Heat Lecture 1 Handouts Kunal
Heat Lecture 1 Handouts Kunal
Heat Lecture 1 Handouts Kunal
(6) All these temperatures are related to each other by the following relationship
C 0 F 32 K 273 . 15 R 0 Ra 460
100 212 32 373 . 15 273 . 15 80 0 672 460
C F 32 K 273 R Ra 460
5 9 5 4 10 . 6
Thermal Expansion: (1) Thermal expansion is minimum in case of solids but maximum in case of gases because
intermolecular force is maximum in solids but minimum in gases.
(2) Solids can expand in one dimension (linear expansion), two dimension (superficial expansion) and three
dimension (volume expansion) while liquids and gases usually suffers change in volume only.
Application of Thermal Expansion in Solids
(1) Bi-metallic strip : Two strips of equal lengths but of different materials (different coefficient of linear expansion)
when join together, it is called “bi-metallic strip”, and can be used in thermostat to break or make electrical contact.
This strip has the characteristic property of bending on heating due to unequal linear expansion of the two metal. The
strip will bend with metal of greater on outer side i.e. convex side.
Steel Brass
(i) Due to increment in its time period, a pendulum clock becomes slow in summer and will lose time.
Loss of time in a time period T T
1 1
(ii) Time lost by the clock in a day (t = 86400 sec) i.e t t ( 86400 ) 43200 sec
2 2
(3) Thermal stress in a rigidly fixed rod : When a rod whose ends are rigidly fixed such as to prevent expansion or
contraction, undergoes a change in temperature, due to thermal expansion or contraction, a compressive or tensile
stress is developed in it. Due to this thermal stress the rod will exert a large force on the supports. If the change in
temperature of a rod of length L is then
L L 1
Thermal strain
(5) Expansion of cavity : Thermal expansion of an isotropic object may be imagined as a photographic enlargement.
So if there is a hole A in a plate C (or cavity A inside a body C), the area of hole (or volume of cavity) will increase when
body expands on heating, just as if the hole (or cavity) were solid B of the same material. Also the expansion of area (or
volume) of the body C will be independent of shape and size of hole (or cavity), i.e., will be equal to that of D.
6) Some other application : (i) When rails are laid down on the ground, space is left between the ends of two rails.
(ii) The transmission cable are not tightly fixed to the poles.
(iii) Test tubes, beakers and crucibles are made of pyrex-glass or silica because they have very low value of coefficient of
linear expansion.
(iv) The iron rim to be put on a cart wheel is always of slightly smaller diameter than that of wheel.
(v) A glass stopper jammed in the neck of a glass bottle can be taken out by warming the neck of the bottle
Thermal Expansion in Liquids
(1) Liquids do not have linear and superficial expansion but these only have volume expansion.
(2) Since liquids are always to be heated along with a vessel which contains them so initially on heating the system
(liquid + vessel), the level of liquid in vessel falls (as vessel expands more since it absorbs heat and liquid expands less)
but later on, it starts rising due to faster expansion of the liquid.
5) Anomalous expansion of water : Generally matter expands on heating and contracts on cooling. In case of
water, it expands on heating if its temperature is greater than 4°C. In the range 0°C to 4°C, water contracts on heating
and expands on cooling, i.e. is negative. This behaviour of water in the range from 0°C to 4°C is called anomalous
This anomalous behaviour of water causes ice to form first at the surface of a lake in cold weather. As winter
approaches, the water temperature increases initially at the surface. The water there sinks because of its increased
density. Consequently, the surface reaches 0°C first and the lake becomes covered with ice. Aquatic life is able to
survive the cold winter as the lake bottom remains unfrozen at a temperature of about 4°C. At 4°C, density of water is
maximum while its specific volume is minimum.
HEAT: Heat is a scalar quantity. It's units are joule, erg, cal, kcal etc.
() The calorie (cal) is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water from 14.5°C
to 15.5°C. (Also 1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4186 J and 1 cal = 4.18 J )
Heat always flows from a body of higher temperature to lower temperature till their temperature becomes equal
(Thermal equilibrium).
Specific Heat
When a body is heated it's temperature rises (except during a change in phase).
(1) Gram specific heat : The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a body
through 1°C (or K) is called specific heat of the material of the body. If Q heat changes the temperature of mass m by
then specific heat
(2) Molar specific heat : Molar specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one gram mole of the substance through a unit degree it is represented by (capital) C.
Molar specific heat (C) M Gram specific heat (c)
Units : calorie/mole °C
Q 1 Q
(M = Molecular mass of substance) C M w h e r e N, u m b e ro f m o l e s
m M
(1) Among all known solids and liquids specific heat of water is maximum i.e. water takes more time to heat and
more time to cool w.r.t. other solids and liquids.
(3) The variation of specific heat with temperature for water is shown in the figure. Usually this temperature
dependence of specific heat is neglected. 1.008
Sp. heat
cal/g C°
20 40 60 80 100
Specific Heat of Gases Temp. in
(1) In case of gases, heat energy supplied to a gas is spent not only in raising the temperature of the gas but also in
expansion of gas against atmospheric pressure.
(2) Hence specific heat of a gas, which is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram
of gas through a unit degree shall not have a single or unique value.
(3) If the gas is compressed suddenly and no heat is supplied from outside(ADIABATIC)) i.e. Q = 0, but the
temperature of the gas raises on the account of compression.
c Q 0 0
m ( ) m
(4) If the gas is heated and allowed to expand at such a rate that rise in temperature due to heat supplied is exactly
equal to fall in temperature due to expansion of the gas. i.e. = 0
c Q Q
m ( ) 0
Latent heat : The amount of heat required to change the state of the mass m of the substance is written as : Q = mL,
where L is the latent heat. Latent heat is also called as Heat of Transformation. It's unit is cal/gm or J/kg and Dimension:
2 2
[L T ]
(i) Latent heat of fusion : The latent heat of fusion is the heat energy required to change 1 kg of the material in its solid
state at its melting point to 1 kg of the material in its liquid state.
(ii) Latent heat of vaporisation : The latent heat of vaporisation is the heat energy required to change 1 kg of the
material in its liquid state at its boiling point to 1 kg of the material in its gaseous state.
(iii) Latent heat of vaporisation is more than the latent heat of fusion. This is because when a substance gets converted
from liquid to vapour, there is a large increase in volume. Hence more amount of heat is required.
Thermal Capacity and Water Equivalent
(1) Thermal capacity : It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the whole body
(mass m) through 0°C or 1K. Thermal capacity mc C
The value of thermal capacity of a body depends upon the nature of the body and its mass.
Dimension : [ ML 2 T 2 1 ] , Unit : cal/°C (practical) Joule/k (S.I.)
(2) Water Equivalent : Water equivalent of a body is defined as the mass of water which would absorb or evolve
the same amount of heat as is done by the body in rising or falling through the same range of temperature. It is
represented by W. If m = Mass of the body, c = Specific heat of body, = Rise in temperature.
Then heat given to body Q mc ….. (i)
If same amount of heat is given to W gm of water and its temperature also rises by . Then
heat given to water Q W 1 … (ii) [As c water 1 ]
From equation (i) and (ii) Q mc W 1 Water equivalent (W) = mc gm
(i) Unit : Kg (S.I.) Dimension : [ ML
] .
(ii) Unit of thermal capacity is J/kg while unit of water equivalent is kg. (iii) Thermal capacity of the body and its
water equivalent are numerically equal. (iv) If thermal capacity of a body is expressed in terms of mass of water it is
called water-equivalent of the body.