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The CS210 System provides real time kiln shell temperature analysis.
Kiln Shell CS210 Provides Complete Kiln
Scanning System Monitoring Capability
Specifically designed for kiln monitoring, the CS210 Kiln shell temperatures are monitored along the entire length of the kiln
is a fully integrated solution that monitors rotary providing an essential indication of the health of the refractory material.
kilns to detect hot spots and avoid costly damage Temperature data for areas “shadowed” from the main sensor can be
and unscheduled downtime. Optional, yet fully- provided by individual point sensors and seamlessly integrated into one
integrated, accessories extend the capability to complete thermal image. Optional burning zone sensor and tire slip
include shadow sensing, burning zone monitoring, monitoring can be integrated into the system so that all information is
tire slip and fan control. At the core of the CS210 displayed on one screen in the control room and all events are
system is a purpose built MP150 HR linescanner permanently linked in an extremely versatile historical data database.
with 1024 data points per scan line and integral
heater, specially focused for kiln applications.
■ Detect hotspots due to refractory loss,
damage or wear
■ Detect abnormal operating conditions
such as faulty flame position and
■ Optimize and manage kiln
■ Extend operational life of kiln
and refractory
■ Completely integrated monitoring
of key kiln parameters
Rugged & Reliable for
Features Continuous Kiln Shell Monitoring
The MP150 is the most widely used infrared linescanner worldwide. With
■ Map entire kiln surface and display in
real-time thermogram format thousands of installations, hundreds of them in kiln applications from the desert
to the rainforests, it has set the standard for reliability in extremely demanding
■ “One brick” resolution hot spot
detection, even in shadowed areas environments. Featuring state-of-the-art optics, advanced microprocessor
electronics, and a high-reliability motor,
■ Fail-Safe “hot-spot” alarm outputs
the MP150 combines signal processing,
(PC independent)
data storage and data communications
■ On board Ethernet TCP/IP
into one integral unit.
■ Interface with other programs via OPC To insure reliable operation in even the
harshest kiln environments, the MP150
■ Refractory Management software
linescanner is designed with a rugged
■ Modular design simplifies installation
cast aluminum housing, which in turn
and service
is mounted in a robust stainless steel
■ All data, alarms and errors stored and
protective housing with provisions for
accessible in one common database
air-purge and water cooling.
■ Multiple level security settings
The protective housing includes an
adjustable mounting bracket to aim the
Accessories scanner along the kiln axis, a mounting
rail permitting fast scanner installation,
■ Live Ring Migration–tire slip monitoring quick-disconnect fittings for air purge
■ Fan Control and water cooling and an easily replaced Linescanner in protective housing is
■ Burning Zone Monitor Package viewing window. mounted on top of a tower.
Rapid Set-up
Using the intuitive set-up screens, the operator simply enters the physical dimensions
of the kiln and the positions of the linescanners and point sensors. The software
displays the resulting configuration and manages the temperature profile calculations.
Live Ring Migration (LRM) on the CS software. Temperature is displayed alongside the kiln
The LRM sensors and connection boxes required to activate the shell temperature and all data is recorded and date stamped for
system can be purchased as an accessory. This system records later analysis. The kit consists of a two-color ratio point sensor to
tire slip and can be configured to generate alarms at user-defined “see through” the combustion gases, a protective housing and all
limits. The LRM is fully integrated with the system software and is of the hardware needed to complete the installation.
capable of extensive historical data analysis.
Shadow Monitoring Kit
Fan Control The CS software can accommodate selected Raytek point sensor
Fan control is included with the CS software to control up to 48 discrete to monitor areas of the kiln shadowed from the main linescanner.
zones. The fan control hardware allows the user to provide outputs The data is seamlessly integrated into a single thermogram both
to up to 16 fans per module. for real-time display and for later data analysis. For convenience,
the most commonly used sensor and all of the necessary
Burning Zone Monitor Kit
accessories are provided as a kit.
When the optional Burning Zone Monitor Kit is installed operators
can monitor the condition of the critical burning zone area directly
CS210 System Details CS210 Part Numbers
Linescanner MP150 linescanner (2 for CS212) RAYTCS211R1 CS210 Kiln Shell Monitoring System
(includes all required cables and connectors)
RAYTCS212R1 Dual scanner system for longer kilns
Protective Housing Rugged Stainless Steel Housing
XXXSYS210CON Serial RS485 / RJ45 Ethernet Converter
(2 for CS212)
(req’d for accessories)
System Connection Box 2 for CS212
XXXTCSLRM200 Live Ring Migration (LRM) Hardware Kit
Position Indicator High-temperature kiln rotation sensor
XXXSYS16DA Fan Control Digital Output Module
Software DataTemp CS
XXXTCS200BZ Burning Zone Monitor Kit
Documentation Documentation Binder with Operators Manual
XXXTCS200SM Shadow Monitor Kit
& MP150 Manual
XXXCS200UPGRADE1 Basic upgrade from old CS100
Startup Service On-site startup commissioning/training available
Worldwide Headquarters European Headquarters
Raytek Corporation Raytek GmbH
Santa Cruz, CA USA Berlin, Germany
Tel: +1 800 227 8074 (USA/Canada, only) Tel: +49 30 4780080
+1 831 458 1110 raytek@raytek.de
China Headquarters
Raytek China Company United Kingdom
info@raytek.com.cn ukinfo@raytek.com