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Portland cement bags 4970.086 275 1,366,773.65 #REF! 46.

Sand cu.m. 285.2309 700 199,661.62 #REF! 3,100.00
Gravel cu.m. 473.5449 700 331,481.43 #REF! 270.00
Reinforcing steel bar, grade 40 kgs 1425.184 41 58,432.52 #REF! 340.00
Plywood 1/4" x 4' x 8' pc. 1 656 656.00 16,000.00
Form lumber, good -4 - uses bd.ft. 394.52 40 15,780.80 #REF! 9,500.00
4" x 8" x 16" CHB pcs. 60 12 720.00 48.00
Paint gal. 0.25 650 162.50 480.00
#16 tie wire (2% of RSB) kgs. 8.27 65 537.55 #REF! 420.00
Assorted CWN (1kg/100 bd.ft. of lumber) kgs. 9.24 58 535.92 #REF! 2,400.00
4' x 8' tarpaulin w/ std. layout set 2 500 1,000.00 170.00
Marine plywood (0.00625 x 1.20m x 2.44m) sht 2 458 916.00 315.00
2" x 3" x 10' coco lumber bd.ft. 35 18 630.00 75.00
2" x 3" x 12' coco lumber bd.ft. 30 18 540.00 390.00
2" x 2" x 10' coco lumber
Sub bd.ft. 23.32 18 419.76 30.00
First Aid Kit l.s. 1.00 1,000 1,000.00 30.00
Safety Helmet man-days 1034.47 0.49 508.36 30.00
(w/1 Shoes man-days 799.78 2.77 2,215.39 65.00
Safety Gloves man-days 799.78 7.67 6,134.31 450.00
Temporary Signages and Barricade l.s. 1.00 12178.21 12,178.21 650.00
Fact Materials (mixed sand and gravel) Cu.m. 7.0265 588 4,131.58 1,000.00
or) Cu.m. 1397.089 650 908,107.85 12,200.00
Curing Compound ltrs. 905.66 40.00 36,226.22 11,000.00
Asphalt Sealant ltrs. 374.75 76.00 28,481.30 14,500.00
Steel Forms (Rental) mtrs. 1,436.56 40.00 57,462.28 19,200.00
Concrete saw (diamond blade 14:Ø) pcs 0.47 8,000.00 3,747.52 10,500.00
Pipe Sleave, 1" Ø mtrs. 24.36 59.00 1,437.18 500.00
Grease/Tar ltrs. 4.68 315.00 1,475.60 500.00
RC Pipes (910mmØ) pc. 32.00 1,750.00 56,000.00 1,500.00
Weep holes (PVC) mtrs. 23.75 86.25 2,048.52 1,500.00
Filter Cloth sq.m. 1.19 160.00 190.01
Boulders (15 - 25kg) cu.m. 83.13 1,228.00 102,081.80
(Miscellaneous (1% of materials cost) ls 1.00 2,418.39

Metal flex beam guardrail (class b 3.43mmthk. mtrs. 95.25 2,400.00 228,600.00
Type1zinc coated at 1.8 ounces/sq.ft
plywood marine 1/2" thk. X 4' x8' -4 uses Pcs. 23.81 114.50 2,726.53
Bolt, nut & washer 5/8"Ø x 9" Pcs. 48.00 28.00 1,344.00
Bol, nut & washer 5/8 x 1 Pcs. 191.00 21.00 4,011.00
Metal Guardrail end piece each 4.00 1,350.00 5,400.00
Concrete Vibrator (4 units) 4 133.0577 91.25 48,566.08 #REF!
Lowbed Traller (1 unit) 1 8 4255.38 34,043.04 #REF!
Bulldozer,D6H Series II PSD/DD (1 unit) 1 132.5977 3,379.00 448,047.49 #REF!
Payloader (1.50 cu.m.) (1 unit) 1 171.2438 1,733.00 296,765.52 #REF!
Dump truck (12 cu.yd) (3 units) 3 132.1266 1,420.00 562,859.34 #REF!
Backhoe (0.80m²) (1 unit) 1 142.0025 1,537.00 218,257.84 #REF!
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 1 4.88 123.00 600.24 #REF!
Water Truck (1 unit) 1 26.51599 2,450.00 64,964.18 #REF!
Minor Tools (10% labor cost) 22,346.63465 #REF!
Motorized Road Grader (140hp) G710A (1 unit) 1 45.071 2,173.00 97,939.28 #REF!
Vibratory Roller (10mt.) SD100DC (1 unit) 1 45.071 1,846.00 83,201.07 #REF!
One Bagger Mixer (2 units) 2 160.53 172.00 55,223.42 #REF!
Bar Cutter, Single Phase (3 units) 3 6.51 219.75 4,289.18 #REF!
Concrete Saw (7.5 hp), 14" blade Ø) (3 units) 3 13.01 32.63 1,273.77 #REF!
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 1 9.28 123.00 1,141.44
Water Truck/Pump wheelv type(16000L) (2 units) 2 1.24 2,450.00 6,061.45
Backhoe (0.80m²) (2 units) 2 2.47 922.00 4,562.17
Cargo truck (9-10MT.) (1 unit) 1 6.34 783.00 4,961.33
Annex 30

Municipality of Sindangan

Department :Engineering PR No. : Date :

SAI No.: Date :
Section : ALOBS No. : Date :

Item Unit of Estimated Estimated

Quantity Item Description
No. Issue Unit Cost Cost
1 4,970.09 bags Portland cement 275.00 1,366,773.65
2 285.23 cu.m. Sand 700.00 199,661.62
3 473.54 cu.m. Gravel 700.00 331,481.43
4 1,425.18 kgs Reinforcing steel bar, grade 40 41.00 58,432.52
5 1.00 pc. Plywood 1/4" x 4' x 8' 656.00 656.00
6 394.52 bd.ft. Form lumber, good -4 - uses 40.00 15,780.80
7 60.00 pcs. 4" x 8" x 16" CHB 12.00 720.00
8 0.25 gal. Paint 650.00 162.50
9 8.27 kgs. #16 tie wire (2% of RSB) 65.00 537.55
10 9.24 kgs. Assorted CWN (1kg/100 bd.ft. of lumber) 58.00 535.92
11 2.00 set 4' x 8' tarpaulin w/ std. layout 500.00 1,000.00
12 2.00 sht Marine plywood (0.00625 x 1.20m x 2.44m) 458.00 916.00
13 35.00 bd.ft. 2" x 3" x 10' coco lumber 18.00 630.00
14 30.00 bd.ft. 2" x 3" x 12' coco lumber 18.00 540.00
15 23.32 bd.ft. 2" x 2" x 10' coco lumber 18.00 419.76
16 1.00 l.s. First Aid Kit 1,000.00 1,000.00
17 1,034.47 man-days Safety Helmet 0.49 508.36
18 799.78 man-days Safety Shoes 2.77 2,215.39
19 799.78 man-days Safety Gloves 7.67 6,134.31
20 1.00 l.s. Temporary Signages and Barricade 12,178.21 12,178.21
21 7.03 Cu.m. Filling Materials (mixed sand and gravel) 588.00 4,131.58
22 1,397.09 Cu.m. Aggregate Subbase Course (w/15% Shrinkge Factor) 650.00 908,107.85
23 905.66 ltrs. Curing Compound 40.00 36,226.22
24 374.75 ltrs. Asphalt Sealant 76.00 28,481.30
25 1,436.56 mtrs. Steel Forms (Rental) 40.00 57,462.28
26 0.47 pcs Concrete saw (diamond blade 14:Ø) 8,000.00 3,747.52
27 24.36 mtrs. Pipe Sleave, 1" Ø 59.00 1,437.18
28 4.68 ltrs. Grease/Tar 315.00 1,475.60
29 32.00 pc. RC Pipes (910mmØ) 1,750.00 56,000.00
30 23.75 mtrs. Weep holes (PVC) 86.25 2,048.52
31 1.19 sq.m. Filter Cloth 160.00 190.01
32 83.13 cu.m. Boulders (15 - 25kg) 1,228.00 102,081.80
33 1.00 ls (Miscellaneous (1% of materials cost) 2,418.39 2,418.39
34 95.25 mtrs. Metal flex beam guardrail (class b 3.43mmthk. Type1zinc co 2,400.00 228,600.00
35 23.81 Pcs. plywood marine 1/2" thk. X 4' x8' -4 uses 114.50 2,726.53
36 48.00 Pcs. Bolt, nut & washer 5/8"Ø x 9" 28.00 1,344.00
37 191.00 Pcs. Bol, nut & washer 5/8 x 1 21.00 4,011.00
38 4.00 each Metal Guardrail end piece 1,350.00 5,400.00

Page 5 of 12
39 133.06 hrs. Concrete Vibrator (4 units) 91.25 48,566.08
40 8.00 hrs. Lowbed Traller (1 unit) 4,255.38 34,043.04
41 132.60 hrs. Bulldozer,D6H Series II PSD/DD (1 unit) 3,379.00 448,047.49
42 171.24 hrs. Payloader (1.50 cu.m.) (1 unit) 1,733.00 296,765.52
43 132.13 hrs. Dump truck (12 cu.yd) (3 units) 1,420.00 562,859.34
44 142.00 hrs. Backhoe (0.80m²) (1 unit) 1,537.00 218,257.84
45 4.88 hrs. Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 123.00 600.24

Page 6 of 12
46 26.52 hrs. Water Truck (1 unit) 2,450.00 64,964.18
47 1.00 hrs. Minor Tools (10% labor cost) 22,346.63 22,346.63
48 45.07 hrs. Motorized Road Grader (140hp) G710A (1 unit) 2,173.00 97,939.28
49 45.07 hrs. Vibratory Roller (10mt.) SD100DC (1 unit) 1,846.00 83,201.07
50 160.53 hrs. One Bagger Mixer (2 units) 172.00 55,223.42
51 6.51 hrs. Bar Cutter, Single Phase (3 units) 219.75 4,289.18
52 13.01 hrs. Concrete Saw (7.5 hp), 14" blade Ø) (3 units) 32.63 1,273.77
53 9.28 hrs. Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 123.00 1,141.44
54 1.24 hrs. Water Truck/Pump wheelv type(16000L) (2 units) 2,450.00 6,061.45
55 2.47 hrs. Backhoe (0.80m²) (2 units) 922.00 4,562.17
56 6.34 hrs. Cargo truck (9-10MT.) (1 unit) 783.00 4,961.33
57 1.00 ls. OCM (Includes fuel & lubricants for equipt. 68,482.75 68,482.75
58 1.00 ls. LABOR 465,998.57 465,998.57
59 1.00 ls. Material Testing (for DPWH laboratory) 34,241.40 34,241.40
60 1.00 ls. Engineering & Admin. Overhead 30,000.00 30,000.00
Grand Total: 6,000,000.00
Municipal Budget Officer

Purpose : Concreting of Barangay Nipaan - Barangay Lapero Farm to Market Road

Suorce of Fund: DA CY 2019 Farm to Market Road Development Program
Requested by : Cash Availability : Approved by :

Signature :
Designation : Municipal Engineer Municipal Treasurer Municipal Mayor

Page 7 of 12
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Sindangan
CY - 2020
Function/Project/Activity: Concreting of Barangay Nipaan - Barangay Lapero Farm to Market Road
Dept./Office/Unit: MEO
Source of Fund: DA CY 2019 Farm to Market Road Development Program


BUDJET Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Portland cement 4,970.09 bags 1,366,773.65 x
Sand 285.23 cu.m. 199,661.62 x
Gravel 473.54 cu.m. 331,481.43 x
Reinforcing steel bar, grade 40 1,425.18 kgs 58,432.52 x
Plywood 1/4" x 4' x 8' 1.00 pc. 656.00 x
Form lumber, good -4 - uses 394.52 bd.ft. 15,780.80 x
4" x 8" x 16" CHB 60.00 pcs. 720.00 x
Paint 0.25 gal. 162.50 x
#16 tie wire (2% of RSB) 8.27 kgs. 537.55 x
Assorted CWN (1kg/100 bd.ft. of lumber) 9.24 kgs. 535.92 x
4' x 8' tarpaulin w/ std. layout 2.00 set 1,000.00 x
Marine plywood (0.00625 x 1.20m x 2.44m 2.00 sht 916.00 x
2" x 3" x 10' coco lumber 35.00 bd.ft. 630.00 x
2" x 3" x 12' coco lumber 30.00 bd.ft. 540.00 x
2" x 2" x 10' coco lumber 23.32 bd.ft. 419.76 x
First Aid Kit 1.00 l.s. 1,000.00 x
Safety Helmet 1,034.47 man-days 508.36 x
Safety Shoes 799.78 man-days 2,215.39 x
Safety Gloves 799.78 man-days 6,134.31 x
Temporary Signages and Barricade 1.00 l.s. 12,178.21 x
Filling Materials (mixed sand and gravel) 7.03 Cu.m. 4,131.58 x
Aggregate Subbase Course (w/15% Shrink 1,397.09 Cu.m. 908,107.85 x
Curing Compound 905.66 ltrs. 36,226.22 x
Asphalt Sealant 374.75 ltrs. 28,481.30 x
Steel Forms (Rental) 1,436.56 mtrs. 57,462.28 x
Concrete saw (diamond blade 14:Ø) 0.47 pcs 3,747.52 x
Pipe Sleave, 1" Ø 24.36 mtrs. 1,437.18 x
Grease/Tar 4.68 ltrs. 1,475.60 x
RC Pipes (910mmØ) 32.00 pc. 56,000.00 x
Weep holes (PVC) 23.75 mtrs. 2,048.52 x
Filter Cloth 1.19 sq.m. 190.01 x
Boulders (15 - 25kg) 83.13 cu.m. 102,081.80 x
(Miscellaneous (1% of materials cost) 1.00 ls 2,418.39 x
Metal flex beam guardrail (class b 3.43mm 95.25 mtrs. 228,600.00 x
plywood marine 1/2" thk. X 4' x8' -4 uses 23.81 Pcs. 2,726.53 x
Bolt, nut & washer 5/8"Ø x 9" 48.00 Pcs. 1,344.00 x
Bol, nut & washer 5/8 x 1 191.00 Pcs. 4,011.00 x
Metal Guardrail end piece 4.00 each 5,400.00 x
Concrete Vibrator (4 units) 133.06 hrs. 48,566.08 x
Lowbed Traller (1 unit) 8.00 hrs. 34,043.04 x
Bulldozer,D6H Series II PSD/DD (1 unit) 132.60 hrs. 448,047.49 x
Payloader (1.50 cu.m.) (1 unit) 171.24 hrs. 296,765.52 x
Dump truck (12 cu.yd) (3 units) 132.13 hrs. 562,859.34 x
Backhoe (0.80m²) (1 unit) 142.00 hrs. 218,257.84 x
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 4.88 hrs. 600.24 x
Water Truck (1 unit) 26.52 hrs. 64,964.18 x
Minor Tools (10% labor cost) 1.00 hrs. 22,346.63 x
Motorized Road Grader (140hp) G710A (1 45.07 hrs. 97,939.28 x
Vibratory Roller (10mt.) SD100DC (1 unit) 45.07 hrs. 83,201.07 x
One Bagger Mixer (2 units) 160.53 hrs. 55,223.42 x
Bar Cutter, Single Phase (3 units) 6.51 hrs. 4,289.18 x
Concrete Saw (7.5 hp), 14" blade Ø) (3 un 13.01 hrs. 1,273.77 x
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 9.28 hrs. 1,141.44 x
Water Truck/Pump wheelv type(16000L) (2 1.24 hrs. 6,061.45 x
Backhoe (0.80m²) (2 units) 2.47 hrs. 4,562.17 x
Cargo truck (9-10MT.) (1 unit) 6.34 hrs. 4,961.33 x
OCM (Includes fuel & lubricants for equipt. 1.00 ls. 68,482.75 x
LABOR 1.00 ls. 465,998.57 x
Material Testing (for DPWH laboratory) 1.00 ls. 34,241.40 x
Engineering & Admin. Overhead 1.00 ls. 30,000.00 x
Total 6,000,000.00
NOTE: Technical Specification for each Item / Project being proposed shall be subitted as part of the PPMP

Prepared by Submitted by:


Engineer II Municipal Engineer
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Sindangan


CY - 2020
Name of Local Government Unit: LGU Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte
Project: Concreting of Barangay Nipaan - Barangay Lapero Farm to Market Road
Department/Office: Engineering

Regular Amount Total Date Submitted:

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
ITEM DESCRIPTION Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost:
Qty Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount
Portland cement 275.00 4,970.09 bags 1,366,773.65 4,970.09 1,366,773.65
Sand 700.00 285.23 cu.m. 199,661.62 285.23 199,661.62
Gravel 700.00 473.54 cu.m. 331,481.43 473.54 331,481.43
Reinforcing steel bar, grade 40 41.00 1,425.18 kgs 58,432.52 1,425.18 58,432.52
Plywood 1/4" x 4' x 8' 656.00 1.00 pc. 656.00 1.00 656.00
Form lumber, good -4 - uses 40.00 394.52 bd.ft. 15,780.80 394.52 15,780.80
4" x 8" x 16" CHB 12.00 60.00 pcs. 720.00 60.00 720.00
Paint 650.00 0.25 gal. 162.50 0.25 162.50
#16 tie wire (2% of RSB) 65.00 8.27 kgs. 537.55 8.27 537.55
Assorted CWN (1kg/100 bd.ft. of lumber 58.00 9.24 kgs. 535.92 9.24 535.92
4' x 8' tarpaulin w/ std. layout 500.00 2.00 set 1,000.00 2.00 1,000.00
Marine plywood (0.00625 x 1.20m x 2.4 458.00 2.00 sht 916.00 2.00 916.00
2" x 3" x 10' coco lumber 18.00 35.00 bd.ft. 630.00 35.00 630.00
2" x 3" x 12' coco lumber 18.00 30.00 bd.ft. 540.00 30.00 540.00
2" x 2" x 10' coco lumber 18.00 23.32 bd.ft. 419.76 23.32 419.76
First Aid Kit 1,000.00 1.00 l.s. 1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00
Safety Helmet 0.49 1,034.47 man-days 508.36 1,034.47 508.36
Safety Shoes 2.77 799.78 man-days 2,215.39 799.78 2,215.39
Safety Gloves 7.67 799.78 man-days 6,134.31 799.78 6,134.31
Temporary Signages and Barricade 12,178.21 1.00 l.s. 12,178.21 1.00 12,178.21
Filling Materials (mixed sand and gravel 588.00 7.03 Cu.m. 4,131.58 7.03 4,131.58
Aggregate Subbase Course (w/15% Shri 650.00 1,397.09 Cu.m. 908,107.85 1,397.09 908,107.85
Curing Compound 40.00 905.66 ltrs. 36,226.22 905.66 36,226.22
Asphalt Sealant 76.00 374.75 ltrs. 28,481.30 374.75 28,481.30
Steel Forms (Rental) 40.00 1,436.56 mtrs. 57,462.28 1,436.56 57,462.28
Concrete saw (diamond blade 14:Ø) 8,000.00 0.47 pcs 3,747.52 0.47 3,747.52
Pipe Sleave, 1" Ø 59.00 24.36 mtrs. 1,437.18 24.36 1,437.18
Grease/Tar 315.00 4.68 ltrs. 1,475.60 4.68 1,475.60
RC Pipes (910mmØ) 1,750.00 32.00 pc. 56,000.00 32.00 56,000.00
Weep holes (PVC) 86.25 23.75 mtrs. 2,048.52 23.75 2,048.52
Filter Cloth 160.00 1.19 sq.m. 190.01 1.19 190.01
Boulders (15 - 25kg) 1,228.00 83.13 cu.m. 102,081.80 83.13 102,081.80
(Miscellaneous (1% of materials cost) 2,418.39 1.00 ls 2,418.39 1.00 2,418.39
Metal flex beam guardrail (class b 3.43 2,400.00 95.25 mtrs. 228,600.00 95.25 228,600.00
plywood marine 1/2" thk. X 4' x8' -4 uses 114.50 23.81 Pcs. 2,726.53 23.81 2,726.53
Bolt, nut & washer 5/8"Ø x 9" 28.00 48.00 Pcs. 1,344.00 48.00 1,344.00
Bol, nut & washer 5/8 x 1 21.00 191.00 Pcs. 4,011.00 191.00 4,011.00
Metal Guardrail end piece 1,350.00 4.00 each 5,400.00 4.00 5,400.00
Concrete Vibrator (4 units) 91.25 133.06 hrs. 48,566.08 133.06 48,566.08
Lowbed Traller (1 unit) 4,255.38 8.00 hrs. 34,043.04 8.00 34,043.04
Bulldozer,D6H Series II PSD/DD (1 unit 3,379.00 132.60 hrs. 448,047.49 132.60 448,047.49
Payloader (1.50 cu.m.) (1 unit) 1,733.00 171.24 hrs. 296,765.52 171.24 296,765.52
Dump truck (12 cu.yd) (3 units) 1,420.00 132.13 hrs. 562,859.34 132.13 562,859.34
Backhoe (0.80m²) (1 unit) 1,537.00 142.00 hrs. 218,257.84 142.00 218,257.84
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 123.00 4.88 hrs. 600.24 4.88 600.24
Water Truck (1 unit) 2,450.00 26.52 hrs. 64,964.18 26.52 64,964.18
Minor Tools (10% labor cost) 22,346.63 1.00 hrs. 22,346.63 1.00 22,346.63
Motorized Road Grader (140hp) G710A ( 2,173.00 45.07 hrs. 97,939.28 45.07 97,939.28
Vibratory Roller (10mt.) SD100DC (1 uni 1,846.00 45.07 hrs. 83,201.07 45.07 83,201.07
One Bagger Mixer (2 units) 172.00 160.53 hrs. 55,223.42 160.53 55,223.42
Bar Cutter, Single Phase (3 units) 219.75 6.51 hrs. 4,289.18 6.51 4,289.18
Concrete Saw (7.5 hp), 14" blade Ø) (3 32.63 13.01 hrs. 1,273.77 13.01 1,273.77
Plate Compactor (5 hp) (1 unit) 123.00 9.28 hrs. 1,141.44 9.28 1,141.44
Water Truck/Pump wheelv type(16000L) 2,450.00 1.24 hrs. 6,061.45 1.24 6,061.45
Backhoe (0.80m²) (2 units) 922.00 2.47 hrs. 4,562.17 2.47 4,562.17
Cargo truck (9-10MT.) (1 unit) 783.00 6.34 hrs. 4,961.33 6.34 4,961.33
OCM (Includes fuel & lubricants for equip 68,482.75 1.00 ls. 68,482.75 1.00 68,482.75
LABOR 465,998.57 1.00 ls. 465,998.57 1.00 465,998.57
Material Testing (for DPWH laboratory) 34,241.40 1.00 ls. 34,241.40 1.00 34,241.40
Engineering & Admin. Overhead 30,000.00 1.00 ls. 30,000.00 1.00 30,000.00
Grand Total: ###
This is to certify above procurement program is in accordance with the objectives of this LGU.

Prepared by: Approved as Recommended: Ok as to Appropriation: Approved by:

Engineering Stsff Municipal Engineer Municipal Budget Officer Municipal Mayor
Republic of the Philippines


Office Engineering
Address Sindangan, Z.N.
Particulars F.P.P. Amount

Payment of Materials for Reconcreting of Bonifacio

Street, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte, as per
supporting papers hereto attached in the amount of 6,000,000.00

Total P 6,000,000.00
A Certified B Certified

Charges to appropriation/allotment necessary, lawful Existence of available appropriation

and under my direct supervision

Supporting documents valid, proper and legal

Signature Signature
Printed Printed
Name Name
Position Municipal Engineer Position Mun. Budget Officer
Head, Requesting Office/Authorized Representative Head, Budget Unit/Authorized Representative
Date Date

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