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CBR Psikologi Pendidikan

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Critical Book Report

Psychology of Education


Prof. Dr. SRI MILFAYETTY, MS.Kons., S.Psi.


 LASMA ENITA SIAHAAN (4182121010)



Thank God, I thank God Almighty, Because of his blessings and grace I can complete
the task Critical Book Report (CBR) Psychology of Education. I thank Lecturer concerned
that already provides guidance.
I am aware that this task has many shortcomings, so I apologize if there are errors in
the writing and I also expect criticism and suggestions in this task so that in the future I can
make a better job anymore. In conclusion let me thank you, hopefully what I do can be
useful for others.

Medan, March 04th, 2019

Lasma Enita Siahaan

ID : 4182121010

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................... ii

INTRODUCTION ............................................................... ............... 1

A Background ..................................................................... ... ...... ... … 1

B Interest ....................................................................................... ......... 1

C Benefits ............................................................................... ...... ........ 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................... 2

A. Identity Books .................................................................................... 2

B. Summary of the book ......................................................................... 3

C. Assessment of Books ........................................................................ 12

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................... 14

A conclusion ................................................................................. ........ 14

B Suggestions ........................................................................................ 14
In the making of a book, there are definitely pros and cons including the advantages and
disadvantages of a book, which is often criticized by some expert .Disadvantages and advantages
of a book is an input and advice in each of making a book, although there are pros and cons,
good which in criticism of the source books, grammar .So that visible weaknesses and
advantages of a book. And also in our KKNI required students to be able to be more creative,
innovative and critical that we be given a task that required to be carried out where one of these
tasks is critical book report to meet the demands of the curriculum.

1. To determine what the actual meaning and purpose of listening to it.
2. To know the basic principles of language.
3. To add insight into the language and listening.
4. To help the students to be creative, innovative, and critical

1. In order to know the weakness and strengths that exist in the book.
2. In order to create new things from the difference.
3. Able to provide comments and suggestions about the book.
4. To fulfill the task of Educational Psychology Lecture eye.
5. To increase knowledge about listening to the book and understand how
learning Educational Psychology.


First Book (Main Book)

 Title of book: Educational Psychology
 Author: Rochman Natawidjaja and HA Moein Moesa
 Publisher: Ministry of Education and Culture
 Year: 1991
 City Published: Jakarta
 Thick Book: 134 pages

Second Book (Books Comparative)

 Title of book: Psikologi Pendidikan
 Author: Prof.Dr.Sri Milfayetty. S.Psi.MS.Kons, et al
 Publisher: Unimedpress
 Year: 2015
 City Published: Medan
 Thick Book: 215 pages



A. Meaning and Importance of Assessment of Educational Psychology for teachers.
Principles and concepts about how people learn in accordance with their development
stage was covered in a branch of psychology called educational psychology.
Field of educational psychology study was generally centered on one of the three regions,
1. The learning process (including teaching methods, teaching styles and learning
management techniques.
2. Learners (those who learn) and the learning process (including the application of the
principles of psychology and developmental psychology thinking that takes into account
the principle of individual differences and learning styles)
3. Environment (including social links on the school environment and family)

B. Functions and Scope Educational Psychology.

Noting understanding and regions such as educational psychology as noted above, as it
were, an expert in educational psychology it serves as a mediator into account the interests of
teachers on the one hand, and the interests of the students on the other. In this case the two
principal functions of educational psychologists is
1. conduct research to learn how to teach most effective
2. implementing and utilizing the research findings in the branches of psychology others in
relation to the affairs of education.
In turn, educational psychology has a functional link closely with educational efforts.
Functional linkages it looked through the role of education in educational psychology, that is in
1. understanding of the characteristics of learners or students
2. understanding the characteristics of the learning process and learning
3. environmental understanding about students to be used in improving the process and
outcomes of education

C. Educational Psychology as a Science

Educational psychology it is not merely a field of study, but
is also a scientific tool that can be used to understand, predict,
explain, and control who is studying human behavior and teach.
D. Teaching and Learning
Learning is an establishment, alteration, addition, or subtraction of individual behavior.
Formation or the change is permanent or permanent, and is caused by exercise is directed, and
the change was not due to fatigue or due to the influence of liquor or drugs or other concoctions
that may affect the proper functioning of nerves.
Learning is guiding efforts to make students so that students were conscious and
purposeful desire to learn and acquire the best possible learning outcomes in accordance with the
circumstances and the ability of the students concerned.

E. Forms Learning Outcomes

1. Habit as a statement of learning outcomes
2. Skills as a statement of learning outcomes
3. The set of responses as a result of learning
4. Memory as a statement of learning outcomes through the process of association
5. The ability of the analysis as a statement of learning outcomes
6. Attitude and reference value as a result of learning
7. Inhibisa as a statement of learning outcomes
8. Accuracy of observation
9. Skills solve the problem
10. ready Knowledge
11. The skills using new methods


A. Know the Differences Individual Human Effort
1. Two different views
2. Humans can be Measured
3. The new Science and Practical Needs

B. Individual Differences in Learning

1. Capacity Study is not the same
2. Effect of Development and Growth
3. Dimensions of Development
4. Individual Differences and Learning Strategy

C. Influence of Environmental Factors Heriditer and to learn and Student Learning

1. Youth Views Hereditarian
2. Youth Views Environmentalist
3. Evidence of Results
4. Modern Youth Views
5. Teachers Requires Extensive Insights

D. Children's Learning and Development Intelligence

Intelligence is a function of individual sensory facility and can be measured.
When grouped intelligence theory that there is, in general, there are five models of the theory,
namely: Model of common factors, prime capability model, multifactor models Guilford a la, a
la Gardner multifactor models, and processing models .Information intelligence pattern
development and the role of primary school students experience from school to the intelligence.


A. Motives and Motivation
We know of course Developmental Psychology that people (including people) is always
there in a situation of learning and development. Human development is dependent upon a
variety of factors, especially the factor of maturity, training, and studying .Factors that influence
the occurrence and development of the motif.
Motive power is a potential for the occurrence of the behavior or actions, while
motivation is briefing process and strengthening the motive was to be actualized and real acts. In
relation to the behavior, the motives and motivations that cannot be separated, so that in turn the
concept of motivation that has covered the motives and gains.

Motivation Role in Teaching and Learning

1. Determine Strengthening Motivation Study
2. Clarify Motivation Learning Objectives
3. Determine Variety Motivation Stimulus Control Study
4. Determine Perseverance Motivation Study
 Personal Factors in Motivation
 Environmental Factors in Motivation

Motivation Techniques in Teaching and Learning

1. Statement verbally awards
2. Using test scores as a driver of success
3. Raises curiosity
4. Bring up something unexpected by students
5. Making an early stage in learning easier for students.

Role of Teachers in Student Motivation

1. Getting to know each student personally taught
2. Shows a pleasant interaction
3. Master various teaching methods and techniques and appropriate use
4. Maintain a classroom atmosphere students attempt to avoid conflict and frustration
5. Treat students in accordance with the circumstances and his ability


Learning the nature, have some sort of the nature of learning that can be seen from
several aspects which are as follows:
1. Maturity and Learning
2. Understanding Learning
3. Feature Learning
4. The elements involved in Learning
5. Principles of Learning
a. The principle effect of satisfaction
b. Principles Repetition
c. principle Readiness
d. Principle First Impressions
e. In principle Meaning
f. The principle of the new material
g. Combined Principles

Factors affecting Learning Process

a. Maturity to learn
b. Ability to learn basic skills
c. The urge to excel

1. Traditional Theory
2. Modern Theory
3. Theory Conditioning

Transfer of Learning
a. Transfer of Learning Itself
b. Conditions that facilitate the transfer of learning
c. Attempts to Explain Transfer of Learning


Basic structural Classical Learning Efforts
1. Introduction Section Teaching Classical
2. Body of Classical Learning
3. Section Cover Classical Learning

training methods
Carried out based on "repetition", something that is done repeatedly, memorized by rote,
done repeatedly until something is dominated automatically, accurately, and quickly.
Function training method is to form an automatic response to stimuli certain reactions .
The answer automatically mean hardly using the mind to answer anything about.
Exercise method can be used for learning in psychomotor and cognitive domains or
levels of low-level skills development is crucial start . In the required repetition of practice to
achieve mastery in a competency and techniques. By using the exercises, students can form their
own associations, and the information learned.
Lecture method
Lecture is a teaching method in the world's oldest human knowledge and to this day all
over the world is still being used as one method of teaching in schools, colleges and training

Efforts to Improve and Increase the lecture method

a. Increase Attention
b. Make a Note During Lecture
c. Creating special emphases
d. Distributing hang-out

Lecture Methods organizations

Section 1. Introduction
2. Body Lecture Method
3. The period of making Summary
4. Make conclusions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Methods include:

Lecture is very helpful when you want to deliver new materials, or if you want to convey
the background of a material that will be taught later. Lectures are too old, or too often held will
lead to boredom

method Discussion
Described as the method makes students, all students have the opportunity to talk to each
other to exchange ideas and information, and information about a topic or issue, or look for the
possibility of the facts and evidence that can be used to solve a problems.

Some problems in the use of methods Discussion among others:

a. Leading Skills Discussion
b. Stimulating Participation

Some Advantages and Disadvantages of discussion among other methods are as follows:
 Excess discussion Methods:
a. students can learn through discussion
b. discussion techniques hamper the development of attitudes
c. provide opportunities for students to develop skills in asking questions and
reacted and answered

 The weakness of discussion Method:

a. Takes a long time compared with the direct approach
b. Often too detailed, so so slow, rambling, be a source of confusion
c. teachers can become frustrated because the discussions failed to reach a conclusion


Meaning and Function Evaluation in Teaching and Learning
1. Meaning of Evaluation
2. Function Evaluation

Efforts Basic Structure of Classical Learning

1. Parts Teaching Classical
Types and Learning Evaluation Tool
1. Type Tests
2. Type Evaluation
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of type written test

Evaluation Role in Diagnosis and Improved Learning Outcomes

1. Learning Difficulties
2. Steps to Repair

1. The contents of the book and the explanation in the book by Rochman Natawidjaja, et al,
is complete, because he thoroughly explores everything and he also discussed it all one
by one so that the reader can sort out one by one from the material. The contents of the
book more use of the notions according to experts. As well as a comparison of
Educational Psychology in management books have a relationship of advantages to the
2. Rochman book Natawidjaja, et al this could be a good handbook for students to gain
knowledge better. And also can be a guide for Teachers, compared also with books
Educational Psychology in management with his chapter has a relationship, which can
also be used by a teacher in teaching performed by a teacher or educator.
3. Cover / cover used on Rochman book Natawidjaja, dkk looks simple but still attractive
and simple. And also have the comparator book cover pretty well.
4. This book is suitable for an educator as a guide and guidelines to increase knowledge
about psychology. This book can also be used as a knowledge base Prospective
Educators, Students as an Educator. And in the book can also do a comparative educators
as guidelines.

Linkage Between Chapter

In the book have linkages between chapters, in which the book describes the relationship
of the Educational Psychology in teaching the start of understanding, Function, Company, Scope
of Psychology which will be applied for Educators, theories of psychology, power of
Psychology, conflict in Psychology for each chapter each sequence from chapter one to chapter
six. And also the relationship with the School Educational Psychology base among its chapters
have a relationship so that by reading the book we can see how a school educators to provide
learning about the Psychology.

The content update

The usefulness of the book can be a guide and one of the clues to be an educator.
Especially Educational Psychology.

In Psychology book education I compare with Text books Educational Psychology in
management Author: HA Moein Rochman Natawidjaja and then there are weaknesses among
Moesa is:
 At the end of the chapter should be made the word motivation on education to be a big
influence for students and motivated with these motivations.
 Translation of his material is less dense and clear.
 Each material is too lengthy or wordy
 There are some words that escaped from the correction.
 There is no summary of his chapter.
 There is no evaluation / matter by the end of the chapter

A. Conclusion
After the author judge between one book and another book than it is in general also that
whose names we know humans are not infallible and nothing perfect .So that In the book, it can
be seen that the comparison between the book with other books. wherein between the two books
discount strengths and weaknesses, but the book memili similarity to book one with the other
books. Similarly, the role of teachers in providing materials or understanding of educational
psychology can be learned from two books. Many materials developed from the results of two
books, including the understanding of the psychology of education itself, as well as the
explanation of how to study the psychology.
This book can serve as guidelines in the book learning but there are words that are less
effective . In this book we can know the meaning of psychology and the roles of psychology in
everyday life as well as the implications for educators, students as resource materials in lecture.
The similarities of these two books there are to use some common source which both
authors use or to guide the authors in preparing two books. And also two books aim to facilitate
the learning process in educational psychology.

B. Suggestions
This book can be repeated revisions to correct words that are less effective. And these
two books may be additional books for Lecturers, Teachers, Students in Psychology learning.
Then these two books can also be used.

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