ἑπτὰ Παίδων τῶν ἐν Ἐφέσῳ, Seven Holy Youths [Sleepers] of
Ἀγαλλιάσει Ἀγαλλιάσονται. Thy Saints shalt Greatly
Μαξιμιλιανοῦ, Ἰαμβλίχου, Rejoice.
Ephesos: St Maximilian, St
Μαρτινιανοῦ, Διονυσίου, Jamblichos, St Martinian, St Μέγιστος, πᾶσιν ὥσπερ ἥλιος Πάτερ, Thou shone Thy Light like a
Ἀνωνίνου, Ἐξακουστωδιανοῦ Dionysios, St Antoninos, St τῇ Οἰκουμένῃ ἀνέτειλας, λάμψεσι great sun, O Father, on the
καὶ Ἰωάννου. Hexakustodianos and St John. Πανσόφων Σου Λόγων, καὶ whole world. To the Light
Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡμέρᾳ μνήμη τῶν ἁγίων On this day we Commemorate the
Ἰαμάτων Λαμπρότησι, Thou Guided the Faithful with
Μαρτύρων Ἀλεξάνδρου Φωταγωγῶν τοὺς Πιστούς, καὶ Splendid Rays of Thine All
Holy Martyrs, St Alexander the
Ἐπισκόπου καὶ Ἡρακλείου, Σκότος παθῶν πάντοτε, ἐκδιώκων Wise Teachings, and
Bishop, and St Heraklios, St
Θεοδότης καὶ Γλυκερίας, Ἄννης συνεργείᾳ, τοῦ Ἁγίου Μάκαρ Brightness of Thy Cures,
Theodota, St Glykeria, St Anna
καὶ Ἐλισάβετ. Πνεύματος. continually driving out all the
and St Elizabeth.
Darkness of the passions, as
Ταῖς αὐτῶν ἁγίαις πρεσβείαις, ὁ By the Intercessions of Thy Saints,
through Thee the Holy Spirit
Θεός, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. O God, have Mercy on us. Worked.
Ἀμήν. Amen
Enite afton en timpano ke horo! Praise Him with timbrel and
Enite afton en hordes ke organo! dance! Praise Him with
strings and pipe!
ᾨδὴ α Ἀνοίξω τὸ στόμα μου, καὶ Ode 1 I shalt open my mouth and Ehrise, Se Arhierea I Haris, tou Thou were Anointed Hierarch, O
πληρωθήσεται Πνεύματος, καὶ the Spirit shalt inspire it, and I Paraklitou, Averkie, planis Averkios, by the Grace of the
λόγον ἐρεύξομαι, τῇ Βασιλίδι shalt utter the words of my katherounta temeni, ke anistonta ti All Holy Spirit. Thou brought
Μητρί, καὶ ὀφθήσομαι, φαιδρῶς song to the Queen and Mother: Hariti, Naous Theou Ierous, is down the temples of error, and
Doxan te ke Enesin, tou tehthentos by Grace erecged in their place
πανηγυρίζων, καὶ ᾄσω I shalt be seen radiantly keeping
ek Parthenou, ke ta panta Sacred Temples of God to the
γηθόμενος, ταύτης τὰ Feast and Joyfully Praising Her Agiasantos. Glory and Praise of Christ Who
Θαύματα. Miracles was Born of a Virgin, and Who
Sanctified the Universe.
ᾨδὴ γʹ. Τοὺς Σοὺς Ὑμνολόγους Ode 3 O Mother of God, Thou living
Θεοτόκε, ὡς ζῶσα καὶ ἄφθονος and plentiful Fount, grant
Enite afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite Praise Him with tuneful cymbals!
afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Praise Him with loud cymbals!
πηγή, θίασον συγκροτήσαντας strength to those united in Everything that has breath
πνευματικόν, στερέωσον· καὶ ἐν Spiritual Fellowship, who sing Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion.
Praise the Lord!
τῇ Θείᾳ Δόξῃ Σου, Στεφάνων Hymns of Praise to Thee: Palin to afto  Repeat the Hymn 
Δόξης Ἀξίωσον. and in Thy Divine Glory grant My mouth shalt speak Wisdom,
To stoma mou lalisi Sofian, ke I
and the meditation of my
them Crowns of Glory.
meleti tis kardias mou sinesisn.
ᾨδὴ δ Τὴν ἀνεξιχνίαστον Θείαν Ode 4 Perceiving the Unsearchable Thavmasi, Pater eveveosas pantas,
heart, Understanding.

βουλήν, τῆς ἐκ τῆς Παρθένου

By Thy Miracles, O Father, were
Purpose of God concerning Logous tou Thiou Kirigmatos, ke
the Words of Thy Sacred
Σαρκώσεως, Σοῦ τοῦ Ὑψίστου, Thine Incarnation from a Virgin, tous planomenous anthropous, pros
Preaching confirmed. Thy
25. 5 TH
kathos ipe, proagon en ti Galilea. as He said, and goes before you ὁ Προφήτης, Ἀββακούμ, O Most High, the Prophet
into Galilee.
κατανοῶν ἐκραύγαζε· Δόξα τῇ Habakkuk cried: Glory to Thy
Stihiron 4 - Tone 3 Stihiron 4 – Tone 3
Δυνάμει Σου Κύριε. Power, O Lord!
Enite Afton en iho salpingos. Enite Praise Him with the sound of the
Ode The whole world was
ᾨδὴ εʹ. Ἐξέστη τὰ σύμπαντα, ἐπὶ
Afton en psaltirio ke kithara! trumpet! Praise Him with lute
and harp! amazed at Thy Divine Glory: for
τῇ Θείᾳ Δόξῃ Σου· Σὺ γὰρ
En to Foti Sou Despota, opsometha In Thy Light, O Master, we shalt see Thou, O Virgin, Who has not
Ἀπειρόγαμε Παρθένε, ἔσχες ἐν
Fos Filanthrope: Anestis gar ek Light, O Lover of mankind. For known wedlock, has been
μήτρᾳ, τὸν ἐπὶ πάντων Θεόν, καὶ
ton nekron, Sotirian to geni ton Thou Arose from the dead, Translated from earth to the
Anthropon doroumenos, ina se granting Salvation to the race of
τέτοκας ἄχρονον Υἱόν, πᾶσι τοῖς
Eternal Mansions to the Life
pasa Ktisis Doxologi, ton Monon mankind, so that all Creation Ὑμνοῦσί Σε, Σωτηρίαν
βραβεύοντα. without end, bestowing
Anamartiton: Eleison imas!. may Glorify Thee, the Only
Sinless One: Have Mercy on us! Salvation upon all who sing Thy
M E NAION - S TIHE RA – S T AVE RKIOS – T ONE (8) P LAGAL 4 praises.
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν τυμπάνῳ καὶ Praise Him with timbrel and ᾨδὴ Ϛʹ Τὴν Θείαν ταύτην καὶ Ode 6 As we celebrate this Sacred
χορῷ! Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν χορδαῖς dance! Praise Him with πάντιμον, τελοῦντες Ἐορτὴν οἱ and Solemn Feast of the
καὶ ὀργάνῳ! strings and pipe! Θεόφρονες, τῆς Θεομήτορος, Theotokos, let us come,
Ἔχρισε, Σὲ Ἀρχιερέα ἡ Χάρις, τοῦ Thou were Anointed Hierarch, O δεῦτε τὰς χεῖρας κροτήσωμεν, clapping our hands, O people
Παρακλήτου, Ἀβέρκιε, πλάνης Averkios, by the Grace of the τὸν ἐξ αὐτῆς τεχθέντα Θεὸν of the Lord, and Glorifying God
καθαιροῦντα τεμένη, καὶ All Holy Spirit. Thou brought Δοξάζοντες. Who was Born of her.
ἀνιστῶντα τῇ Χάριτι, Ναοὺς Θεοῦ down the temples of error, ᾨδὴ ζʹ. Οὐκ ἐλάτρευσαν τῇ Ode 7 The Holy Youths bravely
Ἱερούς, εἰς Δόξαν τε καὶ Αἴνεσιν, and by Grace erecged in their Κτίσει οἱ Θεόφρονες, παρὰ trampled upon the threatening
τοῦ τεχθέντος ἐκ Παρθένου, καὶ τὰ place Sacred Temples of God fire, preferring not to worship
τὸν Κτίσαντα, ἀλλὰ πυρὸς
πάντα Ἁγιάσαντος. to the Glory and Praise of created things rather than the
ἀπειλήν, ἀνδρείως
Christ Who was Born of a Creator, and they sang in Joy:
Virgin, and Who Sanctified the
πατήσαντες, χαίροντες
“Blessed art Thou and praised
Universe. ἔψαλλον. Ὑπερύμνητε, ὁ τῶν above all: O Lord God of our
Πατέρων Κύριος, καὶ Θεὸς
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν κυμβάλοις εὐήχοις! Praise Him with tuneful
Εὐλογητὸς εἶ.
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν κυμβάλοις cymbals! Praise Him with Ode 8 We Praise, we Bless and
ᾨδὴ ηʹ. Αἰνοῦμεν, Εὐλογοῦμεν καὶ
ἀλαλαγμοῦ! Πᾶσα πνοὴ loud cymbals! Everything
Προσκυνοῦμεν τὸν Κύριον. we Worship the Lord!
Αἰνεσάτω τὸν Κύριον! that has breath Praise the
Lord! Παῖδας εὐαγεῖς ἐν τῇ καμίνῳ, ὁ The Offspring of the Theotokos
Τόκος τῆς Θεοτόκου διεσώσατο, saved the Holy Children in the
Πάλιν τὸ αὐτό.  Repeat the Hymn 
τότε μὲν τυπούμενος, νῦν δὲ furnace. He Who was then
Τὸ στόμα μου λαλήσει σοφίαν, καὶ ἡ My mouth shalt speak Wisdom,
ἐνεργούμενος, τὴν οἰκουμένην prefigured has since been born
μελέτη τῆς καρδίας μου σύνεσιν. and the meditation of my on earth, and He gathers
ἅπασαν, ἀγείρει ψάλλουσαν. Τὸν
heart, Understanding. together all Creation to sing: “O
Κύριον Ὑμνεῖτε τὰ Ἔργα, καὶ
Θαύμασι, Πάτερ ἐβεβαίωσας By Thy Miracles, O Father, were
Ὑπερυψοῦτε, εἰς πάντας τοὺς ye Works of the Lord: Bless ye
πάντας, Λόγους τοῦ Θείου the Words of Thy Sacred the Lord and exalt Him above all
Κηρύγματος, καὶ τοὺς Preaching confirmed. Thy forever!”
πλανωμένους ἀνθρώπους, πρὸς were shown to be an unerring
Θείαν Γνῶσιν ἐπέστρεψας, Guide to Light, O Averkios.
Φωταγωγὸς ἀπλανής, Ἀβέρκιε Thou also neutralised

17. 5 TH
Odi 1 Anixo to stoma mou ke Ode 1 Ishalt open my mouth and Ἐν τῷ Φωτί Σου Δέσποτα, In Thy Light, O Master, we shalt see
plirothisete Pnevmatos ke logon the Spirit shalt inspire it, and I ὀψόμεθα Φῶς Φιλάνθρωπε· Light, O Lover of mankind. For
erevxome ti Vasilidi Mitri. Ke shalt utter the words of my song Ἀνέστης γὰρ ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν, Thou Arose from the dead,
ofthisome fedros Panigirizon ke to the Queen and Mother: I shalt
aso gnothomenos TAFTIS TA be seen radiantly keeping Feast
Σωτηρίαν τῷ γένει τῶν granting Salvation to the race of
THAVMATA. and Joyfully Praising Her ἀνθρώπων δωρούμενος, ἵνα Σε mankind, so that all Creation
Miracles πᾶσα Κτίσις Δοξολογῇ, τόν may Glorify Thee, the Only
Odi 3 Tous Sous Imnologous, Ode 3 O Mother of God, Thou living Μόνον Ἀναμάρτητον. Ἐλέησον Sinless One: Have Mercy on us!
Theotoke, izosa ke Afthonos Pigi, and plentiful Fount, grant ἡμᾶς.
Thiason Sigkrotisantas strength to those united in
Pnevmatikon, stereoson. Ke en ti Spiritual Fellowship, who sing
Stihiron 1 - Tone 3 Stiheron 1 – Tone 3
Thia Doxi Sou Stefanon Doxis Hymns of Praise to Thee:
axioson. and in Thy Divine Glory grant Tou piise en aftis frima To execute upon them the
them Crowns of Glory. Engrapton. Doxa afti este pasi Judgement that is Decreed;
Ode 4 Perceiving the Unsearchable tis Osiis Aftou. such Glory will be for all His
Odi 4 Tin anexihniaston Thian Saints.
Voulin tis ek tis Parthenou Purpose of God concerning
sarkoseos Sou to Ipsistou O Thine Incarnation from a Virgin, Defte panta ta Ethni, gnote tou Come, all ye Nations, acknowledge
Profitis Abbakoum katanoon O Most High, the Prophet friktou Mystiriou tin Dinamin: the Power of the Awesome
ekravgaxe. Doxa ti Dinami Sou, Habakkuk cried: Glory to Thy Hristos gar O Sotir imon, O en Mystery; for Christ our Saviour,
Kyrie. Power, O Lord! arhi Logos estavrothi di imas, ke the Word in the beginning, was
Ode 5 The whole world was amazed ekon etafi, ke Anesti ek nekron, Crucified for us and willingly
Odi 5 Exesti ta simpanta epi ti Thia tou Sose ta simpanta. Afton buried and Arose from the dead
Doxi Sou. Si gar, apirogame at Thy Divine Glory: for Thou, O
Proskinisomen. to Save the whole Universe: Let
Parthene, eshes en Mitra ton epi Virgin, Who has not known
us Worship Him!
Panton Theon ke tetokas ahronon wedlock, has been Translated
from earth to the Eternal Stihiron 2 - Tone 3 Stiheron 2 – Tone 3
Iion, pasi tis imnousi Se Sotirian
vravevousa. Mansions to the Life without end, Enite ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Praise God in His Saints! Praise
bestowing Salvation upon all Enite Afton en Stereomati tis Him in the firmament of His
who sing Thy praises. Dinameos Aftou. Power!
Odi 6 Tin Thian Taftin ke Pantimon Ode 6 As we celebrate this Sacred Diigisanto panta ta Thavmasia, i Those who guarded Thee recounted
Telountes Eortin i Theofrones tis and Solemn Feast of the filakes Sou Kyrie, alla to all the Marvels, O Lord, but, by
Theomitoros, defte tas hiras Theotokos, let us come, clapping Sinedrion tis mateotitos, plirosan filling their right hand with gifts,
krotisomen, ton ex aftis our hands, O people of the doron tin dexian afton, kriptin the Sanhedrin of folly thought to
tehthenta Theon Doxazontes. Lord, and Glorifying God Who enomizon tin Anastasin Sou, in O conceal Thy Resurrection, which
was Born of her. kosmos Doxazi: Eleison imas! the world Glorifies: Have Mercy
Odi 7 Ouk elatrefsan ti ktisi i Ode 7 The Holy Youths bravely on us!
Theoforones para ton Ktisanta. trampled upon the threatening Stihiron 3 - Tone 3 Stiheron 3 – Tone 3
Alla piros apilin andrios fire, preferring not to worship Enite Afton epi tes Dinasties Praise Him for His Mighty Acts;
patisantes, herontes epsallon. created things rather than the Afton. Enite Afton kata to praise Him according to the
Iperimnite, O ton Pateron Kyrios Creator, and they sang in Joy: plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. greatness of His Majesty .
ke Theos, Evlogitos i. “Blessed art Thou and praised
above all: O Lord God of our Haras ta panta peplirote, tis All things have been filled with Joy
Fathers!” Anastaseos tin piran ilifota: on receiving proof of the
Maria gar i Magdalini epi to Resurrection. For Mary
Odi 8 Enoumen,
Evlogoumen ke Ode 8 We Praise, we Bless and mnima ilthen, evren Angelon epi Magdalene came to the Tomb,
Proskinoumen ton Kyrios. we Worship the Lord! ton lithon kathimenon, tis imatiis found an Angel seated on the
Pedas evagis en ti kamino O Tokos The Offspring of the Theotokos exastraptonta, ke legonta: Ti stone, and dazzling in shining
tis Theotokou diesosato, tote men saved the Holy Children in the zitite ton zonta meta ton nekron? raiment, who said: Why dost ye
tipoumenos, nin de furnace. He Who was then Ouk estin ode, all’ egigerte, seek the Living with the dead?
He is not here, but He has Arisen
23. 5 TH
ἡμῶν, ὁ ἐν ἀρχῇ Λόγος, Mystery; for Christ our Saviour, energoumenos tin ikoumenin prefigured has since been born
Ἐσταυρώθη δι' ἡμᾶς, καὶ ἑκὼν the Word in the beginning, was apasan agiri psallousan. Ton on earth, and He gathers
ἐτάφη, καὶ Ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν, Crucified for us and willingly Kyrion imnite ta Erga ke together all Creation to sing: “O
iperipsoute is pantas tous eonas. ye Works of the Lord: Bless ye
τοῦ Σῶσαι τὰ σύμπαντα. Αὐτὸν buried and Arose from the dead
the Lord and exalt Him above all
Προσκυνήσωμεν! to Save the whole Universe: Let forever!”
us Worship Him! Magnificat 

Στιχηρὸν Βʹ - Ἦχος γ Stiheron 2 – Tone 3 S EASONAL KA TAV ASIA - 9 T H


Αἰνεῖτετὸν Θεὸν ἐν τοῖς Ἀγίοις Praise God in His Saints! Praise Ἅπας γηγενής, σκιρτάτω τῷ Let every mortal born on earth,
Αὐτοῦ! Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν Him in the firmament of His πνεύματι λαμπαδουχούμενος, carrying his lamp, in spirit leap
στερεώματι τῆς Δυνάμεως Power! Πανηγυριζέτω δέ, ἀΰλων Νόων for Joy; and let the Orders of
Αὐτοῦ! φύσις γεραίρουσα, τὰ Ἱερὰ Angelic Powers celebrate and
Διηγήσαντο πάντα τὰ Θαυμάσια, οἱ Θαυμάσια τῆς Θεομήτορος, καὶ honour The Holy Feast of the
φύλακές Σου Κύριε, ἀλλὰ τὸ Those who guarded Thee βοάτω· Χαίροις Παμμακάριστε, Theotokos, and let them cry:
συνέδριον τῆς ματαιότητος, recounted all the Marvels, O Θεοτόκε Ἁγνὴ Ἀειπάρθενε. “Hail, All Blessed Theotokos, Pure
πληρῶσαν δώρων τὴν δεξιὰν Lord, but, by filling their right and Ever Virgin!”
αὐτῶν, κρύπτειν ἐνόμιζον τὴν hand with gifts, the Sanhedrin of
Ἀνάστασίν Σου, ἣν ὁ κόσμος folly thought to conceal Thy Apas gigenis skiratato to pnevmati Let every mortal born on earth,
lampadouhoumenos. Panigirizeto carrying his lamp, in spirit leap
Δοξάζει. Ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Resurrection, which the world
de ailon noon fisis, gererousa Ta for Joy; and let the Orders of
Glorifies: Have Mercy on us! Iera Thavmasia tis Theomitoros Angelic Powers celebrate and
Στιχηρὸν Γʹ - Ἦχος γ Stiheron 3 – Tone 3 ke voato. Heris, Pammakariste honour The Holy Feast of the
Theotoke Agni, Aiparthene. Theotokos, and let them cry:
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐπὶ ταῖς Praise Him for His Mighty Acts; “Hail, All Blessed Theotokos, Pure
Δυναστείαις Αὐτοῦ. Αἰνεῖτε praise Him according to the Small Litany & Praises To The Lord  and Ever Virgin!”
Αὐτὸν κατὰ τὸ πλῆθος τῆς greatness of His Majesty .

Χαρᾶς τὰ πάντα πεπλήρωται, τῆς All things have been filled with Joy Συγκεκλεισμένων Δέσποτα, τῶν When Thou had entered while the
Ἀναστάσεως τὴν πεῖραν on receiving proof of the θυρῶν ὡς εἰσῆλθες, τοὺς doors were closed, O Lord, Thou
εἰληφότα. Μαρία γὰρ ἡ Resurrection. For Mary Ἀποστόλους ἔπλησας, filled Thine Apostles with a Holy
Μαγδαληνή, ἐπὶ τὸ Μνῆμα Magdalene came to the Tomb, Πνεύματος Παναγίου, Spirit, breathing into them
ἦλθεν, εὗρεν Ἄγγελον ἐπὶ τὸν found an Angel seated on the Εἰρηνικῶς ἐμφυσήσας, οἷς Peace, and saying unto them:
λίθον καθήμενον, τοῖς ἱματίοις stone, and dazzling in shining δεσμεῖν τε καὶ λύειν, τὰς Loosen and bind sins. And after
ἐξαστράπτοντα καὶ λέγοντα· Τί raiment, who said: Why dost ye ἁμαρτίας εἴρηκας, καὶ ὀκτὼ eight days Thou showed Thomas
Ζητεῖτε τὸν Ζῶντα μετὰ τῶν seek the Living with the dead? μεθʼ ἡμέρας, τὴν Σὴν Πλευράν, Thy Hands and Thy Side. With
νεκρῶν, οὒκ ἔστιν ᾧδε, ἀλλ' He is not here, but He has Arisen τῷ Θωμᾷ ὑπέδειξας καὶ τὰς him, we cry to Thee: The Lord
ἐγήγερται, καθὼς εἶπε, προάγων as He said, and goes before you Χεῖρας. Μεθʼ οὗ βοῶμεν· and God art Thou!
ἐν τῇ Γαλιλαίᾳ. into Galilee. Κύριος, καὶ Θεὸς Σὺ ὑπάρχεις.
Στιχηρὸν Δʹ - Ἦχος γ Stiheron 4 – Tone 3
Sigkeklismenon, Despota, ton thiron When Thou had entered while the
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν ἤχῳ σάλπιγγος! Praise Him with the sound of the os isilthes, tous Apostolous doors were closed, O Lord, Thou
Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτὸν ἐν ψαλτηρίῳ καὶ trumpet! Praise Him with lute eplisas, Pnevmatos Panagiou, filled Thine Apostles with a Holy
κιθάρᾳ! and harp! irinikos emfisisas, is desmin te ke Spirit, breathing into them Peace,
liin, tas amartias irikas. Ke okto and saying unto them: Loosen
mth imeras tin sin plefran, to
19. 5 TH
Thoma ipedixas ke tas hiras, and bind sins. And after eight
meth ou voomen. Kyrios, ke days Thou showed Thomas Thy
Sin Iamvliho melpsomen, Ioannin, Together, Jamblichos, and John,
Theos si iparhis Hands and Thy Side. With him, Martinon, ke Antoninon asmasi, and Maximilianos, renowned
we cry to Thee: The Lord and Maximilianon te, ke Dionysion Exacoustodian, Antoninos and
God art Thou! ama, to klino Exakousto, fedros Martins, as well as Dionysios, let
Panigirizontes, tin Lampran us sing their worthy praises. And
M E NAION – EX AP OSTEILARION - S T A VE RKIOS – TO NE 2 afton Mnimin, opos evhes, touton let us Joyfully celebrate their
“Τοῖς Μαθηταῖς συνέλθωμεν…” ke Presvies tis Theotokou, Illustrious Feast so that by their
ptesmaton lisin evromen, pros Prayers and the Intercessions of
Ἐπιτελῶν Ἀβέρκιε, τέρατα καὶ O Holy Father, Averkios, Thou Hristou tou Sotiros. Theotokos, we may receive
σημεῖα, θερμῶν ὑδάτων performed Signs and Wonders Forgiveness from Christ our
ἔκβλυσιν, σαῖς εὐχαῖς by Thine Entreaties and Thou Saviour.
ἀπειργάσω· Καὶ τῇ προστάξει made hot springs to gush forth
Σου Πάτερ, ἐν ἑνὶ σκεύει οἶνος, richly. At Thy Command, when
μετὰ ἐλαίου εἶδός τε, ἕτερον some oil, wine and another Πᾶσα πνοὴ Αἰνεσάτω τὸν Let everything that has breath

βεβλημένα, Θείᾳ ῥοπῇ, ἀμιγῆ substance were all three poured Κύριον! Αἰνεῖτε τὸν Κύριον Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord
προήρχοντο παραδόξως, καιρῷ into the same vessel, each fluid ἐκ τῶν Οὐρανῶν! Αἰνεῖτε from the Heavens! Praise Him in
ἰδίῳ ἕκαστον, εἰς Χριστοῦ wondrously came out unmixed, Αὐτὸν ἐν τοῖς Ὑψίστοις! Σοὶ the Highest! To Thee Praise is
due, O God!
Δόξαν Θείαν. one after the other, each in its πρέπει ὕμνος τῷ Θεῷ!
own time, by Divine Action, O Αἰνεῖτε Αὐτόν, πάντες οἱ Praise Him, all His Angels! Praise
Epitelon Averkie, terata ke simia, Blessed Saint, to the Glory of
ἄγγελοι Αὐτοῦ! Αἰνεῖτε Him, all His Powers!. To Thee
thermon idaton ekvlisin, ses Christ our God. Praise is due, O God.
evhes apirgaso. Ke ti prostaxi
Αὐτόν, πᾶσαι αἱ Δυνάμεις
Sou Pater, en eni skevi inos, meta Αὐτοῦ! Σοὶ πρέπει ὕμνος τῷ
eleou idos te, Eteron vevlimena, Θεῷ!
Thia ropi, amigi proirhonto
paradoxos, kero idio ekaston, is
Hristou Doxan Theian. Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite Let everything that has breath
ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord
M E NAION – EX AP OSTEILARION – 7 HOLY S L EEP ERS OF EP HE SOS – Afton en tis Ipsistis. Si prepi from the Heavens! Praise Him in
TONE 4 imnos to Theo. the Highest! To Thee Praise is
due, O God!
Σὺν Ἰαμβλίχῳ μέλψωμεν, Together, Jamblichos, and John, Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Praise Him, all His Angels! Praise
Ἰωάννην, Μαρτῖνον, καὶ and Maximilianos, renowned Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Him, all His Powers!. To Thee
Ἀντωνῖνον ᾄσμασι, Exacoustodian, Antoninos and Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Praise is due, O God.
Μαξιμιλιανόν τε, καὶ Διονύσιον Martins, as well as Dionysios, let
ἅμα, τῷ κλεινῷ Ἐξακούστῳ, us sing their worthy praises. O KTOIH OS - L AUD S – R ESU RRE CTION S TIHE RA - T ONE 3
φαιδρῶς Πανηγυρίζοντες, τὴν And let us Joyfully celebrate Στιχηρὸν Αʹ - Ἦχος γʹ Stiheron 1 – Tone 3
Λαμπράν αὐτῶν Μνήμην, ὅπως their Illustrious Feast so that by
Τοῦ ποιῆσαι ἐν αὐτοῖς Κρῖμα To execute upon them the
εὐχαῖς, τούτων καὶ Πρεσβείαις their Prayers and the
ἔγγραπτον· Δόξα Αὕτη ἔσται
τῆς Θεοτόκου, πταισμάτων Intercessions of Theotokos, we Judgement that is Decreed;
πᾶσι τοῖς Ὁσίοις Αὐτοῦ. such Glory will be for all His
λύσιν εὕρωμεν, πρὸς Χριστοῦ may receive Forgiveness from
τοῦ Σωτῆρος. Saints.
Christ our Saviour.
Δεῦτε πάντα τὰ Ἒθνη, γνῶτε τοῦ Come, all ye Nations, acknowledge
φρικτοῦ Μυστηρίου τὴν the Power of the Awesome
Δύναμιν· Χριστὸς γὰρ ὁ Σωτὴρ
21. 5 TH

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