Spojnice Armature
Spojnice Armature
Spojnice Armature
UDK: 624.
Mehaniþko nastavljanje armature, kao relativno nova Mechanical rebar splicing, representing relatively
tehnologija u graÿenju armiranobetonskih i spregnutih new technology in reinforced concrete and composite
konstrukcija, intenzivno se razvija u poslednje dve structures construction is under fast development for
decenije u svetu. Mnogo proizvoÿaþa, i sve širi several decades. Large number of manufacturers as well
asortiman proizvoda u vezi sa ovom tehnologijom, as wide assortment of products led to wider use of this
dovode do široke primene u graÿenju savremenih technology in contemporary structures construction.
konstrukcija. Mehaniþko nastavljanje armature preko Mechanical rebar splicing using couplers could be
spojnica (konektora ili kaplera), predstavlja svojevrsnu considered more as a supplement than substitution of
dopunu, a ne zamenu, klasiþnog naþina nastavljanja classical rebar splicing by overlapping or welding. It is
armature preklapanjem ili zavarivanjem. Odgovarajuüom possible to determine locations and situations where
tehnološkom, ekonomskom i konstrukterskom analizom mechanical rebar splicing is better solution than classical
mogu se definisati mesta primene kod kojih je splicing, using appropriate technological, economic and
mehaniþko nastavljanje armature bolji izbor od klasiþnih structural analysis.
naþina nastavljanja.
During the last decade, large number of different
U poslednoj deceniji razvijeno je i patentirano mnogo types of mechanical couplers were developed and
razliþitih tipova mehaniþkih spojnica. Po naþinu preno- patented. It is possible to classify mechanical couplers
šenja sile izmeÿu dve nastavljene šipke armature, meha- regarding the means of force transfer between two
niþke spojnice mogu se podeliti u sledeüe grupe [1]: spliced bars, as follows [1]:
Kod ovog tipa spojnica, krajevi armaturnih šipki koje This type of couplers is qualified by threaded ends of
treba nastaviti se narezuju, i zatim nastavljaju uvrtanjem reinforcing bars which are connected by crewing into the
u spojnicu sa urezanim navojem (Slika 1). U zavisnosti coupler with carved in threads (Figure 1). Depending on
od proizvoÿaþa, navoji mogu biti koniþni, ravni ili na manufacturer, the threads could be conical, flat or on a
proširenom delu šipke. Povoljnost koniþnog navoja je thickened part of the bar. Advantage of conical threading
mala razlika izmeÿu preþnika armature i spojnice, jedno- is very small difference between coupler and bar outer
stavno je pozicioniranje kraja šipke u spojnicu, uz mali diameter, as well as simple bar positioning into the
ugao obrtanja za postizanje punog spoja. Za narezivanje coupler, with a minimum screw rotation angle to achieve
koniþnog navoja, neophodan je originalan, relativno složen full connection. Special tool is needed for conical threading
2.2 Spojnice sa ispunom cementnom ili epoxy 2.2 Grouted sleeve coupler
Grouted sleeve coupler system implies that the force
Sistem spojnica sa ispunom podrazumeva da se sila transfers from the bar to the grout, than to the coupler
sa šipke prenese na ispunu, a zatim na spoljnu þauru. sleeve. The sleeve should have sufficient length to
Spoljna þaura ima dovoljnu dužinu da se omoguüi ensure the force transfer from bar to grout by
prenos sile sa šipke na ispunu prijanjanjem, a ujedno mechanical interlock, as well as to provide confinement
ima i funkciju utezanja ispune, þime se osigurava prenos to the grout. The grouts could be cement based,
sila sa rebara armaturne šipke na ispunu. Ispuna može metallic, or adhesive, and it can be inserted into the
biti na bazi cementa, metala ili epoksi smola, i može se sleeve before or after the positioning of the bar. Grouted
unositi u þauru pre ili posle postavljanja šipki. Spojnice sleeve couplers can be double-ended (Figure 2) or
sa ispunom mogu biti dvostrane (Slika 2), ili jednostrane, single-ended, where the sleeve is previously connected
gde je þaura prethodno povezana s jednom od šipki to the bar by some other mechanism.
zavarivanjem ili na drugi naþin.
Metalna þaura se posebnim alatom plastiþno A metallic sleeve can be plastically deformed,
deformiše tako da nalegne na rebrastu armaturu i swaged, onto the outside of a rebar, engaging the
poprimi njen oblik, þime se omoguüava transfer sila sa rebar’s deformations and enabling load transfer from the
šipke na deformisanu þauru i obrnuto (Slika 3.). bar to the sleeve and vice versa (Figure 3).
Kod mehaniþkih spojnica sa ugraÿenim vijcima, In case of bolted mechanical rebar couplers the
prenos sile se ostvaruje preko trenja i lokalnog forces transfer is conducted by friction and local dowel
moždaniþkog dejstva vijka u kontaktu s površinom effect between the bolt and ribbed surface of the bar.
orebrene šipke. Po postavljanju šipke u spojnicu, After the bar placement into the coupler, special wrench
posebnim alatom se pritežu vijci, a zatim se odseca is used to tight the bolts and shear off their heads. This
preostali deo vijka van gabarita þaure. Ovakva vrsta type of coupler is suitable for application in structural
spojnice pogodna je za primenu kod sanacija i repairs and splicing of already built-in bars, especially at
nastavljanja veü graÿene armature, pogotovu na hard to reach places, because no previous bars end
nedovoljno pristupaþnim mestima, jer se ne zahteva preparation is needed, and only hand tools are required.
obrada kraja šipke, a montaža se obavlja ruþnim alatom.
kod specifiþnih metoda graÿenja (na primer, in case of using specific building technologies
dopušteno; unacceptable by relevant codes,
Jedan od malobrojnih, ali veoma znaþajan primer A rare, but rather significant example of mechanical
primene mehaniþkih spojnica u srpskom graÿevinarstvu rebar couplers use in Serbian construction represents
predstavlja Most preko Ade u Beogradu (Slika 6.). Pri the Ada Bridge in Belgrade (Figure 6). A sophisticated
izradi pilona korišüena je složena samopodižuüa oplata. self-lifting formwork was used for pylon construction. In
Da bi se izbeglo demontiranje oplate na mestu veze order to avoid the formwork dismantling at the joint of the
pilona sa sanduþastom gredom mosta, pilon je betoniran pylon and the bridge beam, pylon was continuously
u neprekidnom procesu, a veza sa gredom izvedena concreted, and afterwards connected to the beam.
Posebnu grupu mehaniþkih spojnica þine spojnice za Particular mechanical rebar coupler type is the
nastavljanje armaturne šipke i þeliþnog zavrtanja (Slika coupler designed for the connection of reinforcing bars
7) [6]. and structural steel bolts (Figure 7) [6].
Osnovna namena ovakvih ankera jeste za vezu The principal use of this coupler type is connection of
þeliþnih stubova i armiranobetonskih temelja, kada se steel columns and reinforced concrete foundations,
zavrtnji, dominantno aksijalno optereüeni usled uticaja iz where bolts, mainly axially loaded, due the column
stuba, sidre preko spojnice i armaturnog ankera u temelj forces, are anchored by the coupler and rebar anchor
(Slika 8 a). Ukoliko se ovakav koncept primeni na vezu into the foundation (Figure 8a). If such a concept is
þeliþne grede i stuba, zavrtnji i spojnice u vezi pretežno applied on steel beam concrete column connection, bolts
su optereüeni na smicanje (Slika 8 b). and couplers are mainly loaded in shear (Figure 8 b).
Slika 8. Veza preko zavrtanja i mehaniþke spojnice
Figure 8. Bolt-Rebar Coupler Connection
Moguünost primene mehaniþkih spojnica u okviru The possibility of the use of mechanical couplers, as
smiþuüih konektora sa þeliþnim zavrtnjem relativno je a part of bolted shear connectors, is rather poorly
slabo istražena, pogotovu za zavrtnjeve veüih þvrstoüa. investigated, especially for high grade bolts. The
Kod veze sa AB stubovima uobiþajenih dimenzija, u concrete edge breakout is a problem with these
zgradarstvu se javlja i problem pojave loma betona usled connections at columns with usual cross-section
blizine ivice. Primena mehaniþkih spojnica kao dimension in common buildings. The mechanical
elemenata smiþuüih konektora predstavlja predmet couplers use in shear connections is one of the topics of
istraživanja u okviru šireg programa istraživanja the ongoing experimental, numerical and theoretical
smiþuüih veza u spregnutim konstrukcijama na research of connections in composite structures at Civil
Graÿevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Engineering Faculty of Belgrade University.
Veoma brz i intenzivan razvoj sistema za mehaniþko Very fast and intensive mechanical rebar splicing
nastavljanje armature rezultovao je relativno velikim system development resulted in large number of
brojem proizvoÿaþa i komercijalnih patentiranih manufacturers and commercially patented products.
proizvoda. Buduüi da proizvoÿaþi potiþu iz razliþitih Considering the fact that the manufacturers originate
zemalja, i postavljeni zahtevi u vezi s kvalitetom, from different countries, the demands on quality,
mehaniþkim karakteristikama i ponašanjem ovih spojnica mechanical material characteristics and behaviour of
bili su razliþiti, kao i naþini dokazivanja zahtevanih these couplers were different, as well as the procedures
osobina. Ne tako davno, Fallon je ukazao na potrebu for proving the required performance. Recently, Fallon
usvajanja jedinstvenog dokumenta koji bi definisao pointed out the necessity of adopting the unified
zahteve i naþin testiranja mehaniþkih spojnica. U svom document prescribing requirements and testing
radu [3] iznosi iskustva ispitivanja spojnica koje proizvodi procedures for mechanical rebar couplers. In his paper
britanska firma ANCON, prikazujuüi tipiþnu dispoziciju za [3], he has presented the experience of mechanical
ispitivanje mehaniþkih spojnica na statiþko i dinamiþko couplers testing at British manufacturer ANCON
aksijalno optereüenje kao i cikliþno optereüenje na facilities, presenting testing layout for mechanical
zamor (Slika 9a), i aktuator koji se koristi za interna couplers statically and dynamically axially loaded, as
ispitivanja (Slika 9b). well as couplers cyclically tested on fatigue (Figure 9a).
The actuator used for internal tests is also presented
(Figure 9b).
Gauge length
Merna baza
Rebar 2D – 5D
a) b)
Slika 9. Ispitivanje mehaniþkih spojnica ANCON [3]
Figure 9. Mechanical couplers testing ANCON [3]
Evrokod za betonske konstrukcije propisuje, pored Eurocode for concrete structures allows use of
nastavljanja armature preklapanjem i zavarivanjem, mechanical splices, along with overlapping and welding
mehaniþko nastavljanje armature [2]. U meÿuvremenu, [2]. In the meantime, during 2009, international
2009. godine su usvojeni meÿunarodni standardi [4], [5], standards [4] and [5], covering the area of mechanical
koji se odnose na nastavljanje armature mehaniþkim splices was adopted. The first par of the standard ISO
spojnicama. U prvom delu standarda ISO 15835-1 15835-1 defines requirements for mechanical couplers
definisani su zahtevi koje mehaniþke spojnice moraju da and the second part, ISO 15835-2 defines the testing
ispune, a u drugom delu ISO 15835-2 naþin ispitivanja. methods and procedures. Prescribed requirements for
Propisani zahtevi za mehaniþke spojnice odnose se na mechanical couplers relate to:
sledeüe osobine: Strength and ductility under static forces: The
ývrstoüa i duktilnost pri statiþkom optereüenju: strength of the mechanical coupler should not be less
ývrstoüa mehaniþkog nastavka mora biti najmanje than product of specified characteristic (or nominal) yield
jednaka proizvodu propisane gornje granice teþenja strength value of the reinforcing (ReH,spec) and the ratio of
armature (ReH,spec) i odnosa stvarne i propisane vredno- Specified tensile and characteristic yield strength value
sti napona teþenja za armaturu ((Rm/ReH)spec. Ukupno of the reinforcing bar ((Rm/ReH)spec. Total elongation at
izduženje pri najveüoj sili Agt ne sme biti manje od 70% maximum tensile force Agt shall not be less than 70% of
propisanog ukupnog izduženja pri maksimalnoj sili za the specified characteristic value at maximum tensile
armaturu, ali ne manje od 3% u apsolutnom iznosu. force of the reinforcing bar, with a minimum value of 3%.
Proklizavanje (slip) pri statiþkom optereüenju: Slip under static forces: The total slip value
Proklizavanje ne sme biti veüe od 0.1mm. measured shall not exceed 0,10 mm..
Zamor pri cikliþnom optereüenju u zoni elastiþnosti: Fatigue properties under high cycle elastic loading:
Mehaniþki nastavak mora da izdrži optereüenje na Mechanical splices shall sustain a fatigue loading of at
zamor od najmanje dva megaciklusa, sa obimom least 2 megacycles with a stress range, 2ıa, of 60 MPa
optereüenja 2ıa od 60 MPa. without failure.
Ponašanje pri niskocikliþnom optereüenju u Properties under low cycle reverse elastic-plastic
elastoplastiþnoj oblasti: Propisuje se maksimalno loading: There are two prescribed sets of low cycle
optereüenje i maksimalna zaostala deformacija za dva fatigue requirements, one simulating moderate-scale
tipa niskocikliþnog optereüenja kojima se modeliraju earthquakes, and one simulating violent earthquakes.
zemljotresi srednjeg i velikog intenziteta. All mechanical splice properties listed above are
Sve navedene osobine mehaniþkog spoja armature related to axial loading. It should be pointed out that ISO
odnose se na aksijalno optereüenje. Treba napomenuti 15835-1, in paragraph 3.4, defines mechanical couplers
da ISO 15835-1 u taþki 3.4 definiše mehaniþke spojnice as coupling sleeve or threaded coupler for mechanical
kao þaure ili narezane spojnice þija je namena da splices of reinforcement bars for the purpose of
prenesu silu zatezanja ili pritiska s jedne na drugu šipku providing transfer of axial tension and/or compression
armature. Dakle, smicanje se u ovom standardu ne from one bar to the other. Shear is not considered.
razmatra. Numerous papers are explaining mechanical rebar
Ispitivanja su pokazala da ovakav naþin lokalnog Research results showed that the local stirrups
pregrupisavanja popreþne armature u zoni visokih rearrangement in the shear loaded area does not
transverzalnih sila ne utiþe na ponašanje armirano- influence significantly the reinforced beam behaviour, so
betonske grede, i preporuþuje ga za praktiþnu primenu. it is recommended for design use.
U radu su prikazani razliþiti sistemi mehaniþkog Different mechanical rebar splicing systems are
nastavljanja armature i definisane neke od situacija kada presented, and design situations where mechanical
mehaniþko nastavljanje ima prednost u odnosu na splicing has advantage over reinforcement splicing by
nastavljanje armature preklapanjem i zavarivanjem. overlapping and welding are defined in this paper.
Razmatrani su novi internacionalni standardi za New international standards for testing and proof of
ispitivanje i dokaz kvaliteta sistema za mehaniþko systems for mechanical rebar splicing quality are
nastavljanje armature, nastali kao posledica potrebe za considered. The development and publication of these
unificiranjem kvaliteta u ovoj oblasti koja se intenzivno standards have been initiated by the need for quality
razvija u svetu, s mnogim proizvoÿaþima i varijacijama unification in this area that is developing rapidly
mehaniþkih spojnica. Intenzivan razvoj proizvodnje, u worldwide, with large number of manufacturers and
odreÿenoj meri, prate i istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. diversity of products. The intensive production
Predmet onih istraživanja þiji su rezultati dostupni development is, to some extent, followed by researching
javnosti, predstavlja ponašanje i nosivost mehaniþkih in this area. The scope of this research, available to the
spojeva pri statiþkom, dinamiþkom aksijalnom optere- public, is behaviour and capacity of mechanical rebar
üenju, pri optereüenju koje se nanosi razliþitom brzinom. splices under static and dynamic axial loading, and
Istraživan je i lokalni uticaj mehaniþkih spojnica na under the loading applied with different speed. The
ponašanje armiranobetonskih elemenata optereüenih na influence of the mechanical splices reinforced beam
smicanje. U radu je prikazan i sistem mehaniþkih spoj- behaviour under shear load was also researched.
nica za povezivanje zavrtnja i armaturnog ankera, koji se Mechanical splicing system for rebar and bolt
[1] Brungraber G. R. Long-Term Performance of [6] Lenton katalog: Sustavi spajanja armature
Epoxy-Bonded Rebar-Couplers. PhD thesis. spojnicama s koniþnim navojem. ERICO
University of California, San Diego 2009 International Corporation 2008
[2] EN1992-1-1: Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete [7] Rowell S., Grey C., Woodson S., Hager K. High
structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for Strain-Rate Testing of Mechanical Couplers. FInal
buildings. Brussels, Belgium: European Committee report. Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
for Standardization (CEN); 2004. Port Hueneme, USA 2009
[3] Fallon J. Testing of reinforcing bar couplers. [8] Sanada Y. Konishi D. Khanh N. Adachi T.
CONCRETE, April 2005; 24-25 Experimental study on intensive shear
[4] ISO 15835-1:2009(E). Steels for the reinforcement reinforcement for RC beams with mechanical
of concrete - Reinforcement couplers for couplers. fib Symposium Prague 2011.
mechanical splices of bars. Part 1: Requirements Proceedings ISBN 978-80-87158-29-6
[5] ISO 15835-2:2009(E). Steels for the reinforcement
of concrete - Reinforcement couplers for
mechanical splices of bars. Part 2: Test methods
U radu su prikazani razliþiti sistemi mehaniþkog Different mechanical rebar splicing systems are
nastavljanja armature i definisane neke od situacija kada presented, and design situations where mechanical
mehaniþko nastavljanje ima prednost u odnosu na splicing has advantage over reinforcement splicing by
nastavljanje armature preklapanjem i zavarivanjem. overlapping and welding are defined in this paper. New
Razmatrani su novi internacionalni standardi za international standards for testing and proof of systems
ispitivanje i dokaz kvaliteta sistema za mehaniþko for mechanical rebar splicing quality are considered.
nastavljanje armature. U radu je prikazan i sistem Mechanical splicing system for rebar and bolt
mehaniþkih spojnica za povezivanje zavrtnja i connection, usable in steel and reinforced concrete
armaturnog ankera, koji se može koristiti za vezu structural elements connections, is presented in this
þeliþnog i armiranobetonskog elementa. Malobrojni su paper. There are only few examples of mechanical rebar
primeri primene mehaniþkog nastavljanja armature u splicing in our country. The most significant one – the
našoj zemlji. Jedan od znaþajnijih - veza pilona i grede pylon and beam connection at Ada Bridge in Belgrade is
Mosta na Adi u Beogradu - prikazan je u radu. presented in the paper. Intensive development of
Intenzivan razvoj proizvodnje i primene mehaniþkog production and use of mechanical rebar splicing
nastavljanja armature u svetu, istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, systems, research in this area, as well as the publication
kao i internacionalni standardi koji propisuju zahteve u of international standards prescribing requirements for
vezi s kvalitetom i procedurom dokaza kvaliteta, quality and procedures for proof of quality, represent
predstavljaju osnovu za razvoj odgovarajuüe tehniþke very good base for development of the corresponding
regulative u ovoj oblasti i u Srbiji, þime bi se proširila technical norms in Serbia. The legislation in this area
primena ovih sistema u svim situacijama kada oni would quicken proof of quality procedures, attest and
predstavljaju bolje rešenje u odnosu na klasiþne naþine approval issuing for individual products, leading to wider
nastavljanja armature. use of this system in all situations where it is in
advantage over the classical reinforcement splicing.
Kljuþne reþi: mehaniþko nastavljanje armature,
spojnice, testiranje, standard. Key words: Mechanical Rebar Splicing, Couplers,
Testing, Standards