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Mechanics of Solid Lab Manual

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Exp No Name of the Experiment

To Determine the Tensile Strength of Material by Universal Testing

1 2-9

To Determine the Compressive Strength of Materials by Universal

2 9-12
Testing Machine

To Determine the Bending Strength of Materials by Universal Testing

3 13-16

4 To Determine Shear Test in Universal Testing Machine 17-19

5 To Determine the Rigidity Modulus of Material 20-22

6 To Determine the Fatigue Strength of Material 22-25

7 Load measurement using load indicator, load cells 26-27

8 To Measure the Strain Using Strain Gauge 28-31

Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 1|Page

Experiment No 1

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine the Tensile Strength of Material by Universal Testing Machine.


1. Percentage elongation in length

2. Percentage reduction in area
3. Working stress or permissible stress or safe stress
4. Young’s modulus
5. Yield stress
6. Ultimate stress or Maximum tensile stress
7. Breaking stress or Failure stress

Practical importance:

While designing a component, selection of metals for different applications is based on

salient points such as limit of proportionality or elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate strength, and
breaking strength. Therefore, from this tension test above said salient points can be calculated.

Apparatus Required:

1. Universal Testing machine

2. Dial gauge
3. Vernier caliper
4. scale


In engineering, tension test is widely used to provide basic design information on the strength
of the materials. In the tension test a specimen is subjected to a continually increasing uniaxial
tensile force while simultaneous observations are made of the elongation of the specimen. A
stress-strain curve is plotted from the load-elongation measurements.

The parameters which are used to describe the stress-strain curve of a material are the
tensile strength, yield strength or yield point, percent elongation and reduction of area. The first
two are strength parameters; the last two indicate ductility.

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Limit of proportionality (A):

It is the limiting value of the stress up to which stress is proportional to strain.

Elastic limit:

This is the limiting value of stress up to which if the material is stressed and then
released (unloaded), Strain disappears completely and the original length is regained.

Tabulation: 1.1

Sl.No. Load in KN Load in N Extension(l)in Stress in Strain Young’s

mm. N/mm2 Modulus
6 E=
10 Result from
11 the Graph

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Load P
Stress= = = ------- N/mm2
Area A

Change in Length
Strain = = ------------
Original Length

Young’s Modulus = Strain = ------------ N/mm2 (Obtain from the graph)

Yeild stress
Working stress=Factor of Safety = --------------N/mm2

Final length−Initial length

% Elongation = Initial length
× 100 =------------%

Initial Area−Final Area

% Reduction in area=  100=--------------%
Initial Area

Yeild stress
Yield Stress = =----------------N/mm2
Initial Area

Ultimate Load
Ultimate Tensile strength= Initial Area

Upper Yield point (B):

This is the stress at which, the load starts reducing and the extension increases. This
phenomenon is called yielding of material.

Lower Yield Point (C):

At the stage the stress remain same but strain increases for some time.

Ultimate Stress (D):

This is the maximum stress the material can resist. At this stage cross-sectional area at a
particular section starts reducing very first (fig1.1).This is called neck formation.=

Breaking Point (E):

The stress at which final the specimen fails is called breaking point.

Hook’s Law:

Within the elastic limit, the stress is proportional to the strain for an isentropic material.

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Fig 1.1 Fig 1.2

Stress-Strain Diagram

A-Elastic limit

B-Upper Yield Stress

C-Lower Yield Stress

D-Ultimate Stress

E-Breaking Stress
Breaking Strength=Final Area = ---------------------N/mm2

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Fig 1.3 Universal Testing Machine

Fig 1.4

lg=gauge length i.e. length of the specimen on which we want to determine mechanical

L= Total length of the specimen.

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Proof Resilience:

It is defined as the “partial strain energy stored in the specimen from zero up to elastic point”.
Graphically, it is the area bounded below the graph from zero up to elastic point. Hence proof
resilience= approximately the triangular area from zero up to elastic point (Fig 1.1&1.2).

Proof resilience = [1/2EP WEP] kg-cm.

Modulus of Resilience:

It is define as the “Total strain energy stored in the specimen from zero up to the fracture
point of the specimen”, graphically, it is the area bounded below the graph from zero up to the
point of fracture from graph.

Modulus of Resilience =Triangular area A1+Rectangular Area A2+Remaining Area A3

Modulus of Resilience= (A1+A2+A3) kg.cm


1. The original dimensions of the specimens like original diameter, gauge length etc.is to be
2. The specimen is mounted on the Universal Testing Machine between the fixed and
movable jaw.
3. The load range in the machine is adjusted to its maximum capacity (160 tones).
4. The dial gauge is mounted on the machine at the appropriate positions and adjusts to
5. The machine is switched on and the tensile load is applied gradually.
6. For every 5KN of load, the reading of dial gauge is noted and tabulated.
7. Removal the dial gauge at slightly below the expected load at yield point.
8. Record the load at yield point at the yield point the pointer on load scale will remain
stationary foe small interval of time and blue needle will come back by 2 or 3 divisions that
point is lower yield point.
9. The specimen is loaded continuously up to the ultimate load (red needle will stop), where
there is formation of cup and cone at neck in the specimen, which is to be noted.
10.With further loading the specimen breaks and the breaking load is noted.
11.The specimen is removed and final dimension are measured.

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Results and Conclusions:

1. Working stress =
2. Young’s Modulus of specimen =
3. Yield stress=
4. Ultimate stress =
5. Breaking stress =
6. % Reduction in areas =
7. % Elongation =

1. Least count of dial gauge = 0.01mm
2. Specimen Material = ---------------
3. Initial Length (li) =-------------------mm.
4. Initial diameter (di) = ------------------mm.
5. Original C/S Area (Ai) = 4
= --------------mm2

6. Ultimate load (pu) = --------------------KN (Where pu is the maximum load applied)

7. Final length (lr) = -----------------mm
8. Final diameter (dr) =---------------mm.
9. Final area (Ar) = = ------------------mm2

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Tabulation 1.2
Sl.No. Load in Load in Compression(l) Stress in Strain Young’s
KN N in mm N/mm2 Modulus
4 E=Strain
7 Result
8 from the
9 graph


From the above reading, we did the experiment

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Date: Registration Number:

Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 9|Page

Experiment No 2

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine the Compressive Strength of Materials by Universal Testing Machine

Apparatus Required:

1. Universal Testing machine

2. Mild steel Specimen
3. Vernier Caliper
4. Steel Rule
5. Pen


Several Machine and structure components such as columns and strut are subjected to
compressive load in application, these components are made of high compressive strength
materials. Not all the material is strong in compression. Several materials which are good in
tension are poor in compression. Contrary to this many materials are poor in tension but very
strong in compression. Cast iron is one such example. This is why determination of ultimate
compressive strength is essential before using a material. This strength is determined by
contact of a compression test.

Compression test is just opposite in nature to tensile test. Nature of deformation and fracture
is quite different from that in tensile test. Compressive load tends to squeeze the specimen.
Brittle materials are generally weak in tension but strong in compression. Hence this test is
normally performed on cast iron, cement concrete etc. But ductile materials like aluminum and
mild steel which are strong in tension, are also tested in compression.

Description of Machine:

This machine is used for different test of materials such as tensile test, compression test,
bending test and shear test etc. is it is named as universal testing machine.

A universal testing machine generally consists of two units-

1. loading Units
2. control units

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Fig 2.1 Universal Testing Machine


1. Dimension of test piece is measured at three different places along its heights, lengths to
determine the avg. cross sectional area.
2. Ends of the specimen should be plane. For that the ends are tested on a bearing plate.
3. Load is applied on the specimen by moving the movable head.
4. The specimen is placed centrally between the two compressions plates, such that the
center of the movable head is vertically above the center of specimen.
5. Load is applied on the specimen by moving the movable head.
6. Load is applied unit the specimen fails.
7. Determine young’s modulus in compression.
8. Determine percentage reduction in length of the specimen.


1. specimen of material – mild steel

2. maximum strength produce during compression=(load/area)

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1. Specimen should have parallel

2. specimen should be placed centrally on the lower plate


From the above experiment, we measured the compressive strength of the given
specimen by using universal testing Machine.

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Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 12|Page

Experiment No 3

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine the Bending Strength of Materials by Universal Testing Machine

1. Modulus of elasticity
2. Modulus of Rupture or flexure modulus (maximum bending stress at failure using
bending equation).


A Bending test may be performed on actual beam cross-section by using the three point
loading system. The bending fixture is supported on the platform of the hydraulic cylinder of the
universal testing machine. The loading knife edge is held in the middle crosshead. At a
particular load, the deflection at the centre of the beam is determined by using a dial gauge.

The deflection at the beam centre is given by ∆ = WL3/48EI.

By knowing W, L, D and I, it is possible to obtain the modulus of elasticity of beam material.

Apparatus required:

1. Universal Testing machine,

2. Dial gauge,
3. Vernier caliper
4. Scale.


Application of a simple concentrated load at centre in the case of bending associated with
shear. Application of two concentrated loads will lead to pure bending without shear. Beams are
usually subjected to bending moment and shearing forces which vary from section to section.
Bending moment at a section in a beam is the moment that is trying to bend it and is obtained
as the algebraic sum of the moments about the section of all the forces acting on the beam
either to the left or to the right of the section. Due to the bending moment, beam sags or hogs
as shown in fig 3.1.

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Sagging Hogging

Fig 3.1

Moment of Inertia, I = 12

Section Modulus (Z) = I/Y= 6

Load /Deflection = p/

Deflection () =48EI

Young’s modulus, E=48I

Maximum Bending moment = M =---------------------N-mm4.


M= Bending moment in N-mm

I= Moment of inertia in mm4

b=Bending stress in N/mm2 (Mpa)

Y=Distance from neutral axis to the outer most material in mm.

E= Young’s modulus in N/mm2 (Mpa)

R= Radius of curvature in mm.

Bending Stress (b) = [ 𝐼 ] y = --------------N/mm2

Y= h/2=-------------mm
3𝑃𝑟 𝐿
Modulus of rupture (f)= =-------------N/mm2
2𝑏ℎ 2

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Modulus of rupture (f) =M/Z = ---------------N/mm2

Bending equation: M/I=b/y=E/R


1. The dimension of the specimen is noted.

2. The specimen is placed on the support and is fitted the universal testing machine.
3. Dial gauge is mounted on the UTM at the appropriate position and adjusted o read zero.
4. The UTM is adjusted to have the suitable load range.
5. The machine is switched on and bending load is applied gradually.
6. For every 0.5 KN rise in load the corresponding dial gauge and scale readings are noted.
7. The load is applied until the specimen breaks and the breaking load is noted.

Modulus of rigidity C = πD4 

Maximum Torsional shear stress = πD3

Length of the specimen (I) =----------mm.

Mean diameter of a specimen (D) =---------mm

Tabulation 3.1:

Sl.No. Twisting Angle of twist  Modulus of rigidity Torsional

moment In Degrees In Radiance Kg-m shear stress
T Kg-m

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Modulus of Rupture =-------------

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Experiment No 4
Modulus of elasticity =----------------

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine Shear Test in Universal Testing Machine


1. UTM
2. Vernier Calipers
3. Standard Mild steel Specimen
4. Shear shackle


When the cross section of a structural member is subjected to two equal and opposite
forces acting tangentially across the section, shear stress is developed. The equal and opposite
tangential forces acting across the section is called shear force. When there exist only uniform
shear stress on the plane it is called pure shear stress. The maximum resistance offered by the
material under the action of sear force is called ultimate shear stress.

The shear stress developed across the section


Where F= Shear force acting on the area

A=Area of cross section

If the shear force acts over two area of cross sections of the member, then the shear stress

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1. Clean the given specimen with sand paper and measures is diameter at three different
points and obtain the mean diameter.
2. For mild steel , maximum shear stress may be taken as 500 kg/cm 2.Double shear stress
of the specimen can be calculated as F=50002Area of cross section .The range of the
machine may be selected suitably according to the double shear strength calculated.
3. Insert the specimen into the shear tool fitted with the appropriate dies. The specimen
should project equally on either side of the tool.
4. Place the tool with the specimen centrally on the lower cross head and the middle cross
head is adjusted just to touch with the top surface with the shear tool, using the quick
setting arrangement.
5. Close the outlet valve, open the inlet valve slowly and the load is applied to the specimen.
When the specimen breaks, note the breaking load.

Fig 4.1 Double shear Tool

Tabulation: 4.1

Sl.No. Main scale Vernier scale Diameter of bar(mm) Average

reading(MSR) reading(VSR) MSR+(VSRLEAST COUNT) Diameter(mm)

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Least count of the Vernier=-----------------

Average diameter of the specimen=----------------mm
Area of cross section (A) =------------------mm2
Assumed ultimate shear strength = 500kg/cm2 =490.5N/mm2
Maximum expected load = permissible shear stress  Factor of safety  2 A=----------------
Range selected =----------------KN
Breaking load, (F) =-----------------KN
Ultimate shear stress = (F/2A)1000=---------------N/mm2


Ultimate shear stress =-----------------N/mm2

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Date: Registration Number:

Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 19|Page

Experiment no 5

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine the Rigidity Modulus of Material.

Apparatus Required:

1. Torsion Testing Machine

2. Inside & Outside Digital Caliper
3. Scale
4. Micrometer
5. Specimen


In factories a turning force is always applied to transmit energy by rotation. The turning
force is either applied to the rim of the pulley, keyed to the shaft to any other suitable point them
of the shaft is known as torque/turning moment. The shaft is subjected to torsion.


When a uniform prismatic bar is subjected to a torque so that bending is zero then every
section of the bar is subjected to a state of pure shear. The moment of resistance developed in
the specimen being everywhere equal to the magnitude and opposite in sense, to the applied

Torsion of circular shaft:

A circular cylindrical shaft is said to be subjected to pure tension when the torsion is
caused by a couple, so that the axis of applied couple coincides with the axis of the shaft. In
such a case the state of stress at any point in the cross section of the shaft is one of pure shear
and the strain such that one cross section of the shaft moves relative to another.

Torsion Testing:

A torsion test is generally performed to determine the value of modulus of rigidity of a

metallic specimen. The value of modulus of rigidity can be found out through observations made
during the experiment by using the torsion equation.

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T= Maximum Torque

Fs=Modulus of Factor

R= Outer Radius

J=Polar Moment Of Inertia

θ=Angle of Twist

L=Length of the Work Piece

G=Modulus of Rigidity

Different parts of Torsion testing machine:

1. Motor: It is used to not at the ball gear.

2. Gear Wheel: The gear wheel converts the rotating motion of the motor in horizontal
3. Gear Box: In this box all the controlling gear arrangement present such that the
longitudinal motion of motor is controlled and converted in horizontal motion.
4. Frame: It is the most important part that forms the support for all the machine parts


1. The material used shall be isotropic in nature.

2. The cross sectional area of the shaft is uniform throughout, the plane cross section of
circular shaft remains plain before and after torsion.
3. The cross section of the shaft is uniform throughout the gauge length.

Fig 5.1 Torsion Testing Machine

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1. Select specimen holder to suit the specimen and clamp if in the m/c measure.
2. Set the line painter and protractor to zero.
3. Carry out structuring by rotation the hand wheels in direction.
4. The height of the point on T-Q curve corresponds to torque for ultimate yield strength.

Tabulation: 5.1

Si No. Angle of Angle of Torque,T(kg- Modulus of T/θ

Twist Twist,θ(Radian) m) Rigidity(N/mm2)


Modulus of Rigidity=TL/Jθ


From the above experiment we study different parts of a torsion testing machine and
conduct torsion test on mild steel specimen and modulus of rigidity is……………..

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Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 22|Page

Experiment No 6

Aim of the Experiment:

To Determine the Fatigue Strength of Material

Apparatus Required:

1. Fatigue Testing Machine

2. Load Pan
3. Size F Load
4. Collets
5. Digital Tachometer
6. Specimen


A metal is subjected to representing fluctuates stress will fail at a stress much lower than
requires to cause failure on single acing condition of load .The failure of metal under repeated
pulsating and reversing stress is called fatigue.

Fatigue Limit:
Number of cycles of stress of a specific character that a specimen of material can
withstand before failure of a specific nature occurs.

Fatigue Test:

The fatigue strength of a material is tested by applying a known alternating stress until
the specimen breaks. A simple way to perform fatigue test is to apply a load to the middle or to
the extreme end of a round bar of the material. The load can be applied by hanging a weight
and a lever which is attached to the collar on which the specimen is rotated by an electric motor
on which the specimen is fixed. Then the specimen is rotated by an electric motor on which
there is an electronic counter to count the no of cycles. This method causes each part of the
cross section of the bar except the axis to undergo a stress which alters between tensile and
compressive one for each rotation.

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Fig. 6.1 Cantilever type

Four point bending type

Fig 6.2 (Rotating bending Fatigue testing machines)

Fixing Of Specimen:

1. Take off collets nuts and collets inside nut.

2. Insert specimen in 3 low collets.
3. Put the collets not through specimen & tight them in position for this insertion

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1. Fixing The Specimen:

First unlighted the collect nuts. Insert the specimen in the three jaw collects. Then lights
the collect nut. The load pan has to be kept at proper height for easy insertion of the

1. Put desired weight of pan.
2. Put the plug at main.
3. Switching on the main start the machine.

Formula for calculating Bending Moment, Moment of Inertia and Shear Stress:

1. Bending moment,M=Added Weight*effective length of the specimen in N.m

2. Moment of Inertia=Π/64 *d4 in m4
3. Bending stress=M/I *d/2 in N/m2
4. Simple Bending equation/I=σ/Y=Cθ/L

Tabulation: 6.1

Sl No Dia of Effective Total No of Moment of Bending Bending

Specimen Length of Weight in Cycle Inertia of Moment(N. Stress(N/m2)
, d(mm) Specimen( Pan(N) s, N Specimen( m)
mm) m)


Hence we determined the fatigue strength of a specimen by a cantilever fatigue testing


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Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 25|Page

Experiment No 7

Aim of the Experiment:

To determine load measurement using load indicator, load cells.

Apparatus Required:

1. Load cell of (10 kg capacity)

2. Dead weights and
3. Digital load indicator

Weighing load/force using spring deflection is widely accepted one. But the deflection of
spring reading mechanically is very tedious and time consuming. One of the most effective &
accurate method is using strain gauge based load cells. Using the principle of deflection of high
tensile strength material when load is applied on it and converting it into proportional electrical
signal by using strain gauges will give accurate way of measuring load. Strain gauges are
bonded on the columns of corrosion resistance super tough alloy of high tensile strength steel
that deforms very minutely under load. This deformation is converted to electrical signal through
strain gauges bonded on the column and connected to form a wheat stone bridge. This
electrical output is proportional to the load acting on the columns. The output of the load cell is
calibrated with reference to some standard i.e., primary standard i.e. dead weights.

1. Connect the load cell to digital indicator inserting the corresponding color codes.
2. Connect the digital indicator to mains and switch on the indicator.
3. Adjust the zero knob of the indicator to 0000.
4. Apply the weights up to 08 kg.
5. Apply the “Cal” knob of the indicator to read 78.48 N. i.e. (9 x 9.81 N).
6. Remove weights form the load cell.
7. Set the zero knob to zero and repeat the calibration.
8. Now instrument is ready for measurement
9. Keep the weights one by one and take down the indicator reading.
10. Calculate the correction, error and % error.

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Sl. No Actual Load Indicated Load Error % Error

La Li Li - La Li-La/ La x 100
in in
Kg Kg


Error = Indicated Load - Actual Load

% Error = Indicated Load - Actual Load/ Actual Load X 100

1. Weighing systems are used in both static and dynamic applications.
2. In road and railway weigh bridges.
3. In electrical overhead travelling cranes.
4. Roll force measurement in steel plants/rolling mills.
5. Weigh bridges in conveyers & bunker

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Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 27|Page

Experiment No 8

Aim of the Experiment:

To Measure the Strain Using Strain Gauge.

Apparatus Required:
1. Cantilever beam weights
2. Strain Gauge
3. Multimeter.


When external forces are applied to a stationary object, stress and strain are the result.
Stress is depending as the object’s internal resisting forces, and strain is defined as the
displacement and deformation that occur. For a uniform distribution of internal resisting forces,
stress can be calculated by dividing the force (F) applied by the unit area(A).Strain is defined as
the amount of deformation per unit length of an object when a load is applied. Strain is
calculated by dividing the total deformation of the original length by the original length (L).

Fig 8.1

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Stress and Strain Diagram

Fundamentally, all strain gauges are design to convert mechanical motion into an electronic
signal. A change in capacitance, inductance or resistance is proportional to the strain
experience by the sensor. If a wire is held under tension, it gets slightly longer and its cross
sectional area is reduced. This changes its resistance (R) in proportion to the strain sensitivity
(S) of the wire’s resistance. When a strain is introduced, the strain sensitivity, which is also
called the gauge factor (GF), is given by GF=(R/R)(L/L)

There are many types of strain gauges. Among them, a universal strain gauge has a
structure such that a grid-shaped sensing element of thin metallic resistive foil (3to6µm thick) is
put on a base of thin plastic film (15to16 µm thick) and is laminated with a thin film.

The strain gauge is tightly bonded to a measuring object so that the sensing element
(metallic resistive foil) may elongate or contract according to the strain borne by the measuring
object .When bearing mechanical elongation or contraction; most metals undergo a change in
electric resistance. The strain gauge applies this principle to strain measurement through the
resistance change. Generally to sensing element of the strain gauge is made of a copper –
Nickel alloy foil. The alloy foil at a rate of resistance change proportional to strain with a certain

Fig 8.2


1. Arranged the cantilever beam, ammeter and voltmeter.

2. After this, put the weight on the rod of cantilever beam.
3. Measure the digital display reading for a particular weight.
4. Measure the value of ammeter(along) and voltmeter reading(Micro-volt)
5. Increase the strength the strength of weight.
6. Repeat the above step to increase the weight.
7. To measure all dimension of scale of cantilever.

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8. Plot a graph between R/R0 and strain ()
9. Find the Gauge factor (GF) by finding the inverse of the slope
10. Mark R/R0 on the graph and use Gauge Factor to find strain.

Fig 8.3

Tabulation: 8.1

Sl No. Load (gms) Resistance R/R0 Strain()

R0 Rf R=Rf-R0

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Strain  (theoretical) =l/l =6PL/Ebt2 for cantilever type elastic member

(Experimental)= R/R0/gauge factor (GF)

Modulus of elasticity (E) =stress/ strain

Stress =EStrain=E 

Depending upon the beam used in apparatus force stress and strain values varies
accordingly with simply supported or cantilever beam terminology.


Stress and Strain induced in cantilever are -----------------N/mm2 and ------------- respectively.

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Date: Registration Number:

Indotech Laboratory Manual (MECHANICS OF SOLIDS) 31|Page

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