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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

General Description
The EC25C32 is an industrial standard electrically In order to refrain the state machine from entering into a
erasable programmable read only memory Wrong state during power-up sequence or a power
(EEPROM) Product that utilizes standard Serial toggle off-on condition, a power on reset circuit is
Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communications. implemented. During power-up, the device does not
The EC25C32 contains a memory array of 32K respond to any instructions until the supply voltage
bits (4,096x 8), which is organized in 32 bytes per (VCC)has reached an acceptable stable level above the
page. reset threshold voltage. Once VCC passes the power on
This EEPROM operates in a wide voltage range reset threshold, the device is reset and enters into
from 1.7V to 5.5V,which fits most application. Standby mode. This should also avoid any inadvertent
The device provides low-power operations and Write operations during power-up stage. During power-
low standby current. The product is offered in down process, the device will enter into standby mode,
Lead-free, RoHS, halogen free or Green package. once VCC drops below the power on reset threshold
The available package types are 8-pin SOP, voltage. In addition, the device will be in standby mode
TSSOP and UDFN. after receiving the Stop command, provided that no
The functionalities of the EC25C32 are optimized internal write operation is in progress. Nevertheless,
for most applications, such as consumer it is illegal to send a command unless the VCC is within its
electronics,wireless,telecommunication, industrial, operating level.
medical ,instrumentation, commercial and others,
where low-power and low-voltage are vital. This
product has a compatible SPI interface: Chip-
Select ( CS ), Serial Data In (SI), Serial Data Out
(SO) and Serial Clock (SCK) for high-speed
communication. Furthermore, a Hold feature
via HOLD pin allows the device entering into
a suspended state whenever necessary and
resuming the communication without re-initializing
the serial sequence. A Status Register
facilitates a flexible write protection mechanism
and device Status monitoring.

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32


Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible  Block Write Protection

—Supports Mode 0 (0,0) and Mode 3 (1,1) — Protect 1/4, 1/2, or Entire Array
Wide-voltage Operation  Self timed write cycle: 5 ms (max.)
—VCC = 1.7V to 5.5V  Additional Write lockable Page (Identification
Low power CMOS page)
—Standby current: ≤1 μA (1.7V)  High-reliability
—Operating current: ≤1 mA (1.7V) — Endurance: 1 million cycles
Operating frequency: 20 MHz (5.5V) — Data retention: 100 years
Memory organization: 32Kb (4,096 x 8)  Industrial temperature grade
Byte and Page write (up to 32 bytes)  Packages (8-pin): SOP, TSSOP and DFN
—Partial page write allowed  Lead-free, RoHS, Halogen free, Green

Ordering Information & Marking Information

R:Tape & Reel

Device Function G:Green

(4,096×8) M1:SOP-8

Package type Part Number Marking Marking Information

SOP-8 EC25C32NM1GR LLLLL 25C32:Part No
YYWWT LLLLL:the last five numbers of wafer lot number
25C32 YYWW:Date Code.
TSSOP-8 EC25C32NE1GR LLLLL T :Internal tracking Code
5C32:Part No
5C32 LLL:the last three numbers of wafer lot number
LLLT T:Internal tracking Code

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Functional Block Diagram

Serial Interface Description

Master:The device that provides a clock signal.
Transmitter/Receiver:The EC25C32 has both data input (SI) and data output (SO).
MSB:MSB (Most Significant Bit) is the first bit being transmitted or received.
Op-Code:Operational instruction code typically sent to the EC25C32 is the first byte of information
transmitted after is Low. If the Op-Code is a valid instruction as listed in Table 3, then it will be
decoded appropriately. It is prohibited to send an invalid Op-Code.

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Pin Configuration

(SOP-8/TSSOP-8) (DFN-8)

Pin Definition
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Definition
1 CS I Chip Select
2 SO O Serial Data Output
3 WP I Write Protect Input
4 GND - Ground
5 SI I Serial Data Input
6 SCK I Serial Clock
7 HOLD I Hold function
8 VCC - Supply Voltage

Pin Descriptions
Chip Select ( )
The CS pin is used to enable or disable the device. Upon power-up, CS must follow the supply voltage. When
the device is ready for instruction input, this signal requires a High-to-Low transition. Once CS is stable at Low,
the device is enabled. Then the master and slave can communicate among each other through SCK, SI, and
SO pins. Upon completion of transmission, CS must be driven to High in order to stop the operation or start
the internal write operation. And the device will enter into standby mode, unless an internal write operation is in
progress. During this mode, SO becomes high impedance.
Serial Clock (SCK)
Under the SPI modes (0,0) and (1,1),this clock signal provides synchronization between the master and
EC25C32.Typically,Op-Codes,addresses and data are latched from SI at the rising edge of SCK, while data
from SO are clocked out at the falling edge of SCK.
Serial Data Input (SI)
Data Input pin.
Serial Data Output(SO)
Data output pin.
Write Protect ( )
This active Low input signal is utilized to initiate Hardware Write Protection mode. This mode prevents the
Block Protection bits and the WPEN bit in the Status Register from being modified. To activate the Hardware
Write Protection, WP must be Low simultaneously when WPEN is set to 1.
Hold ( )
This feature is used to suspend the device in the middle of a serial sequence and temporarily ignore further
communication on the bus (SI,SO,SCK).The HOLD signal transitions must occur only when SCK is Low and be
held stable during SCK transitions. Connecting HOLD to High disables this feature. Figure.8 shows Hold timing.

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Device Operation
Status Register
The Status Register accessible by the user consists of 8-bits data for write protection control and write status.
It Hardware Write Protection is enabled or WEN is set to 0. If neither is true, it can be modified by a valid

Table 1: Status Register

Bit Symbol Name Description

When RDY = 0, device is ready for an instruction.
0 RDY Ready
When RDY = 1, device is busy.
As busy, device only accepts Read Status Register command.
This represents the write protection status of the device.
When WEN = 0, Status Register and entire array cannot be modified, regardless
1 WEN Write Enable
the setting of WPEN,WP pin or block protection.
Write Enable command (WREN) can be used to set WEN to 1.
Upon power-up stage, WEN is reset to 0.
2 BP0 Block Protect Bit Despite of the status on WPEN, WP or WEN, BP0 and BP1 configure any
combinations of the four blocks being protected (Table2).
3 BP1 Block Protect Bit
They are non-volatile memory and programmed to 0 by factory.
4 X Don’t Care Values can be either 0 or 1, but are not retained. Mostly always 0, except during
5 X Don’t Care write operation.
6 X Don’t Care
This bit can be utilized to enable Hardware Write Protection, together with
WP pin. If enabled, Status Register becomes read-only. However, the memory
7 WPEN Write Protect Enable array is not protected by this mode. Hardware Write Protection requires the
setting of WP = 0 and WPEN = 1. Otherwise, it is disabled.
WPEN cannot be altered from 1 to 0 if WP is already set to Low. (Table 4 for
write protection)

Note: During internal write cycles, bits 0 to 7 are temporarily 1's.

Table 2: Block Protection by BP0 and BP1

Status Register Bits

Level Array Addresses Protected
0 0 0 None
1 (1/4) 0 1 0C00h-0FFFh
2 (1/2) 1 0 0800h-0FFFh
3 (All) 1 1 0000h-0FFFh

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Op-Code Instructions
The operations of the EC25C32 are controlled by a set of instruction Op-Codes (Table3) that are clocked-in
serially via SI pin. To initiate an instruction, the chip select(CS) must be Low. Subsequently, each Low-to-High
transition of the clock (SCK) will latch a stable level from SI. After the 8-bit Op-Code, it may continue to latch-in
an address and/or data output, data are latched out at the falling edge of SCK. All communications start with
MSB first. Upon the transmission of the last bit but prior to any following Low-to-High transition on SCK, CS
must be brought to High in order to end the transaction and start the operation. The device will enter into
Standby Mode after the operation is completed. data from SI accordingly, or to output data from SO. During
data output, data are latched out at the falling edge of SCK. All communications start with MSB first. Upon
the transmission of the last bit but prior to any following Low-to-High transition on SCK, CS must be brought
to High in order to end the transaction and start the operation. The device will enter into Standby Mode after the
operation is completed.

Table3: Instruction Op-Codes[1,2,3]

Name Op-Code Operation Address Data (SI) Data (SO)

WREN 0000 X110 Set Write Enable Latch - - -

WRDI 0000 X100 Reset Write Enable Latch - - -

RDSR 0000 X101 Read Status Register - - D7-D0 -

WRSR 0000 X001 Write Status Register - D7-D0 -

READ 0000 X011 Read Data from Array A15-A0 - D7-D0, ...
WRITE 0000 X010 Write Data to Array A15-A0 D7-D0, ... -

[1] X = Don’t care bit. However, it is recommended to be “0”.
[2]Some address bits may be don’t care (Table 5).
[3] It is strongly recommended that an appropriate format of Op-Code must be entered. Otherwise, it maycause
unexpected phenomenon to be occurred. Nevertheless, it is illegal to input invalid any Op-Code.

Write Enable
When VCC is initially applied ,the device powers up with both status register and entire array in a write-
disabled state. Upon completion of Write Disable(WRDI),Write Status Register(WRSR) or Write Data to Array
(WRITE), the device resets the WEN bit in the Status Register to 0. Prior to any data modification, a Write
Enable (WREN) instruction is necessary to set WEN to 1 (Figure.2).

Write Disable
The device can be completely protected from modification by resetting WEN to 0 through the Write Disable
(WRDI) instruction (Figure.3).

Read Status Register

The Read Status(RDSR) instruction reviews the status of Write Protect Enable, Block Protection setting
(Table 2), Write Enable state and RDY status. RDSR is the only instruction accepted when a write
cycle is under way. It is recommended that the status of Write Enable and RDY be checked, especially prior
to an attempted modification of data. These 8 bits information can be repeatedly output on SO after the initial
Op-Code (Figure.4)

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Write Status Register

The Write Status Register(WRSR) instruction allows the user to choose a Block Protection setting and set or
reset the WPENbit. The values of the other data bits incorporated into WRSR can be 0 or 1 and are not stored
in the Status Register. WRSR will be ignored unless both following conditions are true: a) WEN=1, due to a
prior WREN instruction; and b) Hardware Write Protection is not enabled(Table 4). Except for RDY status, the
values in the Status Register remain unchanged until the moment when the write cycle is completed and the
register is updated. Note that WPEN can be changed from 1 to 0 only if WP is already set High. Once
completed, WEN is reset for complete chip write protection (Fig.5).

Read Data
This instruction includes an Op-Code and 16-bit address, then results the selected data to be shifted out from
SO. Following the first data byte, additional sequential data can be output. If the data byte of the last
address is initially output, then address will rollover to the first address in the array, and the output could loop
indefinitely. At any time, a rising CS signal ceases the operation (Figure.6).

Write Data
The WRITE instruction contains an Op-Code, a 16-bit address and the first data byte. Additional data bytes
may be supplied sequentially after the first byte. Each WRITE instruction can affect up to 32 bytes of data in a
page. Each page has a starting address XXXXXXXX XXX00000 and an ending address XXXXXXXX XXX11111.
After the last byte of data in a page is input, the address rolls over to the beginning of the same page. If more
than 32 bytes of data is input during a single instruction, then only the last 32 bytes will be retained, but the
initial data will be overwritten. The contents of the array defined by Block Protection cannot be modified as long
as that block configuration is selected. The contents of the array outside the Block Protection can only be
modified if Write Enable (WEN) is set to 1. Therefore, it may be necessary that a WREN instruction is initiated
prior to WRITE. Once Write operation is completed, WEN is reset for complete chip write protection (Figure.7)
Besides, Hardware Write Protection has no affect on the memory array.

Table 4: Write Protection

Hardware Write Status Register

WPEN WP WEN Inside Block Outside Block
Protection (WPEN, BP1, BP0)
0 X Not Enabled 0 Read-only Read-only Read-only
0 X Not Enabled 1 Read-only Unprotected Unprotected
1 0 Enabled 0 Read-only Read-only Read-only
1 0 Enabled 1 Read-only Unprotected Read-only
X 1 Not Enabled 0 Read-only Read-only Read-only
X 1 Not Enabled 1 Read-only Unprotected Unprotected

Note: X = Don't care bit.

Table 5: Address Key

Name EC25C32
AN A11-A0
Don't Care Bits A15~ A12

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32


Figure 1. Synchronous Data Timing

Figure 2. WREN Timing

Figure 3. WRDI Timing

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Figure 4. RDSR Timing

Figure 5. WRSR Timing

Figure 6. READ Timing

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Figure 7. WRITE Timing

Figure 8. HOLD Timing

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Electrical Characteristics
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
VS Supply Voltage -0.5 to + 6.5 V
VP Voltage on Any Pin –0.5 to VCC + 0.5 V
TBIAS Temperature Under Bias –55 to +125 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature –65 to +150 °C
IOUT Output Current 5 mA

Note: Stress greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This
is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition outside those indicated in
the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect reliability.
Operating Range

Range Ambient Temperature (TA) VCC

Industrial –40°C to +85°C 1.7V to 5.5V


Symbol Parameter Conditions Max. Unit

CIN Input Capacitance VIN = 0V 6 pF

Input / Output
CI/O VI/O = 0V 8 pF
Note: (1) Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters and not 100% tested.
(2) Test conditions: TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz, VCC = 5.0V.

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

DC Electrical Characteristic
Industrial: TA = –40°C to +85°C, VCC = 1.7V ~ 5.5V

Symbol Parameter VCC Test Conditions Min. Max. Unit

VCC Supply Voltage 1.7 5.5 V
VIH Input High Voltage 0.7* VCC VCC+1 V
VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.3* VCC V
ILI Input Leakage Current VIN = 0V To VCC -2 2 μA
ILO Output Leakage Current VOUT = 0V To VCC, CS = VCC -2 2 μA
1.7 IOH = -0.1mA 0.8*VCC — V
VOH Output High Voltage 2.5 IOH = -0.4mA 0.8*VCC — V
5 IOH = -2 mA 0.8*VCC — V
1.7 IOL = 0.15 mA — 0.2 V
VOL Output Low Voltage 2.5 IOL = 1.5 mA — 0.4 V
5 IOL = 2 mA — 0.4 V
1.7 Write at 5 MHz, SO=Open — 1 mA
I Write Operating Current 2.5 Write at 10 MHz, SO=Open — 2 mA
5 Write at 20 MHz, SO=Open — 3 mA
1.7 VIN= VCC or GND, CS = VCC — 1 μA
ISB Standby Current 2.5 — 2 μA
5 VIN= VCC or GND, CS = VCC — 3 μA

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

AC Electrical Characteristic
1.7VVCC<2.5V 2.5VVCC<4.5V 4.5VVCC5.5V
Symbol Parameter[1] Unit
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
FSCK SCK Clock Frequency 0 5 0 10 0 20 MHz
TRI Input Rise Time — 1 — 1 — 1 μs
TFI Input Fall Time — 1 — 1 — 1 μs
TWH SCK High Time 80 — 40 — 20 — ns
TWL SCK Low Time 80 — 40 — 20 — ns
TCS CS High Time 100 — 50 — 25 — ns
TCSS CS Setup Time 100 — 50 — 25 — ns
TCSH CS Hold Time 100 — 50 — 25 — ns
TSU Data In Setup Time 20 — 10 — 5 — ns
TH Data In Hold Time 20 — 10 — 5 — ns
THD HOLD Setup Time 20 — 10 — 5 — ns
TCD HOLD Hold Time 20 — 10 — 5 — ns
TV Output Valid 0 80 0 40 0 20 ns
THO Output Hold Time 0 — 0 — 0 — ns
TLZ HOLDto Output Low Z 0 80 0 40 0 25 ns
THZ HOLDto Output High Z — 80 — 40 — 40 ns
TDIS Output Disable Time — 80 — 40 — 40 ns
TWC Write Cycle Time — 5 — 5 — 5 ms

Industrial: TA = –40°C to +85°C, Supply voltage = 1.7V to 5.5V

Notes: [1] The parameters are characterized but not 100% tested.
[2] CL = 30pF (typical)

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32

Package Information
SOP -8


A 1.35 -- 1.75 0.053 -- 0.069
A1 0.10 -- 0.25 0.004 -- 0.010
b 0.33 -- 0.51 0.013 -- 0.020
D 4.80 -- 5.00 0.189 -- 0.197
E 5.80 -- 6.20 0.228 -- 0.244
E1 3.80 -- 4.00 0.150 -- 0.157
e 1.27 BSC. 0.050 BSC.
L 0.38 -- 1.27 0.015 0.050
L1 0.25 BSC. 0.010 BSC.
ZD 0.545 REF. 0.021 REF.
Θ 0 -- 8° 0 -- 8°

1. Controlling Dimension:MM
2. Dimension D and E1 do not include
Mold protrusion
3. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion/intrusion.
4. Refer to Jedec standard MS-012
5. Drawing is not to scale

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32



A -- -- 1.20 -- -- 0.047
A1 0.05 -- 0.15 0.002 -- 0.006
A2 0.80 1.00 1.05 0.031 0.039 0.041
b 0.19 -- 0.30 0.007 -- 0.012
c 0.09 -- 0.20 0.004 -- 0.008
D 2.90 3.00 3.10 0.114 0.118 0.122
E 4.30 4.40 4.50 0.169 0.173 0.177
E1 6.4 BSC 0.252 BSC
e 0.65 BSC 0.026 BSC
L 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.018 0.024 0.030
Θ 0 -- 8° 0 -- 8°

1. Controlling Dimension:MM
2. Dimension D and E do not include Mold protrusion
3. Dimension b does not include dambar protrusion/intrusion.
4. Refer to Jedec standard MO-153 AA
5. Drawing is not to scale
6. Package may have exposed tie bar

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32Kbits SPI Serial EEPROM EC25C32



A 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.020 0.022 0.024
A1 0.00 -- 0.05 0.000 -- 0.002
b 0.18 0.25 0.30 0.007 0.010 0.012
A2 0.152 REF 0.006 REF
D 2.00 BSC 0.079 BSC
D2 1.25 1.40 1.50 0.049 0.055 0.059
E 3.00 BSC 0.118 BSC
E2 1.15 1.30 1.40 0.045 0.051 0.055
e 0.50 BSC. 0.020 BSC.
K 0.40 -- -- 0.016 -- --
L 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.008 0.012 0.016

1. Controlling Dimension:MM
2. Drawing is not to scale

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