Design Alum Cladding - AC1
Design Alum Cladding - AC1
Design Alum Cladding - AC1
0 Design Loading
1.1 Wind on R/F:
Max Level: Lvmax:= 16.710 m
Level of Ground: LvG := 8.070 m
Height above ground: h := 8.64 m 1 of 3
Basic Wind Pressure: qz := 1.958 kpa
Pressure Coefficient: Cp := 2.00 or -2.00
Design Wind Load WL := 1.4qz* Cp
= 5.48 or -5.48 kPa
A. Loading Design
Design Wind Load: WL: = 5.48 kPa
Design Imposed Load: (Refer to Table 3.8, note 2, Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads 2011)
LL: = 0.75 kPa (lightweight material: metal sheet)