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for Engineers & Technicians


• Types of HV & MV tests performed
• Good industry practice in performing these tests
• The need for testing of MV and HV electrical equipment
• Various types of HV equipment encountered in industry
• Stage wise testing performed on electrical equipment
• Testing equipment used
• The need for good record keeping on tests conducted
• Role of standards on testing approach, test basis and
interpretation of results
• National test labs and their importance in quality assurance


• Instrumentation and Control Engineers
• Consulting Engineers
• Electrical Engineers
• Project Engineers
• Maintenance Engineers
• Power System Protection and Control Engineers
• Building Service Designers
• Data Systems Planners and Managers
• Electrical and Instrumentation Technicians

Testing is an essential activity in any engineer's DAY ONE DAY TWO
career. Whatever your role in industry - electrical
designer, purchase engineer, manufacturer, INTRODUCTION TRANSFORMER TESTING
installation contractor or maintenance engineer, a • HV and MV equipment • Tests to be performed on transformers
solid knowledge of electrical tests to be carried • Need for testing - Insulation/tank oil/tapchanger
out on a given piece of HV and MV electrical compartment oil/bushing oil
• Purpose of testing
equipment and interpretation of results obtained,
• Categories of tests normally performed • Induced over voltage tests
is a necessity. This workshop is designed to
• Winding resistance measurement
familiarise you with various aspects of testing INSULATION TESTING
general electrical equipment and high voltage • Ratio testing
• Purpose of insulation testing - Why and
testing in particular. • Vector group verification
when is it done?
• Tests for transformer losses
Examples will be used from various international • Equipment which requires insulation
standards regarding the procedures for testing • Partial discharge testing
conducting tests and interpreting the results. The • Insulation to ground and insulation • Tan Delta testing for dryness of winding
need for keeping proper records of tests between phases and bushing
conducted both in the initial stages and later • Types of insulation testers • Instruments to be used for testing
during routine maintenance will be discussed. • Construction of a tester • Practical demonstration
Some of the tests are too complex to be • Connections of tester to test equipment CT TESTING
performed on a routine basis or may require • Safety precautions to be taken during test • Ratio test of current transformers (ct’s)
specialised equipment which may not be • Discharging after test • Test with rated burden
normally available to user industries or even • Noting of readings and interpretation • Polarity testing
manufacturers. This is where the services of an • Determining dryness of insulation by • Magnetising current and knee point
independent and accredited test lab is useful. The insulation test using absorption ratio voltage measurement
role of such labs will be briefly discussed. • Practical demonstration of insulation • Insulation test and high voltage test
testing • Instruments to be used for testing

Some working knowledge of basic electrical • Purpose of testing PT TESTING

equipment is required, although this will be • AC and DC Hipot tests and equipment on • Ratio test of potential transformers (pt’s)
covered at the beginning of the course. Real-life which it is done • Test with rated burden
experience with such equipment and hands-on • Test equipment/block diagram and • Polarity testing
testing will enable the workshop to be placed in construction details
• Magnetising current measurement
context. • Connections of tester to test equipment
• Insulation and HV tests
• Safety precautions to be taken during test
• Instruments to be used for testing
• Discharging after test
• Practical demonstration
• Noting of readings and interpretation
PRACTICAL SESSIONS • Test voltages for different equipment DUCTOR TESTING
based on applicable standards • Description of instrument
While we are unfortunately not able to access a • Precautions to be taken during test • Working principle
HV switchyard during the presentation, a mixture • Discharging after test • Use of ductor for verifying contact
of videos, equipment and exercises will be used • Noting of readings and interpretation resistance of circuit breakers
to illustrate key principles with six sessions. • Practical demonstration of high voltage • Precautions to be taken during
test equipment measurement
• Comparing with earlier results for
OIL TESTING analysis
• Why does oil need to be tested? • Practical demonstration
• Dielectric test using high voltage testing
ON-SITE TRAINING • Relation between electrodes and test
voltage SUMMARY
— contact us for a proposal today • Test voltages as per applicable standards
IDC Technologies unique on-site training • Tests of acidity
delivery service can save your company up to • Effect of additives
50%, or more, off the total per-head costs • Other possible uses of oil testing
associated with delegates attending a public (dissolved gas analysis)
workshop. One of our qualified and experienced • Improvement of dielectric strength by
Instructors can discuss the content with you, filtration
then come to your venue and present a • Practical demonstration of oil dielectric
workshop designed to your own specifications! testing
Why not call or e-mail and ask about having
components from a number of courses
combined together? It's affordable, effective,
convenient and much easier than you may have
"Technology Training that Works" we mean it!
Try us soon and see the difference. For more
information, or a customized proposal to run
any of our practical workshops at your own
venue, contact your nearest business
development manager for manager (see page

idc@idc-online.com • www.idc-online.com

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