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Advanced Temperature Transmitter ATT082: HART® Protocol Model

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Advanced Temperature Transmitter ATT082

HART® protocol Model

• Temperature transmitter with 2 input channels and HART®
communication for the conversion of different input sig-
nals into a scalable, analog 4...20 mA output signal
• ATT082 stands out due to signal reliability, long-term sta-
bility, high precision and advanced diagnostics (important
in critical processes)
• For the highest level of safety, availability and risk reduction
• Usable for resistance thermometer (RTD), thermocouple
(TC), resistance transmitter (Ω), voltage transmitter (mV)
• Optional installation in field housings even for use in
Ex d areas
• Mounting bracket pipe or wall for the field housing

Your benefits
• Safe operation in hazardous areas
International approvals such as
– ATEX for intrinsically safe installation in zone 1 and zone 2
• High accuracy through sensor-transmitter matching
• Reliable operation with sensor monitoring and device
hardware fault recognition
• Diagnostics information according to NAMUR NE107
• Several mounting versions and sensor connection combi-

Function and system design

Corrosion detection as per NAMUR NE89 2-channel functions
Corrosion of the sensor connection cables can cause incor- These functions increase the reliability and availability of the
rect measured value readings. The head transmitter offers the process values:
possibility of detecting any corrosion of the thermocouples • Sensor backup switches to the second sensor if the primary
and resistance thermometers with 4-wire connection before sensor fails
a measured value is corrupted. The transmitter prevents in-
• Drift warning or alarm if the deviation between sensor 1
correct measured values from being exported and can issue a
and sensor 2 is less than or greater than a predefined limit
warning via the HART® protocol when conductor resistance
values exceed plausible limits.
• Temperature-dependent switching between sensors which
are used in different measuring ranges
Low voltage detection
The low voltage detection function prevents the device from
continuously transmitting an incorrect analog output value
(i.e. caused by an incorrect or damaged power supply system
or a damaged signal cable). If the supply voltage drops below
the required value, the analog output value drops to < 3.6 mA
for approx. 5 seconds. The device then tries to output the nor-
mal analog output value again. If the supply voltage is still too
low, this process is repeated cyclically.

1 2nd edition
Measured variable Type of input
Temperature (temperature-linear transmission behavior), Two independent sensors can be connected. The measuring
resistance and voltage. inputs are not galvanically isolated from each other. Ambient
temperature out-of-range detectionHardware

Type of input Designation Measuring range limits

Resistance thermometer (RTD) Pt100 –200 to +850 °C (–328 to +1562 °F)

as per IEC 60751:2008 Pt200 –200 to +850 °C (–328 to +1562 °F)
(α = 0.003851) Pt500 –200 to +500 °C (–328 to +932 °F)
Pt1000 –200 to +250 °C (–328 to +482 °F)

as per JIS C1604-81 Pt100 -200 to 649 °C (-328 to 1200 °F)

(α = 0.003916)
• Type of connection: 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire connection, sensor current: ≤ 0.3 mA
• With 2-wire circuit, compensation of wire resistance possible (0 to 30 Ω)
• With 3-wire and 4-wire connection, sensor wire resistance to max. 50 Ω per wire

Resistance transmitter Resistance Ω 10 to 400 Ω

10 to 2000 Ω

Thermocouples (TC) Recommended temperature range:

Type B (PtRh30-PtRh6) +40 to +1820 °C (+104 to +3308 °F) +100 to +1500 °C (+212 to +2732 °F)
to IEC 584 part 1 Type E (NiCr-CuNi) –270 to +1000 °C (–454 to +1832 °F) 0 to +750 °C (+32 to +1382 °F)
to ASTM E988 Type J (Fe-CuNi) –210 to +1200 °C (–346 to +2192 °F) +20 to +700 °C (+68 to +1292 °F)
Type K (NiCr-Ni) –270 to +1372 °C (–454 to +2501 °F) 0 to +100 °C (+32 to +2012 °F)
Type N (NiCrSi-NiSi) –270 to +1300 °C (–454 to +2372 °F) 0 to +100 °C (+32 to +2012 °F)
Type R (PtRh13-Pt) –50 to +1768 °C (–58 to +3214 °F) 0 to +1400 °C (+32 to +2552 °F)
Type S (PtRh10-Pt) –50 to +1768 °C (–58 to +3214 °F) 0 to +1400 °C (+32 to +2552 °F)
Type T (Cu-CuNi) –260 to +400 °C (–436 to +752 °F) –185 to +350 °C (–301 to +662 °F)

Type C (W5Re-W26Re) 0 to +2315 °C (+32 to +4199 °F) 0 to +2 000 °C (+32 to +3632 °F)
Type D (W3Re-W25Re) 0 to +2315 °C (+32 to +4199 °F) 0 to +2 000 °C (+32 to +3632 °F)

• Internal cold junction (Pt100)

• External cold junction: configurable value –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F)
• Max. sensor resistance 10 kΩ (if sensor resistance is greater than 10 kΩ, error message as per NAMUR NE89)

Voltage transmitter (mV) Millivolt transmitter (mV) –20 to 100 mV

The following connection combinations are possible when both sensor inputs are assigned:
Sensor input 1
RTD or resistance RTD or resistance RTD or resistance Thermocouple (TC),
transmitter, 2-wire transmitter, 3-wire transmitter, 4-wire voltage transmitter
RTD or resistance
transmitter, 2-wire ✓ ✓ - ✓
RTD or resistance
Sensor input 2
transmitter, 3-wire ✓ ✓ - ✓
RTD or resistance
transmitter, 4-wire - - - -
Thermocouple (TC),
voltage transmitter ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Output Failure information

Output signal Failure information as per NAMUR NE43:
Failure information is created if the measuring information is
Analog output 4 to 20 mA, 20 to 4 mA (can be in- missing or not valid. A complete list of all the errors occur-
verted) ring in the measuring system is created.
Signal encoding FSK ±0.5 mA via current signal
Underranging Linear drop from 4.0 to 3.8 mA
Data transmission rate 1200 baud
Overranging Linear increase from 20.0 to 20.5 mA
Galvanic isolation U = 2 kV AC (input/output)
Failure, e.g. ≤ 3.6 mA (“low”) or ≥ 21 mA (“high”), can be
sensor breakage; selected The “high” alarm setting can be set
sensor short between 21.6 mA and 23 mA, thus providing
circuit the flexibility needed to meet the requirements
of various control systems.

Load Filter
1st order digital filter: 0 to 120 s
R b max.= (Ub max. - 11 V) / 0.023 A (current output)

Load (Ω)
Current consumption
• 3.6 to 23 mA
• Minimum current consumption ≤ 3.5 mA
• Current limit ≤ 23 mA

Protocol-specific data
HART® version 7
11 V 16.75 V 36.25 V 42 V
Device address in Software setting addresses 0 to 63
Supply voltage (Vdc) multi-drop mode

Write protection Hardware setting for activating write protec-

Fig 1. tion

Linearization/transmission behavior Device description Information and files are available free of
files (DD) charge at:
Temperature-linear, resistance-linear, voltage-linear www.hartcomm.org

Load (communica- min. 250 Ω

Mains voltage filter tion resistor)
50/60 Hz

Switch-on delay
5 s, during switch-on delay Ia ≤ 3.8 mA

Power supply
Electrical connection
Sensor input 2 Sensor input 1
RTD, Ω: 3- and 2-wire RTD, Ω: 4-, 3- and 2-wire
red 7

red red 6
TC, mV
red 5
TC, mV

white 4

white white 3

Display connection
Power supply DC 24V


Fig 2. Terminal assignment

For the device operation via HART® protocol (terminals 1 and 2) a minimum load resistance of 250 Ω is necessary in the signal

Supply voltage Performance characteristics

U = 11 to 42 Vdc (non-hazardous area), reverse polarity pro- Response time
tected. Values for hazardous area see chapter Measured value update < 1 s per channel, depending on the
‘Certificates and approvals’ (refer to page 8 and 9). type of sensor and connection method

Residual ripple Reference operating conditions

Perm. residual ripple Uss ≤ 3 V at Ub ≥ 13.5 V, fmax. = 1 kHz • Calibration temperature: +25 °C ±5 K (77 °F ±9 °F)
• Supply voltage: 24 Vdc
• 4-wire circuit for resistance adjustment

Maximum measured error
The accuracy data are typical values and correspond to a standard deviation of ±3 σ (normal distribution), i.e. 99.8 % of all the
measured values achieve the given values or better values.

Designation/measuring range Performance characteristics

Digital D/A 1)

Resistance thermometer (RTD) Pt100 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) 0.03 %

(3-wire, 4-wire) Pt500 0.3 °C (0.54 °F) 0.03 %
Pt1000 0.2 °C (0.36 °F) 0.03 %
Pt200 1.0 °C (1.8 °F) 0.03 %

Resistance thermometer (RTD) Pt100 0.8 °C (1.44 °F) 0.03 %

(2-wire) Pt500 0.8 °C (1.44 °F) 0.03 %
Pt1000 0.8°C (1.44 °F) 0.03 %
Pt200 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) 0.03 %

Thermocouples (TC) Type: K, J, T, E 0.25 °C (0.45 °F) 0.03 %

Type: N, C, D 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) 0.03 %
Type: S, B, R 1.0 °C (1.8 °F) 0.03 %

Resistance transmitters (Ω) 10 to 400 Ω ±0.04 Ω 0.03 %

10 to 2 000 Ω ±0.8 Ω 0.03 %

Voltage transmitter (mV) –20 to 100 mV ±10 μV 0.03 %

1) % refers to the set span. Accuracy = digital + D/A accuracy Sensor transmitter matching using one of the methods ex-
Physical input measuring range of sensors plained above significantly improves the temperature mea-
surement accuracy of the entire system. This is because the
10 to 400 Ω Pt100 transmitter uses the specific data pertaining to the connected
10 to 2000 Ω Pt200, Pt500, Pt1000 sensor to calculate the measured temperature, instead of us-
ing the standardized sensor curve data.
–20 to 100 mV Thermocouples type: B, C, D, E, J, K, N, R, S, T
1-point adjustment (offset)
Shifts the sensor value
Sensor adjustment
Sensor transmitter matching 2-point adjustment (sensor trimming)
RTD sensors are one of the most linear temperature measur-
ing elements. Nevertheless, the output must be linearized. To Correction (slope and offset) of the measured sensor value at
significantly improve temperature measurement accuracy, transmitter input
the device allows the use of two methods:
Current trimming (current output fine adjust-
• Callendar-Van-Dusen coefficients (Pt100 resistance ther- ment)
mometer) Correction of the 4 or 20 mA current output value
The Callendar-Van-Dusen equation is described as:
RT = R0 [1 + AT + BT2 + C (T - 100) T3] Non-repeatability
The coefficients A, B and C are used to match the sensor
(platinum) and transmitter in order to improve the accura- 10 to 400 Ω 15 mΩ
cy of the measuring system. The coefficients for a standard
sensor are specified in IEC 751. If no standard sensor is 10 to 2000 Ω 100 ppm * measured value
available or if greater accuracy is required, the coefficients –20 to 100 mV 4 μV
for each sensor can be determined specifically with the aid
of sensor calibration. Output

≤ 2 μA
• Linearization for copper/nickel resistance thermometers
The polynomial equation for copper/nickel is as follows: Influence of the supply voltage
≤ ±0.0025%/V, with reference to the span
RT = R0 (1 + AT + BT2)

The coefficients A and B are used for the linearization of Long-term stability
nickel or copper resistance thermometers (RTD). ≤ 0.1 °C/year (≤ 0.18 °F/year) or ≤ 0.05 %/year
The exact values of the coefficients derive from the calibra- Data under reference operating conditions. % refers to the set
tion data and are specific to each sensor. span. The larger value is valid.

Influence of ambient temperature (temperature drift)
Total temperature drift = input temperature drift + output temperature drift
Impact on accuracy when ambient temperature changes by 1 K (1.8 °F):

Input 10 to 400 Ω Typ. 0.001 % of the measured value, min. 1 mΩ

Input 10 to 2000 Ω Typ. 0.001 % of the measured value, min. 10 mΩ

Input –20 to 100 mV Typ. 0.001 % of the measured value, min. 0.2 μV

Output 4 to 20 mA Typ. 0.0015 % of the span

Typical sensitivity of resistance thermometers

Pt: 0.00385 * Rnom/K Cu: 0.0043 * Rnom/K Ni: 0.00617 * Rnom/K

Example Pt100: 0.00385 * 100 Ω/K = 0.385 Ω/K

Impact on accuracy when ambient temperature changes by 1 K (1.8 °F):

B: 9 μV/K at C: 18 μV/K at D: 20 μV/K at E: 81 μV/K at J: 56 μV/K at

1000 °C (1 832 °F) 1000 °C (1 832 °F) 1000 °C (1832 °F) 500 °C (932 °F) 500 °C (932 °F)

K: 43 μV/K at N: 38 μV/K at R: 13 μV/K at S: 11 μV/K at T: 46 μV/K at

500 °C (932 °F) 500 °C (932 °F) 1000 °C (1832 °F) 1000 °C (1832 °F) 100 °C (212 °F)

Installation conditions
Example of calculating the measured error Installation instructions
with ambient temperature drift:
Input temperature drift ∆ϑ = 10 K (18 °F), Pt100, measuring
range 0 to 100 °C (32 to 212 °F). Maximum process tempera-
ture: 100 °C (212 °F)
Measured resistance value: 138.5 Ω (IEC 60751) at maximum
process temperature
Typical temperature drift in Ω: (0.001 % of 138.5 Ω) * 10 =
0.01385 Ω
Conversion to Kelvin: 0.01385 Ω / 0.385 Ω/K = 0.04 K (0.072 °F) 0
(4. mm
Influence of the reference junction (internal
cold junction)
Pt100 DIN IEC 60751 Cl. B (internal cold junction with ther-
mocouples TC)

(4. mm

Fig 3. Mounting locations for the transmitter

Separated from process in field housing, wall or pipe mounting

Orientation: No restrictions

Ambient temperature range
–40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F), for hazardous area see Ex docu-
mentation and ‘Certificates and approvals’ section (refar to page 8
and 9)

Storage temperature Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
–40 to +100 °C (–40 to +212 °F) CE compliance
Electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with all the
relevant requirements of the EN 61326 series and NAMUR
Altitude Recommendation EMC (NE21). Details are provided in the
Up to 4000 m (4374.5 yards) above mean sea level as per IEC Declaration of Conformity.
ESD (electrostatic EN/IEC 61000-4-2 6 kV cont., 8 kV air
Climate class
Electromagnetic EN/IEC 61000-4-3 0.08 to 2.7 GHz 10 V/m
As per IEC 60654-1, Class C fields

Burst EN/IEC 61000-4-4 2 kV

Humidity (fast transients)
• Condensation permitted as per IEC 60 068-2-33
Surge EN/IEC 61000-4-5 0.5 kV sym.
• Max. rel. humidity: 95% as per IEC 60068-2-30 (surge voltage) 1 kV assym.

Conducted RF EN/IEC 61000-4-6 0.01 to 80 MHz 10 V

Degree of protection
• IP 66/67
Measuring category
Vibration Measuring category II as per IEC 61010-1. The measuring
25 to 100 Hz for 4g (increased vibration stress) as per GL- category is provided for measuring on power circuits that are
guidelines, chapter 2, edition 2003 directly connected electrically with the low-voltage network.

Degree of contamination
Pollution degree 2 as per IEC 61010-1.

Mechanical construction
Design, dimensions
Dimensions in mm (in).
Head transmitter

Ø5 (0.2)

Ø7 (0.28)

Ø44 (1.73)
33 (1.3)

24.1 (0.95)

Fig 4. Version with screw terminals

A Spring travel L ≥ 5 mm (not for US - M4 securing screws)
B Fasteners for attachable measured value display
C Interface for contacting the measured value display

Field housings
Without display Specification

97 • Flameproof (XP) version, explosion-protected, captive

screw cap, with two cable entries
• Temperature: –50 to +150 °C (–58 to +302 °F) for rubber seal
without cable gland (observe max. permitted temperature of
89.5 the cable gland!)

• Material: aluminum; polyester powder coated
• Cable entry glands: ½˝ NPT, M20 × 1.5
• Head color: gray RAL 7035
• Cap color: gray RAL 7035
• Weight: 640 g (22.6 oz)

Fig 5.

With display window in cover Specification

97 • Flameproof (XP) version, explosion-protected, captive

screw cap, with two cable entries
• Temperature: –50 to +150 °C (–58 to +302 °F) for rubber seal
without cable gland (observe max. permitted temperature of
the cable gland!)
• Material: aluminum; polyester powder coated

• Cable entry glands: ½˝ NPT, M20 × 1.5


• Head color: gray RAL 7035

• Cap color: gray RAL 7035
• Weight: 860 g (30.33 oz)


Fig 6.

• Head transmitter: approx. 40 to 50 g (1.4 to 1.8 oz)
• Field housing: see specifications

All materials used are RoHS-compliant.
Head transmitter
• Housing: polycarbonate (PC), complies with UL94, V-2 UL recognized
• Terminals:
– Screw terminals: nickel-plated brass and gold-plated contact
– Spring terminals: tin-plated brass, contact spring V2A
• Potting: WEVO PU 403 FP / FL
Field housing: see specifications

Terminals version Wire version Conductor cross-section

Screw terminals (with latches at the fieldbus Rigid or flexible ≤ 2.5 mm² (14 AWG)
terminals for easy connection of a handheld

Human interface
Display and operating elements
There are no display or operating elements present at the head transmitter. Optional the plug-on display can be used in connec-
tion with the head transmitter. It will display information regarding the actual measured value and the measurement point iden-
tification. In the event of a fault in the measurement chain this will be displayed in inverse color showing the channel ident and
diagnostics code. DIP-switches can be found on the rear of the display. This enables the hardware set-up such as write protection.

Fig 7. Pluggable display

If the head transmitter is installed in a field housing and used with a display, a housing with glas window needs to be used.

Remote operation
The configuration of HART® functions and of device-specific parameters is performed via HART® communication or via CDI
interface. Special configuration systems provided by various manufacturers are available for this purpose.

Certificates and approvals

CE mark
The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the EC guidelines. The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the
device by affixing to it the CE mark.

II1G Ex ia IIC T6/T5/T4

Power supply (terminals 1+ and 2–) Ui ≤ 30 Vdc

Ii ≤ 130 mA
Pi ≤ 800 mW
Ci ≈ 0
Li ≈ 0

II3G Ex nA II T6/T5/T4

Power supply (terminals 1+ and 2–) U ≤ 42 Vdc

Output I = 4 to 20 mA

Temperature range Ta

without display Zone 1, 2 Zone 0

T6 -40 to +58 °C (-40 to +136.4 °F) -40 to +46 °C (-40 to +115 °F)
T5 -40 to +75 °C (-40 to +167 °F) -40 to +60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)
T4 -40 to +85 °C (-40 to +185 °F) -40 to +60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)

with display T6 -40 to +55 °C (-40 to +131 °F)

T5 -40 to +70 °C (-40 to +158 °F)
T4 -40 to +85 °C (-40 to +185 °F)

• II 2G Ex d IIC T6...T4 Gb
• II 2D Ex tb IIIC T85 °C…T105 °C Db

Power supply (terminals + and -) 9 to 32 Vdc

Temperature range T6 -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +65 °C

T5 -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +80 °C
T4 -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +85 °C

Maximum suface temperature housing T85 °C -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +65 °C

T100 °C -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +80 °C
T105 °C -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +85 °C

FM approval

Labeling: HART® communication

IS / I / 1 / ABCD / T4 Ta = 85°C — Entity*; The temperature transmitter is registered by HART® Com-
NI / I / 2 / ABCD / T4 Ta = 85°C — NIFW*; munication. The device meets the requirements of the HART
Communication Protocol Specifications, Revision 7.0.
I / 0 / AEx ia IIC T4 Ta = 85°C — Entity*;
XP, NI, DIP I, II, III / 1+2 / A-G
*= Entity and NIFW parameters in accordance with Control
Drawings (CD)
Electrical parameters:
Ui ≤ 30 Vdc, Ii ≤ 130 mA, Pi ≤ 800 mW
Ci ≈ 0, Li ≈ 0

Other standards and guidelines

• IEC 60529: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
(IP code)
• IEC 61010-1:2001, 2nd Edition: Safety requirements for
electrical equipment for measurement, control and labora-
tory use
• EN 61326 Series: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC re-
• Guidelines for the performance of type approvals, chapter 2,
edition 2003: Vibrations
• NAMUR: International user association of automation
technology in process industries (www.namur.de)

Model Number Configuration Table
ATT082, HART model
Basic model Selections Options

AT T 082 - AA +
I Approval Non-hazardous area AA
ATEX II 2 G Ex d T6, II 2 D Ex tb IIIC B6
ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 BA
FM IS,NI I / 1+2/A-D F1
FM XP, NI, DIP I, II, III/1+2/A-G F3
IECEx Ex d T6 Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db I6
IECEx Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 IA
II Communication; Output Signal HART 7; 4-20 mA, 2 channel A
III Electrical Connection Screw terminals 2
IV Field Housing 2 entry (M20 × 1.5) w/o display D
2 entry (M20 × 1.5) with display E
2 entry (1/2NPT) w/o display F
2 entry (1/2NPT) with display G
V Configuration Universal Input Ch1: RTD 2-wire, Ch2: inactive A1
Ch1: RTD 2-wire, Ch2: RTD 2-wire A2
Ch1: RTD 2-wire, Ch2: RTD 3-wire A3
Ch1: RTD 2-wire, Ch2: TC A4
Ch1: RTD 3-wire, Ch2: inactive B1
Ch1: RTD 3-wire, Ch2: RTD 2-wire B2
Ch1: RTD 3-wire, Ch2: RTD 3-wire B3
Ch1: RTD 3-wire, Ch2: TC B4
Ch1: RTD 4-wire, Ch2: inactive C1
Ch1: RTD 4-wire, Ch2: TC C2
Ch1: TC, Ch2: inactive D1
Ch1: TC, Ch2: TC D2
VI Sensor Type Input 1 Pt100, -200 to +850 °C, min. span 10K, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A1
Pt200, -200 to +850 °C, min. span 10K, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A2
Pt500, -200 to +500 °C, min. span 10K IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A3
Pt1000, -200 to +250 °C, min. span 10K IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A4
Pt100, -200 to +510 °C, min.span 10K, JIS C1604-81 (a = 0.003916) B1
Typ B, 40 to 1820 °C, min. span 500K IEC 584 TB
Typ C (W5Re-W26Re), 0 to 2315°C, min. span 500K, ASTM E988/E230 TC
Typ D (W3Re-W25Re), 0 to 2315°C, min. span 500K, ASTM E988/E230 TD
Typ E, -270 to +1000 °C, min. span 50K IEC 584 TE
Typ J, -210 to +1200 °C, min. span 50K IEC 584 TJ
Typ K, -270 to +1372 °C, min. span 50K IEC 584 TK
Typ N, -270 to +1300 °C, min. span 50K IEC 584 TN
Typ R, -50 to +1768 °C, min. span 500K IEC 584 TR
Typ S, -50 to +1768 °C, min. span 500K IEC 584 TS
Typ T, -260 to +400 °C, min. span 50K IEC 584 TT
VII Sensor Type Input 2 Pt100, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A1
Pt200, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A2
Pt500, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A3
Pt1000, IEC60751 (a = 0.00385) A4
Inactive AA
Pt100, JIS C1604-81 (a = 0.003916) B1
Type B, IEC 584 TB
Type C (W5Re-W26Re), ASTM E988/E230 TC
Type D (W3Re-W25Re), ASTM E988/E230 TD
Type E, IEC 584 TE
Type J, IEC 584 TJ
Type K, IEC 584 TK
Type N, IEC 584 TN
Type R, IEC 584 TR
Type S, IEC 584 TS
Type T, IEC 584 TT
VIII Input; Interconnection PV = CH1; CH2 inactive A1
PV = CH1; SV = CH2 A2
PV = difference; PV = CH1-CH2 A3
PV = average; PV = (CH1+CH2)/2 A4
Sensor backup; PV = CH1 (or CH2) A5

Options Display E1
Calibration Certificate F1
Configuration alarm limit low H1
SIL declaration of conformity LA
Mounting bracket wall, 316L PA
Mounting bracket pipe, 316L diameter 1-2” PB
Tagging (TAG), metal plate hanging Z1
Tagging (TAG), on name plate Z2
Tagging (LONG TAG), Write the TAG in the memory, up to 32 digit Z4

[Unit: mm] With Display Without Display

Output Side Sensor Side
M4 Conduit Entries Conduit Entries
57 115 89.5
Internal Ground Screw M20×1.5 M20×1.5
or 94 or
1/2 NPT 1/2 NPT

for Mounting
4 × M6

12 Depth of Screw

Mounting to 2B Pipe Mounting to Wall

120 2B Pipe 120 2 × 6.5 Hole

(M6 Screw)
140 140

(160.3 *1) (40.5 *1) M4
*1. Reference value of 2B Pipe External Ground Screw

M4 2B Pipe Bracket
External Ground Screw (Option) 139.5

Please read the "Terms and Conditions" from the following URL before
ordering or use:
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Azbil North America, Inc.

9033 N. 24th Ave., Suite 6

Phoenix, AZ 85021

1-12-2 Kawana, Fujisawa

Kanagawa 251-8522 Japan www.us.azbil.com
URL: http://www.azbil.com/ 1st edition: Jan. 2015
2nd edition: Apr. 2015
No part of this publication may be reproduced or duplicated
12 without the prior written permission of Azbil Corporation.

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