Let Context Clues Solve Your Word Mysteries Poster: Really Good Stuff Activity Guide
Let Context Clues Solve Your Word Mysteries Poster: Really Good Stuff Activity Guide
Let Context Clues Solve Your Word Mysteries Poster: Really Good Stuff Activity Guide
2. To flavor my homemade chili, I added salt, pepper, chili 1. polygraph: a lie detector machine
powder, and cumin. 2. hart: a full-grown male European red deer
3. botany: the science that deals with plants
All activity guides can be found online:
3. The United State of America has been called a melting pot because it is like
2. The dry air in the Arizona desert was unlike the humid air in the gulf towns of Louisiana.
In this sentence, humid means
a) hot c) cool
b) windy d) moist
3. The librarian instructed us to use hushed voices, unlike the raucous sounds we'd made in
gym class.
In this sentence, raucous means
a) loud c) happy
b) angry d) serious
4. Louisa was well prepared with an organized clear speech, unlike Tara's presentation which was inarticulate.
In this sentence, inarticulate means
a) entertaining c) persuasive
b) unclear d) brief
Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2005 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #154218
Really Good Stuff Activity Guide
2. I expected my family to be ecstatic to see me, but they were very angry that I'd left school without permission.
3. Jennifer's pompous behavior was in contrast to the modest actions of other students in her class.
4. Windsor Castle's posh rooms were nothing like the simple homes of the townspeople.
Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2005 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #154218
Really Good Stuff Activity Guide
Directions: Referring to the list above, after each word below, write its meaning.
Example: immoral - not moral
discomfort - not comfortable
1. international ________________________________________________________________________________.
2. disagree____________________________________________________________________________________.
3. inactive _____________________________________________________________________________________.
7. immature ____________________________________________________________________________________.
Directions: From the word bank, select a base word and add the suffix that will match one of the definitions below.
Example: capable of reason - reason + able = reasonable