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Compressed Air Dryer

Boreas Variopulse
The intelligent Refrigeration Compressed

Why is Compressed Air processed? How does a Boreas work?

Compressed air is an essential form of driving and To process the compressed air, it is fed into the
process energy in all fields of industrial and produc- refrigeration compressed air dryer and is pre-cooled
tion manufacturing. Compressed air must be dry, in an air/air heat exchanger. This pre-cooling is con-
free of oil and clean to avoid expensive production ducted in counter-flow with the expelled, cooled
breakdowns. compressed air and therefore operates completely
without additional energy. Further cooling to the
Compressed air is produced by compressing air pressure dewpoint is conducted in a refrigerant/air
which is sucked into the compressor. This usually heat exchanger cooled by a refrigerant cycle.
contains pollutants, dirt particles and always mois- Throughout the entire cooling process, moisture is
ture in the form of water vapour, which condenses precipitated from the compressed air as conden-
spontaneously in the compressed air and can then sate and is automatically drained. Before being
lead to disruptions in operations and thereby to expelled the processed compressed air is re-heat-
substantial but avoidable costs. ed in the air/air heat exchanger by means of the
entering compressed air.

Variopulse: A technical Leader

in Dryer Control Systems
This microprocessor-based controller constantly
processes data such as the cooling temperature,
the pressure in the refrigeration cycle, the ambient
temperature and dryer-specific parameters and
thereby calculates the current operating status.

Depending on the demand on the refrigeration

compressed air dryer, the Variopulse controller reg-
ulates the performance of the condenser and the
compressor via a frequency converter or the suc-
tion pressure control. At a very low demand, the
refrigerant compressor is even switched off inter-
mittently. With its function as a thermal accumula-
tor, the heat exchanger permits a rapid response to
changing demands and prevents dewpoint peaks.

DV 1800 AP

Air Dryer: Boreas Variopulse

Frequency Converter or Suction The multifunction Display

Pressure Control – two Ways to one • Current pressure dewpoint
Objective: Energy-saving • Operating mode normal/
With the Boreas Variopulse DV 1800 AP to summer/automatic
DV 2800 AP, the performance of the refrigerant cir- • Energy consumption in relation
culation system is controlled in the partial load to the overall service life
range by a suction pressure control. This closes the • Error messages
suction pipe of the refrigerant compressor so that • Malfunction history
only a small proportion of the refrigerant flows • Expired maintenance intervals
through a bypass to the compressor. This then com- • Condensate drain operating status
presses less refrigerant than at peak load and • Operating hours
therefore consumes substantially less energy. • Refrigerant compressor on/off
• Current energy consumption
The Boreas Variopulse dryers sizes DV 3500 AP to
DV 28500 WP employ a frequency converter to
control the performance. With this system, a fre-
quency converter continuously controls the speed Features and Advantages
of one of the refrigerant compressor. • Variopulse controller as standard
• Permanently illuminated multifunction display
With these two control concepts and the Variopulse • Constant pressure dewpoint without
controller, the energy consumption falls in linear dewpoint peaks
proportion to the dryer load by up to 90 % at zero • Load-dependant energy consumption,
load. This leads to an extremely low energy con- reduction by up to 90 % in proportion to the rated
sumption in the zero, partial and peak load ranges. energy consumption
• Aluminium heat exchanger
• Level-controlled condensate drain
The Energy Costs exceed the Investment Costs • CAN-BUS interface for remote monitoring or to
within a very short Time.
read data using a laptop computer as standard
• Display adjustable for °C or °F
Energy-saving Energy 40–75 %
potential 24 %
• No energy-wasting hot gas bypass
• High overload capacity due to use of environmen-
tally friendly refrigerant R-134a

Operation and Armortisation

maintenance 14 % Installation (investment
2 % costs) 20 %

The intelligent Refrigeration Compressed

Aluminium Heat
• Generously proportioned
high performance air/air
and refrigerant/air heat
• Integrated condensate separation system
• Insensitive to dirt due to generously propor-
tioned flow ducts
• Low air pressure difference
• Insensitive to corrosion due to the use of alu-
minium in special production processes which
have been tried and tested for decades

R-134a as Refrigerant
The Boreas Variopulse types use as standard the
refrigerant R-134a. With an ozone depletion factor
of 0, this refrigerant for example loses less of its
efficiency at high ambient temperatures than other
common refrigerants. This leads to a substantial
reduction in the susceptability to failure of the

Piston Refrigerant Compressor

With permissible coolant temperatures of +2 to
+50 °C (atmospheric air or cooling water), the pis-
ton compressors used in the Boreas Variopulse
provide benefits over the frequently used scroll

Due to their design, scroll compressors work with

optimum effectiveness in only a narrow range of
operation. In contrast, piston com­pressors achieve
very good efficiency over a substantially wider
range. This leads to a low dewpoint at overload or a
lower energy consumption under partial loads in
comparison with scroll compressors.

DV 5500 AP

Air Dryer: Boreas Variopulse

Cabinet with
• Compact electri-
cal cabinet with
all operating units at the front
• Permanently illuminated display
indicating all relevant information

Frequency Converters
• The frequency converter used to control the per-
formance regulates the speed of the refrigerant
compressor (DV 3500 AP to 28500 WP)
• In the smaller refrigeration compressed air
dryers, the performance is controlled by a
solenoid valve in a suction pressure control sys-
tem instead of a frequency converter
(DV 1800 to 2800 AP)

Level-controlled Condensate Drain

All Boreas Variopulse refrigeration compressed air
dryers are equipped with a level-controlled conden-
sate drain. This fully prevents compressed air los-

High-performance Condensers
The entire Boreas Variopulse series is available with
both water-cooled plate condensers and air-cooled

Refrigerant Cycle
Mainly in high-quality copper pipe. At places sub-
ject to vibrations, stainless steel pipes are used to
attain long product life cycles.

Boreas Variopulse DV 1800AP to

Technical Data

Type Flow rate Flow rate Pressure Electrical Power consumption Cooling air Cooling water
drop connection kW consumption consumption

m3/h m3/min bar 3~/50 Hz 100 % 50 % 0 % m3/h m3/h

Peak load Partial load Zero load
DV 1800 AP 1800 30.0 0.12 400 V 3.1 1.7 0.4 4800 1.0
DV 2000 AP 2000 33.3 0.14 400 V 3.2 1.9 0.4 4800 1.1
DV 2300 AP 2300 38.3 0.19 400 V 3.4 2.0 0.4 4800 1.3
DV 2800 AP 2800 46.6 0.24 400 V 4.3 2.5 0.6 5200 1.6
DV 3500 AP 3500 58.3 0.11 400 V 6.9 4.0 0.8 9600 2.0
1 DV 4300 AP 4300 71.6 0.16 400 V 7.1 4.1 0.9 9600 2.5
DV 5500 AP 5500 91.6 0.24 400 V 10.8 6.2 1.4 10400 2.9
DV 7000 WP 7000 116.6 0.19 400 V 12.6 7.1 1.5 19200 4.0
2 DV 8750 WP 8750 145.8 0.17 400 V 15.3 8.6 2.0 19200 5.2
DV 10500 WP 10500 175.0 0.22 400 V 17.3 9.7 2.1 20800 6.4
DV 12500 WP 12500 208.3 0.22 400 V 21.9 12.1 2.7 23000 7.5
DV 14250 WP 14250 237.5 0.20 400 V 23.9 13.3 3.0 23000 8.5
DV 17500 WP 17500 291.6 0.17 400 V 30.6 17.3 3.8 38400 10.4
DV 21000 WP 21000 350.0 0.22 400 V 34.6 19.6 4.4 41600 12.8

DV 25000 WP 25000 416.6 0.22 400 V 43.8 24.3 5.5 46000 15.0
DV 28500 WP 28500 475.0 0.20 400 V 47.8 26.6 6.0 46000 17.0


Flow rate in relation to the suction status of the air compressor (+20 °C, 1 bar) at compressed air inlet +35 °C, operating pressure 7 bar, ambient tem-
perature + 25 °C, dewpoint +3 °C, measured at the dryer outlet according to DIN ISO 7183, power consumption at +25 °C ambient temperature/cooling
water temperature.

Operating pressure min. 2 bar max. 16 bar Inlet temperature max. +70 °C

Ambient temperature min. +2 °C max. +50 °C Noise level dB (A) < 80

Operating pressure (bar g) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Factor fp 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17

Compressed air inlet temperature (°C) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

Factor fti 1.20 1.00 0.82 0.67 0.55 0.45 0.38 0.34 0.30

Ambient temperature/cooling water temperature (°C) 25 30 35 40 45 50

Factor ftc 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.84 0.72 0.56

Pressure dewpoint (°C) 3 5 7 10 15

Corrected dryer performance =
Factor fta 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.35 1.58 Standard dryer performance x fp x fta x ftc x fti

DV 28500WP Twin: Technical data


Type Air Condensate Weight Dimensions

connections drain mm

DN DN kg Width Height Depth

DV 1800 AP 100 14 412 900 1725 1175

DV 2000 AP 100 14 420 900 1725 1175
DV 2300 AP 100 14 425 900 1725 1175
DV 2800 AP 100 14 435 900 1725 1175
DV 3500 AP 150 14 610 1200 1940 1200
1 DV 4300 AP 150 14 630 1200 1940 1200
DV 5500 AP 150 14 670 1200 1940 1200
DV 7000 WP 200 14 995 2225 1970 1200
2 DV 8750 WP 200 14 1165 2225 1970 1200
DV 10500 WP 200 14 1225 2225 1970 1200
DV 12500 WP 250 14 1710 3345 2030 1200
DV 14250 WP 250 14 1940 3345 2030 1200
DV 17500 WP 250 14 2730 2885 1970 3400
DV 21000 WP 300 14 2890 2885 1970 3400

DV 25000 WP 350 14 3860 4145 2080 3400

DV 28500 WP 350 14 4320 4145 2080 3400

Compressed Compressed
air inlet air outlet

Compressed air
Compressed air

DV 1800 AP-2800 AP

Compressed Compressed
air inlet air outlet


DV 3500 AP-14250 WP DV 17500 WP-28500 WP

Annual Energy Savings with the microprocessor-based Variopulse Controller as a
Unit with Suction Pressure Control or Speed Control with a Frequency Converter.

Annual gs Comparison of the energy consumption of different systems

en rgy
Boreas Variopulse Standard refrigeration Standard refrigeration Standard speed-
of 35 % DV 7000 WP compressed air dryer compressed air dryer controlled refrigeration
or more with hot gas controller with accumulator compressed air dryer

Flow rate 7000 m3/h 7000 m3/h 7000 m3/h 7000 m3/h

Pressure dewpoint 3 °C 3 °C 3 °C 3 °C

Annual energy consumption 37351 kWh 60574 kWh 49260 kWh 42965 Wh

Annual energy costs in Euros 2,988,– 4,846,– 3,941,– 3,437,–

This example of energy saving is based on the following principles: Industrial production in one shift, 5 working days per week, standby mode on days off work and an
electricity price of 8 Eurocents per kilowatt hour. The pressure loss is not taken into account in the calculation, but leads to additional energy costs of 40–80 %.

Compressed Air Filtration · Filters for Sterile Air, Steam and Liquids · Refrigerant
Drying · Adsorption Drying · Condensate Drains · Condensate Purification Systems ·
Process Air and Gas Processing

Total Filtration Management

Donaldson offers a wide variety of
solutions to reduce your energy costs,
improve your productivity, guarantee
production quality and help protect the
GB – 2012/1

Technical alterations reserved (6/2011)

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