Problem Statement: What Is The Effect: Tabulation of Data
Problem Statement: What Is The Effect: Tabulation of Data
Problem Statement: What Is The Effect: Tabulation of Data
Problem statement : What is the effect 3. Submerge the Hydrilla into the boiling tube
of concentration of carbon dioxide on the containing 1.0% sodium hydrogen carbonate
rate of transpiration ? solution as shown in the diagram .
Hypothesis :When the concentration of 4. Put the boiling tube into a water bath at
carbon dioxide increases, the rate of room temperature and place the boiling tube
transpiration increases. at the distance of 50cm from a light source.
Procedure :
1. Fill a boiling tube with 150 ml of 1.0%
sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
Problem statement : Does the intensity of 4. The activity of yeast is observed. After 10
light effect the activity of yeast? minutes, the height of the coloured liquid in the
manometer are measured by ruler and recorded
Hypothesis :The activity of yeast is higher at a in a table.
low intensity of light.
5. A graph of the height of the coloured
Manipulated : Light intensity liquid in the manometer against the reciprocal of
Responding : Height of coloured liquid in the the distance from the light source is plotted.
Constant : Volume of yeast suspension , Tabulation of data :
Ph , temperature ,time taken
Boiling Distance Light Height of the
Apparatus & materials: Manometer tubes, tube from the intensity coloured
rubber tubings ,rubber stoppers , strings , light 1 liquid in
glass tubes, retort stands , boiling tube , source(cm) distance manometer
a lamp( 60W), ruler , clips , beaker , (cm)
Yeast suspension , coloured liquid. A
Problem statement : What is the effect 20. After two hours, the total volume of
of volume of the water intake on the collected urine is measured by using a
volume of urine produced by kidney? measuring cylinder and recorded.
21. Steps 2-10 are repeated for different
Hypothesis :When the volume of water volumes of drinking water(400ml ,
Intake increases, the volume of urine 600ml , 800ml, 1000ml).
produced increases. 22. Step 7 is conducted for four
consecutive days for a fixed time and
Manipulated : The volume of water intake place.
Responding : The volume of urine produced 23. Dispose of the measured urine
Constant : The same student properly.
24. Measure and record the data collected
Apparatus & materials: Beakers, stopwatch, into a table.
measuring cylinder ,cup, drinking water
Tabulation of data :
Procedure :
1. A student (Sample A )is chosen and Volume 200 400 600 800 1000
instructed to empty his bladder before the of water
start of the experiment. intake
2. 200ml of water is measured and (ml)
poured into a cup. Volume
3. A student (Sample A)is given 200ml of of urine
drinking water to drink. produced
4. A stopwatch is started immediately (ml)
after the student has consumed the water.
5. During the experiment, the student
kept in one room.
6. He is instructed not to eat or perform
any vigorous physical activities.
7. After 30 minutes, he is asked to
empty his bladder.
8. The collected urine is kept in a beaker.
9. The student is asked to empty his
bladder at 30 minutes intervals for two hours.