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Plastic Deformation of Materials: Concepts

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APL 102

IIT Delhi
F Area=A

1  D Shear stress

Area = As b

Plastic Deformation of Materials
Concepts: slip systems; critical resolved shear stress (CRSS); Schmid law; theoretical shear strength;

Lecture 28
IIT Delhi
Plastic deformation of Materials
 Externally, permanent shape change begins at sy
 Internally, what happens?
Remains same Crystal structure Becomes random/
Mechanisms of Plastic deformation change amorphous

Twinning: occurs when slip is difficult, How slip can lead to shape change?
e.g. Low T
Focus on Slip: Because slip is the most
common and easy mechanism of deformation
at different T  

Slip Planes, Slip Directions, Slip Systems

Slip systems (combination of slip plane and slip direction)
IIT Delhi

Slip systems in common

crystal classes
Slip Systems
IIT Delhi

Crystal Slip Slip Slip

Plane Direction Systems
FCC {111} <110> 4x3=12
(4 planes) (3 per plane)
BCC {110} <111> 6x2=12
(6 planes) (2 per plane)
HCP {0001} <11 0> 3x1=3
(1 plane) (3 per plane)
IIT Delhi
Slip Systems in FCC Crystal

z (111)

Slip Systems
IIT Delhi

Crystal Slip Slip Slip

Plane Direction Systems
FCC {111} <110> 4x3=12
(4 planes) (3 per plane)
BCC {110} <111> 6x2=12
(6 planes) (2 per plane)
HCP {0001} <11 0> 3x1=3
(1 plane) (3 per plane)

Generally speaking, as we come down the tendency of material to exhibit limited

plasticity increases, which can be attributed to limited slip systems
IIT Delhi

Slip lines in the

microstructure of
plastically deformed Cu

Microstructure Laboratory experiment

Refer W. D. Callister
Tensile vs Shear Stress
IIT Delhi

 Plastic deformation takes place by slip

 Slip requires shear stress

IIT Delhi
Question for thought

Then, how does plastic deformation take place during

a tensile test?
IIT Delhi

σ: Applied tensile stress

N: Slip plane normal (close packed plane)

D: Slip direction (close packed direction)
1  D
1: angle between σ and N

2 =angle between σ and D

Is there any shear stress on the slip plane in the

slip direction due to the applied tensile stress?
Resolved Shear stress
IIT Delhi

F Area=A
s = F/ A

FD = F cos 2

As = A/cos 1
1  D

F F cos 2
 RSS  D 
Area = As
cos 1
 cos 1 cos 2
F  RSS  s cos 1 cos 2 Schmid’s Law:
cos 1 cos 2 Schmid’s factor
IIT Delhi


No resolved shear stress on

planes parallel or perpendicular
to the loading axis

cos 2 = 0 cos 1 = 0
Critical Resolved Shear Stress
IIT Delhi

Erich Schmid
 RSS  RSS  s cos 1 cos 2 (1935)
s discovered that
if a crystal is
 CRSS stressed, slip
N begins when the
1 
D shear stress on a
slip system
reaches a critical
cos 1 cos 2 value, τCRSS

Elastic deformation sy Plastic s


s  CRSS  s y cos 1 cos 2

Critical Resolved Shear Stress
IIT Delhi

Minimum value of the resolved shear stress ( RSS )

at which plastic deformation begins in the material

 CRSS  s y cos 1 cos 2

Stress less than above then no plastic deformation

Active slip system
IIT Delhi

cos 1a cos  2a

Slip system with highest Schmid

 CRSS factor is the active slip system

Slip systems with high Schmid

cos  cos  2
b b
factor would achieve CRSS value
at much lower yield stress

sy s

 CRSS  s y cos 1 cos 2

IIT Delhi

Magnitude of
Critical Resolved Shear
Theory (Frenkel 1926)
IIT Delhi
Theoretical Potential
Theoretical estimation of
Critical resolved shear
shear Stress: Also known
as ideal or theoretical
strength Strength of the crystal

Shear stress    G / 2

b/2 b

Theoretical shear strength
IIT Delhi

As a first approximation the  2x 

stress-displacement curve can be    m Sin 
 b 
written as
At small values of displacement x
Hooke’s law should apply
  G  G
 2x 
 For small values of x/b  m 
 b 
Hence the maximum shear G b
m 
stress at which slip should occur 2 a
If b ~ a m 
Theoretical shear strength
IIT Delhi

Theoretical strength of crystal is fraction of shear modulus

 The shear modulus of metals is in the range 20 – 150 GPa

m  The theoretical shear stress will be
2 in the range 3 – 30 GPa
Critical Resolved Shear Stress
IIT Delhi

Theory Experiment Ratio

(GPa) (MPa) Theory/Exp
Fe (BCC) 12 15 800

Cu (FCC) 7 0.5 14,000

Zn (HCP) 5 0.3 17,000

 Actual shear stress is 0.5 – 15 MPa

 i.e. (Shear stress)theoretical > 1000 * (Shear stress)experimental !!!!

Several orders of magnitude difference

IIT Delhi
Real crystals are significantly
weaker than what is predicted
from the model


This can be explained by

Dislocations in crystals
IIT Delhi

 Mid-Semester feedback is open in ‘Moodle’

Give your sincere feedback!

 Minor II Syllabus: After minor I topics (i.e. from Thermodynamics) to

27th September lecture topic (i.e. Deformation behaviour)

 Minor II Exam Schedule:

Date: 06th October (Friday)
Location: LH – 121 & LH – 310
Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

 Quiz and Rechecked Minor 1 copies will be placed in UG Materials lab.

Please collect them from today afternoon.

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