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Erection Methodoly Electrical 50 MWP

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132 KV GIS & 50 MWp Solar Power Project PAK



The Contractor shall complete the erection, testing and commissioning of the substation and shall
hand over in proper working order in accordance with the specifications. All work of assembly,
construction and erection shall be done in a neat, first class workmanship manner according to
the best practice applicable and as approved by the Consultant/Client.

The Contractor shall submit a detailed description of the field tests he intends to carry out on his
equipment, comprising test protocols, testing and commissioning procedures etc. for Employer’s
Representative’s review well before starting of the field tests.

The Contractor shall be responsible for satisfactory field testing and commissioning of equipment
to the satisfaction of the Consultant/Client prior to the energization. Consultant/Client may also
ask the Contractor to perform additional tests, which may not be listed, to prove that a particular
equipment is fit for commissioning and energization.

A record of all performance tests shall be embodied in a report to be submitted by the Contractor
upon completion, to the satisfaction of the Consultant/Client, of the tests described herein
together with such other tests as may be agreed between the Contractor and the
Consultant/Client, which collectively shall constitute the Commissioning Tests.

The Consultant/Client e may, at his option, require that, tests be made after the equipment has
gone into service in order to demonstrate that all performance guarantees have been met. The
Contractor will be permitted, to have his representative present at his own expense and make all
necessary corrections. Additional tests shall then be made under the directions of the
Consultant/Client to demonstrate to his own satisfaction the effectiveness of these corrections.
These additional tests shall be at the Contractor's expense. Until the necessary corrections have
been satisfactorily made, the conditions of the Contract shall not be considered fulfilled.

Upon completion to the satisfaction of the Consultant/Client, of the tests specified hereafter
together with such other tests as may be agreed between the Contractor and Consultant/Client
shall collectively constitute the commissioning tests. The Contractor shall certify in writing to the
Consultant/Client that the equipment or part of the equipment has been installed and tested to the
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative and is ready for energization.


1. Outdoor Installations

The Contractor shall install the conductor, insulators and the hardware for the outdoor
elements of 132kV sections of the substation and overhead shield wire in accordance
with, approved drawings. All connections shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oxide
film. An oxide retarding compound of approved type shall be used at all connections and
precautions shall be taken to seal moisture out of the joint to avoid galvanic corrosion.
2. Transformers

(1) Installation:

The transformers shall be assembled on their respective foundations in strict conformity

with manufacturer's erection manuals and approved drawings.

While assembling, precaution shall be observed to prevent condensation on any part

within the tank. The tank and the neutral shall be grounded as specified.

The bushing holding bolts shall be properly tightened to avoid unequal clamping strains
and subsequent damage to the bushing porcelain or support.

(2) Wiring:

Connection to oil and winding temperature gauges and oil level indications shall be with
control cables running through conduit from cable trench to the cabinet or terminal boxes.

(3) Oil Filling:

The oil filling in the transformers shall be done under vacuum.

The oil shall be passed through filter press shall be cleaned and dried before filling under
vacuum. It shall be ascertained that no contamination takes place during oil filling.

In case the inert gas filled in the transformers leaks then drying out under vacuum shall be
done by a suitable drying process.

(4) Painting:

The transformer paint finish shall be examined and if necessary, proper retouching after
cleaning and applying coats shall be done as per approved practice to give correct match
of paint on the transformers.

3. Surge Arresters

Surge arresters shall be mounted as close as possible to the apparatus being protected.

4. Control And Protection System

Control desk and relay board shall be erected on channel iron bases. The channel iron
shall be levelled and grouted in place and the control board and relay board panels
mounted thereon. The Contractor shall mount all equipment and shall make all necessary
connections and interconnections to the panels in accordance with the approved standard
All instruments and relays shall be properly installed, connected and tested to meet the
technical specifications in the presence of the Employer’s Representative.

5. Control And Small Power Cables

Cables shall be installed on cable supports, in cable trenches or in conduits. Cables shall
be installed with sufficient slack to allow for expansion and contraction and tied at each
support point. If laid in trenches, the cables shall rest on cable supports suitably spaced,,
and shall be fastened at appropriate points, using bolted galvanized straps; which should
not press tightly against the insulation.

Where group of cables enter or leave the trench, each shall be identified with stencilled
metal tags. Each tag shall indicate the major equipment to which it is attached. At each
cable termination, the cables shall be clamped below the terminal block. Cable glands of
appropriate sizes shall be used at cable entrances into control panels, relay panels and
marshalling boxes. The cable glands shall have provision for grounding the earth shielded
cables. The jacket shall be stripped back and individual conductors trimmed to fit.
Insulation shall be cut square and terminals installed without damage to insulation by
over heating or abrasion.

Cable runs shall be continuous from terminal to terminal to the extent permitted by
available commercial lengths. Splicing shall not be permitted.

Insulated wire and cable shall be handled with care so as to avoid kinking and damage to
insulation and outer jackets. Cables shall not be bent around a radius less than that
recommended by the manufacturer:

Each wire terminating in a terminal block shall carry a permanent identification tag
(ferrule) bearing the same identification number as given in the drawings. Slip-in type
ferrules should not be used for this purpose.

The Contractor shall install all lugs, terminal blocks and terminals required and shall
make all connections required to provide a complete installation ready to operate. Cable
identification tags of a permanent type shall be provided and installed on both ends of
each power and control cable.

Connections in lighting wires and cables shall be insulated with layers of plastic
insulating tape or with high grade rubber tape over which friction tape shall be applied.

Sufficient slack shall be allowed in each run where a number of cables or wire comprising
a circuit are trained through a pull box, terminal box, trench or tray and shall be neatly
placed and tied together. Lacing shall also apply from the point of leaving a cable-tray or
raceway to the point of attachment on the terminals of the Switchgear, switchboard or
other devices unless the run is in conduit.

6. Switchyard AC Power And Lighting

The Contractor shall install all required lighting, power and auxiliary apparatus, cables
and make all connections. Illumination level of the installed lighting fixtures shall be
measured according to the specified levels.
7. AC & DC Auxiliary Supplies

The Contractor shall install and connect the equipment under these specifications as
specified in Section-19.


Testing and commissioning shall include the following:

 Outdoor Installations

1) Verification of tightness of nuts/bolts as per the recommended torque.

2) Verification of sag and tension of the overhead conductors.

3) Measurement of contact resistance of the HV connections.

4) Thermo-vision survey of the HV connections after energization at high voltage.

5) Check of visible corona after energization.

i) Transformers

The operating mechanism and control circuits of the on-load tap changer and forced air
cooling equipment shall be tested for proper operation and for tap changer position

All tests shall be made from the remote control points as well as the local control points.
Tests, performed to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative, shall include, but
not limited to the following:

(a) Drying shall be performed. The method and tests shall be subjected to the
approval of the Employer’s Representative.

(b) Final sample testing of the insulation oil, after the completion of the
dehumidifying and degassing process to ascertain specified chemical and physical

(c) Oil insulation test.

(d) Windings insulation resistance test.

(e) Insulation power factor test.

(f) Low voltage ratio test on each position of the tap changer.
(g) Zero sequence impedance test.
(h) Functional test for auxiliary equipment, buchholz relay, thermal relay, oil level
indicator etc.

(i) Adjustment of the protective devices such as gas and oil temperature relays and
system to show compliance with operating requirements, correct operation
verification of oil-preservation, and oil-protection system.

(j) Phasing test.

(k) Verification of vector group test.

(1) Operational test for automatic tap-changing equipment, adjustment of the

protective devices such as gas and oil temperature relays and system to show
compliance ,with operating requirements; correct operation of complete cooling
system and verification of correct operation of oil-preservation and oil-protection

(m) Checking the oil leaks.

(n) Measurement of winding resistances.

(o) Verification of all alarm, trips and control circuits.

(p) Energization to full voltage.

ii) 132kV SF-6 Gas insulated Switchgear

(a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

(b) Verification of AC and DC auxiliary supplies in respect of magnitude and


(c) Verification of pick-up and drop-off of each of the SF6 pressure switches at rising
and dropping pressures.

(d) Inspection and operational test on the completely assembled and installed three
pole circuit breakers to verify that they are accurately aligned and levelled and
shimmed in place as necessary for proper operation.

(e) Inspection and operation test to verify that electrical wiring within the equipment
and operating mechanism is correctly connected.

(f) Verification for each hydraulic/pneumatic pressure switch in respect of pick-up &

(g) Verification of operation of pressure relief valves.

(h) Verification of pressure thresholds for pump start/stop, breaker automatic tripping/
blocking/lockout of close, trip and auto-reclose operations.
(i) Measurement of starting and running currents, and direction of rotation of
hydraulic/pneumatic pump/compressor motors.

(j) Measurement of time to reach the pump cut-off pressure

– From zero pressure
– After close operation
– After open Operation
– After CO operation
– After OCO operation

(k) Measurement of loss of hydraulic over 24 hour

(1) Measurement of current in the tripping/closing coils.

(m) Measurement of operating times;

– Measurement of operating time at minimum, nominal and maximum dc
supply voltage.
– Measurement of operating times at maximum, nominal and minimum
hydraulic pressures.
– Measurement of time for "O", "C", "CO" and "OCO" operations

While performing the timing tests, in addition to the numerical printout, traces of
contact travel and close/open positions i.e. graphical recording of times should be
appended to the test reports.

Timing of each interrupter and each pre-insertion resistor shall be separately

recorded and shall be graphically visible on the timing strips.

(n) Verification of pre-insertion time of closing resistors.

(o) Verification of time variation between opening of series contacts on any one

(p) Verification of time variation between openings of contacts of any two phases.

(q) Measurement of contact resistance.

(r) Verification of functioning of auxiliary contacts.

(s) Verification of setting of the hydraulic/ pneumatic motor thermal protection relay
by secondary injection.

(t) Verification of functioning/calibration of every timing relay used in the control


(u) Verification of trip free operation and pole discordance functions.

(v) Functional tests in respect of local/remote controls, interlocking, anti-pumping,
annunciation, fault & events recording, SCADA functions etc.

(w) Functional tests of heating and lighting for the panels and cubicles.

iii) 132 kV Outdoor Disconnecting Switches/Earthing Switches

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

b) Verification of ac and dc auxiliary supplies in respect of magnitude and


c) Verification of mechanical adjustments. Field measurements should be compared

with the manufacturer's recommended adjustments and tolerances.

d) Measurement of contact resistance of the main contacts.

e) Verification of limit switch operation.

f) Verification of operation of auxiliary switches.

g) Measurement of operating times for opening and closing operations.

h) Measurement of starting and running currents of motors of disconnecting and

earthing switches at minimum. Nominal and maximum auxiliary supply voltage.
i) Verification of functioning of motor protection devices by secondary injection.

j) Functional tests in respect of local/remote controls, interlocking, annunciations,

fault & events recording, SCADA. Functions etc.

k) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


iv) Surge Arresters

a) Test of insulation resistance:

– HV-Ground/Base
– Base-Ground

b) Verification of grounding connections and continuity.

c) Measurement of ground resistance.

d) Verification of surge counter operation.

e) Functional tests of surge arrester remote signalling, annunciations, events and

fault recording.
f) Measurement of leakage current with leakage current analyser subsequent to
energization of surge arrester.

g) Check of visible corona after energization.

v) 132kV Current Transformers/Bushing Current Transformers and Current


a) Verification of insulation resistance (Megger test):

– Primary to ground
– Each secondary winding to ground
– Primary to each secondary winding
– Between secondary windings

b) Measurement of winding resistance at each tap of each secondary winding.

c) Measurement of capacitance and dissipation factor.

d) Verification of winding polarities by flick test.

e) Verification of magnetization characteristics and knee-point voltages.

f) Verification of ratios.

g) Verification of current circuits:

Following checks and tests shall be made for the current circuits fed from the bay
CTs, transformer bushing CTs:
– Each CT circuit shall be verified for grounding at one point.
– Phase-N loop resistance values shall be measured and recorded.
– Loop resistance measurements shall also provide lead resistance values.
– Resistance measurements shall be with wheatstone bridge.
– Verification of all current circuits associated with bay CTs and, bushing
CTs with primary injection.
– Primary injection shall be carried out for at least the following

– Each CT:

– Busbar Protection of Double Bus double breaker Scheme for 132kV
applicable to the CT’s in each branch.


– Secondary current measurements at each test block shall include recording

of current magnitude as well as relative phase angle

– Burden volts across each CT core shall be recorded during primary


* In addition to measurement of magnitude of current and its relative phase

angle at each test block during primary injection, current in panels internal
wiring shall be checked.

* Changeover of current circuits in the bank selector kiosk and with selector
switches in the pole selector kiosk shall be verified during these tests.

h) Verification of operation of protective devices at the final (fault) settings during

primary injection.

i) On-load tests on current transformer circuits:

– Secondary current measurements at each test block in respect of current

magnitude as well as relative phase angle.

– Measurement of burden volts across each CT core.

– Measurement of current magnitude in panels internal wiring.

vi) Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CVT) and Voltage Circuits

a) Tests of insulation resistance (Megger test)

– Primary winding-ground
– Primary to each secondary winding
– Secondary to ground and between secondary windings

b) Measurement of winding resistance at each tap

c) Verification of polarities:

– In case polarity of CVT windings cannot be verified with the flick test,
phase angle meter shall be used to check the phase angle between the
primary injected voltage and secondary output.

d) Verification of voltage ratio at each tap by primary injection.

e) Capacitance and dissipation factor measurements.

f) Verification of voltage circuits:

– Verification of grounding of each voltage circuits at one point.
– If voltage circuits associated with VTs/CVTs cannot be verified with
primary injection, secondary injection shall be made from the terminal box
of the voltage transformers
– Measurement of related burden amperes for each core.
– Voltage selection for synchronizing system for each combination of circuit
breakers and disconnecting switches positions shall be checked.

g) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


h) Verification of grounding connections and continuity.

i) On-load/post energization tests shall be in respect of voltage magnitude, phase

angle and phase rotation at the test blocks; voltage magnitude and phase rotation
at the terminals of the major devices in the panels; measurement of burden current
for each core.

vii) Control and Recording Equipment

(1) Control Boards

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

b) Verification of ac & DC auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.

e) Verification of calibration of adjustable devices such as timers

f) Verification of calibration of electrical indicating instruments:

– Calibration of each indicating instrument shall be verified by secondary
– Injected quantities shall correspond to 25% , 50% , 75% , 100%, 125% and
full scale of the instrument.
– For MW and MVAR meters and recorders tests shall also be carried out for
at least the following combinations of magnitude and power factor of the
* 100% Load Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees
* 50% Load Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees
* 25% Load Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees

g) Functional tests of controls, indications, alarms, annunciations.

h) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity, control, ventilation, internal
i) On-load tests:
– Current circuits: Measurement of current magnitude; relative phase angle,
burden volts
– Voltage circuits: Measurement of voltage magnitude, phase angle, phase
rotation and burden amperes
– Directional checks of power meters
2) Fault Recorders
a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)
b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.
c) Verification of grounding connections.
d) Verification of MCBs operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.
e) Verification of calibration of adjustable devices such as timers
f) Verification of calibration of each analogue channel by secondary injection.
g) Functional tests of analogue channels.
h) Functional tests/triggering verification for each logic channel.
i) Verification of functioning of each peripheral device.
j) Functional tests of indications, alarms, and annunciation.
k) Verification of battery back-up and power-down and power-up function of
real time clock.
l) Verification of time synchronization with local event recorder.
m) Verification of time synchronization with remote time source i.e. radio time
signals or GPS signals.
n) Functional tests of panels' /cubicles’' humidity control, ventilation, internal

3) Events Recorders
a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)
b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.
c) Verification of grounding connections.
d) Verification of MCBs' operation at settings of thermal/magnetic relays.
e) Verification of calibration of adjustable devices such as timers
f) Tests to verify point programming and functioning of each input.
g) Verification of functioning of each peripheral device.
h) Verification of battery back-up and power-down and power-up function of
real time clock.
i) Verification of time synchronization with local event recorder.
j) Verification of time synchronization with remote time source i.e. radio time
signals or GPS signals.
k) Functional tests to verify alarms, indications, annunciations.
1) Functional tests of panels'/cubicles` humidity control, ventilation, internal

4) Metering Boards

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.

e) Verification of calibration of each energy meter and MW/MVAR/Voltage

recorder by secondary injection:
– Injected quantities for recorders shall correspond to at least 25%, 50%,
75%, 100%, 125% and full scale of the instrument
– For MW and MVAR recorders and energy meters, tests shall also be
carried out for at least the following combinations of magnitude and
power factor of the measurands:
* 100% Load: Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees
* 50 % Load: Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees
* 25 % Load: Angle 0, +30, +60, +90, -30, -60, -90 degrees

f) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


g) On-load tests:
– Current circuits: Measurement of current magnitude, relative phase
angle, burden volts
– Voltage circuits: Measurement of voltage magnitude, phase angle,
phase rotation and burden amperes
– Directional checks of power recorders and energy meters.

4) Control Cubicles

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of calibration of adjustable devices such as timers

e) Verification of. MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.

f) Functional tests to verify alarms, indications, annunciations.

g) Functional tests of humidity control, ventilation, internal illumination.

viii) Protection Boards

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) General tests on each protective device including contactors, timers, auxiliary

relays etc. as per the manufacturers’ recommended procedures and tests

e) Verification of protective devices calibration at the final settings.

f) Verification of protective devices characteristics

g) Verification of MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases

h) Functional tests of protective devices including operation of, power swing

blocking relays, auto-reclosers etc.

i) Functional tests of protection tele-signalling.

j) Functional tests of complete protection schemes.

k) Functional tests of indications, alarms, annunciations.

1) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


m) On-load tests:
– Verification of current circuits
– Verification of voltage circuits
– Directional tests
– Tests of differential protections by de-stabilising the current circuits.

ix) Control and Power Cables

1) HT/ LT Cables

a) Verification of insulation resistance (Megger test):

– Core-Ground/Shield/Armour
– Core-Core

b) Verification of core(s) continuity.

c) High voltage/Dielectric tests.

d) Verification of shield continuity and grounding.

e) Verification of armour continuity and grounding.

f) Verification of tightness of connections.

2) LT Cables

a) Verification of insulation resistance (Megger test): -core-core, core-


b) Verification of core(s) continuity

c) Verification of shield/armour continuity.

d) Verification of shield/armour grounding

e) Dielectric tests:- 2000V ac, one minute

f) Verification of tightness of connections.

3) HT Cables

a) Verification of insulation resistance (Megger test): -core-core, core-


b) Verification of core(s) continuity

c) Verification of shield/armour continuity.

d) Verification of shield/armour grounding

e) Dielectric tests:- 2000V ac, one minute

f) Verification of tightness of connections.

x) Grounding and Lightning System

1) Grounding System

a) Visual verification of each grounding connection

b) Verification of tightness of grounding connections as per recommended


c) Verification of effectiveness of substation grounding system by an appropriate

method commensurate with installations involving large mesh.

d) Continuity tests of each grounding connection,

e) Measurement of grounding resistance with earth resistance tester:

– Each neutral connection of transformer.
– Each surge arrester connection
– Building grounding
– Panels and equipment inside the buildings

2) Outdoor and Indoor Lighting System

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary/power, supply magnitude and


c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.

e) Verification of automatic and manual switching.

f) Measurement of circuit loading.

g) Verification of illumination levels.

h) Functional tests to verify alarms, indications,, annunciations.

i) Functional tests of humidity control, ventilation, internal illumination.

3) Outdoor And Indoor Power Sockets

a) Measurement of insulation resistance. (Megger tests)

b) Verification of grounding connections.

c) Verification of MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic releases.

d) Check of voltage magnitude and phase rotation for each three phase power

e) Check of voltage magnitude and correct phase-connection for balanced load

for single- phase sockets.

t) Functional tests to verify alarms, indications, annunciations.

xi) AC And DC Auxiliary Supplies ;

1) HT Switchgear

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

b) Verification of AC & DC auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) High voltage tests.

e) Current Transformers Tests: - Insulation; polarity, winding resistance,

magnetizing curves, ratio:

f) Voltage Transformer Tests:- Insulation, polarity, winding resistance, ratio.

g) Verification of current and voltage circuits with primary injection.

h) Verification of relays settings with secondary injection.

i) Verification of calibration of indicating instruments.

j) Verification of calibration of energy meters.

k) DC and AC control circuits checks.

1) Breaker charging motor: measurement of starting and running current.

m) Functional tests for control, automatic changeover, protection, indications,

alarms and annunciation circuits.
n) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal

o) On-load tests.

2) LT Switchgear

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests).

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) High voltage tests.

e) Current Transformers Tests:- Insulation; polarity, winding resistance,

magnetizing curves, ratio:

f) Voltage Transformer Tests:- Insulation, polarity, winding resistance, ratio.

g) Verification of current and voltage circuits with primary injection.

h) Verification of relays settings with secondary injection.

i) Verification of calibration of indicating instruments.

j) Verification of calibration of energy meters.

k) DC and AC control circuits checks.

1) Breaker charging motor: measurement of starting and running current.

m) Functional tests for control, automatic changeover, protection, indications,

alarms and annunciation circuits.

n) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


o) On-load tests.

(3) DC Distribution Boards

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of polarity up to each outgoing circuit breaker/MCB.

e) Verification of breakers/MCB’s operation at settings of thermal/magnetic


f) Verification of calibration of relays & timers at settings

g) Verification of calibration of indicating instruments

h) Verification of no-AC on-DC circuits.

i) Earth fault/earth leakage check for positive arid, negative polarities.

j) Functional tests of control, automatic changeover, protection, indications,

alarms; annunciations

k) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation, internal


1) On-load tests:- Measurement of loading of each circuit.

(4) AC Distribution Boards

a) Measurement of insulation resistance (Megger tests)

b) Verification of ac & dc auxiliary supply magnitude and polarity/phasing.

c) Verification of grounding connections.

d) Verification of voltage and phasing up to each outgoing breaker/MCB.

e) Verification of breakers/MCB operation at settings of thermal/magnetic


f) Verification of calibration of relays & timers at settings

g) Verification of calibration of indicating instruments

h) Functional tests of control, protection, indications, alarms, annunciations

i) Functional tests of panels/cubicles humidity control, ventilation; internal


j) On-load tests:- Measurement of loading of each circuit.

xii) Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System

a) Verification of calibration of protective devices.

b) Verification of calibration of gauges and monitoring instruments.

c) Verification of calibration of adjustable devices such as timers.

d) Functional tests of control, protection, indication, annunciations, alarms.

xiii) Temperature Inside Panels, Cubicles, Marshalling Kiosks

Recording of temperatures inside the panels, cubicles and marshalling kiosks:

– Temperature to be measured after panels, cubicles, marshalling kiosks have

been energized with ac and dc supplies and all devices mounted therein have
been in service for sufficient time.

– Ambient temperatures i.e. room temperature for indoor equipment, yard

temperature for outdoor equipment to be recorded.

xiv) Coordinated Functional Tests of Control, Protection, Metering and

Monitoring Systems

Functional tests shall be carried out to verify COORDINATED functioning of the

control, protection, metering and monitoring systems.

xv) Miscellaneous

a) Performance of additional tests to verify characteristic(s) and functions

peculiar to the design of an equipment or system device installed at the
substation/utilised in the protection, control, metering and monitoring systems
shall be assessed at the detailed engineering and implementation stages.

b) Visual inspections of equipment and devices shall be carried out in respect of

damage, labelling, alignment, dust proofing, sealing against vermin etc.

c) Humidity and vibration recording devices are fitted to the equipment and
systems for monitoring during transportation. Recordings of these devices
shall be inspected upon arrival/installation at the site. Copies of the recordings
shall be made part of the site test books.

d) High voltage tests shall be performed on the equipment in accordance with the

e) Applicable tests and verifications mentioned in the above sections and sub-
sections shall be applicable to all the equipment and systems not specifically
mentioned herein above but may be installed at the substation.
1. PV Field Area
PV field area has two major division that’s are given below
a. Installation of tracker system and PV plates
b. DC/AC cable laying directly buried in trench and PV area earthing.
A. Installation of tracker system and PV plates
We have experienced and will aware technical and skilled for this work. They worked
according to drawings. First we will prepare the tracker material as per drawing the
workshop after we do it installed on the foundation steel channel. Installed the major
beam of tracker system. Then we installed moving part of tracking system on the beams.
After moving part we installed tie beams on it.
Open the box of PV plates in the presentation of client or EPC contractor and check any
kind of damaged material. If damaged material is available inform the client on the time.
After open the box and get installed the plates on the tie beam as per drawing instruction
under supervision of engineers and supervisors.
i. Erection of steel structure beam for moving tracking system
ii. Erection of moving part
iii. Erection of tie beam for PV plates
iv. Erection of PV plates
v. Connection of PV strings to combiner box
vi. Connection of combiner box to inverter through DC cable
vii. Inverter connected to LV panel through LV cables
viii. LV panel connected to transformer

Division of teams as per worked done in parallel.

B. DC/AC cable laying

For the cable laying as per approved drawing instructions directly buried in the soil after
excavation. It has different procedures followed by the client.
i. Excavation of trench as per drawing given detail depth and width
ii. Laying of sand layer before cable laying
iii. Cable laying
iv. Sand layer
v. Bricks
vi. Warning tape
vii. Soft Soil
This is the total procedure of cable laying the PV area. All of cables laying
through this method and procedure. All cables has given specific distance between
each other’s. Cables of different types used in the trench like AC/DC,
Communication, Optical fibre cables, Lightening cables etc.

Earthing system.

For earthing flat strip we dig the trench as per approved level and directly buried
and backfill it.

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