Another Point of View
Another Point of View
Another Point of View
• Anger Management
• Conduct Disorder
• Disruptive Behavior
• Peer Conflict
Children who are oppositional frequently have difficulty recognizing how their own behavior can
escalate a conflict. Minor issues can snowball into major conflicts because of defiance and
oppositional behavior. The goal of this assignment is to help the child recognize alternatives and
become cognizant of the point of view of others.
Therapist’s Overview
Review the entire assignment with the child and use an example to illustrate each step of the
task. The homework assignment presents a problem-solving strategy. This assignment can also
aid in the development of empathy. The child is encouraged to begin to identify another point of
view when resolving a conflict.
Instruct the child that he/she can draw his/her responses or write them out. Younger children
might have difficulty writing and can complete this assignment with the assistance of a
The child should bring the completed worksheet to the therapy session. Review the homework
assignment and focus on strategies used to solve the problem.
The therapist can use this assignment multiple times throughout the course of therapy. When a
conflict is identified in the therapy session, the child can complete the problem-solving
worksheet as a homework assignment.
When facing a conflict with another individual, it is often very helpful to consider his/her point
of view.
Describe or draw a picture of a conflict that you had with another person.
Describe the other person’s point of view. How did he/she feel?