Stub Series Terminated Logic For 2.5 Volts (SSTL - 2)
Stub Series Terminated Logic For 2.5 Volts (SSTL - 2)
Stub Series Terminated Logic For 2.5 Volts (SSTL - 2)
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A 2.5V Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits
1 Scope 1
1.1 Standard Structure 1
1.2 Rationale and assumptions 1
2 Supply voltage 2
2.1 Supply voltage levels 3
2.2 Input parametric 3
2.3 AC test conditions 4
4 Other applications 10
4.1 Push-pull output buffer for unterminated loads 10
4.2 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically single parallel terminated loads 11
4.3 Push-pull output buffer for externally source series terminated loads 12
4.4 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically double parallel terminated loads 13
1 SSTL_2 Input voltage levels 2
2 AC Input test signal wave form 4
3 Typical output buffer (driver) environment 5
4 Example of SSTL_2, Class I, symmetrically single parallel terminated output load, 7
and series resistor
5 Example of SSTL_2, Class II, symmetrically double parallel terminated output load 9
with series resistor
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
A 2.5V Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits
CONTENTS (concluded)
1 Supply voltage levels 3
2a Input dc logic levels 3
2b Input ac logic levels 3
3 AC input test conditions 4
4 Examples of how the limits of SSTL_2 circuit voltages depending on VDDQ 6
5a Output dc current drives 7
5b AC test conditions 8
6 Output dc current drive 9
7 AC test conditions 10
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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A 2.5V Supply Voltage Based Interface Standard for Digital Integrated Circuits
(From JEDEC Council ballot JCB-97-80, formulated under the cognizance of the JC-16
Committee on Electrical Interface and power Supply Standards for Electronic Components.)
1 Scope
This standard defines the input, output specifications and ac test conditions for devices that are
designed to operate in the SSTL_2 logic switching range, nominally 0V to 2.5V. The standard
may be applied to ICs operating with separate VDD and VDDQ supply voltages. In many cases
VDD and VDDQ will have the same voltage level. The VDD value is not specified in this
standard other than that VDDQ value may not exceed that of VDD.
The first clause defines pertinent supply voltage requirements common to all compliant ICs.
The second clause defines the minimum dc and ac input parametric requirements and ac test
conditions for inputs on compliant devices.
The third clause specifies the minimum required output characteristics of, and ac test conditions
for, compliant outputs targeted for various application environments. The output specifications
are divided into two classes, Class I and Class II, which are distinguished by drive requirements
and application.
A given IC need not be equipped with both classes of output drivers, but each must support at
least one to claim SSTL_2 output compliance.
The full input reference level (VREF) range specified is required on each IC in order to allow any
SSTL_2 IC to receive signals from any SSTL_2 output driver.
The SSTL_2 standard has been developed particularly with the objective of providing a relatively
simple upgrade path from MOS push-pull interface designs. The standard is particularly intended
to improve operation in situations where busses must be isolated from relatively large stubs.
External resistors provide this isolation and also reduce the on-chip power dissipation of the
drivers. Busses may be terminated by resistors to an external termination voltage.
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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1 Scope (cont’d)
Actual selection of the resistor values is a system design decision and beyond the scope of this
standard. However in order to provide a basis, the driver characteristics will be derived in terms
of a typical 50 Ohms environment.
While driver characteristics are derived from a 50 Ohm environment, this standard will work for
other impedance levels. The system designer will be able to vary impedance levels, termination
resistors and supply voltage and be able to calculate the effect on system voltage margins. This is
accomplished precisely because drivers and receivers are specified independently of each other.
The standard defines a reference voltage VREF which is used at the receivers as well as a voltage
VTT to which termination resistors are connected. In typical applications VTT tracks as a ratio
of VDDQ. In turn VREF will be given the value of VTT. In some standards this ratio equals 0.5.
The standard defines both ac and dc input signal values. Making this distinction is important for
the design of high gain, differential, receivers that are required. The ac values are chosen to
indicate the levels at which the receiver must meet its timing specifications. The dc values are
chosen such that the final logic state is unambiguously defined, that is once the receiver input has
crossed this value, the receiver will change to and maintain the new logic state. The reason for
this approach is that many input wave-forms will include a certain amount of “ringing”. The
system designer can be sure that the device will switch state a certain amount of time after the
input has crossed ac threshold and not switch back as long as the input stays beyond the dc
threshold. The relationship of the different levels is shown in figure 1. An example of ringing is
illustrated in the dotted wave-form.
1 There is no specific device VDD supply voltage requirement for SSTL_2 compliance.
However under all conditions VDDQ must be less than or equal to VDD.
2 The value of VREF may be selected by the user to provide optimum noise margin in the
system. Typically the value of VREF is expected to be about 0.5 x VDDQ of the transmitting
device and VREF is expected to track variations in VDDQ.
3 Peak to peak ac noise on VREF may not exceed +/-2% VREF (dc).
NOTE 1 — Within this standard, it is the relationship of the VDDQ of the driving device and
the VREF of the receiving device that determines noise margins. However, in the case of
VIH (Max.) (i.e. input overdrive) it is the VDD of the receiving device that is referenced. In
the case where a device is implemented that supports SSTL_2 inputs but has no SSTL_2
outputs (e.g., a translator), and therefore no VDDQ supply voltage connection, inputs must
tolerate input overdrive to 3.0 V (High corner VDDQ + 300 mV).
The ac input test conditions are specified to be able to obtain reliable, reproducible test results in
an automated test environment, where a relatively high noise environment makes it difficult to
create clean signals with limited swing. The tester may therefore supply signals with a 1.5 V peak
to peak swing to drive the receiving device. Note however, that all timing specifications are still
set relative to the ac input level. This is illustrated in figure 2.
1 In all cases, input wave-form timing is referenced to the input signal crossing through the VREF
level applied to the device under test. Table 1 identifies the VREF range supported in SSTL_2.
2 Compliant devices must still meet the VIH(ac) and VIL(ac) specifications under actual use
3 The 1V/ns input signal minimum slew rate is to be maintained in the VILmax (ac) to
VIHmin (ac) range of the input signal swing, consistent with the ac logic specification of table
2b. See also figure 2.
4 AC test conditions may be measured under nominal voltage conditions as long as the
supplier can demonstrate by analysis that the device will meet its timing specifications under all
supported voltage conditions.
V I H m i n (ac)
V S W I N G (m a x ) VREF
V I L m a x (ac)
deltaT deltaT
S L E W = (VIH m in(ac) -V I L m a x (a c ) ) / d e l t a T
3.1 Overview
This specification sets minimum requirements for output buffers in such a way that when they are
applied within the range of power supply voltages specified in SSTL_2 and are used in
conjunction with SSTL_2 input receivers then the input receiver specifications can be met or
exceeded. The specifications are quite different from traditional specifications, where minimum
values for VOH and maximum values for VOL are set which apply to the entire supply range. In
SSTL_2, the input voltage provided to the receiver depends on the driver as well as on the
termination voltage and termination resistors. Figure 3 shows the typical dc environment that the
output buffer is presented with.
25 Ohm
Of particular interest here are the values VOUT and VIN. These values depend not only on the
current drive capabilities of the buffer, but also on the values of VDDQ and VTT (VREF is equal
to VTT). The important condition is that VIN be at least 380mV above or below VREF as a
result of VOUT attaining its maximum low or it’s minimum high value. As will be seen later, the
two cases of interest for SSTL_2 are where the series resistor RS equals 25 Ohms and the
termination resistor RT equals 50 Ohms (for Class I) or 25 Ohms (for Class II). VTT is specified
as being equal to 0.5 x VDDQ.
In order to meet the 380mV minimum requirement for Vin, a minimum of 7.6mA must be
developed across RT if RT equals 50 Ohms (Class I) or 15.2mA in case RT equals 25 Ohms
(Class II). The driver specification now must guarantee that these values of VIN are obtained in
the worst case conditions specified by this standard.
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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Table 4 — Spread sheet showing how the limits of SSTL_2 circuit voltages depending on VDDQ.
(For reference only)
Condition Units Class I Class I Class I Class II Class II Class II
VDDQ V 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.5 2.7
VTTmin V 1.11 1.25 1.31 1.11 1.25 1.31
VTTmax V 1.19 1.25 1.39 1.19 1.25 1.39
VREF V 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.15 1.25 1.35
RT Ohm 50 50 50 25 25 25
RS Ohm 25 25 25 25 25 25
Delta VIN V 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Delta VOUT1 V 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
Delta VOUT2 V 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.76 0.76 0.76
These values follow from an analysis of figure 3 with fixed driver current. Thus, for output low
voltage, VIN=VTT - I x RT; VOUT=VTT - I x (RT+RS); On Resistance = VTT/I - (RT+RS).
As can be seen from table 4 the most stringent requirements will result where VDDQ = 2.3 V, since
for that case the output driver transistors must have the lowest "on" resistance. If the driver outputs
are sized for this condition, then for all other VDDQ voltage applications, the resulting input signal
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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3.2.1 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically single parallel terminated loads with series
resistor. (VTT=0.5xVDDQ)
3 The dc value of VREF applied to the receiving device is expected to be set to VTT.
4 The values of IOH(dc) and IOL(dc) are based on VDDQ = 2.3V and VTT = 1.11V. They
are used to test device current drive capability which ultimately delivers acceptable noise
margin for an SSTL_2 receiver. Under these conditions VOH is 1.68V and VOL is 0.54V .
Under other conditions for VDDQ and VTT the typical output levels are discussed in 3.1
VRE 0.5xVDDQ RT = 50 Ohms
RT = 50 Ohms
VOU 50 Ohms
Under Ohms
Device RS = 25
Under Ohms
Test VREF = 0.5x VDDQ
This testing regimen is used to verify SSTL_2 Class I type output buffers (push-pull output
buffers designed for symmetrically single parallel terminated loads with series resistor).
This clause is added to set the conditions under which the driver ac specifications can be tested.
The test circuit is assumed to be similar to the circuit shown in figure 4. AC test conditions may
be measured under nominal voltage conditions as long as the supplier can demonstrate by analysis,
that the device will meet its timing specifications under all supported voltage conditions. Table 5a
assumes that +/- 0.38V must be developed across the 50 Ohm termination resistor at VIN. With a
series resistor of 25 Ohms this translates into a minimum requirement of 0.57 Volt swing relative
to VTT , at the output of the device.
3.3.1 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically double parallel terminated loads with
series resistor (VTT = 0.5 x VDDQ)
3 The dc value of VREF applied to the receiving device is expected to be set to VTT.
4 The values of IOH(dc) and VOL(dc) are based on VDDQ = 2.3V and VTT = 1.11V. They
are used to test device current drive capability which ultimately delivers acceptable noise
margin for an SSTL_2 receiver. Under these conditions VOH is 1.87V and VOL is 0.35V.
Under other conditions for VDDQ and VTT the typical output levels are discussed in 3.1 (
Figure 5 — Example of SSTL_2, Class II, symmetrically double parallel terminated output
load with series resistor
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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This testing regimen is used to verify SSTL_2 Class II type output buffers (push-pull output
buffers designed for symmetrically double parallel terminated loads with series resistor).
This clause is added to set the conditions under which the driver ac specifications can be tested.
The test circuit is assumed to be similar to the circuit shown in figure 5. AC test conditions may
be measured under nominal voltage conditions as long as the supplier can demonstrate by analysis,
that the device will meet its timing specifications under all supported voltage conditions. Table 7
assumes that +/- 0.38V must be developed across the effectively 25 Ohm termination resistor at
VIN . With a series resistor of 25 Ohms this translates into a minimum requirement of 0.76Volt
swing relative to VTT, at the output of the device.
The specifications for Class I and II were based on an environment comprising both series and
parallel terminating resistors. In this non binding section we will show some derived applications.
Clearly it is not the intention to show all possible variations in this standard.
In many applications where interconnections are short, there is no need for any termination at all.
An example of this is shown in figure 6. This application can be served by a Class I or Class II
type buffer and an SSTL_2 type receiver.
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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Under VREF = 0.5xVDDQ
4.2 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically single parallel terminated loads
(VTT = .5xVDDQ)
Sometimes the system application requires longer transmission lines that will only be terminated at
one end. An example of this may be address drivers on a memory board. This application can
also be served with a Class I or Class II type buffer and an SSTL_2 receiver. An example is
shown in figure 7.
VREF 0.5xVDDQ RT = 50 ƒ ¶
Under 50 ƒ ¶
Figure 7 — Example of SSTL_2, Class I or Class II, buffer with symmetrically single
parallel terminated output loads.
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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4.3 Push-pull output buffer for externally source series terminated loads
In other applications the system designer may wish to terminate at the signal source rather than at
the end of the transmission line. One advantage of this approach is that there is no need for a
VTT power supply. This application may again be served with a Class I or Class II type buffer
and SSTL_2 receiver. An example is shown in figure 8. In this example a Class II type buffer
might be preferred since it comes closer, in conjunction with the series resistor, to match the
characteristic impedance of the transmission line.
Device 50 Ohms
Test RS=25 Ohms
Figure 8 — Example of SSTL_2, Class I or Class II, Externally Source Series terminated
output load
JEDEC Standard No. 8-9
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4.4 Push-pull output buffer for symmetrically double parallel terminated loads
(VTT = 0.5 x VDDQ)
Finally, the system designer may require a bus system which must be terminated at both sides.
However, the drivers are connected directly onto the bus so there are no stubs present. In that
case, the designer may decide to eliminate the series resistors entirely. This application can be
implemented using a Class I or Class II driver and SSTL_2 receiver. However a Class II buffer
would dissipate more power due to its larger current drive and thus might require special cooling.
50 Ohms