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Ece3110 HW 3

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ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

1. For the MOS differential pair with a common

common-mode voltage VCM applied, as shown below, let
VDD=Vss=1V, kn’(W/L)=5mA/V , Vt=0.5V, I=0.2mA, and RD=10kΩ (neglect channel-length
channel modulation).
Assume that the current source I requires a minimum voltage of 0.2V to operate properly.
(a) Find Vov and VGS for each transistor.
(b) For VCM=0 find VS, ID1, ID2, VD1, and VD2.
(c) Repeat (b) for VCM=0.3V.
(d) Repeat (b) for VCM=-0.1V.
(e) What is the highest permitted value of VCM?
(f) What is the lowest value of VCM?

(c) Vcm=0.3V,
Vs1=Vs2=VG-VGS=0.3-0.7= -0.4V
so VD1=VD2=0V

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

with kn’(W/L)=0.4m =>

(a) Vov=0.7 and VGS=0.7+0.5=1.2V

(b) VCM=0, 0.3, and -0.1V are not in range and will pull the transistor out of saturation!


2. For the amplifier of Problem 1,

(a) Find the value of vid that causes Q1 to conduct the entire current I, and the corresponding values of VD1
and VD2.
(b) Find the value of vid that causes Q2 to conduct the entire current I, and the corresponding values of VD1
and VD2.
(c) Find the corresponding range of the differential output voltage (VD2-VD1).

(a)  = √ = .  

VD1=1-10k*(0.2mA)= -1V and VD2=1V
(b)  = −√ = − .  
VD1=1V and VD2=1-10k*(0.2mA)= -1V
(c) − ≤ ( −  ) ≤ +

3. A MOS differential amplifier(shown in problem 1) is operated at a total current of 0.8mA, using transistors
with a W/L ratio of 100, kn’=µ nCox=0.2mA/V2, VA=20V, and RD=5kΩ. Find Vov=(VGS-Vt), gm, ro, and Ad.

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

4. Prove that Acm≅ − ≅− for the active-loaded
loaded MOS differential amplifier below
 (  )  
where Rss is the equivalent resistance of the current source.

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

if then,

5. An active-loaded MOS differential amplifier as shown in Problem 4 is specified as follows: (W/L)n=100,

(W/L)p=200, kn’=µ nCox=2kp’= 2µ pCox=0.2mA/V2,|VA|=20V, I=0.8mA, and RSS=25kΩ. Calculate gm, Rout,
Ad, |Acm|.

6. In an active-loaded differential amplifier of the form shown in Problem 4, all transistors are characterized
by kn’(W/L)=3.2mA/V2 and |VA|=20V. Find the bias current I for which the gain vo/vid=100V/V.

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

7. It is required to design the active-loaded differential amplifier shown in Problem 4 to obtain a differential
gain of 50 V/V. The technology available provides µ nCox= 4µ pCox=400µA/V2,|VA|=10,
L=0.5µm,|Vt|=0.5V,and operates from ±1V supplies. Use a bias current I=200µA and operate all devices at
(a) Find the W/L ratios of the four transistors.
(b) If VCM=0, what is the allowable range of vo?
(c) If I is delivered by a simple NMOS current source operated at the same VGS-Vt and having the same
channel length as the other four transistors, determine the CMRR obtained.

(a) ID1= ID2= ID3= ID4= I/2

(b) Vomax=VG4+|Vt|=VDD-|VGS|+|Vt|=1-0.2=0.8V
Range is -0.5 to 0.8V

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

8. Design a bipolar differential amplifier such as that below to operate from ±2.5V
2.5V power supplies and to
provide differential gain of 40 V/V. The power dissipation in the quiescent state should not exceed 2mW(in
other words – I*(2.5-(-2.5))≤2mW.
(a) Specify the values of I and RC. What dc voltage appears at the collectors?
(b) If β=100, what is the input differential resistance.
(c) For vid=20mV,
20mV, what is the signal voltage at each of the collectors?
(d) For the situation in (c), what is the maximum allowable value of the input common mode voltage, VCM?
Recall that to maintain an npn BJT in saturation, VB should not exceed VC by more than 0.4V.


(b) Rid=2rπ where rπ=β/gm=(100(25m))/0.2m=12,500

(c) for vid=20mV
(d)Note that VBC=0.4V so VCB= -0.4

ECE3110 Homework #3 Fall 2011

9. Consider the basic bipolar differential circuit(shown above) in which the transistors have β=100 and
VA=100V, with I=0.5mA, REE=200kΩ(equivalent resistance of the current source), and RC=20kΩ. Find:
(a) the differential gain
(b) the differential input resistance
(c) the common-mode gain
(d) the common-mode rejection ratio
(e) the input common-mode resistance

(c) Acm=vod/Vicm=Rc/(2REE+rπ/β+1)=20k/(2*200k+10,100/(101))=50mV/V
= =20log10|200/50m|=72dB

(e) same as (b)

10. (a) Describe the ideal characteristics of an opamp for:

(i) Differential gain (want high)
(ii) Common-mode gain (want low)
(iii) CMRR (want high)
(iv) Input bias current (0A)
(v) Input resistance (want high)
(vi) Output resistance (want low)
(b) A circuit has a voltage gain of 0.05 V/V. Convert to dB.
(c) A circuit has a voltage gain of 50 dB. Convert this to V/V.

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