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Mixed Martial Arts.: Aaron Russo

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Laksamana College of Business

Centre Code: 92047

Programme Title BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business - RQF

Unit No. 2 Unit Title Marketing Essentials

Developing and Evaluating a Basic Marketing Plan for
Assessment No. 2 Assessment Title
Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts.
Target learning
Assessor Mr. Maksud Djavadov
November 15,
Date Given Nov 1, 2018 Date Due Date Submitted

Lead Internal
Resubmission Resubmission
Date Given Date Due

Student ID Student Name

Batch Code Group No Full Time/ Part Time – Group – Class (Day + Time)

Internal Verification of Assignment Brief (Approved / Final Version)

IV Name (print) Aaron Russo Date 10/29/2018

I _______________________________ affirm that the attached work is entirely my / Student Signature Date
our own except where the words or ideas of other writers are specifically acknowledged
through the use of inverted commas and in-text references.
This assignment has not been submitted for any other Unit as LCB (or other institution.
I have revised, edited and proofread this paper submission.

Lecturer Comments

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 1.
Assessor Date

Student Agreement:

I Understand the feedback given to me and agree to carry out the action required by the dates indicated
Student Signature: Date


This assessment is based on an imaginary case study which will focus on your abilities to develop and evaluate a
basic marketing plan.


A martial arts studio, Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts (http://www.khalifamixedmartialarts.com/ -

https://www.bizbrunei.com/2018/01/entrusted-greatness-khalifa-mma/ ) based in Brunei wants to attract more
customers and expand to 3 more locations in BSB. They hired you as their marketing manager to help them achieve
the desired objectives, which is to gain more customers and expand. The specifics are up to you. Since you have
been studying marketing for some time, they trust that you can come up with a specific marketing plan.

Required Task
P4 - Produce and evaluate a basic marketing plan for an organisation.

Task 1 (P4 – LO3) – Using the above scenario as your framework and point of reference,
along with the listed websites, produce and evaluate a basic marketing plan by choosing 2
- 3 target market segments (that are related – e.g. children, athletes, professionals, youth,
health conscious, etc.) to create just ONE marketing plan for Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts.

You are free to choose any marketing plan structure you wish, however, your marketing
plan must contain the following sections (with the required information);

 Executive Summary
 Marketing Objectives
 Target Market analysis
 Situational Analysis & SWOT
 Specifics of 7Ps
 Finance
 Evaluation and Monitoring

Evidence Format: Paragraph format only.

Further information on achieving Merit and Distinction can be found in the matrix below.

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcome Specific Criteria Assessor’s Decision & Comments

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 2.
P4 - Produce and
LO3 - Develop and evaluate a basic
evaluate a basic marketing plan for
marketing plan. an organization.

M 4 - Merit will be
awarded if in the
response for task
LO3 - Develop and one, a student
evaluate a basic produces a detailed,
marketing plan. coherent evidence-
based marketing
plan for, Khalifa
Mixed Martial Arts.

D 2 - Distinction will
be awarded if in the
response for task
one, a student
LO3 - Develop and accurately applies all
evaluate a basic 7Ps of marketing to
marketing plan. achieve the overall
objectives of Khalifa
Mixed Martial Arts.

Source of Information:
American Marketing Association – www.ama.org
Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.khalifamixedmartialarts.com/
Celestial, R. I. (n.d.). Khalifa Mixed Martial Arts. Retrieved from

Report Format
 Use a standard business report structure.
 Word process the report.
 Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman script.

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 3.
 Use the APA Referencing style system
 Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.
 Your assessment should be submitted along with a soft-copy in the form of an attachment to an email.
Assessments submitted without a soft-copy will not be accepted.
 You must submit a Turnitin report along with the hard copy of your assessment. The report should not
exceed 10%.

Plagiarism and Collusion

Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In this context the
definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:

Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work, the work, written or otherwise, of any other
person (including another student) or of any institution.

Examples of forms of plagiarism include:

• The verbatim (word for word) copying of another’s work without appropriate and correctly presented
• The close paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation,
without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement;
• Unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work;
• The deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own.

All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written work, diagrams, designs,
engineering drawings and pictures.

Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e.g. in the case of group projects), two or more students
consciously collaborate in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in an
identical, or substantially similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts.
Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorized co-operation between a student and another person in the
preparation and production of work which Extension
is presentedand latestudent’s
as the submission

If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests can me made using a course work extension request form
available from the college. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework
deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension. The completed form must be
accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 4.
Glossary of BTEC Directive Terms
Account For Requires more than a description. An explanation of the topic is
needed giving reasons why.
Analyse Break down a complex topic into simpler parts, exploring patterns and
explaining significance
Assess See Evaluate
Compare Identify and explain similarities and differences
Contrast Identify and explain differences
Demonstrate Show awareness and understanding
Describe Give description of major features
Discuss Present and examine clearly the various views on a topic or issue
Evaluate Examine the strengths and weaknesses and judge the merits of
particular perspectives
Examine Lay out the essential elements of an issue and investigate in detail.
Explain Show clearly knowledge and understanding of a topic
Explore Examine or investigate a topic or issue, often in an imaginative way
Identify Pick out and describe main points
Illustrate Give examples to clarify the argument or answer
Interpret Clarify or explain the meaning
Investigate A careful and systematic inquiry into a topic or issue
Justify Provide reasons why something is valid
Outline Identify the main features
Research Use a variety of sources to establish facts or collect information
Review Write a critical assessment
Significance Consequence or importance
Specify Identify clearly and definitely

Executive summary

A basketball academy that provides weekly basketball sessions to enthusiastic and passionate kids and youth ages
from 4 to 17 year old in Brunei

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 5.
Marketing objectives:

-Primary objectives is to turn Shooting Stars into key point of consideration for parents to enroll their
children when the idea of sports & games to their mind.

- To become the most known sport camp in Brunei by increasing our media following.

Targets market analysis:

-Both gender

-6 to 17 years old

- kg to primary

- Student

- affordable

- Factors that influence services especially unique not much people offer this service

- Doctors

- sportsmanship

Situational analysis and SWOT:

- Strengths

- Opportunity: offer sports to primary schools

Specific of 7p’s:

Process- simple face to face sign up process, Provide specific steps on how to sign up your children on
our Facebook page

Price- Competition’s cheapest price to $20 and the most expensive charge is $60. On our instagram fliers
we should emphasize the price and put it at $50 per month because………………


- Primary cost will be spent on our cinema advertising


-Tracking on weekly basics on how many people visit the website

Marketing planning is the full written report that used on marketing strategy and marketing objectives in
order to achieve the goals


[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 6.
Marketing objectives:

To open up in all 3 locations in order to create awareness so that it could support by increasing its sales
by gaining its reputation. In order to achieve this, Khalifa should enroll people by introducing media to the
public by giving some games or competition where people could learn as well as the competition could
make a well known sport campaign in Brunei that have being made for long time. It provide a place where
people could train Brazilian Jiujitsu provide strength and conditioning (S&C) programs and Kickboxing
Conditioning programs to help build functional strength, endurance and improve cardiovascular fitness.
Based on the article, doctors will also offered in order to make a medical checkup so that body could be
stay fit and healthier

Target market analysis:

Khalifa would target its market by offering for both gender with an age of 14 and above and it could be
useful especially for people who are obesity is the benefit to maintain their healthy weight. Currently, it
also provide the program for children age between 8-14 years old as well as BJJ for women which it
would be trained and teach by Fazi. Any people whoever work in private or public sector, retirement as
well as student profession could also be encourage to be participate in this sport gym. The level of
income could depend on their own or parents (especially for people who are still study) or could be
affordable. Factors of influence this service is that not much people offering this service as not all the
people are interested in doing gym. Friends and family would also be welcomed to join Khalifa so it helps
to influence its target market segmentation. Not only that, people could join after their long working hours
to reduce their stress. By target its market analysis, Khalifa should be able to solve any problems that
could be occurred to them. Based on the article, doctors will also offered in order to make a medical
checkup so that body could be stay fit and healthier

Medium level too high, people who work at the banker (mostly for people who work for long hours
especially for those people that work in the office)

Situational SWOT analysis:

Strength- According to the article mentioned above, Khalifa Martials art is the opened within Brunei that
offer wide variety of BJJ to all the people. Eazy Anuar, the owner of Khalifa Martials Art stated that he
have won a boxing title especially BJJ which he achieved dozens of medals during the competition

Weakness- The weakness is that it might take consideration especially for parents on whether or not they
want to send their children to learn the fitness. Teenagers age 20 above would be in different situation
where they could depend on their own to enroll the fitness classes.

Opportunity- Offering the sport to thousands of people from the young to the elderly which gives an
opportunity to get in better shape. Khalifa could introduce by sending some representatives to share
about their gym especially in school to the students by having a conversation talk which gives them an
opportunity to have a try out their fitness gym as well as sharing their class on learning the procedure on
fitness as it is a way of target large audience so that they could expand their business by opening another
3 branches in Brunei. On the other hand, it gives an advantage especially for people who do not usually
do exercise by letting them to gain energy in order to make their work performance effectively.

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 7.
**Encourage their staff to make some flyer to the people (centre of population) to have an opportunity to
try out about gym offered by Khalifa.

Threat- It not only offers BJJ, Khalifa Martials Art could make their 3 branch locations by dividing into 3
categories of learning classes on MMA such as though our facebook page. Khalifa also holds personal
training whereby they could acquire their skills. Desire to do full time classes in order to persuade
coaching and manage the business.

Specific of 7p’s

Process- Simple way of teaching process in which it would provide step by step progress. Training also
offered. Provide specific procedure by looking and signing up Facebook/Instagram page so that people to
get access to more information about Khalifa.

Price- Walk in rates for classes are $10 and last for 60 to 90 minutes with monthly packages announced
at the end of this month


Place- Learning would be take place at the commercial blocks in Kiulap. Khalifa could also open another
3 branches locations in Brunei For example in Berakas,Gadong or Manggis to increase their sales
whereby it would be comfortable for the people to drop by so that they need not have to all the way to the
only commercial block (Long journey for some people). By doing this of expanding their business, it could
attract and retail new customers which it could improve sales as well as greater brand recognition



Physical environment-


Primary cost could spend on advertisement cinema, social media and newspaper in order to persuade
and inform customers. Flyer could be spent on finance as it is part of an advertisement that requires
printing cost for papers in order to give up to their customers especially when there is a promotion.

Executive Summary:

Khalifa Martial Art was set up in Brunei which provides Brazilian Jiujitsu that managed and controlled by
Eazy Anuar and his family. Nevertheless, Khalifa not only provide BJJ program, it also provide different
types of programs such as Muay Thai, submission grappling and Boxing. Eazy Anuar able to hold nearly
100 no.of good students as the more community

Evaluation & monitoring:

Trackling on the people on how many people have visits the website

[Mr. Maksud Djavadov] Marketing Essentials – September 2018 – January 2019 - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher
Nationals in Business - RQF – Unit 2 \[Assessment 2 © LCB] Page 8.

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