Question # 1: Distribution Substations
Question # 1: Distribution Substations
Question # 1: Distribution Substations
On page 2, under “Technical potential barrier … “, you state that “traditional reliability studies
assess reliability of the sub-transmission system and reliability of substations separately” Can you
explain this? Why do you distinguish between the subtransmission system and the substations? If at
the same voltage level, the substations would be part of the subtransmission system? Or not?
First we generate power at generating unit than we will step it up with the help of step-up-transmission
substation where step-up-transformer( for efficient power transformer voltage is stepped up) are attached
after the conversion this voltage send to the transmission grid A transmission bus is used to distribute
electric power to one or more transmission lines .And after this voltage send to the step down transmission
substation where voltage is stepped down and are located at switching points in an electrical grid. They
connect different parts of a grid and are a source for subtransmission lines or distribution lines. The step-
down substation can change the transmission voltage to a lower level for subtransmission system, the
voltage range of 34.5 KV to 69 kV. The subtransmission voltage lines can then serve as a source to
distribution substations. Sometimes, power is tapped from the subtransmission line for use in an industrial
facility along the way. Otherwise, the power goes to a distribution substation
So from the above background it can be clearly seen that substation and subtransmission system both are
entirely A substation is a high-voltage electric system facility. It is used to switch generators, equipment,
and circuits or lines in and out of a system. It also is used to change AC voltages from one level to another,
and/or change alternating current to direct current or direct current to alternating current. Some substations
are small with little more than a transformer and associated switches. Others are very large with several
transformers and dozens of switches and other equipment here are some basic classification of
subtransmission system
Step-up Transmission Substation
Step-down Transmission Substation
Distribution Substation
Underground Distribution Substation and the
substation components are listed below
1. Transformers
2. Circuit Breakers
3. Disconnecting Switches
4. Substation Bus
5. Lightning Arresters
6. Insulators and Conductors
7. Protective relays
8. Fuses
While on the other hand in subtransmission system Subtransmission is part of an electric power
transmission system that runs at relatively lower voltages. It is uneconomical to connect a distribution
substations to the high main transmission voltage, because the equipment is larger and more expensive.
Typically, only larger substations connect with this high voltage. It is stepped down and sent to smaller
substations in towns and neighborhoods. Subtransmission circuits are usually arranged in loops so that a
single line failure does not cut off service to a large number of customers for more than a short time. Loops
can be "normally closed", where loss of one circuit should result in no interruption, or "normally open"
where substations can switch to a backup supply, a radial configuration is the simplest and least expensive
(see Figure 1.15). But radial circuits provide the most unreliable supply; a fault on the subtransmission
circuit can force an interruption of several distribution substations and service to many customers. A variety
of redundant subtransmission circuits are available, including dual circuits and looped or meshed circuits
So from the above discussion it can be clearly said substation and subtransmission are entirely two different
network .The Subtransmission system through which we send power to the distribution substation (and
than it distribute power through the distribution transformer to home) so both are two different things and
the voltage level of substation and subtransmission system will not be same because if the voltage is same
than why we need to design a subtransmission system and it is mentioned earlier that it is not economical
to connect substation voltage directly to the distribution side and moreover both are different construction
wised so the protection scheme and the reliability technique should be applied differently , for instance if
we talk about distribution substation in which distribution transformer is attached it has different rating of
voltage as compared to the subtransmission system voltage (that attached before DS), So the associated
protective devices are different ,the risk involved in both these system are entirely different because of the
voltage difference ,components ,circuit breakers ,insulation etc .so reliability are performed separately
,further the voltage level of subtransmission system is not same with the substation and if due to any sort
of fault if they will get equalization then in this senioro protection system will play their function . Since
both they have different networking configuration (substation , subtransmission system) and different
voltage level so that’s why reliability technique should also be applied separately
Furthermore the figure given below show the complete idea how subtransmission and substation are
Figure 1 Substation
Figure 2 Typical Power system (Clearly mention different substation and subtransmission system)
Question # 2
On page 3, under “Methodology (…. “, you write that Monte Carlo method will
perform better in composite system and transmission system; but that state
enumeration will perform better for subtransmission system.
Can you explain why? What makes the subtransmission different, so that another
method performs better?
Since energy is generated at generating station with the help of power plant after this the generated voltage
will be stepped up with the help of step-up transformer (step-up transmission substation ) for the
transmission purpose ,and from this point our primary transmission network will start , we transmit high
voltage for the batter efficiency .After the primary transmission this voltage is send to the step down
transformer (step-down transmission substation) where voltage is step –down and then this fed to the
subtransmision system or secondary transmission system after this the voltage again step down with the
help of step-down transformer and fed to the distribution substation , and then primary and secondary
distribution network will work and provide energy to the consumers with the help of secondary distribution
So from the above background it can be clearly understand that in case of transmission system the voltage
are quite high so the associated risks are high like corona ,further the protection system associated with the
primary transmission system (like application of directional over current relay and the associated circuit
breaker rating are quite high) while on the other hand the subtransmission system will get the lower voltage
from the step down transmission substation the system voltage are lower as compared to the primary
transmission system so the associated factor have lower rating as compared to the PTS(Primary
Transmission system) and since , the subtransmission level has the overall responsibility to manage power
exchange and load curtailment bids to fulfill reliability commitments and customers’ requirements . Now
a day’s mostly researchers are using two main technique for the reliability evaluation
Let’s talk about in a mathematical manner the number of contingences is S and considered under a state
enumeration method up to a contingency level, r, can be calculated by the following equation
And since we don’t need to add all type of contingencies so to save time and to reduce the computation of
all the contingences there are many probabilistic techniques can be used. To deal with this issue we have
to deal with the outage probabilities or frequency of the system elements for screening. While on the other
hand if we talk about Monte Carlo Simulation technique in this method random statistical sampling
mechanism is utilized in the contingency selection as well as in selection of a system loading condition
where a system condition sample is randomly selected and tested with a randomly selected contingency.
The generation and transmission outages are selected randomly so this method will not be suitable for the
subtransmision system
Question # 3
A few lines further down in your text, you mention first that the approach can be
programmed in Excel or Matlab. But then you mention that the reliability network
architecture can be modelled in Power Factory or ETAP.
It is not clear to me what the difference is here between “the approach” and “the reliability
network architecture”. Can you explain better what you mean? Did you ever do any power-
system-reliability calculations in Matlab or in Excel?
Since our basic purpose is to design an efficient sub transmission system and for the high level of accuracy
we have to use different technical software for the testing purpose , by Approach means first we have to
develop a specific algorithm with appropriate assumptions for the reliability of sub transmission system
and then after this we will design a mathematical model with the help of (PSO ,fuzzy logic and neural
network ) , and after the successful completion and get the required result on MATLAB . We will move
towards the designing phase .i.e reliability network architecture in this step power factory and ETAP will
be used to evaluate and check the reliability indices of the sub transmission system some researcher are
using Power factory for this purpose but due to the shortcoming in this we have to use ETAP as well so
different physical network modelling different reliability evaluation technique and different network
configuration will be tested on ETAP , Power Factory and algorithm testing and mathematical modelling
testing will be done on MATLAB . Through this approach we have a clear picture and analyze in a batter
way to managing the reliability of subtransmission network and engineer can easily identify where the
actual fault is occur and through this we can easily estimate the unavailability of power (but since we will
model dual source subtransmission system so if one line fails than we can get energy from the other side)
The technical system indices (SAIDI and SAIFI), calculated by means of the simplified reliability approach, provide
an indication of the technical performance of the network.