TRAX UG en V02b
TRAX UG en V02b
TRAX UG en V02b
User’s Manual
User’s Manual
1 Introduction
User interface
TRAX user interface architecture is based on a number
of individual apps/instruments dedicated for a specific
measurements or application. For manual testing,
a generic instrument, Manual Control, is available
where the user selects output, measurement inputs
and how the data should be processed. For testing
complete power products e.g. power transformers,
measurement results from different instruments can
be stored and reported for the specific object.
A variety of voltage and current levels can be
generated and measured with high precision which
allows the test system to be used for a wide range of
applications. Examples are:
▪▪Power transformer
▪▪Current transformer
▪▪Voltage transformer
▪▪Resistance testing
▪▪Primary testing
1.3 Warranty
Products supplied by Megger are warranted against
defects in material and workmanship for a period of
one year following shipment.
Our liability is specifically limited to replacing or
repairing, at our option, defective equipment.
This warranty does not include batteries, lamps or
other expendable items, where the original manufac-
turer’s warranty shall apply.
We make no other warranty. The warranty is void
in the event of negligence abuse (failure to follow
recommended operating procedures) or failure by the
customer to perform specific maintenance as indicat-
ed in this manual.
Receiving Instructions
▪▪Check the equipment received against the packing
list to ensure that all materials are present. Notify
Megger of any shortage.
▪▪Examine the instrument for damage received in
transit. If damage is discovered, file a claim with the
carrier at once and notify Megger, giving a detailed
description of the damage.
▪▪This instrument has been thoroughly tested and
inspected to meet rigid specifications before being
shipped. It is ready for use when set up as indicated
in this user manual.
Warranty repair
Equipment returned to the factory for repair must be
shipped prepaid and insured.
Contact your Megger representative for instructions
and a return authorization (RA) number.
Please indicate all pertinent information, including
problem symptoms.
Also specify the serial number and the catalog
number of the unit.
2 Safety
2.1 General
Important Caution, as used in this manual, is defined as
Read and comply with the following in- a condition or practice which could result in
structions. damage to or destruction of the equipment or
Always comply with local safety regula- apparatus under test.
3. The power input plug must be inserted only 2.2 Safety instructions
into a mating receptacle with a ground contact.
Do not bypass the grounding connection. Any 1. The test set and the specimen to which it is
interruption of the grounding connection can connected are a possible source of high-voltage
create an electric shock hazard. Determine that electrical energy and all persons making or
the receptacle is properly wired before inserting assisting in tests must use all safety practice
the plug. precautions to prevent contact with energized
parts of the test equipment and related circuits.
2. Persons actually engaged in the test must stand
clear of all parts of the complete high-voltage
circuit, including all connections, unless the
test set is de-energized and all parts of the
test circuit are grounded. Persons not directly
involved with the work must be kept away from
test activities by suitable barriers, barricades, or
3. Treat all terminals of high-voltage power
equipment as a potential electric shock hazard.
There is always the potential of voltages being
induced at these terminals because of proximity
to energized high-voltage lines or equipment.
4. Always ground both sides of the test specimen
before connecting any leads from the test set.
Whenever possible, always keep one side of the
test specimen grounded at all times. Always use
a safety ground stick to ground any high-volt-
age conductor. Always disconnect test leads
from power equipment before attempting to
disconnect them from the test set. The ground
connection must be the first made and the last
removed. Any interruption of the grounding
connection can create an electric shock hazard.
5. It is not possible to eliminate all potential
hazards from, and in using, electrical test
equipment. For this reason, every effort has
been made to point out in this instruction
manual the proper procedures and precautions
to be followed by the user in operating this
equipment and to mark the equipment itself
with precautionary warnings where appropriate.
It is not possible to foresee every hazard which
may occur in the various applications of this
equipment. It is therefore essential that the user,
in addition to following the safety rules in this
manual, also carefully consider all safety aspects
of the test before proceeding.
6. High-voltage discharges and other sources of
strong electric or magnetic fields may interfere
with the proper functioning of heart pacemak-
ers. Persons with heart pacemakers should
obtain expert advice on the possible risks before
operating this equipment or being close to the
equipment during operation.
5 12
1 2 3 4
1. Ethernet port for running the instrument from
an external PC or connect it to an external net- 1. TRANS
work. General input for analog transducers and low
level analog signals e.g. motion transducers,
2. Three USB ports for multipurpose use: USB mem- Rogowski output etc.
ory stick, external mouse or keyboard.
close/open contacts for OLTC and circuit-breaker
control (up-down, close-trip)
External trig input
Binary inputs for timing measurements in timer
and relay testing applications. A and B inputs
dedicated for Start and Stop.
Analog inputs
1 2
Four channels 0-250 V AC, 0-350 V DC
Four channels 0-10 A AC, 0-10 A DC
Note Voltage and current cannot be measured on
the same channel simultaneously.
4 x 500 mA/25 V AC fast, can be changed from
the outside, protects the low current gain shunt.
Inside the top panel, there are 4 x 15 A/250 V AC
fast fuses for the high current gain step
These two channels (R1 & R2) are designed for
measuring low DC voltage when measuring con-
tact and winding resistance, using the 100 A or
16 A DC current outputs. If the units are used for
measuring AC, max input is 40 V RMS.
Red LED’s indicate which channel to connect
to depending on what software instruments is
4 Operating instructions
4.1 Start-up screen Restart the TRAX SW (but not the HW)
1] Press for one second to turn on TRAX. Note When TRAX is operated from a
Restart PC, shortcut key F5 can also be
used for restart
Global settings
1] Press for the global settings.
2] Press the button “+ GUI Settings”
A window with the following fields opens.
Selecting test instrument. If this is the
first instrument selected after starting
the unit, TRAX prepares itself for a new
Instrument test session. If previous tests are per-
formed, TRAX continues with the same
session (see section “Data handling and
New test file/report
Load a previous test session/report
Opens the dialog for reading and
downloading TRAX logfiles with single
measurements (see section “Data GUI Settings
Logging handling and reporting”)
Global settings for all instruments
Standards ANSI or IEC
Bushing ANSI, IEC, Australian IEC, Custom
Global labels naming
settings Keypads Virtual keyboard can be turned on
or off (e.g. when using external
Theme Change GUI color scheme
Custom labels
Define specific terminal naming
Release Select release version
Advanced Opens a list of available versions
Download Get the selected file
Create Copy the update file to USB (remote
PC only)
Install Selected update is installed (TRAX only)
Report view
Turn ratio
Contact resistance is used for DC low
resistance measurements on resistive
Calculated parameters
Read and comply with the safety instruc-
tions “2 Safety” on page 8. Oscilloscope
Always comply with local safety regula-
tions. Information; SW version, internal tempera-
tures etc.
1] Press
Output generators and input channels can be selected Help on screen e.g. wiring diagrams.
to perform a variety of measurements.
Saves the test results to report/file.
If it is the first test TRAX will ask for filename
TIP and location
All generators and analog measurement
Starts a new test for the same test session.
channels except transducer and timing
The new test will be reported as a new Table
channels can be accessed from Manual
if Manual Control is used for various tests
that you want to save and report as separate
Displays the individual measurements in the
test in a table format. Click one more time
to return to the control view.
Tick the checkbox to hold /
freeze values for reading with-
out capture data to the test.
The + button operate the output contact Ch 1.
The – button operate the output contact Ch 2.
Activating + or – buttons closes the contact
for about 500 ms. After one operation the
contacts are blocked for about 2 seconds
before the next operation is possible.
When the button is pressed, TRAX performs
a measurement while the test signal
Start and stop the generator.
Output signals and selected measurement
signals are continuously displayed and
Home updated on the analog meters and in the
When the generator is stopped, meas-
Report urement data and calculated parameters
are (default) automatically captured and
displayed and added to the test.
Generator settings
Instrument settings
Control knob decreased back to zero. Ramp and hold times are
Generator settings
1] Press to make the generator settings.
2] Press the “Output” button to select generator
Voltage measurement channels intended for DC resist-
ance measurements
Gen U
Ch 1 Gen I
Ch 2
Ch 3 Internal measurement channels. Always active show-
Ch 4 ing numerical RMS values in combination with values
in the analog meters. Needs to be selected to be
External multi-purpose AC/DC voltage or current captured and hold and/or used for calculations
measurement channels that are separately activated.
The measurement data can be selected to be dis-
Transducer played and used in calculations as:
AC RMS RMS value of the AC component in
Transducers can be used to convert a measurement
the test signal
signal to an appropriate current or voltage signal to be
measured by TRAX, e.g. active current clamps (current Freq Narrow-band data for the selected
to voltage). frequency
RMV Rectified Mean Value of signal
multiplied by 1.11 to equivalent RMS
DC DC value
Calculated parameters
1] Press
▪▪Voltage to voltage
▪▪Current to voltage
▪▪Custom to voltage
Current measurement channels
The dialog activates mathematical operations on test
▪▪Current to current data. Measured data can be used to calculate one or
▪▪Voltage to current two selected parameters out of the following list:
▪▪Custom to current
Conversion data for the transducer is entered in two
fields; Output entity and input entity (+ phase devia-
tion if applicable, default = 0)
Active current clamp, labeled 10 mV/A
For phase measurements, the lowest channel number 2] Press to stop the generator.
is reference (e.g. phase difference between Ch 1 and
Ch 2 is calculated as Ch 2 lag). Measurement data and calculated parameters are
captured and held. Pending instrument settings, the
For phase related measurements e.g. Z, X etc, the results are stored in the results table.
value is calculated with voltage reference.
1] Press
The oscilloscope can be used to monitor measurement
2] Press “Inputs” (red square) and select meas-
urement channels for display
3] Press “Freeze” to hold and show the oscillo-
scope picture
Start/Stop measurements
1] Press to start the measurement.
Output signals and selected measurement signals are
continuously displayed on the analog meters and in
the results fields.
Read and comply with the safety instruc- 6] Press “OK”.
tions “2 Safety” on page 8. 7] Press
Always comply with local safety regula-
tions. 8] Select resistance calculation “R DC (Ω)” using
“R1” and “Gen I”.
7] Press to start the generato and adjust 7] Set a start voltage level at least 1% of max
the voltage to get an appropriate current, generator voltage, 2.5V and 22V for respec-
typically a few amps. tive generator.
9] Press and read results. 9] Slowly increase voltage until knee point is
reached, or until a certain current level is
achieved e.g. 500 mA.
Power transformer turns-ratio Press data capture button to save a data
measurements point.
1] Select 0-250 V AC generator. Slowly decrease voltage in steps and after let
current stabilize, capture data points.
2] Select Ch 1 and Ch 2 for AC voltage measure-
ments set to freq. If excitation current needs 10] Press
to be recorded select Gen I measurement
channel set to Freq. CT ratio with voltage
3] Press and select ratio calculation “/ “
(division) between Ch 1 and Ch 2. If phase Caution
deviation is to be recorded select “Phase” Make sure that one side of primary side
between Ch 1 and Ch 2. winding is connected to ground at all
times. Otherwise, the measurement re-
4] Connect the generator cable to the HV wind-
sults will be affected and the instrument
may be damaged.
5] Connect the Ch 1 voltage measurement to
the HV winding and the Ch 2 voltage meas- 1] Select 0-250 V or 0-2200 V generator pending
urement to the LV. the expected saturation voltage of the CT.
Select frequency, for highest accuracy 55Hz
Note This is a 4-wire method and the Ch 1 test frequency is recommended.
voltage measurement lead must NOT be 2] Activate Int Gen U, configure it to Freq.
connected “outside” or in contact with If excitation current of interest, also activate
the voltage generator lead. Int Gen I and configure it to AC RMS.
6] Select an appropriate test voltage for the 3] Activate Channel Ch 1, configure it to Volt-
test object. For power transformer windings, age (V) and Freq.
use 250 V for highest accuracy. 4] Press .
7] Wait for results to stabilize. For calculation 1, select ratio “/” (division)
between Gen U and Ch 1.
8] Press and read the results. If phase deviation is to be recorded, for
calculation 2, select “Phase” between Gen U
CT excitation current and Ch 1.
10] Wait for results to stabilize 10] Press and read results.
11] Press and read results.
Voltage withstand measurements
TIP 1] Select 2.2 kV generator and 55 Hz.
If saturation voltage is unknown: start 2] Select Gen I and GenU measurement chan-
energize with a low voltage, approximate- nels set to Freq.
ly 1% of generator max voltage. Increase
the voltage slowly unit excitation current 3] If insulation properties are to be measured,
press and select e.g. Cp and PF.
start increase considerably (e.g. to 100
mA) and the lower voltage to about 75% 4] Connect generator leads to the test speci-
of its value result in high current. Now a men.
high accuracy measurement of “ratio with
5] Make sure the test object is connected to
voltage” is achieved. ground at one end (generator black)!
6] Set the test voltage as high as possible with
CT ratio with current respect to the test object. In most cases 2.2 kV
is used.
Caution 7] Press to start the generator
Make sure that one side of primary side
winding is connected to ground at all 8] Wait for results to stabilize.
times. Otherwise, the measurement re- 9] 7] Press and read results.
sults will be affected and the instrument
may be damaged. Note The test mode is GST-GND which means that
the total current to ground will be measured.
1] Select 0-200 A (or 0-800 A if TRAX 280) gen- The test result will be affected by all stray
erator. capacitors including e.g. cables and surface
Select frequency, typically 50 or 60 Hz. current. To estimate the effect of cables (typ-
ically 50-100 pF), measure the cables when
2] Activate Int GenI, configure it to Freq. not connected to the specimen.
3] Activate Cannel Ch 1, configure it to Current
(A) and Freq.
4] 4. Press
For calculation 1, select ratio “/” (division)
between Gen I and Ch 1.
If phase deviation is to be recorded, for cal-
culation 2, select “Phase” between Gen I and
Ch 1.
5] Connect CT terminal S2/X2 to ground.
Connect black Ch 1 terminal to terminal S2/
X2 and red Ch 1 to terminal S1/X1.
Connect P1/H1 (or P2/H2) to ground.
Connect 200A/800A current output terminals
to primary winding, black terminal to P2/H2
and red terminal to P1/H1.
7] Select an appropriate test current, usually
rated primary current or a fraction of rated
primary current.
Make sure expected resulted secondary cur-
rent is lower than 10A.
8] Press to start the generator.
9] Wait for results to stabilize
DualGround On/Off
Settings Clamp-on ammeter Set the ratio for the clamp-on
1] Press (mV/A) ammeter
Ramp up time (s) 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 20
Integration/measure- 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, or 10
Constant current time (s) 3, 5, 10, 20, 60 or 3600
ment time
Ramp down time (s) 0.3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 20
Averaging 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Display update 1, 2, 3 or 4
3] Press “OK”.
4] Select desired “Test current” and “Genera-
After selection the test current can be adjust-
ed within the actual current range.
5] Select “Continuous” if desired.
Single test is default.
The parallel current is measured with an external Recommended test current ranges
clamp-on CT connected to channel R2 and a value for 1 A 5 mA – 1 A Resistance range 1 mΩ – 10 kΩ
the clamp-on ammeter in Volt / A is needed (settings 16 A 100 mA – 16 A Resistance range 160 µΩ – 500 Ω
page). This is used to calculate the current flowing in 100 A 10 A – 100 A Resistance range 10 µΩ – 5 Ω
the parallel path.
Note When testing transformer windings, the test
Measurements are performed as above and the current should be sufficient to saturate the
measured value is automatically adjusted for the core and thus minimizing inductance. This
parallel current. happens typically at about 1% of the rated
winding current. Avoid testing at > 15% of
rated current since this may cause heating
which will affect the accuracy. Typical test
currents are 1-15% and using 5-15% will give
fast and stable readings.
The no power emergency discharge may Temperature correction
take significantly longer time due to Temperature On/Off
lower discharge voltage. Make sure to correction Measured values will be automat-
wait for a sufficient time (> 2 minutes for ically corrected to the reference
a large transformer) before removing any temperature
cables. Object temp Enter the winding temperature
Reference Reference temperature for the correc-
Settings temp (°C) tion. 85, 75 or customer defined.
1] Press Custom ref
temp (°C)
Do not remove any cables until discharge
is finalized.
Winding resistance with transformer 4] Select test current and start measurement.
If no OLTC and no taps
1] Enter the transformer configuration. 1] When reading is stable, stop measurement
2] Ground one end of the winding and connect and the result is displayed.
the cables as described, e.g. current H1- X3 2] Reconnect cables and perform test on next
with H3X0 short, R1 H1-H3, R2 X0-X3. phase.
3] Pressing “?” will show the connection. Winding variation will be displayed when all phases
are measured.
Step-by-step instructions
1] Connect generator cable and R1 measure-
ment cable to the transformer HV terminals.
If YN, connect to H2/V to neutral, if Y or D
1] Press
1] Press
Step-by-step instructions
4] Select test voltage.
No configuration
5] Press to start test
1] Connect cables.
6] Select next tap, operate tap changer and
2] Select test voltage. continue until all taps are measured.
3] Press to start test.
7] Reconnect cables to next phase. Press
4] Perform next measurement. to see connecting diagram.
5] Save results. 8] Measure all taps.
9] Continue with next phase.
With configuration
10] Save results.
1] Select transformer “Configuration” and en-
ter the first and last tap voltage values.
Per-phase measurements
When configuration is selected, TRAX suggest
measurements per-phase and the variation in leakage
reactance, Xs, is calculated and displayed.
Three-phase equivalent
By selecting “Impedance” the instrument auto-
matically selects three-phase equivalent model and
the results can be compared with the transformer
Deleting file.
Can only be used if the file folder is
Create new folder
1] Press
The “Load file” window will be shown.
Load report / file
Save changes in report
Save as
Save file to a new name and/or location e.g.
move from TRAX to PC
Connecting to TRAX:
1] Connect the Ethernet cable (or via WiFi) to
2] Wait until your device has discovered an un-
known unit (normally by displaying a “?” in
your network symbol)
3] Start TRAX Control.
4] After a while, the screen will display all TRAX
units found on the network.
5] Select the unit you want to connect to.
6] A dialog is started where you are asked to
confirm remote control by pressing and
holding the control knob on TRAX to allow
remote control.
7] Stop remote control by closing the program
and unlocking TRAX for stand-alone use.
Simulation mode
1] Start TRAX Control.
2] Select “Work offline” to access the TRAX SW
for demonstration/training purposes and for
working with TRAX reports.
7 Upgrading TRAX
7.1 Upgrading
TRAX SW can be upgraded via Internet or with a USB
Do NOT interrupt the updating process.
Do NOT interrupt the updating process.
8 Specifications
Specifications are valid at nominal input voltage and an ambient Frequency range:
temperature of +25°C ±5°, (77°F). Specifications are subject to 45-70 Hz
change without notice. 0-16 A DC 0-16 A, continuous
Evironment 0-1 A continuous
Application For use in high-voltage substations and industrial 0-300 VDC 0-10 A,1 minute Rectified DC. Intended to
field environments be used as e.g. auxiliary DC
Temperature supply
Operating -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to +131°F) 0-100 A DC 100 A, 1 minute
70 A, continuous
Storage -20°C to +70°C (-4°F to +158°F)
DC output Max 1000 VA ,
Humidity < 90%RH, non-condensing
power continuous
CE- marking Max 50 V compli-
EMC 2004/108/EC ance voltage
LVD 2006/95/EC Binary output 250 V / 35 A (max) Output contacts for LTC
2 x 0-10000 s and CB operation with
internal voltage and current
Mains input 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz (± 10%) measurements
Input current ≤ 16 A continuous
Short-term up to 30 A < 60 s
CONTROL 54 V DC Ethernet communication
Main fuses F1 and F2, 25 A
and power to accessories.
POWER 0-235 V AC Directly from power ampli-
To be connected to the test object ground before
fier for powering accesso-
connecting any other cables to the unit.
ries (TDX / TCX)
With 12 kV AC
For connecting an additional ground between
TRAX TDX 0-12 kV, 1 min
the main unit and accessories or to ground exter-
0-12 kV / 300 mA,
nal objects e.g. optional trolley
4 min
Dimensions 475 x 315 x 330 mm (excl. handles) 0-12 kV / 100 mA,
(18.7” x 12.4” x 13”) continuous
Weight With 2000 A AC
TRAX 219 25 kg (55 lbs) TRAX TCX 0-2000 A/2.5 V,
TRAX 220 26 kg (57 lbs) 1 min
0-1000 A/5 V, 1 min
TRAX 280 30 kg (66 lbs)
Display Inputs
Size 10.4” ANALOG
Resolution 1024x768 XGA 1234
Type TFT touch Current 4 x 0-10 A AC / DC
Contrast ratio 1000:1 Voltage 4 x 250 / 350 V AC / DC
Nits 1000 R1 R2 2 x 0-50 V DC Intended for resistance
measurements but can be
Outputs used for AC voltage meas-
Item Specification Comment urement up to 60 V RMS
0-2200 VAC 1 A, 1 min The output is additionally TRANS Input for analog trans-
2500 VA (max) disconnected with a relay ducers and low level analog
Frequency range: and the output is “live” signals
5-70 Hz only when this generator is TRIG IN Contact or voltage sense
TIMING 3 x 0-10000 s Binary inputs for timing
0-250 VAC / 10 A, 1 min measurements in timer and
0-10 A AC 20 A (short-term, relay testing applications. A
typically a few and B inputs dedicated for
seconds) Start and Stop.
Frequency range:
5-505 Hz
0-200 A AC 0-200 A/6 V, 1 min TRAX220
0-20 A/6 V, contin-
Frequency range:
45-70 Hz
C Power transformer turns-ratio measurements.25
Communication.............................................. 13 Product description........................................... 6
Communication ports..................................... 40
Connectors..................................................... 12
Remote control............................................... 40
Contact Resistance........................................ 27
Reporting........................................................ 36
Control knob................................................... 20
Report view.................................................... 38
Controls.......................................................... 12
Resistance measurements............................. 23
CT excitation current...................................... 25
CT ratio with current....................................... 26 S
CT ratio with voltage....................................... 25 Safety............................................................... 8
D Safety instructions............................................ 9
Save and report.............................................. 37
Data handling................................................. 36
Save a test..................................................... 37
Demagnetization............................................ 31
Short-circuit Impedance................................. 35
Dual ground measurements........................... 28
Short-circuit measurements........................... 24
E Side panel...................................................... 12
Excitation current............................................ 24 Specifications................................................. 44
Excitation Current........................................... 34 Start-up screen............................................... 16
Symbols............................................................ 8
Generator settings.......................................... 20 T
GUI Settings................................................... 16 Test object configuration................................. 36
Top panel........................................................ 13
Transformer turns ratio................................... 32
impedance...................................................... 24
Turn off TRAX................................................. 16
Indicators........................................................ 12
Instrument description.................................... 18 U
Instruments..................................................... 17 Upgrading....................................................... 42
Instrument safety.............................................. 8
Instrument settings......................................... 20
Voltage withstand measurements.................. 26
Leakage Reactance....................................... 35
Warning and Caution Notices........................... 8
Leakage reactance measurements................ 24
Warranty........................................................... 7
Load a report.................................................. 37
Warranty repair................................................. 7
Logfile............................................................. 39
Winding resistance......................................... 28
Maintenance................................................... 10
Zero-sequence impedance measurements.... 24
Manual control................................................ 23
Manual Control............................................... 19
Open ground detection..................................... 8
Operating instructions.................................... 16
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Subject to change without notice. Printed matter No. ZP-AJ01E Doc. AJ0383BE V02b 2015